' ' ' ' ' "' r iiJBSa-l-B Uae Tc X Months ; ' - - j - , - qo for tU'vitf cl'corfe'V- iit A - 7 nr ' To Cubs ol 5 T&x jil l4: irauneaat41.40.- - - .............. ... ... , . ., . -- ' I i .11. 1 4 1 i 4 ' 1 t ! . I - ' - I nnnnnnin ' v t - j. i 1 vv.!A ' Bw.. hbji . -ut. ;.t i,. '..r'.si-i,:,-:,? s: ,- t, ii ? .. v. . . .. . .... i : 1 - ' .. t I 1 a ...... : i..; VII ' r-v;: ir :j'.v; . Absolutely Pure. ' r Thi powdrrer Tories. : A murrtl ofr arity, itrengtb ud vhuleioneaeu. sad cuaatVufd::. JoJitkftSI M. iv ca.58. HoyaL Baking Powder Co - ' ' ' 1M -1 1 fit V T r - - jr w k7vfv. vias :k ... Mil ffc, i - . " . CHUitOIIES. . ; M KTAoDiST Ber. A. McUBlIen, pastor Uxptist ttev. It.l... '.l. I tor. Serv vrricss erery ooniuty, j morning ,,aad aijht. .Prayer meeting every ednesdar night. Sunday school 9 o'clock A. Mr - Services 1st snd 3rd 8undayswcb4vf WM,8 Kve as much; - The Ex i, m.rning and night. -Prayeji ttaet-lWatlVifllitiiirnfttM fmm moath. marnine and nieli Ug erery TU.rdy nigUu v Snnday School SwcmiosRjw Thos: white, P. N. Egertoa, J; i. U irrow, J. i. Thomas. Oax.STXBLB 1L I). PinaeU. . ' Board meets Friday before tint Monday la each month. . f-, . 3 fiian:kltn COUNTY. r' Commissioners -:Ki Nanh, ch'mov. 8. J. t'ru lar R.S. KMtr. F. P. Pir. . Saperior Court Clerk A. w PelreNK. . Kegisterof Deeds B.. Balliaeai. , C S iperiateadene o Publicrlnatntction . J. X. Harris. . -' .' :':' i - i i - Keeper Poor House ijMIPtanell.iui ! X (arv Public-W. L. McOhee Frank H;oa.N.Cv ; -c 1 1 1 r rv u v r i Ti" r 2i." Yi Galley. Chairman. f' r; " v-K. K Coayers, n,:fUj. , U. B. MiHiieuburg. 'uiiirl tin i , J. 2.. Harris, secretary. ,Tri Superintendent will be in.Loni&- Surg oa the second TbtW TjpjJ rtmrjw A.pni, wmjt fepicinir)rt", yyj b?f au l ember'aija - fjjV 1 inre aay,it neces?:rj ror ue npnr? pose of x&mitun; applicants to teach it the public schools of Franklin roan- Vi:OK KSS ION ATj C-A KDS B -B. if ASSENBUUG,; - V :';i::;:!ATT6R3lBTATLAV . Office in the Court 1 1 ouse. ' : : ; ; AH busiqess put in my handa will receive prompt attention! SM 'Sit Ci? M.cookii:;- r f t- .TTTand tOUNSET.TX)U at LAW. ' LOrJISBUUO,f RANKtitN CO.tK. C , f.ll attend the Courts of Xash, Frank in, Gr .nviUerVarren; and ; Wake ,(1 ounties also the Supt erne Circuit and l)isTKXCTOirt. D Cooke's Drug Store, adjoining DrT. ; 1 Ellis.i,5v, S&fe;1 W TIMBElti, AKE, g t ; . ATTOHNEY AT LA .4.144. S r.rTiRTTnrt if . ; fPafSrZolHcofter1 ATTOUNEY3 AT LAW. V aoce, Granville, llalilax, and Nortb nampton and the Supreme and Fed gral courts of thetaj nl " . ' a rr TAw.i ,a-a 1 S , fTI ldllCES, vi uu'i Hiw Jl; .i - Will practice torether in thetHMiaties of OranTlIle, Vne, Franklin ad Vrn.J. - hope sy