1 14 r; ,in ) in; F , ' ; 'T!: 0 ' ,; ( i n -TtI h-Ptt uku n - rr:. : bb. JAMES A. THOMAS, - , Editor and Proprietor. 3; .41 itouiw " ATertUrt UVl)4"baVi role I : rrrrrr-rr r- feM. Editor MWsa&M Fbs I MWdi -Nil jii :x j- L7i " T ' '," ' ' . I. " " 1 """" "' r f r A", Bat es f - ' f . Wne rear " ; - , H - . $L50 j . ; r. u ;. , , . . , ZTZ ' "tt r - tttj ..in, 4 I lQ4X.ulUif Wll ii J U . I ?ip -al j1 - T nnftia - ILfc V?T -rfPHk. :.c'v'' i:- ' . '' V1-. J 1 H W l ii 1 :. - ' "" - 7v' iT;"tnr T "si" i n i ;.Td"C:uba bt $.&i.lbtodl fee J a H L i ' , - --ii:ffH,;vt ;:.f: y. L. ' Si ft u ' J 1 J L l J' r i j - n m f.TOMffihN.. ;'t ' I -. paaiijvi t steatki t-HotciT?ntesrf. . ilore economical than the ordinary kinds, auJ cnnot be sold ,oi competition with the multitude of low .test, short weight Klmm or phosphate powders. SOLD ONLY GsasraVDiractory. l-OUEMJURG. N. CM 1 j MtfrtaoniST AV McCtillen. pastor aicht. Praver, meeting every eluesdey. UA.rTt8T ttT. liaylus - Cade, I pas-, tor. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each month, morning and night, t Prayer meet ia j everv Tiirsdiyni1g1it,1 SttttdarSchool . Ejerton, J, J. Uarrovr, J. I Thomas. Constable It. D.'Pinneil. H i Board meets Friday; before first Monday in each uionth I. '-VK-. Superior jfjou rt Ql er A.. .v.-w l'ea rce. - Slrinten-.le!ic oi Public Instruction keeuer I'.tor ITowse J. W. Pinnell. JOT Notary Public-j-W. L. MeGhee rank liotou, N.C ; ; ,. ... 3ABP OF EDI J C ATI O 2 . f N. Y. uulie'y, Uliairman, JT li. Xonjers, ..."T? it." IJ. Masieubtirg. " i.."" j. burg on the second iThursdRy of Feb-V ruary , April, July, pteniber, 'f Oct hff atiH Deceuiber, and : reinaiu - fo VUOK f SSK)N A Ti - r A n DS B. 15. i ASSENBUUG, n -v - T 1 V: lift thrdaviiLkecefi p.51 efii&i'n plic&ito tfcieb All t. tv I A I ,iXVN?, a,v: . ...... Office id the Court; House. All business put in my hands will receive prompt attention' 't'te$ - CI M.C0UKJ5. .l ,;' i-. a. t'T' r and JOUNSELLOU at LAW, LOUISDURO, FRANKLIN CO..N. C. -t :ies Alia m$ upiifrie1 court of Xorth Gatbirna,iarilthfeTJV 9iU .iul 1 3t?i if . Jfflce 2 doors belowvxFurman fc Cooke's, Drug Store, ad join in a Dr O., J.; Elli. . bmceriVtiT & 17. A. Dar ATTORNEYS AT LAW. :-'' HENDERSON N. C... i; Practice in the courts ot FrankTJaY V ance, Granville, Halifax, and North- 5 namptou and the Supreme and Fed: oral courts of. the.' S.tat:., I ; $ a.iiick33T , , OXFORD, N. C, asd T T, HICKS, J W Attorney at: Law, 4 - . t4AnENDEIiS0N, n. a. ? 