Published Eveky Friday By 1 JAMES A. THOMAS, Bates: One Year - .-. v. ' - ' i ,; 'fixUdntlisV:-,' 5 r'.f -"-'h $1 50 -1 00 n.f fi' Tut -alp; :-,oAhi'ari(fc.j.-w!i,:,t Absolutely Pure. Thi powdereTer Taries. j A marvel of Sumy, strength and ; vrholesomeness. lore economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in iumntiHnn sik the multitude of low test, short ; weight IS 0 -mmr rw w -w mm -mfm iuo all St. d. Y. Gsnsral Directory. louiburg. nJ c. chufuhes. MBTHoDisT-BevA. Jic CaUen, castor, erviflcs erery SinJaM iSJtafaandl ntxht. Prayer nleetinftevefyx etl5eda5. night. 8nnday school 9 o'clock A. M. Baptist Eer, Baylus Cade. pas. tor. Serriees 1st and 3rd Sundays in each month, morning and night. Prayer meet-in- every Tim rsday night. Sunday School 9 o'clock, A. M Uayor O. L. Ellis. i;'jMissioxRR.s Thos. white. E. N Egortoh, J ; J. "'Ba'rrowV 'J A?Tfco5ite V u.iioiaDLi u, x. i inneii. Board meets Eriday before first Monday iu each month. " Vft" ? FRANKLIN OUKTY. CoMMiASioN-EUs G A. Nah, h'mn., a J. ;r-iJuf B. 3. Portir. F. P. Pierce, W. 1 Uzzell- Superior Court pirk Av-VFree-. Snporiuteudeut of Public Instruction J. N. llarrid. Keeper Poor House J. W. Pinnell. SuKt or UEAMH-Dr. E. S. Foster. Notary Public W.. L. McUhee Frank lintou.N.C. I vw tf'UBD OF EDiICATION. Nv Y,.Gftl3eyt,f(OhainoaJyi''S rrnif J E. 0.-Conyra,- J. N. Harris, Secretary. Tlie Superintendent will be in Louia burg on the second Thursday of Feb rry. April, July.einJbto, ler an I emberj aJijL f, three days, if necessary, for the pur pose of exaiiiiiiinyj applicants to teach i:i the public schools of Franklin coun ty. B. MASSENBUltG, ATTORNEY AT LAW- umoe in the Court House. I M.CO(JKK. L T' r and JOUNSELLOR at LAW. LOUISBUBG, FBANKLIN CO..N. C. VJl .atten d the . Uourta-of Nah, Wake f.oun ci w 7.1. "V"'"."". warren, and 1 r : !ie "ilfti thevJ. iffice yorJLbi Cooke's Drug Store7 X. Ellis. an adioininsDr. o. B4W TIMBERLAKEJ i firm nsrrrs iAttrtatMfFTfl T7. A. ATTDRNEV A 1s v 6 s - HKNBSK80K K. C. , Practic Vance a. . a 1 " : I .uu tug ouureme and J'ed J SSSWV . : : S ';: it Ikvii xkim --..f.X. I t. ' AT - . IVIIVMbHWIII JM , I . I uj n v mi j oi :irwiiyl3l e-hrthonaiTOpQ .Granville. Halilax. and Vorthl fty Wrtf m. tofeg eio fellIw: LOUISBUBO, N. My Shop U ill hnf.vfifiJ P is -sill jfltjpfpjel d pMroils ca Tl IICIC A Will 1 t sm. r t: " r - friends and pH VIV t. . i .. r t v wiiicr - 1 , - (Wfaidincelor k.' mg lauies ana ciilldrenn.rrwl,.Ti.. Inria;i.t0byRUr0the B IB. . ' ft JF KUMI !. ... ... ( T -'''j.' in 1 1 nlir"i'is; s n j ff f 111 D 0 ALUIWEDBT THE BOARD OF COU fTfmf 'Hgsptik vu&iiiir. 385 April 5. El!zabedTVeip,Jf-6iid - - 1 t Mr?. Maggie Ha ja . Willis Mkc-lMl- Mfa Mary Allen 39'A M J Mni Brltto Medlin Zn WW: fMrtiTtibllarria. 