prompt, dUigent and r ? f al attention to busiaess, tv deserra reeeire a porakai rf kb ,iy b CZ CUE-S1IOTW12C1 An Aiejd ' l)i ' Two V Nobl ej:.j i..Ueisied thinking thai tfca 3ui collected ftr the Shut "I Huaijcitarri'hjjuikjulto . s Tv ...... t . . r.r . r . - peal to Uk) who;4oved himitiv- fnjr, and who mourn luiu deiwL to 1! the fdnd wiU be oue tliotMtind do la wliich" the iS-jeast ' atooairt that alkouid be deemed 5 won hy or the Impoee designed. Vhlch por- pota la, not only to do Honor to the f Qaphkelhlrho has human voices whether of praise or blamebut alao to put on lastiiitr record North CartUuaa estimate of the woTlh of valQf aadTOe maV OOd.'V J 1 ell&reoreriedire oSnlOStn glre $25.00 each tbr -Hhe further aitce of tills dtaign; and we ?' ppeal Iteranttallv fn tuDlva nti.u.'nr ki.' V. ? VMICI l - ins poue giving the . contract: for the Aloaament until after the Ut or May, In hoies that this last appeal will successful in jncrotKliig ? the Monument ;Fun : to the desired amount. And surely there ' an at least twelve men In tha Rtatn ivhit t$ &y ty&iffii tc lletnonstrai V. aPrcuaion of valoruid coi.- inancy as is now pledged by us who .'are)'p6o' tiinaiitiaMngs save State pride auijliyil wlio'wore the gry. . : : eAIusft M. Chapman, : T respbadinj; lohU ap- win uicnw auurens ju.rs Iuh. c ? tneron, care of Dr Win. Cam- wroHiUsborov. C; aad write lis unnn f hut 'UlteUiesWt Of this fiuul effort lfl V"e "iohuuient will he reported ;t9lH'JUt9 iii ciurge.- ?iMttl(,)1883. The sabjoin-d letter fro Jodie D.'O; Fovile:. may have sone' in fluence in this connect io-i: j , iBAiEiGH, N.d?Marcli 3, 188. "My'Dear MiSB Cameuox: Yewt fetter was duly received, and answer delayed ouly for the ' pur pose of consult ing some or the ecutive Committee. . . 1 v saw OrGriasomwho prj EverUt haii charge of the eroc thai of. the;i6 Monument,' aad .? he agn. with me 4 In accepting y-.ur generoui suggestion, and said he would make no contract tmtii It wa ascertained how you would v, I 'ft For mysfcl f, 1 assure jrbuft hat I highly appreciate the generous and lllhi;HjL' ltd ji ui 1 j tm to undertake to aid !t the proper reervTInSfJie Qeirr7i"fe, Ine JTerytruiy vours,".. i?f .vtUsi Ol Fowle. f; SAB ,; IMiOPOSALS ! -C --v Advice to Young Ladiea. who i A young lady tomes to us with - a ' verv e"Wt if. !7 a 1 to make a lean 'ear rrotKil. I flo not C mjran.fflnythli.gr rhrsicat, fibel jal teabanatel ttmnltd iropos J t Ion 1 and 1 desire to do it In .Much a wav Please gi-e me a few practical di- tlct.otC2.:t OO.t mi.il sliua-'i -.1 i.;.wuras , wo. win, aear Miss iipnlil.i r - :. ' , .. ... leap year proposal and you natural- lyjl Rrvot!wbut never fear, it's get used to U. In the first place,, yon must catch your man. From the tone of your letter we Infer that you have . got B ceea hioV:UH:tiS:iHo4 surround the man with ' favorable conditions. Never. DroDoee Iti th 1 Jdt i)ie ouocten l!jen h time. : Wheu the young mantis alone with you and his facejassuinea Vr senUmental look, Kp .TlieItf tlon.