1. - t The 'FraAkffnrft,iW&;Il iSW? . ' i ""w'1- z.. leas 1 ilt is fine land, and a . --..-, , - - : -;t . Fbiday, - - - December '9 1887 Tirpjgx to Naw; Advebtisemets. ; Q. Si BakerLand Sale. ; rifi V portiou uf it is well timbered.- H, Waitt & Co. Locals. fc'l KlUMl'tlreixIfialiers-present.- M- JEC; Plva3ants-At cost. J. A. Thomas Strayed or stolen. Asmall red) co&$ , "wltti oiJ horfc broken off at the en,ud;a!vhit : ago in face, was stjWtn M rleJsedMierseff from my pen in Laulsbur on . las. Thursday nijht. . Any inforraatioit to her wheie bouts will be thankfully nceived by me. . i htjmiArn dvi JtAiTttoifcAV.1'1' Coiinty CJommissioners.' c T. The board met on the 5th and -6th. TAttDKOPS Mi i Frank Da vis has a M-pop vine 27 feet iu lengtnL panaJ'Al Last Monday W qlii teSAively day in town. It being the first . Mon day 4u December, 'when the County officers are requiredibyYtj 'to'icfendw their bouds:BiaQvjirehitVitj'(lArieH- ....... -'.-i1 lutiVuIS lUifLnulji dens horse has bitten QUVxittbdU tongue of two different "cows. They ; were lapplay OTUiAnWnr . a c-ack in the stable. whcixtha.JxQrsa.i- t ttry tbejy-i'midei'staii'l MJb'edkcj-y Oxford is setting some of M.e fine tobacco ,rj4sef ji .ankjiq voiiny, and mua li-afeB jajgipjn era of thaT markets Hv bigh prices there; Uut that is nothing unusual, as M&eh.uioneyyfor hi tobacco, it nfottcrV-here hp goes,! It was mtfe oiT, gjin Bto see, many of ourteitajtakss M roucl interest in the sale of town lots on Monday tog, -The Mto nfAfig the court house, knovtn as 'the ,; burnt district" wasiat upi!5iuall ftjlsj&ll sold who meut to Uiat portion , ot tlie town. Hight, genfleiwerJY WTfilearWitf put puyttssiJM mbwimi jl C A. Nash was unanimously re elected Chairman, and 0." M. Cooke Attorney. IshariKMcKaighlr., was releasecof pll;tk fort8d7 " W. JJ. unugc rosQanay usees:, RBown as Foster's bridge, rebuilt. W. S. Ev- arjs was- given jnnlLt February" (st ito finish bridge near J. j GreensB. F.- itepdf red his Ubnd JunUevu ister or Deeds ($5,1,00) aith the 'fliY lowing bondsmen: ; John T. Bullock justified for $4,0u0 and Win. E. Bul lock justified for $3,500. Crudun s:'elected virftmuJiJr.X tpm. '' 71a- tff KWpeV ftodrifioW was .'' re ceived and filed. !N. ; Y? Gulley, E. G. ;onyers and Br B. Massenburjj oaiirectioa 4u laieibT 'J?. Wilier. 1 Elizabeth Adoock was allowed $3 as v .VU.VVV. ' L ".. . - . .1 r. :,if:T.j iii.iiir atAT'j 3Jm; xne peuuoa lor. a read running from Flat Uoek church to -poWFotr the road near the residence ofthe laie there shalbe no cost Couiity, J a!?? U C. Mitchiner, P. 31. Harrison, . b; Qmmsofl, t-jr..-..i. if . .m .-. iB.aJ jSiSJ. &r.