.TheJEraaklinuTimes . - mm akVWB.WParVA.aia W . UW A V WitKhis i&&he iemers occasion lo say a Few words. in'jre RMa to the paper Tno presented Itor haa beerii connected jwith the paper since February 1877,. fand owner and editor. During. ,thesjt$ our patronsvalueecgWed for the small subscription price asked Tor tbs.paper, and it is some pleasure to tw to s.ate that H4ery a?fewf co n- " " . HMIirilUUUICO 1 1 1 1 V FT 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 a twtis. !fir.RbWWlb;Mtri bers. ... Whenever we hear of - ati.v3 complaints, almost invariably- they are made by one of two classes AJWftjJnjf arrears .jor, the men who read their neighbor's paper., jThe M'fa.. fc'tterciass ,bad Just as well be uiade to the 1-man in! .Wf?- .effect .they r?Wiedrt- .jcpicerrted And the mer.xlJt1iie(i9.-feait yuvouijr gruwi wun more easei. Thfa is plain talk, but tie subject de.' tofrV.firl Sadly" shaped, and when they are nol'trca-'' : ed prptferty flfey Mve fbjk''&k ''ilWtoiiljf other tiasVbf men. Jlowever, there are g'iarge nnmber of ,men s wtoK sbierttnes tnedltaf n nroronil .... 'it . : . uuoj ui pa mat; wiin me editor In tbmany hardships la-WBrvi Pleasant ?J inis.papejrolQiKnpWi - ."" av 1 1 ' names, but twe, will prio a :few , ex-, iracis irom letters to the editor re ceived recent lyt liihifi-jit, paprthat.ybum&xfdusl:tbgi W;V :P;you mean amount to xover back rations and EDITQB TlMKK: 1 np my subscription, your, paper'. If yob'win'senlme a statement of Wi9jV ;5;d(-it. You hJivb been yery lnduigent, and as 1, have made a pretty fair crop this yerjl he editor1 must have h is part. Ilook fbrward;tb tharriVaj oHhe Ikiots "very 8atVirda,:tvft-h'::pleas-: uii and hiveijot iriiss'ed ceVtins It since tflyetibscription1 "began ; hver twojrefe'8ib.xr ;?. -ftf n a w .iiPPSW sed Psoases .. or- Hoc tennu.- m in,iK4.;- ' t - . . Vu&rjinn Wt.feMWfcWMWJs, out .let h S the best weekl-e ia rjP-": ""Q yoarpaper.: I fegTtr4 wo wiuiuih u ioraoubie the sub-fipuaa.price-, ieti vu-i hWhii ly .Wife .want thtt Pri-. , . 1.1 aiui unabtetto pay for it'1 ir you - Aim awvWm . l at : t ;). w-tri.. , . 1 . ,t w ino eaitor,1 ad while we , do. nnf il r vfftPRfiat, nbertyto publish Intend to blot freTnlW a ZAxS ,y yiAM". r.:-; "w KufyW" day, by n rr onw a. . . i . . . . ... ..o, jc ho?' .L. Wuie,Iwithout pay & gW&f yUkeV the; Abovei them with many thanks. rLMvtS?yT.ff4i VAemistryJn wlj&resj Coiledeiwhich e-i enrted opBunday-lasnthls1 IriAttirtJ Mm - - - r "fWMPltabfeculty. sT4ie "eer i,opeakirir 1 