, , .... . , . . .. , . . t '..;f:"'U .f If 8 14 'I": TheFrankliif Tiines 1 4 jibs A. Thomas. Editor & Prop'r s ' ' i.ii 1 T . - Friday, February - -17, 1888 THE LEADING ISSUE STILL. : - The Newheerver well says that the white men OfllNorth v Carolina t . . lut ve for a 'score of years ; no Wj been' -c j IL- f veducat lug the negroes in their midst. . ;; .'. Those negroes have been -eager to v ' ts l isztLi learn and have acquired eonsidera- ble mental capacity;'';; Theyhave trsr-rr-"improved intellectually to a marked . ,,7''.: extent. Yet they continue to vote' . . , ; solidly against the white man's in iw.s . - terestIt is a question whether the t v. jj white people Ttui i 4 prbvidhig i tliem , ' ; . J with (educational facilities have not been pladngln their 'hand a great ' ' power to7 be used against t he Anglo-' ' : J &xxon civilization WHiCh hasbeen1 ' '-'- 'established here at .great ctist5 of' : ' 1 life and labor wtiol'y beyond 2 esfi- uimc. vA;i iuiuiy us uiey Jiavv : ueeu th better equipped ,meniailytlHy; ' ' 1 hajV been rendered t tie boiler able . to carry put' may ' . fornixir (oYnaintairt any : position . they may reach sThey were a dan gerous element still now that they .r IV are euahled to some extent ! to see througirthe professions of the dem- ; ; raggtie the Itlsrr! designs beyond1. " .white man in. their, state of Ignbr ance they are solid'1 still lu c their ' r':J v comparative fielligence; I Wield a poweimore Inshlious.than evervxu wiiieh i Bal .thrown 1 solidlv f i r nginsi wiuie supremacy inline . ; 'Vl ; : State in cveryjelectiohl ! i 7 I r. These things should be borne in ;3 : tnind jnh&s political pcontestpn ; , ' which we : aieLtiow2 entering. The .y: o -question oyerhadqwing all others in importance to ns here at home is the luaintenance of the supremacy : ; bf ihe white tnao in bWhoaiejtPC ; fairs. The old flght is stjH on us-the 'fighi we havebeeh engaged in evei wuw iue war. f. wo nave, not; yet 1 won complete victory; : We have, I n with c the. Ibestr intentions, Ibeen strengthening the enemy. We must a A make I blain again the ' issue1 . that this is the white manV coimtry! Won from savagery by the blood and 1 . brawn and brain of. generations Cpf v ancestors, and that Its rpejo$e vpro ' ' pow that it shall sohtinue under the ,,: control; Of White mmt , ' Thbsejof the Anglo-Saxon I race who consort with the 1 negroes ! for any purpose whsoeyeV cpntrary:td f .J: e interestblf the Iteipeople-r ; 'whliJiare ;hebest !. all r the; people 'of thehc State . ; f; T8hwld he made toie6t?' that they. .t!iiv-who;vote:.with the i negroes inthe ' ''.i"y- half of rMiralism should beT render, ed odjojisTiiwe Who J undertake1 i . : s. to direct the negro vote" in opposU tion to white sdpremaey!: should ber taught theh- treachery to their race ' In no uncertain tongue. We! have been tooreasy with these sca!a wags - f . iand carpet-baggemif PThetimehas VJl sutee'tkni. i t u t0 PrPP place QCIgnqminy in ' r no the evest of elf-respectln white l !" ron: ih thecbming;mpaign it njw 1 Jdrawihe . jinewrefullyutbetwefcn a ii u white and black in Ta vor of the con utln supjrecy:or men M 'fiheetjiom-tbVstote be cl i 0 longs4ThenegroWiwill'b6l ienof- ,V mously ilded hjr the bTd' of north ;.'liJ ern protect! ontste 1 d any, failure to mjQtahhxstinv sta