304 395 396 397 30 309 400 401 Elisabeth Bolten Napoleon May Mrs. 8. A. Qamlet Mrs. E. Guptom Mrs. II. Falkner Mrs. Kuffin LitilHohn 40& FT . 1 . 405 J. B. I enton Jennie Dicktrrs,rr Isaac Davis Matilda Edwards . George Southerland Marfha J uuston iilfoO'Bryant Ella Dickers, u Xancy Peek U06 407 408 4i9 410 oner 412 413 414 415 416 W IITharrington Itnsna IVfV;0 j i. 417 May 2, S A Jones . " , i. w ao anil iihiiv iinr' 423M L ?f?A-?2? ! C A Nash SJCradup WBUzzle F P Peirce R S Fo.ster JiJELBullock Jr 'sf3 inrnolx.n 430a i TO fiffii ftwon-' 40 B F i'ull.K-k Jr 44IU iJXltfCanev 448 449 450 4.r.l 452 D Worthington OL Ellis C A Garner 116 Wynne RDPiunell FCHolden 4?3 'o- jane imams 456 . Dr JEMaloue 457 T B II on on j 458 Sol Holden -4.-9 George Holden 60 Ussie Holden 461 T Fuller 462 T W Stokes 463 BobMinga 6 1 John Primus . 465 JpKHA Alatnn J 467 ; Jere n llliamson 470 , . J K Collins ' . '. 472 Geo Gilliam 473 re g araeafll D AAUcaiier' Rosetta Davis John Gill t i; Mary Miosra j r i6 MfHarrbi J mon wa, Barri . 495 Mr Magjjie Hhts t 498 Mrs Lucv i eonardf v 400 Mm R TV.rav I uaugnfe japoieon jaay r . f-. r i uo 3 wnnxv do aJ AiO,. , UDton . - An. ; Mrs H Falconer do MrsRuffin Littlejohn' do J U Cooke and wife do f R 510 , a. it Mparts keepms rafts rr.m Siiimi i.r..!., o an y li A Cn-ushaw " aihtWiiMt' k. ? 443 Creushaw Hicks ts AlUn 1 tf;L't,' 1 .""'-iHi- ft n innxra- M Mil . V l I' 479 . u u 480 481 482 ; to be coktixded ..s'n'Jf. ' ..iTs.jfjf;i t '$ J. 'V; v ."fU"')iJ Lvts Sf?t frf -fctif fc ITMII Mil. rt.f M - .f r COMMISSIONERS i irRATSTtrT.T r ill fc,. ' - -hi - i - - I u 1 50 I do " " i an -Ay; .TTIT.'nO 'Jjtf.LT.- 9f?rt,b VolItJS flfVk fM!i i.4. ... r ... a do IjtnifV ntf i-. I no o . Paupej . ,M n OO. d.j'oihdQ--.'.'i?i .i'jii.w ..-Mfl 60. aoB'' sii do do dtf iictjiH','!. dd'"' -'' ,1M '''w2 (j0? 1. f cr tr- lo i jeU ?vr rrn- T - . . montu oatid pauper' . 'l 50 ao y .i r , do7. 2 00 dor "do 1 50 do .3l)lTVI TAJ 150 rir. . . J.. m n. nl.i.( ...! f.-.itIU-dO ili tlx', u 1,50 i JOv-)r n! b t'Ct-?iu.' J 50 J " . ... . " 1 OU I "ret)k lrTn trJ.i- iXlL" nll 1 - nifl'.ii, i . i ra;.jui tii 111 .i,., aw J . -riW iHn:J 600 vsnfxj&uizit And i uu in . . j rAi ;afew,w,l nPretne88 or babyhood, , wiw as like - - " iks v v.MW . . . i a in, i a, i i i , cuinmissiouer and mi eara li fin IjI. .1. v.t . !. b -.-il SX- ido.;,iM i;,do 1. a..I3 00.. 0;.,;i 'r.i -J....JI ,.. I...i.l7..t0. OO.b Uiw I ,i,ido .f.hiojn t s-.il2 15 ' eifrK to ooaM vni. i .-i:t.itA.'60 OSicer to court" i 0ffi!r 51('I sheriff fees Kclfors fees 7 001 1 U p feel a , rll i i "t 48, j l fees 80 jp fes aCT00L 58 constable fees 4 3 I ty4,t i -if.KncT. , hunJ f5 A ".,;. 