V L"" -'-liVnjiiYrrVKKl 1" T.rr-' -4 O O . a P ' 5 n ' y 1j r- c ; i rv. t - ;r ?j-3 v com e V;'(. "j f ;: uiwr uuu jc j. y piyety r.a 7;t ,-Z-v-K Six Months 1 00 f ' 1 ; ire ConoiniijHl thau tne ordinar ykiuds, V the inulttid Jw tes lor wVixHjt . -klnn) orpUosphate powderH 'SotD'ONLT GsiierarDirectory; :.' " nihX' Pray e'r iueeton? evely: 'edec5day t C VUtirlitj Sund-AT sclitM19 o'tlOck A.'if. V I ; 3 1 V B A PTjSTJRe t. n'tIvlas f Cude, ;r . pas ;." ' - tor.' Services lHtiand 3rd Sundays in each ft IDC : e v? ry.f U'TBday iiiitlitf Suaday School 4 9 o'clock A M ' . i s V CdSsTA.Bl.it R. D. PihnVii:" ;,Uord meots Friday before li8t Monday . ':-rlANJtLtitYitSN . 'Vf- Suertor Coart Clerk A., w Pearee. f- s-' - SUeriff .11 C. kcttmer, k'? "iTr:Wrtfi!r:tCliftHi.r: " h Sam;ritenliit ol-PuWic Instruction Ai ( jf oUr v public V. L. McUhee Fraufc-liBto-ii; 5t C..! ; JiJWTy Guney;- Cbairnian, ci , :i . vtTUe.SBperiuteudeDtwtjl he iq Lon'a , - nrg on tUe sttpud (TIm i Hday 4 f, Ire) ;'jraaiy April, J,niyi)pteinberT.Oct9 - )r i'l Dcraor, ; aiul j repain Utf ptftHe of fxamioing; applicana o teacji - ja the pablio, scupolf rau&unoun :;i3. i AjsEXUlJua fM i - TJ .'(1C.. ll.. I Vnfl limn.' '.(...' '!' ti. .1 1. .I'rttiVtl 1 1 mil'.1 .ik''i r ewi vo: nromnt; at tontionr:- ? I f i k C Viand JOUNSEIQB.at JW ' llSM.tlo1 So1rSCfalh frank in; OhvlllevWarrent 'Jiiid: ." .W.ake:.4J oun ties :also r thej-'i-upieTne: i i; court ot Nor th .OArollna; : ?vn the II; wi'" . Circuit and DisTKicToovts. 1 ; ,T 5v U;Ji Jjj M AirOiJ 1$; &5flt -Vi: ! i l:ni.e -5 "ilnnrft ltnlnw --Kiirmnn a-v! itCka'afirugSfi-'ireV Er: Vf Tlii UJC ifi li AE.u ? "X .' 4 .. 0c A- Court Uf ne. r i : Practice In the courts of Franklin, T ance. Granville. 1 laliiax, and North- n m pton and th egirprcme"aTrdvFed jcrsJ courra 01 ue euiwi s ,:4 K.i ; , g ; Attor n ey. at ; Law, Vv .. II KM DKILSON, ,N.. C. SVITI mracttes tpgeUiersn-tkeeoiintie of Ciranvilleyaufefranklia mid3Varren, , rna iu rii niaiicra rr-iuro'j mtir juiu., at tention. .-' j it--. vL: Vt'e hope by prompt, dilisent and faith fu.l attention to tiUue8s,-to "deserve -ai.d receive a portion 9$ the law buBincgs of : r.- I: ; I ' II Yfiy n '.y.'i-n iff- ;rri nr? fcfGxLi rj; jtiuiiAa ijciuoraiid JOHN'S. COUNTRY;, IT Country store in Vermont iiice h& Wfta fifteen . year?, old, aua-hp , as now over twenty. He lmd lieen reiited .& eIddaf ed by liis mother ' I )rn9 wsw pc Unger.vety.ypung vvheu J ohnwn born antt tonspqtieiitly the flg6bf "maiihtHjd.51 Her liasbaT.tf was lons4ldi?4;eettdlf v w Jbfin" AvaliT tfriidit i.ibmefu Cofintr y afti ve.jblxligi ancf cburteouiV 3?liese qualities attracteil jthea ftiten? tioii '6F a' KevttYbrk Wtrctiant vtiri spentlaii; a sunnnor month in yermonh-au J be offered hi in 'a A-ttluifugW-Juhn a'f npfbther ' j kno how more than lonely would b without, her boyj, she.fuIkbOvv wal-r tmble (thejthanjje ' would proye. ; tt hair; and igave ibertunseiit'tw hi? know my, boy, will not i forget 1is mother,1, shep said. And one t blnjtp aiy clu Id.