rr ' tus beam of -thTsofidl-twgy .'avoteaway:ftbm!w right andpropef,iothorigtronble8 avihrougwKch uth.Garqiinaj and ut 1 and Peorgiahaye paaaed and j have' ? done with forever jby 4iie;;decided ,actiotf thehr whlteBria f.vio hereaaer It would be inore. terrible 4 than It would have been Veara j, vu . vjuuiinearjvjiQ in: maey of '10" IStffif hiuiq uiau-g iauu, anQf lur- .C?h??.Witpffbrasi Accessary to i,- ,thUen4 t;thB,wAiean6i in. consorts the ( y iyurpusa oi influencing his ' vote; or toalntaihlng' thefsbydity-of Is -I,,rs?ts: wnat he owes-'the best J . . wraia m nis; Biate. Hftd , , .Uh.thehegr? -f.l . ; "'TfifrS fPrw"cniv nest jf for Whole ; PWpieboTbraiided , . .hi g pofitically with th brand of ? C3alni U ''a 'B racetberen,' V. e beyberatelyjrfain thej prii a.if cipies. he should qhold dearest. tTherehduld' be.no place'for such I W -i j:- au any lunej among uii-Winte. peopie.T8wftltii-i ci ;cr .-.c liveryidea bfaTtnigiit 0 Xa. 1 bor professing to be against mohop- l oly and at the same time votintrfnr 1 ' Spirit of the" StateTress: i If we watch the enemy closely and defeat their schemes of itnpos-' Ing upon the people we', will carry the next election by an j an over .whelming, majcrlty. f Bull they must be watched. We cari'f afforcT to run any chances of suffering de feat and letting this parly of -pltn der aiid extravagance get Inta dowt nr again.ii.in8ton j?ree jfress, . The present condition of business affairs is quite favorable loJthe na tionand very credi tobje tqthe. pKtly - ie-proVhectlcTassertions of ex tremists that the govern uieit would go to pieces under a democratic act ministration, has proved a j fallacy. JSto backward step Iim i beeh . taken in the siatian's ! progKsyj butahe strong, hearty confidence of the 6eo- : pie in tlie present inanigementjpni pubUc atfiiirs has dispelled any;mist gi vtngs that may have I urked in the minds of commercial meii nd cap, italists. 1 ,The"' wheel "of j govern ineui are still tn motion; and : w ith !& balance of - trade greatly f insropr; favor and our s ext countries steadily year, we are safe In defying ;any outside competition even Without a high1 'protective ,: tafiffAboncord limes. , i . , i o 1 y The thley leg protective tariff pre-. ?en ts ihe o'uly practical 'illdstratioa within our knowledge of that?, very, 'peculiar phase and form of injustice, mejiViouedin Ho Writ, which feWes 6. t hwer Vho hay ;e, abundance 1 and tafrpm 1 1 hose :, who j have nothing (Ben that, whic they have, oldboro Argus.; -yMi. v tit 1 n TKe end ments of the Const i t tiou, 'which enabled the Legislature of 1876-JJ7 Jo put in force tlje -present county.- government law, h has been; the salvation of; the ountiea domineered over J by unscrupulous yrhUe icajsah (colored ' peopiy Jli has-v been a relief r. tb tbem financially. They are 7 our brethereb; they are ione r "buri bouefiesh of Souf JBesh. lt("has 'PJ:lvJ done npIn Jury to any other paf t of the State :Who demands Us;repal ? j What interest : will i -be- better I serv i(I byUa Jrepai? I Democrat vWhb with so much xeal vvoted lbr ;ePanyentIraihr7l87oaQ'wk0 voted with such unanimity for '! the ratification of the amend ments to the constitution, onn among them being to i gi ve General : Assembly iPprtoVadoha pr-sent .YnCT law, i w hich was well understood at : the time, demand its repeat? l- We think noti The Itepublicans demand I ts repeal , auu nave aane so: in , every Cam. palgn since 1877 j but the ; people at ever eleit Ion have put 'thetr foot down "uporTtheir demands and we believe 1 they will continue to do so. Now, shall ;tbe.imoaWorth; Oarolina repeata la w which 'right justice nd common sense ' demaiid should remain,' simply because. the negroes and. -radicals. demandMt? tV ' e" -.