A: mdi i X, -AnQjPT&ngiiix rimes j .Kuesi -jfra k a. 5 February - - 10, 1888. My dear, boy, said a fond fathej: to his son, never neglect your work. ' . Work act like medicine.. Theu,' ex ' claimed the sonwhp had -been dosed hat medicine!' r , -n twalfir mnrn ntrf of the PTOfil- ommended by all . the leading drug Sick headache is the bane of many ; are agam nbkifarrtafau&osttd uggatto; j: ' x.$iW '9 ambush for the weak YawCotAuftion is ill adapted to - encounter a malarious atmosphere or sudden changev of , temytegatnre, and the least robust are usually the easi est victims ; Dr. J. il. McL.oan's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Pu rifle,? will give tone and vitality .and i .1 ri tH.iiA n ii fi iv hiir.iiBii cordial aod-v., U pnwBeJ J by flits vi taliziozpfoprrrcS wnKdigWW'P pa cheeks, and transform pale, hag gard, dispirited woman ; into ; one of sparkling health and beauty. - Many suffer from irritation of - the evu ! u an j y;i Dr. J II McLean's chil us ana iever we is a specific for chills and fever, mild in' its' action and warranted a cer tain cure." 56 cents. - " e always like to have a ed Tb.s remedy is becoming so - well known and so -popular as to need nt special mention . , All who used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise A purer medicine does not exist and it .is eCtCP r 111 cne all diseased of the liver and kid nes,ill remove pimples, boils, sait rheum and other nttections caused by imtnr blood. JffTKTTlriTe Ealaria Of headache, constipation ana indiges tioa try Electric Bit; ers. E i tire sat irfaUon guaranteed, or money re funded. rPrice 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at J. B. Clifton's drug store . .. The new moon reminds one of a gid- . 4y girl, because now mucn rei To allay pain ikH, heal foul sores and ulcers, the most prompt and satisfactory results are obtained bv usiuff that old relia. There are many accidents and di jreases which rttect stock and causj aerious inconvvuience and loss to ttie farmer in his work which m ty be Jckly remedied by Dr. '. tl. Mu rid dc witnoi woman ? A perfect blank like a heet of paper not even ruled. For i Jiv8K5al . ailmentes4ieC.l95A iwoaef lDCiuini 10 ueciuung ye 'rs. there is do remedy that produces such aatisfactory results as Dr. J. d. Me Lean's Liver and Ki luey Balm, its jganial ind invigorating eUect on the JLidneys is remarkable. Ladies who experienca a senile of weakie5P nd----rf ti(- lamifi lot the back ehUl file U J. II Ai Lean's Strength Ting V brdiafld Blood PurHer, wilrTSnppiy tS? much needed strength aud overcome all weakening irregularities. If you are siifferng with ' weak or inflamed eye, or granulated eyelids, jou can be quickly cured by using Dr. J. IT. McLean's Strengthening Eye jSalve. : 25 cents. : I . A jnarriaxe license issued in Wash ington ,was returned with th'e endorse cnent: "Sfie wouldu't have me."' foor fellow! . tm man bought was drank.' " Head toy "The man who bought he liq r ws4runk. --i