! II .':'.:, jr. f!Jw.' I 'i' r'iVrr j pj1 XI i III HUT jffiBFRNKLi:f, Til' fTrTT7T7?T irHE'i'knluvOKlTl. .lis.' litinj if- it Win i-ntl-'Xl fUV, .7 ! -mho ctfJ f r:ilJ 'intuit tn'r-l J.; , 1 JAMES A. THOMAS, ' I! i " ' i .IS . Editor and Proprietor. J. 7 t 1 ' drca'atlon ci:t N M ovr every ttz- ion of aud .7 "T..rr' ill XvtrL'i- a il-.. Here Thvrjtru'i-tju t-i"oMibiw IAO, Editor and Proprietor.--; with mawCe tovtard ::o"nc; vafn ciumTt 'Fon'AtL1. for tle riawa jLzipoc Jenta.- Si is 9 . 71 ii-.-r; I "f .V.f.Vt rjilf!' 'j.ii' t.Vl J ..i t ( voLxvn. te Ol nr. rit-"- w ".t .j-r,V M t- ' . f ews Tt til rw-eiveU. i i ; ,-. .i; . . Klin u i . . . . i One Year- - I 1$ U ll '0 1 H f U I O L.uus oi. a A HE TIMES Will b nrntshed at 8 1.40. ' , : '; : a --era AbssoltstolyPaws:01 ' ;TMj pTWde revet varies. Amarvcl;of.,i pnrity.. . strength and rwholesoniencss. .: M re eoinoinicaIPthanrthrvUunrjkuu.s MKTnoDlST-Rv; A4.McCulIen, pastor ser rices very Sunday t morning land night." Prayer meeting every -' ednesday niht. Sunday school y o'elock A. il, - UArrisT Rev. Ravlus Cade, oas- tar. - Services 1st feud 3rl STVTrfTici month, uorniog sjatLmgit. jpraycrfmei i every Th rsdav nigh w Sunday Schoo 9 Vclock, A. M X -- U KXO a-k-O I "KliaVi.SV' St' ! Jt 10 sr a.-r-Thos. white, F. Eserton, J, J. Barrow, J. 'Thomas.' CoSOTAOLR..IlrPnei) in each' month. PlNKIjINCGiTill1a; roxvTssioKKRis O A. Nn8h. ch'ran.. S. Superior Court Clerk A. w Pearee. r - - WV- ti - ,-- tL.. llegister ot ueeas d r . iuiioc.. SUertflP-r,H Cv: Kearneyi.;l, ? TreAaurerU. P.Cliftou. ' Keeper Poor noUBe--Ji WPinBell. sfx svrr or Ukalth ur. r.. k. roster. Notarv Puhlie V li. McOhee Fraak liaton, X.A?. Lt:r : .v SOAllD OF EDUCATION K Y. Galleys Chairman c it ki w m n k n rsrf - a . a a r- m t - The SuDerintendent will be in Eouis- barir on the second Thursday of Feb- roarY. AoriL JulritemWrlOcto ber and Dccember'y and t remain iot three da vs. it necessarytor theVpuri VBOK K8S I ON A a VA U DS Bl B. MASS ENBUEG, A & ' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW- '. umce ii. tueAour nuH r All bnsiaeas put in my hands will receiver promptatteTitionrg At 1 Y'Al W W "Jt-.-Jf ilkV-W-.'iil-t 4. f T1 and ioUNSELLORat lW LonisBuao; r bankmn co.,k. c. II attend the Oourts of Nash, Fr:inlr:1n-fiHnvillel5 Warrenlf and. Wake Gounfiesf also afai'fSh'ei court pi Nor th Carolwa.nsi we nn-1 ennt be sofiIiBt,cinl etiiioii -ufth arfU t'tbt, Uroul but whenLib tha multitude of Jboft fiTihY". Si?ru4 - A v l a ?i s alum or nh6haflwjlh4.airfa.L I 0tlS-ao"8bi,jeavJisv remember me T tf fit.RoYI. liAirrvrt Pnwnirn fft - i then. . , '1 pose .tauiiappliiant lhlrdJter-yoterfe tat: in tjllcfBlofy 7raia ftti fothfrpaga of yffisohftto'ni ty.'CTi 'C" Rui thflve Demttho totd : T.U. ; jr.; :EMALONKM4hftt 'Ui?iroftmtiqXto -f r-xr. r C &iZqf$iti iifSn -jinsi L. Kllia. UI 3T. A. Day. A.'il- UilZi