1 nerWilnaington Star, well says Whengwii-hduelnenlliink of (lesertiosnhe peoiotirtitro. party1: and c0pferatirg witHrTftinBritil part v lhtV allow i imt fx JnrtevitrtrNist' to seiitKa'rbBrtflti Atfi Nay, they are forgetful of the pasT. T xiow-can mey xxusf a - party that , and violated every "pTTnciple of t he constitutional law' wheti-in ih bay day ofower?- respec&b'lo .( WdHWeaUfn'1:ofthv oui tne-sirgmest exaggeration, ' be-r trayeifefr66,ffc,felld!0, o- "The Hepublicari nartv 'cm .-np er have any standing' with the re spectatflfbifes' VhV &3uih?Tbe granoomiareti or I life pieenl s:eitef-J atioiiIoScttUberAets wiHIiiremem 55r?!ffl wJWJ WMtM&k fajrainst party0 wften -.it bound hem , and Kang.)ptitfiieiesiffbdtia NorUrlfo0 take cpiftmarid f. tiie-newiy! einan' Ifl'hV&SMS ciatiofn of or regard for; the littita : r0lr Z ,ma. e&M ofthe ftwJf he, tli nks it Lf, Y.tMpPft thecontroK of. rtfnd LBUe4 ,,HPJi tl mticjDarfethff.pirty of itafcpeo controlled by UbiSlntoctatiiaiid mononoUatg jalUfitxmaa' bcbs qMai ltTP?iolaittijuoariiest? tionesfrt.fti Wl inian bas tiu-c slnessji (gjMfcoal party fthatfca been 59 eflcUwUy dried (weighed 4 and foyqd vantingJi? Wearey sup some f ottindihjllnlato H teilkih hr my thBi8tatfea.evRiia.H .... ... ...y jrvJ v u. uone,. or, breadtfhefeP mHk Xmti BtrackHte .. tv-Burva rine aear peo than his re wardjjiijorget the past, and'iy-rjtng ihreiXbars: 'fihd himself plnmb in the-tjmrjf the Ile pubIica;pyrtA Bui iltft 56 with1 fUd' jamilmifnMfif pope!regaf d for i the welfareEof Ws 0e'op1ev lif i ' : lo i f 1 1 'f'l f j-TT r"-" sUff -?Jy: THitiimnijl oXCat; Baldy-Wil tioa JVFnpingjesajlttotlie; 5lhf dis tnct, ftodUUtj ttfe; dp!rilbrt'of agreat put up itHftia atedod; sveakec - an antrffeg6rkefia'irtio3iai&t ' JuDGfe barkeivtnted W&l&t? to jaa for ten days fat appenrlh be- 7 -"S SnajjuryiinfaniJintoXic ted condition during court at Win ton.Fayetteville4ber,--- that the editor of tho-Tuns favors, and he'ilrrulf iiiriito ma at.fVii rift mnSJA;rtyjvuJ55i .a"fir.t'i of mftn-f LiiJhisi paealahitiiam any mode JeUiiwodte TaEB'are fift-9evelf ft?fhft iini- nor hooslnMlahtefeV , house and . four wholesale liquor' houses.. aiCh&jincojrie: itoTrWlU'flfii " Neb Jicensedatttttia .j amounLfo tMQQa' fox thi. while taeibeSr saloohsto'lidenUd i iiir .in i m n irnn rT " ' . - - t and -:, wejealbonaiu 'avevn'mttv'wpir bunched toirether--::-'t;BJ.54 ceny broughrHg)iiWay!(oiifa purloined ftfrbput 3,600,000' !rf ttils Pecullar.ce,. VTbeamcnV alleged' ; to havejpeentolfirtis so(larger ihaV it woul4,iiuire; d gteaf "deal 7 r6f Ivardiheodin a Ordrid juryTo' find a - bill, but at any late the Doss ' rail road w-rs-iH-ttrsh'aihg.jip' that wnrxlahc good! 