IV J3BIEF, AXD TO THE POINT j -i -7t. jMrtX&P'k dreadful -Disordered ' Yonnff neopl she is too young to r ete, buVnonoJof these imds of subdue inflamma-I vflth SUCCCSS : f or it TftkTlv vhat woTTrd TIiis woi XT drsnema " &Sr is misery. Indigestion is a foe woaWt'ul things in esistene. It is tu&f jt oat of order. , .Oras8rfoodv-tough food, sloppv food, bad -cookery, menial worry, late hanrBwfttresrular habi la. ' and : nionv ther.thiags which ought not to be y wuv wuuucuiu. Hurn in retornlinr' UM sad husines aid makirig the American, .ople su health v Unit ifcbey can enjoy thair meals and be appy- - .A. 'RUFFIN FOGG. JFASIUONABLE BARB Ell v. V "Slr sac? is" still - on court where I will be pleased to haye my friends ",drratro"caU to se nie, " unai is im uisafiac maiw wa f I ille I jthief atfiight Itteli in upon us unawares. JLr e pa ; tients hare pains ; about the chest and sides, and sometimes in the" back, i They feel dul and sleepy; the mouth has a the- r DaurtasiCi'WBpcciaii ju morning. JL. sort oi suck collects About the teeth. m arietitAiiiaoT. Ther ia t feMlrJiiaTyload stomach; sometimes a fami 'al: gone sensation at the pit ot stomach which food does i!to4a.'n' eilec?ne tdd i Ahd jilan!m lAffceriMl a cough sets in, at nral bat afJerV.ft few.mwthstiilB.atfend- ed ifitH a greenish-colored ex-. a -tired all -the .Yrhile, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest. Aifcer a time he become?''1 m rm "i sr- "w a anttnas eTUcf-eDoaings. 1 tere w aadinessf sort of irrl--in sensation m the head t hen . rising up suddenly. The wrvf els become costive: the skin is r dry and, hot at times : the bioo?u f j thtfi wMter of ? ithe neyea ibecome lhlged; fe:llof Ih'tirine is scanty and high colored de positing sediment after at id inj. UbefeMa frequent' j a tended Trith palpitation ei the heart; the Tision boconses rm f paired, "nifeh spots before j the syee: there is a feelmsr ol jareai i!tft!f4m:aQels.l All & these armi.toTna are W present. . It is thought that aearly oneifhirtL-oL.6Er txtdu- xionBRpn cuaeaeA n. Eeme It has been found that fhy sktaas hare mistaken tie cjose of tills disease. 6oin lUre treateo1 fW&Ptftfft ctfnt others for kidney disease, ita4u constipation and dysperjslaJ It1' ia ao iouna mat isnaJter Icix gel78 Curahre Syrutx vpen properly prepared Tnii rem crre this disease in all its rta; res. n x . 1 " uaro musi De taien, rjerwejer, e Be seamna arueie. cottow. j Mr. Jobn 0. Hera-ntinsfaTI of Chnlaflnaee, . Cleburn Co., Ala., imtes: "My we has been w rnuea benefited by Shaker Bxtract f Boots 01 3eigel 8yry that she esyr sh would rather be i with mt pert o her feed than with rat meioinertrhas deire iei pre feaW tkanihe doctors a no 4nMeo5ctnsputtoget1 er. I wonld ride twenty mirei to get it into the hands of any j u ferer is? he can get it in no other way. I belicre it wifl soon sell in tius hsiAte-betUrithjtii TMTIMOJfT FROM TEXAS. Mr. S.E. Barton, of Tartr. Hipley Co., Mo., writeo tljat; ssKi uccn