T .Win fct- ? ..7i5r,?ri.r t-, CO l- ilfii 'J IlMi&i & Prop Wr4yi-.t JOT AR r - i27, ;t 1888.' -v l.v ABOUT : 1 EBTILiZEKS. .saihiro AVe take It for granted says an o-.f v,i f ! -Ui 'v-v'-Vjr-''' ,o.f. o o 'exchange, that every gboa farmer : " - - , ! 'T crop; and that all bands are at work, .r.t;Mr .t-i'-ii LLC i L? jvl J - L'-' r ' . -. , .j i i-,yy i h . j.. . -, I tvtat hpfn"pndpnvnrinff .t-n! fwifrv fn M f , , making meir own. leriuizers as, far. - as pmcticahle, 8 rthat jWhtitlie ..-FallArrives they will wot be io hard" pressed, but instead have litt'e to begin another yar This excessive m 4 r aralninff your pockets, Jceepthytra lluyiMifni'uVtlug your I land, .0001 know 4he amount ith sto.; fi q 5 3 ):fW WMtfwJci irjaved; ?;3HerrtU wlflll 'ThiTirhlAnnl an il inthsHt.U'l "''T'S 'W1 lM V4" in the past year at 85.000 tons' 6f aU vTordsthe Itomers have paid in the past yfar fZ,550,000Torfertili2ers. -The I'iA.rij : : " - "ii "hmP sism, the rarmerjrustfd'UDout $3,325,006 Tt iwdrthsf fertiiirers."'?Nowihis in'l D-! t Jtrades bf fertilizers atthe averfti tt tt, "selling price or'fsoet tori..In other l it n SOi -iiiLKli.Jjr-i, . -.fv-.-l?-.a:.-j : " . 'I -.. -.-.-'.. .fCreatdeal larger- sum The 'ones-' flh)niheri ; Jstcan hot tour, fahriers save rnoneyi for themselves and 1 !;Se3;S? I0 by making: part, wejrnean the great part i of theix tleruliaers ajb hoe. We' are r"?"4 wuafc; uuuenai may oe t'or fev-iWsM theltruei pian SfinW iwelielief ehv fettliriersaSdJ I j 4 Jthlrilc in6Te: otight y'usedi-fe i j Ti-c.ai.iKuu. m every iarm tor tnispur 1 tne entire burden . tirtls . f upon i;q-fHpose ahd'comblning it. with refiable I HirmeTS. Men who live In town ' -ftnii ' 1 -.' ' t -ng,r,fr -w.v7 i" " , .1 .yu" h-PB8 opr Tariners TiTlie2 writer '''-'j.v'r.:M old enough to Pwccbllect "very' i ft .welUwhen i Pertiv 3 riki tv.whrthi fe" mzZXZ" italisalarnlted to the fewf but be, example Jthen:i pet has grown from yr. tot year, so that nowi un der he newoMer of thltfgsi jfanners will tell you that Jhey? nnotdo i u v rhoK y nnd:we believe it isa so- ci si:-l-Orday our far mers arenot as thrif.' -IsFW-J? jbemhdir;cribsL - r--iM ;Iayeless scorn; thirsmbk houses i ii .-. Are notmied ifow;is lr! tint Wwwi. I formers. - This is more than all 41m. 'iblefor tW.tiew aav -tivkUi "State taxes, prt of which?tt e Ifar; r, ,.r som ?what to ihelld, by! making 'iUJXTZ) r IiIV ow iertilizers-es, rrH,""??-1?' ""Mrniksi ?rfi-: , ... . -v. i - .. i . . iTjSPAl-a iBIIX. Isoh The people lo ve to be u '-tiniiW- JX r - licklestjieirfanev-jndnnHiU?.D dsro P"i"nM VaftMW nm themselves nofflce.' -iSilc -,nf "TiV1- a,, -sr;iwR " e" bor and property, t This is the vs -. -ft' I I .1 : I III "M I If Itl W A . WT ' t ' - v-vW...,,.. UJU,Wye ven tnmi iT??iO'ut",,iving,'Rnaourgreat wen n-Krwutus.' unuer iniMsysieiu ev .M .ndvcate ito.ne foV one' reason ;TyTfe:''.!s tbe . BomeTm- nt linre.' tv ; 4 -year 'and a1 tax of iYom Bifer to ten .eror others; Democrats, because- cehtis levied ori tbeldOJ '-riilsi JLLaPBtortWng.- ite best sysleiii for North Carolina; people; 4 Iublicans becansW H it and the most justand eduitable. Hiehiua the scenes there other matters' thai should Wv fyWlbepJed. oT i , ItTi.Wn.rTObre.,'i vAmon UiKn the question f w6rking con cd these isa provision fn the bill vhru public roads.Ulio1 com- o-. requires that conf. j !h V '? 