-. Force "an infeg'.j.itlt Uedv The average tnaii needs nail me to frame ejfrosufliiU tn ui vnotiuna. . The best plan ts to make him com mit himfeelf, and after he does this get him Ro write H'fe'wkklv Iov" X4icii,x-Aiji .vj'uuiuk, yon.- mm i make a few prerexUs ta-the VOn mau. vA trlpxtee dUtmond i rinia quite ac p'taUe: k gaHI Swatch ami chai n w uld not le amlm, and most any thiti f that oslJftni $500 t $2, 000 wbu d not he likely to : freeze his love, You mot also 'pay for tickets tr the drama ' and opera. Booth ficketsnt $7 far :theibei nights in one we k wCw dbe' itlhtl.', enpeiist1 e, but uxR'xiM. mmemberi' Mlaa Cyi inUaikatJ courtshifs are very; e: :pem ve, especIaPy.; l?ip year coti rJsJiis.v f.J : '17 i":C fj-Axuli: ifie lp I f tiW trire lald wander ,way from ;yoo v and -he. should tyy to defeat marri motiy by i innumerable poetponf taents, your coast would bo entirely cJeai u. ;,wum merely nave to .KEfc.Ua'CftJ . ... 1.1 1 . . 4 1 sickly love letters before i a Jury and 5 the Ijrdjcjr rwmjld ? Itew, Forty flvtUotwini(U iMsiinHuuue uKure, out asuaiti more, is j more ay m put het ie Vthan lKe--York then Is no reason - why you shouldn't get $50,000 and any ycAaog lady who has $50,000 in her earn tt KUYS.f KOFll YL.1TIC FL TID -4Jfit -eery ick-room.-,-. TV ill keep the atmosphere pure and whola owe; rftfooring 1L. bad!1 odors,, frwu WlU'tlestroy all la!!irms:io:: fete Ooij'ti-oiii ,BifeTes, au.l ' 'all eonUy giouadiseasoii-i Tb-mine,V Ipliysft !aW-UMtm-; c nrince thai" w w , , r ii b. . 1 .1 t !?Uni.1ni c nnnceiJ thai Pi Datbts frnnlitls'rtW Fliifdi ?1 L tVrt8ablWiiiu!kfat,'!0rJ,.Ot,,, 1 iiu: l)Aasn ,p j vr tre with e;k W Jjcsn W,,Ald !r-dr,siV ; lit i f 1 f 1 4 1 v GomiiiBi-IIere Coa. : . .' i; v.'fl ; , V.'i tunyn' .M d: uili'jijruuj -TWdUled TneiahSP nWmilVes sflded lHwe8tern tcrnhbBr0pt 'e.ipttWl hdl 4;6o4;l!erf iVailjUmeiKtel ptm 6t lftctWsiHlc,tbe iender-fundv TfceyTWIleri he (dl oil ' Motwiiy lktrsaanii?b1.'' Kl fWediiA aeveryXillageV)rirttKeiWiirtI show town in iIwa, with curi()sUaiiilJtflieu on Tliurs He 1m here l' there was a rush ltll ToWtl f-T-.ll 1..... .1' was sold.On Thurad iv nihi th no mpreronjcelu the ea r.Iir part t othadjy JiiRU tierltelatshlU ii I bronchitis.. Sold at Furtaaa'a drna ais or) AJ - p ur . 