4 Will nrti( tstcrntliAr in thi rnnnf! ... Granville, Vance, Franklin and Warre and in all matters requiring tlieir joint teation. , t - v.' .We hope by proinnL dilisrent and ta f ul attention to business, to deserve v receive a portion of tke law ba4ae . . his section. i ; '&:?f-:.:;'t- i"6 -'!'i' VliT.':l iKliAlWiin nr BtnHonfa etrwvl In ilia' "P W" 'CIMUEltAr 1 'inWe of jt giganticvakrtree, in thi ' iSkiiUriVa'; -JrKfifrn town; many yeats JL & A V a J & - n V ;- Aii Ancient JpeU." There they' etoott, like -young ; . baiters with no salary enriched TVnitin : for I the words mom that the dextrous tenchtJM)itcheu: ix like ft iikelv twistetl balU 1 4 ee:"Sitcler jat.lehind Uidm was the horny handed wall; And the first-boy Itruck an niissetl it - X Tr3rm5' tefclWsWWea4- ' cyclo yclone. and vociferated 'ext. CrT-he!Eard tiaincn waist uudo8fte 1 ! softly nestling in her eyes,' j i Saw the word and tried to strike it with some sympathetic, a id. And- avoiding 1 certain blunder, tliat she iappenedt toS to wander froni the ortmgraphic text,' - Andvthn teacher, smiled in pity as he Tfeehh, tosM fed CJy struck ftt it, w ho to s this day spells by eaii. Andja red haired girl attacked it. with her pale eys full of fesr; ? ' And the word flew, on, ; till - one bdy J h'eff tiraii Q HAfp-ey ed i pTWtlffi tfy?iWirlyf n&lftoa tl that ; hatl uot an yet been tried: And the teachersmiled approval, aid v.w itn )BtiantMwii acini, 1 nrttly" sTtOdioos Bchol.jn Jaif464he head' " And the1 shrcd-eyed boy , mirclil ? vPt.n,!y,'t0 ever, ionged-ior k With ".aJ eunbinff arnifeas jfrader his For, he'd faiud, that "': calmly j. yatchhig 'L-- vbuarpmid'him I mip. to pass, - . Ii V ohm yiiwit tne narueso. stud ; : Bi' lhat bBbol;t tiogjulaas ST "And he fcureYr by observation, how tae That "of all the HcaVing-oft-markS' 1 hvas several lengths ahead. - f ; t , ,y '"'!-- ..... ' And in spelling schools! that urchin . ..qn'te a rcputathih gpt. j , in?i ; In tn-i s ifU m jLiVttrO---Oy me th- "rJiirtneboy is now iu business; and 4 "u his letters are a ij;ht! X Tie dispenses wiili a i " when'1 Be ... D'.to lllt UH II iV 1 ILL. ' T. y Afilieneiecei.T'a lekfeffi- he-. nane wrie one uay to jacKson -wf -r w mu. . rw: ",nd began it with a VG." , Now the old school house is banished,.) Vilike S' rnsmy of its race," pmi-nf tliat li rim.ilif ?f n.1. a new one holds its place; ' j ; And the sijellcrs C write down witn a cnauce their parents" v'.ri,cked;:-.:;H:.?.. J j, ":.- : j Fr ; as .Bacon hints 't's writing that ; v. must make a man mcU;v-i : And the. 'curly-haired - sweet maiden tr ajDiei'jLeisher it is oaidV 7 f ArahWs or two wither, with. .ib i fanner aJkthe head - '- a THIUGE UF A3 ? enuill bo4 Xt- 3Q VJyOkeioi the road thHolli eplleg rwtted tta friendly browb 'm? though 11 miglit - II v vl uJr - niaut- The students were the, sons, oif maallliir noMrtto A v .4 . lA.jf some, . Uark-eyed Dick Wym Vhose . great courage had becoua proverbial at college.:0ri ir i uicK was wording nis way, unj aided, to secure an education that wouia nt mm to mi: some nseiui efation in life; and he was as highly respected as were hi wealthy com' panions.