THE FRANKLIN HUES J ; . , , j t 'i It r'O the I'ujBLisuKD Every Fbidat -ii 1 !., 3 ( i TuTiaL4 IslUe c'.Jssi tsm.,i-tr patiLed la rrankllr. enz ',f, ar.I T 1 00 Tp Ctuba J ftllla'l'vi: .JH - a Bill 1 v Absolutely Pure . Tain powderever Varies.'- A marvel of Curity, strength and nrhlsomenea. or economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot fc6td ntfAetftion witV the multitude lftc, Short alum or phosphite : powder's - Soii OSI.Y til cuss, , RoxaL Baxixg Powder Co. . -.-W ::?". 10 all St.N. V 1 QUf&UfiG:i& tLfe MtfToDl8T-Jtev,. A, McCullea, pastor services i'e very - Sunday,' i morning: and night. Prayer meeting" every I ednesday night. Sunday school 9 o'clock A. M. BAPTIST Rev. J Bavins Cade, pas tor, Services 1st and 3rd Sundavs in each- moath, uttrning and night..5 Praventet- .9- 'cloek, Ai,.U vi'V M a'YO ). 1 Ellis.- i'i : . S.: ' - ''-?9ctiO!rRa4 Tlioal'; white, IV; N.! Egerton, J. J, Brrow, J. j Thomas ' Oojt.iTA.BLE It. D. Pinnetl. .'T- Board meeta" Friday before -first Monday U each nwnhrv(;;V;.t:&-J J FRANKLIN COUNTY. !f -: Com HTSSIoxkrs-J A. Nash, Ch'niii S. J. it. S-i Jfosteiv F4hPftlerce w. $Hperior Court ClerkA. : w Pearae,Vv C. Kearnev.-'-" Tre3Uiurr-.i P-Cliftontjbill sautriatenueut : ruuiio mstrucuon ' r vr v i J " a. urr. ..r:- :V " - Keeper Poor House--J. W. PAnnell. ' - Notarv Public liaton, N. C. V. L. M6hel frtt&ikl 3')AltD OF EDUCATION.; Mi N. T. Galley. Chainuan.ttvftjfiat'i K. O. Loayers, Jit jU-hwi -- "V---"-' n " TlieSnpenntenaent willbe in toals- ?urg on the scuocH unraday of Itrevz ruary April, July pto1&b? JdjSW lr an-1 . December, a:il reinaia ifoV1 thre da vs. if necessary; foCtM "'vwrit A pose of iaminini applicants to teach i;t the paUlie'schools of Franklin conn- IT. ' ' - ' ' i' "1 - -X--1.-. PltOF FSS I( )N A L v CA K DS T JJ li. MASSENBUI1&, - ATTORNEY AT LAW- " i "XOtJISBUBO.N C. : 1 Office in ) Ue Court House." , . AH baiincss put in my h&pds will receive prompt attention t M.COUKJC. . " aTT r and COUNSELLOR at IlW.' : lo risBrjEOv ; fkanklik cq.;k. c Vji.attend Frank -in Grinvine,Warren, .? and Wake floun Vies "also .the Supieme ceurt ol Nor th Carolina, and jlie U "saw . t :-T a Y XT 1 jm7d- I'fSr- Ft V.n i'J' rt i 1 1 LOUISBUKO,- K. - . r:v-Ofiee,i-gp00r Ra A. Day. itU"" ' j vUy - & ;ZQ)iiCQiler ::ATT0UNEVV5 AT-LAW.. 'mii ii.a ?a oinij-j eralconrts of thef5ttef '. f $ A.. ,A;aiCKSt . AtlC's. us ; Will practice together in the von sties of Granville, Vance, Franklin and Warrea. and in all matters requiring their joint v j teation. . fiUb ol vLsl .5oJ Iiffel this tiV. jr. Month iff - m Afrti&?A i I- - , X'f V? 1 -?- K I 4 -Tv ! 