of -his deatb say)KaiX-i4--i." :T-y;t$rqx't. ii i,; ffe?tK fiaJ been snf-r, fer ftgiwith typho'v malarial fever. rt&T-f? PUeiimonteJ: Jnr??.w,nSlwhieh -tohjfe tiis death is a-calamity to the llegetciuidrnSsirreparablV IpssjP thfitatinioUkminglto'us in September, 1886, with diploma utw.iWiiuwi 'vnejeaaingcollekes' and mix ersitiek ift the 8011;' 'and : with a natifnlUiBi4,Wiw.iIL"!i7! .... . . -t 1 uuun. peptei ThB r - .."Y4. 4 --"ir aaiidiaatha aaid piLVpIirrrT:1 expected lonptfltefW a-gawrw tiUai.-sB. IiiAIbKM-lift f.tWltiijlJVnoiI! itaipor before the 7ude It thl JlS v '4Tfti'v:P--lL"H nH-.-fn-.iro ..vt.l ( win-!. ..o'J A ..frrt-.i!ia i-Uu.. - '3 "l . "JlU C ''J -1'4-1 "JUouWa- j J1Q no fj,;.nl faJ5juuul ojftioihrlX'p "W0 Att'y.for plaintifl: ; JS"1,- eJd0ar recently ended, j "many Int.idents come to view, but; the past with its work for' good orjill is gone. Iti pleasant day?, as vell ; asits7ad., ones, raayber f uUof irpod for. iherjaj are lessons learned and Ieanona tn ir un-leaYnkvhic'th laugnc mat may be frauehX with i . i g9StttjdJExpri but neceawary' teacher: so may we Bii-iiaTicauicu in pass WlSUlIUi sufficient to make- us shun our- er- rois aud eleaye only to that which Jp$k& .ln",tejear j ust burrled 'iWnMrdCfias'Jjeca blessed; te have! been.free from'' war or1 rumors -'of voilchsa fed to usT ' Tire";couiitry Hi Hshfaiun in Its itituh. Ti ! taking ian'krWleVb unpnil 1 .... .3 rti. v . !i"T ;""v';???5 VyfeF vli.evi jourr4' -f Wyear dustpast, many 1?! Ueeji. .made sorroivfdlr ;deatbas.ome.wheii! leastteipecw ited.., And so iiLithis: vrhUA J expect that not all of 11s-who' start; ana. with such: belief that iC-ma hft'I yoii rlIi4et-US wkW'flrtn 1 :? ,.Wa I determine that 'rtl 'e'er1 betfdeji - m a VJ'I TCI; that duty to our God. ourRt4aMn "I iieoontrv aRrT-o"??".- A ..iv 1 1 thought;' That it triaj? btt happy; t TBepbfieaj)f, j or rather - m 1 11 11 it.-: ine surplus ty4 spending, it j f6r'sTCh;'D'g8''asuili enable ihem to sliengthenr their partv.' and tint to st lengthen their party. and;tiot J JTpr hfl behefi!; exampief a bill has J ust ieeii IntrU j irtt' eeP H improtTh wili as-Uueedljyaltepublica aUowing each member of the Hqasel' a jplerk, at a salary of f 1 ob aiiontlu U : .il; r , . -i pi, aim oimugo tosay someot them rt niooiecvat it in a very. charm ic. inanneri ; V few; fairly 'sinking ,the-f Cork. :Althouirh- it w"tr.Wi4 1 t . - -"-j vii4fvin j Whovblen fo witLbeiiWid .ac a.