ronix amicxea wrtii y Snaker Extract of Boob. f Rer. J". J. McGuire, raerehalt, ; of ; the same place, who scsd Mra.;Bartpn thieiResaVsi he has sold it tfor four years 5 o4 r. knew it to fail. HX WAS ALMOST DEAD do anything with me. 1 hi d ; fluttering of the heart ar d swimming of the head. Ore dav T rpM vvWr TTrtT'ri"l4 .TIHa,F! tried the .Shaker Extract ttf Roots and kept on with it until .to-day I rejoice in eood Jiealtl . ' For sale br all Dm crcista. or it::' . ' i4 uoji3f;3-irer-T)ropnetor, a, jl t ,1 -T. i ' . - - . T . . ." 0 POMONA HiLL NURSERIES, " a' V '.v, r; si a. iat CHEAP NURSERY STOCK yyvint??Spri'3a1 7 I Lava a;large?stcck i Two or three years old, good vari eties that I will lo LxA).-I .iiL'vi tJi&l L-yion : If you want anything in the 2?ur st-rv line CHEAP, ESPECIALLY APPLE, send for my fllustrated ' Descilptive Ca alogue.and sptciai P rice List of nrplus stock oi Vinter. aud Ssnring MlllB ot-o-piviaT POM ON AN. C. T A rms -; . at 'ppisirraiipri' IJofEfHili aifHasTSlfests and get everything you wai the way Osla r II WTf fcMVrIfrri !ijLVliiaAUlJliWLVi . - id n&lXTifS TLNL Ten 1 ictfilly W. T. Ct iftox. KOTlCBji.ol M.dhii By virtne of power contained iri thr-e mortgage deeds, made to me l y X. W. Penree and wife, duly recorded in the Reg ister's office in FrankujiiiQpntyyJn book not I CLOSE OUT CHFAP;"""!.? 1 : . - . u'hu iim-w amuiueu 10 lis ciiiuniiis 1 VUI'if - 1U &laIMi aeESaofiaaaeJ. for $7 09 per cash, at the coart house door in Louis. bnr, on Monday the 6th day f February 18S8, the tract of land on which A. W. Pearce recently resided. The land is fully described iu said mortgage deeds. aoehnq sJivni o fggf "di t TLMfPEA WONDEIUS x!st nt - ,J - thousands of forms but are surpassed by the marve of inven tion Those who are iu need of profitable work ' ' - tf mm r all ages, can earn from 5 to $."5 per day iuu ujn.iua niicicTcr inty me. x on are started free. apitil not seqnired. Some have made over $50 in a single day this work. All succeed. . " I) II 11 1 1Aewrclei - are those ft 1 1 1 ) H I 1 'Who asntthtattoddf Wtil act ll lVDIil they will find honorable em plovment that wIJJnqti tafceRirhf UOfrcSs their homes and families. The profit are laree and snris for every industrioos nn uiMuy nave naae ana are now mat ing several nuparea floiiars a month is easy for r3 W Jl)AeB' jfcj wards per dAyMhd jAVViOftL? timer sex, ytrngnCTXldrcapTtalpor ed; we start you. Everything new. JJo special ability required; jou, reader, can do as well a any one. . rite to m at Maine. f - . , r ... . . - . " pe8jear wcrth. and where to ill J "T tbato. Xirctkiaa for TralnlBr fl' V log3 Breodio Ferrets. Jdrfed Fnrnlsbln Good e. aO .kiodi 'H.ff1-: .... - 1 (lorcd. plato ten KTHTlnara U" plat scds; r hor 4, ant of ow ujy ail Wnda of Iawl; d39onj. ti breeds; Iin to cajxmize; tians p!nr h cajxmize; Jztjf fbont inonbafrri, and here to bar ?"r.?B V'9 Otock nt 531-50 "H per Niimi. cent tat 16 Cents. Vv.