1 or me East.' ; Before going they left word with the stage haudajto raise the, curtuin ut K:$dloMir(AVtr 'iJevial! jr pjriirtrtj . wi.iik musilil ; Ufop. Tlie luusliu drop unfolded "before", the expectant anliemt. Ir -i., t ie.W wtJsV7,IIe'ioiHgcWi;v;F . , oj a-nmT tf-yjt t.4i WT -w.1 1 a j; E. vDaiubrldge MundaV Esq.? Coan- ty Atty., Cisw -county,- Texa saygi; . """ " ia'.lv iic- miners wtx m! ; Mr. I j V WiU xs: S, ot fTo VffCaX, y., ad,f4fca likriTk.tiint.riayinJj- Kv He p8!iively believes he died, had it not Oceu for X ElectiiQ Bit. two wortbitht wm TMVan,! .iTv'onMw l"1 good, or juCt wo worttiiea Weiefftand, .ofaiVime. Dout le dacalA Imf i,.t lit ' lit l- .1... l.n.. L, .1 . . E 111 1,1 t PtHMIB OOtTfc A iT'tf f f v44'ntf 0Km 1 t V VWU it. Iti Vodthe de;.ot itolNhslirerer flt vcry ly t;f in: t.n .1 fevtA al Uni.' ) . ice, b cuidtVtim r iiieTtf T.,,-, V lldiui iie.i fiatisfled-iaext.io iVr 4- -CST tfeU1 It! I (opJ i vwl Tit! ' ! - fl , t - I ft rup t 1 lTi.A i . .- This great- remwly will wnrdjo I well a cure alt miilariat 1) I n.lArt'f 4 V f j -.-' . 4 j ' - . . 1 i I - - i- . 7 v..e. w.C 1 I.lf "rl.. I 1 .. . . . . . . , . dli.arS r . i , r , .... - ,7 lifci-fv m pxrTasa. mcii treats a i-;tr.n "near tus tier if yeUsrroutr' ' .UJA illl -,VaUiUV ..... ' "V '"J 1 -.J vlj-u s 5Tb firogressl ye Farm tr si r I - st, .zli 'htji a lor f, Jwel.-ccasUer 1 tc.Ial on Tt.ararraer ilnl IV. - - . . rir'L . f i - ' The Durhata Tctscco Plant ad Jsr Itjcertafnly b. II tj proper to d!- 'cuss It fo an t t! ?A t ural r w. rtr proper for. w Methltrper to' speak about Mettotliats n, iwlltlcs, and-to urgenh'el'u'KjrgQn UUU po!l tica.' - It Is the dutyr a apttsts paprrtorge that tla IUjUst "go Into politics. . Go with the Prcsby- Wy -oUier charih vzrxrJ' It Is rlirht foriraxle liraruats, anil ; njercaKtlle circuiafa, 4o urge n;rciints to go Into poliliw. lMs risiit fot tobac co papers to-crge It upon '"tobacco niea; Everybody pcljt U p cities. A' hat Is meant by thtt Is, eytryiria&, runaercharch tneriK kvu tobacccmisf ccht to feel a deep interest in thfj "goV:; enuiient, and: oclit tto; vrbrk ;to purify It and kecp.it pare. r t N : Flilic bdeaned to be; ihe cice or to vera ineatf." Ve must ha ve govern roe n t. iWe cannot live aamClatei as a Nation 5 with out iheriuaetye occunjar great ana pom-erruland cummaudresptxviaTo oprumenir tutf moo;ieniJat.-J . ' t f i t it iV' tl .rtvWttrAouij.ir;itemii ...nrmr Mii;v arl most correct and Upright merchants. Vto tay .way from cteetfona and .FpnPtioo iwtll be managed ay the dlshoWt iarmefana uncouscieutious church membei, the careless merciiant aud ro?es )hnfn5ng:Tdeii5a-' gogue. dsu-Uhit bo T v We ! have1 iuyi ot jiaving , gev t mi iiujcui, no iwvb uecouia usea to el&ti QMraratuD ralersOFJecI tlona happen .ewry t wu -'QanCJiv North Carolina." If honest men. Uhriatiaiil hieh,' - wire men stay1 : at : )iome. pa;Ud ' 'oHKrsV '.Godit'ss ' "'Vi, ! ,wo, ; levjou,; j wu u;i ( to blaiue-t.7 yyifi r n iii i J n 1 1 -i:Yea,' everybody ought to go . 