TheT.fahKUiiVTimes A. Thomas. Editor & Prop'r FbidAy Decembkr 23, 188 WHAT ;iOES ;!, DEMOCRAT MEAN?, V I- .' 'ifAVhatdoea ihe:i;term, ..Democrat, faiean? orln other h wordsl when a :-o jnancaJla himself a Democrat id oesV ?. Jia:raeaa:that atterjprincipley X'wUlBulthm rVuWe xknow Borne men who claim that they ate' Den? ocrats, and boast that? they f have, never voted anything but a Demo cratic ticket; but-right here," wi tji j the most of, themxomes iq Ihejrue r )ngJthaV'(f cIpna , speak loader (H than -words..!, Some pf these ; very r; same nien.whq rnakeUheseYboasts r Tj,c,ai be. fjopnd, onajmosj. ail. occasions iaffiisUDg liepupitciins,.. njrD g'ying 3hem,thls and that point by ;. which .j they can do something ,ta difeat h tD;jmocraUcr; measure, ;and doing - ther th'ngs In a secret way tg 14asf -! 7 ',Vist itejlicaTc l;r;t4 keepi themselves itf power. K;We 0Kig the. day when'men, who 7 7 : s;oaU tiiem8eives Democrats Will 'not ;puly pe Democrats in, but . - - -fiVtyPJPT their apts, pTivflte nd . ' f ipubVcwiMiRttheyrartf.TrhaVU .j.jrofes11tp;bQ..jSiXnero 19 J10- DiifJdJp 7 7-jjrrqandfci, AmanJn.thJs QqunryViis- : ; if jtjer a rDempjrotjpr A fHepublIcan Uh" boast about , Independent . istn, iiilght of eopliacant " icuie.fXCtf ac, is iwi ,w.y u;1; aikd np rnan who honors prlncie : Any such 8tuffi .Know.ypar prlnc! pies ftndstand by them, though, the . , - HeavensfaK;: i'i , .x-J ' . , -OKliY AOOMMOK LiABORER . 7 1 ,Doi1r6hg"isTnce7Mysa"rije?chaag'e oor ears were greeted by 'the above words frpm ie tips of youth apd 7 Juytjfth3 the scorn expressed ,1ft r )heit tbne andactlQn cannot be do; , v-: 3T?V ft heart4hatrpYemows,wlth the . .': mllk'of 'himatf ''kintinessiAIya ' ; eommQQ laborer; yet' these1, itf&wnf. - rms j nplQorltuVer . 1 ir: . - Ing.They coit down- oflt. forests'. . ;6uHd"jburrehie ootid op cities, bridges,'- railroads, : j)lercQ;deep lrj th'o "iWweis7!pC itp ; darth aml bring; upthesparkihtg" i$$?9'9$icJl , firpw, of-, beau ly J , They take i trotoi dark recesi the pure meiais mac supply ail .our wantssThey -eross- the- trackless- : . deep and hjring"s fwllptHer ' lands' all that is necessary for our comfort Knd enjoyment; and,when other na; tI6ns;.thtenobord 7 iivIngWalt With 4ronit handstand, xeadyitOiStadiilrmjiIF-.thereRre truejirtsherp true rvirtuef 7 r if there i8'frlte honor,'if there are trWTnartywlnererygoixtcatiser : ; respondrtp the -calls of love.' friend- -' ship,- patriot is xr, the criesrof the op 7. ' pressed; thV bungryVhe t Baffering flfld the Innocent t Key are beating in the, breast of the common labor . erAnd Jii' their hearts'' and ' oh tfiejr stropg arms the success of ev-! ery'4 past 4 reform ,3..has depended. TuenTieed not the scornful butter fly;bf;''fiuhloh.n.,T1iev--wiatee.-rKill: - soon critjae and Jvrhilo the common J ; ; laborer wilt have talents "added to hia lot by the great Master, the bth . er wilt fold her wings in1 sorrow .