- J f ?ftt?eatnQ braiding o aUkindsCkS breading or and ana tnelr enra How tolialld and atock M"1 r PI i a fud birdts csoes. U, MaUed lor y t37Soath t-lghtk Street, Philaaalphi pa. mm and Walaker IXan It eared at home wiUi ont pain. Book of rmn tianiars tfnl rtlT.i" tunjU.an c c: nc ft f their nd(ri IpU yfeefrlrftrWshW1f how MfttTTer"&f - . .. .. ( Ril.tfOClJJT.1 i 1888. V J 4 Hnrnop'a HoTim ILLU6TJATED. .narpe8 Bjzar Ua homeiqurtal; It coiuLipes clioieeliterature ned rme nrt illustrations wit n the lateit inuli;- Ri nee tegaidiiig tht fuBhioos i Ex-'cU . number tlnis tJ.:ve;i serial and Siitorrt .t-nifs.'ractwial Hnd tiiuc-lj 8-038,' bright ixcm!i humorous skctchi ss. etc. iUtSiLtttfu-AJiedLland fashioi-plate auppiemeius wuihione help I.itlitrs 'Ur save many times the cost of thrf subU gcniJtii.n, and papers on wotiiiK etr , qm;tte, thcoratiye art, houHe-kfcenju2 in 11.3 uiaui.uc!,uoKt,ry, e;c. maAe 1 PV-rtvetJvirnpid, nU 1 a t 1 ' a i .1 that cju'd oflend the moat rusti.iious tasA. . : ; , Harper's Pebiodioals, TTAEPPH' BAZAR j ! $106 4 00 400: HAUPJiR'S YOUNG PEOPIJ2 Postsige Frco to all aub5ciibt the United State or Cintda. : The volumes of the Bazar will be .giii wijo.wq -nisi jv.uinofr. or. jatiuary oicacn ear. whou untime U m. n tioned,8ubscrij lions will begin! witfi the number current at limit of rictipt of order. " I IoJri(jjJoIu!nes of Harper's Bai if- tttrt4aii. back, in nmt ciau binding, will be sect liv mail. paid; or by expros, tr'e of expei.p- tt'TPykhQ tb" r?'sht Ue not ic-.-d tfne d6Uar ier volume), for 87 00 per volume j Clolbcaseafor ftAh volume: unit.i- VlP HdIp vriU bo ,'e y Uiail' k:fpollpaVl? ofwlceipt of $100 oadh. Remittances should bo mde.by Poit-oHioe Money Order or DraH,,l- avoiucuanco or loss. tMutWvM .pppyi this aavbrilsernent wftbout the exir,-es uuofwujwr liroilteis. .t. IT Ur pi c r J.:,: VI eY.rk. k .i !. Harper's Weeklv. " ' 1 fcj"e f jfliJa. mjff 1 nIIarpr,ai lekjy.ka, a well-esUbh.fieif hVtadiit illustrated nvfrnpaV 4MtaAnMr1e TbtolrneM of iutd.to- n wmmeDii 01 current politic Jwi. earned for it the respect and confiOtAc of all impartial readers, and the virifc'tt and excellence of lU literarr eant,,!- acbK1'!! Vjplude serial and short storii b? 1 wc.-i nuu must popular writers, lit IL tor tue i-ernaal of people of the nidftt range of tastes and powuits. SuppIeiienfV . 1"MYc"".Frovia. ana no expanse nTO .Wl1 thc hUliC3t order Jf ar g toe nicest order r r. Fbcar upon the illjistra- tiinaucmsj.uj lovDear upon thc illjii u.m. v. .... y..UIUU, pORSeS OI !t4 and foreign history. In Mll lta foafr. f meeiul nhnm., r and foreign history. In Mll lta feaUrea III rper's Weekly is admirably adapted to -J V iV)8 : PfcWftPwttria every hoiieholfT J o - .JixiaMZASPi.rrrrrii - . - jtu nM:E Mca PERIODICAL?", Per Year: . . ! 