- t - . The close of the spring term was near at hand, and the young mea who had labored together so long over knotty problems had a - grea deal to say to each , other alou where and how each other would spond his summer vacation. Ont proposed to." go to Long - island," another; had ! '.Newport U . mind, j Iwhere a fashlotiihlftisteijjwcted f ths feajWrfy fivorea a Uiptp t th4 tfobe- I balk-wKls o that Btarg; trt 1enH 4 5 .JUal Kvlek .irih dlii tfJ entons 'R-iLA tLX.JLtJL: i while they tried (he coveted : expe Hence iof JvJjog la ten ti and Icitinp''. ingout.;;c,;,T:-.'Tj:.; Dick had keptuOUiU-WJiite-lfUetg laid their. plans for spending the Ya- calioiTsopifft3anHy but when-the v. clairieii A'vsbeecU K'flrotaifiDick--AVynn,' he said, V - r : ' W bjysyoii yknow that;";!- Wftb Rot bortf.wittia; silytr spyuu- in-J havttfjod luie i h.Uiithig,; fisW ingy Wd .adi'nv in' f sinie ' "fthad jT noolLoC JlTv'it? shali.Dorua nil) attliligolden. ) heavsjjjn soma, ifaf nier'a bar vestVfield. . AiTiPKvlew of the Mule n t s ,-i.. . ! p latteffrhenryoji coiinj: backLftetsh and happy o takeryotir ptaceb Ail! receTd DIcU, wjU collect lhaiyeoine in a cuWV.fctf!?utirul crac6;eVjwi;;i n lo .v iryc fnootnouse, toearU t rTfteea- j.ViOTv, pick. left berswe. noa joi neu full jorcturn hexputnct'bt the'students,- v.hol i3Vfer?lok1Jig .yfe8-11 . 't'hfttfvw-iivBTih . prise; :'. :' BucrrraiwLit.vY5..'f sa;a vonn? i i ti' i) -ic , men inrrv. wuci Ber4e Lati.- oUjtimes, Dick, 5 yon fculd, hive ained'rncheyMtt j much c-!cTWaA s7,DonH -ytu T meiiierhe st.oxy olltbe po dentin TTboirirbyTT - I ... . " -. j . ' V - W 1 - - " 1 ---;- - -ww w , . . iuyui puuiic, iHus conn; l- tpare vou c-iuitl not nave an : education; and evlgjnjJMA WitT. . lou're. ;qulte ciiataiiii enoiiglttV'vetiWf :ou.AU- kSaX. ded with sly mischief foe it H.Wtelt i known that Hany aheiiQy of a millionaire, was; notyithstan- dlnic his wealth, jeaioiu .of DtvWa ... , ... -, .... , ... awl, I enjoy a evening In ber com- jjany Vey iiuT7al6wlyYesjioTTr' ded CoderPg.lviug Dicka peculiar glance.'-' i ''Her Jips are.likeifaeehcrry, . j : Tier checks are like the peach, sang Bertie, -wiio -was ' facetious y. v..v i-cv,.vi,.MW'rj;e. : i . rVyxeu aone, .uerue ' Xou w II rival TL'unyH(iu'yet if ' you ke4p ity9Uf airretyitiove tori .ner JslVatl fievFr tnissit if be tuiaroliear ,K-r.w a- 1 v .f: t i...r.. . ' ir O .'beefcfMre Mikfe - Urea peHCn';.nntl, ft?eatung . jiq; .disrespect, r sweef enouglAo kiss, ; .Vi.Ui , t j K JLiBo sJLilto-to- mbTll4:rie4-l.Cor-dei. , AiUdiiaa ooppetl into niy head, puthere Vv Bertie's story; their woraajrou.tp elwiKwatj f theu parcntsrr,,t A'- chtxrlw pi ''aninrateii; Voices appllf''iie hasn't the courage j" , Diek tid,li?rta.uel to rlortf'tfa beautTfur offer iu rr(4rivriiL tulAnr VxOU're mistaken, bovs: I've plenty of courage; but. ; ll &rt says, we are- living in praetieal ilIM.'J.t ...t'l it!.. ir ' dacffyJl J rlili.tU putliclt nalut , w 1 m 1 f " a . a 1 . ! the scheme, urced him to cro in -tttewmg