1 O Vii ttwj r Practice inJ'Sco o1iS?aMu ...... nampton and Uie?SWy3nie and OFeu :.nV rxiD ..n Jyilailor'anct ed ap :. from lathe 'humble rttonn, fitting tt with glory, and liertiica Cddlelzb'liAd J'lixsrtled, ed. thinking to-night of their "partln g three year afco? Xho! r Mt?ai- ed heraelCfor haylg!?ent bjaway In anger. She half fenred that he WOtllft tiRVf r rntriA h Mr--- - - - On the morning lie went ! away, Berenice was -busy ; preparing - hU outfit, when he "came to i her; and. asked her for a paper 'importance, a promisory note he had given, her: to tifcV' cie'i of. VAer hastv tarcnHWoeiaTd 4hco not find lt.;viiv;g.,v;'.ij;g .'i v "But I gave ito yonV said the hqsoand. always f, give ryoa things i- want talcen care of." s f "A Qwlish liabit too,' retortd frBerenJce-spUefully; ,4" 5'byot: takecare of,, them r, yoorslf.t.:Ad you may - hereufter; 1 wont a htrve' ntyideskicrowdediwith sdeh rub- Sele,Sonv making good f her . word, she tossed the , papers site hud been overlooking on thia floor.1 tiAVhy4 Berry, he ; began, ? arid, tbn finding H h is r voice n nsteady, he stopped snort and turned'; a Way. v His wfe savr in an iustant AVlat, she had done, tort, with perversity of a chilsly itUteiU ir tr-'iiig to Viiake, ha'ntJkafc'Anotber bit," she1 wtia peruraniiy, pnsning I e papers 'aside with her lktty foot! L "I Have WKsLtyijve morning fd reaoyfuXou puther me so, 1 wish look at hetflrMlstrbeHrota tiie room and "uooa-pye, uttie . one t lie. a good boy to mother; don t forget V'i . That was the last. When after ,a moment ,.f stunned . bewilder jnent, she hurried to the door,: he , was gone:.jrisrf ;!::r. -v, Month followed month, year- drifted after;, year, and Berenice. lived, and Bennie grew I tip to-a sturdy lad, - never , forgetting bis father's . parting, command. He. was a good boy to his niother; but a:i bin simple, unaffected divotlon, so like his father's, could not drive the unspeakable 'sorrow ' from her; eyes, ar the bHnging remorscr from her - heart ikjtrh 'iii-hd . TIit;night as Berenice Chudleiith ttherl i 1 tle..boyVbedside, thinkingTpf.that partiughree years CUU1C OUV4VCU1 QWUAO aCJ I okd' arf!T The dog listeninf agarfl; aiidnthi bounded to the door and began to scratch yigotoutly and sniff beceatix Beanie; m:au?azed Srigltt,. j ,i . . . V;. , x . V i.'t'i ; tr 1 , iT, a jtV iSial U Ik am-nn;.T way, andi'ireryjtJrotfdtjrWi lit u She was ou-jfttti,,fhe yaid. ; Bennie was' jBriipj, fctaudyig breathless, heurJ Aim say,....!..? f --IwH - 1 iittv'duiMiw iaA-ad tv Hta1 fi Hp&Mf tmymmi njurll rgs -Triton stood n instant with a?s ercet Anid note to the" ground; then I rehot yrTmakirig' cafc ! flT ;o.y, f.'J'j ItcritVghdjrtuirB: poor, afinglTned iittleBeh .was left a6ne. .; v'.;i.K,v j.;,,.".", ; sput ihrougn th wild, dark night d 1 IMUttfOIXt Ui te hab&Wblft tbr.wi vArrrii-iiALicjc -rr- K ' if. pal37ialef ISy;:;3 Htr th rcr."i bf man, with Triton leaping and ibarklng around hlm; and ever leu aui tsnsivJS el hfj fcat.1 H i 3n.l awcia tallfiasrL&be - as in the cottage, lying on Ben ie'a little bed, with the glimmer .'the fi ret !!st fa K-V 1 i r Hie hinvelf was hanglfcf nvr' TiehC sr ; ----- w-.m.. vv VI1UUUJ hands, amj k ioai ng-hea-vo?onusl his blue eires shininfr with a 'Junk hey had, .-.never . known - before 1 rhen a wild,' vague hope,' thrilled iirough tier, and she started to her eet wUh cry that rang above the din of th storm. y-:44!