'iUf: Carolinian Jf hlnfcWofIdeutityilf them'sSrveltr wWa1 MtV to With" pleahdWro ftf!kiti?m pgaif hein arfd, Jlioldin Feder!ai1 bayomitMtnfrbret klM btf1 Ilanis Is being nentioneU'i4ry ;bf4 ten lnWtiM&im ""nfwfPiY-PJrs restricted iw. A Til E Democrats ? should carry fFranklin County this year, and in order to do so, there must be no lojiishness dispkytSy any'ohe in jM rank's of the .paWM-Eery; (jgiari mct DMke.qnTh! iisnje i rienasnip ana Kinarea, and go tot-the i stronxtst -iiien f position.. 'This is no vear for ex pennxeiJWJofn-confMiieisllsqttar'i Uotigh fight is before us. . ... T 4 Oii political opin t cfumze. fchrtnge. . U We wlffagree to trie above asser- I tlon when, men are uos est in tieir uiuruuutw uu i licit (- "cy: prpi ess to po wnat tney are not,; nnu ally against, the angio saxon race,,; to tnoj sore puriose orseanng ri.tpf "nce, they should be scorned by ,ev-r thPV rPPivpt nrnmnHrm v 1?HBBtck i n gha m RWkef Very 5 truly-says: We rno -nt hcaltiit&'td axiy! that all thi sy ihpAIh'ellcf eaf pro Ved and cohtrolfAd hv !thh iivnn ,eedweidth of thev coUiitfy'ad 'Is15 t.i ; seehig to deceive and unwary by Its treacherous ahd false pretensions; sjTbey never tell (he.- people ? ? wh'oiri' ttipy wiah :to, ensnare, that VhW I they call Mprbtectloii'' tnean ftni. of the article .nb5 ami that if the tax lr lai-djoaa pecssary.used .bytheIaJ man1 he will have td py the' 1 .uHis: employer y g'ets-the' adiVantaffe in that the law forces the purchaser to d wra to ,Jft prtl. jtectM article, but does not force thei ptoducer.jtQ ,pay hi employe higher wagte3ihethet tht ; pays nauciv .o.c t JitUovi&ir. -his - help depends 6q Ihe rnarket valueaof Lai hot wjifcK flo lesVslatibii i reguiatek n JiUt -l 'nVtfnHfllif .atgrs voted for the Blair BlUHhls tXM and t hirty agaf n'HV;! i teenjDnlocr?ta voted for it and pre cisely the same number 'against it'.1 Ofthe ft ve inocrata nd three Republicans whodid. hpt;'o(e CocxfcEELjti Haud:,baMJLNi? ; paired . aalnt thebiltJiwithD Mxrsrpg 'and : Shebmaxj 'leaving :thre pem)crrtt3 and one Republt-1 can not cou nted i either way. O f the sixteen Democrats whf ' Mt for tji bilFall were from 'Southern 'BtateexTOp ana BTVof'CUnofXiiavJX'ho Misslssi pp 1 artdrkansak'Sitiw, "aritt 6theratierhap,f,v6teil for thT pill undei sWutohiril Statd fcjjegisi'iturefly ; , aiul -i g'ave '' 1 1 ithjnjr but lfPPf,r Pf thcir -votes.i ,It has beew apposed 'thfvlime'bV'A" fiitVniiUr Senaior: who HUBDorted :4 it h Pn. i and ic tjdt defeatedin i rtaw asl propaoie, is now plainly too weak' teiHitheri ?9tti TO OITR FARHfeUS: ,!1i?jrstf weiwonld hdviselioiiricf4ri raf3';,y4 con-posting . mte, particle ife isvipare' folly fo!l Judiciously employed in testing W comriosting. Such J work wea bat 5 '.horse! flesh( and deaf rritrii' J'Ur ut sjiowi th folly dfour Tarmer. , Vere;s,tHe gooclsense injliauiing, com phsi -when you tund buy7 -coW' raercyJlniiIicrs, !frcm ner" cTiantp'.We would advise cut1 far'i5 $H ie!?dtp