-; A'cre app off said road,aVd.ssess dirties; Gosw'kjk Was3VrMhifi lunatic Resignation of Tlios. Askew PWteUe oHarrj fmahiif I-ffc-lexlandAto.jWWs a'ppofed fefifl tho lalUajfe SThe M&lr Cislables rkfioife41ir bonm ' F. C HoIJou, Freeman's township; Pey Last ,. Tley were purchased by, men 8f T i. it is 85tul, wiUnl&SCT1110 ot good service, but will be saleable. ntrob .Iji tfw tio ic ii -Mr. liulhertorurrer 'errv Mnti'meii the editor ttf&t'bu o'BWtouorl had a gourJuYjiqft i ontaiftfegiS4giMird' iu addition to nearly a , waou . b.J which he haxt'afready "pufi&f n-om it. To off 8et.UmftttliU(ut-llfM'1 B irthfb)mwqld gf,-: his neighborhood wh- planted peas on Quires. He?ptniedfb5eaAt 1 ii rep-ts(Ulmi'ili bu.i!iels frhis share, and shelling was still goirnr oiVJPSieseMWe.tiddla-? ae- tun i ana true, so no one j need i try to rtbove by inakhig up soi?e unreason one grf!yhitgjma I boom aid jr3w tin i weal 11 1 ttion ;is est)Iisimcnt The" one Loui s bur ; ami popul ation ; is tail estawislimen of a good jtdGicctSQ'etMf 1? already bare one of the best cotton markets WmfW:?T3l the large 1uXn1imHTOT5ein;brou5iit here fir nn within; 19 niile ; of otlier markettd Vkltje- jgpo ftobaca m irket iiothmg conUJvlitowii Let ouir business msn rob their heida2 together and , determine: upon f some l)IaQ HWin&Pi Wrehouss u ia yj.uiw i uen planning; o t' at wheaihe neiittiotfll marke;W3cteaif raisers to bring the weedrish -' . " .o M -1 4 - -The clos fcWUeWf Whitfield's school took place at Inle kaioiiat-J was put, on the outside : paoper at ahaperiiwatiir- idpom: ot era! commtttees.were recetvdki,ta r Mobrte'Vas' released of poll lax j no uonas oi j3. r. uiitton, Trea ties were accented: A J P ILini. .T . adfetfifted vVitlIhe o'in' mirioe. w A wuilen,, 1' A IDaxis, ,T Jl iHMtiWtes-WthtiaiVaiidka'Hbl Hive - nia h.-t-i.l fT v..-r....K .... -I 13 o TlwteCiwewHppolftleTHhTiWa rfs-:iir..vd 1 ;0 tor sen-k-es? a Chaii taiul N Chair inaa for mie year.J S J.ijhi, V Gu.ley wtr'apiJbnllred tdnm matee of Vauee to have t havis briike iiraiiyiinar 1 w sum siaiiikmiTrflaor" c diT- dio le ..priutedj u the t-Fp a i&iN iiMip. iu muHiuHio me iwitai 10 w ancesOt toutij4&toaopertfiij4 MunA 'pilt clairttfiTl d thOfciounUf $ ltm 3g wKs aliod.-tf jarger pdiuonf tlj 1 We had a nlsant eall from Col. IV. By ..j. 1 ..... V a. W. FORD. . ,; F. N. EGERTON. , Z. T. TERRELJi. ; W have formed the above, combination tindery the rarao of , : -'JEgerUttTMrreirAf Forilforlhe-purpose oV doing a 4 wait a.10 1 .. . a 1 I -VI 0 Hi' - ;: . i-h '..ij nH jV-I i oT ' . --.i-Jrpt vo. r.- nor iVjun 11 a a. u v tio - ,tv-.;iiT ,tiu.i i-iiiit-sa t .-.fcrtKii Ai'rrJl fjf' f best brMAs ol Guano: l.ooo bbls 9 ' "... : :t- : Ll:i J 1. nlH-n'ii " 1 -1"" flSJ ll Lna &I!?y9v.H .no 4.iY vi'rri'.'jJT -Tt" 1 w.LJtt a iitdx iff iflvr"' . f ... r r f. ... t .