'ft H E-FRAN RLl IWIM ES. : . EJBLI3HED UVERY FRIDAY By Tiiz Times la ile oldcsruersipT It n iuitor ana Jfropnetor. creaWon xtemi ivf r Vy gee- III r'jiT .-JW i 1ms 4 ;..t! y it 'Jil J B J u t-X f . 1 wa ol Ihu , nl- .jJo!nin4 .1 1 oun tie It A T es : ' " !- r-.-. , T - T. - .... . ., " , , " AdTeilisnstLrfc!dtaVpr.cie l:r ,UtieX"car n a.nur.1 am t iter ana frdprieibr.1; .' witut alicb toward none ; ' wrrii1 CHABCTxfFOAiiL' J vtp i w pW". V-Wt a 1 .The Editor, wji no b re;oaiiblo 'or tha vieaa of correpb6dent. Brief TOmman'eatiytis 'rroi'nllae3 loni most earhflly' Wlijted. Krvi temii'of 'acy r.ata io 'wUT UTtLlnkfull r V. sill ifvM Jdir: Jrv;L.'ifii NO. ,:-5.-m : " - , , -JT S-l I r i J If II H U " r" II I w " H ' I f'i I I to I I ' r II I ; W-" H ' "'.v'i,m -'iifij t I J'liif II 1 1 r. . r, i 11 M 1 , 1 n I ; i :u J I .- ..vsVir" i 5 J -vX V - -ar i t'ipv p-ara" t v i s4J a a u Absolutely Burei E,ThrsowiereTer vTies. marvel of Lore economical than the ordinary kinds, . and eannot be Bold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold okly IX CA.S3. RotaL Bakixg Powder Co., v r ' 106 allSt.N.Y. CHUliUHES. JlBTHoDlST Kct. A. McCullen. pastor erriees every Sunday, ; m-riiing and nikt. Prayer meetingevery ednesday night. Sunday school 9 o'clock A. M. -i Baptist Her. i Davlus Cade. tor. Serviees 1st and 3rd Sunduvs inonth, ntorning And igh riyer6"et- .iShol 9 4' Jo sctssroTRfi.- Th a wi; v to v-5 Egerton, J. J. Barrow, J.5 Thomas. : j CoXSTABLK R. D. Pinneil, ' Board mceta' Friday before first Monday in each month.-- -.::.. --..X!;,hv- J.Vradar It. A Foster. F. P. Pirce. W. I vommissionebs o A. JN:isn, ch'mn., B, B. Uzzelirt oni: n .f.?uri ,7 ,oi Superior Court Clerki A w Pearee, Jlegiater of Deed B. F. Bulloci. SherifT .11 C. Kearney, i Treasurer . P.Clifton. I Saperiutemleat ot Public Instruction J. Jf. ilitrrid. :. ...,.,., v, Keener-IWr Hee J. V-PmbU. Sor'f olrUlEAtirif-tDk-J IX aFostea-.T 1 N..tajj- Hiyjheii.J :i ,MJAUD OF EDUCATION. If . Y. Guliey. Chairman, B. O. Conyers, . B. VL Masse ubarg, . . . . J. X." Hams, Secretary. . ; Tl Sapenntetiaeut will He in L,onifc- ufibar Wtbe ecWid lllufyffil'ebO' ler an-1 December, am remain tot. three da-s, if necessary, for the pnr pose of eiaininin applu-auta to teach in the public aebojl'sof Pruuklin t-oun T" 1 v O F KS S 1 ( ) N A T, VA RDS Jg B. MASSENBlJlWir ; Office la lite Court House. All baaiacas put in my hands will receive prompt attention. ; . - v. STSELLORatL AVP .jlaDl , irXMKLtJ cel. n. "T .11 attend the Courts of Kash. radki ta,Y30.$tneAVrreff, d Wake Qoun ies I also the pieme .urt oi.Nor th Carolina, and the U Circuit and DfsTRicr 3tJhrtd. lU. J. Jfi MAtONK-.,.: 1 AtTORNIJY ATA W1 5 LOUISBTJitO h. c. Vv;. Pay. p ja mcifft: : Day. Zbllic6ffer:5 aa. w. uwar - 4 - ft ' ft IT 13 .T . l . V W Wat piiaitieeielheiia thitrouiitiea of OrmnTille. Vmm KVtrJ:r. ,t - and in aU matters rejJijihlejjoil:K tention. .-... . - : We-htrm brjajptj-dmefif aT5f faith ! atteotionta trhain'ooc-'t,-' 4a.Ai. . .j kij rtit X . 5 . O CaokeVDoigSte, 4afbminil.:o. ,--'gaboD;,9o ; Atlirieiit M I Jutarj PuMic, TO THE B REV.t; T It. HA 1L1T A E OP 1 to &v f noceiUii.'Kecrfeaaou&vbf jtie Talmaire.JD. D.. tonic- ft his Riif.Wr interUil Eolkiwliig jsh to-uight: i fWlft n& W WT. iuibt extite kiva' H ' V I Iif!