4 7 .5r tnti'r" t.vnT:U'''.' :rnT5r7TrT'i Titr V announcement that the f ' ijI f Standard Oil monopoly luvs av .7. ' 7 - . , I --t-i VtfESA"7THOif AS, Edltof rropT sThe pricdrd Times gives some per- .THE JUNKETS , Ootton. ' VBiDAYv!kFKBRUAWir - 1888 : Jrfe-r.r t """-a r ,"" -Cifa .THIS Ar 'ne?orah'toii -Star well Bays, anyMilgjiit Jfworttf alotmt Ht all '"? in worth doing . right; A ' half jt all? A niR that claims jta l)?Bil iDeni-. ocrax ana . nau iepuoiica.n is r&irrATtbpf oftrtvA As neither one .cau $r$ flajcaad: '.- .v 'showyoralorsir ft lov, inajiff onls!de br the otneri tW? . (iot&tt tftatHhep : . r. has raote' at stake in the'5 cluing ft- ' election than ithas had for years.t 1 ' , : It comes before the people for ? ap u.:'i urdval or Wlection of " its ! acts (for length gained control of the turpen j .iiueut and timely advice on the sub-, tine 'trade in "the "Boolfi UnoTen jeci: of! giving .mortgages winch it: . Wherever me ssianuaru j wouia De weu. to teau uuu ; ppuuer; couraging Monopoly is in .control the Jnhabt tants work for a bare living, hand ing the profits over perforce to their ;maRters;":;;;'i;T'""r- -fT. --rrT Benio- JiKoVT thata'nblhei 'State ci atic Convention , isMo be held nearl v, : every ! town in the State wants it to" meet In, its .borders, And whaVa the use of all the talk about the gret conveniences of this and -that place, v wlnt V eVery-btoiykupwsjthat t will nieet At JUIeigh, where it ought , 'MoRfi pbWer 'to Hhe' stodt knee t Jol n t s of Congress m att jTh p ni n-vo f '"' the past four yeawr ', llttlrkofiil w wKuthpr Ar nnt. thnv l i;.:n. 'liil-lU.. 'it'J'-l..t bbyist .could - be . le" abdBe whether or not they i byfit Wto had alpew are worthy W DPirusiea rT f 1 it eacli rascally lob Inducted intooffice he found a hoard of unnecessary office-holdew, draw?. : ingldg salaries ftromUncle Sam's crib, with coiiaparativcily nothing to Aii3SS 3,lUsfjcrowii yas soon dispateh- ed without remony tt s then 2?.f, litieged lhat jthev3 diferent depirV - v racnts of ihe government could Jint; ! . Wirun if their heads were changed;" but U jaa been proven thai this apf prehension was all .;. unfounded, as tte.djffiBreqt departments aTe mov , itiiti ft UEio'tfit a particiefoE tTictlon. - i fspriVwfe heai of hof great 'steals, 3 , ?R Anaf rujiq vgjaso , iximuion pe- '' ' fore the - present administration. . ; - came'in powerl ! But the great eyer. L j sore that w now troubling the jpeo- " T ' pie,' Is that Inheritance that was left on the party j-shands by the llepub ; lican party tire internal ! revenue system. BUt weishould feel great . ,r, j.ful to our party leaders, ' especially ; our membew In Congtess, for 'their : . . 