1nt6 IKU 1 Ica.Everybt oughi tb siudy tti6.aceiice j Ciret(imtU every body ought to, ateiid ,.?oaventloiis, aggressivoi tatud : progress! vfv--It floe. AU'aUaljniin nt Good men mu TjmeeIt J ;ln polities , as t everywhere) 'else " and field:l iiv.ii jid t"f 'jifii atlj.r, f Yesv let every farmer go late pK rtlclilmt study the situation; Let him. rs3 good man liiJ every m avocation tie ;the.it, .. c f . - - I You cannot atlon! torwantetlnie' lo expM bnfiatiuislett vaJrJoCgsa. in i Co4Torp;ji y'deUIot5liFpeptn, Wwim ? teimtm: "Hfe abe hL-1 Wii"J ms to TTfe Troun-ryTTyT XoT - tpoii jeettiivflTr fOjfyrStml Dii 1 . - w vuTery, wnica $ lUAMr.WtolirlTe T1 ef iu allThrjat; Ijurf and o (st.ai ID) u,!l IL I f""' w . t ; Tfc.'t Cw. .- vui rcutT more eaicauv tiaa aay ther known re reedy.- nit orsttUax. feajf! Cwel x, ss, ! cms. Tor caught aud Oillda hukb4mrn nn mis mmmmsii I 1 1 " " - -'' hi 1 J ev patroIroaatMhov.s f2i- op ir.comb strea the Qthe lilgtlf was! 5 -n4 by a resident; of lhat' rlreet! trho was on his viv1n;.. citi. I v wa.. 4W AJV2tA J t two reaelijd Die; hrbae It I was' v4iq c.iten J.!:IrsTy aald; : ' ' .;- ; "I rrws I cam gtt Ii wlthoutthe JL i T t ' -ne wi ver nXJghfylpaTtIc0Urfyoa know.i He passed around to the side iluir witliakey la m r.-d, but lu about a minute tha cC'r. beard a! territle yell, followed by uhoutf for' help.' A" chatuLer -,x.l: dow was! thrown up and a head t irast out; and thecCcer asked .ha ; win : thai matt ,-. f ' 4;' ' I I 9ht nol hlug muchVf nswered a woiuau'svoi; tI' v anted to kftwosrwMt.tlma he ot borne tO-nlghtv and lol set a ate 1 trap on tep.J I think I camrht hhxi. : You cth go on' about youri t Incii, nui Ifjl g dewji and let' Mm ln.'r--: ? , - Tlie.o Hccr c -td tbef aggaitlon, ndrts heard totlci la proine- ii "It beaU all lw irVn.. poInUa ituow ciwn pick up tn - lo o'clock at night." Detroit Tr 5 Pr, lRfJPlFX y"ies which bafl.'tht - T, T . - ;.trir WOICI DID! tb the aw of hrdity tran.:ioa af ateaul and physical characteristics frnna ... ... i lion to another, I. -0 Instaaea is -th U ' ritraCge 14 mt? emphatietily ifllatJild. than U tr e generia rp tuaUoa a( dua- -v ui u ui aeretiiiaryMood dies P"V,M"f" eossmoaaan -eroftiU. TUs Wblely preraleot 'diMasoVhas hitherto been eoBaiUertHl iaear.h. k. . introduction of8 8H. ain.'