7 mltteethought that it was Imprac- x'''MriS? r.1!, 8?b0o1 ticable,10Har1otte v1owasHlp has ' m- tried it and-irdid'ndtl,pay&caue' ie"9C Vpartmeut ba: th-t ;.-i.a the stockade has to be too far On, ,r ,u Is taught, inayhave iroveVmentfl! u snpeyvUlon'Wnd'iovArmof.i t ''V 'f'iiZ : a na- font! a be- jtift.Wii-ai'iii -; . . . "MJl :ou ; rnW that-they ;.may - have Bijr.iJreeedBcatioH?.3MrwNVthprtriV, traitor! vm .77. i 3 are Insulting in n f r m.,I 1 J . ' t vu?y. gntde them and VnrrrU ' ma - - - . - 0 - selves, to rn!A-it-;i.-v-'-4- IT 1. JOS' r0DerRn iWe in gr-r' - . scro'Ia r are 'noM?njr well as we jsh: but '!'TiML',l',i'i t people -I euifiiuHHi.n "'Agiiare, ' . be Wfcl by your children T MCalonelbrlng n, . r. Are yoi' Vilii'n? for i KA r I '3etis' R; Barringer, - ' ;iaa -'belter leU mafter re- f" '.should Jbe Eubiectpd in " 1 " iy -.'. " Jegoiheisuper-s . ..j;iVA0f any depaitment 'of 3o:tl w rqtnen Illiteracy'in .ouf:fetate ii 'ecreasln,?; aiid fne f5f ,n 'ed .tarnew r'euenrt in iijo'atlw malterof educatiotr.nnn ii.i'f.caji iftvenir . L : we .no iv i -r - own ca- V a - Ue '.WnJSjooBtarjwtlctf '1Jti: .a?nmshei-chauges of thi btli betore aney mf iiKiciieuYnH, 1 c bill 1 tarts wt by :hxjh&js I l i , ; . . i . 1' . . . . f LrW . 3 -i Bum- !loirVv?js.s thatitiia hill todestrov. , ,lntro4"e newj iemeaieB,i'or.lfcoghsI nd; "(hat., yQ, V(Jj W' he, tftffeu1; Jkp ducing until it falls to the lowest point in . the eighth year. The thlroVwill give moreuthan rthree. tunes aV luuchr as the ejghth yea will Rive, : Now Xhe bill requires the States to-raise -each- year -as- . .. , . J much as the Federal Government ,. V . . , will give. Let us-see -how it -Hrilt V- WTlO --I'lioH wouiu rewivy nearer quite 100.000.-urovided i the -teoDle -of this State taxed themselves so great a. sum; : But : they would joqt do thi.vand no Legislature Would dare to levy ranyi-8uch tax lor negro t schools,-which would :be nearly , . a doubjte? what;itow ' ;is.FayUe ilT'a m . l a UBLiO 4 ROADS. auUB'ii 'rwelw oTnoth onorW JlnV intelrWiustUhiitim pleBn-erairy than theTqtWsrton 'or public, royds, therefore We makdnd! llngin: the Bute qhWnicfereJ 1 f)Ort Ot the recent. Farmers nonin." ', .JJ'u "" . il i .- - next question; of interest:3 as nearetl to hip. was iha tl lioniI! I sion oCthe!tutlic iidads aiJd .flow w,"lftKB iBeiu.wiier.;-wipt1 fj. xj, mutee, mauea moet intetestinirand instructive address oh the suhject of roads. ' We recall a few of his statements ind wilr give" them to urn i;nronicie i!reaaers.y ?tie, said',: mong otner ,things:-T' f . . Jit is the- duty, of the State to keep up the pubho roads bficaufi! they are necessary ut an uusiuess ana are iicrtteron P'clvilizationV There are: but. three ways of-keepiusr uj t j to . ,; lstBy. taxin ; lapo? and only the" coutitry labor. 2n'd-By faiihg. labor1 "aiidf prop-r- ertyj - iht- frtfiti .$S,jm. , i' Srd-i-By "taxipg property alone. rt -l he, nrst is a taiiu re. s - u nder 5 1 1 the icssv that I iWiiuijf.vai me -.cijumry-;. people 10 :Work on thepublic.roads isa privK esv. xney up noi pui a prolyl esu- mate upoti this labor. 