Tlie Franklin -Times year and let their ..qDhealthy odor- "w ' n y . . fill the air the balance oft he time. i aatisA.- Thomas. EorjfcPrg p V If a proposition ist mode' to flight TT. -J'.'i' l UP, t,re streets some old chronic gkoAyl ;jpEBKR., - - fy-t;, , umblef (they aiwya thrive -bet -T'-7Tf"Trrpr jer in grave-yards)? . puts Totft the -Energy- - lf a farnier JvyouJd 44iru-e he must drive. If ts'inedslsucoJeds, it must , , NewtargBjand suiitlj hominy "ana '": II r I 7 i I J V i JOJb. maijc)aeai;at aefisW,' 7i -- ! ' r U M A 3 u . .JgPTousipusheJ. Staud'still nev er di(anyithing notake. . jTalk1 trtll V 5f:t V-Ml'JUU'l 4 I n ' 1 " . - : . ... . j r WJ We believe that the j!futnrek pf4 ' ' . ILottisburgra-aoustnessF ' ' - " ' ,hrti?rt8dTar lhffaiy :v ears ma! and the peopl .b$ mwh1-Htir6aisfi6aUJi:fl: Wortingslind1 dealing oeimg ; rha n Jefrhinhli ng ' ' f "toolUtieidif nd fJ too. j ; rouchfblros tnanformerly, J . nnd We are iimonir that? class that j believe that times are zVPS i oeiT 1 ter in almost everytwaW.rge' j nroiibfKofM-Wseem'iobii I trying tii paflKattieYWeliJaa areufMniptohJniio . ' beifcWanlhe.dlritei, can t'aninndHf wlli oreface th roVioVln'rart from Uhef wiltn detra - Beitj , , Wji iit : andlsVerWoneitffaost Involunf f tarilyfciktes-wlth, t the namw of ceitain public spirit. vd imenUhroluihhagencyJ prosperi'tyyias toWIgm tepd . jindlmanuiMturingave been cond aiaeiea-'aeaa wwnspecause a lewrr ; meg) owning prppertynd ppsse$s-i1 S"JFfv,! .Wf ve'WMsw jshayd cbentoiUthem f heir1tter;iftckorienteTpri public spirit. It takes more than; iroaas, lactones anu newv stores. 1 jsb f their5 toh arid State at heart andfar?4iot mereserows, lookx Angiiteinen, bat sCTVingaiot ilrlve off all investment of capital, iMdytiiiw" Jies'iuiyjifyidjjaltw pro.l i'T .' 4.4 4U. 4.w w. I r -;ma 0h v.s.. , re i-.mox.4i it.! j !''. -fi - 3?fOT !?Arfe nanpwl jesm, jtoea ava In" ' iha low inan .knowingly ancr j-.hi juiy, 1 lc y"w but there are sigtis oC Improvement j cheapest grade of xeligtontthat isjn , t. i! X ::wmnraT 1 tht mhrlfoT: ; . rt Kan Ira : litiMA t n r 1 ' IJhJitlrfieatsareH 4tjo.tobUeh 1 ou, oiid lbey aVe at'i Jdnce Ipassed 'hmtlitoouldf ad vatij artodt ftd-weHeyitiitifire tige to i jmebody j5beand 3thI wiltiInlchmHfette.', rcteed does not fecpnite" this fih loMWafiIlip&ta ootlfhre 1J nothf ) . coinltVdW'aVted 'ru'tto inf deader jhri owpylhftgt j 11 truhdt sottertown? hat Sv&n raUroad &n M ahd , ePre 1 bb unite Qn.wnat unci utsb.inier eat bf thelc piac? and ;lhe town where the cuuerts are never united i previously -oearinK uponauciassj , on SyoWto tave 'to .fuo peed, !n the. formed place fiome and boild a residence, tnlll or ( ed Sed,Str8' ghaaee they will haVe-rgticJHr,oT i Airnt tietuuf -vi; tiio iy.wn 4 ;,.iiinve ow'" j tf . .. - ; - . rrr, ; electric Ugh witercose niiAtTMi tVi rhmalwI ';:rtiK-lnt her?qhlBr5he - fne pastors are paia ior. ipeir wvticj s Schcabulidibrareeda , the czeahijf,hereS - ouuaiasnu loan associations.'! ore . ' pompIeplicXii rootfrsl' r waDeand :ia general . , air : of ; business prosperHy.iTne peopte are unUedr-and Iftherro - not abtetahave iptt'lntdb wfil; a i pogTessire towriyjeop ! Puillljach&shroud and let vvn iiresirfia'dead town Yo wili rec- . 'jeotite'Instead. of f 4otS i being- ttii'C : w w Preee,,tq jpoe.wnp wiU puilds foilettfeftHe'helt at enoxmQU3figurea oxelse -not..for sale tll 'lteneaj)per.' anbieteVMsPrhat -f-de.abr-' datlon.and ecay anaiaWBTisa ?oZ . " Fronfr-paillngs ftr&fnot'itepViifi.iie caup" ihe st oeS'la w makes it unnec- ,essarynu uotniBgraius5y:iB'. ione . "that isTttorabs0lurry7eotiull6 , pom fojt i rTaxc trc. generally--low ,Vipbieyideanth? bogrpetis-once.:''8erver.--o:.r.)ir-;.pi Hvi, ng every "feller" to "git a lan- e seem: to I for the unttnumtes evey man ft himseJCe very tub jpn itf own hottbinuspidouor newotners and tttdifferent tQ aUdeparturesrt feaa town isa mosdSploKTblo ob- jjecti;Every busjnescoswiderfid n individual aff ;ir .and if, It !can awvwwu uiueiwnueiu .jwai sup- mrtP'rpyi; sch'doisbut'Wa'hfc the 2 patronage -lo oe fromab 'tage to tj nsun Theyvartj preacliers baVUk.a the least pay.aiii!ulce'up the' timMn ni uiatterllJ dedatjwhat Islk USBubreme" conrtr So the - r . jt., ' 4 1. HQgPo4 meruLap P9;gh3s. tire energies 6nthe Advance r THE eiectloil Tor Badi i Uirnot-tp the IfrencJi presidency is a "gfea surprise an arouna:;, juerwas auars ihorse'andnlheraceHpwa bdrn in 183iIi1'moesi H0as: graduated with the hishest honors at; the EcIe Polytwhnlque in 1857 TnBT-frres States assembled last Monday(;'Ir.' GarhslQ.orKentuek tedTor'Splli Democratleuc-acclAi- raaHonsj.tswa3;a aeservea-fltt - ,'?V AwaJiOTn. f It ipdieated ihe, full purpos&pj ,4 the people to agtee 1 f as lios- 1 sible for thft rcdacMon jofr : ta.taiiftfTT inti repuuiipaniann; in 'euorr galnat!gerierar expeose:iClt iuormpus guraellibr demoeraUctfnity'f 4n uemocratic 4. unit t!"woxk before;! grss, and so, for . reduction an l.bV00 ow,-ty ,j icuutuuu huh " vink iAt OT.r;.irtvij.ninniM MX P the f Uni; "Apt b sued evrith- I n0u1a (rtve- thetr. consent .to ,be. T " - : " f I ft i .f: i;f&3i r y-v"r - y is ? nfi ni-. moos' voice ofthe cburt,vwhile . the directoe8s of the opinion leaves "no f00B,g,: l ,OITUePron!u!1S Bond, "who has; bcehv pressing . . the dthet view of the matter to iex- treme Uuiits v wilV. hereafter,i,:we hope, nnderstaod that it will.smack qC injudicial :: subordinatloh to ' flv In" the face of cuch1 a: plafnl decis- Atiy j UHUCI "J 4,i JfMUV'l"" VK.IU American systein;jbf:: goVernraeriiJ is piur Lb us un a ta,i tT a & ap y 1 ar lof-theiBame nature as- is ; :the x , 1 , jrr at rf-vf f Ka eW-via 'mil finn as f th "many.- Al rare ; sovereign; hViUnloh sovereign In lUpowerft, the States sovereign in theit powerpV tSoyereighs. be tised.;;wtth4- l.ont their i conseat..u'un3Tra Assert ttoh of the rightaof the States by tlio Supreme fCourt should, put ar "end to; al i att e m p ts";r to. do in d j reci-(; ly what the Federal ! Court has no are no workers. Great undertakings come froru energetic and expensive TtiluclsrTGfeat results folTownmTtense New Qrleatu Picayuns. leaches a; les son thu-: . : . . . . raturalidvantagesld A) inuMff ia xne wonu, so roomv and "accessible that the biggest ships from the sea. the whb. -verwiehbiit pimts' or oWaVy; dtth'ater sd.QAejitliit he Grcu .eastern siea up toete years ago; yet MferMRmWBVt. I mercia! iiHnortnm ft than inln.l .i J5 Inftn;." j :t rrrrrr -m vUeref;thatpnhJi;Hio,.H -mfirter in ..thy. .l... I 1... if. '4 - V .1 1 mlw1 tail ;:)i frtVti l'jiaukitii k!w 7TT;T7Tt J.,. 1 M'of ftS;! jjtting pa n Xc)i.i8 8f,vl nnd. Rnnift tlim I .Uoorwtetf." ; vriTHrecomrnanU(f wos-spocked last I "'vp ittUimii htghaywfegpttti: i tin I'm iji i "iriiD' jiTr nrin u n r. . 1. I j:. I . r . . 3 Norman Lonr Esn.l Wiuii'iTik'Wtnifair 1ibleitepatrt and iiflipiafeWetfts'ibfe hV Hfr.ill I ) ilu1 tyifor the pfnW, ttmin. P-ra.erf.J f .. , ...I ii:," 7.J -.' 1 : n , 1 Al Llltl V.DILTL, !UIiL.fV .IrtWIii. I l I 5gUt4y.WyJditorklcdaiid' 1 . ' . - - 1 . highierijoyHd by 'riUilprptielrth I loH cbhraclers made blwite.;uAJi,ittv;tjea elU .Xhe fXJqoa.HuotV, arui; .VBeaij-4 A. iCfhlrt Alsrlntnltr TM. i: tonifAeHciKi InliH ,fiwe9wflf citiih-flt'tJlW'j-tinteli Pul-chase goods'frojujrfusj to!thfiamotiB t! oi Bt.w.eacn. iwKM ,10-,, uue (oe poioer v a cnance nc..a , woia SVnfech. V be" elitered. "MottdaV uof ChriBtnias. vNow isuour.ihante" t8 sccjure a oR wRbfre.ufbjrwel . wjlfc certamiv seii.vou irouiAi-Ha. tnean as you caaget hemTW jwlw-andiBioiiiei things Shoes, for f instance much chqiper. Don't faHioexamine our X-mas stock of good, i js complete Twenty Thdasiuid t, IXHlars, ; The ; following 1 orb:'i lo!ses,t, hWv'e bfe;n pd'rd Stt' Nbrthi Carolina' thi' Vear bji the InVrMhte LifK iAssociatioHt1 iiai 11 v m f j vv' a April Qt at", jobn' Vfo-idhodso'lConi" cpru. vy .UM?iii ; AyriiiWfV' paw: April 19th. C. 0.' Broadway, MonroeV 91.000; died JtfnoCUiv paid June 28th. R. P,Pbelps.Wifcd8..r, '11.000; : died April 2 laty 'approved June2Sth,': paid JmIv 6th. Heart fiskpr. T.auriritrtArfi." 