5 - 1- The Franklin -Times Hues A. Thomas.' Editor & Prop'r! 1 :. TARIFF REDUCTION.-'- The whole coffntryespecially. the" farming interests, is looking to the ' present Congress todosomethinglrt regard to the reduction of the pre-. v w A,rivnttEY: tmt: high tariff and internal revenue. ' It Is not a diflcult thing to nalce jUepoblhan party, rand the 2Tew , tooney. ::; ManjV naen . eacceed - ill; York Star, the leading .Democratic j ,?maklngmoht.tVlheyj arepopr; pper of New York says: ' 'and have hot HUleeQWthat j is not difficult to; predict" what v tthev hae achieved any success in the bit 1 riddcing tarlfftaxes will -be. 'thtoline of business, n Frugality, Js .Th9.eona.tuoo m oininesi ana -me -" tit' h Men have necessity of - framing a measure theW1itft df the;age.Men nave, jfl tneSenate define the "notfcflearn how to make monejrso ihnjtations which will determine fnuch as they need Jo acquire the the boundaries of the tax -reduction ' - ttenf: 'nf wivimr money. .."It is not bill. ,; uvyki''-M--xA u;V-?; that what theemmake tfriendio aoung man)tiatv wiiav wheli n wni irvelnke rthee'llveratoaMiyi 'ifbrtnne,& salt, coal,; lumber, worn, 4 Paid teachers of schoolsTfor . vthe real pleasures wyfeejment of . rrh sfr & ..j effect a ireduc-4K Colored,! - , flife.! That miserly love'of; money I 0a of aboutim,OpGQ(H f rrf ft '"W 'ferffcHwiiiawM hichco sbglf :wnhWfeAitei Xle)t Jf thiret for wealUsimPlyilb1 .--. - - - --it . " i i ri rim w mi m iiiiii iiihi iin itm. u an in. a . - 1 103 days at $3 per Hor icacher's iistit'e f 1 ... . ..i:;;-,- - 1 II I II I .1 .1 II I II II -4 III I I ' i 1 1 1 11 IE I I I II 1 . , U : ' . 11 - . . w ! Sf ::.'&sDi'.Ki- prompt' settlement u. of ..tliesame ...viL;.,;-.:;.;..;:,; -TREASURER'S -REt?ORT OP BtCEIPTS ANpl DfSBUKSEMENTS ?op School Fund- fo the Yeab ENiNt November 30th, 1887. ' 'i,Z BEOEIFTS;. Received general Stat anil county poll tax, , . $ 3,868.92 BeceUed general .property :.r - a- - r school Ux,: T " 2,895.72 Frow flnevioneliures, and - -Penalties in the- several - courts, J, P. &c, vp. c?. j2f6.;49 From Liquor licenseg- -. ' 69 46 jd andjcafiitfrugaUy keep Jihem -njay, "hctwe ver, be assumed that the el ves'pobtwhile !LfcslilieIrn i ricelpis SftamC.SugaVjlil fHtfr orlhjesricheandatiaii . mi ?;' ' "' tti.' ''-i f Aiiiu Aiie uiayius ui druinunt . mInd soal , arolxximiOTis ' o;I fuitakfipon,the list fln(J the ,n money stf acuir Kpinjrtff4of faxes adve 6ap4tUfeht ' Vbr.IS7:frdRaiuy.vinGDGa;far- will make a further redaction or, fbatoJtiWcA decrease of $40,000,000 In the tariff ought to tfcf generof ltryes out: t&xen. Supposing tljat tho scbenle worthy emSMSmp is to Effect- a savtngVof $50,000,000 ' ir':iViiViiKlrtWi'-wnica- wvgreat a ; reduction .as ones thjt, ts sSIWWlolmeBB i- likely to niake, the coV . erudgeexpendttuiMfcthblor4 tihiiitAn-iwifKft;Wsrtrttrit- or shop 1;.. essunt iai,,tQ.iPea;-s 1 , wh ich the protected manufacturers it aiiraciiyenesa ai new; disgusts g$4 folly exemplifies 'Penny wIsTAnd that ha; minim draduty shall be 40 i TraeTeconomyia aiaiatvmf perpent;' advblor6raf and the idaiti I . I -iii.W-.