nnr.TheFraiiklin-Times I r J&iE3 A. Thomas, Editor & Prop'r Friday, . Januaby - 27, 188?. ' i, m i u i a m 1 1 ii I " 'TooJIticli Meat. v. (Philadelphia Times.) - Most people eat too mach meat. eitilM-boqbtilWIy f uppiied' . :- .this country with animal food, that . .oar people appear tbliave come to 'trie conclusion that it is an essential. , consumption of large quantities of I It. ' While some animal vfood is needful it is a great mistake to sap pose that it is required tlree times wdJtoaR&m?iAeliiharf;dncefI: HOW DO WE DIG OUR GRAVES? "We must teat or we cannot live. This we all know. But do -we -all i &J!&iilt : CHEAP HTOSERY STOCK OOiU Tt VAlg VlaA, IMTCO TT A UAA VUl - I teeth. How foolish this sound, L. let it is fearfully true: I "Weaxeter- f A of the cholera 1 7 iff have ft larcrfi Mnnk nf H - pproach and jsHow fever, yet tliore is a dis-X ease constantly; At our doors and in7 destructive, Most people bare in their, own stomachs a ppison, more a irw nn at. rvTii rs t n mi wa r.no tnrm ' . rmJzrT it TTlV s0 I two or tnrce years oia, gooa vari- k Miretsrarty by ihousama without warning in tie times ctf fneat reirHrr we are watchful, wo cah tell when LLUDE. UU I ; LntAf we are threatened. Tha followrhar 1 . .. uMCimr3&jr:tiie'.TffiifttJm$.- yet they lo br.'l , urn. ibcH IjovI jgn Jul nk. . . ' . i is a aiiii alia r . ra.v4r .wa a. general muiK roou i ,yj fi POMONA HiLtnJURSERIEST .. - 'H For Vinter and Spring Silea 187-8 LA NDf n FOR SALiE; 1 T I offer ior sale 14 aere of land, a part of the Owen ravi tract I ia Louisbarg township FranVIin Connjty,;jKQ. finerj land can pe found in the county for bright tobacco. About two-third of the tract ia 1 cleared. ; Parties desiring to purchase can Come and see it. or address ma st mia. burg. N. C. 5 It not disposed of before, I1 win ner mo tne Highest lidJer at the Court house door in Louiabarp . on Xfun- Idly Felmiarj? tf 1888- Onerhalf cash, bali ance on time ' km. Luiiutri . . .. . . t. . r-i'.-fr x s. s . . .. brdsWn nndPr whlPh nr ffroflt moramg; Uie ; (ippeme U Clian xi you warn anjuung m mo Aur meat eaters would surelv sink... I Atle ometime8 poor anVl again it- . . sery lino CI1EAP, . - A iunrltdr anys; 'Th ftnp yy xvnrlf - SBemS ftS tnOUgfl Ulft pa lent eotdd of the world is not done by men not eat enough, and occasionally no who eat mt at .f - The Russian sol-. i appetite at all ; dullnesi i andalaf1' diersr- who s built such wonderful i gishness o the mindj n ambition roads4gcaviA rghEOir ; -to stfRt-'fSVorkj more 03 lesshead morliP jlngguge iwiat livourU cruslif : ao &ndheatine8S in the head; the fw; We rhajJjU liBd on 1 Wtoriness,efl rising to tl e feet r oarseTJrowu bread and oor wine, moving suddenly; furred and coat They ; wire temperate in diet and ed tontrue ; a sense of & 1 iftd on thft regular tp exercise. The Spanish stomach that nothing remotes; hot peasaut .works all day and dances and dry akin at times : -rfoow. Wa . 