3 HijsCncefj . ist thipy have never jrek- - -l r' -dayVnor; night in trying'to ;have this lawi modified or entirely re2 pealed; and itis with' great ; pleas ure: that We' record : the fact, I that their efforts have not been ituhless, . ' ' and we believe " the assertion well '. founded., whenwe - state to our readers pat tfteymayV coufideiitly r look iorward to"the repeal or inod-' ' l, i$ca!tipnof this odious law And if vi,-!! it is done, Haven't ' the partyj t'ao complished What they told the peo ple they would do, and. haven't they given them, reasons. . to 'trust them? Wentfhd that they have. The 'Republican party in this State is trying to heal all their dlf. ferences anil make a united effort to capture the State; but this should flreqginen ie iatin oi every man fhatca11sHiimseir-a Demdcratj and af every;one?will put his shoulder to the wheel the ' old ' Democratic1 wagon ; will movo right1 straight along "and the majority will be lar ger than ever before. , ? AND iunIIy.clc''y : some muscular Iteprescntative every i day or - the .Week the Congressional f conscience and the public treasury would both res more securely ir?x. over- . It says: An oxamiuation of ? the register's books of thlslcounty rlll slow - hat there are a grcia many chattel mortar uasTcs a- d muViv uiorigage cjveriosr juix tai tas and homes loi ' Lhe I tarirfera - A farther examination will show that, though last year was a "fair average cro4 year, ver j JeW of l?esc "mor(ga gJ, especially: the reatyeslatj- mort jsa'ef, h ive been cancelled. A ; siill fjilbcr examioatlon will elio that ctiiny 'luoitifjigea haVe been receniiy made It ill be a .deplora ble tate of afiairs for lhe .farming. J tbo couulry to b shiiigli d over with mortgage s , it w.ir destroy tne; mae- , coUhected by F. N. Eqerton. s ; 'Middling j . . T ' ,i : it: , Vrodiico By tHENSHAW, Hicks a Aixen. j The prices of country produce oaru ed are briusutg the following prices in Loutsburg this week: . ...Butter2025ccuts per lb; .Cliick ens, 15 to 20 ; Eggs, 12J ; Potatoes, sweet 35 . to 40 cents ; .Irish 60; pea 60 to 75; The following is thu retail price of the articles named: : : ' : - ------- T Meat 9 to 10; Lard 8i to 10 jFlur 8.50-to tiOOper bbl; Sugar, gnmolatcd 8: lotlier. erades lower; , iltal 75 to 80; potalaloc8,iweet35 to 40; Irs h CO; Sdt $1.50 per 8ack.'v:H : ' . .T S f :i Pool Itooiiv' -. ) . t---. -.if. - ;T ;)"' 4Our Pool Room is well lighted and perfect order is kept at all times. A Bargain. The best business itand In town for talc; 1" Apply lo this dee. .IfOTIUE. mortgage.;. X, moi tgae of 500 meSn pleasant place at which to ipcrid; a a bale of cott.n to pay tiW ' iuWre.t. short tune. ' ' ' , ' . i'-x 1. . ' . c 7 . 1 ; ,TWO PRESIDE ' I j'itt:. hlilis; - vt'-j-i i.iwi. C-17'-1 t . The tax ira posed on goods enhan ces byt sq muchUtheyriceaof the commodity to'tho consumer,! and,f s many of these duU;la.re ia posed .on artles of .necessity, which arexlaily .Oi.hyhA'fnrt.-bblljr.of;, the.jpeople, Jhe,iapuey j raised;. by Uiese imports Is: drawnirora ('their. pockets, Jackson's , -Farewell Ad- J dress. , m- . ulunt ttiy.n u ti-. So stnbborniy hhallefforls to' reform the; present conditian been resisted by those of our fellow! cltl sens tha engaged : that 'theyj can hardly TOmplainybftbe5 entprtaVned toacertainrextenrl that1 mere exists.an orgamzea combina tion all along the" line to1 maintain -their ad vaiiUgePresident:.ciev Vwith'niaiiy making a mortgage; Is on ly postponing tlw evil thy. - ult! often huppens-tiiatlhe moitgagor will work, ,fjir