- ' . - W Vt.'?4 HtMfM .!...-. A ' . .-i- I - toe, gathering. np;,tne "iragmems, " J"" ur..uu pcreni. . . ; - ' 'WltmVf' ii'iMiw bft ioai.:,i-' - A-minirahm duty of-40 percent. " Si! is "Wghotectlpn.'t Webbmir ' .True frugisaate. u "t5-(R.jiuaenl?6fihr.e - Remeiioojgppaa wuicn wnetner it Is not enough, v :. . vi - einpnds nothing t&aEcephvand J WeThotir.y "eh tarai to pred fct that ing moynby,.tiis.lland stAnta JclosjBly- Kasi the JWratwga mendablemothodofll Ting'.- When platform resembled tho President's . irPferoaXesiern whlcli seems to wil be.use.fal and,; fcappy',1 ' at this present time is the' Trasts. or teachers' . ; njut: oft-settlement CUsm:: -jnoSaof Eduction;"-;' f -ij?8.bb -.f Livvv':i.r;;'si:f i.'" i- -aHi, f.Hrr ' : ;T t-rn:Trr--?'??..-T pvtlon, including fueU sta- ' t; -v rj -iiv ';t;i , .;U;r :'tj y)!- - - : t-.:":- , vj ' -kt Uv..J, V .V rw..-V- W tionaryandposlige V' rtt-r- W''- ' ? r ; ! - .V' -v, 1 School di8trtets'r:- ,is.'-46tf- : .rA! -lt i Lm' U.l-A Al1n; f'.i- V-V( " wOmM Tik;,;. TT iff: JLf7-Wfi , rvtc;i,.f;i-- StOOK ; Of ; ;g00O3; Qu 0 Selling; i-i .--1-1 - -- rr pectfully submitted, t!V,r:j,!. K V' i - "V'f " ... .j vi I tl :f fr orIrt tUk of rood whUh w B. P. CujrroK. Treasurer, l.-i i ' t' ' H VV';,',J f-- ' . ; I J v'?' "'"PiW c-;' J ; . !. V,-1 ' ' i fM-f i- - " r - , I Bottom rl 30ptt.3oou ehpr h Le.ibltowingreeippoinUnente1. : ; ; ,:. .efthe Methodist Coxxierence to IUPft- . ; - lietUlelgln Eilenton St J. T. Gibbs. I?"! 1 --y-'hT ''We--Vift' ' lt. t vbwiritUT Booriarf bat bromgbt UU La,ubarg., Tr ifar kmawa, . M0 ' ..-? j ibt i-w, 4.-7W5L-C1-D mvwr I uniTn; : iT. A . A afa : -"nAnm'Wtl' r4 '.r- Brooklyn and ; MacedunU t ' '..i.i-d1;!;- ; .U-tJll ft lil -ti A Aflll . -T 11531 1 ?r Mission H Pope. "VhltPfndentand the tClk trjjfiAndnoMaoaanliollUi mimr cheer " APARTY OF TRAITORS. wu anu fanning .01 coai 011. ;ino n , , plan'ofRep Sf"?"1 . deiUfenrrheVri -M- ? fef: 0tiw.eral ? jsou. den.re aojiya sumptlon-fo6d,!lght,heat,clothlngi , the "tgve?! to buy with the ofi n9 XuiZi J iu v ' i - ' m ' - - v" Ul.' ? or anything else that v Is not con- fer of offlce any man whty tas: any .-u, k. " iiut , influence aha who offers,, himself nfc4 1 ' . . ' - .