- O:. -ARood; h'ealthy iman at t fe w days, all u! Jri bb j widejliK Within the last -ml Jowt cUtelattdfthete liW beea 4Vart'ul accidents boys coa$tiug7 iWhole sleMghs (u $f youug people hurled agaiUst post&Dr upset, !re&c- ing , limbs or dasliug out Jives more fatalities of this j kind j thatii usual, liecause for years there ha'fe this juvenile recreation. AudjtMoiJ such events are now! eyiisideTeat0Tgg3-ou gorthfoucts with- tft.iirtrthyuof telegraphy than .1 (iiiriiiArlvr Fnf lii '. lwin. L.. v.u.v.v, wwjo cMG uvict njjpic- ppre eiaiu uiau mey used to beJ ..i - ..i . . . . 1 Biidfl ooref ti eir sports attract more and Uore consideration;" :-1 Tlie accidents of the lat few jdays lays lwy4eii de0dful, and it is detgtlial3iv;aiLour cities these sports need regulation by the a Kuthoril!e ; but they do not require sunnressiotai,! I have beeu fearful; in view of jthe. accidents, ' that such amusements would be prohibited s Oonsider)fn flyhajfti 11 jthcboyailn Abieri-' C"1 K Sled, .-whether ca who could get a sled, whether .ne1!? J.W ''W.'VJthe hard ware jslore or iwo iiicKory vviuies Dent tvick and extemporaneously . fastened, MVej been riding down hi tl, there hate beeu fewer accidents than ruighl"r TJie;re;aro jdUugers attached tfi all' recrewuonu velocipedes, , : Lieyeje?v garden swi ugs, horseback ridthg,7 in - .... . Hi : oau playing, pitching: quoits anI gymnastics. r In all these aiuiisv nieuts lives have been slain., if we fltt.iltfttilpfriin& ftIli4iaVetlHfi eftavtaclKid;, wejtwjki osUp all pleasures and ail 'activities. 1 II is Virun hints' Miio !! oii'.n') Csrw i.rf J C; daugerouTor you to eat; you might, choke. It is dangerous foryu' tb walk down the street, tor, "sliplu5 -i . ra"ge peeling, you mightAti-( jure yeur ipl .It-is daneiMi4 ti mtherTor ybu miht Inhale filial iaria. By all means let city author-; uie3 regulate coasting and steertl!it clear of telegraph poles -and J fvbtf piNf&irafivbiy nance t aauiht me outbreak oi walk up to ride down demonstrative irlee. thecl&ir Ktvifeii 1 - , P?i - 1 lV.,1 J. I .J. t ZAt 1 ..I limb imve been soiuclhing foi all I gojQdj in en : a v di voiaeni IM smite over lablfeift our healthful human nature, v,.: ,4- -4' ,55' to catfchiirSy many days the procession, of fimi uVmimd w au;1 er!twlh,f, .the tor what genuine y i would iiot, M,,diieyrrhr ri. i4..t,P tue snout r 1 wwt-5jfe" I man txkc8 his turn at'the'bat, youth are fa get muscle nnd iifeiUh flvi.,Uiil A M QVIITiifilnAa. fl 4llA ttMtlb idaTiih - riymllje twebties X and j tire thirtj a agfliie fprjfiga -and tlie I htf, skate4io fHndtrikaijio bail, fljr uo;; kite, trundle tie hoop, coast1" htlhflf: will have b6tre"ngth for the'' ' wotk r tra4NrtlTl-rtflHrfVtSrii ''' IF i-C?..t. i . M truiv.is tliat- tod many men. i that tneTvereWer teritand hvfth 1 i tynfnevMaVfi Hn'v ltuu 1irfyit luijt '(Kthepexe2fifteit4 auid balheyour gouuiUu Multiply all their, facilities I fox: epoxt fTttgjwgy, to crowd out ba4oiio6t-peoptelHhciiives-frmr i dng tberold v&mt ciVer asrain. 1 a4usertoents-is-to increase innocent amusements. ' When -your boy i. ri aeaa.-4ir(na( rovecwntwiunz irriei r lihbuia&ike MMil; vou wiif Elam&aiiatiMQIhinkinoi between men and Doys, count me cm like side of the boys, and all I d pleasures yoi gaveAiu ian wnatt.i ras he not?..,,! i-wu ir.