seyeval years,5 aud ull ;aarpln lias to go tu pity the in ten at. 1 tie is Binipty Workins tor hia creditor; vHe gives up in despair, and hia -hoine is advertised for t.ale. Jit . i :daiigeroia ito ,ajake a moitgtgrt. vjf; a teriisii money roatters should conic m iuy .f the farms will bf fcofd." TourtauiilieH will be housi less alid "homtless. . ;lf yoa are iu dbt Jon had better c) a iart of yuor land th .a encumbtr italU bon't make a mortgage if it i toosi- ble to avoid it.' Let it be; th laai rv art to save hjuor aud integrity; ? . If 'A.'y?' l:7.:'"l ti't U. Waitt Su; Cd. By virtue of the poer contained In a mortgage d. ed execuUnl - to me by Lee Taut, on the 14th d-iy ef -January l885,;Dtl rec orded in bok 67, le 3, in the ltegitir of deeda olSi-e of Franklin eountyv I vill sill on Mon day the 5th day of March IS68, at the court Jhoasd. Hoor in the town of Lonisburg, at irfiblio hu tion for cah, all tl.e inWrHSt that the aid Taut haa in 20 acre of land, described 1n s.i id morign;e,'f.djiiuinz tlio !ands of John Alfoid, Sr., DariaTant and oth ers: i i'i' li ' ' I ... i : . f . . Ciias. G. MoMas awat Jao. 31A18X3.; (;Mprtagea.v IVOTICE OF SALE r in Tn u- I I li I I Hlit t . wi ij 1 1 nil yvii mmi n I We want to bay In the next SO day 50,000 lbs' Scrap Cast IrorOOO bushels; Corn, 100 bushels-Black Peas, 500 split botcom Chairs. 3;iT GT i -AVtf aldO wnt to SELL AT OXCETN $l;6'0'0 wortlibf the geniiine' W. B. Dunn & Co Plow" and- Cafitine-s 1 0F: 250bbls family -Flour at $4.60bbl. N OT M R. Tlivlnj? this day balif ed M Adtnln'atra tor on , t lie - estate of .l!&rthi (ionoedire dee'd , all ptrsona indel ted t the estate I pase 2T1 ot Kegi tcr ox. nereis : o ay I id Franklin County, I Will at pub- SidY. Young on lhe )4th d.iy rf -Or- loler 1887, aud recorded u txok 5. uioo are renoesteu to mike immediate par roent, and .all persona holJin t claim against the estate, mast present thepf for ""payment on or before lec. 20, 1883,' r this 110ti.ee will be pleaded ia bar of tbelr recoverv... v. . ... . . ,. v-?,fi ' Dec 20. 1 887 1 J. B.' BowD CS. i iBB.- MatMobnrg,' Att'y. 1 Adm'r. Vk aucsi.-it at the Coarc. , Ilou-e dor TRANKLINTON, N. a you do make-iti itwid coat via .many fVrtT.w rTnrrn X" aalecpiesauignt. ; ray yoi r, debts . by t yaxuiiyj, , jjj.ytjijii&, ilu TMAitl I , . - T VALUABLE L iN nv v.rLiin ni i in miifpr iruiuoicu i i i oaimbyadeeilofinisieiecuUd J,j : TljOira. V.-.TimW., ' . JinCl -WA CT Hll TVaOO Chains and when you waiit Hame Stringi3f Bridie Bits, Plow Lines. VSSa&n -L"aP -"ana longs, warrantel 't-aiiklia ConniT aet niAit to mil trua . .... . .. V ' r ' -v . V fr rarmirtc vorrKrta, Just come to e us and we will give yoa the low est prices you ever had. TVMiecirully, . . V CItEXSUAW, UIOKS A ALLE. ' - - ''! 1 ; ('.. 4 a.Imeaua after, you have inade thciu, bU:, deny .y.nraelr, sell sometumg. part of the land if'neod 1k '".Maice. a -'mottla!?ef vottr-hoihe" otiivi from. aoeer necessity, t a i j 'A ..," I" ifas .i it ! j .. -uucen;abica 3 ALVZ. " . ,lTJie bestaalveriUie world fof cuta, bTuBses," 8Qresnlcerv salt tbeOln,:', fe WZNJZS, CIGAIiSl ja trill give especial attention to prdera A nice POOL TABLE U eooaected with tb BAR.'