i":.'' :H'.';::-:;'''-;r ' -J ) r' .''i.s:v':.J;' . .M'?;.: -,.;'..'........';'' . - . . '" . - . : , i ' - . . ... . - . - -Vv. . - .: . . . . :-" ' i v " 7v:'v; : :,;., .-:.-:, " ;-.- ; .-, :'-' - ' - ' : - '- ' t . - 1 . , 4 ' .' :. "-"' j .: . - ,-". f-v. T, ; . , . ; . - . . j '; , k . V., J- V; V.-', " lT . -: ' .' ' V ' ' ""' V .; Z , ' " " ' - ' - " , - L ' ' " ' ' : . .. - . j . .v , .- '. '. - ' 'J -. '-.-C '- -' .-. V.J-J;' vv y.',- v , . ".: t f V '. " - - - . -'. 4 v, ... t ataaT,Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aw . - ''..I -." - . " ..-J m m mt ' ' """" ' '' " 111 ' - ' I J 4gE3A. ,Hoky Editor &3.Jroy Caller (to litrie Bobby) -4,Bobby, what makes j your ' eyes so bright f ' iiBftbby 4ftQejiljaiolIttie(iihosgbi)Ii des it's tause I hain't ' had 'em veiy could be furnished than that it is rec ommended by all the leading drug gist. m ; -. 8kk headache is the bane of "many 'iiH?u:Vur?Sf;taarftfiLj4 are BgjffM itfpf and gentle in .OHOrDlsleTietan ambush for the weak a feeble constitution is ill adapted to encounter a malarious atmosphere or sadden changes of temnesatare. and . the least robust are usually the easi- tne lease rooust are usually the easi- est victims & Dr J. TTTTTIcCean'a Strengtheninff Cordial and Blood Pu- v rifier will give tone and vitality Tand strength to your entire body. Dr. J j H McLean' Strengthening cordial at gatd, dispirited "woman into one of sparkling health and beauty. ; ; : Many suffer from irritation of the kidneps and bladder without krowing What IS tllA mftf.l.flr mrifli . tlom Tl A. iff 9 . . tinra 9Vxi J ttMcLari'l'cnsnaifeV'f7 mVt,Iiaag:?fi g mild in its action andwarranted a cer- I tam cure. 60 cents. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy i8 becoming so well known and so popular as to need of praise A purer medicine does not exist and it iajruaianteed to do all that is elaimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseaafjMtliite liveriwd kid- driTft . mnlnrin xrom ue system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fever-. For cure of headache, constipation and indiges tion try Electric Bit ers.-E itire sat isfaction: guaranteed, or mooev re funded. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at J. B. Clifton's drug store. A soar spot Tha eagle's nest. : L The diverjKgsiis di1 A watch that won't run doesn't need any chain. To allay paius, subdue inflamma tion, heal foul sore 3 ajd tdcers. the most prompt aliaattefaciyKsurtl'' are obtained by using that old relia. ale remedy, Dr J. H. McLean's Vol canic Oil Liniment, Iheare many accidents and di afceswhiV a&cii (Lai&laJ iBMiouAiaionvdhielce aMlos farmer in his, work which may be quickly remedied : by Dr. J. H. Mc Lo m's Volcanic Oil Lipiment. - For physical ailments espaaiaJlv those incident to declining-yers. there is oo remedy that produces such satisfactory results as Dr. J. fl. Mo Lean's Liver -and KWney Balm, its genial and iuvigoratin? effect on the Kidneys ' is rmmtrks&m. : ; Iidieht JlrSlk-i ML I 9 mammmmmmu impure Ulooa. vViil weakne anWomcdiies Urfg ACori-i SCSKiJ16 ,th good of the oack should 'ue Dr, J. II. Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier, it ; will supply the much needed strength and overcome all. weakening irregularities. If you are: stifferng with weak or inflamed eyes; or granulated eyelids, you can be quickly cured by using Dr. J. U. MeLean's Strengthening "Eye ": m gems. : -. ; - Tom: "I think real estate awfully selflsh." Harry who is' one of them: , "Why ?" . , "Because they are alwajs wautiag the earth." IN BRIEF, AXD TO THE POINT m. , Dyspepsia is dreadful. i Disbrdereu Byeris misery. Indigestion is a foe R -v III A ui. uiB most, tUUlliJitiaLBd TM wonderful things in existeue. It is oiijr pui ouj, 01 order. . , Greasy food, tough food, sloppy J00 bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and manv ,uut ureen's f August Flower has dote a wonderful work in reformi n this sal business and making the American people s healthy that they can enjoy their meal8 and b ; RUFFIN g fogg: ; FASHIONABLE BARBER : LOUISBURO, N, C. ,' -: 'a ' - Mt Rhon ia still on rnnrf r a dies and childrens hair - promtly po ed to by Ruffin Foisa; the leaoV ins oarber. : - ' LWiuut, office Whitehall i h o M t "I Onseefagia h(f5eXbeinor rhitp- I 1 r A tin m &&js&5&l -NmW "" A ; - .. - sail co o: JUOUISBUKGT oun y ffing on in Uiej 1610 FIRST, CLjiSS TA1L0RI8Q BUSIHES: CO oicbitba2b1likclaWialevefy re- WORKMANSHI V 1 TT a r r TVf li Ll fv tff U A Jttilil 1 ilttlij). All the latest styles made up fto Gt cut l!ilatterns. cleaning rn- Mir rrAvi.ril.lf. nn.ll. 1 rt... vrirs to smtsiir I invito a vopuu- uoi. ot prices. Koiicitiug a call wvjn ail lam ": Kespectfullv yunrs. v l.A. HOltNjH -v--?'---':-'"''-i-:'','v"T;"'vMerchaatTllS,l d 6lttihitndii(?rfifeia dver J. GOOD THINGS GROJfi wuv r uunjo -.y.ixVS& mm RIGHTg OOOKSTOV io avaa ew l&di soofioexta & For eightsnn j years (18) gives eatisiaouon- We have sold1" J---.-,:.OiOJLVi:.-.. MIXED PAIKira For eighteen rears. The best pai ti g . ' : " '1 - PRATT'S ASTRklS OIL Tear. Safert and beB 5 rer Absolutely safe. HIRDfABE OF EYER Sash, doors and Blinds, ' Bibber laster, JULIUS LEWIS A Co. : r Opposite Market Hoilso. i?ayetvilletM Raleigh N. C. LIVEttVl FEED HaTjng leased. ih" Terrell S ihles tolA endeavor tb ac con- veyances. It good horses and bug. gieb, and attentive drivers will t lease the public we are determined thht it shall be done. Also we are prefared t0. VW &UttHnM tafldhej vtry J best attention shall be given I (hem. n e are preparoa to do all kinds of uauuux, caving securea a nrst dray for the rumose. Hivn share of your .j patronage, and will guaraMeatirtfaction.; I NOTICE. "i "hmwi u execution ini my hands in favor of J.8 Wynna Oiard inn of Mary A mtmS vVWMDa. is, u m lioiden and others, I lhall sell at the Court House door in T.L.. burg.:N. CM On Monday the 6lft of February 1888. all the interest, ;ght nilU litis Hint U Pit 1 lW ITHn kill irv! a-nr iaiiUMvHi4r-;: bUlp. ran kiln County, uifil the ho-oestead of B M Holden, Mrsll J lioiaen, Mrs. Dora