9dt fco and iWethfilwaJkabflf ;AVlth lis loa fexi'divfic is more active and can enduro more than the nesrro fed on meat. , ta air before , the yes a cough, with a greenish-coloredT eTprcio- ratloaj poor night' fesij a sticky slime about iA e tiA rfctnv hoAdarfiit faetdMdl and elammT: up ana BOstiTe.il ? This disease h Vi9 i&yild&s and siill p xies Miem.- jls-ia me cempjonest " aalments and "ret the 'meet eoi ; caled and mysterious. Sometimes n u treated as consumption, eome ttmes as liter oomplaintJ and them obTJalufnalariAad emlheaTt dis- ESPEC1ALLT APPLE: send fur my niustTated Descriptive omivijuB aiiu special JrTTCe Jj foTppjST taU-ioCd! A. F. DATI8.: JVOTlCti. eties mat i win I Ll!,n or j"afX-A Wpreluad ts .l.TfTa VT SXWV - U I Ul JIeh and othcuv Br virtue of an execution in mt hands in favor of J 8 Wjnna Ouarth WI Da- I shall in Tenuis'. burg. N. C, on Monday j the Cth " of Jai. 5, 88 II, C. Keabnet Meriff Imishurig. y. C. ! FranWiu Ci Administrator's liSotlco1 nllaTing wUfied at5 4dtninintratAr on the estate of J W W Pinnell deccaaed on the 13th day of Decern kcr 157 u6tice ia hereby giren to all persona indebted to the estate of said J W W Plnpell, (osiake rtnint, and all pcadD hv- said estate Vm -present tKHo-Vayuient on or before tlie 20th' JVAVTTrnrrv j I U"J U4 f ecemoer i&on or i tins nonce wui VA A IilNDIiEY, ! be pleaded in bar of their rteovtw I W mvnvi w r Xbia 20th day of December 1881 - f:, T TrnrTTT' i . J -41 l .A. . OF , TTt a vttt f Trfc :iaaiVJl lAr" ; lihu'j I'll $ T''-' I I (iitui.) WiXOLESAllE buo.cBiis; Commissions Ijlerchanls; 2 4 UOAJiUlttSViUAlil. lliiiU: ViT -v;ir-I r r . J.UIU J i v.- ...! . , !Wa aro ready ,tn deliver ,!?is i --!-. .c, .ATI .).-i!f 3:u 'insifl 51 IT Meat acdJlotirfarcottnn. Qar facilitie f 'J nj tbiok fuTnihhiog the farmers wtiH upprw3re equal t any botuaia tha coam we intend .tafurpbhtbem. 3 low as auy'other bo'uaa-vaaAod ittle rewrnary Ismail the interejt. Irtvjlit'- - 'JORFOLTC Va Ui-t''& 1 ,u'" :' " vc! - ;h ,! -r. u4,9le that B M Ho'.dtti ka In and : V- jl .:;:vn I :i .,:h.:i! r; 4 :, r . ;;:fnr ' to the following lands to-wiur5I acre; ; wp't atteftfibta'fjTeo aU-erdera by -.ZXi La V ;?'.J ... . ou Uiciiland Creek in Freeman town--.man.. " u..,..; j V would adyke tfoe, In wadt to nwk parly arpeati-vn 44f-&j est i, skhip. FraBUirt-.Countv adjoining the ' ' ' ' f ""'" are drafldog, aud wtt thlak U will go luoU'h'sue. r jSeteiit -rti- ": ' hitfoeilea of B M noKiert. Mr M J ' GOTOTUE-f-i .nli .nr. !c;tJ -vMctl i f 5t-lv CITY-BARBER SHOF . ..".'Ma , TUi , JIM Y AUBplipUir jyrpirietoR,,, . --Y .n i i j f:,f:,., o ;j f ,i;r vi o .!t-? Coa.sai 6V!r.U'IiOUilHirgJl. j f hi ti-v! 'iul(liw- I V:?.'-,M :?