-.1 I t . . i 1 i . . 1 . - r .r - U ) .Vli i?I V-P rr iUf 1 H -l . - v . , -id. rr3 1 . rm I VfJ , a : - L at aaaaaa. 4 " aa-, a l A '-."I'-I .Ifl" J TTT L'il 7' f t ' 7" fTKrf- Ta: rm rii i, a d -15 barrels! Moiit ilU Kees3Irt BflO'Ihs i Cl . i i ' ,: r T Till ---- - ---- - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - ' . r ' i a i f i l f. i f I . ' riF ' ; w- - T" - t &-- i- -?w - 13 . T t r 1 7T I ! w w rt-w r r -mt a ; i a : i r a ff 1 t A ft M v - " i . ......... . i . I .:.. . at Ihe very SMALLEST LjTf lttOPlTl wfttliwi earoestly beg 11 piittiea in need of Supplies not to buy from anybody before they have ttow bonding a laiwyEWrhflB-MlHfUKnh in uito yur Easiness. We think we have plenty of Vina. Enetrv. PI tick, Brain an ida)Urvln ' tck-. tu-t. tioH will iiot integerJ tfeiMliS S (Ji ya '.rlji:fnibJ "llT'i'wiSf (d"ao IfftJU. w.MiUrtilUlnoO lB-i bwrerro m bi na- ffpnnnf e sure lo mu-?mt iwn - tnM- ol rI in oil vbnit'J I Vl itUmH Hrejaj$jiq,rJrtofi tfliiPOrr?winooeyMtiGlv.e.-Ullt trT-lIaitd we'rnr f ntoveil, At iJ Jisll TJBeBBeCtruUyt I MX JwOW an i ox. TatV ot:ohm.ui fviln ay .,wll lI)TJfSIXURd?,l4."Jl,1l: r fatlus county one daf this week. f .XT . .!irt.:-ii.ii.i - j - r JB!TDTHSri a - . - - - . . im mi. 1.. unuaia w .1 m .i r.inn . t i 'pipi4- it? Hr if'AnV T "ware house of Julius .Lewis & Co. 1UI- I at ended. It WtfseteW tuuureir were Luoruuir-niv iiirii ail .Attn eigh iitl njf. relatives in .. i i . Bb-t roasted .axioiiawascoTiaea at Lpttshaw Hicks & Allan'fli - - - . . . - . ii i ; r . -p,! x liTwr i- arc -yisiiiu.r-iuuves nertij n iii-. . . .'iiia vorv hotf runt tn-.A'TfTwvT.-.Tin -.rir out cIailr'anii'tdeAlVUwO' 11 ' tW i . rL.i:. showing tlnaiys jjf 4JaJi)etta,kett,n'l dialogues and nones w!0?.S)UciUl4' goou. Atterthq cmsrn! noofT,, "Uir- h? j x - 1 e .ii with oue:.' by the school, an 8 ad- f zSZSSYr rrrvr"00 Amngton, on : ..the sliMect , off-Tritt-aiUe aid Florida.,The factory has a dai- ucation; it was quite a treat lothejin- j ly capacity f 30Q Bpoked-aAdo pair of urciiL'e, una was niiiuiy ttupreviaien y ! uio, u hu.i,u w u f ugntuuiKHiititii. . . : . . . . 1 TK (..... : n.nli..nnn' 91I...J. f .:" '.'. all, who were so fortunate! astobe L JS2FPe-R present oalhat occasioiWt l3KffJilJPf Chroni- laadWjday.VCae C'h , Is a -toannnnS.lWf . ....t-,.t (Ii. "ii u...S JJL'...!: ' '! tcrois in eaucaiiou be a great beuefit Mr. Amnaton liti1,l Ia --nnn. .nnif!A mirol- to have a nOHitxr of ert. fortunate in havihaAimress; T&V4WITJrffl us oo such an inTO(n,taht'subi2 nade many friends here, antvcarried J J,riTa4futTVrtst ana Ihej should be ecat .l'Jea.Uer the States. Leuisbarg ought . . TT. I.!... . Af vium4 11.