Strickland and others to atitify said execution. Jan. 5, '88 Jl. C. Keabwet Sher ff uavmgw rK3fa.ftUeFaSidfaftiktra- tor on tne estate of Henry Baker Jr.I no tice is hereby: given to all pakies holding claims against f aid estate to terei? sent the same to me for pavment by Janu ary 6, 1889, or this notice will be nUdiA s .. v-Jui 1 mate payment of same. : 1 L. B. Phillips, Adm'r. F. 5. Sprnill, Att'y, ; . . v ! trators Kotic as administrator ni W H. Carlisle deceased, late" of Fraullia county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the - said Jd, 4 n or before eny 3rd 1889, or this notice be plead as n bar to' their recovtrr. persons indebted to the estate" li'll make immediate payment or they a ill find their accounts in process of collccmon by law.-.. E. w. TiMBEkxaKR.T . . . . , IHI? I -TPOWOUA'HiU. "NURSERIES- frrnT mCT' rrrrn - - .inter and Spring Sales "(J I have a large slock of APLLE TREESr, CLQSErOUTvCHMP. f 4 a I V 14 PLUH,CHERRff oiuu ioi mj uiustratea .Descriptive aBiogue ana 9pcc1.1i uri5ffspj saUaSfy POMONA X. C. lufliiilVr ..Liii;i3 uwuiijI Ilawuiwt ini;l-U7i ttnu!THEl ,3llivii'I ,svJKiJ i i ! and get everything you want BUVwa r of J fir J887 BffAPE 1 1 ,,. , . 3 mm Ja Uo 9d Ill-w. HA Ud iw Jx-m I9dloui,?'fi&0!p V'Wnoiu. 8atii " . . .Xul v nSTAT it obco, &c, $b yen I'cucctftiij. 7" h l"n " and Sale. 'By Tirtue of the power et-ntalned ln a mortgage deed exeentcl tn m k t t Pinnell and wife.aithatfttf dayWbb marr I880. which larecorilpil in 1 page 531, Begister'a office Franklin Ooun- j, x wjii sen on Alondar, Febraarr 1889. at the Court h 1 - 1 : . 1 "ui interealtjiif has in UoAa lnR.,.1 mor,?age, adjoinine the lands of J II baves, 1 Q Winn and otheia. T)p? PA WONDERS asist m SJ thonaanda of fornn bnt ar lett a Om P Olilaild. Mains n,l .t. free, full Information how either sex, of all ages, can earn from $5 to $:5 per day and upwards wherever they live. Yoo are started free, apt til not sequired. Some have made over $50 in a single day mt this Work. All anpuMi) . '6M xil iURW t - I f V "cwanicd are those 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 who read this and th ' rv W V w w . . - - - uwuviAUlC C UJ large and SOi.. BianT hav maHf mnA T-1. ing several hendred dollars a month. It iseajyforany onei to .make $5 and up. wards per day, who iswillinr to v work, d; we i start yoa. Everything ew. Ko special ability required; you, reader, can ""r , V n7.ol,e n rife to us at once for full particulars, whieh we mail free. Address Stinson k Co.. Portland, !43flUTn3TJCT--j- hi 1 ' I Vr?Jrol 1500 nUTERS rrlcf Vby ro ncrUi. wkm to t buy tointo3 tWTiWl V 2-2 .VT aMa Fii t ela. HuM 1. foe lAOiita. AW r. rv. . fTnUking Gooda erf afl kfauZl ill 1 of Boor) rn '? ?wvio!ra I, faltBij..t';V,wfT oout incu,tor, and tI jr. ASSOCIATED Fancier tm. T L rciass ,nrpas5ea BT-the-rTharre of lovCl C7 ym Its - a iAliatt vko il tS J..i.f H M , 1 : 1 . A !. toir ur. How tn .tTff? r inavurt An 1SSS. adSlrPf(&3,azar , y.Ii o -ILLUSTRATErjO siiio, : narpertPBaAr JV 4 Mm6; orfmalj' It