- iet one i m pre&i u p- ;on you; j You w i 11 uho surroundetl by giddy feltov clerksmany who will look-wvtlvcontempt -on.) the humbly-clad people who come . to jbuy ,; and onl y server them with ' :re- latanCeperliapscrudenefis. uev- .ei1 forget ;youc mother,-and that the humblest WO'rranimy, be some-' body's dear old mother. And ' re . a well-fiilerl purse anayr. He .1u '-'the Pocket of a rasty coit." "' ; rLf TliatAvas theniother's advice awl t t nr itetl joiit that John , 1 1 eled j-'-i Uj iffihk'Kiibiii on dry goods 'tthjfipK i Broticiwo jvivUh' 'its ' white.' 'iSicadej and it8.'co.ul.tcrs, inside haVpei,,hYgh'i with mar vel lo tisly beau t i i uf fabrics". 'was" ynde'A clmnxeJohn, and j (t-e richly and astonishingly dress-! ed women iri great contrast; to f the couitry'tlamtJn:8unbo!ihes litnd ; rkfria:hm gowns thaC be1 " had been OVtU'llUIIIWI ft JV- . V .-. ' . iiutriow au r men camo . cusiom- era from the country; there was uo ! Vmstaking them. Tjieir.dress had 'ft home-made loik,'aiid their bos iiets utterly - lacked the' peculiar nil- acitof cjty bats.-,hey,? pVeteJr j ed their requests in a tiiniu way, us 'if foelhig lost aud 'strirage,' and un 'certsuit it they; had'any;' rigbt in . ko grand a sjpre. 4:110.; cierKar snuopen thftmbrwere diisolentu-Buttii ; Juhn'tiW coun try aCHl Vere til ways . -.4-' - -1 r i r -J i i ' ! f.ot lceablyj kuid; to 1 ural customers tiiathiVcxim , ; I ii jt'iit er (fj .0 mil t ryus t . ifn''I t is ) fo low cjerks ivouldicryf oat; 11 when ; t ner e. w as"it u a ppearance o co unx ry . : V'Customers lor you, liarvey I" .t jl r'- ' ' 1 liv'O w m es aji tno jo t j ii t r v ey tlrletlfiibV,iit.ir4 Bui one day the-conntryti vvom;eti jftjissed the very obliging clerk; nd .upbii inquiry were totd that Iw h ad ) Teetr trahstered to the clorfk depart rrrierit 1 Very -well 1 Ahe'ht" tady Who bad a ou'ng giri with uer,?shb j Hvatitcd (o buy a ciak? ' .Jv' I i:'ilG patidw- theytit'MuAint j jooklngrhat fclrk i'iaf "giggle, and theyslify winked' v7as ' 'til ey sent t atduind' the pa&sword : ' Harveyvs t& t 7 Gtoud iucteoXyoir Jow's your chance) geti rid r;of 'those last ear! 1 beaverfraaeques ) ay'lfe rbey; will goas ti Igtf iw ten ; sJliit if,th6ld Judy andber piece ;had iieeti4 dowagrandi prhicess, they could f bdt htivtf been : more courteously treated tban'tliey NVere by Joh::v. a.,,;:;, v - nr: i.Ul'She'S:; ipraebpdydear . ; :old tQQi h&tX'lii warraht,U: he;said;4o himsellVandHtiien br -a t pleasant Viihnner I19 asked the old lady what ;Sho would; m4))se4: .-jJohii" tookfroin the hopks oj the wardrobes cloak3 varying 1 1 n price ttom HftV to threa' bundrtd dol lars.;. The clsrk's kept up their fun jttJohh'd expense but he did hot care'." """" " ': "'"'" Wftpr cc.ysldcrabls dslay ii) q;ak- eiiferea Upon the Infirmities of olii nseiien her twy bail . arrived i at metnoer, ioo. wnas you nave reau In the scliool reader, that .'appear-: ances are often lcuiyJng,, and that : 1 : i :. : ? ; . i 1 tint, ci firJ : , mm i jeropri8ior. t V111 MAHcf KHe!"! i - ted Jto sea bow ; Mme ' fuw -would" two- haridred and nity tdollars , of fur; " Alter a Uttk IrK eustonier 'said i beyjsu'itl hcrra'nd asked bow mu;li all would be ; John limUa Jb. Telni ivt oantl:iuptlnt figures, and safd U'wasHwx hundred "und i fllty ilollan.' . fib I IPC " M --Vory-wll; lwiltaketbeinj! A -thejVUl-w?re niostly 0 vc and ten.they madoa nohle pile", and sTJ)liiV tVik tlin :lV6iii"ri, bantJ, Ke hefd them purposely o as to ex Kgqrato theriappcaxranpewidklp- Item, If you pleaseJ and the