. I The Franklin Times Plfl D A V" TEBRIA Ait, 1D,; 188 ; IXDBI TO NaT' AlVKBTISEMKrr3. I ABiir Ofier. The Times, v wanted Fernando is. BmUKi-Si BXVanWd-Crenshaw, Hick &.AUeni: a. tr::"Taxl?otice-li. J). Pinnell. 4"i r mm A IS IA U KKUJ 11 ', VPAPEBS OF '.GAltDEXV'' SEED FOR $2.25. : : . ';: i whch wecan send tlie Times: and-tbe : f -.h .. -.1.1 ' . ' ..t-" forJSetfd your? CASihand . : takV SfS-tlen seed mllbeaent in time ? to V$ l ason.l; AdUresi)THk! I3ef pWeet iUabitanljaiifer -saw? ";. , the roads in a: worse condition. '? y ; Slr.;Te 1 this p'late each lot a mule this week. l Qxfoird has gunized stock ':-.: ? ' company for the purpose of erecting a ; 25UX)0 hotel in that town; : ; ; 4 ;" -iiif fa rj-jJuliusvLewisi 1 jf 'Kaf elgttj ; we anions tlie most reUable bardware' " -r ucau is iu uie iKiutu. xseaa cneir ad 1 v vertiseuient in this issue.1 n ; 8 te gouu, wuena miuister gets $2 ssiifor niarrjing a'cule-Tiind Tawyfer net kit 4) for tin niflfrvmir thorn? .Trit Tieri .ff-fb-TKe iaWatlt! O. Dunn lias a ttturisluW school at T- U --iU-'.' 'J.WOJ W liltl U giviug it a iiuerai pairounge. died at her home it ; this h couiityi j'da IVid "j lastv'Shi ;was ' very highly? es- teemed by all who knew ' her.fe ' 'The Misdirected 4-Xswrfgo tbtpesf, tle weather oi55Lihlsr$3r?eyRobic and 'I over head is beautiful, but we expect I n fpleyine wem UUave idt getting l0, ee more coia weauier oeiore very tlie papr last eekoh "laccount of looS- v : J f -1 : j- t .-iuw uiv&ns luri muse ouici;,uur fcputfc ui regaru w uit r.-.i twoScjorexe through mistake, dK chant's purchases!, the returns lof W' recteita.lusticeB" Thisw of Course. J. Neal &Co.. of CentrevilleJ bare subscribers and (our- mailing man I T89. ; Tbeyt areo-ahead men, and , are promises that he will not do ' so any ) 'doing a -very nice business' I .tf The Times will, as heretofore, ex- 'er'fc tyery effort to elect the entire! Dera- The.board met on the 6th ana 7th ! t. . ,t . Sift? 0 thH l0Wf J household in.Frankl;n -County.! I HV bom bicij 'ui3 'i ma I'icscub suucurf . . . ' t , . .' ' , ; 1 ' I ' ' ,- ,. , '.L . " ' ",.t ., 4 R V.-- J-t. W i . . ...... r iXiii- " v t m i ' j. 7 : s . ;L."' " f u: . - . - : v"S-- v-s ,;. 4'- i-f--'i -v f. . - . .,... . , . .m '.vi'i,; ..,; ,-v...i'juv-!: ii Ms ; '. 'j .' j; .r 1. , j : , J '..' TT' U1 ' ?.J.Ti?l i '."1 T- U." 01: f7 We have Ihk y formed a ccprtnerY!? cadcr Ca Zrr erst e f - - - .. - - - ' "-' 1 . A . , !ii2?ffn - - iyhelpWparlyas weli as Ids par- m i1-"' ' ; pU,ad.)Kacy! ' 'J ; , ; ; - ;; t fost; received forty .even head'f . -' - " ' -T- was i-tri-.ketv from paupec,listif I ; ' - ? ; f - ' . .! :- . .' - --.v , jr - 1 ordered that the pay of jacors bireaf-- Pearce, wife of Mr Sylyanna . TTHTT - ' W'Y:" ,cr 5; i O ' " T ? f T T' ' " ' 1-; beOiayttho -PearcJiiedather husband's rejdence Xl' dfeLrtT ' 'TJ'V Ti l PQ" ' amonntoi mihAgeyenny v Perryp aouutiour miles f rromVijouisburg 1 on - w w f-. mmmm mk a : SyllaolhMaud vSnjnton ) wPre 'Momlay evening last.a!siier leaves; a ;t: S ntffSf 'M4 X1''':1!;. : alkiwyd tcf ga to poorlioufte I. M husband and a sweet ! Httlejeiri - to' '7 -r A ' 2 'ft! " ' ' : :Y: '' JJlcrisVttBudbiantwere' faouriilieif death The funeral services i ''hVj1 '.irfWj'v "r-:i -J JU'.'j. ', V.-?t V - -I - - GHEENi YABEOEQ', ,7 1 for the purpose of condaetlog the Qeoeral Uerchapsa fcVa la Tlianking our many friends for the liberal patroBta beatowei r?sai)&& el cs in the past tkod enxeUj solkltlsg a conUaoaxK tberwf r arv.A , . r. , ; . ;. . YtfjmpcUsry' vi-U - 'in" til , ',"-T. -, 1 ' r- , ... ... . 1 r - ji t lftS SM iot' hoase'ougnaWrihtiPeWsbuig. v vs o avLa iq reports January ;te n T!C. Aaah ;w lowed to take Eomnn " Allen (i . , . t . . . : 4 uer;av ft per monm : uuiu nis feuCcis outi'ftlo addiuonleUhe al amunnt to outside paupers, ct " .; -f.il1 Ni'f i have 'conclaiftd thai w eei 'ly'cci-Vlaf oln. airva dor friaoda aoi eclraaa i&sJr tha to- maro adrsjiUge than we Lara ia taa peUjyuatara : - i 'r; MU1X Jou 9..w. Ji jj;ri; i Hlr Tr.iii varfj :uut ,;nn' a yii niSKxu it un'tmoMut j(ni J v'l OjfjiirVJtoicati! beat this ajreratre ? " : .1 . , . r-,i- ei funeral services Wk'plWce bii Sunday f,!tMWi'VnH:oitiag.t-t ' 'rfMft P. Afc. BaXisi V ei-l&gister ? of Deeds of r'nuikUu, ; J.V?- or two in wwnthiSjjveck. 13y the., way, . dies, yf ,lieU(h8chqrcU,cai JheTl JEiile Hotel, on last FvkhiTTnigliti was ; 1 , i aetyleaimt 'afi itu'd "every one, i 'without" -,aH aittre vrcxceptioula:Wliose pleasure it waa to attend, prpnuunced neiisurc it waa u attend. prpnounced ; ltvaa i 8Ucb.fj. The i ladies 5 :ar j highly- pleaded with 1hepTeid Sueeess vlth' : wlubn ihef me:Vd desire uiQTj turn their lhatiks to all those patronized the ptirty, and especially to we hear hia naie very frequently j Mr. I . O. Harris, for his kindness in!; tuentioued . ui couneoti'n witli the"! allowing theai the use " of tl?e "liote Vr free of charge, and to thehouseholdi for various courtesies extended. !T e' uomination for that office' this jear tie is one ot the strongest men before 4 ?t)ie peupte'bi the"cyuuty.; fT ; ;: Although the 1 election is some ,; : nme tuontii;oir;' wei aheady hear talk an to who will iKi the c.aiiaidaus in the county. This paper hold itself m ienhes3 ; rto support, heartily, the uoiiuuees oflth 'Deinoor.itio - party, i-very Democrat will be expected Fto ttkttur to ins post this year. ; i, 6 In making tlie nominations this ; year the Democrats must, if tliey le-. sire to ' win, lay aside - kinship anl friendship,- and put up tlie strongest, men for all the offices, i et's have no proceeds were