-' TI .:r; 1: rvtrfj ; TfextDoorbDfJtL 8; totct' v. L'n .Lli'W4 "St? OxST''1 '11 7STnI). SnavingHajr Culling .w i; lr hrfm'nhhniri'fl 'A L ; 'Cowhtdc .WpSalnaid Furs wanted, for which we wiil,pay lb it ? fJl iK DoDL:.lft l I .not'tiLCl hmCIOfflw te-the'OId PoiT-QCIce:. ii; w :vityu ) Vi ft Laol D f H !!V:T7nr friit lis 3 CSOTUjL -4hU4 n a retoatOom-a: I Vw ff.av I III II. least among' the wonders a f tnveatire progress ia atiietliod and BystLtov of ork, w- i ii . . . 1 m I vflt w IVIUIVU.il UIV( ItlTr - Vvun A4AJ I try ithnllt pnimtinv II.K KrV.ta 'frnm i. ; i ii i i i- L . '- i . . . -i, i r . i l"4ir uvuirs . -aT,iinerj, but one fan ao special ability required. CapjUI: sot needed; you are started free.) r far thia wtills. VARIEY STORE max tlMtjiT jM o jo Barrnc u5ti arairii aiaw mammwuniummui wj POT fW-OJMtt) rfUlg jdo Lrsoq pa vjaaixu a Xiao tia t dnaIff Cnon L -4ttVndturiU uand we 5ill aend yoa SsfT t3 'e iili-ll Uree,'iaotetlnr. of.great vala and 4n nl a 2 t .i :H : 3 M tncujrau,tHKtHI start ydu;itt usi- von iu tnnrf. mnntl r miimnrtJiiiFDiArrij n rigTir.aTrtvthi.g ewviirihe nli- I - ' I world. Cirand ualfit Ir. Address Thus : 1 - . i . - Corner Main ani Nasi Streets east. But its real nature is that of eonslipation and dyspepsia) II arises in the dkrestite ortrans Imd smon effects all the others fhfengh the orraptdnd!l fpoisoatejt blood. OftrhtfrhblT-cm thF nerrous fyttem iil itteraKy emaciation to tell the Ad aterr. JSxpenence has shV thki thereia ffiSflw1? for I rt I -rare inn disease m ail tt efaes. I xjjj Ifji.a u ur vot namely, Shake, Bitract oiflle2 4 1 fx Mother Seigel's Chrratire Sftrim.r nVJ AjUf KWia'I iOTilHDa S Callato private t"e.idnoc;t., H lA, -a uiTrl.-i .!.-. N. C In h.d uud elkmpir laiog f awH-S W:.a( I 1 1 L ' 1 .- rj Childreii'a hirpn.oUly rribonded-toJ ii m rV:AAi:,: Bi CiVA i m r r Il-I l.lulal.gaidettrruni1in7tpitrTfol(. "l ill'V' 11"U I.'1 11 1 U JtJ n II- ' 1 1 I II Wes ua- uood accomnuxlAtiohs fef f; - ii .iiux. labile; b -table tUrnUhed. with tfip Market f fford a-u" i H7oWIon8'tooafor thiTrry nScrarshafe of 'W&oaMyoa hare FRANKLINTON, N lV'Jbi.vn aot t,,'5-.-.i:!w.!; ztCIlIOlCE LIQUORS, Gro 1 1 t .i i 1 1- n ir. i i i. 1 1 I Tit ' ffiJdttUI five:ffpeisl attention ,to orderr. -.jieTex ails mit, nevefthelesis, no time nHiKo r WX iJUJYS YOUTHS MRN- bo lo to tryiag otker io-oli-J-WjO-VW HtU..yirf..irir;.re p - .t n - : 3z J iVTlti .- 1. (a,trurtrft rl l:itW I'OII'i liIlll'D O." fill t'ilf. .filLlll Ijfi: I if. iM 'I UU i ullAlnj'ja - -t . I 1 - remedies, for ther will drfid' good, v Get this flrreai fesretable . w i - preparation. iascovered W affeseT TTUV430 ImUUB JT3 Ol ftUUHW- hold word in Qermaiiv And b mraL ; We send JoKrliitW "1651 p1'gt-4h'rft&4 is ariftlsi. fj Li,1 I ELL itarr. 