-" and lose; that .even which she hath. POtmCff, A5p;7ltELIWpK. , - Th.foehrh ,Chronicie7 thinks i that a Democratic newspaper shpuld be represented at a Baptist Con ven--"f tion,- oecause all Korth. Carolina .1 Baptists are Democrats. Another . . JournaJ thinks thatr Judge Clarke .. will be a strong candidate for Gov ernor,, because :,he is a strong Meth- d!iUvMr. JuieCarr ls for, f Judge . Clarke and we suppose the 'Chron- . icle will be also. ', The Baptist may 1 , be allP9mocrats; but they are not -' -', particularly ohd Pf SPppming- a . ; man for Gdverhor because ha Am ' , MethodJst.f If thepolitcian9 earry - religion rntp polifics they will' not find the Methodist" and ' Baptist a- happy;; comblnatlotttatesVllle' - Mall. , I " . . ItlslmmateHal withaioodDem-f . ocralMtra-is -an honest r "'wheth, . MeThCs cry ab . ;Jng politics Into religion, is nonsen... er Judge 4ClaK : bea w.Usi . or. claU it would bo a wonderful ben? entOiintf politics of tha day to Jet r a little religion entt therein.. . It An ofno oquence whether Judge" Oark:M acMethodlstor a membei of sohe! other church; The JBar tists pf Jforth. parpllna have too much; senssfnd ehri3tian!obarify io refuse to Support a' man because ( of hhjreUgJous opinions,1 or' church rare" andahe;MaIlJmagln6 .a'i Vain tnvbuHude.CUirlU; hoirip' UAtAd.fjQoyernor the' '-Baptist or this. State willstand for him in a ldphal,aax77VVade8b"9r6 -Ihtef- .Tiay'i5wr la 1 correct. Whenc T?fcjf Vbd Psmpcrat is hom- inaledby the Democratic riarty,' no uouesi jjemocrat will stop ' to ask anything about his religion. The the special champion of no man for Governor, - .but-: it deprecates sochj demagoguery as displayed by the Statesville-Maii. It is unnecessary for us to .Inform bar rejders that the Mail isa Re publicum heet as the above tom .meni rip6bTuIge Clark coufd 'not have, eman'atectr from any other source. 5 vlt smacks of trickery and entieavorsr; to , do Just what It warns poMtctans aga!ns't;: bur these Bep.ablicans and'; their sheets are noted for just jjuch sneaking miderj takhigs. ; " -l. TpE Nevfs:Ohserver speaMng qf the Oyster, Fish . and , Game Fait i wnicn was j.neia at, ..BeatitjDrt; las fweeky8r;;'"r-:;:rr: :vi J '.: The oyster, ,fisK a.rid gameTrai BeanfoTt wftsa remnrkableeihibl. tloli and ono'caiculued . to - make North Carolinians open their eve still widef jtb 41ropossIbliltIes ,'of Hhetr1 Stated :w.e are 'glad to -know that lt as a sucipess in eveyt Way ure oysiert industry tj of , tho ,.State was a jpaper that will prove of creai oeneax.wunoat aouotw it ? not at all -onlikely that. In a 7few-. year .-prth CarpTJna? wiflv ho; yslAnTnf 1 wun iviiryiAua ana Vjrgi( la In; the7 oyster 7bnslnes of . thb .coantjry." 09r beds tiro t rreshV autr- a? they are taken up and. Improv-i ed they will supersede tb Vft great lpxie)iVtIiBX"mpara(l vel'y . frvf ri but uBua oi me waters north ot as. , ;:.Tlie Week J3efore ChrlstinSsi J' Us the week before tbristmu, ' ' i V r And all in the hnP i ;' .... A" P'?ttiiiffnd planinp V ; 7 V 4 Ci ' Strange bnndles'aresmrijrgled 7' ' t-;;. Inside, tmawafe,. ,, vv -f V"'J' j , And hidden-away ,5ritbi .... The hildren,' with secret" l it Tl.e7,, burning ta tell, '3 t O t . ; And in an excitement .v ; j , , : That nothing can qaell, -r Are hourly asking (. .V .' ..