riMEs1 ) orm ay By i f i K 2 ?J 9flFT ieLlltl fill Hi iTHE -FllA NKLi ' . X I " I li S. LISliED i. VERY i FfilDAY By A J I 1 i.L 1 -ill t !!. 'uO Lui KJ 10 lllil' t UBL 1o frnll LtnJ e-l! c;d fj J M nl hit .1 p" 'pT! r at 1' hrt .'! JAMES A. THOMAS, J. - '-s nv bo! W V'M,ji If J I u ill I i . Editor and Proprietor. efrcri ti ifaU Vxletfw v'v tVv-? wec loaoflbU anJ."'-Wi'.cinj eocsiiea. TTt44ert:Jaocld mtIe9kO r r itufil rsi mi b. lit 0 xIA ln.i yl wt1 One Year ; x Months -, rr . , , r AIM ft rj.lr w:l tcL lpr 11 iej a ol corr?roi)UiilB, Lyw?.- r --. o it tr,t"t :av jtj Iroca ttli- n f.j t eo .. i . r ra To Clubs of 5 This Tikes "will be uu'i uoi( ear 'tLa ci'inV ojwi t4 lT f ilfy " .T . 1 . I i 1 f II I 1V9I1 li.; U(.ll i i k!i ' ' ' m ! '. SB I a, i r -- v ' - -- -'-- N :, . fc .,, ... , 1 9i o til tei nj.a i cmi .. T Juvnl . -- ..t l . . . , , i ! U 4 hi v-' -1 1 JAbcolutely Pure Tais pwJereTcr rarics. AmarTel of ritr, - trcngthn4 ,.,mrbnt-m - - .li f V 11 VAO aad ca:mt be rrri,rsni fctt'iotjVttLf the multitade fJ tw4 iit3eiiiV alum or phosphate powders. SOLD ONLY lit CXK9. KoyaL Bakixg Powder Co. . 106 alt SUN! Y.' GsiQTal Directory. - - bum fi'I MUl.Mi 7.1', ICktaoDIST Key. A, McCulln. pastor rriee - erry aaday, moniine and ai'ht. Prayer meeting every Wednesday ItArtiST ttcf.I 'RittJJTadeTfHM tor. Hervieen ltpad?4 Sirdars ife iaic ererr Th rudnr night : 8uniY School U.AYoa O. U Ellt. : ' :i I? ji a to x a as Thoe. white, F. N. 1! 2J I Jiriirigtt VrrJIfleforetfWt'Mfaafiy fftarEdlthIft raet.'yttiJ'AMigtr eaehjiaeofe'fe uUf Wfc 4V,ii;2'4v4u4 J.a t - FRANKLIN couisty. r , Superior Court ClerkA. ' w Pearce." Kejtuter of Deeds B. F.Uuiloc. Sjeriffi-,11 G. Kearney. , . . Treauiurer B.V.Clifton; v - ' . - 4perinteadeat ot-Pablie Instruction J .fftSWlW"-Mm aleeyer Poor House J, W. Vinnell. ' 8 U r r o r II a LTHUr. E. S Foster. ' -Notary Pablio-W. li McUhee Frank liatoo, S.t.-:-- ' ' " H a)AllD OF EDUCATION. Chairtn E ti. Confers, R . Ma&cnlfi J. N. Harris, ijecretary, The Superintendent will be in Lonis bnrg on the second Thursday of Feb ruary. April, July, sptembv Octo- I rer anl : litfceniuer, aiu remain ior thre-d, f?rlfeft prtaejotjrxaSiftifjj apiicanftoj dig jcBoiila Jf Frahltlipjoul B. B. AIASSENBUUG, AT TOUNKY AT LAW- : I 6 tm ibe (W HoaaV. AU business put in my hands will receive prompt attention. . . - : . ;,5v" , 4,1 17 Y and OUNSELLOB at LAW. LorjisBtrao, franklin co.,n. c. ' II attend the Courts nf Nash, Frank in, Gf .nville. Warren, and- - VbT . I Sac rloA' 41A ; fitUil AmA court ot IS or th uaroiynu xne . Circuit and DISTRICT ourt , D It. J. MALOSK 141 ifflfia 5 doors belbttlfatiwfcl Choke's Drug Store, XoiUhiSDit)t 1-. E11U. -' - T TIM13EHL AKE. ' 4.1 ALlUttnAl ffi MMo nit toaiSBURCLcJJI fen 1SHll OQce i Court ITua - 4 ,f ... ; ; . ; nr? C7.A.Day. MM ATTOBNKl'S Ai(W4V i HKHUERSOK N- C. " Practice in the courts ot Franklin, Vauce.GranYille, Ualitas, and North nampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the State . A. A. HICKS, - ; t V f Attonfii At lav & Mary Pnllic, - OXFORD, N. C xD . ff1;T. HICKS, : .:' ; Attorney at Law, , .HENDERSON, N. C, it. Will praetiee together In theeonnties r OranTilie, Vance, Franklin and Warre and in all matters requiring their joint Ht We hope by prompt, diligent and la v t al attention to bnsiness, to deierfe , reeeirt a portion o toe Uf DJimwi hie aeetioa. . . . . .: . . . i ...... i - .., i: ; BV ASA Q LANVILLE. ,4 y he asked of his i fe, who had J it told him of her contemplated tttp - to -Blylhe answered. Ptrat: ih lit tin 1 with me.' You liaven't treated her ; right.' : Julian, I warn yo I caul lit- appearance of trying to" coerce uty feelings only sunders us more and youjjiy places played, so well on : the guitar, wh'le your .daughters had not been 'taught. I remember that I , suggested, it ' to Sarah, when she was going away the, QthX tXweand ahltnrl away tt'mtieImMtwo?'(jf 'tft atul said, as site always 'does : ; ! dotit want to.' v Anil yet I am to blame ! 1 will tell yu ,: again that I dottt BBgyTBr gIlrlTtei tnrmith part as AmJi I ilaln Uieufc.4. Btwide-y, if tliin kiud orcoiuplaitit keep on, I hall not love tuetu at all, of you I ,iThaiuU Jnfet jvinb )r eTtied to xnere is one inin wish- you fe ' I never Befurv that unjuxt complain 1. 1 had a real warm f;lihrT pVetty and iuteliige.titf flne musi- ami pfflirri in mrnHflh1ir 1 don't - kitow-liwiuso ; Uieyfe,: yours, and because I"' loved you . .Lvetl int'l ' Moie then than now, Julian. If men only knew how to handle that A I earned to love them as well as iny own darlings, now I never shall. Now my one wish is to get away from m.r They irk : me. I should like to see them comfortable, but i era riraoi imaged,1 'TeiTyou tel moTiauy you ao not love my children ?? , I said do such thing I said their jealous actions worried me, and the mnm Invn thiv exact the less 1 have t npiiln. Hiav iv mi-? wnaorer caugni one or tnem sieai- ing op to kiss rue ?' Kissing is easy ta hypocrite. It may be, but I have uo data by which to judge. Data Is not sciree If you would only open your eyes.' 1 ; That is, my nieces are hypo- cjestouirare whether I love ypu,prw Ct If it is a matter of liildifference, go on. Try to make itu4 s&D'Wvin4eces. and also try toJash.metntt loving yourdausth ?ers!,:Xove, comes . unsought and tttibldsovaml.ifiyou find yourself not lovdiliteJar the f.iuit within y6uTseir.it,vce tor an, i am going JJK. ItAiropV; I am not gohu to I take four daughters. , I don't minaltbe UBtt&fedfefedtl mind the jealous fault-GiwnAgi' fcflf , ,5 kh;.