that the arrogrant-youd ; Birttf likdliVSttlieleusy 1 Lhlii.wnhTiTiiitiinmrn'THil'i'" I objectious. ISuddeiAhe led'ii'ia Vbeu uM)ld-judge said .gofe' laughing tempters, aud with his evening, he took Dick's hand - aji rfar chrciiniyg, iipfineessit corrtTall jar oarli eyeparkYmg,i, -4'1 " . "frnJnoryoq . sVor-fdur nobble ! ! am tempted to yield w to this efforts to obtain an education, thai. offer boys, for only God and my hard working motlier and' aitfr know the go RliTln SinibfnTgf money wold ltal 1 A - Kiss Miss Mason now, here be .rfWtWrV qV snqceasia b - l .U.1T It lnl 1 .1.- ! I uJ). Kail..! I fi li .luiu i'.IM f . . I 8ummer;nsxvutrorTemaimng; In thO, east .Jtogytjjpal JjayestiujrJ r-he bfa. anj .Hliua(poo stufly4 urgbdHacry CoxderoWitblira.niiir vlJtJt.V.ts inm jfJt W ' - . sneer. nm-jiiu .l'rn 1 '1 1 I wiHiiOjH, jboysj' he cried. ' 'Then he tiirued on his heel and his fellow students, hia maul v flcr- and daushter to join tliem. UicK ureerect.v ' ' .tni -"-jY '..viL formally presented tdfllias Nina, w joined Miss Mason,' who wa walk- I in? nlowlv ii n and down. H'hile the' jedga rested 'on Jl rustU seat rneur I et In 'f Ftench. . Hftlrive htr a htlef: tetch of hi4 t4iii.g her W ti lUentLt)ffesv and howiLXeaapted- blrrrrnnol so mucli for his own sake as that of nroused.' She made a resolve. No fahc-Htektyi vundrtha. peculiar. circiirnctances, should deter" he'r rroimhel ping tbls yonng student, wbtae sole .Ai m seemed; ti - the rMkiiigti So., ViVhf a sfnjlle op; her lips,; ' a "hair-amusel twjnkleancing irvlipr eyejinu a very rPecoairo piasu, she startarfJ !.crc!f !4jrec11yvi fa Inclirrif z ."Q pVimr, peachy ch'cckr wa-m't in tho'bntgainto ell Jho t spirited gifh 'h f ,VVi1 kk idvautaro of.von. jviv. boiu, . . I 'JleArf while Mi ISLMfwi I - 1 n - t tUv over lh nlnlH. , . r . a . . . ia'.i a r- . l l i iiu Hiiin u rriiii 1 . niiri.i J ". Two..davrt . alter ' the. i occurence '.l,. which tMk ulato ia t ie nark- , Dick -Wvim received iLiiote from Jutl "e. ut ,aud j shoutine.;, f. i.aausJter?w..jjicifHke ua. iie re,the.eaiQie,,,i.,J TJ ; -n . The note ran as follows:! j ; . ,MBFJBi.cnaAV:iiN Dear Sin- tYoa wilbptea call Mny hmise t'ues. . -l. ..-.......;.. .,.. v. 1 1. 1 - -. . 1 i ii ill. .1 i .nWWtBS Al4S0.! .biec was pmnvpW ihtrmM set I '"Vt'J . B-'iJ C-l. -Jl Si- kv tV.tLL J .?f P !! t iiq.hitft.tJ.epUtrier lijutlg T tut totoeelvef Iilm:-l ru,jd . in 1, where ha could cum marul irood - rl -crinwkr tb ritit ttVianru4t tiro'! 1 . Wbli; -sir; ; r 1 le i plaTn 't he tjbj rt 9 jf T .7rTvrrtfflUpatmur 4our' Boni nail 1 't h ! fYPP'"rr 1 H"J1 '"", '" SOI I nuaihtance of a vounir man wlfn HvttSbo darimr as to kiM my luush"i' to In the park before a crowd 'of Ieap",btet; day, said, lire- 1 Xjieij hefcOTgage4X' fk iu a lively' J Doaitiou and brosoecta lor tne fu- j you may better help your motljej 1 and sister. .. -Would . that more Jof) Y)6oiiliij WirWrt striving lu the Jrr4 way f? gaM again Mr. Yynnjl -- After Dick was gone the judg f tiiare i taken ftaCcy toithtt young ficliiit ormetai: "rsiianniiakehim kn r.p iDick called aiai'n oii JudieMasohV1 was was too well bred ,6ep ynscioJls of,a.t former meeting ; in the park. ... - . , . i- . 