'Before J 878 Iwelvedriys1 labor Has required.; iTbere. werelil 20,000 men 'thus, era-: Ployed; for JwiJveiidays. At Per day that a.nount, uuted to, $420,000 11 of it payedliy the farniersi to keep up. the publiCj'roads. In ,1879 a tieW road law was passed . J& pro vided ihataeh man should, dq at Iusast Ibree dhyiTwbrk oh the road more if .: necessary. - Uuder lb is law, in some 'counties,-1 meii yerei worked 35 and 36 days.' Atthe spe cial session ofthe Legislature (when 1 he W. NV C.R. B. - was solH) the limit'-was fixed at sixty clajT9, ofnt! iuv,yw jit-r.euf, puiu euurjy uy amen ,-;There beVer was any jos- f "hcatior in making., a,. rKKr, man I virwr Lr no mnrh nml nuu i 'mm.l Im 1 teP ;Itb.e roads as. a rich I man: i mm -inup oe.cnangoa. wiropcrty I A i. .w. r t, wneei, tax Avouio?-oe: better; titan OUQHT TO -fiBJ..Yl; I committecLrecomends that the inix-i the wortowThe Vorkican dlmtfetbe cdL .cb?ap by free labor. -it -J j i conclusion, Capt.Ale.xftnder; I mat gww ruaussecure tno DBSt I class of "enngravrts,; prompt socirfi bility; and further busibeKsmtithat ll1? '.P.r."i tlPJT law"' The. Com-- . I eS1"," l,l?t"u, agitato, iagu ;gqpdi roads,, a larsre tax- irtft fM R.i a i . t ffl tV"1? f ' WU,-V aicxanuer saiq. ana !ded'tl Vbieni&tt et-fcleiiburg.bearstcstfriiony tdthei ract that the maedusyutem ftvbrks, well iOecI;euhucg. .1C .T;.-.nfX-ot L'UUS r&j;a fiiUlc ; Madahie ;ReVeresla1er!ins fdr women keveb'FAHi to- always Wtfo orrui ujsRTAiH reneifl satis faction 'guaranteed or rubneV'ri'nrii LSent by-mail:exmre!v sealed, in lilflfn i.-.t- . v.;v'j uuxojau; biiree UOX ijr twojdqiaaiis.; 9 :iarticularB in let far frf f.,.-.v.l. i.. . iM r four cents in pnsiajre stampa. M Alre$ft:.iars.iIL.V.B,V Jiox burtMe.an-mellaDd,Vrfli justnr II McLeanVUver and-KidneV TtSn ftfiWiV? ca(U fvr avlvatioK OLr, ljub -.-.3.:c;tij:aU t:Uiutio i fM.-nr WB'get-lherollowtnjr--fToin n"1 LouisjanA. paper, ; relative to the ileath'of a man who had a uumbcr of relatives in this State. ,r r " rr' Texarkana, Dec. 31. Col. i Beni Hawkins, aged seventy eight years,' cliedlast nij?ht at his home,-af Jtocky Comfort, twenty-five inil3 north Of here, after a long jlluess. He was one : of: the Wealthiest and luOHt widely, knowu cotton planters itiArkansKS,' 'and5 in 'ante bellum days owned a larger - number or slaves than any one in this section,1' He outlivei k large family.-4 Of his .i'hildreu the oldest and lat surviv ing was Dr. W. H.Hawkins of this place,' nud late president oflhe State MedicaJLBoard, who died apout two months ago. Of his entire ifamily ithe aged mother of! tho deceased 1 TUti' fimovvfug from tbb 11 ews .Obser'ver Is to' the point, tauil liaV ourenTiorsement1:' -.I'fUVK A gieat many weekly oaners Duh-u t lisheit hi distant citie are tiiken fii North Carolina. :The teobie nfe in- i duced4o.tAke theai oi account .C ineir iow pnee. fjfa A rf t f! u"i t'ThaU ttieJ Ailanta, Constitution . and the miicago and JINew ."York weeklies erinHide the;": Slated '" :"Ti patronages so bestowed if AVllhdrawu from the papers publish ed at homeL 4 Qur, weekly papers do not' flourish' as they'sliould because 'some- thlrly thousand ' 'Copies bf these Idr-piicetl Aveekllcs--asa rule mere, advertising sheets, are tKken thrpugb the S,tato,;,J!;Ipre than, that, the ibeutal food these papers supply Is often" unwholesome. ;Th0 Atian ta'ConstUutionV for instance,' scat-' ters its protection arguments broad- cast, ..,'Vbe Ciiicago papers ato-adic-ted to viMfylngthe SoUthji and Southern men,' and ought not' to be patroniied'by Southerners: ..The ' newspapers 'of-' the State ought to iook, with