-ti- t. ... countable by his constituents, nntl while We 'belieyft in a member 6f l ! he Iegislat ure or 1 Coiigress, vpttbg' - u Prff THeilsur as Yy 111 pe nest for uie wnoie people, regardless of what f inintcinat such a bill oushftfr be- f cornea law.IIoweyerwemav'nol I! ...... - see it as members of CJohgreia see it.' I HP! r I a rara ommin dnce may rebnire the frrtk-lrr b terest of ft' fVrvrnt.Vj and thcb'iaatrK clerk. Bufi -ona : IMn-;1 t t w w.vwia i ' - f w t-t a.. i .luo i-jTi. 70 vio'.T'n i;;. .fill The New Orleans CVitron World 1 !" ".111.1 contends' that since 1880 the Bouth, beertjpd . u'fltrp. nnl't(iknfc W- i.k' .- I V yuMtuuu on lancu Dy White rrien ThA . yleld - W:!;! Wndl4onk'V.ii.ly I n ..ui. icciDra 11. inrpiit. I kentwhHe8inrvtiinrt rr.ww.;k'1 l; i x 'y v wiiuuiuiu .wuuvuuiinii u:er ineouth fefenco in results.-Ex ting wehejriJar nesecry 4s lack: of fuel oecaos the Tailroad Toatttint i-wi I transpoit Itof- 'f!fiJl1 14 1 ?uu nn. j v- " - 4 .... i . - ' t j t t v j. a vtiyaiyj f l r r . li w r ' fltr.-f n-i ft Tir at.'. C3 THlOTStt Tltif i?f& i 1 I3)?. Augastar Ga-fte.iwhlch la l 4ired: iRfieord wethVR'TO'fcago'' kgestfve Vbinls Wrmer In oaB.iuK v upponuue 'erormsjjtt veryjperlinently says: the 'puldnsVUuteiHhS L - TjrB Wttaofasryorhaia times','. prevails to a ereater extent than is necfrtrv. Them i U.nA. in the'eountry yet, enofigh, per- trouble thd cient lntet?rityr vvw hiiu iiaiu : ALiyE.WlTIt IlIS NECK BR S'k'pyfer f TkkleVlfta Piiii ha feUftnil broke hi "Mvrfck' Diem-' b 3 r, 24," itlil rfatr way: tij recavftv ' ! F UaliviesU 'ctni be thi tilyl ca- bn rvcrfrdwhpfe iajuv!ltasiiricaped teatlv jiiVifadfa tyotitMAifo UlfLK'-viiV rJL iw avaib Mteri tirdslSWthktlWi'iKU Wi'lWHW jch;iniG6: and'tfie tiifnrmmtmrf wo itnV !i M-qpeitticiif f jiriui 0; e I . M ww v tieck broken in . Iwn oIac.k. r and waa. HriK'l. t&en hntH Kntlt him niln llin tin1 . .f .Un t w w wvav k .v- iuu aa.A ( r.iin m. Ittookorern-hour1 :;'4p" 'replied Une J Mou came, and,, Mjpr Ansad . pf Va8 gofng totiV Vajnei tben he" r nan AAnnftil tn m in i .rvhnoih fa.4JT O ' ' t - P - - r T,c& 'P trailed frbhV pfrwri-is ,'recnieroim-i4yii "the fioikf r- H has.not vegained m -use HRWiO lne 't-OUCIl AndJ lift ran ! Yr..-kw 'iiiiinii inn 'rniipn imn 3fw. Vma. , Li . ? Z'. . T r."'. v 'OTICALOttmV1 i l L .'f?1" uJ ,,ut rmu'iiiDei." U'wotft fid to rift Uk baitH.VJiotirWirwV toftteriaLl)attvflrBeyeei4tJt 1 LThe lnUoirinss itebisttralntAj - W'MT' iue. bat .were rx . V ' w T jaXTot. sail imiM MbdiSjok; fchd . il i k I i-.ini I Christinas. thA harm r I - rrj "hip, to kux ioulj Jookad4 fir tba: yoaBgfnind , l.,..t .,rJ ...... : mi .aanan aar aimn I'm m v. . .WPPilla I am.vaW ai has Brer beeoborrilcr?