ATTORNEYS ATlL f -' .1 KENUEKSON W. C-',; V . Practice in the courts of .Franklin, Vance, Granville, Halifax, and North nampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the State f r Attcrisy At Xett & Hctaiy piiSlic, . - ; , 4Ja.K UJiiF, . V., T. HICKS, . .. - Attorney at Law, j, , . ; 5 HENDERSON, N. C. , Will practice together ia theeonnties : Granville, Vance, Franklin and Warre and ia all matters requiring their joint , tentioa. . , Wa hope by prompt, diligent and ta ' f al attention to business, to ; deserve - receive a pertioa of th law basiaesi Ma aeelita. - TTl V Tf f R Kill . KH.'. . ; ATTORNEY AU, A W Wp ' -ftat" it do jais. ' This bill provides, , , ; : louisbubg? t;no sni - tSon ahlrfhl, for the repeal - OfSce J Ke Court Hoiwa jy, ' ' p'j41rom destroying proper. ' Arose sud o'ershawdow'dtbe earth with' her name, ' She abaiiduns me now, bat the page of! I have warr'd wiih a worlV which' van quuh'd me only ' - - -. ( " TVhen the meteor of conquest allured me feV :?i Jittt&onlSbleh dread h last niitgle captive to millions . in .il: : 88 I lOUU.d the, -'?Wi-s-.-.;.;:'..-.. Dveay'd in thy glryj and gun'i j jn, tby worth. . . ": ...' Oh ! for the veteran hearts that were wast- lWrfih4 Tle violet still grows in the deph of thy lJ Though wither'd, thy tear will unfold it vv-.f again Jt;5'-';;t;Wiu!-:r. V' -iu ' . Yet, yet; I may- haffle the hosts that sur- aVSeirV le1aTake "to ia-ifliWiat ue tibial ipsA iv Tliei e are links which must break iur the ' : t chain that has bound us" ? r i;. - Then turn tlieeraud call : ou the Chief '.'-; of thy. choice! ; rj . , Whlcli Party is Iuclined to Help ?Hf ; us Bead the. Testimony n tv- U W .- d 1 1 D rt 6 i- w 'ii n TrcO' p ' TerWftiP some IUpu1)lifnwho argue to the people of North Caro- Ulua-luit Lfapvthing' is ever done it Avill be done by, the Republican party,a StnnfottcekMidndtdDeco ocrata are half inclined i to believe them. We tiave tTineanoagaiir, quoting from .the Congrt'ssforiaf llecord shtm'n that ia the cioaiug hours of the last Congress,' w lien Mr. Henderson got the floor ; and tailed up Idai resolution J to jrepea' w . - . i ; sr. a ki laws,' 131 Democrat and 8 Repub- licans Voted for. it; aiid l07 JKepub- Llfcaua 1 and -5 Democrats A voted against it. Under the rules a i two against it voted for it , it stilt would not have been adopted; but ; had onlv 23 Renublicans more.' or onlv : (mentwashJasUd, . . .. "X. ? Had still 6oar'd.with'eyes fix'd on vie. J. ' itory.Vs,uTit-' ,'t: A?j$ff Republicans Irinilout . of 115, . W . S . r - voted lo ted for -it,' it- woutd have "been. ejput U another wayf more than 96 per cent, of the Democrats , vot ing votedfor the, resolution, while more than 83 per oe nt, ofjthe,Re- publicans voting voted against it That tells -the 4ta!e.v That tells w hich partywin J the - Forty-ninth Congress wmot inclined to help , liNItt's look at the record in A jhfe'iflsen Oougre as Uhus far the ways-and Itueans. committee V of iif'StftlMliterrial revenuo '-..?? nn. 1 . 