-- 3' - ' ,m .. miisbom Itecorder;. , Thb last Balelgh State Chronicle has , an .,. excellently , Kl prepar ed stoteinent off the finances of North Carolina; ia-WhlciiBepubllcan ex t. trayagance.is contrasted withDein ocratlc economy. It shows clearly -rM?d.?ndualY9ljr.fatr.a figures is Republican exaggeration and that Republican rrule. was Re- Publcan wasteuWjhoever pipar JdJhe elaborate,, statement did It .welj anoVoroughlyi.tAlt wllljbe a go document fbr the campaign! 'Suehork'jfeuiicaro nd time. The Democratic votera w ill not he ! dispise1 to rebel against ahelr own partyarid fly pft to the tRad leal 1 party a that" plucked "North Carolina In 1868-9, until she ' was bara and ' shivering; and left to the teuder and V erciftii feir'of heed carpetTbag ere and hi rcunlbus-mdVreckless scallawagswn Star.; W Wie ''haV! rrahgeds''tQ;MBend out the article referred to, as a Suppl ej meat to, the tmes next weeicj la Let every reader of .the Times preserve CI A IiAUOK number of distinguish ed Democrats have been mentioned In connection With tho vQuberato jrial nomination this year.v Among, them Fowle, Jarvis,' Clarke, Oioke, Alexander Steadman,' i and others Some prominent Democrats ' think, Jhdhelieye that Fowle and Masoi would make a strong ticket j ji i r . .iClB.. Blaine , has written a letter . declining to allow nts name 10 gq before the Natioual Republican con vention for the nomination of Pr&r Went. . What does that mean ? ' Is UlarrieiV Brc Thad Manning, of the Hender son Gold Leaf, was united In marriage 00 the 2nd, to Mr. Fannie L r.rter of Henderson, and from some cause a notice of the same, intended for last week's -issue, was '.mis placwlr -iTie following account we take from the llaleigh Evening visiton - - : Lit night, Febj, 2nd, at 9 oc!oe!f, liri the Presbvteriau: Church '-at Hen derson, Thau. It. Manning. Esq., the hrilliaut and accomplished editor ' of the Gold L4f led tff tlie Hymenial al f ter, MrsFannte L. VPorier one " Vf HenlerfMn,no8t-Ueautiful und - taV en ted daughters. The trousseau of the bride was' etegahf;t:U-autiful ami artistiatojosistipg f white- iatid ' en traiu with tUnind ornaments.' . ; The huroh'?as crowded Vi'iis uttnost' ca" IMcity witli the. mauu friend of the contrasting pari Ips-flie Vridal par ty cuUred the church 0 mid the 8 trains i ofpleiidid iBUstc'coiisistib rfoue of Mendelsohn's weddiug march per- ;foripedn il,; jrgaqMwSvCarrie moo. . ti ,Jt J$ ; ;f 1 i After tlie ceremony ho 'elegant, re jcepUonwasfivin'fat the" fiiivndid rein dence of Mr, and Mrsi A:R,1yortIain. on Moss Hill. .Al 12 p, m. Hie bridal party with a' few 'intimate friends , of tlie family i mpaired to the 'dfntng room wherea most sumptuous i repast mus .1 l.fl. 1 1 . iV . from several friend of the? contmct- parties v Ooe of, the :feafTes of the occasion, was tlie serenade bj Tex-, as llHrrs llrasa:Br.nd,' whwiper-; formed