1NLV every year to foreign nations, and won't take any sass'. in return ei ther. " A STWICTV.T vretTaai.1 ravLTLtsa famiu MeoisiML MmVlTLtSSFAMItt MeD!SIIIE.I!j 4 As TOU value health, nerhan Tin. , package and be sure yon get ihe Genuine. See " JZ Trade-Mark and the full tiU ra. front of Wrapper, and On the aide the aeal and signature of J. H. ZeUln A V" " ln the we fac- limile. i Remember ther Sjrootner-genuln Simmom liver RegxJaior Shaker Extract of BocW of 0ei gel ' Syrtra has raised lftslto good haalth after term doctors lad given me up to & wttheoiiffirjilption.--- F.) (aee, Kwkxaan- le, Todd -UoVKt. bb hkiu or tt xon nr 4nra, I "had been about girfen up to die with dyspepsia when I flrst saw the advertisement of Shakerjlfertract of Boots or Seigel's Syrup.l After using four bottles I was able to at tend to my business as welljas errer. I know of several cases of ctfUs asnd fever ' that Ijata hn - TmA rw i n uu nriKB xllt. J.UOS, rininmi or i aj. lor, Genera Co., Ala. woarawBoxLAB A KrrVw . dr. Tliomia P. Evans, of Ihm f ISvansyaTJro., Merchantal Uafn- I .wto. AccomacB: jo.. Ta. wrrl that he had been sick with diaei " disorders for many years a4td hod cried many pnyaiciana and zsedt- f el'a Syrup ! about the 1st ot Jam. 887, and waa so much be ;fe? hf 9l three weeks that he oonsider d him self practically a well mau He dds: JbaTethittima o ie bot- Le.onfhand. i andl if T cWI ima more It uxiHih)it t4 t. im AU druggists, or Jwdre jL J. ,'. jtniwi 4 Wai-rea BL H. T.. u or ri Asn A iVerr JRcatctllull j f at ..m mi m l-OLO-MEN v. .- . ' J . e -a-- W.T. Cliftox. '1 Land 8a le. By virtue of the power contained in a mortgage deed esewJled to -a..byj1X.uA, Pinnell on the5th of Apnl, l84, which is recorded in Book 65, page 248, Regis ter's Office Franklin ountr, I will sell on Monday, February 6, 1888, at the Court House door in Ixnuburg, at pub lic i3r,cartrsil ttrsv ereUo scrioed in said mortgage, adjoining the lands of J. F. Wilson, J. U. Eaves and others. : " ' i A. W. WlIAOlT 1 - Mortagee 1 W V V USEA WONDERS axist m AyJ Li A thousands of forma but are 4" surpassed by the marvel of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that JWibCmne while liviriP it homrK sTTs -'"V V 4iw sh&u)d ifl bAce aend thtfl.4aiesi to Wkl- ft 1' i tt T v " . ..w . . .n - w? 4W 1 rrsniflvvr' vt j 1 istsv 1 n ta m iii ..IP inrtlond, Mk1b(L lni receive f,iInTWmationhW ennc'r sex. otT 1 1 . . . , 1 an ages, can earn irom to s.'s per ! day and upwards wherever they live. Yon are started free. apiUl not seqnired. Some have made over $50 in a single day t this work All succeed. . - . - - mi 111. 1 h ?wardcl.flre U,ohp. j preparation of mora fh,n An4 HnnAraA .nd applications for pateals la KlTt.l II I HI II lL. TT I J vu.u vuv uuuuraa 1 1 iil ioe udkn tivatoa ana i I ill tries, JhepnbljRhers oj 3. 