-I m. 1 . " ','., . .:- .Ti iLearn a little plain common 4;OtJU been for your ivfl lrys fult-fludlng, we m' jjht have beeu quite nappy ana utuiea by this time. The truth is, it hurt her to be eo little " overshadowed Qod made all six; 'the girls, and It" he saw fit to eqaip my three with more brains,' J 'more. '.. physiCiil charms, than yours, you ought to have tlie graze to ignore il.' ' ' You know well enough that Sa rah is prettier than Lucy. 1 l m glad you think so; I don't want to force your love and aduoi- ration-am rather glad you prefer your own. ; But you shouldn't wish todorce my love and admira tion. Why can't you treat me with the same proud independence that I treat you?' . : -Jvtt m.dorstand , this I shall .-.j unes ftfe. too yoan toarmreclatslbe ;I J Ai.i. vVajLI i,!.. I' 2 iroiuir to tratnn thnmirli most of.the I HalcCgiitviaTlib JtTsI t iol j Xt eftiy4o wait lx0Hifteii ttwtf,! RutliIjWarTi)yi4st fbUliAdo'rfRd! anyyptxj Ibtnks 4 'OUHltt tdpsy ioe atteallQa;itefJet:tamki-ep It to hllafioUV- AhXll not. submit to a imrtlcleof- cfftteistm--;-esDecialIy afibVoUi4 atten?trdlil,'-niH After sapper the stihitscttof ' Ihe irDDeau taw WHsJbroUghtuiiip for, way,' said Mr. Blythe to her hu laifd 1"SJ f n.Yeailw are;gog toihlrwmWn, wife and team, arid walk meet ioTj xopverse ana, en with tile working people, a lr their houses porrKtTTooling of; equAlitv. . nx(Xl97L i:U- iWhytiBdaft;it wiuWtRke"!rrQ taJea rail for the. tfut&ior of Nor- jimtdyi or BriUauy,tlj?iYBl arotid lHrmK antftheiomoOek'gi. on H? 8a me Dirt ntfairvsi fresh leua JSlMCPl tiliU 3 hf iill -J.Jfl.il tr i iKfOsw-.tn' hlanjtetsand ti.niu)ckg- r y.vtid ofe:y"ou5tryHig"t6 imilate 'THeiplaivUx'Lucy's, but I enlire 4x.ruuiwre..7 'L.Un,'4i wau)i!4 JolT4e ; ivhirled'ili'rArtvrlF EaweV hy rati;;. What I see of it I want tfl 8e4.J?or ; i4lea 4- 4wte - rapid -t ravel Ilali- riula jaVe uflrt for tlleAre jVif j itti viit JnotftW that o (ravl Th 0' Utptu.es ami grand society.' , I don't care togtl&hi 'ttayat the hotel.' . ' YStt'yoTTili ?nslrBlyKe aakedpeturaiillyl "71 c1iufTpuTtne as well go -yu could learn if the' others could.' V That Is final with Sarah, Jti-! innfwoen doesn't J wah C to t do any thing, you may .! as well give 'idLrio lb,OJ IWu i h btuovi Uvltnii ar." said Mr. Blythe. : 1 I Jod'reJlly AVWW company you?' h asked, after the rtt bud WOiillje irAoin.jt tlI thought you did I would go.' f sweeping It's arms out of the way and Heating herself oil his knee. Mf-i ooArould t)alji'bormitlsfia:Uo Icve me as I am, and not . try , to' I would be 60 happy. I do jTove, you far and away better than 'any-' body elae on earth, but I shoullWt. always If you keep ou growliug.' j . ! dHiY4J"khw XY 1 "! ;. Yoit UMtr't.gTtXv'l ! Never irilnd;! let' begin over Htral.K an , be ao charaiing if you will ", only let me do as I please.' fTCT CT " ? 