0A. V. ....:! .m.T' v! :50 sijvrfness.fees-a. th v ,iy'K .167- l;(odO- fdo'" Ii;vno- iuM-4 l!j itdo- ttyT&Q'wd 1 jjeit'j'" 2V0-- ';,. vfrtjj Nut li. roil'?7-. do do v. I. ji.i .la 12 K0, U0JhdoniT.7.:i 1 10 bj A M-jdi A .A )o j 55 do do -'-iQr P- ,7dod fr dsW'1 'fi Jf ha 'oo lCTl wiao-"a" 110 do do : TO do t d 125 at I f 3 T in dD. n-dD x idaKJti (XMW1.H-I..1 1 '20 1 . - -!., .a, r:(l U J 1 ik.'I Nwrg via- V"x- J 1VJiwu anion -,fnwl3, si -K' bdO, twJ do b Wl ft?T . lG t id6.a ' i:dO'a5i,"i -ito 4 -I'f $5?. urdOPiia to a lo.tjYd'J jna.r.r,t ni 0i.Xi 5rT7.i doJJAdoTOOl .A .11 I 77 'd.iVJdTwV 2 10 do 1 do d60l1dV)i do do ; do.. . -.iia..,y do do v-- ; 1 7TiC30' V1294i h as outside pauper dt uo .,. . . . T 50 I db :oS.ia'i iw j dd H .dd .(! vndj. doi nj laiiitl'1t'i-ra1i )Jti do snits.iiib do" 1H l K4i: ,M,l!;rt' di''w "flg1 ii vJBlfi il ni T" 'dd v '-' laitd jA ijf- 2 ia il; SS('!'OvI lo nwoi sn1jIi50 .3a. : '-..'I S. ,.a..l... - . f . !. O a. . . aPltl Q fulfil 7111 Y flT f-iuiTr dt JA ni iiiml to V Xtlaii 14 fifii 4 iv m ii k1 1 JJO i. . JjoiK4?''fib4otl iiil!60i n.ilru biitli ta fi-v Jflmintnoi ojiso i.xW 9iii qq!1i bne Itt jjj 11 ..'.i 12 ToO- 15 w Hint 01 Rct-t - it An . . V. .. a . .1 , - raj. "'4 50' .u.U'i ho :u:iiiH1tn!II'!er,lp,,cl d "n"""t f.'f"s trj& v?"4 - .1 v V. ' , f 1 . . --.. , "- BY MBS. Mr . fpFJ-PETi; 3211:1? jwhefe aaVtefXnfMr, U ers;.wfis a cexvr jtaia ;tHaropptii 'orcooUsaU-eti'foI ' thel ttiantifact'ue I ol7"aii vTif6stjt . W?rh I1? fttfin ;P.Wf tVl MJ tuaife foxhia.winj.'M'.'v. I Mlatre? s Janet awafifenlerf him fe Ith Rrch WUwtrylii): r "TtHJT raTrntftisi'have been - heavy" above here J KSea .Mistress Of the i idwwfhir "In Its Bed;i trayed by a nibffletf TOar, lf-'! 1 ' JK 1 o'uiiiT ,t -iTit -i-i. iai an.Ao'Ir.! rl .y eg. when the Ottfrhfwfinr inU standa stilly and the hands kro' Mon'.t ;! rett,.iMaxzn-,id -fnot rgel I tfe laughed.-and kiwed ' heraJid' mj.4t-Lid . 'i ,-i. I ! . a. ttridlngdown - thepHtli u W-ChV Fla.M... . ... i - ffm .-.. "? Jju.M intf ridge ; m 'i- w h ich : he 1 II Vedv with tho farthertdeorihe Otter. his streaitrloMtr HiiJn.1IfY.?fhl. oTkT)f an army of giants, tomine he wheelsof thmHbfind factories. in which hundieds of bread-win- t uiuvatea rarms, village homes of cjx&-cd noticed j Thfc ralu rrnwt have flushed the ke con8iaertlh3yit-,he, thought. topping once to liwpect a taiurled tfiat oittrjirHltg j, roe ! il fliat isn't a lily-pad from th . lake's bod. Howeyet anything but 4 hurricane ' HeVopped short. A horrifvine f4r .hcottied rtioming was instinct with Joyous MesaiZTiJiitheieariiaiM AaYItf 8Vinphouies,br.liiUitejlfi)fh eye iter narnionies of light, tolor, IhgSVrswelirng cumu.i white m splOlis paEuragft of ' thd.; uiybsoi fai bioqj Lt:o Tt.Ti7 lo ' A .Ijt: . t.iv.v 1TJU5 menace oi avii? Vre$WAfMlhW&&iiein the vlay fuighrhuhui Wrestled I with Ap- ng fruit. "It's a branch ofllje wild-grape at climos the sycamore next the kef8 rim, came to him with f Ka tl (Wrce of assUSCKceriTn SuAlW