-W' Mfcriip ..s.. y.u fact isoneof tlw very strongest art .Liii i txf'-i' 1 J1 i: -combinations would be impossible. , they flatter their vanltyjy ensuring T -.... u - v J kL KaKi V4"'wS2,irl itt"eeai8.ihia the-noraetirer9 and caniiot see fat enough ahead and have heed .dlleathy'to knoW' they are7 furnishing the . Semomtlevtjrip In this has ine thsHllHJ t h3p 4?ralJv nany afabitious ipenlti. fc: not . '-only the " rrzrrrrr . xwmocrais inroughout the country. - - "t" dy attachment the party; but f a large number of Repubil- 7.775 ; P- can-speak words of praise, for the . v solid views of the able statwman, v- f . v rMuiana best JPre&Ident the country iihaa; any. pairyi-in Olaia-rwnose F AWfea'ttai-? v iLk - ' .r.HV ,( ,J . f Alio IIWUIUUUJII . - it were is any qooot lor-iti the doabt Hearit T 1 - O0UDt mmYdLUi 4Every Demrathrfbelleves In Bopposuion mat me people r.itms , State dohot have a rveryhio eon , ceptionf -itiniaMfifeiA'ii - - 'PemocracyhbTffame;;j madewhepock . ' that hamtVagim the hopedf tQccre 'tiisfgvty 5215 J11 h(?0 M. Jf afflV. LtUW Ad.pr - nave nqciawa aezy thttiriSidM traitor dl8plse4 - i ;;:JEolcsVlIie'-cirOTitiIIpfGre 'V-'-. ; - ' . i r-0'- Oxford stationer Canniugham. ' i.M ".i-.tT : f. TVa ..yTiTttf aiTlV I'd - V. i- I ! ; Oxford circiatE. Coltrane;." 1 -1 v L ' )0.; ULJ 'UJ : .Henderson atatioaJ-D. Arnold. ' I ' ' ' ! i '-. ' f - ... ' .. - ' I . ' i. it ii- r,r :!i i. "i. iJ. 1 kJi. tl,;.. t . c -i,Buckhom.circmt--sj: E Thompson, 1 - , -i TfTN ' V ' ' c ' 1 '' III. zurpsDorQ.ittjssion-r-j i..regraai.i fr! .. , f - . . . ' ; ,?.('- i- Newton Grova circuit Z.; J. Need- i::pAmPsco;soEEB;ATiw FLOORS Avewboro lUaiqn: To be sopplied I : c ; ; Iot Stock ol Teni .and jtisln Candjr Ter itrteign uumwao Advocate -ri i J: fiiQ 1? t i1ttI iPui Ikrf-u! L: ,1 . OflCTMl before .h' b. f -,; V r.r i:y. ! . : " 1 !.'""I ixi- Cs--i.. w ;;f kJ in l . i r rf T.a'PiU tlenuerson ' Female v.olleze JI liii! 1 Vi Mwugs". urooKwr' irw wnre ior me not any wmne. cu , zor Rhode,lVes"ideni! -LonI-' ' fori- bhristmaa.! , .iXadles -and 2dlw-4. kid "Batoned 'boetO ' A 5 new.' fif vroo- Pleiwe cIin1,t .vfccvbome w-lowi uieKDU loU t mr totr; where ton Jonea and wife and .recorded In nook page 602,Rf (rister'i . Offlee I ahau : sell at .. pntxlie , house door in Lonlburg, NG Mod- T PIens,. diirt -vfcc vbonie tAlowfi 'uieXou :oU t my atotrj where Jon I dar tkKllr(idif iif Jannarr thkftnetl -will btrti Pnted tMHiliat fotiMrtr vMw H-fdre.- Mr. PariAh'iatid' Mr." a tF Mlandoituated in Odar Mock' township t'Tliomrl MgUtdto m6o Alniaata lor i888.v t alt' L50." Ccnntrj t 1 : ity- a - . - -: .c.. ;- t (UX i ? a -v- . f4i -, f - , i tAqAd.pr-yention of its Increase.' r -. nT t j l ;pai4a-feiVi -i - '! -j - u Thia derartiretli eiileee. a ad we fiiaraxte aatUfactloa fa atrU, price . v, and ' onalilT. We ;r IIraiaartra for S Dress tiooda. Triauulan A. Oar atoek of 3XillIorr, Drea GooJs, Triramlnpt