over $50 differences ' la 1 our!1 bwn: rauks btii ': viev e jjjl$t jfr..nJ gest a:.d best men, and then elett : 'I i c -it' ouip-citrSzenS allow aitbther yeari to pass by witlMUttd. aug .something i in a subs tan tial way, tp establish. a to bacco 'market ; iii iJbuisiiurgC tiiey cao- y. not say thenaver have been ' remind- cd of the iinni)rtanc0 jthjcrepf, as, - we propose to keep he subject before i themfrbniime to' " Tune, SintlfjlSuL v-njsxlxx toboccolarea;dy fur, mar-? i Ket,V t1iousiqds of dollars go to jother places thai diiht to be Vept 'in f hiv r county, and with tlie proper efforts. nearly every uouar wouiu ue spout m : the' county.: VT; -.'"'Qlfyt!1 s-v.i-,w i ije Bupreine :i cou lurnea out thirty new law vers onejday this ireek -, hailing Ifronrjfiree; fjLCflptjr. name is SimeoiK AvS'nith. tAnd tj ihe ware Ji IBt'' Wilfiamson i ill place, intorms us tnav ne ia now,reau ing law under one . yers of this coun ty ses tojuuitTwditics, y !' I MllBI S'- :.;v'..v,bN,;TlME: 0RF0K CASH "4 1 H 1 Sending Money tOft llickory-CIipiier, applies with much Cr tof:Vvryi-calit; TVYbat it pays ! lJ L .1. 111 ?ll. ' J ! MAKES---vM Should be naod few mootba before eonflnement it EC and npon the most farorable Urms. , We will tell horse and mules both at i.OTTiskTTurt & PiiAwr.i?irmv. iritit v . . . , - f - . . ii'fiitrkAfti'iiii r HhS I ' P- 8,. We want it onderstoodthat daisies are descriptive of' the horses rtHt fluohis, and has.uoCconneciiou with the personal appearance of lha firm. 3tf I '. -jt 1 1 'i.-k'o"; o' Ir nwuni Weannoanca that we have en handaUrgaqaasicS. n 'a iix . . j. . ! - - . -. -i.ui. rtr-f: fui lun ira , . ' - - - i. 3-. ' . That wo are ofieriag f of s f ;. U A;c iUJod i I; wi a.rT iii B S I is the truth. Let us all, rich and poor f Bhouid be wod rw moouw before eonfloa oml'A errtn onrtniniv aii ttiifinAi n'tuait I " f frottr liouie, and spend it' where it will teml tu buil J up our jO wn, . town J and beuelit ! us in the future. "The habit is Bbaitxu BmrxjLxoa Co, AUmU, G. Wanted. : . - A K'xxl reliable cnergptia man. to altogetlter bidV and should be 'abau- I sell Sniitts , Patent Jovflty Force r.- I,; 'I"..J J X 4T . tl I ' T - doned at once: ' ' " I "X-ump iiu ir . r&uiiKuwncr. , xws m.ii,1iif Unn. i sel'ing article Inthe world. Indis The habit of sending money off, f i-nnsn?llft-0 FflriTTer. r ProMrtt own- K,!dailibe!Bm i...;1 is ers. Splendid inducement to agents,. a common thinaf tor people to buy alt with sole right to , lerrory. ; , , lorcu frnni thAir Wmliflntti nt hnmo I lara Jree. Addresar Pernando B on account,w,hiletbey,send their cash ivUbvCanton, y ention this pa 'XYV-i-K fioCf iiL"ij: tlV;V Tm'm I ,J'.1?wifi nniniraMi.il utiulaa int : rs. . . '. ..... ' . 1 t fVi.inlia TTinlra 9. 