1 jiCK caneu iretpieuuy uurmg uio U w'v Uarry, I lcnew all Tth 1 laiVh. 'find adhered i-toj It " W,:bvtnld: himiTabofV Jtbej n.idefcU ftvbrnt sine the scee wJUctniadJkeeff eoicted be dt for diseased blilfVnlCi ftro IVis eyw a aKorl while "ago. tTWlctlon4 tiarixf rT.eir worVr7etara ' tk .1:1 -r?;i.-L .i ... .!h5U "Ud .''tT.-The Uct W t Sjlj ci(.yik n icjr yiivuuirvu yu ilrlin ilV.ltir-' tiit 1 i-ci tha Inlar. iewoie'd'e'fratl Featned Diffk' few remaining week of college, ind soon became wpII liked and respeclw! m the Masg'auousetioTl.'tllt was pccially eshemed hy piua, though she dcftmel it Wisest to oi .im tjo encoj ra-iOi en t just yt.t. " 'X Corder ijrcr(to iiick AX bfakrsO ij lex 1. Bertie did not join his wealt Jrends in Uieir tumim r's trip to til r'i in iiinL n n n 1 1 iniitiii ia i -ceinuu mi uiTUKiioa ironi JJicKanciapj.i companicl hUn t hia southern holnc.k wlieretheir . vacation, was spent mos I enjotahlrT .y f - V. I ,r.h Hia l riina 11 4- f X . UV jL. - .1 J 1 ?'"CV' .mo,e "IiiWmteVTfrii -cui mvc wutu m-y it aturp luiino scenerj . , I ; - DickWittgtadualed iiigTvttinutTsor . tha fc rs tdod nejt t j To becomfe ! : Hi: -Viobutadsl t n. 8t -air els w;Dck.j..., ..!4hn.Ue i : :..I.e, -sJ tho' w'micrs belle mde;:pITtAcict teft?t'lta an4 carried ioy;!.. . r4 back o llis - 'tnj.ay SouLl- n r. iJick becnl a, pfiJtn.iDcnt attorc- Itbejulges lovely' OUuxi j'V" sole ! himlelf witn a star ot Icscrmngni Wtf M beautiful. H -marf e msar mjitrrilf.whi I bscie 1 ng AlttillmiiiVJ men'ttll I'll p.hysli'al charactensticji from one renin J tiou t another. In no insUaee ia ihis l strange law more emphatically illustracteA I than 111 tl egeneria perp tuation f diTea-i sea. Of all the LdUnry blood.rrIeii, time BKvrvii4intrKik.Axa.i. tn i !. : 1 t & . - A $?t,1'r,'r!J by. 'd4 femarkebUsSie- ut. inewciuvcrmed 1Y hnnlrPy . 4 tn Vfhti aMy. ha rf dtMr.r1rnb!c(? with tliMd mjoroit lieese,. M.N CW .i a h'ghiy rcsiiccfed. liobulArnJ w.II.Vni niu-H .i ojeuiy cancrt'' lie partrcalayie imiuc, iiniiariv atilicteo, oST lttiK tJiragU Ais-.iperienevrJ fVJther Tl r t-.M amaVm . L. I L -1 1 . . ...4 . i ferinane-nly cJre and eVa" feat ha The dwift Specifie Co., A.Ian U, Ga: . -r tar. year' ago. .my little duglner, six j ears, ot.jige, lad1 very ngij ortii. Whieii, very, soou aftr .thUTappearanee, tWrml irtted'ia'rti'arini saite ek'! bat I nniuai .4mim1 tXi in2 seemed to 4o any, good. Her, ealp. rV fa a had exmdrtlon, ladeed. 