eohi beautiful selwtions, at The presents , were , oyroervus tnd .elegant, pf,, which j can. be . especially: noted one lr.'m!he Board of Trade of "Henderson, and a fine g.ld watch pre-: sentediby fie airoomta the bride. ' 1 h.jTa the contracting parties we : ten- 'jdrr all ,ihe .congratulations, possible, while we express the earnest hpe "that their1 pathway--Hirough life may; .be one pt uuallojred iiapptuess. i m. - The following noble wqfda are po "en by the S ie;b? Adrbra-' We trust it is not uecessary to a y that wfe fu!-' ly, endorse every wordhere' bt tared: South Carolina tia$ followed , and . o 'Wy surVHted the 'xani'ola et. hw. Nwrtb Carolina- hvproVjd:og; a $60.' .petixion ,fprf tha poos niaiuied ami di - f auiefi jjon rede ra le . oldier , .The pnor """. v. . . vwevXe , apjiner re- not ov er of p.-b erty eiaVedinx Iri value Ore huudrrd dolt. rs. nd that be or She is not receiving an income 'exeee ling Uie amount ot two hundred nd Oftr dollars per annum; .il he toldli-r in gray fought nubly! tor the Lon (uio and ihe.wouude 1 soldier, in 'the tran set ol iiia tife-deserves ai l 1 f rom : the more fortunsta aunrirors and taxpay ers of the sSouth. j.v-. 1 . He fought, staked aH.'wa defeat: ed and returned home to fight s in - a desolated homa the, battle for ,neat -and bread," ' He came udt as " a cou qo'riig hero to rceive tbo plaud'ts of .his. couiitrmen, -but, footsore' and crestallen many came to find tbeir. hojues in ruins and in many a ho.us hold severe' " lias bee ii r the struggle against poverty. .Isit the maimtd he ro and hU :wi low -be. aided.. j. tlie State nd ht theT declining years', ba comforted by a nmall nion. "'To aid the helpless m a noble ch irity. -1 aid tlie' hflpless' who fought under aTh BonnirBlue'Fia2,l a 1. it oif uuui r wora Of;' v::u. Price of Guano Kedncedi v We are sailing the fol lowing pop- mar ana reuaoie oranas or guano at 800 pounds cotton: Pafapsco,! Pine Island, Diamond ' Star; Mllls' and UwlB(ud;- vif- .vn:.tMvt - . 1 1 .""i i i' U. ..... nnv fr JL "V t . liouisburg, 4q,i71 WmW 'A Bargain." The best, business staud In town ji? bryi.i x'Applyio this office. Yoq can find at Crenshaw, Hicks X Alien a hogshead ot. m-l asses that wrtstto foreIrt;i;7PaU'5.,,, il Rre)t tU.r.entle' I i-" it 1 Jc iiunugtiie fret emuoy ! .coy - ceiv6s al,rth- .sum, Ofre dolUrs 'pet ni.Hrth uttder thW same condit'.ona. providVd rtLoiy Is J , cApacitab-H from earn in -a iifelih'ood, each la not ow- 'was shipp'ofd from the'rigIUh island's i Um to- ou ;it is lar tlie original packge therefore Wstoin- 1 ": k ,U is pot adulterated ia rebarreliog af ter reaching this cunryt . it has ben tried by right many; and they all say it is first-class. - '"" , v j -1! ue very, best grouua pepper at ttjng, vones.ee vos.. ,, .. . Ground pepper at 28 cents at Jones &, Co's. yu King,1 Jones & CTo.; wUl for the next' ten flays sou yon a net if band-made harness at cost, made by FJ Wyatt :&Sonr,BAleigb,.N.;U,1,iH(A1 . - y --r sa 4 If you want a1 good Sewing! Ma- cniue Duy lhe-L,ight- Bunnlng-Do 4 mjsstic. it is tne Btandart:of Ex cellence and has no-equal. For sale by " Green . 4 -jYartJoro, Louisburg:: N, 0, for cash or on .tline. - n forlinne backside brchelt ?nse Shiloh'i - porous : plaste r.- i Pri ce - 25 old at.Foman'AdrUg stores ! 