buy ItiexbmmerV: 1;ciat j fertilizers they v can' inuiiMV 1!VThi first thin, however for' evr ' Mortgage liia crop, lands, mules and veryining' to sdnjerhi'ercliaiitr by means i of ,ecuring vhis t. fcaDtrties tfSfff the raortel9.rpade ad.du- recWded the? farmer will next'! ' tetolejall the merchant will !et4iim t Z Syt r ei Jnrbe sore not.. J get jlaft on the wants and dbires ' !of hJs mUyj;A7hen:tiio: irT'te reteW?i:tWhk()rpiiutin any tht;itf 3tcApt ctttoh r -A -u iOn.?Jwf.lcIi fha't : k'' .'iVv.-' m- in... , i his advicawa glveourdowl XuU well thafrgreat numbV oftKemwilltVctttccord : Incr t.iXt.' 'U ' -r- ; "a---wo want fcronce at least to dve 'Md.; Vice th h r'n " ' r', Vice tlut wiU.b? folloivctl. Wllaco T--,;- - -,::.L. theimselves witjh an Ignorant race, AVr4adWlcyrirro aooeaviC WHI havfethf. t.,vfvi?. 11 at tna'end pf the yearof- gVe- ' p - t are m c,rcula-, lhilihit:h6,kao'!drm vTT.is' ,iutmmLr;td:ttla thtoortgaVeTu 18v-2. rhey! -if--,-1 :.r--: -. r w..;-iJ.,r,rs.";Jf ?. v. -. . try.... Says -the .New York Star; Doubtles the.i r so callL.i Dam ocrats whose on)y vv !i for' their partyinTiat iTmay h Ad on to pow er: . Th?y wculd makola stradJling tov.tlirah the campaign dodging and skulking. But tliat isimposstblerfd"rThTTl.it- form is aire? iomty can p-irfy ignore, disclaim or escape r the re sponsibility of Piejideut Cl&ver land's tariff measu4Kt&ns!t dne -sagjiiakes t ite-Unepai-rwh k hrji he; fight must ;4fM;nadf tc II jnocrat wlto can't fight on suchliuos should , liicjve, pff and . inake..rt)Dm r fo r the, army oir recruits who are comlbg in '.. i The PrA kluxton Dispatcliiof 'a .cenjt da;e .baa tjiej ,7ptoviQg e timely. worus in r.eioreiXv- to iflwu' ..buxMing 'wwhLnrti!6 ltBduto'for the bentfit or jlZ'A.man.liteL 4 torrn ahd fij'ol8: n' J hSff H W -lri ,b r iAa ri hin diriincc to Its urosren iust in Drot.w. ytioii tof h a iui(,6itaMice iu thepbuc: so ioua-t4Q eiu: 10 xarov one an" iaoa'or ! leaded Jadge'. wiulJ ' 'ikfi esLcTal i f regazd:to' a6eiiue(iciaii eUecU f juirli., UifkiidvaiAvaot.lArittr lertnin mei m , imwt towns would . anuRS, gi U wealth, antlt having but . little iiUblie 'frpirtt'atHJut'nietii, Would ihrotr .tbcanervei ath warb J tli. irnniMo if UffplSW .fXW Una. wUich-.dld: noprouie, an4 Bepor tliat.jrooUe, Jjy mbtEgiig, to br t sold iu their cbf- In blher Wot; lUeV had means:' Jbiut o only did riOtniDg.'b'Jt afttdallv ure?entK otlirs f.-oin.' l.irw. .nr. tiling in nti.lrl n-i..h.i tjin nr UlJr.lhji ton. T..Tlv. liire un'wiHinjj to spend one dollar, for i mptoretop n ts' unlesa tfi ey (ca h ' its s'u re tlmb they ,wil gevii bavk', very soa itwith ,UiUry..!,l ivVliettncl a man dlo r aadihA8 f??Wls P.lSd jthehaads. jot prJ;..J'tn-oW , -UberaTj tag public's b neetttdjoa-hngojijtiQj KaoFflfanttraUielrt tdntns-,1 It in:!.!