- - j Ves, ;t4ere j he .stbod bronzed wornandtchanged,'r aamt iiohest,kindJy reyes,Beu ufilelghihefwu ; husband. ; He held out ihsr rmH'trat J-sho went 4own proktjitejt 'iigTfeU'h- VO Berf 1 .Oh, my 'huai);iod ! my dariingt orgiejme I . ;I know that; trod ha, )eeaur he has given yon back to :n- eJf:?' V '-- j Ben, 8a itn4ik"ea;.womahvgath-;' ered he op jnbis fetrongaruis, ; kissing lift; -wildly, : v : ; " r j Tiierefti nothing to fyrgiyp, Bef-- ry,!, hesfidai commajic(ed hisRvoicei was most to biame; "1 shou!dn't have gone off in a pet. I meant to come back, ataoy tbtik - firo -I jcn. SPcdwi th; .tv. aro csrx wi; iqyi and inlf&k toJCrflcutta.f Af f rip. IfHt, thank G'odl I sin ajoge i ; Berenice did pot speak; slnT": only cjlung to him with herjradiant eyes 1 LUUe Bennies his bre,I irrowtt iejTs s44Awiig-beaf h4 -his" can tt riiglit-robeVuoktrwisttlly rti moment; tlien Stole forward and threw fits bTigesllpTne knotn the Urtx ljB.biaj&e -nyeirt rdaocitig up tlie Chlmiiev. and -Tritorti ahabf at' - tUlm W .ha4sldes rde soiled with satisfaction . and i,L - I ctept to his mother's side. ' ,. kl HMptfier,? he, wnispered, 'shall Ijmake auotiier tea now forfather?.' Then lingering a mopintAnd rest-, ing his head upon itbef mans: shoulder, he saidl,'dldniieYef J forget your last words, fatlent 1 I nave peen a gooa rxy . to mother, ii was grieving so for you that made her look so white and sorry.' jHia father, gathering him to his oer and embraced "him. j- . . . . l"Ay, :my lad, he said, "and both she aud'you are doue grieving for thMT oor p&3 all call alBttrfo.W i X ' RENEWS HER YOUTBV Jr. -PhdefUaieilpyPtsUntm.,: v Ci. .rtTotttell. iiliA :i AllnwiVi.i I is vouched for by the residents of the town 0,4Iani --73 years U, aud have OefeU trpubh-d Mr ypJ,iX0'IHmjj ana laatsmus nrytp.-iRTT venja i-c piny teaj.vcoul.l f0? iMiYl-rNMr 14 aKPHu: ana fiorneoB car t . x . - -J, nd. aunte noltTny o wnw ttbuae- okk.V I owe mv "thanks . to : Eiectrio ifcters foriiavm rmewed ray youth, id removed completely all diseat? 4 pain. i iWtll V lr " X-V i' H' t -man. biay-be oop iitaisbmejjt and yet in favor of haug' ma URjna grocer;, ; r: : l,; ' , eloi'-of the lyspepife4sldon kiiRheu , ou 6i health aiMiilaraMr nea-ycuciiil j gouariog, -give it Dr. Bull's Bat, S yrupv w lil;t - will at oucfe elie Ve" an d jwsr'm a a ec 11 v cure , by its! oo thi gr e oi:l -artrietJ2 te .h n " ' 4 '. ..... r- . i toos be a erjf gooa brass' tend caii play all tiieaSr a; -'drotn,',ina: tHa ui8 on. bu tKELEN'S' 5 Ti 6 best Salve in 'the ' w&rld for bruises, so re s, ulcera salt rheca, ores 'tetter ;cliaip'ed;''i&j:d3, ' fevef -chil pay eqaired. .-It is guiraiileeito give uienect aatisiaction, or - money refu c5r saie - . . r- i ATT j towaiii ito:t: ; lXyoHave n evr r nivea- fV .4 aiortgageV.)h': . it. If. you ca:, 1 ;! - 4-.- 11.-. A' firmer" " tors (a a fir .cft:. fit 4lacLbcul.t t -fU x v4 a T a house, and now, envious of some J coq tract before the Gordun knot la oITiia heighbo rsi" w"a7tekllo:crg"HWhg tht?j hear tlien marriage .S0O barn. . 