. .T 1 idil?f d!e",fd bloH U,e erofaloas taffltotionshareost tk4rw.r.i f... tlitir llrtrcd incarsbilitr. TS- tm t. ) UblUVed Jha the aeve-rct Ursa oarn- 4 dy. The fact iayrHfled br handrvds ofi ULcont.Uhte pro,.,, iTfo WwroTtestl-1 Biuny Is a striking exnibitioa of this taet 4t aranot fall to imp tho sai,S," !j enu who may hare children troubled alth' ttsdngrroatdistaae.,M.vCo:iier Is a h ghly re-ncted; popMlaraod weU-kaown cinren tf Uoolf4Mautr., He parties I r I y requested tha vubJlcsUos of , hit eUr.,ao Jhatither UmllWt, rfmnarlyafflleteh! may . -ft- mm, ciprnCMC. RM thCT a procar a roaaedy which w.0 laUlUN r andprmiacnrlycaftf and" t.,?rV-V kli reditVy Scrota.- ; J :J3 J. .) .411 Tha dait SpeciOo CoiAiIaptaGatiri il treailnneiv TWa pifr. .. t. .my Uttloditng KtetV si yw. Vf T;;'', Cl'i' ".' wnictvery. soon, at ttcr -rr- -rr" -"v tea ia running "aore. all ore litJ'tBu' iW r iw i-.l lni ".( ::'kawa. amod1e-.a.lT,i Isilinr .'w"t - ."iiii ujf.j awae ML x V . . 1 . . ., "I..UUUI mwmmxmn w oxawiSctl hKsaid'slie VaaUdty aflictea withaorofabi. Atotu KhaahitlaW mr littl son, agod ;foarf frrtag great tartars. Ill head-was a solid mass of sores. . .'i!u j began towae $ tf asaooaiaarCiwMl aatis&adaboatthaateMww .j- " . ,4 aoiUiot4 to W ail.,erarrkieB,i fraa la eonstitutJ6a, 1 br 'now "thev7 ar ataong aadaeaJUy 1 uid aot grraTanem any other mrdidla. tm iA r U a being aue4by.8!H....y - , Keryarent hasJlWa raicVa cheap1 aq posnire cra Tr their chtfaren. al- 7 . . V ja a.i wcy Hare to do. is Yoa are atboertritUaaathbi parent aaay know how mj eMltra .were enre of their rronhleaemj dlstaa' fcod' aurMI(M wismaryioad; fro at m.j whuh insinacmtiQtis sdas thsiraatiQSis cttaiJ trutb-, .".Of. lc. ahJoaT. iWuks,,, J .leti me. TVeatikO 'mailed fm a.i ,;cj VTi. 1 .ill ;vnj i WHUW unwa 1WiI tbei ffP tmilei deep all s bvar mJ warldl u If ktiy 'man U tkujL t tx tfebfn ' 't B't " the land shooi bW ou tLb spot,' 'numVof Wdtn'kVwftiK' .-.. -...1 .i":"T?r.(( -jo 11M9 it'tll Jlf ' t v w .) Mii'Ta o-xHup iJiefa. tbasv a, yr t4 pU gd aras Vafest, and also. tie Krc-kL! ;'n (I , i- n;L'a Ybtars very truTr ' Doeliestcr; PA. Dear iSlrMt 'tkla la.rar tuiulttx aereral raara.';rW, try me "A&bJote,' aad ft rtrol ciV at cjao. J, e.usa c. ether.. me!k're ii '? " .theKew Clirk;" I '''ireljid1 teed' reoomicnaid Us-k frhlrfewd boV, tod the grocer hid : 'beIt,Se'Trral, times iUV'X ti T-l wa j he scris.-Tcd the f .casara -whea ' sei'iiugapi'.ci or-podtoeav 5 .Tuirt--tarsH'Wbia be ctaztsi dovb toamiiLa ictifcr Hay ta ftlt tiiertrrtlij IrtsJ gasmoatlily fc.Llr ai6ia-j:tTi23 ibe returned, a-r tle hjsa c2 acr WkVSVb aXIt a, in.a . .. ..j ;,5Tcll,aijtVAcj Mrrn?d r7.ilff to 'rOou?ut trnty4tbuahela. pfi(fota .restebjj,.,. uuuer siiinvj unca mere s a rront la 'J'WliOJa go Vie's', b ul -Then ii halt rLia VueUlkft'". jbfliripefwekL,Yt'!aieV toy 1r?s- Ueu looUoy 'firf. " Y&ta' bieW 1 la !iebu1r,I,M,, 'n,in ilr ft"'ree7Vi ft-slji-ami: 1 ; pn