'And so I will.' VXLJ1Cfc , Yes4 but I mean about myself i sha'n't trv tolviT7oi for? rnnts vldual actfin, arV'7do I to control lne. U it ir if r r f a i i . - ff'7do t irllib mm ruai ,? J ; 4' Yes for the i j .a.'aou aiuays..' .... . . . - ? IT know, darling, that you will never a K - mvi a. -- 4w nVi ' t s-9 rvA r I'.iuv a a.1 mmm ctliii iiitii aa ai iiii-i a 11 ... nl f HnH helrt it: and what is worse," I don't want to.' -. And you would rathetW 7S '1 op than yourlndepei d .. cr : lt U not a question of rather I could give you up, though life would le dreary, but my .lnuepen. filfile is a part of me-llk "y 4iekrt, or any other vltai organ.' 0? But If you had the pqjverj' tM! t. flf I had power it woald be Just (ifisa Jie I love my independence. aiux I am not willing to.nive it up to vou. thousrn tv. ..... . -vm .cr jwia 'j i j r L;i n ; ; I. would give up anything for Then give up grumbling.' . 9- .r. r'i I -t5tU JH'iU'jA'li '-'f'M i' 1 r 1M ' 'L e"t who ni:iy liavuhilJrvii.tro:iIJea Ub aulPoW? Atetroofsy besuleH, jKhVA'cI dUWsel ViliHv w2 J Sill .TJU:Ti.I T; 1 J 1 'Oft Oottoa ScyedTjV IZV.A Tt is cejuLi li.-t Til" i 'cicnvpnxsi s'e-cbftbaWdd'ftAiaWi l;ilr iitvy. e'Ven wbefTti&de M 'Winter a better1. 6ol6r than 'ttbtaio able ;.3i tnyioUi fc?feecR 4ywig' touts'' rlchneitVieruly 'snfalfdulhUty eanrbe glvWdaMr. TW J pun2s U tfils liil it ptx . da fUJ vIh ; iV hilo tWs; K " ' tltyl J taayj aihtry'4u(rred. XiWfitt witli: wDeat 'ShiDfilettienUXbtf ldeficMttevt trtboe !aouarvbf hiilkJ 'WfnhoU rertrJ'ito ,r4asiliiy,. irli eowt irgtMlIimlktTj xutkM si ed MeaLtu4 be j fed -t , her; -e;0iihe wwiynaytifa.iprh.ihil'lPei the V-ve'rT.ingthrf trinsnfissidri bf olenhitVmi . phypirai bractefitcl jrparHq., Rosier -j tioa to another .la no JnRUure is thiJ 'ktraoee 1aW hicempnaeicNi ilins'tfittil auaiTes ut science, is ma aw oi nerrciitvi rtUarift rriatk:itifaatiaA sWi4 seSj.,, Ot all he.,tierelitary bioevd diveanesj none' is ur'cuijauh)k than eroftrta. TWa 'rMelylprovateet-'.dlBtaaajJiw ohifianvtoi been eotisiuered tnenrabe, bit since .ue! dot? for Jllsuaiea Dioou," these rrofnJos "amrctrotii IriveO nVoT9(IiV4es-4 UtlaLirUMgei iMVrMi tfT JPbe.eih ts-j tnbli!thcd that ttie wevercnt lorin of scrotum Myn. fr Mnriib, nd,L, 0fi I lr.coiitcstible proofs. Tlie foiicains tebli-t i req nested the pnhlettoa tetter. s that t tli ur fittnilirs. tiuiilarlr nffiicU-o. msyi leara'DirbkMMs iertnWK((:air can procure reruedt whicli will iof illiblyi and purmauohtleirrc ahd eradicate' he i-litvyseroCuIa) b tt uh" -i, ; The Swift' SncciHrf Co.. A Uuta, O.U1"' ' tj iieaOcimoW-Tbreo alr fu.!Tara. tfiol my little dAuglitvr. Ax lerw t ,ge. tiact very uly b il, wfuclij &ri"mm atfirj tliitrap'inracaermi tt ttrd.a'g mnhlncj ore.H 4ktad