' T T - i - ,. T'ZTT?T'Tmm!mmtmm'mm UueA.Tovas. Editor ft-Prn'n , ' . Vbipay, Nahcii -- 0,1888 . Theme:nbereofthe-Jemaeratlc Executive Committee of Franklin :ire hereby called to .nee't lhJL,tmU- purg, on aiqnaay April tot the ; purpose of calling a con veut Ion Uo 7;1 a ilect delegates ta the i6tmoi Ind egslnal convent iorift ' The , following is a list of the cmmlee: j ) Donuobeirt.Qrin.,, j - . .Harris' Ji-N. Harria. tiMi.o ( h . . " Frankliutou B. W Hal lard." . - , : Hayesvillo E. AiioruV(r j 4 . jandy CreekE..Mike.t j. , - Gold Mine D.J 'Burnett; 4 1 jl . tdarBock-Geo. AV, Webb. I vl Cypress J. a; Creekniorc J : i LouUburgBB. Massenburg. 5 Every mem)ef 1 vill please be. . . . ... : . T. -, .1 .-, '.I i " March,91888.. ;. ,rJ-Ju i I -u; 1 " HK DH JFiUltENCJGL 1 1 -I . i A the , Wilmngtoqp Messenger , ,i' ,Bay 'Occasionally ve, heai? persons ,V M3UlilJy! well Inforifled, ask i, ychmt - - VV? b,eea accomplished Ja behalf of , PiPleby jftfrrlpctionj'of:, Mr. ? :n , Iqyeland ;1 , 6, the Presidency,? r WhileH e ilo not proj-ose, Iq attempt - a review of. lUba feasr,. been aiv 4,, compiished under a Dewrncratic Ad-t ininistration we will j calh,iie jaK tention of ourreaders to the results we. wiHjCaUt ih ial irrwuiers to the result A hv th";. kJ '"acconipilshed by thehonesf, busV J ISIKlllon or IhR rtvpnno 1m wo nt'it.o ' country. Take the fiscal if par end-' ia?t' yearof PresidenfiATt h urs v pAdrainlstwtioband wef iflndj thjitV isscth amount oJLected f roiucustdms mis $?83,rO08fC()rT6?rhe fiscal ' I greeted from customs 'was $217.-' !( )23Gl89a.i3.Thi3ba.kreat increase' iJin the amount collected, and j Is , v I V jfreatly io the credit )f- Mr. CI eve- VJand's - Administratio.;5:The re :--.-l' fiiarkable thing about it is, howv f'eVf the difference in the costof col lectlug this money., Under, Presi'J nt den Aijhur it cobt fG;918,22t.ia to 4 vV' Collect -the amount turned into the j jTreasury while under Mr. jCleVe ' ,: JllandV Administration thrcostior collecting was $a,87or67i;43".3 The .dministfa.tioji4hat.we.re In per.f saM?0 wftefl Mri3Arthur.was-:iPresw v-.-Uent, yet we find a Democfatfc iuX sttion can. cj ?iJiii 'AnpTriU'tration.' "Ofln oUiewordv!t cost " "a He publin Administration 8.77 per '' .centi to collect custom dues, while 'Sin Democratic Administration ban; dicapped by officers And public se yantsnot Jn gyppathy with it, col- - j lecieo, ine internat revenue tax at a )4.OSt lof but StAR, tvr int .V t t .n The same results are (shown by an - rrxamInatIoti the rsceiptr and ,i ;.;.,,'' 'incujcui m iisf i;;ierUill,reV& .iriiiQWderkiiiDenfibr-tba year ending k 'June" "SOtiLSIfipd'thanne re '' ceipt8 from internal revenue ' were tt'J' ;fl I2,498,725.54,u while .for'the year ,i jendingjrune '30th 867, the receipts .; were SI 18,837,801. 06. ! This is i a - , difference in favor of the Democrat .'