-. T unnecessary 6"e1i-tfemlHybu ' Inflic tBrowu-yeai -and he i atudltiar vet. J ?In all the questions that comd up 'n'es'oaprC,; lie, it', lookiygrout Wr li xl 1 a j 1 . a 'I I n;i: ... . . i inev raice mn nn nnnrn tiiMirt eiona 6rhfesttir1iKht iiii?ftand witrKl -itraheacl to shW tfife 'way ari footrbehlntostje;th 1UWSVf cTve i&'a frtxf illf thli like iDojnot Irt Us stalidAOrolfiftinii tfifi' r . m mr 9 ; Aftcgj a' I) W ; thW i tlWi to weep 'and struggle arfd ?ronfut tvllf itriey fhein oe, happy, whila they may'. Lfit not iiavd lesi but more Sportful I'lTudct'U. ft lieer '.one frpih trv any ere,ncp. JL iwoajan isasnu old eirl. ; iRnmniir Us 4ut ian i bW.: spring: "August Is wflyT ilV fts eeii8; MTb sha'l l' b4 use' in our leelinjrs. There iswub ' D3C fur fwKils;eceptiu-:iiuuins aiuL oa'the? shelf."! liite0.vbuuEr, folks. Tve did fa childhood. -You thought "coasUhg' 14tLblind mau's butPi wl Kali i.,.,:.. i . ' u(i i"juik out .our lives : lor and bail playing, but our lives fot 1 - . r i . - i y 1 ,1 ithe inost prt'arty pawed ir? playlue ih.(sei.?lt ginuies, uvragaiA. AY ;Hai61oIvr a'b'lhe'hUY bVUfh Kiwi- ,U.hen go-j quickly, f .duvn.;;,;vVhatM- is atacketitluosechUdlea ruakQ. ihlhe -come i inKit ?eetus as if they Would 'letir the house; doWui ,u- Bother, be ' patieidV. the'r sensible l wife jayT Sve'oiice 'blai'd hUAtf WiiiPA I fa fr ourselves.' Sure enough the- fa tber is playing H iidw-, if he only 'knv.jLtMtb' of out time id life Ave go about blindfolded &ver mts .aVes.UryinKia catch, JtMugs , that We "1SS. wllllA IVfinlA Rtrtiifl arrnrirf eiandtter,'! ... .... "M-ouiwiinvn;u fUUiillier.i H1IU twsh .us ahead aiKiJt witcIi-j.lbe; cor ner of our ivei'brtml.ur.T Aftr Whilei; wo ,,.YfehetniuehtIyi7 clutch something w ith both hands and an lnr9 fa.p9L wort I our j capture. The blindfold . is taken fttmi " nnr vFrr"andiiin tdiriS n.r.TP?h . r unvituunii.CTi4i'ri we una wo s m;e after, all: caught t the vron :thiigiAVnat (MWl withr fhe iyoungsten?J Pa Jvou M'Ondor lio wch'ildrii mn antNtwi i tomte-ibf ts ;ba USh h SVe & ill 1 n,cftoos I . - :, , . . ,ri..' ... T i thtCa.OIl.tJl(4. liall. cr mm wl ;; fZi..,.at are to-pitch; .thei areh'tlie-' radicals. h'j .WlliW C C9niUlUFrttTilirPS.O TMa f Hot I. lit. . 1 i f liehihd catches'itHrMl u. umii ijiises ins turn; at the' bat, sees a " - V.r. --. I good I - ' . iW JVSd atrlij fifghr udd the claprngs oftli tie pnecta'iors. We , nhave chJnceat the balh Eome jbf u run: tbxjall -Ibe fount irbnks; fr?in; youth jx tnanliood". froia malii" hood! to-old hgppfromIioldngA to ucaiiivi-i ine xusi nunic we oound fvlth- uticob trotable' iirth j " cbthl rig. "but'stronger IreadcthrirAg ' to the tliird bur efep1 is1, feafilef ce'ming-tb 'the ' fob r t if our feveat Ii 'Hit I fr a1 ' o4 VM Mftiu'JiWefirow'bW fK, "dat! on, i.t a!-i f Lif' Jr,f!o-,i 2, Vi-.n i-i.Tir ,..T j 1 (hd rvlCkilr Tillnlr Af nhntfi An.l I at ; y;ri.caataan.