- ad trutU.ihat pfit-n mensooi. iMi-n J pirn u nuors signieu and. narrow tbeyfetkril the' li te an-Jtldij ead4 iu t. th et--vti : , WWi."? icour, paturalj 'advantages arewni, ra.Iroids are in- dUpensMe,!boltl ibere ire Uiauy' villa1-1 .g9 in' tni Ktal i that " have enjoyed tUse blading for yeti?4 and ire vey -v f Urat essential elfmnt-f ano ithe e iizcns WtW town; mi'ri' fall bf ;ucrg' far seeinir. ei terDrift- Jug, Jiier.lriiudB4 ocrafGtte ir tbu ba'ui aiil hUf a. icor'e ot'' otlief ! toJ n of llveStite ii;ive bten midored loub ! ly attractjye ,by , tU ir. :fadtl bcLimjI rManjr 'a'poojr maii; with a largV faml 4f b children !rarj left 'a; coin Viable it.i.. 1.1. v. i . j . . 1 ,Vo, work in said cities biaoao t: stliool I.vciHUea. Xo-iowu cxiivbti 'plflspwojw tba? hanotj gijOdlcliodl .facilities. TJie adult (.npul.ttion or bni iowm exAfisU almost eotiroly -tit pedfiawbq Kere:,uot .bo tv in the :t.jiwn. - V a :cannat UeieiHl ;j for thd population ot a iown.ou;tlw peootfe ,fu!wiju,ii, aiHi w we wouia pave oth ers com and ii re with iu Iweinmjt a. loaat: otfe)r;$oue1ducA!i.toal ad vaota 'vest I '4V i verafcHNortb rXVirolina -giHitge.tordav Con wiua'uot nioda tlinu ' 'O.jel birply ( bisiniss me wh Wera b;irniod raised iojrr Hieywill nat oom( whera;;theroiar:nO! bebb d !a4 j icHit:ej,;iii ,toniiituiiu' i 3ti v ttt '"ni npxtfiBBentialria (nianufacto-i rfevl If oalyMur;handislilg:tlofbl lobd in HAwn:.it3ijV04'daiiun) iod .business is liruited iO correso jml wil Ir .tbe.nioaus, taatcaud of -th toanirvttributatT tlirrato' biit i. where! :.fttiibiis of variou4 kind furnish, ciu. -to tdr the growiti.itf.tho iOWnlia uu- I i'.'"j,,JVU' wot iH irnw aesirinsr iiumieu. xt carries its .own destiny, depends im itself timl mi vli niticebt xjity because, people. wiU eoju w i i Jt.uie 8a&e ri .-jme.. WAi;ea i tliey canJeanu v .VV4ibouiv,maaafactures nf . oine .kindjfvur, lurllro storep aud three ' A. r.... I 1 jr. i -. ... ,yi tour iiyaqirpu ilUiaoiLanit Will C0O-. ;tt tute tbb aTrage,aown: with mm growth except juch as-it ;tl;naturl eiule Qf liH rease of popuiwioo taitbo m - - - J2 . i VAliUEi OFlAMEUICAN.ril. ;V,'J; ' ' coins. t ' m -; .an.) v -.. I f?,:"I ; l:. An exdi a ogcja n ta wis : 4ba t PtUaw ii)inlformiition regard ng tli,5viln: of rate a.iueMaiV;doVfhVnalfJ flolIaijQfid85,,jrcpeVenliug,J Seated, ia in circidalion. ;It ia .worth-' .41.75.) The quarter of 1853,with ravs. f .uiuug silver uoitar3 or recent coin age;; the .858 dollar, repres'eatiog JJberty 'seated, is the" nTrst" 'valaable. It Is worth $15.' fTbe dollar of 1823 4 wyina eiigie on xne reverse de. A I ittie worn U would , pass r wl thou t is wprtn,8i&. ,.bo,,isr the i5?' letUSh rarely: , .. The and balMimrVere oPVT " 3 f ' Pv6 ba !f se brtn.60- cenU; tha copper 2-cebt viece of th? same year - la worth the 1 ' -rf i n , V1 .ue cm The. flymgagle cent of 1855 