'I vet I n rum A Lrfl" I 1 "V J-r. V iuWaqzed'uy. tnein, i n ; tne aosence cfitn ordef Mfcondem nation i&eforJ tAy have been permit ted, without any pioceediogs of condemnation, tojjnter upon prem ises and cut op and destroy proper ty;) provides that in case confine ment in jaii . is found to injure the health of a person imprisoned for a revenue offence, : the judge who "sentences him may make such or- ; der. in the case as may seem to him humane and proper. "Now then : all these provisions were agreed up on by the Democratic members of the committee without any consul tation with the Bepublicao mem bers; but last week the whole com mittee met together to consider the bill. Three of the five Republican members of the committee opposed the section which repeals tho tobac co tax; and to quote the language oi ' wn Ulcero W; Harris 4 : perfectly: reliable and truthrul gentleman, In .fiis;ieter of the' Sthihst.-ffTom-Washington ; to the Wilmington i 'Meengerf severrtV'oT' Ihecai arej opposed to doius anything; on f the ;euLectof8tilj;breakIrigadhe "general amelioration of the opera-! repealing the tobacco tax was le ft in iiie bill by' vlritueof tlie unanfi i uioua Vote of the Democrats of the. folnnilieeV B6tT4Wus o to Wnoa-; partisan uutlntrity - fur the ftu.'ts: An.Aasotiated PjesaljilisDatcli ion f flftie HVy jtAd1 Wears' 'l-Orifmittee aan considered theanternal reye- ,ai4i coinpltedt.(t:Aith .the except tion of the paragWph .Uth to he tiestf u4tim-iif pH t ate; dist f, ifefy fVpymt OiP d t he-.treaftitietVt ? oTilib prisoners Whose health was jeapaVd1- sections there was eoine dinerence ttiem when tlia coiJinitteo" meets 3d"- ; t'". i ' DKUiiey.?,; A Assp.cMtetJ .Press fl dispatch of the 17tli from Washing ! ton said:-Aui' ki ip;iT As 'was fcxpectpd, thfiitwo-iMt?r-1 nal revenue sections, of the hi IL left rSI5 ifWHVpC Hous vr aya ud .means Committee, 56.Qarwtuf.lered i!ieviR6ioo9pl 4 jffl'X1?6"' JPStyfWf VT$$t i be.r ,..Th Bectiow fnrblddlne tho Wi!4ilnron7inA4tWsfev7aiVtni otrthwfiqumera ,cVntury,;'that the SiAither StaieS upftfficfjthe;. joyern- of tha Union far outstrip,; Pniwy Wnt lli atteinptiug.to Bccur Iranst' rvanla atthq other mauutacturiug Wtiotr brlsaleeepingt 6f Buch of tlie 4North"lt ' was tiie thvtrvarpoBe-f ; ? -ci ; i : NowrwJkh.p9rtvJaCWefia nue system is the ctuiU ot4.t lie- pubiicatvparty'andAS ptji lt not willing to Iiave WU; touched., ill lavor'ui 'neipig .our ieue 1 1 eat. mid in joture tlio greatest take the testinon arid Intdte uiVlrjend and tuitporterNfT OoustUo your veiict.Ttre .terrhil-h:eVef tloniluoii'wltl be1eSouth? 