(v Mvta, aUM.f U IHO- ieveuing, cateliera and 1 pitchers :go: iioii.io nuu ine 'lamiiys gathered and the "1abe; spread. Betterfbe dng tberold gatmef; dVer again an fcBi.jnr-, Studying' yet VI ;ith'fWh'e!re "ti'nt(agoif !i.tii.ffi .1-4 a. vara a r. i-n .a ...a. TT T .rinsit.inrv 11 nL- Tnnitnr ir trn-ta in . - . . t ! neceasarr itmaflWrB-kt 'prder to lav i welijOf purse;e,jcauxfcrop8t;Y 19:'. . : j ienoo'orwooa pne ami do1 eapeciea w. T(aji jbut'tiiex Vfr'JHitf . ! a7. reason as blv. wrm. tirrlit !uiiUunv3.nd I shrri fowla be kept together in. a benllOxlff test square, aud not in ore; tbati 35iln a J apnee 10x20.fefit, if many egg ore5 ex-. xl fWfoorf- Tnhy-rtnis'f of almoktanT . kmd.AtarouiiJ andwhile grainkiand ... i " should M fed r J auiliin V fluartilis,1 s Worhiigid riighUto ke.-ptbe IrWls" Jn tola weatherVrtk'uniore danger in feeding too little than too tiucW Tlie mwuiu? mel . ahould always be gfvefil hbtauu slignttj ieaionedS with- aaltartd pepper r or egg food, Aj good. ! morning feed fe acalded ground oats,, or corn meal aud wheat brand in eqoal I P?!! f1Boiletlf potatoes rbr . tiirhipa' should occaaiouaHy be mlied witlitlrtf ground feeti.Meat js' essehUa; twor brHhi-ee Urnes &$fei:M9m'. .yiibe .jked jau'ii; ehbpped;f!fin'eanl fed 4wiUinlhe: juorullisi meaL - Af nirrhi rwholef cniii. wlit :'iuw5iv,U.i- w v aa w utu ir feOy Kr wi luruisa iiuaierial ,iut!;malinig abcth'j"l!Jil t-uu :m-f .ii V. CJeao; and the above method of lioua. -ing-nnd feeding- befoHotredrlTmi con : fj.lei) t satj tX4Qy J-csaTt j lU Vtl tainox. Vv read of various plaha1 to force egg production1 in . whiter , and having tried many of theuv I believe ' till "wli n aL'.'. ' 1 . ' tJ! ii .-'! i rji . not orer-crowding.-.Erf Ii ThompsoiO -Dutches ouit).'y.fu,Fari4 arid r About Jjbvcrsri i a. wm w w I -.0 -V.il Very RhO ft eiigligemenls" 'do hot give' a'g.fl chance' to mSll but much about a yonnir man before ina rriiiire. Npfjidni9 UtaifiAony1fen follows so cluse upon the heels of 'an olier.i tii il ii flo WohderMUfybiliig pob pleiave a deaf of sad thlnklngl "to do afterward. There area thousand little things in daily hUercourkeo any duration which are constantly (.solving Iheinselesl kite;dests of inaiacterj allghtlhey1 may T, but '.iady inust hve".raB escort hoinebfa I cciiiujs, one wuim oiMw j vuiu evening. Bite WttllaS KiUWi ! ii mes 'JW'biUelf; uuderihi. 1' He t rask6N io read muj t.tue nouie ciroe some ttook twhiqh jlw ,Uaa j ajr6ady. perused Tin e private, or some bno in whlcli he, is watdi hitn fie Invariablv 1 1 t A i " i...f . . - I .... ijtVa ejdjfhouway enter1 Jill he or she is already seatL-d: I Invite biVe ?ir J post t. otQce, and fiud out if it ever leayca mat grave nis poctet. - Tupen; ana yrea.dids.Ciivoritejiewiipaper before beietii thance li Ud sb. ' Mislay his cigar-case'. Iiose his caneif it accidentally ou his new,be4ver. Praise another mana cniya. fliffer Put a- pooUfiir tor gravy ou Si meat instead of his potato. -Ah, jFou fbaijlauf JjjA jpst try four in these ways, and see how he .will iwear j for Ji i' hot thd great 1 things' hiw ins uiu tvuili HO 1UUUIU3 stuuibje. A.Toelr we walkarouud' k'thWntalh'we cVossf it;iSthe'uiwi iitue sticks and pe little sticks and pebbles which causa I vs. to hH oo life's JourDeyT-Fauny , item i ?iiiiJi? :"',:-:- - - -.j-v; 1 ; A ceDtlemani in-Kansas City;. Mo, called of a physician laleatnight. land ranff.f tl.