'To do this he. proposed to borrow the cash, giving a' mort gage, on his farm . Said " the : store man after the stoVy was told x : 7.4.V.Your farm is dear now r, - ; iVYes,slr.-X-; :.. You love xour -wife V - I Yeisir.' .Weli, yaij" hx. -merchant,' ..thiiis what you Should doS Qo home and enrn the XZ2d first,- nd th build 'the barn, jrou bor- rov how you will think each night as you lie In 'your bed that you are in debt. . Yon 5 ill fret and worry" your wife will do t he same; sickness .and accidents may come- or a poor crop may be yoarl portion; thera will be a 4300 skeleton .'.fh:', your I houe, and len to ono ypu willfret ana grow -pivemh and; . have a "quarrel-wlfTTycmr wife. .IXm't go into tne mortgage I Live a&ihe EgiUh maji'tirhls cattle '.Fot a liiorbe n' t ha s in tugffntttm' 3-slt!atca;? Oil eneh side . were In- 4eVcifiA .JpectaUr.;. anil all ' ' was sHent. Gradually the ho4d'Jower1 cheek. The man took pride in. his 4f.-cnpathiaaud wanted that - bitrtrr vV?rv-"" t you, , sir, 43ieil.Vhi trutlyirilwi -crying when Lleft horaa- because 1 was goingto mortgage r the place, a il isite your au vice aqa . go. Home There,' said the merchant, that fellow came to a good, wise con clusion! L have seeu lots of misery, on account of this mortgage basi- . ness. oHe who1 gtves : one,, ofteu gives peace, COmtbrt arid v conteut-; CSeiiUwIthTti'r l ; .i "One f tlie Greatest llisteries lll'vfl ;--4- ; Qt tLm ma mytWes which LafSe the analyses of Science, is the aw heredity governing the transraiaaion of snental and physical characteristics front one genera tion to another. In no insUneo ia this strange law more emphatically illnstrated tbanm the generic perp tuation of dtsea sea. Of all the hereditary blood diseasea, Hone' is more common than scrotals.' This widely tevaJat dlseaaehaa - hitherto been considered inenrabe, bat nan the introduction of ti 8 8, nature's own aati dote for diseased blood, these scrofulous afflyjiioftajiaye oat tkehx worst -Joaturts- netraitgein4uraauit. me? fact si rst tAnshedrihaT th"e severeat f ornLor soruru? la can be cured by thia remarkable rvme-' ay. : i at met la verified by hundreds of ineontestible proofs. Th following testi mony is a striking exhibition mt thia t..t at iinus pipar- n-gniy respected, popular and welt-kaown rarikAtal citizen cf Doolv countv.: Ue DartkUriv I - j nis tetter, so r.:;.: .r'irS? fi.ii jncMrs uifuf dkii vui taraiuDiv H J JW ) . i .. . mum ptiui.iirmij curvMa ersuicate ue redhtryacroroTa: ? :n,'T.,7..- t V V Y,EW? Aagast 15, 1887., , The dwift.Specifie Co., Atlanta, Ga:-' . ; .. Uenilemeu. Three or four years ago, my little daughter, six years of , age, had hier appfcarflatee; teraai aatcd ia rnohiar very ugiy 0011, win en, rery so on; after salves etcjbut none seemed, to- nan . W n . . . J seemed to do any good, r Her acalD n tn a bad . condition indeed. FiaMllv. I Beat her VaAtla Xpuava Jier examitied, i ji jt u urouuic ztj Biicaay nuoujt-ber. The docWf a who 'examined er said aa f Waiodij! tQici. witJtscroXala. 