end 4 i (act rjtklnt k '' 1 1 " nertaininato a I adisa'jardrobf have beee earafallvaelecteJ ia the Narik.. ' - , .. markets br Urm, JUrrowBa-ko will pervnllT saperiatrnd thia Upartmm ' . , and Ire ill he aid aveaasarT aa to atyU trimmlog Ae" . ..,1 V - i-aif 'i 1 1J .1 f , S ' rt 1 V2 - ... . ...... . , j - .Trrr.T. ti a.v .s. ... v. HP liia '- !S"f eraw insisrcaitht they, 'and not the i wwrmiw tow .1 wiw rc. .a ii1. ui. j . iThe Supreme cnrUfK ' .TVL .vrv .iiiu ..14 II 111 11 AY'iTtin I IS .1888; lathi law fd 'WWVXtddUM' V & B.' tt-C-X-4-4 C bat taflfftsform to Wcrcarvpdrif ,;.'!'''':' ; I . ;i ".xrvir .44,w-r,-j. f,. ,,o ,r r.- ceiwea tqirona toI,4.(- $a U Her becbraesr-'Tith- h! J eyej, . ,7 I- " 'Jv. .j.,-.' 'sr2afld-roDlea drcisttirtofwi-iaTSkni ada, 'eldakr, teal tltudi Under lh.&eMsionAer4lW :rtdpjeaf.a dHzrtzA ta out- ."l;, v- . .f;.n-. Arwr1Tkh4nJkerchura tou,e rm bercfcin,IL 1 ; 3Uh-:. j3 v ' V4 The-Democrat who now; teZ;z l ; rrVr f J- -conrrr.9tat:Mai,:1iano.c,Terr; fancy wttevtoH,Wr, ' i iiJLI :" : . ' ., 1 1 Out' highest ca-h priceS,Look-for adv. ' : 'i U t Tr2 of WJ H..rieaiantf Bon. ; to another.: r-l Material Tot dressing go ws, glov-s 'dresi Tshirt. bllam; ent&.fiseygearfe'. off ofl:quotpw.:whatwPl. the -jbo-J miHarly known a. ''Tom; and , Jtnj" ar- oolmna. , . :, , . - f ji; a-arf-pins. utobllan, silkhandkerchiers.an'd mofTrs, alippera, halt, cu3 but : 1W If nMIfAnvp ir.ri yesterday. and any or their frfenda , f , r- v-rttr-icrv trtil W " I ,1a Tr,. fr, 0;n,iM , ' .7. rt.Hna afciUir twitmAi rJ; f : eY5?r -r-.to o.u.;ca? cji jt , , I.;. Tm., k. PLEASANTS. - K -- -- "".Viria ARTEit 1 e are ntw inaaafartarinT.at onr store, a-nart af nrir m.k; f Yah))., v.. . : . -' i ') . - and Boyiiotkiur and we can oflsr yen better sooda,atlee fricaa tbaav : er before aa we at weyoti the northern, manufacturer's promts thereby ea'C T .fT abliar aa to aejl jroa a eiaic aait at Waoieeala Trieea We bare employed a r Brtt-eiaasiaiior to titior ua an 4 we wiligoaraptee Kntire atUf action.,. All -' who want a first-eJaas sattad fil will da weJt to coht and ' select tivdr pia ( roade' '-.i leata aheu.aeaaUrecitAiee fitting-anitr at i wboleaaie- prioov- Our Mfcl tMt . n'Ii,ii uorUl , . -iUi 5:.r; f.. f- ; -f. fit i iwthuhh m b.sm. a r Bu ceK0i aniuaa. aaciiea. DD?rii ail euai aaaataa -.w v:ry;:ci7A - sr oeer anai yria grTa a . r ... .lit. i room abort ?he jlire wi!l be r.'te "oreriowraf wl'.S an klaiiVf1 -!rhairt f:- t, Dnreaaa, - wa.bttaads, tndlrf, w ivaot.t f " onr ia nre 1 Farmtare. -v- . 1 1 . . . . . . 1 . .. m . V I . rUdUthowyom. ; ' . . 7 ;u - . 1 -.- -l 1., J "o' . 11 . i .1-1 HIT - V ,f'' - 1- V. ' i;V: 'u; ;t; I ' :' i - i J; :Si;3ABIlO"w c: EOlT.'tt,.:',: far jF.XTit'xaii (it) ". . a