- ' ; : ! , X I -Ryu SLOW GAINS ON THKFAMf: T'hc..ch4racteristio: feature qf..oor. ageiahd tianas-iaan- -inordinate long ing to Income rich to be .accounted not comfortably circunistaoced in the World aud beyond'; tlie probability of dependeiiea or want, bat lucky and fortunate iu possessing a million,' Or some hundreds of thousands' approxi- luiiin iu iu ; Ann one , caiaioiroas coosequenoe of this longing is a wjdb eprtad and rapidly increasing; con-1 tempt for the slower Ways -of acquir ing a- nnanotal competence which pre vailed among our grandfathers. i Littloby- !ittle: andSlow -and sure' are maiims whi;h Tiate not fho actuatiog an.d , go verntng ; torce they used to have rith,the rhaasea. s , . Jn .these days the c pursuit of the coveted goal must be a. tedious' one. It must not be K laborious one . It must not lie through hard knocka,nor persistent patito I end-avor.. ...,'Quick and eaiy"! 13 the maxim . now. i But ver fcoreav tetter. dianpdhaudi chil Mains,1 coms; and all akin eruptiuus, -and potijftly, cares pil or..n jay r lujred. , Il ia,, guaranteed, to! piviV J p rf ec aauaraclion, or money rerunct- cct. wrnce ' cents - per ' dox. alebytT a?Clftoii vw.iXu. !ATh..ra are good dogs certainly; but there are Otraiuly a vast number . of the other kiudv - It is the1 latter - class t6ldcta cofreVpon dent of the ! New ! York Tribune, refers.; Jle says and NOTICE. Uy virtue of a decree made by the bu pcrior court' of Prankhn County 'on tha 17th day of Jan. 1883, in a Va'uae entitled ':In Jlo W.T. Sianback.' Eliza le otol Yowo3 in the divUioa of the land t-t Maclin . Young 'deceased, coijlnin.ng8ll a. res, n Joining' t!.e laud- t K. U. WUl-ania U al. 2nd the intt-rel of Ihcs.id 3d Y.- Yimng In ho dower of Harriet Young -itua-. ted in Fraemaus Town hip.' e-'ntainiu 143 .ncrea ndioiuing ti 1 .nla of ;YC. rowfcll t.aK, . All if U sU Tenable properly and pftiea d airing. , to pur chase laud will do Vfll to" atieud th ' SiileJ : i .y: . f ; ,'' Any other - information regaidin the .,,ale, will be cberfu ly given. Terms of sale: cisu. . ? ' " ' t f ' A - ;!,s.r ! ii ! i 'i Ti-nat4MV' 1 .1 r-i 1 ! -1. 1 -i ? ' 4 .tir 4 1 NOTICE. ,,u For WUliams Ella.WillL,in aud Helen Pat- ... , . r. .,. . .. .. - . v. j , . i aGVVt ByTirtneof a decree fV:,. Superior i l U sell land, we will sell at the Curt Court of FrahHin county made at Jur. of J. ""Ml NEW:FIRM!':NBWGGODS"l .i. i i f: is hbuse door in liouisbur On the 5th day of March IX;8, iImj ,trct of land .in -term 1889 in the aae J. Paris 'Aduir.'- i i.f. ;,1 Sandy (,'rcek .Township, known a the Williams tiacw ndjoining the lands'; of TV. A. Person;' Benjamin ' Harris and era. we suail sen in ine iown oi rnuiK.nn- his Qgures seem higli, but f he 1 proba- I bly knows: i!LThere-was once a ie. ..1- . : .L ' .... ' pie rihce annuallr. iAVliat a noi-Ia : ere tore must be this cUf dog !1 Thesa 40,(K0,- 000 sheep wp'u' ;d n ppj j. lha v w ool . wc Txajr aHd-rtVaylditlon to tlrat ifrom the sheup which the cur do-rj kindlr spare us, would leare a good deal to sell abroa l. What