5 ELECTRIC 1OTPSfcVrYf 'WSV pwpouueed n.e an ii.cuia--, ? f , r.iiTl lM II We cinu,aiDt.f5. L Ba takin-r Dr. ;Thia remedrJa bocorains' so-'itvelLl known and W&QiR "THpC no .pecial mentiSn. Atl who?!uied Electftb'sJltlifrsttng'thfrCtaaesou f n.y.,neelapl falti R rheum annther aHectionff Caused 7 17 impure blood. Uillt-drlva 5 malaria t from"the'irVtem and trevent a ' weU g as cute an tiialarlftl reverFof' Cvre I funded. Price 50ceuta and $1.00 itr j boWa at J. B. Oiif ton's drag store. . ! i.- 'i - 1 '"r '; ,f ' w j : ' fBoodlc-f- .. The orogin or the .word VboodleV, orogin is thus given by the Cincitina .ay 11 ' aiitjot )IU- . The.word ,,l6odle', has -gone In to Ihe vUnited u State? yblrj. Eastern news papers, eventhose in uortot i ieeres .imen- can express roooy in jcmunnati several yeau agoneUiuciay a- ternoon a one horse wagon was dri vc uD.tpr the rogce or pce streeOQauIrriAJ CMvelfeafU 'loaded on .and, taken across the rivers liitor Kentucky and rifled.1 of praise A purerewkuneioe not itpvwwji i. catur, u. exUt and it iituuuant to 4v't .s: VPad ltLnctJ,ee f-r 1r ?,uS r that ta-elaimd Uftr11 w?!l ift'lfr7 ,fi)Vl,'umJ,V0!,1 I otiM .ilk nf tlx liver and kid- wouid r-atfe. died- of ldotf troubles Bostod.'use U without s qnolipn, ?or ajijia tprotect, aod see her in marks. . Vej belieye the ivot 1 orig- .a relative, inttauce liflaigl'lier white ioualiy apt eared i l theCd-iimer -armsf ja it ShIAtl, ai er wn Llovd cial in a redbrt oft ieeresr Amerif ccimibnsher upturn a J fcTiliead. nrav- fcarry Hazen, the famous ol I dwpr urTC" "."."S Hective, was emuloyed by Yhdjef-U w- t. , iiV4 a guwwucu lit cw? vliu ictbf tbepnsy.JYhcnlmfit byr ja police reporter at the police sta itoh!atler the lucky capture axeu' jthrew up his hands In happy -mood 'audi: exclaimed : We've gdt the tc5fle I" -The 'word wjas ' ftfter War'J used to denote rnoaey ..used for dishonest purposes in. h.cal :joli-tiiij-nd disreputable pol!iicin3 In i i city pnd State to be, lrno'.yn its boodlers" and their party f3 the j' boodle party.',1 Tho lv.cfrd,kpread la usVe a..J " rrlow common throushout the country. - Mwoii MiEvrfT ; on ;;Tr4 .! .i: ylxtmct, rrom ,p ; Recent ; ! ! . .' SiMscch at a ip cw York i,. c ;-i ! ISauqnet. .: .sis' : .i frAi";-i?i it.; .-..i' j. ;i i it Mayor Ilftuitt raised the enU.u-l ;siasiu. to' the boiling' "pltcli, IT paidwrU. j, ijAvo.-.ncani your Lut wnma wi icrt-rus?-sli gtcat -poeti sDOkeaof at, the hti. muse J , .It. ha paid yon better than any olhr use, Thq -South . uerer'knevv! tter wepih; rn'ilie ValQy of- ' tYie; -slradnw-oVdeatb'yoti ciutie5 f llV tesUrtt1o!:w(jilh''iidakfngir 8EauWf helekfaeit s t M UilsMand, HvHich U fiH'i lift f lr ' wdtTt h-'lea!tli 'VlrtyHISte VvLbr of ' freviheh Wd j t m 1 1 slabs'; ' tG reaf' pplauw." I y)tl never kfev-ilntfytur'TiAd'Oft. tirVoUribs 'the friill 1 crtjp" ;um "which yott hftd 'plaht'lni'TdrU Muncaol tvtd ailed'4 5ou? ' fantl -wrtii every elehient' it wWlth,1 btit ' i?