6M19!1': ooogh: nd!tcooittropUon cure s sold, by. u pn a gnarattee,; It cures consumption. Sold at Furmaasr drug 'toreiV5-' - u-s; -.u j .Ui. ' Crotip, whooping c nijh kndriron-1 chu kumedrntely-rrlieTed by Shi. Jon's cureH:; Bold mt i Furinan's drug 8to5ti:S;r;i-5A tdt '-4 1?::I a: i-Zlt 1 Will you auffer with dyspepsia! liver coinolaint?, .. 8hilit'a; yit i and ilizer i K'Jaranteea to cure you Furman's drug store." " Soli at "Bleep'less' nights, made mUerable by ; thvi erribleoougtu - Shiloh'a tur is the remedy, for yon, Sold at Frman's arug store. . .:U;j - i Catarrh'cured. health and breatv secured, by Shlloh'a cawtrrh' remedy. J J Price 50 cent. Nasali in-v jectorrree. i Sold atA Farmaa's drug. rM (rKOTICR. i SUU of N. C.) i ' . ' la Superior. Couaty. , x rauuin voaniy . . .Wlante Young t Ii. B. PhilliDsadmr. of U. Bker, Elixabeth V "KOTICE. ra, and vife J s'tllliv ltod and oiheia." -The defendant - Berry a ad wife E1U abeth Berry aad TLonim kodgert aLd Wife Nellie will take notice that aa ae t.on aa above eu tilled has tean comoLente I lit thia Court to fvraeljse a m.irtyx nuu.i by U, Bakr(now dece'd,)and wife llarr.t-, r curded tn book M pace 263 of Ki giater t Deeds office la Franklin county, and .the aald defendauts will further take no tice that theT are required to appear at the next term of thta Court to le held at Couisburg cn Monday the l6lh. day of 'April, f 8S9 in aaid eoaoty, and answer or demur to tne complaint la aaid action or plaJniff.will apply to' the court for- relief demanded in . said -eouiplaint. j. Feby, IS .tsbS,.. ,, ,a ... -.A. V. Fxabcjb,. . , "-.-. ' ' "-' -Clerk Sup. ourl.' jfi W. , Tinhorlake .: far - Plaiutiff, ! JT. S. JBptuiii for pafeadakttJ , , -i a f. . . I Ee:memuor ,KingtJ'nes Cei Lavo g.Kd tnanv 'san 1 pie shoes lt-ft s'6iei w iich'they are selling, at greatly re duced raues.,.. ...xj.;:; . J Kinsj. Jones Jb 'Co.'- are! now Ve ceiring auother lot pf Ladies and Gn lleuieu shoes., Give theiu aiall while in.tiWd.;. , : - .'.-v...--. The Very Wat white' seed 'oats'at Kit.g. Jones A CoV '' ' : - ' FOtat'J i r' ' o;'.?t.y ::. ,"i;-d' 7i-?V I' ,n .The Vpnr 18S8 prom lae' to he a Tear nf "plnd:d olUial developments, on e nd nil r-dou 1 in g . to : ! the glory aud triumihcf a.!!; , SOLID DEMOCRACY1. - jln the Fmnt Unr will be found0 . . Fresh frvn Us magnificent '.victory over the combine.! f.ia of Democrary in itg own SLal, true to its o-rn eon Tictions, truthful before , all ela( and IraO.-ss Id the taue of truth 'and 1 .. bright.- v- ;.! .' f ? tr- '-- i . THE 5UN !) sir, eiiht. twelve, and sixteen , pag -v . a, occasion re qnir s, and a ahead of , all .competi tion in everything that makes a news paper '-? i . v . t ' Datlt- - - - ?.'?.P $GK) Daily ko Sujcday c, ) - -. 750.. U.idat tlQ and 0 pig&) WaiatLY - 7 - m : - 1.00. Address THB SUX, New York! -THE U-1 I 1. '";! v .a;- tiitii tHU I,; . . it.- . ! Opened a bulnes in Ixuihnrg and propose to ho just exactly wh it the head f f the advertisement sUuifla. Tliose who wih to t.et the full worth of th ir money, ' can not do b I: er than buy thtir . Qro, eriea,- lh.ta. Sho. flats. U J Tobaveo, pjara,Suun;Conf c tionerica Ac, from tii.' We -n:., ! ' ' can sell you a r-rv ;.ii ... ;ur'h niceFU)UBfoV i- -a : v 14-25. a bar. rvl, and all other Groceries in - pro,H)rti )n. , We resentfully msk a anare 01 tnepatrou age. and will strive''" " 1 1 . v ta give -satlsfac- ers. i.tA !..Jv."' 1 lVapectfullf.1 n. nAtJE&co. ii .f. .... , ... ... ..!:.' 