- .nAt- tfU U41C a UUM mpve tooxar. The Farmers Alliance. , f'ircaeiaXot-lTrSITli'L'ounly", desiring information in regard to the . Alliance or ania will-bvcfo eacuam at Ral- house has caused the question of a town 1 Ilpromtly attend any call, ion' i . .. . . . ; I "tret lS'enjriDTtf persons enrolled, set the hairto be raised again. It is proposed, to me and nUr.nl h will oraiize ou. U home with him the good wishes of all. v , Many Ftemrpsr The saleSn5 lR5irlaTShelu7?" tef"by addresSTii g company, and build a LhalL whieh . should ' hare beert greatly needed here and! properly" man aged would, pay a handsome diTidend. I as and Jeremiah. r . ii.v j iiffV f uu invcresif iu vac iuuemeni, as ' it very ofteaAapJlliMttUat thebotfuTpW tl ar dpnrlvp.it of mnnh ptiinvmpnt : n1 pleasure on account of tbe fact that ? are unable to seenre-a Buitabler plftcevto have their entrtlarnmfinU.V. let klt tate hold, and help "push the - enterprise to completion. , - . ' lReiner get up a stock during the co1 move and one made nunc t.imi. nirn. . A trnnd halt, oni that would be a credit to ii'liAitf.HM & Co,s tie at H. Waitt & Co's, I . j a .) a Mk J d am .4-. J-iOU lie t.Ain- and be entertained by Messrs. Thoni- ti nstmas Bppt nnlv 10 cents a bottle at H. When ;n Lomsburg you can spend a short tinte pleasantly at M Waitt ' & Co's., pool room. ' . " ; tobacc Dr Jo's. i . i '.,. . "iSftlL at the old reliable restoWwheaw this city some m : - ;. ' r;! J'nfS'itf Oarsou Bros., is proving a most .- -. f..w-7ii-I"r ... , . . 1 ,, j,..,.. riv ,inyttrKT-1 successful business venture, as the firm is T.' Ii I ...lAllIIlii 7'. K"' " ; I f r3 -M TT 1 VT. aA ' 2l?UIIT Xa -aawmiiiJ wiiiu mJiii. !LUuj ftoiV iideor- LM'gAkZixJi atore; numbers courj street.! 1 1 vast hTMKr. -f V ; fH ..HI -" . i. -: k .i i ufiii t. a i it . rm a. - riri j r u r - ..r- j leu s and boii '. .w- ' , frLihJ! caUtendexamiiie-r-the. Idies especially ., Jlis feleveya7d6iMetirkJ Mr. lVll ton , K-ill tak HrM'T Wf f WftI'W f.tv. :iriv nice T)fe.hid ncnas- ie . sare to give hintljiyhajtpfJtl f ttJ ' J jJkJIll1'"", utuuw ri.nlia Hiflrs gr i:AtW'! dn.il V rp- . 'c , . . tmn eiving inci -iasa gooa V4f. ioyt ow 3 a prlhe year.; 1888,. the residence. occupied by Ay r Ii.iA. dlarris. Ffr parti jalars4iilf ie iHTrlBftrWK! iW-PBrHn.rt' and Jerry" ar- cniiQT in iowii Ucin .u.c oitru u i. ."J-i. 'l.i. v..4J. f ir lii u r t-i . '-' - -Tirtn nc latter gentleman has opened a fancv, ster't r r n-4 - M.nr41 . If fh iMoannta.i raialns.- nata AeoiSloehts a cake, for sale at the liack- :?jrt.W4Sl!L p kllrIied. r H.