1 I1ai. deirer m vthd end thaaUtbe ? goods "VVT- r rJr' bcught at home. -Uowv there is; nd ,Doa failtry a barrel of . C ren- ... o.; , v i .--a. i ; shaw. llick;& Aliens $4,50 Family doubt- abontrt.m our minds, if. u' u ia prime. . , , . i win Tay ui bumh j w whi r roc'pitcW iorks,: shovels, 2 and all ijseU.TWVetAllldeXotiJhe' aAme; farmimg tools go to Crenshaw, Hicks' ampuit that you pay, lids Northern & "Allen's; 5 ;v-V:;v -vJ.i ! ibe,-4Ud it is not fare to ask Una to J 'V Canhf4 tomatoes and corn 'low i iudnls'e; von for siiir.K cbfre'o' and oth-I Crenhaw, llkk8 &' Allen.' er jSLamiaxurouus ulxijl wujcu nuere i nu uimci u.v vai u uv: )P?y . .anorp.wargiiK. a.nariineaLs na i rrTCI n - .V ' L.w ja,,. your cash away iTbe truth is if. we l. .. . , , : - I t Those new gmcharn' at . Crenahav ?.6'!s..w:tr.;- " '":uo'-l UicksaAlleu'a are just Dtaatixul,. 4 -.;( .M.I -.iC : e ver brought here for the money vt f .-. .it i ' ', . : ' . H. .:i--ri . ....:' , ' - .. i :t'n-t t!UoT We will also handle aeveral popnlar braada aOca ... iS.,.t s W) j m. : i: . Li . .f. . ij, tnu adT 4 : 1 - . 1 -1 ...... '' - -. r -. " ACID PHOSPHATE . - - . OUR .fj-. ij; -l . i r . f i t A tisoiow ;j-:9-t-rj 10 ld -JL91 FLOTJR 1 r " '-" I. .J V if U the bett eyer offered jeie for the money. , We Invite compartson.T . . . k . A ; -. - - A i.L- .,' ' -. : ! . - , -, , , i . " ; . , , , , . .. Ml 'U' , ! ".?:: ' ' '. . , . . . . . ..... 4 1 ' r t T r "-'7 ft ' .. ". '- 8Uadrbraada at Qaaaa fcv'. i. . . j, f- . J.jii.T. -Jul 's j i. torn fodX . t .f -'!.: . : n .'j Tf. 01 1: siuj ii ."i. .Vi '. It r;i (inl0JtliJt . ' '. Tfl.1 s'caxl s t.y Hi'i ! nit lr.io ?1 'od'o.U lo j T.T w:;t. it;: -;. i -'.-3l tfwut j .''!. fi. t.t:.'i ii ,ot' Lflir-rftsi .Ml m -,.. -... "tO l p ii! no uT 1- hst clear rib tides to t arrive this roo&tb i and next Besides these ", we , r U V , i ' 7 : 'r V : i ,- i ' ; -Iliwtf tfoa tla-. vrtv-v--jaTeuyiliugljoB want in the ' ! r ; Af. f-rr'; a - Tl : ioo i I.r? iit.-rr ...... . : .1 .. ' . I ' w J . i . ly from to buyg0ody9j learn to be exriert house door In Louisburg, the follow in J', f , "'i .'.ill: "buyers, frcr more than we all can I be town lots for default:' nx -payment Of ' 7 ' ' UnsfBoota : ' ' I - and Soes, Hats, Clathing; Past Goods io, ' ' J : n 1 l.ornari in thn law nr in fiht-,ii nr! TfT T IBiTS iui loot . ... , - . ! I r -t -s. . t.T .. I r .l i !' . - - - I -fu. i,? mechanical arts.or any other buslndss V,- v 4 ' 1 U. - - I 4rSralrt8m .-. T, .Ilorton; estatelot west ot -rrer P , , y r ; m . . , fl iH kS&waVk&-trara-eIOM'we I grove yara.; . : rr t 1 : 01 it, ij.miii - " r--"- ,;,.! sMJriH thin? thab will nutcrh . - iir ili.- .i..