1 "hy buy high priced manipulated fertlllsV three ton of the --PajrVw Chemicals' fof hi rTumietonU (Juanot We will deliver at Lomaburg, Franklin loi or r:fr-Y?funX,T!1,e ,cLiP"vat 43 25 per ton. cash. - Or if w. 11 securad, r'i 3?u? V forW Lb-, oUon, or 3.00 in money, pava t ble the first of Koyember." Uyou waat theabotb CLemlcalait U '1' necessary for you to gite UsVuar TT' rrrM r.e.i.-. vu bu i - . . it..-. i v' - il ! if potton seed meal is waaUdfor mixing wtthf the Acid' Plioaphati 1 r.andKainlt, wa will take yourta-di orderu only, at l.rbwt (100 hy,;l" ae'!.V -'I"' ! ' vVv. Vit ff..:. V i l1V w now , v ar :-, Ing Phast Shoe erer 1J before. We also earrv a fimrJ.. Dry Oooda and KotUo which we ae5 f : v A frj. h Uneof QROCEaua alwaysonlandVsucha? Sl B , : Lard, Might brown and standard Grari uhited i sizar rliVnUaS " - Vinegar, White Fith, Eastern Un.tovndrZ id a kept in a first elas, general mcrcbaiuhW lionfnS?:- F IT' 7Wn T iwu. Tresh lot of EoysUx'.4 tSod? bo& How to "be Happy. Most men are happy when they feej that they have made some one el-e happy. Now, Just call in and settle aud thereby make roe happy, aad see if it will not make you happy alo. Try the experiment, 1 am auro you will feci better " I dislike tlie idea of for etlin?how to write receipts. So one likes unfinished business, and our Loikaare never finished until ihey have written in tbeni Ulceived L'ai Mknt. Very unhappihryou- s &c.; . J- & CXJFTvX. lopl Itoom v Our Pool ltoom is well lighted and perfect order 'to "'"kepf at all times. Those fond of such sport wlilflud:it a pleasant placo at ' which to. spend a short time. ' - l .1 -Jjil Wanted. . . ' A gHl relialdi) energtio man, to sell ,8mitl Patent NorIty Force Pumpaiid F:ru extingniiaher. Best eel'ing MrticJe lo the wot Id. 1 Indis pensable to Farmers or Property own era. Splendid inducement to agents, with sole riht to territory.' llrca lars free Adtiroa: Kemand-. U -Sroi b, CanUo, O. : Mtntlou thia pa- ; .- .-' 1 ' j , SALE OF TOWN L0T8 Oo' Saturday the lOUicUy 'or Mar. h 188s, T will aril for cash at the Court houe door iu Louisburg, the follow i u town lo. a for default in -paymeut of taxes f..r: 1887. ; : ..; u .., P. B. Hawkins, (P. B. II. eatit-,5 1 lot baw:k of Teiuperan. e Iot.' : T. Ilort-.n estate, lot west of grave yard. .. ::;,;-... t ;,. . Uen-ert Huff, 1-5 Interest In lot 00 Main st.''-': ' ' ; ; - , j llerbHr Hutr 1-5 Interest In ten pra alley lot. : .- ' - i ; i : B. 1). PXNKRXX, Feb. fltli 183. . Constable. 'lCOTlCJ5!, I" , ; By nriue o f t be pa e r con t sin ed i n ;t m or 1 gng d. ed exeeuU-d lo 'tuw by Lee Taut, on the 14th d iy rf January lKSo. anl re,-orded in book C7, 3, in liie Uegi.ter of detsla offiVa of Franklin nmi.tr, I willa-dln Mon day the 5th div of March lfe8,at thr euurt house door in the town of Louisburg, at imbl' u- Koo for ca-h." all tue intrrst.that the aid I TaU has in 29 acres of land, describe.! iu aiid mor:ge, adj-dnin tl.a tands of John Alfcd, Sr., DariaTant and otU ra. : . . . t . , . . . C1IA8.. 