disfavor o;i) the. roductipn .of. puch papers iere. TXatlies; Yon Attention 1 ' n Is enUed'iv.th 'fetters' ' following;' 'jfo doubt many suffering woman, after ' read- mg tbesp letters, will avail theniselytt of the experience related by her sister in ; distant Misourivaud ia the Empire State ot the South, and thank thsin ia thei hearts' for1 the information 'by, which, blessed relief, from disease andi rufferintf t can itssuredly he had. It was a most com- mcidable thoncht iu these ladles io maka ; "inown their case,s in an a useJflsh and hu- uiue epiru.nai ineir 6uuering sisters elsewhere might btf informed of aa iiifal . liable remedy fojr the ailments from which they hud suffered for years. j . : iliiss Lydi JonrS, :No. ClJist :Fqntth . St., KunsasCity, ilp-., , writca under- daa of July tlth'87. 1 . , , : , , GentlemcnI hare taken one doien1 bot tles of your &; S, 8!nd I am hajpy to ay 1 am eutirely well, I hare tried all jt-. ent medicines, bht'ncrer fonnd one ?the 8 S )l wf trouMed with weakness incident to woiuen.. pain in the haek; and Chest,-' I thought I . wa beyond - relief. ' ; when Ixjommeuccd to tako yo'nr medicine 'I wcifilied eighty-four pounds, to-dAy I waigh one hundred anc fitVr-five,'aiid feci . jell and. hoarty..; f you feef like publish--ine this, do so; for I feel that it 4will be helplng other sufferers. " ' " ' 1 I tin. Mamy-'!?! llryari No.7Sl1,Pactoryf Street, Allan p,, ,lrri tea, i Augnst 16th, 0J'-- 'i '' -:T;v!tf-.V "when twenty-fire years of age I had a : Ire ryi severe case f milkileg'1 tried many physleians in my native Hate, but all of the remedies prescribed failed to do jne anr good. J Almost in dcspaTf,! went to Alabama to consult a noted phytician, "who told We that my entire vste:n wm poiaoired : .by. ray diseasei 5 - 'j"Erervbody ihousrhtl would nercr, get well, f fl am now fifty-fle years of ageand was a con stant sufferer, f rom toy twenty-fifth Tear until last year. . In last ilny. Dr, J. Car ter, a worthy physician of this city, told' me to try yotJriraluublfr remedy, S.t& 'S:. I did rn; andihe result Juts ; been wonder ful Before.'! could scarcely walk bo.it !toe housej nowt I can walk: two "miles, and for our Cdy. 1 You'can refor anv t;pie,.for I.can JioTiestlyy ,1 Ibviiere it; iared my Iifa javt summer," , , . . I'reatibt'- on lifood and Silnn d seaaB maijedfree;nv ,V"tJ?ii;ru vJT'i i ..r The Swift Specific Co.. . Drawer. tr 3L At iani. lift. ' j. a T-...V 1 ETI1E3I, A CHANCE That is to jay your lunzs. Alao 'all your bfeathfn 'machinery. Yry wonderful machinery it is. Not onl: 1 WhrBhese lire closed arid cViVed with' matter which : oushf not! to .ba' tberyoijr: lungs fenmot half do their work... And what thev rft. thfihnnt. 00 Well -'"4 -'"rrm ran It ldrSupuony """ vuu-biuuihhj uranTDrine iam 11 y or throat and noser Miifc hed Ja.nd, That VKvtnke, Boschee'sitGerfrian D'vwh. which any, drucsriBt will s aell Toil nL lib ccnta, a bottle. ) Even if arcrvtlilnw -els bas'failed ybu vbu' hi ay ' depend vjjuti um ior certain. ..i-u f. 1 i" -i-r it r 1 jfcn " i"'- 1 ' ' :. r v- xiBcase -ies m am Duon tor 1 ue wpak, a feeble consiitutton U itriadapted 't encounter a malarious almrjpphere or udeh changed- of ' tempegature.lnnd the, least robust are usually tre 'JnsU est vlclihis 41 DrtJ.O II; iMcLeknrs Strengthening Cordial and Blood ,Pu rilier will give lone and.viuiily and strength to jour entire body. .r. jjrj u Aiclean's cJiilla: and fever cure fa a snecifio for hill nni rat... mild in its action andwarranted a cer- iain ture. ou cents.1 v.