. , ic administration of over 600,o6o i, t?4)CQ; IColwithstanding the present, - r ICtfdciInlstration collected and tamed yIittf the Treasury more v money," JijMiere Is a vast differenceln the ex ? :; pense account. It cost, under ' Ar Jv '-thur'a administration, $1,455,430.' ' '. .,? 27 to collect internal revenue for a ; s lsVyear, whllelt'cost under Cleveland, M who collected .overeix niiliion do) .. f lars more, the sum of $4,070,15020. These figures demonstrate that the ' ''fi, r Cvein,nent uwler Democratic rule uZ saved the peopla 'froin'.; these :two Vv'itema over forty million dollars,; fc; ; If nothing else .had been accxtm H plhhtd for or in behalf o'tthe' peo ' 1 1 pie this would beiufif lent answer j ;i to the question 'propounded at j th rrTeginnlng cT thU ' article. These . f-ures taken from pdllt leal records ' of the Treasury, Department hoy conclusively the substantial benefits - ' accomplished under "and ya''Denr:- . ocraticadmiuistiationi 'The moneyj 'collected from' the people'has bfeeu ' turned into the Treasury Depart mentandnct wi. .1. UnrlsrDam i; ,ocratic lule economy and busing ; principles have been' adopted and , a a result we find that we are col lect'njr more money than ccan ! be ' used, and makes a reduction ofta'. I -Vmiil ntnrl7 OVOiir efiAttnn nfHiA J ,.., i.:-.- we must wrnt h is-7?ar, rrvh hrh, eans nothing jntiaj.i r I: t! u that thePvaioci!an promise u bt tri- umpharitaHheorembertieclluj; 1 1 gives us pleasure, as a De it) ucrat, to hear a number of those who were part ot the opposition ticket at the last election, ray and enthusiast real ty tU3rjir that this year they pro pose to vote the entire Democrat ic ticket. Some of them,' weare Iad ttffef, feel; aAliairiexYoTlthe vlte's they cast for certain csuididates; ) and say tfiat'Iiereafler theyHvill be ioiind oh;iihefWglt d:;TfliaJ 3 fed.' th ' v?i i f 1if n AS i 2 h tri w.v:iJ ''.r T. yranklinilie he hlgh or ldw Wli t.tt 'Mpecied tdstd't .coini'ncVn.an every one to do his full iia.ty. Let? ltfnat be'sald.' after the : conft X' over, that there sjoes a VriaH, aritQnd w4io,ouhjjh.ioit resis inreara loinw, , B4urtip.up lof your principles, i If W.- you want anoffi ciMe'upJike!: , -jnan and ask the ? Deiiucratf,'t C)ni l Uinsl "vent ion taimminate ryou.rTiutj if: Jiii'Uttn i't youfail,tp receive the ;ripmtiwtbiv. kind, but stand up like an." .hoiinra-1 ble Democratiand worki: for-wour i party's candidatesinxFii Iwtf: vi T t r -st r..;-' WJXI THEY PERSIST IN 1(1 ?,: JNOillNdTliEIESON? j 1 SayihPriressl Ve,' Marnier ? Ve.