MIIs for SI.' All tf. gold coin, coin. S v ;Jr to 1S33 commana rreciuaif.. I the other seiUial, nauir lly follqvr and they arj fw and simple; firVt, goo I school labilitu-K. tB il-iffii;1' Dili'J It is gratifying alike Jo their friends and to t 'urth Can Una Meth- odls! to know tiiat JrJnlfy College. ii ii r. pmpercas condhlon. Tl.e Ashbcro Cjuricf vayti" ) AVilXlulCaidhar.wa mU --tollcsa. will soon attain the high place to which its friends ha ye tor. -a -longtime been looking forward. At any mite if ;is niov.ing towat U W, The college roll carries the names of HQ boys. There seems to be hope on all sides" President Crouell - la giMugaUsficifcjiiarfl lw)lenciirTiiiaTTT n tiring ene-gy and the1 - executive TT1 U t noimy mat - wil ft SUCC&S - ThTT friends oC.tbecolleo.jMive .abun dant reason to feci .gratified, with hi$ administration;1, '" ' v 1 Yoi Think, Don't yau?(! H.,JV , TThen yow Want ruewsxi per-; farora yba strike fori your . twijva innp'ci'V -du9t.fop?n4iirytta wutt 7j"or itoJtn,! ypun propferty ..iucceaed-. pel? to go.!aoc.Jtt.1Leeih and toe-U4il ! 'iWOnToaklckl wbjn the editor does ftnyijng.jjh... ' Wuild Pot bft noticed in an vbojy ele; ha per thinking tha Mrn'i'a goVnl tbii'.g 'Cl It by toot jdVinrfliaoffitiatroiiai1 CduT you t 'Yoi; would iiot'"cipdcl tbehnmd p'.pct'J 6nlyfcircumin bW-J ure.s togiTo-ydtt 'ai 'biaelr7 reading ' ' tatter a -ta1 tiiy 1 pip, 'lrJdUUaH1 Ihousands, would you? ; You would ' iwjt expect.th!prfice' of tlu fofu?trl to WfljUbw ta that Ilter;,ueitlifer "WQuld! youetpecttbo lattct to-.giro'yod i Uia loc4 dots id.ta tbousnud i and), on i litf.e powsy Ihiius'aw! nothings Ithat.'. ytfu !get in .the..- former; would ryoU, FuequenMl y-u.Sfjeak pit t,t1M iy u y.Q-ir j rtrk dwe. to..spitshei;?. tetlltpr.Qr to sava .a .few cnta 1 'jout :D you ihiiik,thjkta.iiouVJpHper; l roCelve noiUins; Ji" rtnrn TT.i ' " jwuuuim;! s'j ins iHUer Oscano it wu't.ns much .reiKn jailer, in it an the, whole; dear reader, you think ' 7ur )om& p iper' a intiht gop'tu'iug ' f.W ilie towbVaiid fyV.t ly your 'action' 1 ! yoa preclAle thb 'nolne ' pa peV ' froni ' . . ' : ... I 4 ! U . - 7 f . l . . . ' T 7 r. inov riifwjwreti. ivy . lie. tract W.UuUi snmpFon cur."- ifbld'at "xVaniAn ?lratorevvi4t' .r o j:tf.l oiM.NesaJ Terms: t0ue hair cash, bal.HKO gflioll. CoiiBlliiatiotl. , liiz!oo - Inn of u,i..ut.., .yellow , skin ? u BUIlUa , VitMbzei-Is a positive cui. ' Sold ui Jf nrniaJiH ubjjf a tore:' '''' :.'Jf v i-rl.'jv.' Wiir wltl'y rn e Wh'whe ti77 Bhlioli ' cnrojwCt lt-e immel:ato relief. TYico ; . ts and.