- j V44'W'' , m.... -r- Racket S for to-dav. ciiniiAr irttin ' Mnu J, R. RAnsdmJ nee Miss - . - " . .. . . - - ' . t uTivhiMit tv a ka rhoin nan PI I flt :: :' 1 '1 l .WRWWW fecc?5r5 M ""T6 -w inXurr Co's. , T.nr n, lm r) rrti;; ,i;'h We. were Slad to. meet that clever sales. i VJSffVS" TT fiT AU J.IJ.VIV 10 4 ..f..u " At tbe ltacket you can! bur 7 f.ir inte a QQiJPioaic4aif.7&ranti s,7r1t.ib iiacktlj rKr.subh'J h . .AiftcwUfttJad'irrailta nsr fWeii S-tlW sob r 1 . . ii... -ft ret. i : . TJlfihjnna is ini"oii-j4 vfc.Vfctb..CanljnrTiaJkW8e iM hfu'fy,,e3 wWHRTj-(llU8t , receired r . r- .. . ; t ii,aiinH'Kacr'L.-n4it-tl,A i niatiTrijadaiww.o.iram" . .. . sde.vdd it CreiisKAWLf IFitkal'lit Al- . tpweia irom o ccnis up at tnQ jtacJ. ; which, we have iaii TO x ttvnH I "' a Tsarrel t : c . - a i h . ri n . til i n u n el own! iniSkoylniM l r. " Hi IT 3 II It II tl II "5 . ' lf it - l nOJUU .HBO i i Jfc . f .T f . .-'-n - t - - ' ll.V-l-t t.TtfwC-t of or 5-Best?.Yefc"jZnoui'r.;f:H ) j nv.H ..-Kiwfa-v , a. (V.Ar r.l 1 ' ..J'oi'-osfl loft J lTP . j-ifi h.tl "..'.n k;.h-,'.v.l i ciwn I .-eSffw-l ,tvti:s Iw XdT-. ft -11 r.'rfl.'?'j ,r.:j:TTJ?lE-f-,,'C. w b em aviQ t i.jj-'i - . t -rlnuij'iyi:c-,j.i-n r;v;?:M- vn f"T . . . !.- It is sold only by us and every barrel WARRA!"TEDto give Htfafi'ket r I 1 II. 11 i ak i4-rrx'vw,au l u. ' f. - X . f.t -l.f'- iUolA sl;-aja ii ! r ailT itiOierl We also carrv a fall Una of Calicoes. PanLCoodsl Blaacblntrt. T)riB: 'Fhuinala -i.J . I - -r ... V M . iJ4SPl lliTTpn inn nu- .0rt .,it -rlr I . r ; i!S SSiT SIM ,AV) 3 S)vV TOD TO j nor . , r. jv . . . . , , !. .- -it?, wf!o)ii,V .r.v..l V-Ci!:l . TA ' 1 , a ew.D o(a0eiItrJti - t. you want, to see' something pleas- 3.KM0 & H3J.1 i orevery description and a, full, stock oi Ru"bbcrs . for-enUemen rL- - : -!: : " ". ..I . .KrTTtTi-30 cWir2Ti ' .331T0V1 .'(t01T03.t- m .. a- ! was dtllbl "iinw 'f.itfTvr.lVdlivr o:JD . . . i . t. .i . J rf 1 n i rfrt .(n.vfti niis'i it um in4i. - tu? 'ill q r.tl tft V1 barii'l 6t - vai AW aia Jainaiinc: "'-'J ?'f ?tfj n. Inrw not r.!.lJTi s lobna nd 2IUsa-,Jnclud- -,' ) K -r- ,E9ii9dbi8 .irra ii! .- tbir vra r3t Lnafltiib 1 . .-vtr? UrrjH tr v.-y:l I. ' tuiarroqffee, meat, lard, flo ir. ziccfcVineaJ!arbeUa C3rea,ta Gheaae.all kiodsorcaoned meats S:3 ' aA;ftffcV.i..& aturclii lv; Oiindica of sJlr kinds, rocoanutor- , S r ' fTt rnaijarisliiilriAf THiirbers Extract, ground andje'ram jsp3l4lKtUUC ,UUl T -A44-v (1iiMirfman(.aii i rv HiM'mAil en nlxt atrMrV tn -Tlifttf? "hfl"ir" , S3 . anythjjxa tbto vUUbe,ti ,fflr Iu making XmaS cpiiratwns, Hre conti f' line of , 4,4.,r l'-cni'rJ)lo'-,ea.-.7.I .'i imcAr..TA ; affi "i-.TgRI ,rtV-t iY Atl-iirjH I " .-j USiv,07f t.faa A acBT-1 lr w - . . ... t j. i. ' " - 1 1,,-ib-ia i aoi)---'r a A 1''' " lrrw i.T ;.0v te-n; .t.4 so'sioMMia"! . - ' r. .rc.nuO'.T.V .o ;r. ,it;)ixr.i7. i' hs.W juat received tba handsomest git0I133I.0M raft Mi.' tl -.'