1 !H!WSC!Sm -Aftor Portvraa.1 1 toe united titatoa and Foreien coan illi 14T Tlk 1l I II 11 'J I III IT ttf j jwnere.. j ust; wnte. .w. ine, pu.dj vsw Yes, yea I'm : ageat for the XiADIESHc vibOoho iAmoN,th leading Household paper. It?a the p? per for t the pteqpld. And 0 litleisy tb make d-SevPiAdAllars a 4 a i, . scnoers . icr it, as anybody catiaffoi to take tn paper, it's so goooand sd cheap. Ye agents are wanted every- irs for and -yi ommis- 4 eatenta ia Canada. Ensland. Ynnc. I un . iM,r, -nav Jv.;.. .11 rm. .i r- l oiuil 4ucv kitc. iuoj KJ woum nuiKltci .a h r'-onrf ,rr-W-;t4t-rW-f i eaa eomogfi)Bsio3i;tihan; fcnyi othr)tpkiblish- em are rib- their homea and families.' The profits are large and sure for every industrious per soi, many have made and are now mak ing several hundred dollars a month. It is eauy for any one to make $5 and up wards wJbtj.vhM WtHirwto work Either.! vol i I Old. IciMii Uft n ot n eed ed; w Xi KAewAii r u V-rfe w. fTo special ability reqvir;d; yoft, reader, can do as well as any ne .', rite to ua - at once for full partii ulafs, which" we mail free. Address Stinbon A Co.. Portland, Maine. ; il, !! JbiveryDoay BUY YOUR iij .'i ll '". i 1 M 01 T I J. I". M AJ3SB Ji ItUaG';PjkopH. Ruin u-u4jt ujk tua I'll st j rur.. t i;v';'..' - - " -' la trim v!?wn -' - I ' " ' 0. I'ODUd !l Cumnwmtrioainesta . Utile more than ayear azo. alttogethef' almten- ;.! tirelj itorant of all Ibe jTaod percquisltet U aailccesifolwrcKntIlo crcer HAnrf lorai.a 'ftfirn-TUa aiv. I otirsAlcv have increased I roo month to month, until now. when It- anr.a-. fpa4y M J1 Vies, wiuchr run in jtz fXdr7arna , i ! , ,.. ,-rr oeUan 2 "ted'thW ,o U onparaleled gexi.roaity 'JL to a p.. peraona an,wjere they may , lshlo trolio rkther V)An n tnerccn , sp.rii un? il toTd b, . .wU- r,ot! t ci.at M,-r . - -was, ia t awa v ini ir rnii iauj na u:viici vu m vwio tyvuiciii i aiic comd get tut? loi Axirya'D.j a.-., ic. '. l"1 ! (. t' .t I "Of eonr-,e our 8-niin.en:al ale;i wits.kpocVed higher tlih &kitiat nu to I our n-iiiiiciii, lor Wi .now kn I? f t A iH IA V: I 'IT 1 1 t thai etetr ttib nitrst itard on its own.bolb'ui aud,toear oieMSed thai it a . Mr Vi.aa.iy u a. . , LydtiifiillT:wanlWMia Kw Ver In t'if.! iidriia. ami' fa'f . t-.rtr..l-. t a a - m: - :; f desire tohifdin) the public lhnl I kn w that w e cater, , aa ; a 1 fref MU ve po Ul k , iia own b6itui'auil.Werr p!eHScdbat it a . Year In fo.d spirus, anI' fatfy d- torrolnedi i lie that I I .U . eil, JiJi-uch deejHT rOHTcfl to some.. .:- -.! ft!;lv Jrl. "have moved fci theTiop, Tat ;lhe !fol , e Jef ( ctHijBJeti. tll Our exifneoce will enable us to aecarahJCrirair.- ia Main blref U' where 1 am prepared to I wartneat, (huiks l.ir past f4ors rihI tleirm fiat kind I'ruvtdeiu e nuv am 1 . do a'l kimlii or lS'ackinUli.' wprk. l!iaT,,f,"J "1" Juu jwiohcidubh iiin7 sau pro pe:ou .Hoiae-hoeihga Vpevialiy. ; ,.. , , ; DUKKLI. DAVJ8 ,,' " !ouiaburg. 2 . C Year. r Your Friend : ti -. 