- JiaVe: recev edt a '.ietfer - frbni ; one. of our- larsrest . tobact o orolbo ing comities saying our people are. actively prejwrinjg larKe;cr6pV taccf As Crulee. . wl?o wises a tirge crop of toUacd gets but little ; nwiiey ibr ity thatlii he trets smlirtr!ce fr:itt 'Wh'v Becanse3s it rule,'.iti his ; cah-ula- (lis .effort loi jaake . big icrip and ; reap big money, his crop is" lalf ; cultitevIld'iciirfVprelp'ire kU ,iSd;jilri,felW:;Va8 it, isiiould, be. and ll throucrh the. season lhV' t, must -a eitheraf fpend eonsrderable suffers,1 and its duality' Is amav edl arfd Wheh put ba.the, fl ox ; or' ht , warehouse he, learns, If uot. bofore; that there ia hof proflt; but; actual, loss Irt the crop. -He haa ueglected . to sow clover am grass ie has notr planted as much of a 1 'other , crops as the demands oftt hW crop-; tn quired he has1 neglected nis stoc'k;; ueglected those crops and 1 iiiteresti . which .are '.absolutely, essential j to success in .farming; all for the pur pose of raising a big Crop of inferi or tobacco whicli often cannot !be so!dfor the cit ' of ,' the' rertiliter uswU .;..Tli'ere ia. ho '.crop,' uerhap,; whosvalue depends o much, bu" wuciui vuiiuiu.oiiu imuunut; us iu bacco: to 'irive1' it 'this.- rkrinpt must not overcrop :htmsif. Plant oniy so inucn as ne can; cultivate thorooehlv and handle wi;h lrrejii- est care allowing hiiuserf tlipe !tol to the other iuiDortant cronsJ; ttiuf J he will be euro to get 'igwK? iipriiA' Tered " enous'fi tVnm'.'i tUW1 ctiiTWildl craze flver big crops .otiiobocco, ito, i the exclusion ot other crorM anrl th" reckless use of fertilizers, lit would1 fa rmfera, woul4 jlearu, a from, 'expel i eucet thai the: ' aU-bottoiL air Mltlirk.. l: bacco system of farming i iouly I a :sysiera or siaYery r. W 'the lr I ns. rABOUT P1TBMC BOAJ3S. I -I $ A.; leadingMbfi!''?urn,farmc f.?i;' tpsay in regard ;to, the rod auetioi. thai 1 1 tldnic thA it to hWTB theMfrorjcdon;.dhrected hrl uiTeiii2rrice.: i pfciiev titat Vie amriunt ot Work dqfi.e' 6a thW.xdajoritr of roarls 4of. the Mtate is .''ara'ply sif3ti"nt ;4f it was don W it ihuuld te.,, i ltnml 1r on tbeiw. and all the.wtor t!at falls . ID J Jin the or near tbern" in .run i down. luepi V ueirr wc K"VM roaas noweVr er mu'-h work' done jou them.,!.., A naao ,wbo -dda'l ;kafw how to jerrnco lii land and run his row i to keen hU farur from washing down into tte tttreama is not fit f-r a road nxm iger -1 mean to say that oar tt&d sliould be put un di-r the Very, best engineering skill in w w r . . hrin 'itVn there Shonld hrt ' A-' the btate, tnai ue snouia 06 a a an of . ... T --- -(i u.bm f IhA Mllrn lffa ll vu anit .1l j gwiw) - i roarla shonTd be worked hy b. fa discre tion, and all newroadveutand bjened hr the lieL stilt"" ti "be "haL than Inlt the work doni ron many a .farm Ik wrtniesa ana tioes no . goxi 'but liaiTDaand'two-thirda of the work done on the public ronds Is worthless, fl'r roi'd niaiiagirs. to alarsre inaior- iiy ar Varelffti and , ind fi'erent an I prcf ju'ndo'gppr.int 'of what sh uld 'be do'e to'ii ro'adV'-Now I asi in'. fa-' vpr of some kitd of tax to kep tn . i oiIj in jnArl fnfl.r nh' nnf. tint tri