4$l,000r died -Aflgnsf 7Cb.' -piiidAtibusj; 2Sd.'ti. a. en neMt. u ive. f.wu: died October, 2cL. pWt 'bjBLfyeX 'OutsfdVof thes6 amounts tne Afsocj ation? likVnearTt'iia&'O- iiVesfetl " itf Notth'.Oarnlioa.tUrovgh iisi Bad jq5 Trustees, making a total tA nearly $?0,tX)0, already jsetjggsjun the . State' ,by ims young, sirpng, rapvily , gft1! Ida and MhFyrjdopula?, Sort!,e'f n'Iai aattttkinV" lUTBHalttP-RrffaX cYtodu&ed' 1 by gentlemeB'tilfcjiOTrb integrity, abii! ity,I industrynrnd;.snope7ii?,nYliife aipon whieii appear iUe names; pttVr th-, i James1 "MfckeK9vrjiwyer':i,E.tTB: Stamp4i tawyerlBiTi i Gnii Xfoltirt Le; D. HeartLap fGeneralAgenti fl-tr41 f ' Th. ila.m. A linn h reported by its 'management to be JjfmlyWstiablUtied WjtJvin-earlyt 2."505 WVI tf"viai4. 4 UP CVOOIAJ.ai4WlI fmiy estawwiied WjWin-eariyt 2.0( Kdityeldfrf. .e.arljSiOqO Ukj an,inoreaing iucome now .over P risk,' $75sOOO a yesra' surplu 6f S3n, aq actiye, efficieut and mcrdaitfg corps of pentranditrftteceslodate 'lis .l.i'mt. A. .nrt.t4..HkA;.. i.l..,!. South, at much, so as eUjewhcre1. goW house herejOn, next .Tead.nJt.; f uUtS' ' V- Uwrt W iw .MrjmJU'J .t .H V We exiid WioUVcprdavitotiQiui' "; hn s4' l hTJwI IiwjwI .7,1, : nn. ky.;Iimj T2 i mil rotf..-inl i ' inti&.tUH& ,tAniWf Jj'i4-t iL i.ii.fiitf.iiii.ii .Zvnvji iurr'jUt unspiaui Lt. ii, jouea: . .uoprKecper v. Kattte; Agsietani-gylvanua Vigrce'.ga 4uv& ,.uun. m r i,iiu,u KUCu aUIUMJUCI'L.f I 1w i . w i ' 1 X - . - ' - - - I nnij"i - ---- it" ii'iHMWT,ifiTin i iiAirr nnTra i rifiiriTiiunj i Vbout 55 which "oe'ta'"thVhent T',! "V UT 1 jI ,;i,"-:llH'1- Uf . - ' - " ... : T. -jrtiiiaiXttiMUM-aWlisr. Jh4 aarrfollraelertcJ in theXorth-'U skocfc .Oii'ood3oi and: i? are?-- selling v-dfi?iwr ' Our Pool Room is well lighted and nArnn l.T ' i.L". 1 t: .'l??. yi.uer .w i 115. nii :iuus. 1 x oose ionu or sacu sport, will and it a short time,, LJ.-.f. l.!ZA PBR30H f - ' t. . ; W 1 Court that the .defendant in Oxn ahnrn .nmt .titled action ciajwt W-'dae diligence .P lD ioT5ttna nftror .hAlt a Anon In .farh iwlr iiao.alr . and RTinar .hcfaYaLe Jiid;F! mo,i l;.ae t ouniy. oi' i riniinu' ar the'Cdhrt DtlO 1 .H.VT 3 .,If - U(KaU cl:yLMfa'li.W -ii n i f ,u . i n , n ti 1 1 1':" f '- ' ' I lit appearing to the-aUifatiotl ''or 'the ! i "-u4iiiln in fiia bun rvl;5Xl7ui J 4 '-, . . . i I .. I . VHC: li.lir'I i il mtvt'ft . Hil l.llMll 1 . .. i-.. 