aside nhbaxe. he6edlfriBSf i,- .hid been leisurely .Uinbln. t f ' ' Ulli. wcouiiiiK .uia piaieautr; in the inedeaie like ,a, Babylonish len, he saw. a! olake was lower than its lowest 1 liiUUlut The fear he had shaken off leap. darted alon Win. As his gaze darted along :,ipe embankment to L I . . a " -pe emoHnicment to the c!eft hfeughchQhefe florSd, etsaw tthrVthVstream was not on- ijfe w iTiirc-ine stream was not on- t momentarily eaMpg Its way deiper Into the rim, but that, here and tKero,the eminkinthow .edtassures, Irliiirijexiended djslodgment or the natural support pf the lake basin. '. A ura'rilrnl.An. $rieer, DWfght; had always enter- .tained n doubt of the stability of tbai freof Ifla?mt-tKe dlspro- inifuouaie louniam head of Otter Creek.Some day, he had thought; -1 o lywrgtrt-Baw, drilting by T V , f n uVff ino t PJsi aLHhentUnbiief liSSiAed" r0," W WppVl p'jisi ai a i f i- vl .11 I Tori -jini: jOf:9 fH.'f JP, U j j the crawfish; thettert'the thaw4 rlngnri;Vw?lifg vsould. do.Ctbflr (wftrk: apd jUeWWbtild tebmer' the I drainage Vithojfreat basinJ ii .y. -..i j !i Bui not -rio ; his oday ; jOht.fio f ' Nbt When he had i Jast ' builded r- r jhoili fdt Janet? and the: blackeyed jTottle rigtfe-Iothe rfiadoTV1 3or-,the-rSdpeHnctt'mbeht rulh. ifrbtrh!l'h j Valley bejow 'War taftr1 '.'with1 thtf ,wrir pcttiills?the atepplnir of "bo-: "i, v ",uM8 vjr oi pleasant ness' and peacj.,; ; "'" : rlood atarlnar. a fiuri wtnli LUx' f.VPV forth. At.., the jSi.'ff "4'.fled d(wp : the vtih i!iwuytthl flrstJmpulse Wmrn, his, rnlng tr, his !?fta.fh!W:aroly.t.o raan could fipU, h jtq blamable.,, If Juj r.anould ; aaiV, oYet thepath iby the' ridge 5 was riot' JlKe lrfcvneltd;the! factory tlernerts'Rhrtii1 hWnrt4 1.a' Wtfe bhiao 4; 2. j ... k ' . r",c were Muiiurexi -nves inrther d6Wi te W'tJ i!fr,pern:When jTonarr was" sent Lto Nine vah! what harl been countedVor'ninf nfthe f""" BKaiusb i.iu eaivanon ora city pfpcGplo T Si What If the lives f Ivos of Janet and the chlJdere ' more to hjiii'thart the li ves of the scores of EeJghbrJre anT 'friehds ' 'for ' whom' , $ ' haiC mrailIoneaJ him'' to makekhls sacrifice? yU ' ! ' ! !.J? scrvautr beMer . than Ms Ixm thatbeehoul, refuse to ,pay, the price Remanded for the ransom f the .many t.T'rithe words - were (hought .rather.than spiken' as he: dashed past his home. Every mns Cle hy, was straining to the mtmost, pot there were thoseabbUtthemtlls who, AjkJnhis-nUc. .gestures, ame runing to learn of hlu. what iriWVtendeti:1 r 5 : ;i" Wight trom his lips. H. I'.'IM.i'l, I ' , i- i ! ofh'hd' 'toward' the treek piling the mUi wheels iaier- -Vi?!1? toSj month Hflew, There j-as ft h utt ji p to. and frp and , a gathering of treasur'es'ln hot hastew !ffSSiWp,i!?X wawlog, galloped alm .lhe ,!rn?e , valley.. . ..The Y'eakthe oId,,.woTe-eou