a1 ml fac:i rl tried at; 1 t,be t Liwn i miqcdjea-i.salves, hearing ernaiuedJ 'fr I had beeAme"vryiQiteaViaJ)0tf hri .The iloetora wbo ad jiex 3aid,be) waa.bUy, aUioted-vith acrotjula. .. , ' rie thetiauie tintuy little .son,.' aged foXtri rears, 1r9t5 oat all over tii head and! fact "With the aa'rnc'dlaease ami fof : weeks! yea he'rouid not fie down; talevp wUhontartf-i ttrinarffraal Urtuei 1IU head, was solidt i.mam of sares- v r--c 1 ......... i .t . I i, .ItfMB ,t Me 8 8,3 st soan, aa wsa aatiafied ap.)at thjr. nature of the, uisraitej and eoniiujied to" use Ij-until' 'eYtry tjn! r bf site -disease -dad HTiMtiiivaredi Before) 'tney- oeyan (as-ti ia:iayu -arr -nul in eanstitalioa trat bow ..they oaf . sfcrontf and healthy., I did not g'r . tbcii .any intbej- nieditioe. to, aid the S S 3 as., hacj seen nome had aea of .blood Jrtionl eTogVuferby'a1Y'- 1 al' Every parent has wiUiitf raeh a hapl and positive im fa thsis ehildran. afi fiieiqdita inc and alt tbej haelordo it UziU tt A fair IrialJhd -eura U tertain You are at liberty to use this letter ao tha mtrenta may know bow my ediUran, wen en red of their troobk-aaine diaeas God knows it has a lifted a ' heavy' load' froln. wy tnind, as their affltetl-ae tfreaAly (mab-l Me m.T.i 4 4Ril 14LUA 1 Treatue on. Blood apd,.8kj . diseaspa mailftd f re. i ' The 8:fs Siiecifie o,DraWer' J2Xt' lan a; Ga4 .? , .W . t ,ii,i;.X ' . . r ... - . . . . ' a-. i t-- jfiLacLjJilu, a. a a MifV .Lr.,i h:iik'4 1 rft m ma "f 4.a'i Is " ill driYe malaria from thosyetem and prevent as welfi Staalarlal rr.--For cure 01 iicacni, iusu.it 1 auu 11 tiit tri ElefrldlUtoiW UK.it isficUrfl JUnntta itl mn fut le l?-l ric'f 50 enta ibd $1.00 ovn FAooi cior ud wlfU is a ver: verji stiliali CQmhioatiou in the ligut fabric r I v A mraTcine prepartd lor the ga A mrdrcine prepartd for the geoeral public should contain nothing hurtful) in nv ilnse. . iiioU a medio'nt aal SllTe-Trg r's Antklote for Malaria, r vs Malaria as wtrr puis ou W & m ' rfirVHu4 ut as uartnleas. 00 la b dru'srisis. IS CONSUMPTION, INtJUItABLEyj - Red the follow iug: Mr. CUUsf-l ria, NewiKk.ArntaijMfAidpwa; vvitli altaoes-tifftiatii .tpfrieivls audi physicians pronouueoa n-e n-iMpaia-! ble o .tiouinptiYe. JWt:i&KA0g iDr. Kioif's New Diforery i(frvcMO!p3p- Htm, am now, opicny. ifcnN U.HVf'id ab.e t j oviaee the work ou xav Xrrni. It Is the finest rutdiei no verbal tde."; Jess MidVllewart, Jtvatai1,,! Ofii. says: "Had it Dot leeufor LfM Kipg's o&ef J?.seovery "or coHuoirn I would I'axe 4J.. ilB trouble, Was given up by doctors. . Am' now In best of health. . Try it. Ssmple Utiles free at clifioo s Drug Store. . - . 1 1 1 nf'&ak'r retfrwcteir, poiMsiaraim weiiaoTnt a l vaa car ran a. . kMuaiMii aectned to d any Md'. ; Her raip'-a tl) ab.Ad-'e.Votliti.ih ' fudged. 