1 , . I w . Jr. .1 ! OF 0:1 v 01 i. i.i 1 HljiOril) ROSCNTUjtli, , -4' ' or. Fayetlevil'e and Ilarget Frrecls r". Who Da iust returned from liifetioYtW f rnnvarkvl". where he purchased the1 itrifeiit ''anUxuiUt 'fcieet aiccW thaV'-'he" ha- ever handled, atfU is now tiffIng tbannblieSPECIAI- . U i.e. SDecialBargaui OOl MrTVu.uB A HANDSOME LINE OP 0. K-Bou1 Suits at lew .M''parentVsh'oiifS see thscetuU befv-fe jclothiui: their bvys for tfie fail if anil winterr Specially designed lor I '.fintililj PflDCSaJ school weur.' -tiiiO 1 ;;:DATIPIlC8FTlRA3CjV?.' TiVctteville and Uargetj ejqetf.t,' i U.ileigl,-XiiO. mmm mm li AaAlf wuiiiwiinia w. waa mmd ICO enfrraTinffs of dlSarant braada, Brim ihav ara verth. and when tm Jt tiny tbcua. thrwctlona lor Train la a I)o!TandBreid!rjJ'ejrjpta. Mailed Ml ..'T.--i-..- .--.. . T ers, and the.paperg published, by. til .inaniUBaeuu "uvwiikjwwvub Lncwvu au U UIIM1 I II' 'it. JZ a U ftAiWJ J l thealeBt Office on short notice. Terata Trrj JrWTPPMlrilk WitW Mtvt3-oy,uvu CUl Wo oharire for examination oJWh W'VtM f -lia'n A tVAoVo tiTAio . "girnnnnMn ar drawings. Advice Dy mainree. fiawspsper of its kind r-isbe easy. write for terms to agents, on their two pa pers, the Ladies Homes Companion and tno f ARM AND Jc-JEESTDE. AQareg ftK X!fT?irkpatriok, Bpriagfleli, OkiO r . . ., I.ViLt 3.00 - . . . -.C H J .. S,?5:lslfi(ite Bom to the Gite" ia-or e :" four v.in' hrao inrention to patent writa to il 1 w . a4 ' " ,5TmkI (K?'r olbcr Popular B size of Sheet Music. Ballads, in book fcm', Sent, pot-pal(l for O JTII O f772 CENTS. S'amj tAea. -Thn send for Prnrtleal PQUI : .M 4 TRY iKKJli. !OOpac!Stlwe- i ot nearlv all kinds of fowls: del tions of tbe breods; her to eaponize: Mast for poni0 fxoaasv.miosnr kboni IrfocbawAA bb4 vtfsere t& Ewgu from bet stock nt 31 aer itUttaav Bant, tor .! Cra H so, of ail ct pi kin on Treoonetitarid btrda. far Ti4Munn4 mr.A .f i and their cura How tolmild and stock " Av Afl aAoot Parrots, Fnol ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, f SomU tlgkth Street, PkUadelphia, Pa. Its cured at home wita oat pain. Book of pai Oculars sent FI1EE. I halve fitted up a! ffl.Tav ar.w fts -baol-if Gal'? 911 O 'bit lit I -Tins 'moO 1 jmakirig VqOnei Photo's5 ea wol yfi uo (f t'.ti ha .0QriJ7iCtifI wA fc.i ; - I . r - .T w nen you are in io wrr-t-NGiKEs, boiiiEust Br give me a' call Visitors I2A0 v.v:-f .:::!-;,:; alwavs' welcome! r:aiisuiieiTilAit0i J'nnCl .7Jhfj.e fKKt; iiji ff .f.w'.iq UloljtL JvoU Jiiu;r hill! riiitn 711VSI -TATU MAKKlt & .JEWELER ,-j. i - ...... i j f.ri i t i 1 if..., ! t -!() 7 ;-'Tatci8s. 'CUcnVJentln ail - Maaasaaw . . . , .f T , ' . f . .-, ,. WE, J.I I.il-'rillUIJ-'lUEi - . .... t t v..t. ..... -!. Si Sjau I . ' : I, Cw.uUi ': IMPAIRING. A 'SrEIALlY.- f -i i ! i -i t t'.r. .: n". :t ;iiiie sold "si rs.wT.StT ' . a suiu iiistLiwii iriiai VMS a. as. a a a2 lj r"aaa. ua 111 ljv. itauaity pirfji ... . . 