-- . -. 1 : UT. d -O. MClean7 Streill?thenin(T 2cprdial and blootl purifier,, bj,- ita j vi- ttalizmz properties wilhbriirhun , unio I---, a-.wj : isa i t .cheek; lp4rm;,, pale,j hag , garil. diapititpd,, wexnan ,into l one! 8parkluig hea th and, beauty 4 . ..j a !wany otiixeri irom ' lmution of the kidneps and 'bladder Wiihont tnnwmo Kvw'tint la III. rtiUlnK ,Ut. Itl. ... . V ill g've relief,1 i-ii ray neaitn is Detter than it Jias been. k t . i ' . . - r ten yvurs. x caunoi say ioo niucu.iory vilnibte rem t,b.larger air passasjeaibut tHe tliou and 1 of little tubus and cavities lejd . ing froin theni 1"v4 ' ' " i uji uusi.uRiun an. are - oacu t I All 'ought, to 1. got rid nr.' There Is 1u5k' - one way tO get Vid bf tbem. v- That1 Is rersonalT ! TYe note with" pleasure the recent ar rival in our community of Mr. Thos. gland, who come seeking a; home as farmers in Franklin ! county. ; They snranigfit andla"y"'7n Loutsbarg, producing a very favorable impression n ponr those o f bur citizeus "with w ho m" Uiey con versed because of theirjplf as' ant manners and straightrorward, bus iness-like manner of conducting tbem " selves among btrausersi TTr-rpTTT xney nave Dcenxins wees ine guesw of MK "Arthur ; A'rriugtou ; -"tbrwTioiri they Jiad .a letter bfintroductjon. They seempleased ; with our patjt of the country and the, inducemeote offered them, and tlie elder Mr. Makin has rr turacd to Brooklyn, N. Y.J for his Wife au'djotller children, who. Infter see jng" for themf elves, wilMtSsirt hiin in ;decidiug ivbether pf tidt they wiilisef ?:(Pur. setiouf peculiarly; blessed wtb n?any ! natural, advatagea that a I a l . ' nius ue eoeti vr oeappreciaitja ami u all vho come asJaw-abKliri. industri- ous citizens, as these, gentlepien have impresised us as, uelng, .vu extend a hearty kmiatUn, and wdl have reatly "iVeawaitj wilJujnterest , fin c result of their prosneci ing uiur aadtrurt (hat ,nnt 04iT they v but jinaiy of tbc,r fri'pida 'may bn mrfuced , ta cast s' their fcts in good old Fraaktip 'county the detel bpmen"i ofjivhdse yastTreso ricuUuralVlhau'ul!tctn nnt( mineral '"rtrnoth faU bf niany.Llessings; to Lr.si ui-Ui-iifrt ii.A:fitt ' them ana us. . , ; . 1 'BoXoyal to YourTown,! :l 1 , ! Under this head . an exchanae has the followiuir very sensiblo I kuijges .tions, which we concur in and tesocct mlly preSeht .tliera , to the people 3 of thia rnnimnnifv. I - ... Ve use the word, loyal in a, general sense as, pertaining to Uie country", 6ut Hi .applicable to almost every pluiae .of life. -.vVe may be loya to ourcbuii- iry, w our wives ana lovers,, jftnti ': we can be loyal to each oWtcr in our bifci- neps relations. ' The greatness of our cdunlfy,' the happiness : of a people atid the success in our' buhincs rela tions all deiend upon the, loyalty"1 -of the'indivUuais. . ' ' "r, ' Upon our ldyalty to pur. tpwn , de pends its ; growth 'and prosperity. Each clt3' and hamlet' ha it advantages." A I;'"yaity tothrtse idvabtages in iti lite. First we must In our trading fnd buy in-i p Up miWthoao trader and "; biisl nssca in our city insti-ad bf g-lnsr to nrivrhboringrrdi-tant townsJ We are owu-cu i'i no mis, oecause; n . jOHr lellow cltueo-U doing his duty bv tu hois patronizing js in our business or" calling. ir the clothing merchant CO oqs to another cilj for hw stoves' tlte' ST'lni to llis ptlur town for lus , dry. , goods'. Should suclf things become general ?in anyone tiwnf tlm dissolution ' 'of tliat wn isriotfaVb :f; J t; 1 . 