$lii V"o"':i wW wiit ' JSbfloVa catarVh . remtxly a poali' siveura or.catarrn, in.tii?riarid cauker wonth. tkildat Pnrniau'a dr.. r lQro, '1 llt emiirJ..,hv,.lrf v.vi.J. I ...r rll-ickmaLack ' a ltinT rirrt. grant pcrfartie;; 7!Pr!ce 25 ad50 'cts. um nu rariuau a umgaiore. -" r- Ironihatif. jS'.ldjat, Furinan' Jroctifnow 4rcciucd. aud wife, rreurdrd ..i u '"i .... . i i. 1 ,;.;For dyspfp and , Jiver.cpmplaiut, ton uivo a pnniea tniarante on ov try ! I wttl o f 1 SlnToh's V-Tlta 1 ixer. ' ' ' It' never fail to dorti:rSold at Prrrmao's ' irugSiore., :,,IH vi, ,.:(Urf , n.t .... -."A naal inje-tor free with aaeh lihtJ tin of bjiuoh a .ckitarh; renirdy.(li)Prca SO ccnU, , Sold at .Furman's drus atore "1 luo n i. u'iToD: 'nil. :N r- ri Uovfto.he Jloppyijif .''nii --. i jMosf" men are ha ppf when ihey .that they 'have made ipomo' brie ele hnPPy.J Now,Ju.lCaU io andaeUle mid therebr .make me happy, ipd ee if t will not make you liappy ald.- Try the experiment,! t am ',ure'-'y6u'Jwiil' feci better f I dialiko tho id nfja-getiinsJi-'W. tQ w-itofl receipts.,.. No tone likes unfinished business and our I0'1 aref fievi-r" 'finished -until' thcy, Jiave vrittnn in them -RECRrVEb T1t-MRx-r. f :Very Hlnha pnjly yours Jttr.v "' j ifiiiT ; 'iioil lJ-B..04FTtX1-.i .1 t..;i 'It U B KBU ..' 5T.V'flttVlrT' i ilUI ? VI LrA Aid J im!" i. t.7y titd. ;v.'t'-ijjAj5jLJi!i ! I-jIk.J v.H'W.T fv.-dv lf ,v.-.ii.-)-; ii' ! ':. !l 0uu. it.. II. . 1 -!" rl d) .x -t!j 1. i'.r.u. I t; abuinep in' Jiuiburg nnd.prfposes to be just exactly. wbM tpe beadf tbq advertisement Biga'ifiW. 'I XUoae wbo 'wish toliet . tha full worth of ibi 'ir 'D&oneycatioot 'db'bel'er'.thau t bny ' their pro' e:ifs; BovjU, '.'8ho;st HAta." lw, : j Tobaejio, pgara, SiroflCConfec-" , Honerics vxc.'fromus. c ! ' "', i can sell you 'a vt rv ) .. . .lAc . eto a bar.. nnd all other1 Groceries in-; proportion..' We reegectfully . ask a filiate of the patron-, ,'' ge. and will strive - ' ;'.- .-u .1! turn to cur ' !. ..,, p. castom-1 -.:.:;,.! v. ,i: -; ers. V. v. I 'J - ! . - . U r ResnectfuKv,'- ' " -fl Unfit 7 i i : :i JustODened ?ppcx atiio:iUat Kiu, f urT ground, pepper at Junes & Co The very J .KinS,J..,,(!S & ca-, will for the next t n tiays sell you a et -f hand-made i-iruos Ptvost, r. a le4jrK-F. U'yatt & Sou, llalcigli, C. - . .. ... l'ool iCooui i' :-1Qir Enoiit, well l'fjhtIiini I nrfrt nrrl Th.osJoudof.uc!u!i)ort..willjind H a pleasant place at.. which lo tptrnd a TVAITT& !o. A 'Harg-nfn. . " kabest liurga'e.I,i..df,7nf town 7 jt ;?t - v! dApplf to UM face. n 0a. grave'yHrd." '))i, i. " LUerirt HufT, 15 interest iu lot oo tr..:.. . TTT kUd ro-ordedlu bovk C, e3, in (i.o Uegirttr of detnla oiae-'of l fKHil.o vimiitTv :i tnI)B)u Mbn drfyj the Wi dav otjlancb.,, t tba court bouse door li tbe , twn Txuia1iwrg ai biiblic tK tion' tor W-h all i..1u Vrkj' that iao anid 14 Taut uw An iJ, jatiTOif on lAKt,i;r;beili ia iQiin and oth irk. od ICuas GMcMAi?AwaV-.! ) :rS;f lnn ,;,tKafeii -r . - ,.vl Vf03011! rndllelxiaUat-L. peclal proceedioirs t sell laml. ill sell at the Court !J, 'lUM ASSfcXt3RO V 7f.,T.M.jIiTTMA J ronir'i. 1 i w .