-.i'---v a ,'f ' How maay'inore yt r.; i,; .'t. Before it i Christmasr - , . , . .,. .. - With cheeks all ablaze.' ' " 1 1 The old.' folks, as earer y vxit tcver naTejuiiiibt ..-Aa erov4 1 the bIsam Wnere presenU art bought. , , . j-m Mreexer, we Know, " 3,-T Than when their ws stockings J r rr.""" Spiced odors arise " " . Of eennina. hnTno.m1. - r-; ;'- ' . licioas, punaepiss'v i ' v ; ;..',"! ""nea tan of rasins . V . 0 w A bjg und round ' ' L'jHttleJaek. Horner:.:.' f-5t" - "fm'P.y )to4ud. AHmucb. loager appear! " f!f it j . JUuuso near. C . ; I i - j t ff the stockings IT ,f, No tot's tin vhoR. f' ' aiVaJ hoW twAf theJlreasrea i A-7 OnSantaClanaBight., vt t.:,: ixow, i hristnas is near! and . ifioSt. Nieklnhiss104,-i t'i'1.i' S O111 his swift reindeers, . si J .V' flying this way. He'llbeatTourira... .T.-'mJm Prepare forh Wotuing . t incre s no nmi to wait ine reaiers of this .wotidetfojl magaztn for yoong people are a6- eustomed to good reading and - pie tures that they will wonder how It Is going to be better than ever ! this coming year. But it is.:f : '- ' i Tha new year mw already - beemi with the holiday number just out a truly great! number, larger arid Tocher, mpreyaried and., therefore it must be better thariyer .before. PuIsheTS have;1a primer to send those who want to knew whatiWide Awake Is golog to ha e in H in. 1888. v.v ' ; ' - jTiie wonder is that such a ." librae Ty and picture gallery can be -got together fr ,2fo a. year- thous and pagestr and- everything -Iresh and new stories.- historv. tmvl. b.6graphyt sketches, anecdote, fad-i venture--and ail instructive as well .entertaining. Two ; worids aro drawn from toiake ''.'suchprovfs op for tlie education and pleasure .0 young peopled literature . nowa. days that we; are aUV' of ue "ghid young, nine-tenths of read-. Inj people, prefer,it to what is writ-. ten for them; for it ' has :the : rare merltjof being jeasy as weir. as good. ' : 7 "-- : -- - : know of no Christmas gift so iore of bringing a happy- response inj a reading family,. : Send ,.?Z.lO. to D. trfithnmCompanyi Boston; 'tJ j i-.'.-. y' . .... - EverythrngyqiLwani in Hie wa'y 0! .toys, candy, dolls, cups nmh auf "i,-? V i. big d sp!ay)"cail ' anV d.u, store. : cersnte-worus A 0 be found atFurman Tn fPt HUTiri.ltnoDt 'n. pliristuaas sappliy3,- - ' , f. ik be mamma's great biR onss 'i.'rv u ' Are got with defifht, ' .sAJl ready to hanirmyi awl Lt 'il.j CUltlSTMAS GIFTS. From the Editor to Ula Home ;", . ! Patrons. V- "-"' ; As has been our "custoriv heretofore we present to each tf our om& rat rous this week aChnstmas gift lit the' shape of a small, though freely riven 4DUUV" - -I - 'puff. Takin alphabeticaliv 'i we 9, ( them r "i gui uiou j y uar row & Son, the name of "which fi.m ...u8 ura ;iiiKeu; at this .offlce, ..auu-"ne,5"Ic.a wecan beanily recom latua 10 me public as tlioruoghlreU able. Their store h t verr Wlinu.tfw this week, being Jillea with lust anM, .arV?.? R8 limes clqraanda; and at nccs uim wm astonish alL .Go by .ycaiiBjBiiu see