&. door-hell vitlrritl Tim d;tor ituck hia head out if aux. Upper f.winuowA.aua :gruray lnierraed thviait ox that he tlidu't wjah. to be. disturbed' so late at uight, 4not even to save life. Oliahangl yow,-Jiel exclaimed ItlW ?itQr...'ltneard you had a comer lot frrr sale, and I' IIolJ on!', inter runtedt thB:.;rjhrafoini.' tirv rirht where A'ou are. 'nl'll down lir,.t k.Thre are several cauca whj pef nntia hri l-ppn frwlili lirtt ot na niany egg ia wintef aa Vex .ru2li!.,t's i Tlie most prominent reaso'us . Y-itli5 I' Hie oy giuniug auut nub icuuuii i JeedoC Oie, . proper' kind. ;;It is ;tnot , j lor hena to hare vcrv uaria .. I - not at all Interested; ..rlj w 1 l. :i rlt hei.'.r,Katlce,rarsb.,.in "'laCr'stebuid aiwaja bo'baVd ' on, sal I wr, ouuuvitmw i-uc. , wuicii noes nt take nai are for. it )mdelt A pe'r- fact; sjnimetricivl. heal Ury wmaan of uvuieeuicu incues io neignt miat comp iy with ''tbrolipibgVst'andardi iShValiottld weigh Ua" pouqda', at., the leaatf and u could atatid - up i toten pd'tjhds tnore wlthbtii injury to health or'arnlc' perleibn'.;?J'1Tl' distance between Uie.itfrV pfa hei; iLn'o middle tinged, when the arma are- extended. snofild b exaxitly! the--same 'aa" the .teigliCoi'Ien'Omea ttiS lenkiu of 'ner: iiaijw'or "aeien aaH kall .Unjes';iiie length tot harfoot, or ve: liincs tlie dUtuetT of bv cheat from bn armpit tb tftbttW.3';Tha Vnee aVbald be,exr .actjysutrWAfroia ti)e juubi'lon iol the 'WdghaiQ tue'bqUoBtol the lioel! ' 1 ' i-ThetliaUhce from the elbow to' the1 liptt the uiiddle fh.gtf abou!(F he ll.e rlpa oj1ttlbWtr'''lFrmIlooktop0 of mo iima io tnecuin,' wub. ibei Head' tKwcd rjatnfntlrr li iia tVinV tba 'letel btnhe ' 'cMu to - tKa anuplts or Jf rom the heel to the tin of tlie jarge, tbe.' ' The boat of awoimo ?! the height Oamed ahoold bo fQrtj-j LhtVA - inr.ltM .UlAalllrimlMtvnw.. ihm. 'aVmsand'thtf waiai tWeutyoii. ft 'Vft& Uit'iiirm, ahould bo from thirteen; ud m, lialfjilo ! iovaty ieee-inciiee,ititii-therirrisi six inchea. Th'aluld.Miiox Juchea mni tiie.caif gl the leg founeeiuSTAuj wo' . - j " . a 'J VJ iuau; Qif win ivng!i!i. nwaiioncd -wfiQ.hufttkNft mjeaauremenl can con- liraLuJatc liei-klf.nu LaATinir m .trtt a form as the v'rafcr Tar made. Of coUrtho proportion1 Vary r ith'tbe . a . i . . .-4 .... . . . . -i T-y ty T;' 'i '"i -r- 7. j , , . r m J. yVUTitjbictltelikMMl.' mij , io Mrl Janea.Vbodr Daavill Va., nd !". !$. Laa4 tk bllMMl bUriSer aaraW Innt. Fa tl.. v.tmnt aaa I Ii. ...a. J .1: L. . -i - i.uiu...Waun i l ! aruggui, 'ilt writes: 1 took abort toarae- .4 m .... 1 . M a ineUiuiue ' - lr. J.V. Cheuej, a well-kao'wa praeti Hll IiliYiJclitu aaf atllnvilia 'I:.- ; . . ar- ww., wavav, It will, in ' nan . iu1..in a t r.. . . "r r, ,T,'""" r l'IT.'" aiaaaaa- nier dyoenlcry, i; one viU take a few boU ties in the aprinc, b preparing tl bw- eu iu irttiua aL ftUiaiwr: , : Mr. T. JN Terry of IleU.TilJt, If, C, tuf f rtT fur niuutli frwiii a vrerc crnplion fill fill-at .i . I.Mil 4hm afMLaiaa. ..-I. . . . ra aa m ibani . A vurso of ti, Ji. aj. qoaUctljr oured him' by puritying bis blood. -"! v ,:1 XI f V1' a! il. . j : I- juiu.'-jbv rewpie,- ia a letter UtcUJIia. Yeuivaf 4, l7fi wrilM;r5in4,tw yera uk me writer vl thJa received ser atl lt ttrt lroui vu: in ahaver to aaM-via.rv Bjaed Hifroiu,iukitfya .ueifi vr """fi wmeu Kirceu iuf 4uaMe to" tli aurlace. 