doei our doz cost? i orty.milliun sheep( ouid proCuce 550,1 Oi.UOU wortn or wool and ,850,- bOOiOOO of lambsrTho cur dog, then t costs us m Una way alone $100,000,000 jenrly, besides his food and the fowls and the eug lie destroys, and th in valuable lives which vie lost !y rea- son o( bta bite and lue dreadful hy drophobia. We lanyh to . acorn "the am ient people who avritleed to the neither harmless iior -na'cefc-ary cat, bat we ourselves worahip the 'savage tta on SlarlaT th 3rd day of March at public auction to the highest bid Jer fgr, I on louriQ oi tne price w. rmane on crvdit of tea moalns with- 8 per eeat. i trrcat from date thaTaluabU tract of land on -which the late Dr. W. VT.Green renidcd; Irinx aeartha town ot; ntnkliutonr ad- -J . ... . . n . - i.v mm IV' .4 L . i- : it -i.il j j '; l-iu 'J rt1 J.I; Others, containing 54 ' acres inore.., or less. Terms: One halt cash, balance in six montlis. . .,..,tv -j-, , ' ; . U, li. - Massenburo 1 . . jj v , w. .ifc. .i'. . . ii .! a, ' ..." . ' acre. iwia iu.umimuiQrin-.iirr "'n'w "uo-rii Mvn., wo .v- l nntin riinUS RKI1iV:I net and prcacnt-. a ntre opnortaaay to itice to tbexur dog 40,000,000 ineep I , 7 , ... , . T i-T - I tho.e deifrii -t -.TI P U of i IN'.FATOir? It i because their irerlU and advanta better known.wej gfes- are hccnniuj;' uart Mld th : ALIi EIGHT COOKSTOVE' WHICH - t - PROTECTS , , . r ; v4 WHICH . ROBS? j ,,'! i ;if.n The value of raw material; either irt itsxrude state or paitlyV. mauu- factnrtdnrought into jlhis country for the jrended June tjie 30;;1887i :pt waS$2S9;32j,ljr7.0rt: hese Jin y porta a duty was collected oi $107, M :, 95&,782. The duty 6n: raw: and: pearly raw materiaU is to the 1 ex- 4- tent collected an embarrassmept and 'iiyW.YprohiWtlri.iQ and wdrkingtneQ of America "It ; prevents Americans fftom . ' 'n the goods we need, and "gives work :,s - to competitors not. so handicaped. . -Instead of hpllpiagAraericaiis, iten- -fvViapoai oat-: lactones v - nientlto" the. mills of' England, .France and Germany. Just as the i ; tariff has taxed the American - flag j ; out of existence on ships engaged In Foreign trade, so : is it taxing j , American woolen factories. j f W ihcdlfferejtce" between 1 taxed -5-' qu'ck and eay are not terms Which ;tln?el! ntf"S' d"g : an( !Sc6 .,iour' I tihtftp to itabldod-ihirstincfalrr ( i; 1 far as rhonev -matin" in -fV-no, rnm,i 1 Through it. wealth Li nrfthl Aati' I The Bet; Geo.ir: Tlia er of Boor- r-;i. . , - ; . . I bou, Ind., aayt : vB'ith myself and jior eaaily. gotten, and, the sooner ev-' I !r-wnr liv to shilfd.' i nn- L ery farmer at the i outirt reconciles I .umntion core J j - Sold at Farmin'a nmi8eit to this conclusion the better for him all thongh' I his i cat ee r and the sooner also, that he learns to lee nd tHumpli ;alvehe pejky 'ridiculfCj oracias or people around; himj who thiuk no business is respectable but that winch they arr ' pleased ' tq ;call genlecTk Com pirehended by this hack- n ved' word IfRenteel'f is a creat amoant of faz ness'false1 pritlo ami greed. ..The applicant for genteel Vi ork, For 'eight nn nyrar .