grlrIs ; as sweet a? the roses mid vpuika, In t - Tnat day a -:ale Avas. si. coi upde. J boitheiir Tor1 John Hatvey It gave l ;hlnfiuVjiViirtane hli employers,, vba incre wod ' hlj -1 aaiaryand.pucott himiat the -heAaj onhis department. '! Vt:'- ,1 smighittle fortune;' whtch;)5oemed ; all theletter froin having been ac-J ness niioiasieiui onierinanuauun- dant furnishing,; noted the country' ' 4rie.t store In "the; i3tate."i ' Thev villagers, .too, Hike! 5Johu.wife,t because of he r4 "simple. and-sweet way; -ami it was her aunt j-r-tbe bid lady, herself who toldil me the1 tnry of John's go. at t for- tuno,. Which all gr.'W out ri well : idirected kind ess to country pe .1 pie. I'rs.'r.' . to . j 1 1 'ti' i-A I'rintcr'i Ireaav.ts -uj A print'T sat in his oQlce chair, bis b VotsVere patched and his coat thread bare, Wd'his Jacblooked .weary anj worii.wiin f are - ;nuo. ly , inmK- ring of. business . dcbt.t old Morpheus iSowly nr-uud'bbn -crept.-nud be'pnti. ho; knev it,-hefifeaddejily ) slept K and Avliild 8leepiiig;i'be dreamed fiat he w.is dead,' from" trnUfi'e' and tAif - lust spirit Ti?'lWfV;.:nn.'l';tluit. ncalieWh' ajl c-ot-j, i"iea n'f ,if(9 j'raveiui.rcstoi 1 1 . 1 r. I ' J. ' r..i Cl.i -p bis cow-huleiJe Ashe wandered aVu5ong hc -'shade ',: that' iiioke and 1 Vcoih jit lower Jtadcs he 'shortly s)- served an iron door, that., creakliiglyj Mwnni' 'in littvea - ni:ir. but llie en-' I trains. w'a.cLj8elt.wit!i'a ; rc-Jot .bar. and Sat jn hhaself stood ' pcepiui'; sut. jancl -wntcjihi for travelers thereabout. 'nd t-t tlwtt pass.ug printer Sinjkc: ' J?il6a&6 Hi'v'mY dcarQ it Bhiill cost yu pojthinan-? is thej idace iiere!j4;ook;the on .-a who no v.. ; ;eif ptiy ithpir ubscriptl ittiBuais, for Hboi.ih tii lifc7th-y hiay .escape,'itbey jWiirfiud'w qen dead,' it.l' too; iatei ' I' ;W'dt fihow you the place wheret I melt tJiein hmwith red . hot ,cluin,sv and scraps of tiu, aqd also where-,1 cotiib j vtheic heads;, with ' broken ; glass and . melted. lead, and , if; -of reTreshnicuts ;thef puly think, there's .Dolling;, water for $hem to dr:nk; t'lere'a, ihe; red-hot igriadiog stone to grind, :down.. their , toes, aud if they M mevtion iViey . dm't hke.bt.,e f. J.1 sew. up their mutiis witli red-hot wire'taud ; then. de;r .sir,. , you should see ,them squirm, while I ''turn . . ' ! ' - ' ' . . . St- -1 v ... . n M . ,meimJTC,r,nuu cyvi'. iuj.u j,,,..;. j :tf.WUli fhee lastword '.the priater ;awoke;an(l tiioughtit'.ralL a, :practical jokebat siill at t me?, so real., da Jt seeai, Uiat he. cannot believe It was ialreamTnil often be lhiuk3 with , a chuckle and grin, of the.fate of thnse . (who save their Via and. never pay ; the printer.!"'-: :-v : '. (.- s y) greater nar.mtae of the eicel leuco of DrJ ,'lJuH'a Cough Syrup could bo farniih.-d than th it ii ia rec "ounneedtfd by all tac Icadiag drug ri6t. . Jdfi'li7raIlvVyTatIfied, biir with? I dxes&luiSaD ftlavfiirure with 3the I . . rc:X." ? l-psd . . . . , v . i riA mmm .wiitt "tiflfr , . i rri vra , ' ; " ' ."V-i.. T'-i- I iorius oytu nouae noia ia r worse man clofe-aad n fourIuudred-dlUet 1 an lnfidel. We bare scripture ; war- slieaid, aiid'dnntbiif'a rusty pwk etib(K f rom'lier "pet f l?oht p oeeed ed, to count, opt the money.1 , ed; around amoirg tne i c1otk ; with - T"' 1 .7 . krt.fKuap reach tolwilp. ourselves fact fherft -NNeafc hundred dolbiii nlaf Xt ideu.. ... ".'rt'i '-'i , tial ptoviaioo. louhivea valaaMo (tmni jmy. rural friends.", he exut . .'fir - n - v - s i . -. It. ; I tacce if pr .perty expose i t the i acc!