sue.fceattlifbl Cliriit raas tree at thU store. ; " - Aimifa lau in UDOU GrPnoh incks A Allen;: whoVsiAre ieitber Wui Vl uuaoie to ; acewnmo date their many customers. t It h not uur purpose to attempt to enttj&erate the various articles told by this V as ,they so thoroughikdvertise VieU biid. :ines; drery teadoV of thVftahP u ill fJr;!3alo Uis lrnet Suffice say tnat iiiey keep p Wfta . the timesiand If yotl fail to find 1iat you " tul "-- Too caiiv it is surely bn therpad." ;- -:-: .,v j r f ' Jia8ttin the. AboU store 1 5 w .fftlaMe iaotr thWtlarga 1 nd i i well selete fctpcl of , gpoJs , at y Jatine's store .which is beirnr uresMn i..wi ;,4i very tfeVcr jounr ..n ' ,tIemaru..He tries to nleasa nuu.wBpcneT(ee succeeds.; ,U .'t wrc ..iv. t. Clifton looms up for a gift, aid the excellent v u .exceuen f0P . TOe Jy outs' duriugi the vowHjeeason, . - . i i ,-Aad'4he W-R CliAon who is our worthy WdBdeat Q Kntir t. r-'ficA? kedwiiha real! A rxl'line of Kood; f. i : which'! lie' iniar imtees to take ltk IrK. i. ; rr" Ject I. u u ug aoev.unr.04sq;- a jew can't beat him on selling fou gain. -t --5;, 4 ; ' Our next gift is presented to thafit ways enterprisinff and ehncM f Vrtewhose store lJi b6. found,, at all times filled- witi, chiwdise pf almost everv Wiri: jmd4wTb;.gaaranW tell ias Cheap as Any one. If a customs ULl PZj&tyi toe;artiei;;wautea.!t: v. u w on-account of the price, 8 this merchant goes" on .the imi Sif if he tn iget R rfoltar profit he Will toko flTelldn - ui:a present, and we arepripai.,. to say that thtif wareliou U go ing up rapidly arid will soon U' filled with the goods that tliis finii will carry? SFurmau't drug store U spwiklli beautirai iapd VoW Of Ulievmostrat tracUvej places ia ; lownJ I ft"' wmil ;seem, ifyo had not; beel UJr, km in wwn tnat old S..nti? Clans ? left i. ' is so TervlbreUvanrf tW.tUff .'... ble far the season: By all means see pus holiday god at this store: ' jJvE.iQreeh 'VbtadlthU'eUtju' and ?n ergetic agept ;!B. j'YarborougW luristmas Gilts Believing iu priii- odd treatment: they have'done V good 1 basitiess "SerV this year. 'Next year tbeVbrurW in Mrs- A. Hall ever tries ta oleaae the ladles, arid keeps just what ever, lady young or bid, married, or single aiore jqii wiil tmd a ! good tnanyM nice presents . suitable for; allages" and iKingesCoi!'1 for g:rnWi(o fatf iVealiat their store during tVii koKdayf yoi will miss a qnance at a gold watch which; -they propose im- ijlformAUorfi;t.Srpufd-p attheir:stojTi of goods that.yQu (caa'twail go hai ,y ou;7 ca-t wfail .U ' - TEid vnt you want vhen you enter thedoor .Tlie lancv goods at this store are very! fine, faad Mie aispiay or loyay &t?.,7ery n ice. ) i - f The Louisburgr- iOliompan' is composed of energetic ; men ; aud it seems to be tlieir'aim tor' please every castomer.' i IThey tura out good "meal ana nour. - Tire' formation of the'Vlnhahi't"' J. J". rerson's gift 'somewhat '-.beliui'd ,ine. most of our patrons, but it by no lieao? places him behind themfoth'er TWiserswraaofdeats bri ttle square 1 ujr quiirt;r tuan doe Person. f e will a-irajCi3tmasi 