-rW! ;f . -, 'A'J W UA.L. ia 1 L .tujieto aUen aeeplgiw some of the vounir ct..ta nf tS, :avvvif a-uiiH- ATjrvw4rig tnQ,nrifl Tfa Tirtf Tariff T- 'IB' mf aitt ! I' nt4t "1e5W.e. hVi?irai id 'V1' goteri or Warren and ratkUn lTli'i" A5"nKJ'B3. J.hevnjuio,by! ibd Centervlfle'strrn band waau?u complimented bpiM1:?": -C1' ''.- May. theTluEs see tuany (JC-ttaa-'Vrid- 1 01 two -xanners;-. AXynrs larpaiahed iH'kfiUiihdW tiiiies9.aau Bang arutiais 11 it was jon-ninges.- n nra loand tuai hla 1 1 tafjf pTlbe 5ao8a mus bo pald to'riue bstt(Vn "of t!iMr.vUJl.- aicati6nal1tU'sW oiitthi;1 vaa w aar 1 k w i i 11 iiia . mm a. c -a 7- -.a- a,t4u pilau patehvljenxj' nn-rijoxj -." j;!'''"? lmtVlheihatteF withoBei! 'WatiOTsoira :-wJWWil lWUieW4Yrt ! of WSTonlT drea. U uop"?y? nasand fesiivea baa jaufi Jbf 'Rineo -'o iuiffrWf.? omnii- ,ilf 5P5?. .vjb VJ?fe and.ai,! iwrite JC -Ml; iliiw lllifOMdarAiri C- rafTfefti' liwac .tis U'v- rJ, iri .nia --- ... -f' ! if - Pwlt jrHJ at hire., m ..oiigkimJL edjr, when they know the value' of" Dr. Bulla'Cough S;nip. . JJ . : - She stood at the eate'in the late Sorinr "u.'8 r wnea ne aaia goouore, sbe tlftod nn1t h k- hood, eould hare been mvI K n. tiii Bab :ia eating ia peedilv rcmorMl ..41. 1 I pretiioo quieuy.baiU.hed bjthe aeif Women ; rcst-niLleTflowcrtu They shut 0phetf tte:sfeeiH .v. 'Tn .Jso -. ,.i i " !uo oi vouisoarr. n.c rn.. .v. roadjaDatirttrlihiA -i.::-Yr X? RLVII ' ;aere,; nvotT(MirjM;t Fowler" and otl.irs.' land alao 19 aere'nair, T bJS?; Otbem .iW,;. ; Ji, T.T "naat.o;' .Mia erecutica aad eo.t-" ; Jaav.'SA'-laaa 'it ' .., -r.1 T ' j . . .. . . IiTvaiiPH Ull , f,ntifl -..! -I 71. 1 .1 .1:1 Vj v..!f "AjWUl, i CL0S&OUTn CHEAP: " i .... .. .. .... r. - i . i . ..i. . j !s;ij :-i!i..iyiite1ifii .wu'w; . : ,4t.-;M iffiViv jll ' i.'.n.vinud rr-T - ' Xr VMM .aA . a a ... I- i . ( wg- inr . 1 -,: 'i:f;rr!lMae,01lEApf-1ii!(il!qin- ! .loltrl .).!i!!.t h'ii(inHi:it t .JSCIALLT-'APPilB0 ejJnii'-blVy ynFlo ihnnU it .'ll' . .tff i w fc - j - - i . T CO. Iflfift 9S iwint.,1 .M M r I sale by JL n tTfti """xj1 -xor .. '.aiiu zoe. tobaccb at h- "? f1 rr f ... . . - w a . ; . . . j ! jifl favor of JaWya OnardIaooil4.W1 Binro. AUaatab i forehead. ,tsm W K rw, ? ; j fAirtHk; - - Land-Sale a ?u Hue'ofthe roYSned t haUse! I at thoif' Mtrdooe hU,5 K""?1.1 the HLb da of Fefr CHEAP inmsBRr- .rmhtr tjjjjd 'for toiisUfe irlS 4 -o'TilLr wri ' iv .udit U3vj uii. ' . fc r-"" nu , -owner roo- t-i ... . . . i . i.r. ti rl all rrawH .l . T: " "IT oif) nl fur.lili 01!) niibjn . i wow 1 au I - iltllTlt , J IJI II I.VJ LJ.' t KluUin f ibDh.il lJJr'H J9:1 1 - il nia . 