4bout tne oeme um-i ioy nuie .son,i sgt:d .four yef.rK.Woks cut uli. xTer; tha' haad and lac yiih tliefiuie limente sad tor .weeks h.c, could trxt Ut lawto fieen without uf ,terlvg great Wrlurc. , Ilia head wnsa olid ;mbs of -seres:'-;:' .,.,, . . ' ' 0'. hJ $ fl 4 'r . fearintcl tajst jLlitiuts of-'thtv-Jia?ase' eoteotr4A'tt-ue'Jt,,.OfltI 'tert.fyt of the disease d!id disappeared. iicfore they begu tLo usa, of H they - tvere frail io consatutio.xbu , iiow. thev are stroc ana neaiiny. t uia ata . giv-. tr.eia aa j poaiiive enre for -their-children, a? flictedatiniae, aod all they huve to da in to give it t fair friil, aad curs is ct-rtain. You are At liberty io uaeihis It Iter so that' cifrtu-.cT teif trou!ciii dideate ', M'Vl '-kjWtrs'it hhs'a'llfte'l 1 A heavy- load ' frot? toytei-bd' thr fci.e!! asrealytroai) jeaiae. . : , .-' ; J0a T. Coujeb. Treatie on Diood and Skin 'dUettaeS mailed free ,L ' " ' ."' ' ; Th :JwutipeiiUC.Jl Drawer 8, At iAAtat the. . inA - . ... ... . atj.j Gift-- - j 9 Spa. ; ?iwpn .x.EaPE2 Airmen inAay Vuc 5 t ' .if i . 4. . m ...... ,. . V. ' , . " - -The Gol3aboro' Ileadligbt had a spTiUid article "wee ca rwhy mrrruss doeut pay. ; ' It 4s a ' sad fx t t'-t in many kisu'acf i i 1 !not ' iajin- business, tut an aw Z l-ilslies On ' rca!O.Vof . wc: .1 . to-cay tuuves '-Vrribey marry with! a j ery short apace of time. - They srcelyTwifaeHheBoleniuity of the cerenjony.innclced they should hap- pen to pay attention is the -nrst: they feel that ma rmge ia 'a f olmn- and Important obligation, honorable to the parties, and India pcnaablt tot society , and it ought not o be entered unad visedly and lightl, bul it verently, diacreellr, soberly .'lawful! j md b the fear of God- Tlius the j v Jtin them ; aches together for lett-r or ltr ; worse neVbavingtudled each othejs charao ter anperioiialualitje ana after a while when the paaslou play! la over they Cud thai the bext actlaj a ' farce and the drama or life is tragic in . its conclusion Whe sweep sEntimen Ul aouls meet and woo each other. It is hard to rescraUrthe feelings' of -the leart that pauis for the day iwhkh It thinks will b the final consammaUon of eartlJy h'ia. The day .'must fixed atouee --if it ia a uoo chance, jo.ung or old, tUt Is aofi3cieit for ' the olVFolks. The novelist ayt that . a .wnwnnversees old when there is a Jetter G.rfurc it that hides the wrin kles, llence. another reason, why if arrive Woea not eften fay. Tbf glrl of to 'day nri kett m lutury ? and easti by their parauls 4uilil thev; vx- . i - . f j life oaly afloraU EIjaiouHand wheu tliey marry they expect their husband tu kep up this 1 do no hing existence oi theirs by it small degree ofeir-'?nW rtrlrfatlir las. bea hard tt work all hia lifVan'd U .htrhself ju table to keep this beaottfuV daugb. ter up Wit the style and fashion of the da y ur theyoun g" lius banoTj u s t wenty one yeata, old jtp, .fpruajeuije, there the lather left off; the - one bar ins worked hard ali bis life to reach his 'present condition; and ' the' "othtr Jiin beeiuniaj lifel'Vlf tlie'dear J.UtUe da'nty, delicate, darling" two 'lcgied. auct 19 uoi praperea aa sue. was in her faOvVs liouseiof " many1 roanalo'ns iddthc poor bardworaixig VouDg .niau simper uauer ner iru-wo, . . . , y, ! ZAgkiu an' 'hoaest.'