3B I'ostae freato all subscribcrsMr? OcjUbited Bfutes or Cahuda. , tl r" il r, !' The volumes of tho Weekly bog1a wi h !ho llr8t number for January -of each ye r. Whfn no tioifj i iKeii- tioned, snbsciibticm will bc!in Wfth the tinmber current at the rcct it of , , M T kly for three years back, in i;eat t- otli: binding, will lo seut bv mail ' paid or by -xpres, frt e of exiin' cloth ce3 for each votnaie, aditaf b'e for binding, will be seut by triai) , postpaid, ou receipt of ouo dJl'ar each, I I! 3ltefattaabe8 Jhdotfl 1W mnlo j. utk-juice Aionry urdcr or Draft! to. ayoiacuauce of lo-s. r N . ! I r..5l;.(rer.i re not to o -py thja JN'OTKJE By virtue of a drcc of tb'f Surfer t'tCuirteiiteredat April tt.rra isslin' proconnj wherein Dont Allen tv:, ait. e the undersumed inW nr& . n",Waj;pflimi8sioner 0 t COarUll w:,l on the 5th day or March 1 188)i at , . - . - ------ r"t ia u cjok, in., ai tne uourt House (or j " U' COOXE, i Corn's. S. ! i,.8. Sprtrjir, Administrator's Notidc rator eased on Hc4 la 1 i - nereoy given to all p ersons indebted to the estate of said J W W PinnelLtamlk immediate payment, and all persons, hav Ing elim against sa)d Estate. will reRent them for navinent on or before th icnh .8.FosTKVAdin'l . n. jtisspenourg, Att y. . . jTffeaellnyin'g'Ahe wonders of inventive'1 Wrogre8Sis-tuethod and system ef work v avai iflit na f itautaifw r a that can be performed all over the eods:: try without separating tho workers' frim their homes, i'ay liberal, any one can po out nd return to as and we will send rha free, something of great value and impir tanee to you, that will start 70a in kuki ness, which will bring yon ia more monky xighL.r. than an v thine eie in tU' ,'MrotiJ. GcjJd outfit free. Address Tnta m tue town of Luutsburcr. sell to k!i! U 1 k'gheat -bW for i ash, i be follown &cl$b otd: the tract! oS l" '"-rTv-5.Trwrjou i avior tphp hii. joining the lands otLB Allen. J rick and others, catitainin'r t-everfiy ny 01 diinuunr timsfciti bj w PUnUl da ttie ldth dav of December 1M7 n. iujb woraj-eiiner sex:, young r, old; no special' Ability- required.-f.Canitar not . needed VohiHiBUrr"free. Ct''tai i . " ' : r JTItTVIIIXE. i: A. '( t V : t Tj1 "'! f.i ' 'v' " A r-ti i. I r '.ii ,. i . ; I tt.ii.-y ; CI i ;T;'M.v.7rTyf?'.?.T"i ifiPo -j r. . T &i.,WXLLI&lI5&:.C0..1. iojy i : .riiT" i iT .f!T - 1 WII0LKSALKGK0Ci:it$ ? it . t.i ...... i ill- Ji r.yxA -1-T.PT?.'v.i- - Commission Merchants, jl; ,2 ,A 4ItQANQKF..SQUABE . , . . i i o -i.'i'I rrompt attention (iren trj aH cfderi by v ; - C i T Y' B A R B E R S H 0 P iMf;riHBOuo(iii Vo'r.''ii asivS't, , , ,' ,' Louiiburg. ' 1 i .'1:1. . " : . I .;..'. ' ii ....,... ; j JNextipoorfj Dr.-E.i.a. roster u w Shaving Hajr Cuiti'nn Shamiooning &c.;: ti!i7.r l i ' ,ili3nn$ fn: 1 .1!. n" -:AitTisTiu,: J-Calls (o private risidenccsJ for eut ting h.iimnd cl.amp.) .ning lailis ;.d cliiJdieu's bH)rriiiirt)v:r. si.nded to V'-.i, ,. M'EClALTKitMS. .. J ; to g6nt1emij sbaTinV by ' the month.1 Ii.rei.nhjr, thanks 'fa rti.Jiix a -o!a Louiab rgaudsairiun(ia;counVrvfwr piist patronage, and beg Acouhvaaace iif sume.' jyiiL ,J j - ,JNW4UW.I10T42L,! j rt J. P MASSES BUItG. Paof 'x Good accomraodalions tor Uj Trar- . I lin