-1. ,;. "Suttavtol N.i C)r. N i:irllmu ' WS. ) t-.v-ui Ma Superior (.art-.n ' J.1 B. Perry, TmireraadY iu. ,".',u :u: B. Perry, Tm iter and - 'M4vrT1 tvrt,j 1'in rl i.'d . ,, . ?T P11 ?Jn?r-ot r. fiTi.:n. 1 1. . t... T... -ri.... I .Hit..n ("i-u. II. 1 lMtkrr. UiMblU f lkrl-lenUnt l-JixalxrU. rxj , . Bgfrr hjut hluband nd Thoiims Ut'erVaud IfV' Kellifc wiU Ulit tunic that acitin. . &?l" -urt . Frankllaf romitr t PF. '"oi xic ai tne- ia Fmu tliv County, aad the ui.I dcffH.ln.ft . , will farther Uke notice'tlit f.ley arr r- quired to aiiar at the next tcrru of th-i imri to.ba Iteitl at Loni4arf ou Hihy tbe, 116th, dy. f April (1S8S, at tle Court hoHse1u4id euunt 'and' answer r ideiaur to tUuoiuaMt ikuiilBtin. I or nliuotitt' will apply to the coart for re-, f ITrf d4mtHled "ia u!d eomi.Jainl. 1 Thlt ! Spraill for Dcfeudant. . . , t(lVEBY'iFlOfcJD ! ? Ilanng leased ,tbtt T TU , Stable in lou!..fn.irg. we"wmVr.drator to ae-' ' cdniipod.iU:tl.evohn with TCtoir-1 oyanoea, It, good' U.r.eS aod boffn eir aui atieo.uve Urtvers U -please i Ui puMiC, w ale ceicin.iutd fbiit it L.(llbe d.-ne. AUovc on prepared o fcueiC ri Cif1ivnis:?nJ..U vrrf: ijont aiLcnlion sTidl bo irivtn thm AVeare tir. rar;-a 'to So'llV Lind' of naaiiag, uating w-tured a'Jcrt 'Cla".! drav tor ,tup' lmrpooe, fiv a nbaVci of, fyour.patri'unse. .n:J . w .will I'liar'iiijL.'M KAiKf.M-tiiMi ' !' ' IIAYE551 PINNTLtl1" JVQTICE' OP SAXB - 61 IM''I VI:e ,,JBy yiTlftei of lb prfwcV coriferbdliri' oh creby aideadof lruat exacbUl ib Bid Yl xaungon.tbe.l4th day.vt.i lOber 1837, aid ncoWled In book. 75. pace 272 of ltel tcr of " )eVrs' oBiee in Franklin L'ouBty;i.win MllalpubJ He auftiouAt.the iiUrii( Iloiue ; d,hr WTittuburg. on Monday tlie 5th ls of Macb next'at 12 oVlotk.-W , 'f d- iowui property, to wi:r left'. rof XoS of land. In Fncana.Towildp. n'rknklia Counfy bet aia)tLo W(vlrjj, We il pai l You'dz In. tlie di, vision, of Uielaod of Mnclih'iYduEg":tVcrn3f'V :coniiniiity8?i . a.re n. joh(io..the! land oi II y. WUlamat, uls., nt-. I ha intefest bf t'he's.W d Y, Young inthlwercf Harriet Yonn' itua toi ia FreemanaTownihip. &.ulah, 142 ocits .idjoinin' f.e Unds of W. di Towrll et.'al. All v-ftash -valuable proiertrsiudprtie"a mr'.tiZ to pur chase lapd.wiU do.Wflito:at nl the'. Auj Ctbcr ii formation ifgird'.nj ,,li9 sale ill be-cbetrfuly given. lercls olsale, ciair. v 1 ju .. l. Ground ieppcx -t?rsr-fi? SSlr'S: -vr2KI -l-Horse ... Collarsj-all mc:3:; ! tdxca fonl8o7.i!:A i .-i.h.)I. . -.J i ; lLwkins(V B IL etite.) I ! , f. Ilorton estate, lot wcat- of ' crave'VanJ;" ))' . i ;.,i,..')r I :n. Ji.f i.,' ,.Va TDrrcrj.AKE.7 A Trua'.eo, r --r-rr-z - -.- o wast to buy ou,uuu ids bef ap .. .. ... - . . ..- j j fjl ll'Kvlilsiwaatio&ljL AT ncT!; - ; f Dunn &Co- Plow i ;and OaGtirrn. unams ana wnen-you Strings; ; mid Bits, lbmes,- rr, firming purr., Jast com to- est-price yoiirverjjjd. !,:.