'turkey wMP any - J ?1 v ,uowot,iii3 tore Without beinsr 'seen 1 oy s,?me one, pfj tbe ,i8alesmen,.,.aBd f . J'15 roucft-haa Jeen . used quence, together with r l ... . y wwui uurg arug ior of '13. Clirtpa.'whose polita cleric. Vl1 ttoitw b.alwaji;; vefy'. attcni that a welcome 'corae in" will not fail id greet" the ears of the customer whether he or she wants ulo see er buy goods! ; .H-.. Vf""VtV"f " ; V. H. IleasaDts & Son propose to ' supply all Who will need supplier iur ingthejeomiag year, -and "cliiioT'lhar they cin make it io Uierad vantage" of every orie to see them;, beforey raakiH othei pi rjingerrienW- r; ' lt ' i The Backet; (Mrs! ' O. AV 'Jones) which is- nearthe bottom of the -at-' phabet,,claims aUo that its prices are very nearHhe--tinvr'cVntieduenay Ittrde"'toTnformthemselfes; traders wUl call at this Jstor LefoTe wyiusc m wtwiiiT-gppiy oi "jumpers" ,fi?r tlie Ultle ones. V i ! Juat WAtir a few moments until we Cau present ri:fyaitt & Co io' those who'waut to: 'supply "themselves wi li -'spirits' for the ' teggKogg' 1 and ' Jwt will wind up bur gifts bysayintiiat. Aimunb aowu to Zi-ro Come IL J.U Tfoung & lVro. whri ? are more'! thah ' t t thc!rs':U' tlfo freshest gcseca'dsetheyrrare? We11 newest, and that Utefr prices aref' rd roV xhl Oui".ril-iifkr;L;iT..l.J--l.i.'r:: tioned abdve-wm aetlei3 what Wh. aaid as totrr animal ClWistmas'OIftlBy r-K - -. At a -meeting of tfi Board of J TOWn -Commissi oners or 1 Italfthirfe - held December 21st, 1887; the TbU roniMK v'uiuttneo wiyt.Dnanimoosiy opfodi 'fbrr'-Mr :-n-; r "lt fs ordeiea by ihe Board, that' no wooaen hUirdlnff Khan lw Wilt Ia tvro hundred foet of that Wt kiri Atalntreet lyiug.ootweflrr tha Tt V?1? reet; with- m, wo7kiuxnurei Xeetl: or .j Market Street. , Kor shall anv building ia-ithln'aal.1- rita. -K-T- kiZU ....... - "itiiN vrw stri caai car mva arik.';,..' - , . -, V wwuru luiucriai. w rxa.uiaj; .-i- . . . xi..... .. ; Town Clerk. Oiwtnty 'Cbioinlalriiri. ' V -i" . The board met on tW-lnn. -St ti"l bcard'nVeai.nt::'TK me Mienn, Agister of Deeds, Treas- k . .a .. a . ' .. .j. unT and Ch rkof Court were recelred ami recorded. IS. R. U oodlief was 8Darem)we-ho(iak.-iAk-MA..tii It-Ii " . n " . "t JHmP-. '"... - . ; ' our desire to inakfttiui papcTrtwi!lt: nnr1? t" Vff u". Y ":" ben1 VP YOU-J DUt preseutsisc.,-Of.CL ' tT: ' 1 . 1 - - . ounirunsrjftheywet j '.'VV v.r r'" rwnivs ""age level I n , r uin of ,25; t. 'w. h v i ou jers to examuie aiid rdnort,, ti' :'r WnoeU eobslable for 1 Vutsbnre ! tevi?,lAJ,u, rpPr ,b- dered his bond, which Wai aU' A V rn l o ,-v t AiVfm I'earCevClerk of SUMrinrlnuhf "I ,j 1.:. 1 1 . . 1 1 i 1 Matrimonial Items .Jn looking over .the books .l :.tlte II egister's oOlce we t find tlt daripjr 1 f!T Jf? a?'nSieni!ei;l4j-U?i JSi. ib white! and 9? n t i " " w wi vu . . . . . On last Mondav tIi'TSi.,;r.t Are llceusei ifilnV.t.;., V I fire the hour wa out5 tliS :aixU oiel " - - - -------- - BBka in sai mm. m was wsueu,-wnich made It Sii within I One hour IText. ' : A.Bargra4n. I The best business ttaud -jn' ti rorsaie. i ;, Apply to thia etSce. i; Ati RUCK tilOULf yWAi ? VMVUJJ i ' lKH-Uf ' mo r:l M i,a.OL0uW and:TTlfef j: j;: I Will open a e&tdaea acbior-fbr boys and girls in . &. .arwei store I 1883. 