.sensibIe,l Woman ': ' 1 . w r Vi l uuttj niarrjr a iaa wr.o mm it a -. sue I iery" Wealihy' aoi! this f may .be' ; . Lis pntne ntove extracting wjtU heV Alas ! h4 Eada- that he' la 'm la tale a that'he Iras married only ft poor;' sweet ood girt' J 'TbuVjfiapomtexhe' for geto tluk there uth a' thing' aa love; flies to ' the cud 1 tt' dUal patlou;' ; a nd dVinks toita ilegsaavd every day and hour the poor young wife' hars 'frehr bis Owa lipa prfof of bis - vilTany but she;nerer iveearstnihopeful -never io Jate,ji.poo ner up, aaa.ju her eyes the tears of pity.- She 'fhada no relief Aut eet. death ! Yotoig'-taau should you ever. ' marry alidsee your yoking wife's eyes CI eves v filled i wita, tears wmcu ifuaps are i so pure La!fran ahl'a" i peck, say to your base . selt, l Lava no right to saddcieftJgLigSrife ; by niy evil conduct -txitttvv Xoriisr sake I'll trjt a man agalas It. l-. cvr. maxe-lierrsaule one ruore. Uiera'a itill causa thaoqtractoig pat ties , -jdo ( aotl consider r well t belbre::- ooatractlngi . Young man be willing to do a man's virku jh'e rtrli anj'be onieut(vtiiaj the reaufC rVhat wr kihcrit pr 'marry may be gold aha! uunsthtf irdit of an v r j v in a it la " v it 111 notl tiv o th erjs" en gyJ 0 J .ehlerjrTs Tls e a: e ooM t right lr'sed: whui Vrij arjn i? koitrgthiti brtter. "Tt1 wrmt" ftoai' t!tkle forlcue. chak'tat-treasures. of a . 1 " f - , Jfarrlaga wi Jfarrlaga will net -pay unleaa pro pir ly yfttra'4Utl,fbQtf 'aaf 0 J forJvinJ 1 is V-ieppt'ronltioa 6fVuan,uTi drfttms rj'fmiocertfca are ever, trlz'i un j9l ifieVtyoa? a. ill 1 4 fli8taibedklamtrtra'w1ta hide X as' Il.f the iiian wW''.r.ikes ' toret tuiaeVy ()ut'a'j-iireviu; t!iat vtailV 'z.S iKJuar.ara1. t'oe7eruu ;oc lf.pplne- and beatoTau that true lov 'a is letter ! something worth lirini fof. ' f . Nuw'tlien wn learu; the reascia(tliat orlia dr u arr iaro-'dos not' iirht& weaiHH4iwMHft-reuliya--e.Mirev-I I grdWTairi .rT.f Had: 3tor;i-i"Ta.f tn gold. - ..,.! Ar vi7 - " "j -' -; in! 1TO.VX.2. ".! 1 ,01?. i i nappy Ctrple ,f- ;,!. I .rfn?i ,:rtinti . A-marrjea sad -expmenced . fneod tells qs that ja oiaa should aiwayj b a Kt'K JcScrtkaabis wif, anda littld eldetj little ifavec. aad'a llttTe alrser, and a" little "mhre' il lava with Ur l?iaa st.e is wUIiluai.'V Z f o ro n n . i h ?;! J ai tr s j i e a, I'atU J " .