1 ,.-.. : nvm r.lil 1 - - 1A 1 ' 11K T- UHI If ' lllllljll Mil Jill i:i?-.ljtl J I' ,4-l-r'1.. WlJMitfi '." 1 ' - -Vi-.ihn ' I w "nad manafartiired for 11 f ii llihil i: iilt-i .t)ilirrinj-i 1 '..,.,..,.. .j J., I Beat" and'MraM4 t : ii .1 iiiin 1: : 11. t-u i 1 i)'jiirtrinr .-l,ajit'IOV'. 0-.?ji'j?.ti- MlajJ iKtflA mntdllieito I . . .' . . 4"-.. ....! tl. . 1 , . 1 . . 1 ... 1 -in. 1 j . 1 - ... .1 1 1 it.mi f4n t i . .....j i . r , j 1 1 . I . 1 tire stMJtpf hoi i romi He . bi;r-T-" i .T7j J'U wiut vo. - t - v-x.-.-T .-. ""7 . . 1 ri t ' - Sr ' i ' -t -x " s t I ills' 1l -!t!'TKil. i4 i i!'Ul.l Mil S'. .T" l i .i-ii: Tin fc . iiiii- a: ici4iil iiimIjt .mill i. - . .. .. . . I . a i u . ' oil 7 ; , iopti "o t JukiU ptxat p:U. iit.'UUnrni pirJx'!Tiv ' ' ' ?t'tf!jlitilija wI ijJ ';i2Ln.ilji-t W-iU I0.1T no : r Utojr. t-litiUijf tija'li'i fi'di 'iwtt-P. Ti yll 'Hil .' ' V ' ' a jt :-: ' 1 iAaj .' 1 j gaaMBaaaagaan'iiiii 1 ' ,rit,"'',4';' I' 1114- r,id .ilolau;,nitqn:b i:ill ii i n liij;u(H) uid us.u.uj tiil'..b 4ivii!pq i oda 'nod'tf 1;:U Jrtn tti 11' "V ,., f.rii,. ii.v ll 'iii,tl'?iit 1 ' -, --.vTa.v aaeirjneaaujra ana eeiaaioe atnagaaii : n nTTQ, 1 T'taTTi riTTon lis- if iiin onn 1 , OJliJU'l UU1 U.U SllAJPtXJt XL VJLiJ ;Vi 0, WjJ XU. i f usinesswe have added, astocli of GtocenesVrGftime d Go cd o i and X"U VACiA4. - . uau p .ij. -fltr , ;,j j- j ...u !l. Vio'V' -if : ";-iv ."" j- j -.' --4I . , ? jf - f . r-r- f.i I r i . , r -..;i-A f ii-'T" ' f' '' i ! wh.-Y?.'4i; jJU.V W W'XXiJ.; :J - z- - ?i 1.-7:- Having decided io go out ofthe tor the I will jjfferajaicaJUoLcI. jr. 'if AND no fj jUinraiu-j -Tvl - ,T. vrt- ..'-'V iit i&nr!-i'rS C&il'l 'iV.v, t cosL would desire fyoi"Vo I'exirtr- ilUitU UU1U AUU 1UU1U M llne'invJtock teTorebumg elsewhere.. r-'.':n 'ITTili, KVii.Jri.V. .wit. .h ii u mm. m i ' I i . ... . . i-... i i -i. . 3; I . . v , ... ... - ".'ra.lViu-iWiv'ijo ' 1 v 1 & .- . 1 -. . 1.. . - in l )' if' ,andJmeqt;ydttc; . i4i T ii2-iiiiiM r ..'.r.' - I'" " f ,! I, .lii if,;,!!. l,4,;,u-.ll.l.') IJ.H: " vb-j'jtt'lo r.jwl ' nu! ImkiI) k hUT. H i:i;I unoo ll If 1 Lift id.loi'-itiiriir.s- J.f .7 ll 5 h h 1 ij) 1 1 - MtiCJiI7 l ?;,!" llllll fl ris.e j.I .l ift xlJ Li I ljririxnuj J--IMV4,'' ,(!.lriliU.I.EJUlJ.L.'.i,v;i I outrir. no IwlsJI ,.".! .7 (I Vilr ....'