have tl'je people pay this tax and then have i ha pO 'ily and lool s'ily direct ed aVthe la or is now. In just th.'a wa two-thirdst.f our publie school moDey is thrown away, ut you mean that each wheel shall be tax-d to k ep money; o Keep a sutneient torce to; ,cr.op, pr he is crt)wded. ,and ; v,o vr : worked j, Tnt:hfrkwnK tii U .W. is1 sup tTe roa is, 1 Uon t nnicii usee thar, for hundrpds of Well-to-do people in town Mid -citk-a don't own wheels hmrliii't wlun t'.iov want i t vlU. I likea'tas-aAt reaches all accoidiagta abLlity 19 pav. . ) ': t I I.... I I. l,V.-,. .. .1 I b,! T:C li .!., j Mil tL-,:vJiU; -tJi.i - f-V at-iit - 'mvjltp.c-Iy. j,yr,.,K :!ft ,.'.;7..:, ' ;vo: ?v taffifcJgjM TIi AArS fi..hjtifoy.9 'lit .Vii!.f vm 'liM'jiiUy hun iHui v.ian ..;.ib;r',; 'Ja rui lit, ! MtiJ; i;!l '.'41: iwiii tv iod llj hnn oi 1 . i ' .... f , , tllili'IiiSlife . A uxk who.has traveled ail over the State; - within the past re w months Informs us that iu hi opin ion, the, race for the- gubermiti f ni nomination by the. Demicrnts, has tarroyed down between Fowleand Gilmer. , Both good men, but frop 4)iir standpoint Fowle is the -rain. .The masa of the people are wtl him, and they. Will elect him:5 j . irA..WW?T Proocnit said tH T---'a lit the editor oue day thla week. . i gO BOUd for Poultt. . Thtravl Xew Pempcrata inlhw Count v .who' '.it-.vmwL v 3r9o.ipr,.:oinerroe,n, cauajaiyi beiieve that if the Vote was pnt today. Fowle t wrulti carry.elghkofthe.teuUoSynslilpslih 11 . 1 ine countjr.r- r . TIIEI?OUI.TUV. 1 s 'rrOpf formers in the. nurBoit ,nf iih . lftUaios all CPttouidoa; aiegleet tjie creatf-and forget the garden kM the RHry.,itSon3thci fefls ja trirarden. :intjrU urrAve and Alie poultry ; yard Will proliAirfit; eg:', tod fit fop the, god,tvXe good floase lie will . oon have plenty ef eggs.Asid butter to s6 i Laod one or two, dll tzs" per munth .ought to.be realiaed from .iheke two jources ofrt,Tenue. Here it a tU e for the farmer fe wiie.to ald to the, re sourotsolthvt hatband who buys:. too much guano and neglects hi stable manure. . Let our fnoeri keep good cowa and sell ig and butter, aay 5o tot il for each year, i You can do It, if you have the pluck and will, and it will prt.ye inorejccratire than cottou cult- . - -' w . .'..ww v.it- i ' fn. . r..-' .'t.- v.c.v vmc v mc laiuicrs uoar saeinv . . - - ' .. : has "a larcre familv wliK-h mucu cutter ana og.a, yet ha aold in one year, 1SS7.6 150 worth or buitei and ergs from bit farm Another farmer sells his butter at twenty cents per pound nd ieai;xd $50 to tal from two cowl in one year. Ia it necessary for the Aurora to aay auch men wita thrifty wives 'o not giye chattel mortngea. Let ,' n cease to nenlecl in all indiisttiest id mt mnm attention to the butter and eg de- tlu . ) Jl All those who want to be supplied with cotton eed, for composting. , . XZ 77 would do well to call on us immedi , - ' ,t whw we dfsre to put; out, to be paid . tack next falbbuihel for bushel. Any wishiut feed for planting can also be .; VVM. p rnVrov Ca. - . f ... i , I. it I . tl. 1 ' : r- - TJ7 i y ' ' it,-.! ! I S '1- ijtr "ii . v' ' .