4 Finsll v J sent her to Atlanta to han aeixamlited. ror I JuulJ)ecaUMrr.v4tesv abont Ivt:1 Was badly aiHcted with scrpfula. Alnt 4A (Mutt Upw tar til nib ad - fi.nn years, broke 01U all, aver,. thf hjd)Inii face'wrth the rtm dlsrsse aud for wefcks fc enu a9&iia4wnCHien vtrhotitsuf ternig great torture. Uj hed. vuvs.li mass of sores. V -' " " T ..IXegan to usezi 8 6a.a.-aa " LU satisfied about the nature of. Xhs Uaeii-. Hid eontiaued i6 bse it! n'ntfl 'everv' aim Ubtaeaaa HM diss pe red "Be (ore ka . . . t li eve'ei tueenlcktibZe jXUj 'Tlltf'loa.Hn iiti. IfctuuOt Uil t Impress the iiimiH f cured of their Irblcawu dLwamrji ftoj, kaofTa It Is aiiiVed Lbayl Wot my mfad, a theiftfflict His Vrcay fronV suclj tnea asreckoiwwordoC'tmfcrl ' tUJs t lJrTOriUcI accQQt.tbad deeds ktj.u 1 - rtV, '.Al Sri 1:1 ft V( iiu oil! a? bin r?d o)MZiwlTSTf r . . i I . x.'.-ji , a cm on; 1 uave you claim ibrit.. It not.tnl mi-pi L JiUls aud' fever nfev...y iiadhirfrji tin. Kc mai.;n Y .-.. t-..-.-. - i..iiS . . 4 ' ;;u v. 0 . I "i jTji r ti T 1 r ' 7 uviii frvcoj any eaufcK .i-iHiijin j .5.aj- ; ; - Respectfully .yours,,.,.", a -wll .ffi'r, ir. Afjnfeai.nri n-. o "' We t?riari find3 ft fIe di c'Sl blda a thousand VnlAin. fho',r "hole m oiir coat-. - ' ' " Mam Viig i, nscd your AnTTdote t.r Malaria rir1 r?flr. M'P-eyery jaipect aH-ikaf v' I;rfecti'Acnt.-,, J' 'O ' r," t f4 71 I . - ir-6icih itcreaifrr. it la I i hArtiifl fll.kf .. f i 1 . I " ' " . . .tUgraxea.ls-tl edJngicfjueV iouiKUef terslid. . RrilVm.lble-iifyou'We wSSda eJetempwticsj.t, you'Art'alio Li rfiw - i ark hjvd i & I cnttd. 1 1 ft U bhtt:mb'ytml.egrti waMl Vrciiatljii I iw-juur-iiuianra, nappy rJuoy - I yurlbodlth ttontetK 1.U IfcrffahtaWWeiri ceq will rcleotJIifik. . f . . " ' ,. l, i ' ' w - ' i mum mm "Tint in uie cbutd rMr wlUL PS,L A.W'WwhoravRu, Lire for rvnrn!nr . .. "V?4 lass. Bei-tie xiven nnf ..Kb. so d..ainl ii ir P' ?'" V'1 T a lawyer fialf t JJu Uve'pU counwiio- a73 iilU l UMitJK.....Wl. ... ihl of Didk i I'lnaT" .mV f n. '.1. " L" 1 WAUUJtJaXAUJliUl i-XillLUlT) u offered' t: 'gvMnJ L'iif ,dWiV?riVi!.' 1 u 1 Z, to study, hTi iip -JVh !W thouAiit a lipde .axticu-' keep ih. atmospl.tra purVKu'.Pwhol . It was b' isu6J$ffcelL' cS oVt lartay ' ome; reruoring all W rft. fru tie." I lur I -:WrtlnVnVf' iyiT7J.r " d !-J , n. t.iIU.unl y auUful .duf.l'blrauf CTPprf TmV JnV fr.! J V. Y' 11 c.lr0J.l1 VUTr!T- . 1 Ji!, j.i , ;.? futa t J ctly ""mail letfrs lui'i. toau- e pas4edxifh' GM promised kotfcr'lSv nrV IV U.f rioua ri .e,. ,vlAa!Xr, nappy tAioy-4i eMn.jWUierjtUfritogmU.vl pioglu hand hi Uie UrinHgkWvqhxB, Ww tbntrtaa that 'cbliba the. arrhv JhR b!4ttKxha Wcartaia; thessky and tbioSCl Uiat war Jala for- m iThW tfba ,Cax.iibU.Lo. ftea . - . to deliver. r ,M;l, U,m J:0, i IImv pal. i. : 1 11 . 