'Tenns will becmad& easy for boahl and tuition For further In- aiis; 1 1-Chairman Boar oCTrostees. I f Cear1 RockVN.' C." ' ' FOR SALE OR RENT ID. ! A 'desirabb rt sldeVce In the town of xiuisuuij, wuwiuiin 9 rooms," and i alLnecefaury out-bpnseij 1 Them u j over tracreintbe iof.-It fan ; t,e Liwught orrented'careasonabl s terma for fnrtl)rhi!.rmatioo call on, J. i Thomas or B, DCacEKMoai , naTH? this daf qaIiSda Admin'str. tor oa the csUte of Martha . rDI).rt Mo'd., all persons fndebted-fr 'tht eiuf' are requested ta wke.-immediate 5 msnt. and alt persons holdino. Ji.-.L- in Mtemn8sent rh'm paytneot on or before liec. 20 lswa recovery. - ; . - -- B. li Warburg, AtfT;' """15-;; mincn 01 cue same, or one of- the !-?up'"'' -ourat the ton u be held J for ' '-iM-nl'ortlbbaAK-heWlowea' Vlttnr Fraakli!atT the- r.urt ro.,nts to tlie amount! of '423X9 JtL Vt" . - - " w .ww-B - Mi 1VIU Lr a atUD BAS SB? IB BB1B III 11 IAH IIk.M J i . rn? ,:W.laTS? -:!rn:Un brfecfciorder is ,eptfIat Jall ihne K'tm. : were: jThoe fond o'fVfeh fporTwHI d d '1 ;foF ;cpuple. fleafant place at hkh '.pendVa D",S.I.?87.., nnbet waa 104.- 72 slrort, dnsswl; L .aunl uii4 ai.t .lti 1 1. 1 1 tf?',0?Eia!-ld "toarraph albums at CUftonVDrtig Store. ; " Splendid fltsti-rtiaeat of Cine .n p,kinnaiiouarj. at Clifton s drui t, iwrnemrjerrresh beer 10 ceuta abot- f tesiir. "witt& eos. , vv Pon't faU to callji t IL. Wailt & Co's; .and be entertained by Messrs, Thom as "and Jeremiah, : W here the "Baby Jrimr4r' Is nsel ymi wtrt see no cros babies no bow 7 t'Wfi?dooes"4J,nwne but healthy enea Hckt. - . . - liquors at flrWaiU Co's ;r rx-r r ? Beer oalylo enis JCiolUei atk Waitt&Co'. . A thing beauty J ai Joy .rorVrer and Clifton's Drug SUre ij the n'arA ui ;TTJ, P"Jo .of that celebrated opHbei wnilr n f it Vl't. it - llie nicest Chmimaa sorwla Si-l ! IMeae call and look at i!nT counter at Itacket Store and you wttl see 9 fori. ! w fff itmat0 sods 'Pf t,tock ' Wore. 8 at"Uu - Dl0 cnWr?;t;tn " --t"T-rt----Tin i ;;fiL 5nd Poauiu K1B,. Joae-A civ I Johea A Co., will b aeadfl.artera l ftre wotkt thI 5 tV. nrln1r.kvi. - u . ... . . H An.-1 . ? f8 n,m 10rnoSS. gin, "" st 11 waitt CoV. A UARJJ., i. 'tho Publlf 4 nTtoff ace'nted . a I JJears. J. 8, Ifeov&Salatii I bun?. I A air! iWV., Vm,,s': I Vt.'."..--..rV "ncai awl a ;ruuiK! Piurn nt ri w ci 1 1. , I . ... "- more i".nicastio nave them, call and f ..MC can;ej are io town. Anv I Onlrr will lu .1.. . J c. . r; i Besnec tl u 1 1 r 5 v. r , Petti ohew RTowler. ?KDEB t PU11HCAT10N. ?fOBTI: CAaqu.xAl 1 wi c' tla Court. sT .j I Itixa Pbhsoji PKTtTlOX FOR DlTOBCK. appearing to tat a4llsfaetioa . of. tK. m utranqtDi ia iae, above ea- laruao on notaiier doe.' dilietaee l"r"!!? -Mx ecn weeK aueesiTe It. eommandinthk w:-t i t. 11 . ? . :r . . 