-!-H. '; II t-Tf !Si. II.'."-. 'JU)l('lV 'Jfj 'rl)ix! 'ni l u - II X. r A M wait: f a rr : i i . , i v I . i : I . . -S'ltJ.-tji i irr.JHIftM in MVM.ltJ ti l!?4 ll 'Ii U'lti ii"jilj'h -tii;in lut I'fTtTTTTV lidv'i -t Ji in i .tii 'ii "liW Ij;i .-j tlil "iiflil . I, i; .-ii i ,nl f an??r,5 ,r,,k:,, l '-y "-eerTHi. Odr "Tapster-uuder-t.iii.ls ; itS:'"?:'' d.neVM rRe tb g, aw.lr w,thottf?al ! i t ?J;AiV":.: f v. " rerir uonnq 3 i MI i " .1 1 , v ,;0 ' ,,n wfn. anil iUonlrly iftrn na nri n,t lfwed to re,n it. iu this dtfprtme ,t.-Tb.,nkl.. cur ' cu to ,,T ' ' ' u. . -7 .ii.ickhuoiu AuuiKiiitf cur cir tO.. -1 t m if,11?1. m.trfia wt wltlfttlly ask -a continuance 4 of the' I ! '" ' -MTfryWpecVuUy; ' '' l '.",-"t: " Waburg. s uH My. 7. i m. To Teachers. I will bu In TnullMirir vrr Snfn day until May, for the purpose of sign- 1 -A . 1 I . ... ipg leacuers rucnera, anu cousumng with teachers fur the general eood jof the schools. . . - -., . . J . , Superintendent. I r A Bargain. : ' ' I The best business t laud In town fr sale. - " . ' - t , A Apply to this ofSce. , NOTICE. i 1 1 1 By virtue ot a drcre of th 8operior court of Froklin county made lltrch Sth 188, In a special proceeding entitled J. J.' Krrow and E. 8. Fuller by her next friend J. EL lUlone, ex parte petition to aeU !and for diTiiiou. the underjiratd Commiwion. er on Monday, April ICth, 1W3, ofier for sale at the court hous door in LouU burg, the lot known ti the old Methoditt Faronge, in tjotmburjr, bounded on the Mrth br Middle 6l, on the Kt br lot JiLPCllftODonti,eSby lot of w II rieaanU and on Wet by Church Sl Terms One-third cah, balance in 111 mouths with interest from day of sale at 8 per cent. -r ' ' Taos. B. Wilder, v Larca 7, 1883. t CommLsioiier. J r uT r - i -un vf li-j!. ta :-;;;i- , T i! P1 ' 5 " u- " " 1 1 ! t r.ll i - ,t i . ;..;( .' "tii : 1 f f I i i j: o ii .' I. 1 i t. I '.-- . I m.; fin w 4. - t i ni v. !:ri')'i t m UiaoM. aa . ,u. muu time. tfr?oial cmr i Uk u IIABBY WUT7&CO- t;. ? !. ;." . ; , lti t By Tlrtne af power eoneti.ed In threej mortc-)e detd. made U me nd dolr ri! eorded ia th liegUter'a tf5oe fn yriAj hn eonnty, fa book 67. i.nte 13 jlVi ' booklpeslJand W, . JS!?.! th. WKht bidder i.r eiah, at "h.Ur? 2nd day of Anril lS. ii.- ... . " scriL 'nia uid mortirii' i . . . . t 1 o r w.vu.. - f 1 - - ' .'