1 ti 1ilJ ?t f"lllltWM J JtflT uicjrurce uie. catechisni dawTi 'nos aud'f6lrddwdVa,''dos of rllo noseamT f6 deUowd" ' a" "dose of rllB bar&Titid Kfome!.'H yourcnuureninurtlie ift. .Tou caaj jsj means your rjns trar-rr! r 1 l!Tr" ,T" -y .n tmx . uxa jour ciiUareu 10 Ubrist. but tan.1 iHrxx'AiIi.iAr aU3.iiL a .. - lcfe-tTttf:. TrnfcifOM Vti lillfle4 np4 will J toaa ,lf m.t . ... t .t.. . . . '-j-i w, ? me- can ftghttvtjaxieexlule,:tWteati'of f?atre.hM vi uitJ Hif Ji y! f.jt jii.iiiio J-rt-ftw niun tl.lr ,Cvh Fla.f was Ukrrf with a saver 'cuioYltebde vrltrrna,"to.irel.lllf Aflt lsai ' frar 9ltv ta a . Mav iwtial raaVao:' oaowitM. """"f V 1 - 1 . . , illif Wlul t ta Alliirt-A.l t..m 1 1 "I'-I . I ll.l Uti fie at ILrmx'a Iit-i r fcJfnm - jwf fum m iri.u. f.i f.iz 1 . 1 11 .. All ikia 9d o iltw lLJLLxUtvt? oru 91 U if1 1 i.f,!ofi I 1 lthtrni wir. ' .-.- 1 - TkrVowiU2 is often carried L BrtU- nkVitrT:fY'krXi i.eVl-i':,l:otiotory. .. villi 1 -j vw.vi. w ifcuniiuuu - - . : . 1 alfWtft IWfiWe07a4rALltAKV5fVTtlMJ irr rr-.T7Tr .1a. 1. r m ' V exareau wimWwW ioatiHk4..l V .. . , ? --TT.-- --t o I WuK ! ttJeTWr ' 'uiriihyMit i I . I li-w V-ieo v- irv.!iiajii CIfl r- - -1 - - i"vtv viii.ta, r. V int ti)ood.1n': cfi. n r;oi vfl f v,f - '"''o i-vw---iowaic; "'1 . - M t1 I . . ' - . ..-- ciMi. 5wn2 treats acuJiUI.i; j 1 w,,.i to I It U tiroverTiil .m i-mmX. I "4iJ' afcvwj stabttJ, w u.ii 1 la .v.. - ". ... . i iiui.iuui .vi avraa..Dnm . m 1 uiii vug UlHt KU SlbCl W LULL ia wn :JiifIilTr t?nrfr'i'?V fr?itK . m P( .Vil. fan. w ttaarv - 4l J. nasui isje-lor rMrrilwbt tie oUjluloirairirh remedy. IVW 1? u rHfrtV f Wltl TVJyi :?vllPirwxbl aod .rttU.i 'w.l.l 'feuij It Tal 1 y adT ' .-u.a C1J OrxIot,?tU!ihnalfoJ Waring Vouched fwfbjr lha regents cf tha 'iowDi-tita 73 mrtuij,-. r4 luvj i.a femutcu twiop.eieiy ail.tliac ad H'aJi ,pAtr,'i , u;i vf - k; R Iio.i v 1 1 r iinat'o l Jim..rTxv,vUfJi flo-ia ' ar - -w sat iioiui ion rri an ilp?lWkc3iUr;Wwaiul Cn- en. I irfkiL i , r w-ci imb vrcTi rr,Hl 'CDil aiiurt. 01 l 'Blih iwv-iu, uu moron 1 KK,dseiCU;. IU ltemWt an 1 failiion-pUu .1 5.CI WUB , awLe4rf, ,on jortil all. St uP1 i ho-iaeplii4 Hin ttV brWc:es.bOokery. icl'iiavZ . a w - y fe ox m UlU ' I der tbouU notf U minslToltu-rr r l.uotXrcfluireJ'to La BtnLw at tK- fehf,11JUMlf. J dan. J. ilAKioy iMa.!f Ma t. 'Vl'uw J MJ: ."I am'cntice.l. tUc hif t Vl.ti V "t . ''r";'" j a raw V i tvr i J .. . . . .vw"i . . . Hii a aayr1 . r:'vi y.vitHv,Mnmw. mna w crffefaj tbe'n . f ui t.ca itf. m nun i ,fT.-I,htJLl. ifi.-. l lr iL 7 1 l.TT .TT iwmwi 1, laipt ' t i ;;.T. r itr . .. . 1 iwia'uti iivrf r; .i-aar imii wii-i-.ur v vy ilju',' yk4 ml 5kimavi..i 01 tiM i- .& I UK tbl nil .lltflrl I.. r 4itf " fi 1- . . V - ' lua ujier 01 iisrper cb xifiiT i U I ' 7. T llASNULTl,.a.Vj-9L ! r- , n. , . - 1, L '.jij-j .ThiJLuZ-ivt d)li .ja-aiaarnarwesxwiiji't - 1 r.';.MHiu rr--3T--c.ir',Tri4TJti la I va W wiAStf M-Pt iacat,'0 IU. ! vr D.naui,wi;itia,jeaib,1Ai pott-Wl,Ciri-i-i;j.tof m-f) o-l. roitIc-licnryOmkrt.iri.?. 1 7 " IlSi; MVtr 1 .1-... t.i . . ... persons any where they k&j U1i tt S.U ; , - ;