1 liut foilowiag' ywur advice, I nav tnea -mtUr juv ,grer ahape, and bar been fr frum the trouble uae.M 4 'Mis Charlotte lUoJow, a popular' ao trvaa euaevted vitit tii. ntaaii; ''rv.t.. ui iw Yurltvity. vbvu annoyed, fur year with, phupiea aud blptcaen in 'tae faee: auj a hv 1 had ' booialtcd proinineut lhvsitiau.'au'd uaocl (fiiWrit.L.ia..r .m. Hevdavd utedieineiwitliuat Lamnai tt-i.il tli 4 3jti.tZ remetfywaa tnaUa. happy by aaviox the aniwoiuueaa of htr tkiu reator. eu uy,tu una wi a lew paekuagea, I ViXt.Htigb lliMkerf,.-tjMHeeied with the ecxeutH. i JLOiaa aad reaacub ta faded. ui aaveu htMlAtC U.- ,ured 'aix Tha fctlowinj certificate tpeaks for itself: Oufceof 'the 1uby Goli ; GraVal' iiiain -IJI.IH ,.-.l-lC, .X."I'I j , rS20 IUn,om St. San Fra iaeo. Cat i r i '. J ....... . i . i . . . , . m M i i o 3ii.: MraUaviD for the paat .foul or 'five vearj ,bcca doubled, ytth, punpleji ras. . bJoteht oa .ny ace and. poJy3 and noUing -Ijo relief 1u aay ,of ' the 'chcnacally pe-.' pMd aoapa aud ntediehiea yrrribed far .by ph.lcbjoa, I ooncJwvlud to try your att femvdy. andjaj 'aundxreat relief ' im the saute, tour, buttle daai uig aiy akla eutrret. 1 theeraUjreco(iiuend toot, meUieine to all woo .ra-ln ihn nniaa i . UaaM bavt beo i iiYoa-eai. uaa Uiialet- ' - Aureus ItODlaaoai; Treatue on Blood and Mkia :iu...a .mailed irc. vjy" j:i a i 1 a a i ' 'V4r.-J!rw?i1 .aia.a;ia .i'-t Ji Lit J iro OC. 1 .-! lao fe Ansebne.' said Dort'theaJ "ahV .atractediy .fingered th keys; pf the .pbno, , jwhat. la. pur,.fI favorite air!f T"hn milHrtn air A lir. . U-f, a edly replied.: Jil,,ry- .v .! r ft J Ill r. ? . -1 I .- -j a , .... toy 0!i;s u.; i .ji! .'71.. V , f r.i . -Yon cannot afford fr -u :n rexpenme&ting' -when 'w our Iuog- are ibi. danger.-w..t Cortanxjpiionalvraya' BctJiua, t ursii oniy a cold.' ' - Do not permit any dealer toltv'ipose upon yon with abthe elieap . imluitiiin ot Ir. KinawJriiji;.rery' for oonaomp tion, coughs, and C9ld vbt Jr lure you get the genuinr. Because be can make moref profit he may ' tell you'' he has aomethib? ioat a 'riiSrl ': the fcarae.'? Doti't be dniyed, but io- aiBt -pon geumg- XJT, : Ung'a - Jew Dlseevery,1, which ?ia' gi xa4itee.l to 2ive relief it) all tbroatL ln'.ar I affectiohs ;J Trial boUIe fi at Clif- ton's Dreg Store. . . , , . , juirgo DClllCS fi.""" " Mr UI9t:00 Jl-3T .r! Uil'.","!,,. ,1888. lf' l7 Oi tq a-a-ia-Lltnh!'! ft . ; The present year Is the fifth rear of modern times In 'which' the ag- regate of the figures is twenty-five, tin.d there wll , bo., but , five , more years in which the com bl nation is Pbte" prior." to' the. year 25D9 . Probably fewbay'e ever, heard -of the oid prophecy' which ruVii as foU lows; , . ' .; ! ; ; Wheu the sum of tlie' tjgoxe, X-b Uenfr fire.' r ' r-- t ' 1 ' n(Soia .warhk kingdom will draw the' d rr ii I ii . . . . a TAW. la u 'lint peaceful natjona In peace ahall Btudentwr)f mMpm hlfr.ra "ilMl! readily1 recall how 'faithfully! -this1 i'iuiii:y nas . oeen luinned in the four prevloos years' to which1 it ao- piled.-'"'' ,3.: i - !'