- - - - - " I- " I -' , t .4v.vv. J3f-tTivv fs v viJBiiii.'!T ffj-M .,fi4'-i 1 ---, 1 o r -. -j - . m- o ...... 1. m ...... i. 7-- v w-"ip . umier-,-.. vcs-t:t :rv;.v-HiK IIj 'k.x-mi tw. M.rVA 1 ... o-Jjaivi tia' JjiiiWo-gWtolaiJ oarkat.1 tao tiji i i...t -,..- hu.-. . ...niit rr "v . ' i - r-. " ann want ted $lJottfifjferi:-'V-i JUW TAC, s,. X CrifiOjllp-r l.ttr.Lvkili!j- - . -'.V i ... - - - " a arfes -i " M "! V 'T ' It irtueoT a decree of the Superior Courtbf Franklin Uouot,yr jpad apeeitft proceedings - at the im Aieo. a. Bakr Admivn-fif JaDefiCi . r. at n 11.-. 4r i -.i againitt --a1 npuas aaa wH,-aaf omets," 0J the nee of Bakw, AdmrefJaa.JDefit, d,lnTHavraiHcepted--8PtptsitiCrt isJ w i ' nri. ii- . . : i t ... i v a' . u-j.-wr . r r-C6ttfcoueooriJM)-tt-W the THiblic. VP.oPralv that TtvIH hinr) ! I day, Jan. 2,188'Lsfill nevhundred acrcso J '.-land. 4 cart of- 'Lentl'Iun4i. Vdhfcniharr ' r . .' i . , n ... ' - i - am fourtWcisfibal'arice'oA 12 months; tinpe at b'lflers 1 -Geo. S. Baker, admr. -: . of Jaai Dent,, dee'd. 50H2 5.3JH j hit q'tda V afsini iTiZTf? I MVJ 1 i-M.-rt-ltoq bant -i-iK i: Rlo;.,r lo iifti-xlliif .-ah"" y-r-"".1 :,,J'M tft wViroW-a'-'J 5H: .L-o.nbH .a ..lo' ,-vr flinsM 9jjLh! ' . .biaolf il. b- T'l - ' . Jnn fi;rr I li i'OA- tiri?iiiv'.Xa ' HO -. - 11 : 4 a i a m Jt 4 a i -t. J if . n;j-.i-i v "'M1"VS ..rOif.ia-srKAa.T -I1TIW - - l.. . .aiTAJircujJi YJJuniTU :etiud atTvriees as Umttii the lawrTrjen1 -4. ri nil w ' JT 8f bOO' t rTKach arSjwkes, Ifntax llfrfrTiile,l'edni ' yon. also kep Bugy Wheels ready psxtirpi&tftfi3 aeflthem La? leta at Very tiffcted o f n y thing: la ,, i . - lo'Ue fes and will ..uSpl1'-- t oloae fiweaw .--IV!A-- w1 essrt.-sJJS; BairorS?SAi; TaiTLbttid burg,;t d!sira ldi&f to -dvyifrtftttdlttfltf thXa iJeks-Bd td-havo the'nf I tall 'and ' Mryi when they Me Irrftb'wA l-VLaf 1 fit 4 ..,'1 ,.4 ,-.Lf : - . f rwni db iirompxiy ri;ec!.'v . ; ITeciniJlQ Pettiobew Fowler. iJnBrtoioF,I--oi22irnfnoDi r r i ir- V-x- vHm y-v ; "-5" 'Jl"a Mi9 itlw ul W . -!'..- .... . VI m - Wai 1 . . a .... a . . t 11 i I. . ' n. ' -......,' t - . i i t - oftlfi!KX9 tmrl' - o o ;a ; i i " IXY.t. I -' . i 1 JiAoroext-issaehen-wa will call j i r lteat;ou to crpura.! Gcojj. , it will ay all fco rt-J ,f?t U d iildnii adt.-ot rtitt - t5T:() 1 Vi7llc?pecalTya - , . J . , i . a . i .1 ;.ka' a.T i ff-f i - f-jr. .i i v .- -v. -. m -. -v -.. . . . ... v. w a - w r r - r I. 7 Tin .m-T-l'I'lii'lU-n. sill"' 4i--- j .-w-a-" ' - -T.7' , . . . y - , ,7 i ,I4.U lU'.r.l.lU .V. 1 I liil,tl lift fl4T taoiJaiirfttiu:! ! .TUr.uav rtn;:.r.rj..; v.f-v,1 , , J . i .i - .

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