-it'1reii!aintd,'UHleWfoilt iir;ni 'Presence of the Iilfht wh'fcTi ''you "nevei UhderslooQ ''TtTriiuted. -hkuwVob luiti turned Vbar1 Aitcir-' - t loriVto'tbtr fvsiiorser Wlilch" Qoij I 1fk'ahVivihV'in7VnftrtliM)'(iVrol. " 'We conflict taking aliel.ap. yf Goufl1et nit weerf thf ? tilahd-' iVctirrngiatt-a iif thtj1- North' Mtil "othe' SoutU, 'ud' Uctoryi ii'al . t dy-"l'pvii-mKU:' tlibo" Cauueri. pTl- bo 1. 1. the rebeiliou, not you. " The victory Uftlia North wa?, Invrviily, Its de- r - . , - TOMWN . Rend the following: Mr. C. H, Mar- Kin, New.Duvco-cry, for conump Wffl " ff lhJSf nd aWio WWeeVeorVon m farm. ims.iruivinw .TJyBiau r5" 'W2ft. .M' I !" "COB "" ixy 11. L)qomea,tree,at cuiton s urug Store. " c t .::.;i.': '"T.y .. n nf A r I ber as a teuder plan U and jsho ii a rtUiag ffancy, way wanlness aud tolly, ' itnflbyed' tiy rd.Wr'npy fretted b7"Hhe ,tonjthof abutteriiyy wftiready . to lieouud of a bcello or the T X . . . -" nZ sUtfwwnidow sash atnight,aod rosebud. But let real ralaidty come. ofJier bekiLand mark iter tlieu huw nih b?r n&irt 1 Place ht r in the heat of battle, give her a cliilil, a bird. I crnmons.uer umurnsd i.rt icaa. nrav J Jg ncr U-e i-i protect t ie helpless. var..laiLer 1 4.1.4 a doxL places of the earth, call forili htr energies to ac- "W ' f v dis- puKcii Dy men me smaes or a 1 sbtklng pestilence, . whtu man, the T- away. . tfuiorwue nuns I lent endurance, and goes forth with less timidity tlian to the bridal altar. In'prospcrlty,1 she is "a tiid 1 full pf odors, waiting, taibrjh.wiivdt'd versily to scattEr.tiuuu:&Lc5ad gold, valuable, but untrhd iak "the. '-furnace. Tn short, woman Is.a ci!raclef a.' rays tery, the center -jrouvVyt4UiirnCUts the charm of existence. ihiI aal"' 'riT:'v"u:l', ; . Great damage was done'lowiieat andjrults jhroi'jjhojjt l.l'iais byj'ttpyU' ur i'.' ': i- j 1 i:i It-1 .'--it : Two school chil Iren were killed in Vi-itur, Misa., by a bank caving ia ca thcua. svcral vtrp i. j 5 , Wtt it twas to live and prosper uu length, run rdnjr over ia i' triangular til after it lost; Its Ciiie"AVheti ev-, - fraroeArorTc',4!itiV';1ikesV,1aV. ery t hlntrt tint tte-Boutrr iicd inost Ti ie 'ciiai n runa onv UWW placed at aearNtfas'atfepv "awajVl'taud you- .hreaanle, and i.t 1 AuotUer i'erpctual' T.Iotiou l:iu n-lli lay m i 1 1 i it VI J L I .;!t f'.'rt ' ,vM!.ffla,V) IT i yid , ''y'nnlusVI of 'tJy'onav jWyne tcoQnty, who. Jiaa pjusod ftwenty-j na yenrnand cii! tC3,OC3 tryirr. to uiscuver wunooi any ouraiue agency ' "wnar-i Yfr-.S.xti Hs .arjr,vfWff4 jntdu Mruulgka .two. 1oc!hsv- that when jdcsdendlitg the long fide tit the tinnigtelne Uk4 dihilHe11 fifp! Wd thu increased Weight kiW ,ui) -1,1' '"VtU 1 'I'lMI J ..