Publld: ; 17 j ! J 2 ir.f f'J i , f ' !tf I -SI ! ,Tabl Jitrnislieil:, writhha- Best the Goodbortcs and ba?xies always ready at my atibleswliiclr 1 ran Ui touaecliob with my lnitei; to eouvev pemons anyrhenrtliey may wish to KO- f -Ii 1 5 DLACKSMiTJi: I desire talnfotm the public -lhat i have moved to thehop,;al' the 'foot .'Oniie"flvirr bridie,oit tlio irrst fide oi Jajn Mreev. wnere i an prepared to fl'f i a'l kinds of D'tckmit!i i work. norse-sliuthit; a ieiaUy. ; ' - w. - - I)tmi?i.T. DAtu . uiahursN. C , r i.o Lt n;n ijk csK c. W.atctDs V;;P locts; J ewe irx M i f-wa'- 11 OPTICAL GOOD. UEl'AIlllNG A SUECAL'lY ;. j MlfwoiV!noi Called ! for 5n 60 da? wiH be vMd .inr he nnrnatUu ui f iTtji' tA icei rift ii lllU IIU.I .T i r Jly tiriiebra deTcVfiiatTiyhy tfiisf Su ,pVi1or6uirfo'f' l'rtiikliri '!:o(riity ) ou th ITUt'.'ay or-jNUlSSSWa' taue cutitkd In Ke. W G. SmntwfVJElba '.x "im the 5tlis(1uy -of' March 1, 'imj trct of'iaiid iu 1 rAamly " I Ytek' , Town ship, known n the Williams tratv,H goining'tho liundaior W.'r Terson, jcyjmu Jlhirfia aud otheran contain ing 54 acres more or . Jcfsfr.ennai Oue half uish. bulunve, in ixmoutlis- 0 ' lilM j. 4:Ai AtsJKN uofto v '.j , JUNIUS, LE.ViSTERi r!i,lf.'iifi yd l-uty-i t'u-.'AL sA-r.ll 'J c BUILDEKjihOOTXCTOR, V AtWia ttf Wort m ahV-por-: jntp'eJ5tajti:t.t v.'t J u j'oj r".tl a-uiiiT,Mfc'iT;.1o j 1 I li j j"i , U'.::'."i. .'. vT ,oi'A.LLENr t :;CEAM .1 .ih f ... kAcnrxiais ! akd irotJUDiitMrx. a a -BALEIGH, N. 0rlei.tiir-si3fl f'rtiil t- l.IU iu.,.',, . -:,,.T(t ENGi,v;,B0iL,Eus,,i snArr-; x uuAio 'U HAND I .ij J.iJ.-ili)A.l,.f Jo! -Jli. v 1 1 .1 WkJ I.J . o .Repairing of all, kinds, Vrpwply ats'' 1 I MAKKtt &' JKTELF.H illiairoTTPT dIIWiT Palt rrt, ! 1? J,rerKpe'cJal p'otccd;u?s' U Veil laml 'ar t!l6 ttlft hou&o dour ih! Louis bur j '1 .1 Ji :)! 1 cJL-l.i 2, f -t -' .-:-:!. We are rendr to deliver XI 1 t rer Meat aqd, lumtsniuzthe farruera wefu'und to'furuish them us io TV.i.-. .); 1 til i . ' ., ' ' u,l. r1 1 A1TH .rVwonltjdtbe t!iW In want 'la make early .pplicationa" meit nT rare -dvancfug; and Vo thnH it will go much hfcELtrtr.1 hrlu !i. '5 .1M 5 'i f(Cow hides, Sheep kfnvand Furs 1 ' aT W X . ' ' uuicc in uie um roH-uace. - Jan, 5lh. 1883. : J":.-: a s i irr i) !:!' j... i-..1' j ; iV cuW be ' 1 J ff.AJu f-. given ndarinj the past yesr. . Cimineiicln i aw-aes a Utile raere tha a year sr,' altlojflrSVr. aHa t r-d .... . j....- ... .. .. . 4. ,u.o-u irtly ignoinfc cf all the fraud pbrequislles to a aueceesfol tasrvaaUa career ; ,; im-! i.-' t -ui. si., If i ,. f. . tt '' pur sales hav increased from month totr t ndel drearm- ' -! We liac attribuWd ibis, to af nnparalcled generosity nf Kiepabllc.. w a pa triotie rather than a mercenary spirit until told by matt or fact cust .e that It we not t tv meh oatrHisra as ncwirey, that peoyie bongtit whar tkej could get Wk bol birr;nf c . ; 1 ; ii.i n .1 j. - -J Of tvinrse urs oiiMica:al ;dea js knocked liijhsr than a kite; bat. ni U