'In no other biisineVsln a 'city jroorfc han''R;hoWrmperand!r Virrofctte I bust Uelfy can ifyal t the town I than tlie &newspa'per''-0r;'' rititlnfom c"e Should a newspaper fnr'even 'it 'ahort time ignore the lut-irests or'the'tityjrt which It ispubfifthed; a cry anl W umJ plaint ivwihFg up from Vcryn hKiw'I wft.wiil Tor a;inomentop ti t' jJdnr,tie injustice we vra-doio' when? tii; juv jjvug:uu yi aaowier' town ( lor parcliascTour coinforU anil necessities if we,.will conslder that to aififlby-! 1 al .tj those that have joiueAirjUi utot tuiw un pj (jommupity.-we wllc.not idol 30 uryust an dUloyaVan t-ei V beJ ?PVr. fldH VT.fSi FoicVinov .hj 1 t There 19 anotherorm pf . disloyalty! to a citj which more quickly .and cer Tainly saps its prosperity And retards- 1trnwM,:UnV,l;ii;ofV1j if'iti i IT f i ;.V .'"7! TT.W !w -c,l city and liave, interests ia" another.' This U'keenfy'li'When 'hes Iritles: are nvai , towns. , vioo9 ,ye .wnom you will serve, for ye, cannot -senrei bdth.:Each4ridlvIduaf has' ft!irirht 'tn- tranter- his allftSahce'from bne coin-1 'fflunity, but I't hTs'dutjtd iei'ralf fafr l tie concerned tiow just where1 It jlji) 9 loTSgs'A -nian whp lives'-in ;itwtbwu for hd'lhei?'tairpo8' than iivhic firom manoira nia weaun ana -dm lainvss, and all his :wealtli'g to be'trefi'lf some tithes one :parlLnp rival liwn, IV worse thrn a traitor.' lle-te vaniph-e," whien iWhile BUckiug ithe'blood bf its vletiUs,' soothes iidlwoxmds.T iHeeorer6.p bis .treachery with words )of loyally ivr iUe Ju his, heart and acts ho is wrirking for Aonae pterithe jiutibess men 6t the oue.tOjtbo benefit, of lithe i.busideai( ;men of tlieoer.iia jxiiiilil n j 00 I11U hin ft VtOVO I 1 . : .... . t . 1 11 ii.Tr.a almnleat.laYaJarf ''i.;' .Hi". abyofMieind f u inouce gmmuer ia ur. . jj nil's liaby . l l I . -r ' . . . . . ' 1 ( - 1 1 ness noes uus cusioyaiiy show I nu noomer vusraes? in xner city, be or ia'niore4 1 r..-- .r a Vd. tn,w, arctef T . . .l . ",,"u"lon ,or can, an the ""PWCtWnnlldUtttTbare of- Lin aaid mortage, adjoining the land of itomach and. liver. .'Larn i L. J U EaTlt Winn and otheis. t '1 .i f .i .... 'fJ1 ' - A. W. Wrf.snw corrects .neeearoorm Condilio JaB.6,l8S3 " Viiot NOTICE Jsoitxn Oarolix. 1 In Superior J Franklin County, f Court. P. S.L Foster, Adr, of J. w. w. Pin nell, Vstho heirs at law" of said J. w. wJ PInnell. - V ' 1 1 Bpecial Proceedings. By rirtoe of a decree of the Superior Court in the kbore entitled cinse made on tha 2ud day of Jauuary 1833, 1 will ae)l at the court hone -door m Our to wo. ol Xouisburg on louday the 6th day of Feb ruary ia an. ine interest that J. w. w Finuell haa in tlie Pinuell tract of Nud in Ilayesrille township, briojr the land that Hhe'IlnDells Inherited froua their. father uabriel rinnell. The .aaid tract-adjoiua the lands of J it Eares. It (1 wyno aLd others, and conUins 170 acres, . The In terest V Jt7i HnnllAino: ninth. Terms of sale .One tkirdcakhJlMilne In, six months. V P. S, FCSTEB, A dm. of B B assexbubo Atr j w vr rtxL U