-. a li:U ix tiler, and a little more considerate t!an 1 Iter hur1 band.' : He ehouTd bellow upon her all bla worldly goodsand she sltonld take L" - r t ' ' - " . uv.vt utera.., itemayowe ber eyery. cars; and tenderness that aGTeriioo raar prompt; bat pecuniary indebtedness- to her will become a btardoa. ' 'UetUr liire ru a? crust tliat he 'earns' than 'a. fortune fiat she W'brourbt hka.'V. ineojusf pejsaiotts or gira (be other .causa,; for jaalousy.i 'Neither must tncdurtge sentimeutkl 'frleod- MpaKh the orti'iA' c! ' exfer'i conndnce ia each'olher, aad reticence r.r '.vTT. - . . - ' -. "- ' vvuccfuuig vaeir mutual aSairm, Tea to members of their pwn families. i a 'ArwVk drtas" herseiL becetn Ingly wheosver she apects W tmiet hcr haabaaraeya. The Vnan should 1 O . Ulj Vllitifc tlllUC. aul t-findTog.; lJng,? rzumcn : Cr wn)uiri. eiiua sue ninrui th. Vt rW and iora-makirjg. i tars. and. teothera may t quarrel 'and -male It up.'! levers are ltrtrs' tt t rgerafecuch' cturbaucei ' ocrtir' r . 5; pcope woo are .no , ? ley. kri are oua4 j, red rt chains. i If a knanridraires his wifa mohtilr striped V1IAa...I. .111. .... "- ,T m.-, tv omj mo to vt ear it,TM IVi'4 V -Ci'!l' : viii'irliliui- Sr. i.Uv f TCW rnerchariL lake pty. Els was taktA.wiUt ai ; aerem cold, attvudad J with!-a -.'diitr easing fcouWb arfurrong tooos2!pticu InTialfTst iUitm. ' ir t,'mA 'ill called Vepnltr ; uAh rtmed Jea. . ad . Steadily graw.worsr -Was Tedoeed n flesh, .bad.dif?ouIJx-irit)reathlng. fend was unable toaliep. Flnallf Iff ??t'.fn .Dtvtrylf; onsumption aod found hnmJ!ate re 4;:S 'tilt- - . . - . . . " . ww iwriiornoi ine uisease.jjio otb tr'rempd can libw ao grao'd" at record for consumption. ( Guaranteed to do Ipti. what 1$ elshued for Il-TrUj bet tie" tree at Clilrbr's Drug Sure;' " CurWnV;varataf'e-r inddrnVa?5--''' -- ','i'''' . . . i .. ' ,' ... ii f - I I - Mi 1 , - T t , i . " M IMF I I Hi. ' 1 i r. . i. 1t Acxu. Kl I, 1 tnurstisa, aai ff tha rtUeJ cf canptiva persors la airspeed, a"? i . icftlsDlaeaae. For CaletT'-JlDrt-s f a 1 ll-"l"h"Wawl,,, ;;; IVofmafnotlu wbist ert : hatV 1 wnsauajorUielrTmvii iiifj. Ki itit f a v, 1- v l 5;.. ii r ? i-4-..l 1 f rrrj N " Am?li3 m'.Srf t lr-. . it ' i -J : ... . , .-rt . a 1 riu. . - it - , t . " I I J- r .1 . ... I - . . , . .. .. .. t ' 1 ) ! P 1 I 1 P r TT ?1 r h ' t TbaTlamlaa Cfiha C ri trT)F"Ul iB liia UtL o UbguU4Uli..fV I gKwiibtht firt 'assbrt foe Jssmaryfi v-' .i.-,t-i .7 c I tka-bumlar larrtir mV rti -.a V.I r-.--.-i i'fll 1 ' -" ' jTri . ' loo of t W i r. I ; a r i ? i- rpocsu a ATertiTt ahoc! j c?tv arM. i-.t 'Tka r-Htor wiUati i t . -.-"t;. for the iewa cX ccrrr"'- . . , ,B;ie poointtaiic-a,tll jr Ooaa most earaeOy aCka l.:- JTs- teas of ny eitari will t j tlrrlT V . reccred. ; -:;'. :; ' JW';y'i, IBWasjasasaasaiaM - "-j . Yet lie Ioti t Ilcr; "' ' ,-ti " .' . : . . f .i",n a. r i . . . ..!,-. Haa EaJamiT arnorailcf fc',u i:h a woman, yet warks LkCi i4 Lti.Js ' get bar. .11 calls Ur. ext-itr --it, Its yearn o -y I z ,1 ' v.. heartHse. l -. t I ! ' 1 1 J . Rodlt'tM : ; wlereV- r- s rT two , i"ie a a' U; t :.v fcUea a gooae, bu: & -v. M.s s...t- fy.aad aweet.;. . '''.s'a c!."i-" oonta tba verrlA' 't:0 cf sic'i I and do-.s and fat;. u,J i i.:...; iNie a nure aod grwee'uJ ud d!ntv uearutini chan-eaoie as the aU'. Yea. bea a rao CVaMa artks -r household furnlaliJo-'. a-od Uipr-? ! raighty few me a ,) want U vt along withooc her cJxaitoa-la,, a lrrltl Krt.