I ctitTwe siilaovei U'ter Uis grecW 'came -back to-' iht froM i o Us f trerr1& -potato hreaib baud ah J bIsr;faqB::au lwiutav aar taw autTaAc tr otlJliji bia avst tii half aaibau be maaagiA ifajf lJiliaup ouu --J 1 I ,ub oiiHYoii Ja!io i.Tbey .are: fgacam.iae frr yosM n-rEtoi.i w f,ja;i ,f iJrtrywheVa yod goi.ou ara'ttVuU ti?har oT Ui otfdefm!TbAuee' tf 1W. Bull's Baby ajnrU-cYvi&Utt sVa itWtMciLtt'klWttikr H X . 1 A. OOat0a4s erabaedeai bfl temper 4a lutica4byaa-aibcalbj thrsX LatV iKdw jkrUI U12 iubaalie-byJiwul ftm tiensatmi great organ 1 -inlimU .1frK.;TJr is I ana. 1 T 1 iinI)-wifiK 'nr'rifaMrs l!!i',7 V.wi-t WJW-I -ill 5:s!a ,J ! , ,11 , hi her bttla finger than forty "mutcal societies FQreuce Ji igbtiogsje,' say's that'lhe nSusfQ'vou xitva. out 'is good fot k.r1VVwC.t.hemusic you ,PeDD:otbtt'tTv7.,y .lflT r w Not vtbt exaiUyi lot; semetbing liltfIL" 1" l 'tR tiisiinuiiril.fij i,, iia bee m-' beir '!foals,'mo.fc .l.WiwasTi e.tyeBng., .wemajg with , as aiairy n&a! meatus t fiaeoceibrmmd bar ai Um pUaet't5tuirti 'liaarlogt; tlmtSidi biuv"U-i alsiui lit fa M WW; 4q sia. , oa,', $U a T,VfHrkPl. sop-f ads In feati d-ba)!iVi. t U , ; .tiTbefa abe r-:iad irv htr. uu!lV7av JIT the Utfighe'fjr Iba ctulAtf- -bVi'f toy "Ji" '-'''u .; 1 ..AiiifT JfaipcatlUiiay',a4i ir,4jthcy..rtra -eH ogpijfi fMf Jtigera! eesuhig 'Co ba'aCxU of 'Hill f.Aiwt,Y. U l. y.- . 'great -uM.s,?Prrr svyjd, tear .ynctJudrigwUig.oi ?Ur.vrtA vlin Tben au other Jump'l ;aiWer, too iiaa xroa ua uota er&cdf at CDce.i . a I af T . . J I " f 'and Cen grand tmitWaiia- tlfing ofjimtat ep sdUowVbakfaad-. fbr ad ead Icidd ormr tfe BtSirh, Eke. (atanpede.of rits and talea mersi than Ukt'anytbkLgicall ssuslpfrr-rr3 -! l I' Uktj to baaUtt wstuae; !3ri a nJ t Jeteheasatt tiibtTs3ogj bBjitbsM WJibwfcammer.put pf.tbsweod a4.Arpr,MiJ-JnouUitoi laeo"' !( C.derence itetwii 5 a btJ rog:aad lLuh.-Oiirettta. delKIIs!ma.,:':'l iijmn l r 1 f . . ... . l-- 11' - t t 4 1 4 . . 1 t t i . . ;..-t' .'."U . ;-n ;t ' tjssad smi hr ays CILilbey bet;: a t ly -troia ' pretty ; faWcl tem "-Cj lafi' fraca n wl- Kr r"s U v 1 -tioai tarist earnedj ablirittii-.ta rneeired. , , . 1 Zt'-mjmrmm: ' ' i:n -ui ; n 'ljji.'-jb Jr.,;.. i.l f .1 a Jtii-ixiI.n,i-jn'.'J : JipwssaiifrrcxViajijt'a -friend at btai Is beit'r tin '! ocr reiatwos at a tattoo?, so a I vt'a cm- y lu toot pcliinrlr llliV.l.a ereC".tla U. JfL!l "'l:2tti,L';!.l omrfJ. ikw.xa,!;': ?y will bujj s.n i f -J' r - - z-3 quickly a till rri'cStj o h r- '.V-J yst w li re uittx iT. ' ix.- v i rxircha!i:2arr,:lr:r'r'-,4i:: C 1 gcaervcil ji'tacici 1 tr-ll, . dy, j r;?f Atf Ci-:?: " -. irtfiiaaylaJy 'bU?jary sUi ti cour.t Cy3Vtbr JbU method, it always seemi fi .