r climblog M&Ss-v ,Xf wight's , iweriflce 5. n VQrJrivaln;,but,:hte duty WhWiVrMlritoeee if, haply, he .DAightaret; wvejhla. mrn -treasures. Tkfr torrent was leaping meiitsof the bridge aa ho reeled, acru itoandUdth'Speht' strength climbed the nathlr '.nri't - . ' - - vviiagvt through the door he had glioibse i Wiu .with the child cradled In Wmg, and above tho roar of the ociiVyn.iCooldi.hear- the mother croouh Iter Ullabyv! ' i ;-! h.if. 3 A diafanrf hni .oa I aJJAA'J&'.T Ma.Oe?an4Tgrlndingi Icroduo-. lob a xjnrverin inlhe aetlrcr1 fcbdut' lrililriithe&lnle1 liUnh'idmostL' Janeu'44 dice blaiicied botlt'jwas a. whtipered as sne sat.jdpwin iWhbn.. w M UptWathtracnMS Andlendir ly aisedhis li'te,r9xaifiniU' nol befWforu8bve,datU .to K81, FWT i 1 i frxo r tdl ,n.Jt. aIu.1 ai: : : Tha roax,rufe"fied iheiraVn j?ika wnWWflfll?l.'A,.WM pool beedHi; atruction ' Max wept the door :PresC nil j, but MHJt, fax-r b Jh,Vnir0de"artaWhat Mifr"tO,'Wf4n9 tRjfchi" Belour tho Vl I". "? J by Mr. Crouch lm . lrir AaVA.XLjiil i i ..I. i.5f f7 i J.41rIAaaUrely'eorrcl., All the t?r o idge's supports. 8he had n.n" W tUmeBU they make are tnutw ! 'S 'IJTSiySv f .Hlitnl . thwart ABrS.Pxaaikta, came iiah r w.-rr " t "f. ihiiuu iiwni.i r JtlUJ ( I 'a,., f , . ..... .T it i i f n Liu -i . , ( ,,, j Ju l --,-! i pt.- .jy'ft.t - "" U:tl 1 Vino -ICT-i lit-t i-n . vJ. Ull a-nhJooked oyt uttered a cry. and ; Jancui, SlielAqrriod tn : W Tbat VJ. jaw:,, a sh precipjee propping, from. Uielr doorutoe terbulent wta,'oi wa-f?.M-j'. lo3 ,;leug brff ilbo; ll,ly woUln JanU' ; scape the Diride. ?;b"8- 0I1 M w uh u the jrtliaaWfr 16 dor Very; iVMQ0an iaid if ax . 'awelricken.:! "'."v..,., j nTeslia'wavMand talowforoe,2: stnictton Ijave g ibe"oVer' us.w' " atie ' jCilMl wlth- IhinksgWior'of bwrt.' iBuM)l3 Max whil of the'pb'oV TA t thfr mllli ab 1 W Ha' r'm.ges ? f ;He told W.lsJiiverlng.' hoV fead: gons;tO;tbem; leatlnrg bet sbd tU' llsoqeU peritlui Bhe' stood orU TOomeqt silnt. ;,. ,:: .,fj j .CTooWIuTe perished itbt us ,at the, last, tboagb, j. ay. Max;! ih sid,,hexi band in, Jisv only God ia his o10-8? has lefns,,to each ;th-r.f .W. ipx klndnrssv t-v, u. rewara r your duty . fiUfulJy. done.' ' i.--.i ; -ii- . i u J j ?v,4fl'n-:'l ") n. I . v . ,...- vi . , ... HEREpTTAaayfiCllpFULJU. !" "-1 ,!''; I iu. .!.. , ; f. ?v.ri-. BISTOBT OF A Tar KKMAEKASLX .CXSJL UtUd by welU.ow. .citiiew of t Xrkaa '" receiTt-4 by the .8. 8, 8. , Coop. t?l l?t'qtl 1U pnblicAtioa: It U aertataly of the i nt temarkk: ble lnsUnce of the enr of he rediiarr srofala o. record. The conralescTnt ft a neniborof prominent fanUlrto! Ar kansas ThrstoeealiAr VI sixea thealMeat tniracalou pwer of4 the 8wjft Speeifio U relief al cor of Ua V;n5eroafurni of blood diseAse, It- r",,ww'Ta eTerar eH-kuon sUtemenf Ur. Crouc!. writes that be bj eoaatlatag the tse cf & & 8. hi order 'ta ?! 