combipeA,ice literatj Hnd.Qne , art illustralioW witn the Wsfi intelli gence regardingfra faehioos.l kEcli number has clVer-jeria and iBh'orf o-.Co, innuiuu hdu ua:j.iy eaa.ys bright poems humoroda ikctcnes-ctc J Its tatteru-boet ,-nd WhidrvDlate J Uiv cina uiuoi-e iififNiapies to y '"!ijircr'9!ie08tnJTtHe- 8Ul SCin tioci thd liai la inWI .l . . .1 .... v, ft r. 1 true piomoter os economy. Itsedltp- rie ,2aIll-ed by Sod Bcnse.anil neTfflinain!ited lo iUqolomns' Jt?JJend the mcgfajUdious- , Uabper's PkeiodCLb, 7 " a3per'S bazar'; W0( nAUPEivs maoazikcH 14 bo hah Jr3 :6)j EPPJJ 2 If Tnd vJfuti BiAuBazar1' will -I be gin wijh the flrst Numberjgr JHodarT PlPllSffnUon nq tiC?1 i4 iu,u- tinned, suLscn, tins willi 1 1 Mk. t ;in wan "illi it Biia.Tr i ? 1; T ... . uinmug. will le surt lv injl paid, or by exirers. fn-e UlTft P t- jgowinnrei-ht dec not t-stttid xUJjJVnnxiolume), for7)0.lJr, mm mm a . . , f Moth . fni- i,lrT5-I ' '-'i 1 ' otb case for A!, VoCTfleJ ivU'i-' r 1 1 i. ..... post-paid, ou receipt of $ LftL oacb; VrftanVte.hould ii1Lde,!iiyu T " ' ' v-vj ruikiui Jl losi-vnrce money uriior or Dtart1 Newspaper are not IcVjbrtyrthia. advertisement witlmnk u. it . -fciiUi Ilw I 11 unirril tn hr n tk. k:..i ri i . 1'tlOIIM of the rhinnlnl nd foreign LUtorr. ln i lu-fi-iw ,jrert Weekly fa ira),1! o lcome "et la .Terr hoiiekoJJL - rgiaoDrcAL..n: irAnrEu's vrjK& , 5400 Harper's MfVkine i H" a-jir Uarpcr'a KaYur 4'qq. iiaipers roiuijf feopF ic 3tM l'osingo irec lo all subscribe ra in oi. v I r LiXJ4 with the Bret number for January.! ea.oh year. yhtn 00 time is fnen- "nB 'SJrVif Dfcttlio receipt of Of Bonnd rolumes of lf&mop'a vLli for tbrte yeara back, in neat tfolM binding will be sent bv1 ma.il K, . (prbvidfd the freii?ht does not eiccfJ one dollar pel voiuue), for $7 00l ft Toiume, cloth cases for each vol uma inif. Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, '?to a niiuuill WW mniiM xuwspipera arp not- to A.nt advertisement without the cx - v a'ika.iua. arjpsk. itilirRf.-rmr-rTit'rti! 1 i' n - - T.u utITjk i M By virtue of a decrea of t fc s. 1A ! or C mi t entered at April term 17, iol n jJiweeuuij wnereia jjra Ailed was painuirnnd lion TayW wa de end ap" eaid ciirtfM wKl' WWi 5th day of Man h 18!i3,ai m.,HiHie uourt Uoiue in the town of Louisbnnr. ali tn a . a " " the 'VSnew OHiderrottash. the fou0 tradt on m aH ltaMucJ, ,cockerrr$(c, make ItusvljJrinjryUusadTaud 1. rice jjisl ni 1 inc nnni r :?rrf.r n..tt .-r . ... I 1.U f f X xiarper-8 eefclvha wflT3.1,T..i 1 1 rw."' ,Ji"'ii.fUjgi ,1 run in I place sa the 'eadirjf-nrstwW nVw, ' bcMn With tuy hotel. Q convev h .n J 1 ' . " ' "'"- ? ?"V ,ot.rc. cueUw, HJwiriSrVf ilSES?' CVa'ny where' thly miywiVh "1 t ISLftSfiiS wUiolfs ..ttiijel! "i1 y. tWiitorftM re!lcxraurStl,nJecc: ' "" '""'"' '!?,,,! I Of re'6'ur,Dl,.VS:f 'kfci wa knocked higher tfian m klut bwt to of all impartial readers, nd Hi kitiij u.uia u,. . .. .. . - - . per, 4 triirot,-. for Wai u0W kRiwisi.wocaJefMtoL l vrbuT MbfU SmSMM iU itrcTlfatilf' u "U J?JfciTJLii I"' I -.r. over, ,tut ,itst.MaMl,ou4!p uiii telf..n aui weep edkVjT for the per.al ottXl K'Lt L.?'H R Li A C IvS Sill If' joa ihxt O.rr Ihai.k Lot;oolr!u -fruhiioar WeU. tit frai ar k! irWphWWlluViion T.lr re, reaidei ad- joining the landa ot L'li Allen. J niy- iwu wcres. , jLnis 27tn day of Jan tiary ti if. COOXE. i COOXE, ComV; P. 8. SPRTTIL, A I 1 1 - A A . Aui.