- ft (Two years, jiat Y? howooand j My y uelecte.1 your duiy and suf- - won ihe girt) We?t ,iui itbet piiika'!- fer justly Sot sucti beilcc jTho farin-j Vdrtose,vh6 brought him, "t ? r who mvcs bia earuiugiaudl avaiU ;pidealier s-eetue andirnoiiutyai W'"tlf of all the helps In the way ' of reumulated whefo tlw pinks and tolkf f t"WlBn'cl8! lho fsebioo iK'theo' ,Vetur.ied toi pocrttwlio lazily tings' Faims l Aermoiit to re.VialnlwiUiJiia "moth.! .l,?eim f jhelWe will have broom eruurlrig her remaining years, not' ?4f for.hte ad. So' finand proprletc.r, ami, -manlftyjT(sd frWw, WmV wliich teloouseynu V ,gst; 9oT;tir by- m.nUi iand year o a TO0 N0NEi WITlipUARrrx POU ALL. RIOE PROVI Dit FOIl -r THE - i( ....,,, : ' ;rt" t.llAv' !3 i :npture iun for the, assertion, .Nqw.tlve .idea hu;i i.t numuccu auu euiureeu iu some quarters that to. take?- policy tof uisur.ince as ones lifts orpmperty Is to show a waut of conffaeaica m our Ruu-a teous Heavenly Fatberf 4s ia"rirep- tcr-U'f as for the farmer to ueglect to sow and p'ow relying o:r th. provision or providence to bring abHit a harrest. WtV4 kholhatrVnidetjee always' provides most liberally for tliose ,sho arc provident aud careful for them slve. T! e imprudent and lasygeuer- al'y rcn pa harvest of waut nndsqunlor. Provichjuce-loes iH encourage lbs. de..t of lire aud loss consequent up on the iuceudiary. The lire Insurauce company for a sinlTr ctftjsttleratklli JDf- fers to help bear vWrlossfn yirf re- UCcause of :tlie idea Umt lT.vi- dunce will or tvidc'vou will ind that when lbs lire comes aud your loss dcs olates y.iur home that tbo iplitaiicer hi the hv of -charity will not ro-torc 3ur property aud providence might lI"r aviug.iaacbiury-audJemri. and lills vlth awWuiiy; will :h M x m fiuJ fc; w wife ttlld 'in.n.ir!. win urt .i,r..ii(i r. & .'ijt day wben be no longer Jives- to w..rk out a'-auooort for themTV.e' Mutual Benefit and Uelief Assoctatlou I of Wilson s a'pVVvisloii of l'rovideuce lot the relief of the poor wage earner. I 'and for the rich as well and we ucg- lect a soleini duty vheu wo neglect to I avail oumlw-wMhotrrttfon w 1- fe.-ed. Wil -on M rror 'Laws g'iud Un poor, aud rich men rule tnt law" Uut let us be I'lankful that any poor suffvrer" can buj with only 2a cents a bottle of Salvation Oib ; Y'i he enormous sale of Dr. ' Bull's Tough Syrup has developed inanv new ivuicuicf, vui biitr jcpie ciin to me ptl I reliable, Dr iiwi a .Cojiah Syrup. .ws :; Governor Tar la nud th Dlan. -i - j . . i T . ! . - , i - i J o ir if v;; j 7 Minister Jary la writes a long com- m muuicniuni 10 ine WHiiiiugioii cm at I tirn.. ! f itir.lj..l.. rt t loexpiani hi connection wun ine emrtlon of a Oovenior'a house- In' 1 . ItiJeigh,' which some newsp.iperj havesee-i ht,oilestha tens 'Ji) yjsV B)lly.,-Ife"8houiders Ihe re- anonftlility like a man' and vhaws how tho house ,-ctii-be -completed and the' whole .act hal ' cost to the taxpayersnotexceol $15,000. :.Vo cjjp'y the cfoslng paragraph 'of .hU communicatloil c whli i"we' know