Admlnlstratprfd.Vptice, llaring this dy qualified as Administra tor on the. estate of ileory BaWrr' Jr., no tice is hereby given to all parties p"diog claims jrnat aid ertata u pra seut the. same to we for payment bvJann- -aryC,J8S9 or this police, will bf - pleaded iu itiroi 'ieir recovery, ah persons ow inff the said estate ill come forward and make payment of same. - - - - L. U. PmtXiPs. AdiuV. F. 5. Sprnill, Atfy, . Jan. 6, 18&J. SALi OF LAIYD FOU TAXES. I will sell at public auction, for cash at the Court House door iu' the towu of Louiaburg" tj. C, on ilinday , the Cth day of February 1883, Uie fol-r: lowing real estate situated 'in Frauk lin Count-, for default in pavmeut" of taxes for lM87and previous1 years," ai prescribed by taw; u ..v k " : 'n.T,; J Polly Jenkins 7 acres Tarbo-. ro nwd t- 9 JO BM Hidden, 11 8 acres Rich land Creek Frecmana . 811 Roht Cooke I lotFranklintou, .xi.i t FrHuklinton t h t.f. .13.78 Mnrtlia Dickcrson 76 acres - Frnnklintrm. FMtiklinton 4 98 Lee While I aero Long Town, Fraukhtiton t f. ' xb 00 George White 1 lot Dog I, Trot liu Fianklinton . . 4 20 Susan 11 Ca tic it 75 acres Burnt Coat, Kmnkrnilon ', 5 65 Suxan II;atltt. guardian 37 acr-s Jiurnt Coat, Krauklinton 2 53 B li Ham 18 acres Warrcutn road, Sandy Creek i ':1T5 Amanda lewis 15 acres Fox Swamp, Sandy Creek. 125 J J Pearre 4 12 acres Cedar Bock, Cenlar Bock 1 " i 4780 J It Collin -53": acres Tied ' ' Bud. Cedar: Rock i 430 Dimiel Cupton 7J acrca Beedy Branch, Ceiar Cock ; -i - q Martin Spivey 104 acres Bow- ' ' " den land, Cypress Creok , ""2 '6 78 Starling lJorlisJ3 acrri Coco creek. Cypres creek "' ' " " 1 30 a brum Duurton 1 aire Tarbo- ' ' rolaud. Irniislairg. V ,"77 1 45 IIertcrt Ilnffl lot Iulsburgl L-Hilaburg ' 7 ; "5 45 Callier Ferry aero" Tai b6rft' road, IiuiaWg 4 : ' . l 28 John ledo 1 acre' ITilliacdl f LouiibtTg : . V 436 A llert Mrd acre Varboro, . Loui.burg,; " ' 3M F A Mrihy87acrcs,''Bcav ' -er lam, G1I Mine f' 3 19 J A V illiarn's -10 acres Slioccb GoidAiibe ' , ' " ; ' 'v'i93 c,h II. C KKAHJfEY SlieriffFrankl-ri County. LIVERY 1 FEED S T AiB LESi v.- Having leasnd ,th.T Terrell bt Stiblea in Loulsburg, weiwill ?nd avor to ao commd.it tho, publ'o wilhgool con veyances. - It good - hirsea and bug cio, and attentive drivers will pl-aie tho public, we aydetenninedtha it' shall be doii "Also we are prepared to tiKe c-reiof trams, and. the viry btnt attention s-i tll be giveH krm.T We are iriparia to do alCkind ot hauling, having secured a Crl class dray lor the ' pnrpose. Give . tu a share of your patrouaireJ'' and we will guaranfoej salinf iction. . Vcfy'ResiMBctfullr. :' IfOTICR. Cl By virtue of an execution in rave fcanda in faTot of J 8, Wjnnne- Guardian t m A More head va K Davia.T, in favor of J 8, W jnnne' Guardian f Marr and W S Harris and others, and another tion in my hajJs In faVor of J M Worth U F Yarbrrti.