-uiusirniors Aotlco kw JJify'cTlftclflSber 1SS7, norifce la hereby given to all ptraona ladebteH to the estate of said J VV W Pianell, to?aka Immediate MTmniL mmA n I , . - - '"0l U.T. i1"?3 8 eMstetwilJ oprisent them for payment on or before the flOTk r u'LF15otrni bar or their rtcovery: ni .Vlkl. 1 1 lias revo'utiooizM i" woria aurina t? I leff-1 rtng) tha : wonders of invcdtlV' . - iiei 11.11 r- u I n rw t l... . rT. ri..af.i ...i i . - j . . n t j i' r"". :1..: I-:L'"L" .n,f their homes. . j - ci?.iu5.h rtfri rrom.I 1. rav liberal, tnr nn. ..i 'f ar liberal. an .n-..I i'i dfetT. Vo4i r.r klirtp.T frS.. "ri Lt.i 1 out and return to us and we will send frou I free. oTntbing 0f great Talne tnd ln,t i . . . - - ' Unce to you, that will start you In bW ness, which will bHug you in more anduer " " j , mil ' AM..iUr'UAia-. f ,V ivT li? a ii a ui 1 1 a a vi 1 td :i: -.:.:. JU If.l'f- ni Jul ij(G 'V'iftrn'I.MBV ), foj ",Il 1 ".i.Ji I '1, 'i 1.! OF ..IT: ,' ' ; i 1 . i;d J v-i't .';.?''s! ?o -!:: .i f . t ...... I '. I ... . ! i.;t.JL ,::WILLIHS& CO. WHOLESALE GllOCrjitS ConfrnTssfon .t Merchanis," J.uv.A i 4 ROAOKESQtJARy,, :-! & jr.:.I MORFQLKVclJ, Vd' :v iw in. ,iH 10 ! m.: 'atau!'"5- ,? ttP d.by ' ' ' L city barber shop:" t OTWM.Pt.B... S-Ofoater's !vo? c(..':!:i 1 ' icg b-Uraml cufturjHi'.ning-Ja.lirs'ad f t'g4nfemen hvii bv ' the month, a..4iunrUiknlc. tq. th;;cifi- n' fs KLouiV ,xg ad puirnoBJiascbiiatry for InJ.i t . t .. I. ..1 i'.K t vrooo accomTnoctttions rof tha Trar- TM'.faTBhhed:'Wit!r 1 t'hV5 1) JsYfn : MnrkeVa-ords;;r!' JT, ! 'nl lu. " - i j.y jj j 1 1 f ID II I. I.'N I I I r , .v.'l . Vi I -U"Ti:7 JicOvlla to prtvati,rts?d'eucf'flr 'en LJrztri5 i Jv i - .iij4'. i - I u m wer.'a n.uvh atrrrohrceio imae. , if 1, t - : J a ' r. 1m j r rWft-lciHifidctottluii oufxiarleoco will nabfe to a cure !Txrzl(.t U Ire fnfomi the public thai LI !' (utprewhicli rmwiil .lrt :eirii xa.ia'fc:' 'Xe'm'.u a.sariui yom if tmr iltetokhUo-kt'Hbe rf.tifc warrne! bjinkf f.ir4Mt Ctvoca audile-Vrln rl klui IV.vWJrrt w way sia !e I des Ire hao IWIVtrl : r-u i-A ;- 1 1' hj -j, UitJ ; " UI llbnL UtlUU.' UrrXTTrrSTTA- SPHAMY ,:' U work iioieillW lWineV) bejoWta.rivJuntdaif je-alxs - ' - V . -" 'lJiU NiUS'TXEyiSTER VT' 4 .r;i If J HII Tllulvl Ml III M lv..2 Li'ACiitiaianjtND' ockdrtiien. . - I .M.'u!'(;iToT t v ri'Tt TJir Criers For Syjciaiaiclihr1 ; CI I " 0 , j 1 ISGffi&fs OX; HAND 31! ' I .on LuD th4v2 all . c 1 ORMAbiiWcyrttivii, I.lM ( I , u.i;it'l i. (iijl 1 v ' - tendHl to Ibof 1 aii'i baai pi fpdrjhf ihf Mice' cvWV, a; .P" byh the fcteDrW. iT.Gr. rerfd.d. 'rl iTri '"Nw.'Tr?n'- Uton1 ad- lvtne. near th- t..in r,-.;i, t: ' sr.. rTTii. 1 ' 'ituwJiT aTrea:irwirtWf. 