-.1 i-" Uif J ,.'Pi-1MyMvmvvteW.e,9riaraefJftt1 -t lie hiottve pawer dei i aooveuieut or lh3 thitu tintanttyincreiricin ranulit7and,artSiRiki' Uruired to regujate it. I'm' ' ' - How la L.Iv llaypflyj.'J oT f Thqaiaa JcflVr8ourwrUo iUe.foJlw ,ing cxlleut adviujrTlieroh-Brf3nt deal o(huaiaA i eJur aiul giid jae . IlAniiony ial'xraarred-: staja ia t'te firbt jl:pg wriud aU INath- uig cau peef ve Ihti alTecUotiS 4intt ,u.'miptt;d UiiH.finn reo,uUQn inerex. ;iouiscuver periuairnoiioniiatm!r f uted atid Jnw otx ex!ibiton a, u-i to dilTcr la will. anJ.a. deturminationir"1' ttrdVjUil ttib Tlfict -Wfeachtne UouiideriUedlova of j JecHvliaVexer.-ott wUk;h4Bi,wiaiiftbaJd .beeu fixed a llaw light, m fact, ia ilie savritka ? of. auv . other , wiuwhen v I -v v.v 1 into wiiicu au tJie- iihiq rcrpn srions I are itut-aaa trhno thftH miinxf tb4 viuo uot:o ra.coinuieie. " i wouiu loelUn rt'iay'whr.-becatweito j ono ditTorene oofpo" 'tx I marked t aouh to tduce A6u. by lUelf.-But La dr e.e"iv3 U Or her ult cti-tia wearie I out ty a X'O istaat ttreAnfof littla "clict.k.; 4n J I taclef.I';Ot!TrWroe"a"!bfrJ!$iod' 1etiL vert eduirudn liicreed; are th'elit uceHiaHm iawiteraatioirt "tnpost- 1 thiri'ioarier td'rtitlclia' Question 'whaterers-tiie1other 1-rays?ete1rJHlih ways to deaiOuitra'teand1 ttoa8ie',hita Teci niihsertiu ' thewnrngi'tspecUiry thinz'tn 4 Itht diflTcrttit frmn Whalwa db, to learfertrt itef -saaaslouor li'S'vieir. lUTufH luuo of rectify InVthrtnrTthe tlihig-be'unlhtportaut ! ... .1 !t and lffmportant, let n7t-as"r.r( the present ana wait rora soiter moment aud i.dro conciliatory bcca-'lod! 6V e- Vismgahe'subject toiethei4.' 1th wou- U-mI a.;.-;,.,a.ii.ihn7 m l,i,iia vav. iui saw v iiiauj wavat.wavsftv 6f prudence.'1 n - 1 1 .t' . mf ' " ; "What Cuu lpQ ?! , uo ilf Puripg.a ?rpjaga.lo Jndla:, J sftt oe WShlyjUHff.V u lWu4UinS fajat, apfl I wa a p-Mf aiioriiSudJi:tv h-Uw.crv.pf"Ma oyerboardj? auada ' , r. , , rua, spring tq my ffit. 1 1 U '., a j j:lltpat4 a.trujp;ug qverheautre- splyed not, to go oa JcciJi4 1 should htt'ifer with the ctew hi rhcij.euorta fosaeiveppor.niana '.in io Vf.Lii "What cau d?" I askedvtttsalfi an4ivdaatly januppked my la i.p. 1 held it near the top of my cabin, .nd j.Jose ipwyul' rfcypsiwladowd tiat tA lt miiht. shine 9n iUe,-ai'an4 at pear thf Vlp(a!'poeib,:j Jn.!half a, miimAluajpi hea.rdlElej9fuicry "It's aUrisb he' safel" uppttarhh.il I put my lamp iu-ttw place r ' XV W aUViUy v Lbwixr,5 V Vas that my little iaoip nastht aoierheadX ofavirtg the.nian's lifej it was "duly by tfiueiy li.h which shoua dpnn biatv UihA U koaUed rope could b thrown! so s to reach him ir n!Jb bnwl fi G-.ristlin' workcrs Herer. dcafioud or. tfink there ii no'.hing fr you to eyc in-dark and weary. days.' Laook 1 is.ua to- JeausV ySi opvpar. llgiit; Jet - itro Uu6?..,,Uiat:ion..f.,ma see,'? apdin the, bright rreiuryeciUiu niorh linj:,;aad'Wbat joy to hear tfco-'PWeH Idaje Vi ad io know that you Iava tw iawarea '"eared some sul from deathl" 'elected. 