(18). ,' Always gives MiiUraoiion t We have sold v - Arverells Chemical MIXED PAIKTS For eighteca years, -Th beat paints lo' (lie world, we nave Mold .,, . t.,; . ' ( '' 1 ' ' PRATT'S ASTRAL For eighteca Years. Safest laad best oil ever nold. Absolute! V aafe. . joinina tho lands of II. C. Kearney, II. II. is and other, and containing 1,8.13 esirmtt hooi'cs in a good acd ; rrfio- ed eommiiBitr. ''t . ! -": - ' -. , r i ,C M- COOKB Jt ) ' ., V !' ' . JComra. -. Admlnistrattirs'Notic-., . ' IlaTinjr o,alificd as adminlnlmtorof W. Tt, CarlixKi deceased, late of Franklin eonnty, N. i this U to nolifj all persons liavtug claims against the . said de ceased to exhibit them to the nndersignvd on or befor Fehy 3rd lbD, ft this ttorie will be plead as a 1m r , their reearerr. 'All persons Indebted to ike estate Will make Jntmcdiat annt or theY will find their accounts in processor collection DT law. b. V.TlHBULoKK. . Feby. 5rd.l8SS.i.;, ,i: ;i .;Adnir. -. :. 1 J :: I I li. i I .1.' -!.Vl r'. 1 S The undersigned beg leave lo . an norm ce tliat- they nay -opVa-j J at Uio ' brick store of Geo, W, Ford, a fall line .':.. s . : .1! - .. , .:. of IfGENERALMcBDiSEt) -j . 5- WbiJBiid' latlTiides fairly-rep rSfite tariff question. ; .; with. free : hides ; the ..leather manufacturers have all f the ' American market and ten : millions ; .of dollars of a foreign market, which w w .,'KiVQ. the leather-workers r nlent v r v.r- ..u., ... . ,. . : " . - J "j-V frji i.nay9, i acompetition; of . v A aiearjy.fifty millions of :. dollars 4n :-"5f'itheir home market and have but a ; :; ; ,"; Iialf inilliou of ; dollars . of' foreign .market.-'' ': s .There is not a thoughtful "man in cne unuiHi states who cannot .ds- rfclrhlch plan protects and whicii i V-;?? Ameriamworkmenu The.be- r tion of S1Q7,950,73? upon raw and . ijartially raw matcrlalp." If'thaF li! itaiiiQuld4a.Tovld th"e.:work- . '..in? people ot the United States. -. .wouia De, as iney, ueserve -to bo. tho freest in th Avorld.' Fhiladel or rather employmeu, a term jmore eongeu lal "tqr hlaT JTasffili o us 4as te i ;'. is not prospering 1 lor apytQingthat re4 quires a .'homely ; garbVvVnytbingi that wui stars perfpintiion,, tnat .wji sou the hands or require muc ii exertion to aVeiire it livtdlhood:. 3$lega'nt leisuro ia what he is looking tor, or a light business that will confer ' dignity j and give plenty of pay; and ,tha conse- nuance of this misguided aim is, fnat J our? cities are; cnwded-fwiUi elegant loaicrs and. lounger s waiting lor soma- : thing to turn up in their genteel line. ;T VThis false standard, of reSpectabili- ly, indicated by the word senteel de grades manhoodi Sol many 1 id the world are ashamed of what should be considered their tme glory. It is not hs that does the Uaatforthemos mney who can wear the beat clothes while at' his. vocation whose-business! in vottss the least display; qi.irenu on: effort, who U most respected by sensi ble people it?;'ary Vxthbnt'-rcal j la-; bor is a; disgrace. - The rehneniaut that Bhiinks f loui manual labbr, and Prefers 'to its meabsl'-dawdlins, ia - a fham," a .d should nt have social iree- jdiiaJtecord. rlmi? Blore. '--' " " ' 1 'Afe you4 made aaierab'.ei :by iindi- geation, conatipalion," dizzineaa, loan . .n.tita TallaW' bis In .