be read with" pleasure: .wves&ihefimes tliouglu that: Lknew something.of the people, of inn stale.; ii ;w4s rai5ea among tbm, YliavV lived! aiu'ohg them. I hae a-socialed with tli'era, I ltave k TUt jtwlftSpecIfla Ca spoken to thn'iii " every 'cparJtyr ' - ' ' fcnd to a great extent In every com rnnity. Butafter ah I may. be mistaken andiunacqiianted. . wjth tnera. If, however, I am not mis taken; then I. venture the modest opinion that'the petp!o of No?lh Caraliiia are not us penurious and as little In their Rspiratlons aa some of (heir eelf const lluted guardians would have us believe. Hpnest b th"ecore themselves they demand of their publjcjjervants the very high est Integrity, and they will tolerate nothing less, but I do not b-lievo they will disapprove of such Judi cious expenditure of these public funds hcek to give to" their Stato K3 goo! u : Jcredilabla; Institutions' as their neighbors possess. I have Jeen ndo obvryjpr oftho public men ot tne taio ior ina'aa' twea I. ' r. t. . 5-3 fur i I.l; 1 t 'T T TT-gL fy years and:I Kave seeif -'the' Vrtin tuerand the demagogue go down while the JoId," stnlshtforward ixTanTtho was wi"Tni-!!o7;ika .the rcrjviUHiiy oi ii4 posinqn, j.roe- wTba fMopUf Korth.GarWi Una are not awl ft to condemn a pub lic servant who seek to bulk! up their 8tateto give, thsrn public In- slUutions and ' public buildings' creditable to tlx lr State, and In ! hlrhvthTT CKer-tV great pride. JloUgM they-do ha V 9 to pay taxes for It, If they ca.i only know ' their money Is honestly and Judiciously pent pJJefore such a people IJ am not aohamed to gdJind Sa.tv them that with tho ujjo of your convict; latwr,1 the anle of some old lots In J the city of Italelgh,. and an expen diture of only fifteen thousand dil' hi-afyooM war I Mv ttWjl for yooZ house for y o u iDavJ:'ii) b as handsomo a"irtiy-taie hal, ; and one of which you and your children ' Mid grand, children may be proud. I By their verdict and by my eutl. mate of the cost, 1 am willing now or at any time In tire future to standi Tho leatroyer Deprived of bis Prey, t . . dieLA and death, C4oaoiptiua haa, for j ae. occupied a prominent and dreadful diktinctiou aa th "fell destrojer," aid to thi OMiinoot . Dromiuf nee tliU tenant jni and deadly di.euac it wclf eu till ad. Close? wpoa its betla, ia the .cliaraeteristics or deadliuets aaa pain aud. We extent to; wbicu It prvaiIa,coincaLaoocr the fruit-' fat sovree of ancpeakable distresa, thei dreadful;, end ever preacut ailliut- of health, hope and huppiwVaa. ' The folio w4 ing eaae( Rlren ii the volant try tettimo4 nM the writ-nr. hovt,o'r1oelr to the. Orink of defth rliese dtajutaet broucht two tr .1 . tuuorcn in ine wrot laimiy. inu now, ua tier ITuridence and by the se of asimplei wruDbto ua. wouaeriMiiy e3iceiou rcmedr, they were rvaeaed frona thedead 1 . "l M . . ... m ' it pern aua rervi u neaita ana Tjjvr NVe emniBeud thfVXxpffIenceto tL read er, and pnrdcuhrly U Urvno who tktnvf elves uffer from liBilur-dit-fea, li4 hate friends and relatlrea iowlioae resto ratioa to health tkey are iatercated. . t lUaaisoa aaUUfWn Co-jOa. J!yQfc8?. The Rvift Specific Cn Atlanta. Uav- . Gentlemen In February ISSi, X eoni inencttd baring beiuorrbagea of the lungS. Thv1 adamtetl aie very modi, ocean couanmption bad carried oa both mr nail' ent. tbrce brothers and tbr-e aUieVa. tl ifrlt-wry lndljr and i had a severe Cna-Ji, and Idea Very tuncli from the lungrr Lat Jane, a rear aejI took a eoarta tit two duzea bettlva of 3. H. 8. )The medicine at ouce find a'lrQcfictjl effect. When I vtoa . ! a a aa - '- 1eu (asui it . waa in apienuia neaito. Soil lave not been aick aiace then. I canJ a. 8. t.