17 . niuuLtr WfB.l , . iiuixi uiiiiiifi " abTlHlS; '?WB'l:. i of .the rjLytr.bridcoo the. tipsl ide'ol .I'jvwy: uo yoa.i.we w)sn ywiione aoj all m luiipy aiid prt.ptrua Nw Xlalo btrect, Wherr I rn prepared to: . V'eaJ.f'. ;i n r n' -i'vn -.ly..j j, . .' , ...., , ,. , -ni'liinaji 'ofDck'smUh' wiirk. J -03 ,AV. i!-n-.- -nil 1m !.. j , Tout friends .. .''. Horse'-sotliig aipeilaUy.r; ' . ht 11 lud ,4t:ci! m v vi:i; wi: t ( ' " ' CJC, iOE- A ID : 1 r:r-.-";M : ' " . ' 1 ' W ". ai'J'SB ';M- 1 till IH Vll Of! t , , , Ml 1 nl-i i.u- in o J Ti-li ? l ,i u , vV.ra S.W".!'?-?!. ,PMrr?tfitt1YelW markl ths Mon ofthft8tatff' vbi;t I ju jiiK'-iH gnlne.paroilos tWw. Is tfea lime fo, avail votimrf "oi tf. i.a .Kbir.ll Hdt no xn.lu,i aiH.it . fal -Hi b .Sb?...t t, T T . - W?.,t0f " ? 1 Ji'llr',(i 0tf VXvAfll',f'- ' fl- !vf0 """li -I!"" ..1 'V I 1 ' ' 1 -v-;:m -j i .. i .... T .n:i.l j'-..i fl tl:if.i f.n"i .:!'. l 1 j -J .it .! i r 1 " "ti neia want la cilC..sTi price. ; ' - t J '-Offlce-la'thfclOM roVi-'Oihce: u ,l" Wfl woald Ve mtend to furtbl! i'JS as' Fuw. V county - :.t iv. .lu , rf"o .l.i f 5a". J, other ca audw ili are urncioif. iKl t think it ;.! . G.mmce!oa1inr a lfp1 'mor tinn yrt-lihwiW-ili.U, tWlforat of JJ 4Urrjd perMtH? t?aoecnfnl ntevcVbi)ctrer Soor'f Jnfei 3rim$: m j .tuj i tncyr, , I t-Wlia attributed than to npars1!el geaerosUy of. the rabHc to w ' '"'4! Iru"' I T 11 I r ..I. m m-- . 1 --f!; :-' ,,,,,)J "-'- i, 1 ys Tr;n i:J fbe'.f .""'f ;j j.-nvijij .-in i 1 .... fOf .l. .OI . r... t. ITT II ' 11.1 .! ..s:? v f r . . . . til Mil ;nrr. -'..i,r,,"s ,nfK ana " (liott V,;4 P? raHJjtockf Orocerlea, 4IJoo4s,-Shoea,, nard- ;V!!.IJ GpodaiitJoo.s.Iothins. rockery. Tinware Aol ' ii' J I . HamnliiU a. i U ..il.t.l.1 iiJiiii n a-.,"T."" m.Ti w'o 10 ianc isqu iue. prices ' the lAJiiar.J and Hardware, rowntat,- tmot. OAri. and: Wier -"khiVM lkX I .77. i , Ji' !t: .. In. ani k Minji:wi.nii i w i.i .um . r ?ill Jl'iUiuumn u ? ,l.Tfj;.?w l.hbfl.ll 1t 7-?i! i rn I I T 1-r.j: lio cs'l'a wo 1 inMt ,wVC .nrJn?!l .lrrrja I '.iiew il y.rnJ Urfai ti rr.b!n I "j'eii' j i;oa;ioOai fMiiia.trj ...j 1 dw LoJia 1 " '-"PT? 1T.FT1 TV n ' w Jiifis'tia 11 a m a .11 1 1 i r .w at I J IM n.t;ml.; Zj ...IT - " a.l ; , r r , -uuia acr 'XKaTfi tit Ft X Vn ( ft n ' ' BX DBUC3 AXD CltEMIOlIA, i ....... , J-Mu,bi vi ifit . a,ai..;X - r i:o--do aeon -m9iOr-ri.Vl i.'j. .h1., ilil tviJ ?,.; .-.V .i .ln;t f!"l'!f1 i r v a make wrlr-apDlicatisn ' n t . if, :!. .iti-i.' -i f in; 1 .iRTifPWi.,r,n- vr. 11. rLEAiTs-.t so.v.4 : bo cjj IndecJ dl not w.f ','. llff . ? fci.U .. . . ibis coui y pruea;Ariy wih the l.t . .1 . , ... , . ii. tv Mair ro.. " ai 11 V.cl P.4,r V ...I B ' ' -'in-wa w AK'V rfio ra M.i tJtinrt u... - rovi "itrn riinil xI :i!jn2 - tiA: tiA- .- mi d it -ttt i- fcoti'Iiow il-.'.lw :tu.i ' ' ptpvt nptiTrtvr1 - ' T; ..7, ".7 rOU . 1BX2!CHXPTW .A ,BrtCIJLl.TY ...... 4 " )?. r j.j. -. .i , , , b ,r ,? .. - . , . . ' Z---"fWBBBM- f t ' ? Ti.'i ".. . 7t .t? - n il iii .,,( ii i 7 e -t Iho

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