-.-, KKI1.I.'U i ... I vitalize!". a jiosxtire cure.v Sold at; Vur man's drug store; ''.;; Vi f 5 ' "Why will ybii cotighl wT e t ' Shlloh'a cere will give immediate relief, price 10 ets., 50 cts., and $1. ' . ; - " ShltohV catarrh1 remedy a psl- tiviTCnra for- catarrh, diith -ria. and canker mout'ii Bold at Formau's drug stora, . .. : .:; i ' Hackmetack.' a laetins and fra grant perlume, Prioe 25 and 50 ctv 'H1BDAHE-0F-'E7ERT"; D ESG RIPIT i b iv-) Snsh,' doors 1 and' Blinds, Bobber a;nd leather Belling, Lime;' Plaster,'. Cement, and . tea thousand 1 other tninsrs. .' ,,. . , , - ;i.- . JULIUS LEWIS & Gnu' s ;j u:'ni OpiHislte Market Uouse, FayotvilkfiU ' ' Ui - RaleigW N. C I..-.- aoid at Furmau'a drug store a . j 'l . . . i .... j Bhiloh's cure will iumediataly rr-4 ' ' . 1 :V ... . . lieve crmip'whopin?5- cough, i ah 4 l JVu Ji " ji-il-Lijr fjf,tl" t , " broncnitl?. . Said' at Jfurmau a 'drugilrii t t i pui .' ;i;ni f V' vV.. i;W.fi!"'. J,j V VTID nff I r:aTl" ' For dyspepsia and liver ' corri plaint , JL.VJ! U IkSIJ ,U 1. W ENTERPRISE 1 J i r NOTICE. Br virtue of an - execution In "my banda in favor of J S Wynne Guard Itn of Mary A Morehrad va WK Da Ala, IJ M Ilolden and oth.-i, 'l shall ell at tfir Court House door fn Louia burc N. C. on . Monday tha lb of Fein nary 1883. all ih inltrerL rihl, and title that B M Ho!drn haivio md. to the following land to-w'n. 51 J ncrc-a ort U'chland Ciovk in Frvfrtnan town-' hitw Franklin Count v, adidning tint nnestead of li M Holden. Mm M J 1 1 olden, Mra.I)ra 'Sirirklatid and thira to aiify aakl exrcntlonl Jayi. 5, 88 : II. CKaunxKrlierirr Loulaburir, N. C. . ..;.'. Frantlin C ... . .... . Admin Istriitor's Notice. Having this d y qnalified as Administra tor on tha estat ot Henry ltakcr Jr., no .tica Is hereby: given to all' parties holding claims ngniast aaid estate to pre sent the same to uc tor parinent br Janu ary 6. 1883, or this notiea will be jileaJcd in bar of their recoTcrr.; . All person ow ing the said estate will come forward and make payment of same. . - ; -' L. U. PiitLurs, Adm'r. . , F.B. Bpralll, Atry, 1 ' " ..t, , ..' ; r.t. - ".: . ; . ' t f ,U which will l offered to customers at the very lowest profits that were ere r known In tlila sccti-o. There ia no ueh thmg as beU-g unUorauid.-with ua an!, all who come into pur store may expect to get satisfaction inerfy. lartlcdar. ... -GIVE TJSATRIAL U .tl .a and we .will prove what we say by our -acta. Very II a a pec tf 1 Iji ry i ft"' " . - P. 9. Bemcmbor that we keep no bvokt, ccxaeqnentlyt cveriythlnglwill in. be aold STBICTLY FOB CASH ii4j nir.'tf lit r:uu you hve a printed uuaranto on. ev ery jiiever A tie 50 stort ii It ? -'- i s- s, , a. ,s - .... v bortleef ' Sllob'iivlUIIzer.i. IClCt - " .v V't f: 1 , - , tt.