-. .v-.t. i t 1- JCft it; X ,-Tbs sUteraeiiti til 'rr"wr ;fttoweaiL?inf.rakiibifW tl4o4e forXralarla ara iot.Bada,cUyi " ,t gd. yotx roey;.e;!SrtcLl. Carrie 'Ty jJlg.tAs.jL Aaai iL.2g IVase don't make that mistake! xfl (you art a attZaaer lm - wsaWla. ryt .tW'feraedy- .V.flyl Ifoal loVrU:W , .you wtU kaww. th4ifaia bee; Loti.jl irorrttry edkln about whi-ti i.i lAiUpclTtsli,' - ' ; rr..-..ri. ;r I is rj ; , The man i wkt taartua. fae "Vajutrl ! JTV praprletora of Salrat! OX TlV' creiaAciihaOx. taathliralajimi ray a iarrs reward If any eert;ie vuouaueu cy Uietj ia r.yi.j gex.-. lae, j Com, Dick and ITarry t;hi r t with their-Gfan5taoU.trs rex'ss far cotttba,'eU:i bet the px?;U VfV WX&fSVPM aMH .rruliftl Qaaa ol4 bk-Lia iUcs3, vtokwap-UJa,pecV.Il0r, -vl T tt:i 'lit iiisa In m jayK. 11 I Use ui lo every slckrwem: ttsf keep the e5J flr. ' homtfi Yemotmg all1 ad" 1 b-ri fjVi , any aouxce." ;t" ,5ti.i jti.l r I .Will destroy allJiarae . garma, ts fectioa rromaUrsTeTmtj,4iAil ssto-U foos diaeases; 'Theranet,'1r:i : JV TX ans .coaaiored,! taloable tLalnfeetant, , - A aaaul laje-tor free wltVaaih U af liklWa eaixrh rtraeyr rrhv ) etutaw, t Boll . at Ttmaaa'a, tore.' ' ' ' . ... -. c - - I tStlloh's eara irttr Uaed-afy 1 fJ , Jmt broc.:bocpl8r !enigh,-iWI . IronchMe, Bold ,a , Jfaxsaa'a irvr aloia . I li s "A i''1, ' :" JJ IIrI.TJ.-vn?-.TrT - J Harper's XUaar l a fcoaefcainltf At-cecsUitea cbole Weratarw and aHluatrtlrocewltaUatateillrrtsllV'1 g-.DOA) regardipj faalJooa-l Eic ncbexhaS:iarer:rUl fta4iMiorT ' atiriea, praftjcal sod: timaljn isav,; bright rovma, trarnrewtaxxicbee, cus. n I IU paUetn-flf a ,fashijVt. P atippJemeuU TinaUnktJ,, u aa maijy tniea th. coet auia-Jit rerrplia: aidpa;ra. ti tf-xiaii.W qiiettr, decoratlye rt,li04iA-kaen sux U att IW braMheatar; J;-VaU it vsciulia ..evarjn havslldvkraii atT true rHomier jsrosOTy- Itsaditow rials are-'markad by focd senaa. :"ad4 eota lbeJaainCtted 'rolliaou'c3 that -ecxdi cp?ad Ah i tzW taiJi tT r 'UAXPCk'a rjctjoaxs, H AHPEIfg llAZAIi llArffrv If r-1f lUur.vri"sT0UvU imorrrn1 fJ01 ' l;i Ppvuge Kret I5;rn,v;.ril - , jtf ciHsa,., f, .it-? !.."naot 5.. t .Le a I iJouavf vcLjffles cf.IZaer'j; 15r for threeyeaas back, la rrt uu ,1 ndiag will U srt 6y s-iil";, 1 aid, rf byjaif rtir'Cra-r vtlV: - ierpvdtiwvu-iiU,4ofJra4't! 11 ooadolar,jesfiitjtcaai ftt t? ip;i' Voicing 'f.j . irj tnn itn.'.'. ol vst pases far at3raaxfJtasarjat JlsTijr b!oJ', wUlba -aeia 'JsyHaafir.ib pe.t.paid.tuitcrHcf.lICsAJcrr at. ;icL-, er l, t. , uln Sitt Ji:euir,rcr,.ra.ta!7.f0Fy:fJSoa-, crv o.' lfr-r . . . .er.:'; ' 1 4""t:JA:, 1 cmr ui .1 P jtjO ' it fli s . ' J 1 tiiJi."! l. ' . uv-u . 1 :r t . t.v Talis, urtuh-u with v !. - A - . i vEvn tw.ii- I, . Good bcraea-and Lv--icj always ready at my sL-.Usi, L;ci Ira la -tetuiection wiih ray hotel, va convej . Ttrscju pj r l?r ttsyay wish to . t i V I 4 'r . r ' t-i.' . , ,ir, . .,H,.r : a v i. I- I.

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