1 1. , . : . ' irbod njsiiust tho :n"- c tUi whoa ar. ta.pctaa whd . UrlHtyVlndTACiJhi? life.oABd no 0aiUtt hi: asmgle kystetn be tiiaW hi farin, ii-lajice wilLhardU ia. dudf product liluiMlf and ra(ully'k;i Jliii, atoci.' lleuationyt .veryjoiis has Id pouclt inAes h ti btoclc-fetM JhiVtartfA Ar ixd ustk roua irx rthiclt frl'd:i-J'JI " ' v tt,U f.itrr.rt j Trnr v.Tinotutiicry'LJo its v c:i. lf:, !ijTI:o f.dtowh:; Ucti; lel ficr.j i!ie AVarrcnton Gnatecud Jti eI,otr TiralnJy.tr: t it tr.r.-i c:.n-.i!o;imiie i ilt. Walter Aiien-tells-, xii .that with.ilie t-xcepMiui of oie.t?.ck.i of, . ' L I . . . 1 I ni, vrnicii.wit. ui nuTiy m ,avi cL.nuiie of dicthe ha.s fed no frm-; lurae it a.fy kJdf 4inceMay f;Ud tbut cJowr.. and Una 4uoufrfu telovar ru hand to Iitsti till umt Jimii ...it nas nine neaq or norland tvrjeuty? catttei' "'As Mr: 'Allen IS 'a' hiti 1 Tfi rfltiethftVate-Winy fmeriha'stnteJ indit:wc:knoio yrntii5c!alJyi trxsf-. ft aluf -nirlre enix allow ta odd that' where 'an this this is wha.1 we call farming, nnd iivinif. una tna qaesnorr naiurauy uUwWrticttVir2ir.'f A toMHo thbi, (mitiiOt.wlltOtsjd&tTEti'Bil swer ia coticlusiya.that'lhpy cau,but but will not, ought -they ut to stop' .eijtaiQtur.vncj altmlnxilie ouo ty and laws? Ought thrx,,"pt JUa stop finding fault with: every ihlr.g 'antt eriry flnxfy1 Xjot 1 tf diJl!vra T ?Bwt ItWill bejaaldby4h 4vhb .nrourH as thrifty sod hwiixMriBtttj Mr. AIIoj. And vriio tlotiot know I tltn or his fanut,tht hUtandi aro 1 BreVCliski'.fliHt he 'had.'Vrnooe' Istart with knd' hn liad a 111 etluio' u3 UTevcrdthaXtteJthexbrHhJ. abort, Hke ttfe lin'Mt of W Tilfe -without uiouey aiid -, .aJ IiU ajrupj wlrt W fA.4 Uad ., i Wj A a at a a I'll k.B ..... . ... lie knows titat4 the 'fanner !'bett 7 , . , V : 77 ,U.miiM i.a t . IT. it. 1 manure, anu 110 muuure 00 .1 arm- It - t . 1 v , . I r a. . t 1. that manure heaps 'uHire"troVer .HU Kru. na ll,toJ innke n4t tot- "V y thettoryi. ArthPrnol J,ua dreiis ofyoung iutu hm.o 1 uuty who would do uj mui ii, of' lUore,' ai aTerTAllea has done, ..if -they would oD4y-try r Anq-riTrvo they not.tttolUalaUxl iftKl pHlvt Ary ? TttiM Vr flf tnrvltf iri" rnr rvivX d araraa a vua 11 vi aiiiika an kar 1 w-m am a a w .! nvlusrli lktrdlv I Adrico.tiiat. bhOcJd b.Icca. . 'viijoti m.' al.n' Jtt v.Jni all f-.The SUelbV'AarbraVfres vft 'r. aTJeA b -dft-i. I ihak s.iulkkial will oo. UiM - hW u. I ahuk'mg slid kiiafnthe'UiUB' JtJw let WvtiVfc'tMSii kVea' 'cool.3 4 - , i i t . a, r". a I . . at I 1. iil..a . J . . . I lii atVhUTaxm.ai.uaiiil a.rrwi L-to- rivjn,pf opHjion ah; vigbbpifi 1 i Vour hebzhbor Uorai2rwiii.iaLli I Aame man that rou do. do tkt!'-ihftJ I pt-A?iie-a jiirk,wj; ami ali - kim I Lard. Tiame-i, i. Dou't. ..jr-. ahoutini i w . . w i - -. 