-s aonOrTQlbfoo.1 rariflar and uuuuifNp vi in araieia. k il certain tr cured me, aud t tf.i not fear any iortbtr irouoie iron cwnanmptioa. . -s i - , -V Voara,tc, U v ; : -; : A. W. OCW.-1 I V JlAEKISOX, Waahlnjton cohr.a,! ; Jaly 4vtv7 'TbVSaifti?peeffi cow Atlanta, Ga- 1 Gcntleneo Ovr aloe years ajro, a oan cer Uertloped on mjrroA: lu euurv raa ateadllr until the feptan Vaa entirety de atrared, ai.d the diae had nearly eaten aa tLroah tUe-appee tp. The rancfltad a aarface on my no and lip of aboat toar inchea. I had two doctors a:teadin n all the time, bat titer Were nnab: ar ret! tbe propres ol the Bialady XI y Jnnra were. affv-e ted. 1 bad a terrible ectiaa a nam be r of .hemorrha jet. I 'laberited roHMUiapdon, that evil bavinf earrlvd off ottrly all ay father'a pel. II jl father hid hemurrUajres and affected luuif,"aod waa cured be a. . 8. Ilia eare'aarSted thiU-inayba .a, tt would; do tome kxL About a aivard 1 eomnieneed Ukit the' Swifx prei&c; and bare 'taIrK-now only atnnt thirty boulaa. The effect of the medicine waa to atop the alooghing of .tiie eauccraad jo rcryjuueli improve tke coaditiwii of iu j laoa. The euaoer.hks frratuiUly yielded to the 8. 8. S.'UDtlifeov the Jij ia eatitrlr healed the nOatrila are hlliog up and the eartilare ta beiprjj re newed rapidly. Persona whoaaw me a rear eg art? urpri-d -ace bow gTiaiir have improved, and bww treat that Iro provemeut ia. I am de!lrbtod at tba re etittJ UWenatal healtli it tobd. and k likeaalifflret) woaUa to vbatI Waa'oae ! i h h." JUnGaarrS. G icmi Li Treat iU oa Blood and-Skb mailed free, t t Drawer, 3 At-' o U Mod lor ooU BUY HV JO! J rrl(TijBnmtU.wilwhfrU Vtxy liwM. LftroeOana (dr Tra tn; l)ecsM liml m FfTTtu, V m4 . f 15 1U. AJwCbu( 1 i-n. . klj.iT ().! e t3 IW wnnA t-m JT"rtJel rt)'I. f Ur-d r'aiet ei.arTir J Titr i H Ot MWll J Liu iMnm of tfc Imcl; ko rt. ,um jar, u4 l-erf hy l 'f puna l. tk i-jry (ran 0"C atrx- r( JjJ t t.ii.nn T. tmit Ivjc lv (. rmLm 1 ) v nw, i'ootc nrr" n 1 li -. I r-ftwft. 10 i 1 limiII. tw - y mi 4Uj ft: & I ' I W J-. ftV.4 WV. 'It T e-r- 1 -w ' ' 1 ftVCK . ;.---. Ml... I., - ti I rumm ml " i J Com. ik tolu. ! afTiTco Fawctritf, ! i t . : - H PER-AIIIIUllIa Advanbo NO: TIME TO REiD. txi.o ',. f-4: r m c; 'At i' r Ve dMlio cryK3iuch to h?j. a laborliig'nian'-tsay Mienhea't- hiva too to (vct. Vy,u,, hielljM.u: of ten, we ktiow he , utters a fa!, hood when he says Itand nine out orterp of the men who have i oo loaflnr oti ibafciret lor'itroLri'diha beer counter or)lTlTanrTableTT,heyl cases are very rare, Indeed, where a a man doesn't have time to read one or even three or fonr weekly papers" each1 week If ho wants to. It la because he has uot Interest enough la his own , welfire to read and post himself on the Q vmn tfci wU. rALrnxk.t r! ii 7 for nr orfiers do his roauiag and thinking for him,' The class of men that claim that they do not have time