-,. .ti-nlclKVil i I T nrrtrtnaA oarrvvnar on in la a I Owen 1 ? tu . nasal injector free with eac hot-. I. ;Tv..'i f r I-"i i .romittod.ita tha pnbli with good ton- ouuuii oi.wtru Tcmcay. xrice I ' ..;jti3JL UXOaJvI i b-... TCyances.. ): 11 gooa Ulrica sou pog. ccnu. Sold -at Furmau'a drug - i'41? y "-.i ' 'i - ... ,W nnd attentive dri vara, will ,vn raw v.i-M t.f-':.,;u.r.).j . rr4 r..i v ID I TT--flTJl Vfi. TjTTT M VVW' it. . L .. puow,.wa o vvwiwiucu ui is ;:''':Mf:,lliW y ;j;":llU4A,y; , .r.t "1.,'T "i'l" 'i ll' 'i.l 'jV.'. i !I. .V I jo J Hovr Jo be j Ilappyi jdl re W7 Most men are appy when tl?6 tliat theyhave made- some cne !eje J fPUl VMMAtih eidj io nappy.. xow,jus. can m ana settle. I tv -Wi aodtherebv juake rue happy, a,d ;acl Q; lIN.O.V.S ALE..11 ii. n, win bui) iiia.o y u nappy aiso. ix ry the'experment, 1 am aure you 'wilt feci better." Tr dislike the idea of for getting how : to write i receipts . No one likes 'unfinished business, and jour books are never finished t uutil: thev .ha.ve writtt nln tb em Received Iai-tBNT-.,qYery unhappily yours c., 'X':;.:a:Tii: ' tii.l JUtif; J -B Ciifto3V; . . To Tlie. Public' ; TTOBKMANSinp . 1 tl y.i'i W c...w.:"J ... t. ah .'. I " " UARNTiE5E5Dt All the latest stiles made - p J fit fetavfoOtlWJr.l fii;?'Jii!t IS i b 'U 1 :netMj'' --, ----- .VM11 eat suit patterns, cleaning; re. ahull Jta done, Alaqwe are prepared - to tae jc.re of learns, r.."Bd ;lhe Wrr best aUenUoUj-Bh-tll jb. girei thpia. ,K. arp; pr9para, to do-, 11 kind Jof naming umiug weiireai n. ursi. ciaaa dray for the' purpose."- Give ua shSrel 9f lyonr patronage, and 1 we will guarantee s'W-lctioo. H " ' . Voff If.iinwtfnll v , M . , HA. X us a.FlELLiv.l t 5 We xoish. our .cust'omei'aLicftie- "ahd : all. a,' very, Lyerys hapsy New Tear; Christmas mas come' LVaiid' i gone. J And trade has heea; larger,- out nnctsrfris stiU with' :al large andyarieds ,t:li:ft 1 li.fl :'..! 4 STOCK I OF goods; .. A 1 - t . .- t - biodngand repami.g cauy"onv LWoS mSoliJiting a-call. from, farm wTiere all the sutrCutfd?, and m essrs cns f H ""J'"t t?' 'KiV '1 'v dally contacts ap .idtfeive phyj, TAt'll&l ' ' ' ? t 10 nar,;mental and mralvimovemt where I will be pleased to t have iny" ' " 'r- ! I winSS u and where the lia&il:ttce to a low, -ci "friends elve mea 1L p ' '. Merchant Tailor. j integrity m.chavacte ian: rtd firianc!al frie eV - VCrv truiv 3 ' 5 - ST Cutting and ordvr room over J. disasters, are 1a?s . si.i lorn Incured i , i TV;fh iii - 4 Barrow & Ben store. : wvi; t , -. than in ,nos,t other walk of .U e. i . ' oulsbur' C " ' - Iiouhborg.N.a By Virtoeaftbe power contained in"a mortgage deed, executed to me bv J. ,J. tinneU and wife, on the 4tb day of Feb ruary 1885. which ia recorded in book 63," jtage 521, Register'e office Franklia Cona- ijfs 4 w sen. en sienaav, rebraary S, 1883. al the Coort hams knar i. i ..u.! bars. At pnblia aaction,' for sk,l all i th . uKir u, , ruintu ana vut basin aceaUln tract of land, described in said aaorlsrage, adjoining tha lands f J U Eavca, R U Winn and othe.s. '"i u A. W. WlLBOW? !'i:' Jaa.5, 18S3 Morta$i '''--wluch'ictfe-'oxe detefiiiiiied'rt i-lVell "-regaf dess .-of cost.rEcb- 1 nomical buyers will find it! ito their advantage to caE ; : . , i yry re3pectfuyts 'V. r" .. 1 r'.i5'A? V

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