. ,,lorl,Sf.i j : : NOTICE. . By rirtne oran execution In my hands' Hauiug from th- iki rk.r Cocn of Frankdn county. In fa7r of Vt. U Wmg.ite & Co., a-ainst James To uW' I ill sell at puliia aarticn f, rcashT at Iho conrt busa duor ia Lotrsburt N. C., on Hornby, April 2. lc 1 :i the interest wh!Lh the 'tU :ut Yoau? has in th Dofrof'fr, ir.. net Youu-, sltuaUl iu Ifer-i3'a township, wdjoicin iz2s "it r J Cricker. W. U. rowtll and r.thirs." conUUiin atout llOa-re. ii,. eat ot kaid Yoan" beir-T 1-5 r--' f 1 estate of Urs. ITarri. t T, " r . 1 sale made to satisfy sail xcicnA rime of sale 12 ?.f. p AIT I r ' 1 1 r We. want totcy CC.0C0 Iuj Scrap Cast Iron 1,000 bushels Corn, 100:busliels-31ack AVe'ato want to 01,000 V7orthof the. Genuine T7.-B Dunn c3 Co . Plov:- r: d Castiim' 250 bbls family Flour :.u,-:-.50bbt 144. Horse -Collars r.li inds, 60 pairs -plo7. . and Ta-on I'race Cnauis and wlien you rant Hams Strings, iiridle Bits, Plow JLines -Lap i-inks auri'ilmjs, Warrantei Axes, , ,ail - sorts , Iron": Wed?es OrK J',.Mtlrk i Rh'nTrlSif?0ides PlrrliYork. tltk' o anythlnr Tor r:rnlne pnrr-t l-rt ctme t finr rTlll gireyou the low t price you ver hsd. ' IVrvftrnllr. .... , I- n ... . o f cBKN-sirAW iircrrH X. a ri w . ' , ! - - - - . " . . j r;'.o n ' .j -r - 1 1 ' J l i ; . " ' ';sncs -as- it ii - i I. Mcaf.ekl, s r:i 1 r.i :-'. nd . ; :) ortmeit bf- 'dmneU Goudt, V)nt ' 1 Meaf,;-'; v, .... ..Bice, Hominy,' Brunswick lUmt, Brek- faKtstVip,, i i f . ', . ( Beef Tongu, -and KISII. Pure. - T ' .,, , Apple Vinegar, 4 . 'T ,.'. . i?f pf.QIgars, : i 1 ',:r-.. .,8taplDryaont!-. i'...i .-vii , . Hlioc tr; CAS IT' -.""" : i ".il; Mi; . .vi.') 'nii rpr.riTiyt.tNA I I J "... :i!"':lj,wi' a1 '-'cnMEX4E.w"at ' i'"l! k-i:..'.) ijiiK a Hl I ,m : vi.it c .ji V.:U.UAItUIS-ai.-- - il vf IP, f i ..iliiH7i!.') tuff Jiu Jn jht'nfi j .Titj -i -nT pt.iili mI tlluj). I'M T I'll ijf(!..I lu Vw'imv .ilM..l vi:o hu--'.) V't) mil o Jr-iiilf!t ij j.: In. Hi Jl.-M. 1l-it9 0?lJ iJ Im.j; ,1 ,,st , r-'S)'Llt -1 ; 1 1 r t j 1 1 r nl ' tii ! "Iu -,i:m. nilIiKTms! '-I I .... i , . v I 1 ... l. t.r. -j ! i . -j.a L.h ,::tf I 1 f ":rr i :i ...i i i 1 i .1 h -2 tty V I- 1 - 1 1 - ii.ii V . 't.; ?f ; J t-.'.- - r ? : TTT. ! ...I ir tl i 1 1- V .J 1 . ) '1 iK I).! )? ) -,! :i 1 . ! nl ;.' ...! ,;) i! . -i : ; t :! ... ... : ' , . . ,. ...... . . ITff b'v-Vt lfr. Ge-ts ine . ' rV , Call . - 124L3 u c j nL.re. vuv.v. ;a ; 1 n . ' ' 1 ' i 1 i V J f 1.1, In the next O !.".y$ SI .T, AT OXCi;, t - - - . - . . p . i . 1 '. : 1 t t I ( TEA. 'A nice - - . i i t Drieil ; -Frnli; and Prarl 3earsoh. A- Till Chewinrand S.nok-r ' - t I . . ..,. t '- " . M .1 . . ft 1 fi t . - .i a ivi.f . .' 'i J w ,, ' -j ' . . . - "-.. I f .vvt4-::H),.!:i' 7')..,'!l i i .. . .. v a.i -v t 1 , f , r tilk I 1 lM..' J I .? . i . '( t-n .11 ill..'-' .i(if; ,J 'ki.'. 'irif;i-: 'i ..,;. .2 ... , t .'-'iv,.!;, r 3 .,, j., - . . ) .-! f .J, .'!... ' y , f A 1 a V ; SwJ '. " 1 - i . T 1 ' 1 J I ttk ef , V 1 - tm r. . ' - v lV U k. 4.1. lli.lJ t 1, i 4 .ad ?tr.!0eny CCw kir.J Tf cr: -i 111 r t". i- : ' .'- i .. . . ' r ! nc;fclA:!y( Lou!tb urs, N.C.