to read are the curse of the communi ty In which they live. They have Tio'mlnds dnhelrowoand, behu as Ignorant as a Hottentot, they are used by the sharpers of their town and nelgborhood to help them carry out schemes to thwart the will of the educated ami repjeied rFTenT Tb man wlj?oe,n'tave time t road is usually 4 loafer. Inn suc cessful business man has plenty cf time to read and post himself on matters pertaining to his business, and. that Is one reason wliyTievrt successful. The educated laboring mau finds plenty of time to reud. an wUhout nex!ctlog his wot k el therTHe iskhe than ihorl' win unu Dome evening witn family, Tiie nail keg In the comer grocery ia never kept warm by him while he listens or tells smutty ato- lic tUaif IgnoraurcroAVd otgjprax loafers. He who cannot rind, time to read never finds time to be a man, but always !s4he ftjol ofyae man who does (Vd. :'fVhenf we near n Kreat live mau say ne do sn't have time to read one paper a week we always pity his wife and chlV drvri to think they liae such an In dolent. Ignorant, do little husband and father. Labor Advocate. tv M-a a fc j-t , - f T tt-J-ft.U Jt-Viv ! A M, 1 --'.S - J ' T ' I TTr.K. t l-fcti. L,. .ftTn'-o Ai'rfa tt boar cm' VT-r). r 'VHspi tvCiai v Da. boll's cguqu 'sync?. ycr tie care of Coefia,CoUs, Hears' nesa, Croup, Athrra, Eronchitiay Vhootlcr Ccnr. ladpicst Cctf aTnnptioa,,ar4i er tie relief cf cot J smnptiTa perscsa La ai7ancr efgab 1 ct ta uisetta. i- cr Lir ry aa i;rT5 THE ItOAU QUUSTIOX. Theltoada In this Section almost Imposaable. Tie abovj state. uent has been a'xjut tba su a and substsocw of man r artclt la m toy of oar State exeliog VsV, It is truV Ui'e take 'U at tbeir tilt and preach sermo i after terra n akioggood rida'!f the oae tbiirg neejod to xnake oir eoli jbtenjd land adranced drillzitioa eoajpletfv-'1 Vfi should have good roads, thts all wrn alniiw Bat we would be aitb pleased taapa,wUbrotrx, and give aaaJjJaAj Jilii.'vi. cor'J J. J counted on ior sueas In aacuiijj ; this faraway b!ss!Dg. Oa d low wiU work tlio MnrkU oo tas roads and we will mub hare thcu as : amootb 9 a (fr.t . Aovlhav - wiit . sar, "if the system of -working tie roaula If l&xaiion was adji tej lb-,, great vl aruclJ sooa be meLT Tiity see sokut need and re ilix to a cer : laimleTtT Ijn CPTiT i'.it, tfVlbry. j at ! att a a tt t'.vta,e L :itv.-i ; binnyiv. i '.e c;r.fi ' in cf iL j I 7astacssof tb work t j ? Us a vouii j Yi,Lv J. I,.t tbca c.'c jl . I "lu.-uiy ' ) cli niv J ul II ..1 j7"l?xp J.i -' .t'' -. - ti I . 1 1 1 i H i it i it p mm th:: fra:;klin times. T :..iis uJr.iUV-itr pal!Ulid ia Fra Ttliuocmutf, itud iU cJiu'.4t'.oii xle r'. Vl' otit trcry Me lon of lhi 'iJ aJJoiniaj eocstiM C.dr-rfr-Tr ?J-r.rBi Lett'" Thd llJ.tor vll cotbc raapoaaible for tl Tiexs of cotTttpoo4Miia. Diirf ccniaaaJcatima Ttmm all st9 tiom taoit camtl! aoridUd. nc& cf any c&tura will b tbaakfully rt-celredV ; . j . vktt id j at Ui reads ia aoeh a cdl- t.oo t!;t taey woald b -CfwiparUT V-Se i -s : V"cl '-..'1e!.,cn tr'j, k(.l 'Sll Wrtuid tiara to b CAllaed anawaUr o oider to pat t n wl.oU aei of' roads In such order as Umt woaM hvo tfm.iti t-n years idMttla tli UllWDw thl t-UaUU 'oi as we noa intra ua Ui central p- tlon or the 8it. ; Tua raaalt will. fear, be such that peopia will l.w shoal t thtjy beeillrd upon to fol thebiilauov. Tlif roal qqcv'Ioq U before o and oir oxt Le.fUUtarw lll nodoul t luira t grapple le sxue txitui with iL MUton Adrmlsr. TIIEVFJ1D1T UNAXUIOUR. Tieniiet: (ViiH.naimiareal-taw tnrio B tteW aa tha Very taut rrtamlr. Eary l4tl avdJ bos i;iTa rtlief In tvery caa-. On man took . six U fr ills and was cured of Rheunt-its-n i: 10 yeara stand :ng.