1 . 1. . I ftfiy Jon biiif xi HEBHAKT TAIL0?:i,n' kill' J- i-li-t? vtl'.i.j-'. (fihl no on 'vwiauuBiim n. - Ziwln hoin U . ssi-jj eJd pA adf ' f)vil3 f!- oJ iff9iihlitKcJjir, I-4 . O Vfri;. fN fnrt : - T ,i nun -j-id r 10.1 nir -usiioi.se fouD4 i-thtsute. uu :;v"7. WifQ ni7 fiir.yil&TTr- w'j-f . 1 . -vaaaav- ,-av-T a a i 1 Vrt l tl l vtMhifrjrnoiii I " . i...;.4T . i week on, i. ...v T- it or oM at nWaittj- Co'a. Mr. O'AToues is vgent for jump- j n lliov .Turn tv. r Jjeggedoae,Mnpoe.but LealUijneaV I bmn?ht In lhMtip(nfAm..Kl.... ?r?na 3.t: jo- the court of come n please uj.'jykenjthel old nun onleni tii alailaUdaU. "Sir, quit courts 3 A O TIT11T.Tr nTMwvari. ova lmu. h h . rMAu?. ' i u I bUrciati.iihH rlTZLv -.Vr I '. . tract of ' laDd. .deeribW B u!d mor nn ..i i4.I i.jj. . . f W4Tra, K (tMHm ahdedbeaa .Uiiurn U" S - AtV. VIL60!T i.I ijl rJai.5.188 ib v .. MorUgeali 0&-I-LAST NOTICE. ettlefl at onoe will be ttollectcd bt law or wip in Coart-hovee door, io ,eWd- I IJir'VT. V 7 ,T'""r 'r "a.aaa1.i P P."" PJ ler rvotc and ac- f .' lilt (iL li itWJ J, JVi Hh 1S8S. . " ; .'uri a A.i.vi ilijnJI n-Jt iA i lilt- Lund Sale. U'.I W' I. . .-. ivr.'.ifii TiiHi!-.:i l fif rirta. nf tli tuAi.!..j i rt(fce deed executed ,io me by J. .A, Tll?n th Wth of A'pril, 1884, whleV er? Office Franklin Count, I will Uli nriVdtiJar, Febraarr S. US8J at !the CoryHoo door i. aa. lie auction, f-rrh.H Ue inirett Uk J. K Xm0,' j; Ui :rttlaod' oiat-rli. , J:iin ir Jtui"iii , ( l ca j -A. -VVaVutsnM.-iit aivp,loS8. j!t;o . ,,ii:t. i 'A'l FOR 8 A LB - f nr?0U CASH OB 0 oral and I 'Iron afc. AH th 4bora'IW oougrd: for eaah. at a ti ait hsi- -iu: v.i. J.Lo.. W.TimberUke,., t GOODS. -a t mum .a a II at the atore-houae of Ai ' D. Greeit' ft ? ,t0Tho",.of A D. Greeit' ft I:!, ?od",eoa le wltW IIt S7r,,,,Hn OI eafcaU1 oloib mtllinerv mui w"- UlS-n.' Ir '" two' 'ale. flt n rhe, Koda will ali 'ro foV. 'th. nralK Tk 11 Aa k.a .1 . . I .TI. LJ nil ... li l'l 1 For Ilent.? - . .TH . IM VLWB.r',..Al,J' Prti UkTp t.roi .e wDI apply to C. M. WAM'j. ol. tJRK,.IRxf n. . . . k t 'r . i .1, r. ' fiw art rood for rion U1L 'V. "vumb, null OBI. bailrfiiim allf-aa.ntl .. j .ttT fPz1 .... VII M UhMM I. I -1- .. - Uad $600.00 la on. nd twowlu itS AJ r n.A.FooT,Attywb i 4 S WrerC!T.N.XJ. r2rQBtkSGAmotJSA r.h . .7 UUil Pruna - .it... Paasoit 0,. rETiioiiroaDtToBcx.' t.) ah tppbariag to tbe Mtiafaedoa " ' th". Hu?t can not afUr rl " ii Thai .L i . . ' ' t- - made in . the rood atniM. 