( fiMr'-j . ? Io-169 ' Rnsi)air Debmarfc "n'rid1 Poland formed the ctflilftlnn'a(rainai' 8veden WhtA'MnaogorateVl "the great Mrar that ended W the dis- astetous defeal of Ch'4rli::;V rf-it Pultowa.a Theyear iVw 1 wiirJbe uicujurttuie on HCCOUHI Ot tnft hrMV. insr out of t be Frencii rfvoInt IrwiiV '; 1798-wnneeseth the campaign of uuooapane in Jgypt and the fur- TOiron; oi j me iee;oticI : EuVtpean Jt, v altll 9 a - wiwiuoB againsi jfe rarKei.ij.s U1"1 979 war j broo. out(. between England and Asathaniatah. foll.iM.nari by the Invasion of the latter' couo- iry Dy lirujBrt. troops? :.Io What:mann tiiabrMrTn ia ,n r.889r. remains -yef 16 be seen, but; the preseut, condW II. in .if I'lianKkV 'a a a ""'wj'e neeuia IU promtSOU . ebChdaiit ruJfllliuen oXth;rropl ccy , 'I' 01 a. WVU4'V4JA1AU U1TLPIJJU3. 1 QriTT71a ri . ........ . . . . . i t la. JiaUVUridara Jalliniir Tan fVinn. J mil.. -JiT uUUuLT. 1 T.a illlfl' Have Used'EIecniiUnUra with raoit happy: lesQlia: Mv !rrt'iia.i at.n .rfrJ: iPW.wiu malarial lever and Jun- a i . . ".- nico, dui waa enred by timely nae of aaaw uiuiwais, AMI VHiiSUeU XAvCUlO Blltera aavtd his lifo.- - :- ; -i i - Mr D.. X. WlltOXHon. of f Tona I ,aa ivy aavJ$ a iixt; teatimouy,aying: lie poauiyejy beiicTcs he would ; have died, had it not been for.Uechie UK wrr. , : .-' . Thia srreat reined? will warilnir- Aa , w ell as cure all malarial Ueues, and lor all laldner. Uver and ntnm.irli order a staiida uhqualed. Price iOc av a W !Ba . ..It-.. auq ai. at wiiitOQ a.- In Vino J Verttia. -Two men. .who 1 had taken 'more than' waa good for weiu, were-apenaing an hour over a tocfcil clats. "SrniUi. bid 'nian.' Ja?d one to lhebther;fmplngham by the hand ahF shaking 1 it -warmlr. Tve known you for1 the last twenty yearv aod we have been very good friends but I've never "liked toil." ,: 1 ' . ( v.L'i u ' j ' ",l '"oa Eljxtio, 'AiaAi Oct20,l18S6; ,; s ; ,Bcbe8tex, pa., jar , &r. Iaa lebmaryl.receiTtd from you a toi- jM or yourAnudoto Joe malaria, -aud gare it to(i yonng l idy . attending aciwoi -uere, out wio had not bee i .wellfenoorh to rf fiir vm 'ka and was a ode broken: do r& !n bf Mifta. In a few; days alter; taking the, medi- muo uo was oatK m achool .. agxua aod'haa hot loaf a 'rliv flm antlrn nm meivi I think U U the 'best ' ntedleite a . ""fn r. v.m 4 I. I ijiii .rr:" 'j"' i .irr ' 'TaUe! WrinseiTlierh'i!.n 'at I 8unday acbool Vot1 loivf amcel bin a bearing Talse , witiiesa again tt one's ineighbvr. meant, a pe'r littl "girl -re? plied: It ia when nobody baint -dbue nothing, and somebody goes and tells. .Li... ' ' ' '' -v "a- . 1 . i i I ;Wij;jfjj)rL,fi;:g 1 'I vriiuiiF . - - v jan WWfn-TCojca, 1m tp4aK. fnorm la aavma0M mmf o Oom-A imp t aoVd c.r u jum tJtnd I C ar4r.i4. ' fCrw- -x,rta 1 iaJaaaor. Md. ly. 4. A. 1 SALVATlOnoiL,' La aa. ( yetat Car aa KarVa. tf IMa," ill relieve more fjalckry Vc ther known remedy. Kf--. ienralgia, Sweliings.F- ;catda,Cnta,LomK ' lte, Dackacb- .otLacha, T i MS a a Li. lit ii . -X 1 Wh iaUthatidie iatowdanU in telephone rvfOcea arealtomcftl, Hfr. Brown aaaed ber-.haabnod:i .ftXel1,,f answered Ur.UnjTrn, Vt-'nj nvvia ef of tlie eIepbone:Sk'e..jTret awaia Uiatao cUm- of. attcfidAnta iwork falthXully as thote. who .are ; 1 e with thetr.laber; and iliey lxw that .wOaTaeawoqid le 604 efUiQ work in icirpnoue oiajces 'j,., r.w hat n la tha work-' Io' si teJephoile. 'otaos?? Mr.. Brown aurtfier in(juUe;l. ".Talk'nr.", ynsweredArrlEryii'a !4 Jlaecouvcr- mwoo came 10 an end. GIVE THE31 A C ITAifCE ! .J ; v.