-n tbs thtnffs "t enret grew on tro., . . and iJ fVltAd was ti put ur Lands; weseernLB tad sod cbHhd arlf hf i'txxm'ute; mtti U suraly a miracle If wt pay .bebiiJL t4ljr- - - TocitTactarCTItlitTnnulraet sht" cWit-9n vgts aacL'rrif xiti. .te; e ere ,U-it h t' Jwrh 5 " te and emtciilenieuts f dJ L J 'f the paralrsla and he.rtAl.e7 wl.lci ! -end meivs-4tva;bi Cteir Imf-tiar m v ' .tnsii4,tbelwerytm2;aiUUip on debtj wrrrkVls.mrs r- t-a workV'or'Wo or rjir c! ,;. ft rtUsrKiirtaialU'r.c., Ck'I. ors the skin, mikes. tha ; tsJt t LZ. ' 2a and encourages 4 pcpsla, -dulstits'ot li.-'iU ceutitiWr,,yh!'!r t see! Vr? r.;Ui.,'rre' t whose trsia" 'O' I - " Comes -the aps4ofjhHbat brkg t.1 tthpaki.nU-ii Wr.m that A fejjJffrlrv rJaK- . iibni. x:Uil l4 nvn9r f I A sporUman U a taj& wtio spa-ta -l. JO liS12 ' 1 ProbaUyao bua-tbSa gHas1 kii sb VgeoarJ.UJ 'tf U4&4"tl ClifKaiy Prsxre;Mllbein-tving awf to their cms torn era af , iiatr.anr . bottles of Dr. Zuis's New 'Sfary . for coBSttntpUOdr"Tbslr lraln (s staa ply raortDbos ia ' tJiW ay riOala arUdf fro thsia4,ltbill.indpyf ail throat aflt laD'dUeaW'4iekly 4re4 r.Yougae seat U baforaieriag .nl C5tt)n ns t wl vrof ti .flaa) atateme at a,pffce ott i g vp ' plate who bad aa Lrua will. ' . . V The IUt. flaruir. XL ajar, sa Bour witaawaoarlivts to . frXuioli's eoo- . nucrj hM ul soi anuvr CAUjfcJ tWseia'liy te:L rr'v ,-;w,takt.j:,f -?- 'CavMt , fci i.aftr i " 4T7a1' v jubillCS5j'fvr 31 -r3 1l ' lLLUTKTEI):,,i,,,.?I, Ilarper,aE4wTsa hGinrf L XI bom MKlf UTe SferiC4iHC-ii.oa 'H ilKlUTtticuJi wfUf da f vaa t U&a3- IU paluro-ahact .eadfJuUflaw supplements wiltalJoe trip lad: s L ' laavaikaaarCiaW t3 c4VX t.Ii'ul- r fH"ir m.s.ij . iqne4tv 'oratlefrf't5jsi AO,' mil U4 ibracJios,cwl rw, u v ; 41 uirJaVi st erery r. Lur'ijcL:, J .tn. p 194 1 ciios tcaa 115 r-l 1 1 tiJ riasare tixjrVlT fltjsh aas?.a..1il -0l a una la admit t-f iia ctioaina that jUofleDdJtio mat f -tt' "00a, ' UiUl'"1 r.intw..il. iX UtrTTVTcirrt ,1L ' i riauat mm Twi .s . . . X..f . i . . . a. 4 11 i:i ti 4 ' a i iiABircu3ri;nuLr' b:iatiii-i . .ijbia (Jrai S CS.iar-f'J . t iiitL u vHt -ae w U 1 , 1 ! -1 ' ', 4MC'ailiUr'cncJtot lir-Ycf 1,-, i 01 oruer. . wi u.;is 01 c 1 Y - I . ... Oalkeisef.ta.v 'l- ; I-Oit-f sucnrtteliit r' v. 'r?rare cHta cr, -u 'bow'dct ib'tt sbot 'sd 'coUittLV LU'tlrO. buuityWd WW' ' .1 v. i j i a r i ii tiuuib mi eWer serfil -r-f a. c a HteS IpraeiT&TJ tntliri tLjV. -bright ltxri bnnUsjdn ttmim all fortbrreyaars ia tlvVt ' bindic- wl User. t by 1-; ?ye: , f. . : 1 1 .l' -.r;M-.. .'.'j,:- 7' : . . ;. - - : :.-.. .. ; - . r , . :-? , i ' '- '" :-"i : i. -" i ''. . ' "' " ' ' . -.''- - J. . : tr . J .. -v . , i i ' ' ' 1 .. - : . ....... ',,-.. . - ' , . t . . , . -. - .... '" ,