'Finally, f 'sent her toAtLi Ata- to-vhaie' ThH rertirirbiWmlnr swdlH Kn.BWI. Kll I M I 111 I I rW . . . " .1 nru.- k. ... ir.v... A . I I 1 , . ..... a . ' V a . Electric tiitkiriagJ9, afirieTsgUfi! f faKrBaWWnYwluIld of.pra- iwer.p.e.dicuuoes no h'tiL6VnowlJr.rs06uT3as': exiat atfdftjii V4WMf f Hi dW JJ J:w& WadaW rVWe that ia claimed. Electric Bitters will U . a';iJf i-7it ljdi.V- an a -! 1 1 1 .1-- ..r si. ir, i it'll I was asked lxtLere Vain6c1f of it d6 I ney-f will rem .ve lamp'.ea, boils, aalh f'ruanif W ,Sotfi'6nisC 1 JIl 'sJiSa JlfVefe rttaSTalTTerofrcctuma caused by! Iil ktbfesnrkVtKfre 11 II A n?t:D (8enibda Catetil6tf.9W Jed Jo By felrtagiiwIarafarlttofwoW fsorurfoAiba abtarrbuiief Ipu74 -wk-j tcQrtxiBforrit)lai1ckaairiBhei4etrcBK Qttarttxsulkee9trr&-ma! tear it toc4 tpre' ttrmnJtJipocotidiiionf ifiltiflijwIU iJrarmUiiWT.roajl nearly or altogether prevent th.f.ft.p-j pearaneo-f wie cholera. This HttlenJtrtt'lls'VDrlJo'rted SyiS-TrJnicW VlJeice tharituhef WtWd with rcXkou. MyttUatf ItatiUftHfe Cb4x4 tof tbolfcrataottrnx hWcwibokar jeart r , ithea bfecsttlA? cutikaocdd ihkttcatUi4 - fl CiVefVil fefl..Metll re.lruali . f hi- seHrttVreMV 'naTe alii his attentioiifiiaikftitn and hrgienel m thee wme lot. That was' almost! Vm3mVm&TlnTT be but one outbp5koftitn among hbJ swine since, and carried off only fire known as an.tJMwdrower of, the1 beat hogs. He ha&j-e ared nothing but ..- V. I ! . I LWSlJeast; JjeiihB. laa .farther - . der CtDUiUotu M liiJi Hra rerv.nnfi v,.r.! I hJJlOT.'M.t mViR IViuWtflWUPTyh Sw- t a,i.ftA K..a a s..fL II.. 1 ft f M Xo, roruedv, for t!fi irennlue awin'! T,tt 1 1W 'f".l ."9 7T .1 4 J T! Tl Ffyen,,1Khl rwW "PHiV1.?.!0? JWM?.;J4ha.T,Ysf UaVf '1 i.4T-io-aii .'Wfp'flPP. disfa. SiIMr lUrtlsori Toast- V 1 dj d -iiuaipn ,-i;w -wnlBou'tn fs'afe' Strtau-.nhveDaeTlr;'m table ea,P!oytti'e,tthtt'Wni: o,lfcf. 1iihrf'r,.iL:pi..;:.fN..- ifL. 'JL.i sUns are 'miliar' ft ummsu tuai at is uru ucvcnuciess. - 1 ne paiaie 01. ?jl.ui-nA tvC; .W riiJ.6', Ut tKesnowbHir'appe, t3i;rfflo;i6mreU ',Waiil;u T1.fre,'are - - iufintoUTai'''tu - .wth:: ana ei'are Uuishotaud 'trart tued snoWbird'hWiersT tfud wiUlle'A cua lb me Dortiiaaer ou ceuia. 1 n icouwMit uwui b n 11 4 13 5ccU iiaa m cl-ntsVfeo ItJtV kppa?entTtlial ItfereM mneQt,ff btqesi'f(A rerV'b'ira! y tw'aik bf, WH2 1.? r'tneA ifrA liJ.'AM'JJl ax V 'ia4Mr Vi a avv a UV I fl4 Vf irirj-: 'souieQt alwortiDiufah-W.fa'eiYa' nun Jr 'of IfieVkW 'fieat: 1 wafiodt! bYi'hlg'appltftS SplieWc'd? bo 1 " tfc'bM.' feed J6d Wrsa t filkfrourcaf; 'aau v.lU "lite Vuiiiers aVJ fii' immecfiate Vlciul't V, : -ia'Jf eiUertUriVe' Llrtl wliViuai1 Jr Vap'tlierii: rTOygb1ulTof Krf dfedi.'Snu' tifioVfer'ecriutJiUeir laiiks Lr1 ringa down it least a finzlix. Tlie, . uni r lia s' a la g' a1 1 is i3 e a 1 f demon, cl ikept un, o on wih the Kii n I iJ'ly: l 11 ir li ..!,- i-ji.tIij I soutli aide liuntera coi.Lnuft to make a en lit llie tiela at1 pi eWu!LbiYieu the , .Iffgcs si .vbe btvS4ai;f h IT-rPiV -cajo.Triboae. ,t 1 ;.ia vdi )o a.u i;t .... . r' t . .. ..r. ,nn f ia oJ ' fr.s!i:g,s:afe tr aid slnmnil.rTiy -In Russia that even lean ii fraiJ.io da Uadaiy. i. a 1..