- Alalia.u II if druggis. liellnlU. Onto, affirua. Tba beat aa linz medicine I hare er bandied la wy 2T years czprrieoce. ia iu eciric Uit'era. Tuoasauda r4 others have added their Ua tlnaony, a thai reiMtck l uaaalmo that Eiecutc Bitur da eurw all aiaexava tlXHr,MQey i!!L!- or Blood. botUa at ClliWa Q xyl Intentions will not help a man on his way If be takes tb wrong road. WOiUN'S UICOVEBV, . . aaanaBBaanannaaa "Another wonderfal diaooTerv baa boon ruaJj and tlutt too by a l.de lu tcutrx. Dlaaisa fUttqpe! I r'aaXuMtod MltJstmi t a Lor tritd organ wera ntl;naind A;ddeAlH a.-emetl ItamioeaLT T three months aha eoajh! tDCrsaaatlr n I could not lei bha lottbt of evbaUUd;.Dr. Kliu's Now Dw civefjr fur O-maaoiptioM aud so tnu.h relieved on ttkhig drat Uoaa that alir a'cpl all o'bt and wlb oua bott'e Ih been loiracuiooaly cared. He r.: l , r i ... wt .wdt' W.Jjatprtck & o of by, X. Ciet a frw trial txttl at J. . CUrioa'a Dnig St.a. Fame cornea cvuly when deaenrol, and then It U Inevitable as dentluy. d viiuYS ruoiiiv;jtTicrL unx Use it Iu every skkroona. trill J Lecp U i In 'C pnrjij ! J w!kU- i jfwne; reiaie-tDg aii eau ,0-jors who r v7LI ij T&j d discasa perm a, n- fpctw-n from all fevers and ail conu gloua diseases. - Tiie eminent pliya. dan, J.Uaiuox Sims, of Xaw Turk .Vr.ran,cnvuwel tlia: lrul larby's Vtpt lactic Fluid la a am I v-doable nsinfecUnt' Wi en there U room In the heart j illUCKLf.Nfi ABSldV B At,V E. I iTI.sbtiilre falktworVI fWcut. irales, aruaiuiceM, att-ba.v f. . verorca, tetter, t happed hauiI. t bil blaias, eotna, aod all akin a-ropUoa, and poaitlra'y carts pile, or isat x.qiJraJ, . It is'gwanteedrto.tfir p i fee aalisfactlon,' oc taoiify rtond ed-. irife 25 c-juts .per-box. - For . A child who reel decwit around It will randy make an booorabl man. . - . , , GIVE THEf A CnAXCE I T1at is tossy your lirazt. Abo all your breathing tnachloery. Trv wonlnul niaiblnfty II la. Ikotooir the larger air pannages, bat the themC auJtof Utile tubes and caTltUs Ud lo froio thenu - - . Wbn there are clogzed and choked with matter which oujbt not to b tben( yocr Iuna cannot half do Ue'r work. And what tLey do, tbrj eatn t doweii. . ':J:.;. ":.:.- Tail It coj J, crcVpbttxmoola. ta rrh. Cn vu a i. ni mT Mtaftwlati ily cf ihrcait aa44e Aai baU.an't Junj.yW.Twi.Mva, ,!! are hnt. ' A'l VaU to L r n l r.f. 'TLera 14 ' JnH oo nay tij set rid of the as. That l U take I'-jchee' Oartnan KtTJ Jjrbieit mjj 3rt37,'st will !! yon a , uiu a ; r,ra nCvcrjllilu e taasiel yJi-4oa maj detxui upo rkii for rrrtila. i 4 Oive beaae you lot, t gtaa s the flower p-ur firth Iu per. Qiinlne ta not an AntUote Lx Mala tit. It rrturi a ("irrraloa by farob ctuj a new im e'on ootfle nerrow tTtem. f;'.-,:c!.! errcHa ttaraaa r lid..' 5 lb' rdlyp4ea,n t. lUb r hv ?Uuly. No aj. 5 a.ii.; f ; r j icku;a; no pcr.

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