1 wi, w uc a r"1 a"'naaut' n lae complaint. H ItHea mt hand aad seal tbU the SOth !Norl837. Ij i r a. w. pbauci!, :. a c. W.. Pkrsox Att'y for pJaintifL lool ltoom- hOar Pool ltoom b well lighted and f oc.ltenU -j i i . o"; jt l1:ti,, inn ji' t m. -For tlie eVrulcW"ftii rwldeftcf I F , ff A- juaxns. IWP1 . U Mejf. Thomas A jfcremUh fnn f.. iHariy'in.owft"aa4rom and Jerrr" 'ar rived testerday.and any ot tneir Mends Wisliiax to aet them, caa eall at ' M1JIr.WjHTV4 rB. ' ILuving irou oat of the :lHiiiog and hiti basluess and acsepted tks po- tf:; ..,,, . ft i j -'r h i'S.H. FLEASAHTS i 01 : ? ,H " . --.? l earneatly solicit your patronage for tne coming year, MBP3 SLPPLIES " .'XT" Ik'. 2 -AND THE BEST ', it; BTA NDARD GUOS , - t ii 'i all war on hind, U -. r r i'SEED .COTTON eaw hides, sheep skins, wool and lura wanted for which .wawUltrivav the highest e&hb prices. lx)k for adv. I i "Air-i. U A Jnlio U Won i " i I ,. - r..,, ' ' , . . - ' r. .. ;. . . . : : ifliii EAR or w. ii, Jt'ieasantt & Son in another oolumn. 1 i - Yours very truly.' I ' ' c . XL PLEASANTS. I a a I 1 "All-accduiits . ; T mm- - j. mmk prompt;1,settement;,6f .the 'same !. wtJll t! ' ' ! t 4-: 9e ;y&xy much w appreciated. Please, do not put off ;settement : ) 5i 1 1 come at once to;us. andm . ? h .r-t... atapns. We i 1 mi A t. L2 I I.:C'iMT stock -of gotds.! "'?. "1:1 A vkX themTcbleap, and 7 1 l 'i do biLSiness witi n 1 . . . U i.l F: (;Ui:';,":(: ,L.. ' . PATAPSCU SUPERLAIYE FLOOR Largest giork' ;ot Erenvh and plsl n candy eter' offered befJre Florida? Oring-. Ctockery Otas -ware fortha !olftr4MtTt f the Ltutre baud croektry.. New. lot ot Ceat Scar's, silk h n karcLiefji J"' :-.. .. -. i . . , -' , ,' ""; "'. . - t - - t -j f V "..- t for' chrlatms.- Eadieal sod sultofiloHi for prk4 that will atouib the nation dTUaTfr frae town .UDlwtrou cnU it my s tort-, where too wl3treabetiert!.an yoa ewram brfort Mr. Pariah and Mr.-Ed Thomaa will t giad Uaee yim. Almanacs for 1888. I alt -L50. (Xonla , , . . . - . v;H:v; t..:.i-.4t '3 C " COTTON-BUYERS -t 121: A' ... a Si.'l .1 I . V : V ' cooductlu.g ' ' 'f''',H' r'n ft''' j ... ,, f ; :BULiYv: Pleasa and are prepared to farnlsh our friends with everything ? they mar mnrlin"!? 'a!lAY?not fTave S .Si -mi. ,lM0ae:f M. 'f ! "bo'V-bat ve have wmmon Tin1 ney were relying oathelr brains aad money. we reiS on our Judgtnrnt and bought our applies several Weeks ago; mh A twTbillS3' ;0ur oior l been in business for over i?lt, ?n,-6 nrM.C pur rarmer? we are fully, 'prerured to meet heirj. wants. ,x c have saved the farmers of this eVaoty thndiof dol'r and we ar hn!i. ,-i . J l,wusntMO fivei were before, and we intend to d o. tv0rKr,r;a Z'.rr Meat, floor, larddealfwa ,T,' .i ltneccssarytomeet thftponvini PrXnSSJi"09 rarties at a distance , e rtqeusted to correspond with us. t . -are in i okrtW:,books "rof j are due; and a have, a complete arid sixe celling it i would be glad'to you. IN! EGERTON. 1 ;:(: 07 0 c, !'" s' ' " '"r'' lllsaes - kid "Battened sboetv A new CwOnlry Bespectfully . . ; J. J.PHSON. rits'& Son. y. AND BHOKERS - ' jsgeueral "a.I 1 1. ?. t ;17l .' .9" fjsu br BUSINESS .,:!!. tit " "c,u. ey. now. than Wt it twi h tir : ". SUPPItiSS W. ;H. PLEASAKTS & SON.