-W K Dari. w n r m Yarboroogh . Ytr U.lfarria.and :ther -I shall 8JI at, the, equrt , boose - door ia th towa of LonisoOrir, N..C, oa Monday the 6th of February 1888. all the later. rf.k -and tide thai W H Hafri haa ta, and so .road, in Dnnas toWa)iip,c adUJul,,, k homestead cf Vf S Harris, J A; Bakar.) Ks W Perrr and rhers.'alao ix oCrooked creek, Dunns" townhip, adioin ritg the lankls (6f MrsTS J Cnidop! Marear- et Cbavea, ur. Fowler' and other knwn aa tha Jeffrev land, also mi ..... oa Tarhoro road, Ihiana towashlpvadiol.' lag tha lands of; Ednvmd Driver J Q "iu" ana idowi aa taa Coae land, also 198 acres II all's Crosa Kaada in .rri8owJ,,hiplJoinlBS 'lda of A J i Harris, w F Bridges, w IIMana and thera, snhteel t a lit estate of CO acres in favor of Mrs, w P Bridjrea, . Ta aatiafy said exeeutien and costs. - -, -Jan. 5th, 188a ,1J. c. KEARNEY. Louisburj?, N. G. Sheriff Franklin Co. Land' Sale. By virtna of the jower ecntatned In liune?.d wJ.f 00 the 4t!l day f Feb ruary 1885. which is recorded in lok 65, uuriKKKV urea .azemii t. . v t v r' ',". r''',"' V0wM rranKiin, l onn- .TSL'S1 ",,i,0d7. Febmary , 1888, at the Court home A t. ti." , . ... . MWUIV- W7 :NEW-A FIRJU: I ) i:iw .IITZ .TOY PS Aew T-'-to v.vui'i rvrim''i'j- Y .''iTlie-nadersignetJ beg leate to annouuee' thVr '.thet hare open il it Z.J r t .?.;. r - briok' store pf Geo, -' if" which will b4 offered to customers' at ? 1 - i .La, known In this section. There i no ucb thing as beii.g undersold with w aoJ, all who cotofl i into our atore tnaj cxicct io get aUfctioi ia every1 particular. '.':' r-- 1 1' - . j ': r; ill .'';.' k'Hitf-ht .1- G a i . .c; v. r. ir.-ui ..iiUlrli and1 wa - will prore what we aay ' P. P.' Itcmcmber tlit.wekeep no 1 e eoldSTBtCTlr JOlt CASH .-I ;..' !.' " " " : ; ,;We wish bur customers; 5; one i : and rail, a irery, very - Happy vNew Year-: rrCHnstmas'::: Kas cdm6 and j gone. : : And trade ;;has ;been larger, ?but finx ;stil;ith ra large land; varied STOCK O ;-i t i.wmdh we?."; are " Inomibal buyers V 'nil vli.T); .-1 Good filOGS gkovv' .;i;fc"J .... . lit ', Il ls bceaaat taelr wariU anTdvaata krea are beeomias batter known. - w uara sold tha ii - i i 11 s V vi. .I v A V For eighttaa t. jean 18). , . AUayi Sires satisfaction-'. TTe lae soli Arverells Chemical MIXEI) PAINTS 1 For efph teen' yes mT, The best ( paints Id the world.' "A kava sold j V1 I" J PRATTS ASTBAL . :;.H Vi.M.T'iM . J." T ; For eighteen Years. Safest and best oil ever aold. Absolutely safe. " - j HABWABE OF E7ERT DESCKlPTIOrV. Sash," 'doors', and Blinds, .Itubber and leather Beltlcg, Lime, l'lasier, Cement, and ten thousand other things. ...... f r. - i - JULltS LEWIS&Co.' ! -7 ' , i Opposite Market House, 1 a"f VVt"T77 CSHir T Li uvjuxi oiu v ah As NEWGO ODS I i.u'.r fn)l line' cf V - the veTy, lowest 'profits that were rve r ; , . . ,1 - 7 v-t-;r2..'1'. . . : :.. !.'' '' et.:.l.T-. .'n tf-rl. TTSATEIAIr- ' 4- by oar acts. V ':: if ,.- .(:'! 1 . . V r j. :.B e pec If ally. c.a '-.-HARitis'.&iCo. 1 .:j T-r.i' - t ?-. trcr: bxk, coLsoaentlyaieverytb j.i;)'..nT ' 1 1 r-) A2 ? , GO ODS, deteraiin!ed.tb will; ; find T it, to ery respectray j.j. jfei?sop. 0 .x )1 ii. V .! ' ii EITTKEIPEISE IN- LOUISBIIKG. .aii::r ..i ii I propose carrr'ag on in lkfjwaof i?. v : 1 7 :? OTTA which shall be first cla&s ia txtrj Iw pevt' I guantnlte FITS, NO FIT NO SALE. '-I GUARANTEED. All tlie latest it? lea raajJa up to fit perfectly! 1 1 Uil :W ill cct tmit patternv jeltanlnjf, re bin cling and reuairli g. neatly dune, Pfic to-euit 1I.'5I invito a compar ison of price. Soliciting a call from all am ."' V , .-. T .V. ; llespectrully yrvnrt, , :;.';.. 4.a.hosxb ( ;: .'t VUerctaotTailoP. Q" Cutting and ordwr rooot ovtr J. 114 irow & fccaalore: . LouUbcriXC rajrelvtlle et., , Jtaleigh t . 1

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