- 'uj ;4 j . " 1! 1 . li uJl -J ,1'. J'aJi rUciMIrTU?X E'rand , early (attenuig than com. juuu wl" S k-'tlTLii. I a?"7 ciose mat screen. ue&; 1 his nose uod said: with Una fact, but-.1t 1 11. JuUti 1:- ,m.-..L. 1 ..."r'- "7 - .-1 t , I hfntf.'Lut tlie business Ua'so iudden- 'K't . . 9" W V r.tl I J uvmiuinju wilt Liunu iucu ua O I , fi.au ui2.ou per aay. .ne uiraa are TtonftinV- n-,l)ii9no rm oiuicn Iii a're lunLletlihe 'rhAYuii. Tlie sup-1 ply ia eDdrinous. aud as 10 uz as Cie! B d 1 rnJaCoJ V. tttr Tots b)w son :kttftiale uV TWcay vnil I ter?UJ TWcy Will l berUft -in d iLftr,r'a.I4 iria aikrs Cr-aa.i e.fi no.lt t .'-.ia K"0 tf"J aU,l tafcyo4? yrJlramMAadalUttejWjdxisJr8 kt!Danra.V.!,liotv tberallen first acrird..l!n:.VhvLet F"J wuota UB J", - W av see llhj TbuY&kfliS wVi WBifa!0 4iy. CbVdJ'jiafuUljfila flnsn prMd noil Ln lam eJl atMK aill .1,-iOftnn 1 lUbWf lH ,MWilr.l Wi sra'asrtsmoo:ci ttytfil ndf?" viflllail am lUrW 1bi1aMMA rrrMlSlUa know," said Mrs. Wbyte. Uac4ta -CTWVi VVniyoamajf tltaq $dn. m a . a a mm . Ha tvnn't hnrt tl K.tV J"wm ori il9ifiT Ti i .ij3.rlTWn3ri wflj - V,.woEickbtsa ft? li hSp,Tjfi.Lij d-Li-i toW fntw tt.J!?7?rmj' - 'Vta a.la ' J T Iraf aV'flrif ' AtWt ,,,Vuur" !"' -! iD0't tooek that aer aiirti flJaaunal real J " " , .1" 17 r - - - 1- - 1 - J verT 'r-vir , H w ho.-ehaiR.j ljdecira.1 aaJarkltaar 4og Mrs, M,neeao;whea Lwrti Ikic fJ sike pt-rrocaraiicoa. btaaga Lbeoil toe 1 r-epeefiy kaewalaanoa; ai lBe,'fnai boy is the very worst youngtUf thai ever liyedid SrwVroi" Detruil notnoTuVf odT xit ui JinnerH. . wj:vr '"i' h9l IO nllYt tf-aioj o vil i.'rfa ru m aril tnl J-rvjt rot ia waa nat.bcax be hraa cWod rcamthjti LfWILinwfcrvDoUilh'hhJa FohtitViUOa fIlo-W iraatxjti Un4 aomei) Lkit haiLail lciF, iwaaei Cresilbai laokKXXdcadijt htUi y ftad:4 tootxtixtlUtasiUatlr pdrcUalf shifyv da say 02aaiiebtoa e filasaptlUte ithdbJtdQfif. As hadvaai &he Sihil jwVU oefttft E fitte,Tperhapsj a. little uadV-dl cfia J tclaalaqe XV-jutxUonyc-iar (Jrt3-' Ohabherluxabaud BUrhttjedeadaiid this little boy.icaaiaUeVuiKdll'e' hec only conuu u Co a apa. defender.' But he could uut hkvd been more 4bw fl ty ears tfdj. 17 uk rWft.rVmy.Tltoqn aUtioiXi. arid lon2 train CoVXm' "Aa lh&'tZf vibfcfrburtlttiaTrriid Vai Wed: tU.ii e tJpTWMVa3 r-4bw'SylraiJi. dlo.ranihthl-iu of!y axj srithrtha JrV!'1 xl?f rMb!'4C. I ,e?artfot3 liabil hia handtweni up ... to hl eij, and tbeeapVas'llftul. A 4rlzUt -.i;nT6A tLa boanMa'.arid 'f .aim rude Ji ''iii j r.vi f. ot JsUuc Afmraeqtca tharrtariT icrsof ninety:nlne boys that, this little 11 revvear-old fellnw t Kk jfie !q hajiiJraVl'ilial wekuleiuifc 1 ber? Wide Awake, you?'