0. McMahawat. Jan. 31, 18K8. . , ' Mortajree. ; ; ;;riOTiCE. : By virtue of a detTee made by tlie Su perior court of Franklin County ou th 17th day or Jan. 1833, In a 'cause euUlled -In Be. W T. Sianback, Eli Williams KILs WlllLm- and Helen l"kt t rsMi,' F.x larte. apecbtl proceed ngs t sell land.' we will sell at the Owt house l4or in Louisbnr on Uie 5t'i day or March ibe tract of land in Sandy t reek Township, known a the Wlli ata trac, dj.4uiig (. lands or W. A. Person, Beujjmiu Harris and otliers, containui-x S4 acres more or leas. -Terms; One hair cash, baLime in ix mouths . ! B, B. MASiEXBURO ) t T.M. Httmam Tomr's. ; Having thia dry qualified aa Administra tor oa th estate nf Manha t oppedgr dee'd , all persona indebted tt the estate ara reqnested to make immediate ay m.nt, and all persona holding claims adnst tbe estate, most present them for par meat on or before Ie. 20. 18S8, or thia at tie will be pleaded la bar of their rtorery. . . . . , , j , a Dee 20, 1SS7. J. B. Bowdejt. B. IU Maaaeabarg. Att'y ' A rim'r.' fraxklIxtox, k. a ..;-. CniOWE UQ UQRS, WW ES, CIGARS, $a J will jrire especial attention U orders A alee ruUkTABLKUoonnected wit the BAR. . - r. i; ;t' i.- i; 4 x 't hen you ca.br order at Onae, so that we may know Basra Mna v( u . .l Besnectfullv. in : f'tft'' -' , r- ....... . t. M v t another, lot of LadleW . :1 A . , , . 2"' i-. . EW.;.FiRMr i v - a ssjssssssjasssBsjsssssjssssjB 7 nuIrsigTid beg Trarc to annonnce tluit, they hard open I at trick store of Goo, T7t !Fordt a fall Hue of - ttGIVE us ateiai .-...111..... . .... and we will prore what we say by our act v. .- :. " -J -T - . i lie sold STBIUTLY TOXt CASII 7 n).;' Mvnt r.:uc:i? ' f ; ' . " ; . iioagut Dttore ,toe adrance. I-ars eat stock of .V 7; -.v ' 'iHj'J :tM .")'- i -t i ;':.?.,. . . - . 1 . I ('.' " v " T tter boufrfit before. Gents Fine Caters at ob per'tmfr ' r-" ui i FAlOlEnS fcUPPUES ofall kindj. If you want to gi aJ look atyonrtelf, call at my stwe. .White Sewing llaehlaet. Beat and Cbeaiett on the market, fills lis own bobbin. GC0CLHIE3 4 L atpricea thAt ean't te met. s ,Call and examine my ,'oew kind .( i:-:UOLASSKS. (Krect IVom Cuba, La thsoriiiual package. w Or u L, laus Una wberti t :i II T . .. '..ill. ; i . B - we want to buy In the next SO days - ( 60,000 lbs Scrap Cast Iron' l;00o' bufhels Corn; 100 bushels .Black Peas; 600 split bottom CHairs V also unt to SELI AT ONCE, $1,000 worth of tbe genuiiie 'ty' B Dunn &. Co . Plow arid Castings' i 250bblsfamily Flour at $4.60bbr: 144 Horse Collars all kinds 60 pairs plow ; and . wagon Trace Chains and when you: want Haine Strings, Bridle Bits, Plow -Lines Lap -Unks and Kings; Warranted Axes, all' sorts -iron ' Wedges, -f t ""P?-1" - " -v we Wilt gi r. ron th"l. t pile, you vr had, Itmprctrbltr. - CRKN-SUA W, I1ICK3 4 ALLEN. IW ' YEAR .1 New Opening! X' (GENERALWRCHAND1SE) which will U nfferrd to enstomers at the rery lowest profits that were rrf known in Una secii n. There is n- nch thing as beh gnrHlersuU with ua ao all who cuine jut our store may expect t get aati.f;tiou ia erery partiuhu. Very- Re pee t fatly, - P. & Remember that we keep no loks, coLseqaeotly ererljUilag win l I t ' - ' " . . . i. n :Q: Ui :cr. i - . - . : . . - . , . . ' 1 ! . - . - , ' ".v Renuhlican:-! II? ! ;i &i f j I he 'afraid of Cleveland'.?. .) m " v .H!r)tJIfBiotlIt, , 1.-, . , Lfil X 4 ' -Ii j'A s'i:.aoV .n ',!.' " -T -d.'tvf .o:!H.'. v7t :.-:o i :yu .i:o- txju'uburgj K. C ." k - -