-vi!,.-! ; iThalla Ia ilr rr Infl 'I .11 your, Lreathiog., injicbinerj. V-rr wonderful oaihipeij. il.ia. ,Xotou!r Che lircer air c:iaa 1 aiidaotlitUt tubes aitidi'avtUek Ix.l- Wben tUcta arackfd a-idrlfki l with mailer whirl. tbir,'yr liTOga cn'notbiri ti e r work.". And what lhv Anlt .1 Call U cold rer9P,v pJieriQ'l ia. r a. . tarrli. consnmpUou or anHtfiV-eJAra ITy of throat and n. VfnJ'lefd ,! iuug owirucuons.'.'iirnre bdi AM ftnglit ,to be o rid of. 1 Thenria Jut oue nay M get ridofc, there... .Tlwt la to tike llosclee'a .Geriuan brnits -arhtoh any droggfatViU ai-U'yoii at Tf ConWa bottle1 0h If evwytldu baa faila.! run r v,a . .i a tipOat ,thia for certain. ' . . . ! l .;. f " k .fMolrrt Twydnn hra;aDd atf Irftli gc-?- ti.Tiani irere Jcoanraitnr ou iif. when ppe.oibem ptitl thettonia'rlcaMifi: a uil f 1. . a . .....a.. t-i nv.w us eo3xra-Uiifrt(:iD tl.l-r, J-fSi.reTrlUi-2fe gal ffmftwui.bolll lookyoun,:- Lax.-uIoi is ui e great lUmch rcma- ji correcitng ll'or Ilia rrcrirat protxsacs of. UiiaMmpVitUnlurg4n. Wold by all ggiafr Vfifulr 2 cctija. - .- . . The fliatrpaany atlmatttn f ..t. ehUdhbod areptoniptly rtlievM an I uiia Hy me saa orxrr; lidU i 130 Syrup, price 2i ceota. . j . f :lon ' VtlTcn Joues came In the' fom cn PfCtedlj,! Mrs.'tjoriee gave a treai:i kod1 exctiifmcd:1 Ybu frigld'cneil iu? halftbdeam.'-Dyir .Waa. the if -feeling reply 'apiiosel try h ovi . agiln." '' "'r' -"t - The opinion of the people la tint Dr, Buli'e Cough .Syrup it, tlie b-M and.cbeapcat . remedy v ftr k 0og!., cold, ora throat, aatJuna,ttcJ i - T!,llr,aJi, . ad purify .og jnali IW of toUhUomOil rep A r ittLe beat a -tide for the a pacdy and salaij cure ulcerated sores, IPrice only cent. :n.. t .'u y' 'Prominent'. CJrtyiDen, Phjskiaii. andidlaaeacitixp0 unani hiouslf' In the endorsement i( , ddra tiod Oil; the great c hoj Vbeuuu tiam.'.I iliii Ij.m.'viJ iu:j.l - ft tit .;w??. ("tjyp rom" chveh, to Ur hosband who had atayci) atj, bma'V .oodumid. iY:lOj:M 7ie' aermou, t$A ?OT?r-?y-'.4e' 1 don't koowVhcn anything .ha made such a'profrtund bntireaaieo upon -ar. I Uilnk it wiU 'mkke a J better Wi-man Ofmejts Wngaa J jita.' -Olosband. -Did you walk hotneT-jyife,- 'So. I took a street car; and do jo'u know 'Jotio, the conductor oeVer asked m Xectny face, ami so.l aa.ved Ere cenb ,)Vm:1 JuskyT., i.L.wJ.lll J 1 1 a -inn VtV7. f) il 31 rl i' 1 Vp,V few wka CO I CQr.'.trt . m j-aeir . tne 'Champion tyi; tic, trS ;;. America r,Inrfiiac..tha lreara.tbst i ,,hve beea afSlcted I have, tried. ' 1 almost errerytlim&r claimed txr t-e a v l"?10 Tav IrTtrai tn. Urn Hap ofT r.ndlaa: aomethln that would atTbrd. .- pemnuMtn velloC 'I had a&or nade , ,til lay mini to , abandon 'aU jnedl -cin when I noticed an eoojrnect-." .. ofiStmaaoaia Lfrrow' Jtej-alauar by . prvraineat Owr,'Un. a. Jurist wbot "J1 kuew. and iccnckl3ed-t5 ti-y it , e7ootaln my caaevi Z.haia .natd tut. two boctiev and arn aatwned that 11 l bavw rtratk the fisht thlnir r Laat.- iiai eeneocui errecta Jcocrt tr medlatety. Unlike alt. other ru: i.tlona.'o a almUuf kind. Tf- . In reaction are ntqulrr. -1 ca aiUl or ahall n " t ; alojaa, cat;b ta trouX with T 1 i tha It or 1)1. tva 'yitytia. taa .... .SLirHlRIGULATOR: niciNuiNtimn'u tT! J. . ZUUX & CO., Mlad$!chia -4 f r .