1 i - . i ' Wry jttiertajanXia ar uira.ir int. oefcdect tonr ooHon .and f nw V5t inake your crop and bjve o.ue- Viintfinihl at noujs.bjlortfyou'wotfc aad idt for any raadlda44; rii .your hos will bofoff et what'k ' foot yu.i wer: during tha-raiapa-g.' AUei tVi rrhary uioetiirgvUkaan InUaaat I u p-itK-ijind hecerta'n V, Tote., tha u4Khktle tLUCbut don ?runk I fotA t vbor,e by y'oUi"uUmur4to t seal And ttuca. a i uw J h 1 tn.n 1 . . 1t' ThlngsSe Nerrr WilhAcknowl o 1 Tlfbre Apb a- round a thing t that youaaasvi-ff geljavJjdy) oi tJead gUty .pf h!iB,oJdi ur ypigt4.l -Ti.a'la Ivraligbt- 1 liniuit!" 't.Tliathef sb.rta aref-pAmaVaii i,-p jtsheiatBojl nt, tjbalUjM, o.JJ ; piat ahe, ascaanj thjii fit , ppw a4rtl t-i vi,-jirt .4j; i ffJ ,.Wf. f-ui!s .OTJf Pn.m $W That 1)19 lJuabed yvlien) . you men-. 'tipped, nl rartvpjar gentleman's name.'. ; Jl ha"be say'. what ' ahe doesn't ,niean. , ... . - , , .... "Tliat ahel fond cf scandal.' ' 1 f-"That she ever flirted. " ' ' f ' l. H aVai A . na I' at 1 ak AA.al 1 ' I 'al. CHC Vltl m CVJ cw ''That she U -U love'. 1 ' -Mi'l'llliJ I Two o Linen at SHclnefi fiUirji5 bear Ahfurdv N. Y- were Uowii t i "atoms by the explosion of a lar.'e quitutity of gunpowder.-. rmcafeUdoTbTj lt:acl ':l Jin vfn'jc? r" '-,i'i'"To !t rl f r t. , cv; ' i ; nil r . tl. boy .will l - ' I ; a 4. a j i iu. . i. . . in m liijt,r,,t ' , l.ie.l w ... I : i 1 - - - 3 I.ywdyc,!. .;. , 9 4 '(be SihUzey ti " t! ' t '-' ' lirainriin r!iH" v ,v - - - r - '-;t. . r, .71 ,t,Sl1 ..!.... ill "... ..i aTV ftlWawfea a)K.a. ft 1 . 1 j-r itJMm.m ?liyU4j;U4'-.- Vy' t V -mwlMf aoy a "V v- . pc' kjiu.-. l.uu tic- l i i i f' n W ai r. r ( 1 (. "'-.It . -N -K I .-, III HI Mil IM I Ull,' ' . j Ur- k . aar. k -a r . 1 - ... -J , i wl 1 'Am V. 1 - 1 v j ,. taaia uiu tu;i . , . , i Z SI ttK "5J . .1 1 . tJ tMu L Ti .f .Kl .Story of a NecdUxsrso'i tlirtaeijatl'-wrtiniMc-.iOna t-riVP'cau hy4sttlib:i(aA'U.?A pti.ru JnafMia::3fcc-T; uw liv-msa &crjta.4jX)s!ite(Jll,kpllrJl J dlJu't come out tir . enough An my ppaio rf t koU jit itritnerHrk about every m'roCi aonewLefa or o!L lRdrxftapras..iiB"7uit"y Have it.' bU. U Ufa faofr - ffll i camsilaYinlasry ilhWilrk-fcrlVaV. VfVtil.Jaribtf-.ljrs an UreU tpuejaeaijrj pn R u-TcXw.t lurlha erslncb, aud sao ioa Tud Cjt healtlt. 8.o coalJu't be pcrsu-i Ucd yekro tne ' co J. a Alltl'X lt ;vJU Ut hiv lefVw rtoCa(JU ie bjth 4 JJiloftt i'aTcfy 10:1 B way prxusauOrrsr, l ; LVrl cyna-ed to rct rhi I pa l r 1-r tt kbd )ia.rJ!;Cn i !2e- eC & .v! A neetue 11 t ?r wv? do without lffala-UotlJ. 'irJA )mu acoot!uf "ft"!, foUr carry inz t'lat all otm clfne.'tt!i r-.e'sk'.a. ' , t ?'"' .7 IcI.eSLii balTiViVj!.' . : h'aiWryictrxlhAJl 'xi-J to clU I;,5 t.v I Ll-.. . ' :. . j- ryl frui-n:u; j lUL' a i " TJ JJLN KJ J N T I) - i T 0Ti:u7d t . Good acconmjoJitlort for ILa Tra - :. .aUsg Public . : . Tal-la 'arr.U!. wh.t1'-' .f; ,u 4 . . - . -j yr m ion-.ieelton with raj hotel, to aavey person any wlcw tLej nij LJ1 Ua L - - st

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