1 rood Knn. i rAn rdTt'haeton. 1 twvtl'.'.1,'iA 'i I - - i .Oxir ' aij'ioiita. mahout .a wemund r-l ' 'rn - . ' aw tm. '.' 1 tn , i : t ' . ; . .. , .- ... 1 . r.oVI.dTlw tbotejo.wani tcute early afpnoatfrnf a -taaat tndt dour aro adraDcuig, mod are Uxink it will kaocU bahf - Jermlbrnda of Tie nvn ALWAYS ; ....- i - . ' Cow hldea ;Sliep 8klna, and Fnn - . .unice ttt tUQld Poet Oflce. ; i.!i.t...i .. , . .-i-.I'i, 1 . I..'.'. J .11 r : ' -" Ll-" -- ' " 1 r. ..i:') . ..I .!. n- i iT -li.i:-'u -i ' I.. it: - .i!:;) r.L' i;) n- ;.-in. i'"lZJ:l J::r.T J. !!!.; I .MA "ft !u;tl. !.. :. :v ! ; --.in I. , .1.' l'i -sit:'!. mi- !. ' ... :. if a N O VV f ""Wa llMTelo announce that tnej l.are ;iwned'al i1 01 G .JfJ.'n4) I. . s'm ....' r .; -.ii'..i i , .i.r .'l .' y.f. ' 'I A y t ut-.i J J I hich will U a:.te'coa.omeraa -nown inUm. .CThere U no AU who coine.Jpre may expect , v;il,t.i . II lit iij!!. 7. H.' il -. fit i.-t. . . I ; it r. 1. 1 . . 1 ' . . 1 t.n.:.) ' t.;.l ; i II fl ..ut M l :i 4! -i I and we will1 p . o ' .ii ;i i. ut . n-- :i 'i ! -.- 7--I- ' via. i r iri.f. .Iim'I rlilili I'l 45.f'l. IK'I'i. P. 8. Retftenber-thlt we keep tidl couii;.n " - i.u V- 1 aid inTiILvVnfc. i 'a btt y:! . nik-UL.i mi) i D- r I it Ml '-J-- it b -TB,,??,,B?F. i.vi: ?U; f it "ii a 'n f i at i .we com:aTid ; goe.-rAndr tradfi-, r.jD larger, bjifeofinds iiisnc :;. ;stisfe a Tarjre and' viiried' STOOK OF goods; . w . mJxmS" are b 2 ;.K:.!S! - VeryrespectfuJIy t tj . t... i ci.-. j j.-, Ji PerBon- -. Lou labnrtr. CL Tn . 1 9S : 2H T J.IL -' ' V i T C J X t f 1 1 I .vi.,, - , wanted, for tae ITzh- i r . 5 -. . mt. thOHtie' " I t , 4 ; a J .'H.I . - ' w i .f J ? ! ; llll.l - - III . m. . :iii;i.r;;i y a -.;f"i.-j.; ...f.i" VT".V , M .! ,X Ws- :". W Fort, foU ibieof ;--'' ;t ! . ,. , . ; . r.v. j. .ur. jr-r . . . . . . i i .a . l . t c .rr ,.; i i i.'-I ..):!, i - .Hi'.il f . . ,i I . .M .it;'- tiT J.:II Weat profit. that cb thing a.' L to get miafactiou J .J .-r-i.21 f.. -..TrTr . . . . . . . ... !". l.i . I 1 r. N . 1 ; t . i. . 1 ; ; I- -'ln :. I f .1 i 1 ...o.. ! - In i -f '-'..-.-. i i 1 ; A- '"Ctoliiiig'cb. books ttan,M 'il',ll.V)- . 1 ' JeqJetitIy ererjUilog wf.l l. ...... t'm-m I . i 11 ' -:! 2,'1f'..' .y. . f ... r-UW V '.a f 1 1 1 . .;ii.-: i i w . . . h mm m k i - rdetRrmin Rd '' ttf- i .... i t i. xiT4io aa ut !