! V l-tenJei4lA!&V tli J oWTelloV fort H aae J Ula eoi j, .'.a. l1) you 11 eitLs- t.ie for. Uujzlnl HrAilWMlT' . v-- yYfuTTVwIfl That wtteCaiJlSenfic" oall i ui lci laiui i. Liiei ai i i. in rv 1 1 Sa"jrorf KoW 1 !f.iirff . l - .' lit. wav ., 1 i .... 1 1 ii tio retir. Tom. w . . . It o aahahiJ eTVuaii 1 hM it ioueh of tVMofd' 'A tto ta feu miaJ TeVi.WxtT c? aVV his radthdfa 1 fibrArsi I clrfnW r lTtrt 1- cAly-I.r I.VAaJ tftbe 1 eyi nl lfn"tT trijCi4ii3 viJyvd wi n-f tt yocjtrxJoU P ad3 ' VlUTm ltw -J c. w.-ijiwt H.-.-.Acli n;,! MtLa.hrkaikidoe!LtfriiB one; ana OQJatfrj'Ur le poll U to a man became .yrrs. aUabbj coat or Iwtwks ,yVy throch the streets or ait la a ci.ii.t lihouse. UiUW -hkhwasrhtr '" 9 GauibetU4l9-bLaiS , . mm UcD Cr3omo tea joart agol Uix iTrptU kM relumlag from Pari tbirymo bif. Ha was la bis jxgrjTho nlht was Try f.ry fU wnl rerj lolaTRrlljiilUaogteoAUlUiars , head. S&)rAiiUr& reared. A man who was lrta? on the rod had nthia an sao of beln kiiled." I wUM lfcruJ.1 rto4 XhylMlt i IUw oauialt "J a k$KX!WXmt ioti tty- Ul Cl MH&syw arvr.l4rbhteb(lu ta Boi4,haj.)!Paati:.I1 txaipt 12 ?5iH fflL'Mr I ."',. . , i ...: . P wJ,Vlrftiaw4old-Ual flHffti was. under, te ixOT.Wd thacolq. to r'-;rToca txo4prtd;ejr4ry! .,tti- Jn half aAoor the work mi a luia a!TL!srno-Dl3VHfirateffwka booght Tma pewcob'sx.and hvV. the .O fill Vlant or4CrwW sit '.sidw nljrtiQo 1 ai tiiiitjii !3Ta: InlsafWe rajTre'i.VfrAb . Iarg rfbS'nto'1rVrr WJh. PMfmirVrt'UldibaHlrViiy eIVcQAiaiIcit.,T rf'las .ertrVmy UrmiU.satiTaaft'iiod l)s eoaaw n tw . Ue HoatliWI rvartrwp.otre!ltIiat .A.if "! UJ -Haira-Hiyi-hlh f- biTOalitJian.ierer, of. aoni jre JteiUrJaweraLirdro caVcviaUxOr ktrvl1 V a hfrV-H , 1 tJuBT s-'Oii a i4.u rio a U.tt cora , 'crb:"Tf.c txfuth ylt o Ulo u ra ,tirtier;ts;tia lt.;t;iiCM(l J-qUrrP 'inef tHr?Ake a; sts cuisvAao iiMjo(inpfcvunii?r l.rre cr.ip oj eon. iaj a ao cl Oil. Jm li lTeva i2;aSlfery lrfJlart"a4 lUlb ocl.1 iia ir4i ho :rvu?iyy y sitvjB .'x-l I-.",-.' !.l(-,i.K..i -I j . LJ v.fthmr -l (C1T AOCiVd Mil Y.d lr"4:i LnTf ij .Wit. i9 to nt Hao'd acscax3udal!&si tr 1 C3 Trat- rn-nt ,f irB 1 rR w J f . d r o 'xa 'Tiwl'-UeTw'UV riiVJa --t'- ' Jiaxksi ir.rJ.; .t.-j , )! : , .t I'.if. .k lu.i . ; Cood. borsea and tc-ic alwtya pad at r?y statles, wfcic! I rraja ot pec 1 1011 wiL by hotel, to convey troLaaay WLrs tLey ujr U4 vs to 1 TRV tH'at'uVef;'' frjckftt ''iVrW c?f Jiy fSfr f 5dft!i n?rl be,st,sccfit jew po.r.iX4 at sq ntjplual- y b e n vy crop To r t b e . w I, vi e . cv a t try SilU b-so rsVtl liUd' 4 tJ1 - a .tV a 4t