1 1 erii-s, Boots, Shoes JIarl- Li; . l i .XiAND. - . . i . ar -T wtfl e11 fntr.rVM ab.'aui'eteinen farm of 2WavoreeyrDr:da Uie. publHr roarj and wlUiio sir BMlesvol m arrentoa. upoa information' that our . " Ts'fM I ware. Dry Goods, fttiont. ,.r .i .'-.f ' f 1 f ctunplete as it Is possible to make itand the prices .the, LQIll T i ' a tf n f f' 1 11 lotliin. rockery; Tin ware U tkii nr.iiiia.. nr. rvnit fnnr jnnm darrll. I J 1 '. Ti ',11 ' . ''.. ... . . i I t , . it r.ak. kk . 1 AVtAiA . . '.. ff--T " & a a wvwin w vjLaui.if. j- n,, i,T'.A"Boo't4, Shty CLOTrtiso, Casiimkres, shawls, iiloaxs; c.rx-jis, . ,!HYyK) nrIVllof,iitnii. ifV) ra'htandUp-Blchel)oThclics.aUn.lSuafor Gentlemen -, . . . , , I i j vi.'i i:.-i.i l ij,i'iji..i.-o BUlLDEll and COKTRAXT0R.V I iWP-VnAJfr VV ! Looa Tr :J 7ti;itr.,j e'luHoilT EraiiKlmtoxiii'ilSrj t ,"?'ll .VUiff'od .lK3(lt $ .1hl Iiiv Pot I ttft viHwruft ,vna Uon olll'StoW'.M1 . c:i .1. TXT'd TT 1 Jr TTriTT? TvT A TVT , ,..tTt r w" I , VY s 1 A'. VJ.ValAaAJ.1 , O A viw!-'v-h.r!.-.i't.Wl '.I j , ' t, I t.f. iao t JiirfUl .-io:"- a Attention clveu.tajfbtklaanTrwrii ww bna .dv'it -..b.ii 0 t.-MZ . ... ........ . i-'-- I n . - - .... . . . . i r . O. MiAliiVENl .. . M CI I.iu l.i Tm.i MMfri'in f.'fT'iwt MACHINIST ,AJCf.iMUflTMENr lis ."311? ijfkPn uio "ill ni t itIl.'lor.l Tu .s-n..- j.niiir'L ; jl tor-uTTr.J .ci oil i'd:,! Orars For 533?iil3Uii:ri voi ;J r .otit: .v.'J t Jiii-iiU odT I 1 Mill r ' ? - ii n T! atr jryn r : If t ti I Ii 7 it' il '"'i? ftr i'ii ii;'bIiiii ii ii ii r 11 x a. 1 . i .J si i .A fi , ! inu' U 11 r I If If 1 m aw 4av aai SV a."l!T 4 rtiTntO 'l.4iiaiiai si a. ; sw w. www hivmawism pa w . to: -DEAtEIi IN o:- .1 ij I'J I l:-.'i l.i:fd. .t!i; ri.lUin..ui.'.T1i". AND- r.t i -uH ".1'"C ri fnuuiiiuiiuiiiu AFTilr. n . . t a . , I .,' -Ciftvati9. UUlAiCLUJi BU-aJtt, r. tii r-ii ..u.:. 1 t ;-, ,,,.f., ;! ,": ' :L!r. .Ii'. i 1 u .' i: Ji l :rjITOV. i i..v.t:i. : DTJlKli,d SBLECTED'GAUDEK 6ED3 i ? ..Vilo . ;ings. puuiEys on HANif . ' ,ir; r;;:.;;;!1r;: 1 ..,,.. .ij 'iKEEliU TFIESIflHSSDRUa SIJRB n: J ' l::'-: r. l-i t ; i " "i st ::' 'j I'l' ALliTUK VrAriUAUU -LATENT 21 KUIUIKJ. -at, r i tVi-i TnTT-.. !:il' .1 ' : 4- ' - . . : ' ' . , ;..!-'' v ' " - . , iH-i.i . ii n, i' ... I I Pints -Dbugs Axd .CrjEiiiCALa .fqr Preschittioxs -a Spicxai.ty b.H.l -.li .'.ljT.vJr -'-!' j-1:;VI ' jflnnn Co.. publishers of ftcieniiiuaiuwiv--,, -4i j 'ill u iiv t il w"1"" . . i I . . , . , i ri;,ui . ... - l Broadway. l?ew York. ' A 'iCi't Ul.iRlOttfrf lWUrqp.T ' -.1 " 6M-lr '1 JllUVUXZ. HD-JU a T T H CMllIU 1 ..-Ito,-, L,, rcm,!. ! I i :j 1.'. .U 1 C MaadytjiiieA tv. .WwJwb FuIw!jiriLB I tJsj .l3ll CL .Q"' T ' SIiIITIt ..-tenfiea t on Short Kotice. I JUi.(o KAivrn-l -I'-.T i . . .ii.. -j !'i ;! Ay

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