wr';diiimtnt, vfor'wa Yiowla iw thai we rater t, wo aj pr. iutiva aibhc that avert U ouiCtat.a o il nii bolt.mi aifd c arc pleat J l isa, 'aturl!y we sMar the Jiew Vpar im good spiriis, ud- rally' "!. VrinTntv) n, abow yon that our thaj.k not tnlr aowc f.u oar heaiU, bit fro n r rpoe 'vt a wall, n , n.ticli deeWr source to aotae. ; .t. , .w tll -a ' '.Wo f 1 c.iifi tciit thai it fxr;ience will e-iabfe na to vnire Jaraia ia H.a fuiuro which t .n will .1 -well,to'rxa.oint. v Aira'ii aaoriiia J. ( our ,waruie-.t ik.nLa lr imu favors and deirls 'wt kia.T IVivklerr 'taaV is-lj laTisMy npaj you, r we wlsuyou one nudall a hpy aud jro, ipa.-ous New Year. .. "t ' - '.' ,"'-,". 5 -. , , - , Tour Frieuds :,: -"-i 'J -KING. JOBW CO. r. m n wt trv ' ". ''f Enllghlenti'ig the Wtrld and this copinD ty p irfjcu1aTy with the . '.11. ..,... 1 , i . . f - : vfuformatlon that oor Tnll Stock.f Grot eit s," Iloot .Sho'r,'' liar J- .-, 0w.sl.rl?J'..Po9,1i X.tion,fot!lirg. fockwy, Tnvt 'U av'i . .! l i .-":': ri? 1 lis i i . 1 k "c'mplet'a it 1m pO'siMe to make it.and-tbe.pricea, the Jr. -1 ;r t hplsii.it the word fvr lhm; hi f icC Vordneaauat dataem j is- ... . . v . . . . r. .r.i f -.ty br .ti-.:.i inni i,. ti .u-A "the, And they nmt be sera to be appreciated. We have ranked thr. r i. .1 :..--):.. . . . - r !'!-;. - all dowa at the low r si flgnres for CA-n, end if f aa waukti-ral;. kwo p.. riyht, graume bargains, rnvw Is tke tiate'to avail yooaritdt ceV- . (. 'i.jj. v' - !.: ri''f.'r. c l .v J 1," ;:.;?;- u r.i oSirs. oTor further liiionoalton aad a trsonal tauiiuatt iii of oar 1; .- Lii : o u'. .J ) : . , "' ' " - ;.T t- . . ;i .BO'ltft , $hO! ClXmilXO, CASlMtUtE9,'aHAWLS, loU)t Tt. o ViAlD,! '. Beached aad Ui-Bleiicha-l DorasUcs. FUna1! Su!U for tnthsmen' aou iouiies unaer ware, uisware o very UicnnJo.-. ckockcry. I nr. and HaHwaxe,irowtKB, shot' canr, and.' Paper 'Shens' fr; breevh' leading grni ' THixo for UoyaJTohng &envaiui' oll'Min' A1 oa 'Iulsborg-, oNC -Oct. 28, '87; r 1 4 - "B.'r.' OLIFTON.' " il ..( T'0 in-' . 1. ' '.IZi j . . I jia ( ju'.f.i vj.,: fZ iii r. 'J u Z toot In ..T.i! tl u nii-i 1 i jiii iu .V..:i.--. f Je n " : ;ri.if II r r;. DEALER IK i .... ' . . . 1 T,LTJGtS;&3XJD "MEDICINES "-"iETMIHIRUUSUALLT KEPMH 1 FIESTCL1S3 DRD3 SFJER BUISTS 8ELEC7TED QATIDEX SEXD3, il t...: .? ; ' J ALL THE ST AND All Your patrg '.a tl !:- W Y ta7 si I ! a t ji !. ' for vOputoii .si J . i' X i . - - - . Flor for, xottoq, . Ojr .fa-iliUes f r t...: li. .iji": as . v ! 9. ml I 'J ION. H--A.TSTD'. wanted, for whicW wyWrr fk. ir . - - n. TLEAbAMV A SOX. . - . r 1 cia inJadd did uo. w. four.elvM ua- 'ynUrai'tjurf pa'trVs.' yi', hars ' . to tnoBth, until now, when tl . nrpawet H .l-n 1 J f t ) .- I I jj.j j. .. i .JT- ' 1 t r. VI oil. D PATENT MEDICINES. . 1 v I -' ' - 1 . t soUciteli t tits ... - . J 4 . j ' . . I . , l it U ill r:c ,-?;utc-j slill' crrj fMVi : pt . il ;i 'j towr- l.r.;. tw.-i : '. j'i . . 1-.I 7 AwtaAiaine. i ' tended to on Short oticdi11 lr