-. -tj ti-: l as- make ; anv of r theseV professions - was oneDf the sharoest of his race in 'heir btwiness. $ If you are dependent ' th St:ttft. and lfixBrrmb8tt4W for liTS i SW- pnterin.rthe tiracUee of law: he " will- owe it to the community to patronize a . . . . ' .. I it- 1 : . l-- 11 1l. I luowXroe:-tv4 X i i AGR1CULTUKAU lMPLbi .c.H I';- - J . . . It :.-was emp!easmejtpv.meetm fwaj Mast week, CapL B. B. Bunn, of Nash. , J JEIe was looking bnu8ugllyfwelhbiil ; . .JJx-Shenff ArringtOo of Nah, was . 5 MkieTt:TAf , . A number ory oung ladies gave a , , ,lLeap Year candy ste w' Vat the Male ? Tcademyi ft few iihtsJagolritbcLiwe " leara that they and the . young geu ; tlemen had quite a' pleasan; time. . - ' ' N.G. Whitfield, of the nrni of ' ju- lius Lewis & Co., of UaleigW.Was here - last week, r He is a clever fellow and -T repreienls a.clevef Vfirmi'.V It is a great mistake in tlie fijrst rplice to think you w?D?!teJh !;;;pf;;4;i. ! i . A fresh line of the very best agiy f a ca 1 11 it. 1 ?n t ii : " . T- -" - "'. . ... - ... . . o .1 ' ' 1. . I .' r f are getting ; the. J tobacco, &c, at H,.Waitt & Co'sif i ' I All the above goods wul be sold toe y V I.viTJ yZJ;J?, wodfcheaperNorthnhattjToar do lat I 10 cases tomatoes and 5 cases corn, i ' " ..! , . ..1 rj ; ; ": K' --V- V home, for the Values nfe pretty well bought before fixed, and if a msn tells yoa ho can sell you goods for less than their vil- fixed,-andUamsn tells yoa ho can Tii't wv'rH- ' ..-? v"i!-'"i .. . I Allen s. .. s ....: f ; .1 .' Timrltpr'n rnnnrr mrd seed atCreiv I ii vmi niftv rftftt ftRiiPPfl 5t i not tmft. I -t hs.v. jiti..'. .i.tivr I .1 ' j ' . ! '' - sDueTenwererjiuLJloi ffie m:. .A. .jJJ . ... rlur: i way to build up and improve our fcec- .J-llTcrJ "r. " tV t '.,,1,.,- -s ii- -1." tion. Letna all Dull toreUier and liftgi JQnes & a: 'j 1 V ! ' I w, . . Km?, Jones uo, are now re ... w w And everything a farmer watU and needa. Tt my J cr.x- C" V S have obliging clerks who do hot fear work aad wiU trci.'. Cr ,:t , ti accommodate you. Coma to ace ca vbn yarn ftts tj LcC:t-3 t -1 C our place Ileadquarten. ; n. -.. - .V.7) CASH OR ON TIME- !.-'t... t-WE TflLLKOT BE WDZI3QUX . work.togethepa whatever sphere. or King, Jones & bo. are nowre- with good security. ''Don't lorget thai we are beadqnartera for anything yon business we may be 'iiilf1 we would ceiving another lot of Ladies and Gen- wailt at Bock Bottom prleea. , ' ' ,i ''.rrc ' . prosper as a town and section, nl A .n ilemeu;shoes,Giye theajcall while f i js 4 (J t , . ; H -; ;; ' : ' T wiirA ihA ltahv Jnmnf-r' i n.A 1 ' Bememi-er King, Jonca & Co have '.- ' - ' ' - :' '' ':.y " '' " ;: -:' : , 1 .GKEEEIT Cs J i ur tic. i . I v.'ui von will a w no cross bau.es' na bow I a eood many sample shoes left, over Megged oaes 1 'none bul he althy enesVi bteh ther are selling -at greatly re-: PACKB, iduCra-j-U':.-of."-:'W f J- S., BABROW & SOI'T, ; i 1 January, 2, 18C0. . .1 lTf 4 i ;