4j!iiU,i U,.t LiDrln "tig. of .the the dreaJful M&Iaiil mm .kiA' L..7 rby (lirrcrion of one of tlm w. i . oeat pfaTsicians in tl .;l.w ii ArkadelphU ArkNor 1 hwt The fJwlft Specifie CoJ A tlan t! iL. . f reat an afflirnon av airsplfJ i - fit of the .dieted, I pTake lor poblica-tt0D.-a kutement of the - Ali9Y? it.hich. Inexperienced frdnr.-th..Mi:ar jour proTidentUl remcd. I hare sat fered W!xteeD'Year fro A f - f whico also y .thee aad elder brather a.tHered,U7 irofB,a mucked m first at the are of tvelre Years, i-! vmiauum wne.i irvea the TarioM reaiediee which I eoaif hSl i-iTV J?? 1 aalted yarloas idiTsioians, wiUa. ; -fflecL I I was prontineedinearable. I After phrase of the first bottle bf g; 'SS!!.1 Vt,M"raa a half dose, .tf . . cweroua aieeraan difler eat parta of toy body, d the . palate of my moath as aljieVt eateaaV! haye nsedthe a & S, whh eoatiin? biiVfir! iifJ WP J"Wn,aa4 Ki ,Von niy bed withoat heSp. shffoesininylcffoetapdlcplrAad ean kdny with the Je'l p of J crutch.., I i.U faith Xha t ) it? wfll.i 4 ajreasonable time, restore me to nixfeet health. I ased your remedy by direeU tsejftatey mXvara-iyiijtnU, ym in'V d, Uka pjanrtj,!, roolly aoquaiatea' An,old;llii aj a iro M L CneV; IT 'VW. . . - a I .Librmenthasf.r manr yatrs .been . i um ii. ... ' .-.ri'ti? mnhly ofihe atmosphere often wrrlf cwiceucjrra ,-.t tl,y kidneys' and .nil C AJ - ---.MWr v r 1 . " -T.-'vnia i-cuevic . -these .truubJeaiathe r inU L- Hte5 ' j T 'sti : 1 1 ; 7 -I- vlQ gfllt; Re ward rd , , r,, .. 8 bo read thla and thM ployasestlhat wQl ot Ula ittTfSt Jhelromea ad 4AUe r The TDVoii -! ask., many hae ni J -i a u a are now Vjo fagmwrtuaniMmiaollArtia montk It la eay far hay bae ' to toakV S3 aad ' i. ward, per i4f. wh U rrtlitnr .'to iwoTt Either sex- rannr or oLfc i. rv...T-. " JSiedf!7? n4B cr-rtiA ir y v i.L x i. . i . I.HIU.1-U .- I . r u Clear . Spriara, , AikAn- aa-!i.xr. ii ia(.ia.i, r?l.!1,a spralo.aia Btuleasi.tliVo i RI0UL1 f THE .Fl-vANKLlNrTlMES ,TnE.TiXi3 U iWcJJ4 oeFpa paUiabed in FraoklitvoHmty, aBd-ijg circoUitiop-sxtendu 4i qr fjery sec- .yoWik,t.BQtftl receired.' - . i . . . ,j .... . r.. . J?3. rTh Etor'wU aof M;tj2b for the "Tie'i s'or corTwr'4enlii BritfrnmunWoii 11 tioflsT'eaellj ' Mtkited..iW$ items of any natara Wiii'irVhvrJ t'-.'t .'n! i nn ijiiva I : ,v'Hdimonta,,,,1,l'l 1uw "!' ? ?: .v-:ii " h?'-du!i llarna . , BupTalo tnulaPos ar called. Rel) ; lo.wSvid z..lU...Si'Z llui1:I .1 An W wUeacre a dees jedttisdooa tOOtb.!,, 0.w -jj.,,,! .rj ' Strpng cheese is raak;.bnt ba(nrl cicorJi 'i T- olxnn tna oAteusthol? with aiays UTouftaevlf ona rockrifi it :Iv bf . 'The chfenerAiweepgeneiyVa -his 'boisnss80ot.-"!Ut s 'to get alonweh K tttVal! ,-Witata wiiVkcgWiMq1 bore one for ton.10 1J,iu' wtiUiA-. 