- J lo .'j !. iv rt "II .1 . " t iu-'L' " ' ft' I . a if yd vO il UWJ"wJ-bJ x i i. a n .iis-jV, tj.-. vn; : yryn li vol n ?nO ! .II-i Ji wjj;t yjt pibiii liiv J liljjhJ -iil ni.i itl ? ln oil 1 Id i. -MM .i;?!,;! ol. J..i-pi n'ToiJ .v.t.o l.nn yfi,;lnl ,1.1 yj , ! I hi)H fI.iii:I f;"mvl 1.! ! 'i I tit.tl Ifi'-liiiinl .li I i n lUti t'"'dl .dl o.:ona ri i 1 Hi lov . Mil -r.- h .jH ho Twlli in Id ol I J..-..I ii dvirh .i - -I'd Jit.Tb nild reigned beg Tca?a lo! annomiw i it v dt H.brfck.v.tore, of Ccd I" d , f ,,,.- - i- .. .. i..fi l in;. ...i.;r . ;i ;i j Ti.. ,- i J, ti - i -.1 1 1 t . . : -,- -. ,, - - - chjrilfbofferrjl fo cos tooera aiU km,wn iu Uu. seci.0. J Thar. Uu. tWrti: m !tSi uoll .-r tF?,". Sf , i . . , . , , . , ' i . . ! li. d'-m ti-i 'in. I -GIVE: TJSATRIATx I.t Jvf ui !- ! lisit .Jur !! l i U' taln:0 I Ntl- .5aV p.fci.w.Wf,Ppr aott. H - ! iff.'- j r,,;,j--t l.i.. 1 . '-- I ... . - -...... ... . nul I .: I l-'UI Mil ! ( Hiii I, i d .vv .i.;.. tuitl 11 feu-. H'rV. l..v.l 1 , P. K. ilWmcnibor tlit we keep no :. i J i I i i Bl rtil -i i.i. l i. ..IT ; him .1 r,i.i i i I ii m lit . . au r id I." i-.Ci.ll f,ilJ JUO ,14 In u.v.i bi'i.!.i-i- n.n,.i4 ::.TTrlr7;0:" i-ilJ d '.-ill -jii.!.' 1 (H'uij Uiii t.o .! 4 i T ii f - '".( i T i ' .1 ......!.. ySi-4U.t L L ,. , 1 V I t 1"? ... . ; ti-u i'.-i. -jjt'jc- v.ij ui lii'iw yu J lo i. Lit :;!, ! ' d i Baoglit before! tU adraaca.;-. Largest stock cf id i'o i-.. 'j I ui a m j hid 1 u; it. ll .1 I . " l: !!.: n i-i.ii r'i , . " -vi. u i4Mb!rFPiQ'ora E,na,, "lfoa c-fa -pool' l'f ,.0 l.Lboc?tvatbacurket.fi!Uitfw- t, S' i3 Gl' Vf'ii -7 . - ' . I I - I i I 3 la tbe next CD days ' ' ' ' - uast Iron 1,000 bl 50 I wagon. .Trace want Re. me wfrt anl I'd giro you the low. -in Aciru!vT .-.1.. ' ' " y f fr ",:"" '''' -s , f:i rl ...i t 'i .: 7T"A "i"'Ci Te- -." - Il . I ' 1 i ' I . Jr-nnli: rf ...I '1 .U .. ;!v,.,- V : . v) ,, -i -( i ii' Bin- '.iO!-'- T. J .1 r". i - f - ii ;; . . I la f 4.-:' f-.ii ji ..! -s. i V if tl i s "i .1 .. M tliat they have- opcnH at t?a i ' ' . " ' ... . "Wi Ford, a -fiuiini id hi. f..f t .i-i I s i til'.: j . i .7 I i t i . ) I.--. ,4 - - - w - Ftry-loxtW pffiti that ...; r-,fver i.feUWlri .very partkular.- t - t '" V .......... , -m.kdh: J;i.i,, i1-,. , !,'; 4 m ; .: T r.'.'yi 'ii i ." :".:?-- - f " vJ -!. If ri'if i ... Irr Li . . - cry . i n e tf dlt Tv 5 ......... , , A f . I XI If? i i .'. .. C:- IIARIUS CO, " - ..4, . ;. , . - . :. .. .books,' cctpntly crerljtMa j wlfl ' v nil I . r.ii.i .ii j jj .;!! c2 D .A. r I -''. . . I ... I J 4 . 1 I . - , . ' t TII JDIitO X ."l V... I . . . -,f -.if"' . I 1 It . u" " j . . ' I f I. i.-. : i niL 1 JiJ:. i j . i. , . i. a n i ; . w.;y:.'i;ni raZkire. Kw Or- U. IIALE& CO. U trfciru::y, J. J. ruro.