- . - ,h-.n'I .! .Jrk'nr.XriTt seiiiueineiiic sn It 1; jl rjii irt v j Viuui '-V r -1." lij..,- .in-ll rriltt tllb - il -4.1 ;w iH iat-avi :iio i-U . . wii il 1 - J .i:iUui i i 111 iyd!y ul & Hi. .d'js jv.ij.oi, prKJ lJirweuT ior na ana f. i". . ...;,-i. . . j . ...... . J.rzj 4. ; i. !-.:t i:-uu:;i,v l ..Jjit li 'ifi! ' (.TVS T'.lsa j . ' -.-j. ..T, i UUUblUllV . ' '-rW5i -; rf.:i:2u:5. ;ji:i:tjyi. :ij!T.-7?uJt:-. --in ' . .,:-t:7.:ijw:. .r.x., i-v-t, u; .tttT-; -Ail oi.T..:vr''f . C',?'J" i(rr ifi.- " - r ... ; .lucttsdmiik-O ,ivM ,.wi. ytltllj .; " -ni r: iJiveWir -9I:,f)2 3f i'; A :v !; u.V.f r - f 1 ;'l '' ir MU.rllWiMil WtUrnvrii fr r tatirtelii0f kod wtojrjlllixaotd r'lturr J.hau."Tir , , ltd it, 3-000 pound b'not at "NorToiK Bottom frie yootbe as4yva MU. pJVf bar aeTor Ufere Ua broiVLt J- of t)hi'fni1 .T'v-f ,S vr.M : -'stHlH Ina iVcnT il:w jfl Hi. m - , . . nni iiiucniniaimwiKiBiiimviKKiirriinfreu iitr.iiimaRfT. uirc . " j ' rT . ,1' . . 'fl?' I ' . - ill III . . - i i-h! : la-- f. An )-', . vinT Ii'.IS. . ; ; ; ,v lo,lil flt;.. Jul. ' , , .i9U.'i-iiiiif7 t" ft J ,f:I tf T f . - ' (in lon'wouun.yj lo c are now manaTatartne. and Uoy loth Hit and -wet fci hejore as we eaa vave rou ab!i0J. U1 1 mU yoa , Bin-- SBj, ,t Wholea4 frice. . We have mployda will waa.Xfint-olaM anil aa4fit art 11 4tll . .u - .- . IM itln ..ii a'j'fiiid' iiii.i. ; ' xso uuiJlu!' .71 .8'voC 4j1J j Ll .voK te !iiJ : -rvT "vr nnnno . '!?f iot ln- ?. ia a-i !.m afPI b.7v.iT i - J : 111 M,J i.d La iiinocna dt i juiaoIIil ; yd . ; ; :fiiwilH "acf.iiilalo - ' , ' ".. J ft - , . k m B. a. aa b.T-TQiTsT, jiiniiioJ ,7-st jt V Ma A Yoa- lSo trouble to show ffooua w new .?,,). :la4tbahow yoa,-'':'- ,'.i ."i . Oo.- N .. J-,u ii Hiu .;,,; :rfbiril.t wo the atore ViTl'eed ti overflowier with all klada of . J ...rarnitare.-fctlraV BeadAUadi, Ditneao,' ahmada, edf f JI'', A ? -r tall Xa call and examine oar tock be (ore boyin;;, aa we will . ferUinU I , ..- , ri;t: K tmuhla to ihnvffooJj wfietheToo want to bay of oL" wa wiu 1 . ,. - ' ' 'T - '-'He--' Trfc' - ifititt wn iii4a A'liMJt W ltk Laikbnr. ,fl !'.. I .JiJ ) 1 . rTVTffi-'M i-iVMf'r , .!i,au'i .V .... r...T I . - .a . r:. iTy.:: vi; , t?ii i3pj ; . .5y!-?ii."J 9 fl it I foil O : IlH'ii.-ijjVjij.nnifl t?i.v. . ". u L tabftri'yOH 4vHrr &Aat. at towor priee tbaa tr. ' 10 ir u the potthem atfoafactaar'a prttrcuthorvbr aV-JiW!' , afactaJHa praotajthanrby 1 Price. - We have mttore gnajraaWe Ew til a ti f acti n. ALT" to eonta aad -adeet their pieaa of mo4 : .il k l-.l .:4t V. ' 11. "V.- 3 tutftrtuT 'vrrIvJ 9r&' .d .HI -ninro?.'. n II V9 a.TA - rtn'XTt? rf .. . adT 4 6?01I iicat) fl ! es20 ami V . if - jcall .ocoi'HJT-iun err i jv?i Ivi.T'ill;:! r,i - 4-