'THlii''arnTngm the' Hjrfir'' m' dl i.ll li:y iuaJjri v I -ir-'t J in -!! ii-fl j Iiin .Strtada The-, only youog .peepla wiadu ,f Etlng Inlocmrrt a Uwt yers aad younj ft-lkaii ni ioill sdj ?A' mao -cnay" be y Behind' frSUft Stork and still shows push TSPrl salfhsla whDcIhig-a banvj" d j A'nWlabbr m6tement-eYltnl2 up In the nibrhlrig to iliake .hlVreT when yobf wlft ca!lsvvbu.,1',d .wmart -tit tolil- tjfoilia. fi:oY) )ail Besutilul woman rjrrattbehek'xriV) It .t1 x1 ot t Th o m - r TW." J . rC ". L-V. f. J?d , " mum vy, BUtnuue where arolhy' was J-bc-uess:' ma who didn't1 'advertlM ' 'i? Mea.: AT-ehalleSberrrr a 1 Mmplebottle of yrrjAtalota tor, ria lat Trtnx;and)kaTe.tst4 it fjiJlyjijiT 1 woalitak. U Wore urtric.iekawi tTer. There ia a najdeaaaa t effect wJJJU rnsmg; an it leasee i aae: -liyVeopLi . eeU at a leweri-prlce.lf W TatiWactISb piipoMabBJy.Itwotild U brea4 aioi:k," weUur, wb. th-J worfj iad.l'iO have If- i J'm i-l 'J..J i .. ZrTiTlt ' v . 'J'odl ' " '7i "On iMUr. '.TJ.:-J "J on -" X,4,, c mi. til viOOOii.l I I-jiiH Sarper's "Weeklw " ,T .:j Q. i nffaui 77 o'llliU tHl 1 r 7. ""f uinairaic-i th ih.-4 hi. a uiv..y0t,u!4, 'wrlfera. f n U nrre ol taarts au a urma 1 1 i tsl, i x !n I re freqaenUy predd. aad i'tp&SdS .U spared to briar the hirht i7TV Jlarper;-, WakJri Mmfra -VIS ? !vWf 1 -"?,f "!1T 4ekU J oJ -lnuloMllAlJtIHJj, ,ol-J lnjlnl Btien5tl.eniDg rordisTaWmJ5d7pai rJBV: Pvoa nnd' fla-tb.iai length; vijor. , andR blood; la eqtiaWjtiidapted foralPsW1 from' the Ub to On ged,"of'-utVrs -1 r Hi Awnca-l TM faJraera of ha A ii-earnid-for it the iepa7aj4 .Aa.CAij of .ir ianar ru i d ezcellenee o' iu !;7?' , tistje; ability tol .-bea! vV 4hFV.Sl! ,! ,v.f tl.JXIOIIeAloX, r irt xiiPra-Tiutio 5"'w HAftEKUOU.Ti!iml 9 Ail 4Uto v.r.i..v Harper's YoKdgTeopTJ 1,'5ta,', J'osta frew uali rqbbf Ih' Ibe-iUoltved StatesTor t'aftada.1 l'"or ! j -AY.f VT tAJ.U. lif i'AT flllll with-tlia Brtf number for JaAoary X ,T itioned, aoUatihytiebs -aril btfA wfii' tSe?" -T C1?"1 'Ft U4ioo Botind TolinneX of lfa'Vl0" for tba?a f rntws-UcV.' iA'nic.i'TA.T'oW F?: . f f exZeWra. (proTiilcd tbe rrei;bt doee not exce, 0QolUp voltiTorlfMST , volusae. 1 .ii.J:;Jjiit t . ;T' nTvPTiiol cloth caaaa for fewb' .- ;. !itT ble Tor bioOictrill ba "ieufbj 'nail1,04 pa-tpaidettfTtcalpC'cf hq9 f V , , tuners Uhould.U.-irartljfr g;! of aToidcUancflpf k)i, ,nl ,v. P hewtpapar, are not.tmoopr UitVl dT't,liUBt; Wutilh:i u ina .uipatfcseatty. tk, anarrel -of lartll"' v a . AAJ l A11S llRff - " " Wtf'A 1 . . - k . tai pnoSfiUe -work-10 ahonld at oace send theiidaaT U uTllSl I T Aaa T kuk a. f . j a. free, foil bfonnatlaa tow eitherW U A JI ages, can earn from i to $. p a! --ill and. apwards whererer they lire. oa atl Urtedfrte. apitU aot ae.irV ili? -hare made ever &50 la a '...!. 77 7 . uo- ork. Allsaceeed. ' " '