iTHEITANKLINTTMES PtJBtlSHKD EVTr.Y;! FElriAV R i i tej i i ; 1 1 0 L .11 1 - I riff !' i :! J Editor and -Proprietor. -' (,; slut i.JLJlJh'.Oo-j t t:i .7 Bates; i - 1 r I (Ulf J f. j.i-ii Une Tear SI 5Q i . . .1 ........-, ... ....... 0 Months ' I on VifUOIIAS Editorand PpriefcAAi with malice toward none 5 wit it CHAnrr: to Cubs of TgR (T&8 kP tsl f nmhftd i-; .-- -i'l.. a-rp7KIL22,..S887'' r ";' -t 1 -1, - " - ' ... - . II III I Mm . . t II: 1,1 ' !, . I 4. I 1 . N O .Ml I , I I i I J :40i Ky- Absolutely Pure. More eeonointcal than thordinary kinds, aad caanut be sold in competition with the multitude of low test; short" weight alum or phosphate powders. SOLD oklt UC A.N8. iiO Y A L B GO W BVvC O : snsr4 directory. LOUI-imRG..C, CHUliUIlES.- A MfiTHoDlsT-Ilev.- A. McCullen. pastor tt.rviejLBuTvery Sunday, moxniiig, and, nikt. ravetiuiKetmfe eve-v' ' WhesdaV nilt. Sunday schools o'cIdfeKlV,'0""1 B.vrTlST Rev. - Baylus ..Cade, .pas tor. Services 1st and' 3rd Sundays in each iag everU'fiUyjiit. VBjdlJecpulIlm Uery 9 v'clocklA. H4 V H rrff(f J-- tsstoKRS Thos;" ?white,s1r"P."Ni Egertoh, J. J. Barrow Jt Thomas. - . . CaSSTABLB Pinneil. ; I - Bjard meets Friday before first Monday tu each month. r A-'VJ -''A:. ,. -ioW i tin 7f 7f Vjfrt! n Trt:Hurer-rlJ. L.t!irftou. SSapctiatehdent of, Cubl Us Instruction J. X.'lUrr a r.Vir,-r, . Vf-- : '- Keeper Poor House .T.'W; rinnell. K"gtHy4tBJTBH-Br?4 S fc" aatMi Xotarv Public W. L. McGhee Frank- ! - 30ABD)F EDUCATION. Hi. Y. Gnlley. ' Chairman, E. G. Conyers, : . I B. B. MlsMnburg, .; f JN. Harris, Secretary. V ri$ry. Aprjtlt JuljrA ptemuer Vt b-r and December, i Vemaii ; i6t; three day if necessary, for the ; pur pose of cxaminin!; applicants to teach l:i the naMio schools ofFniiklih conn- i ' a i ATTORNEY AT LAW- r louisbubg;h. c. ' f: ; x Office ia the Court House. All hustnesV pat 1 ii hiy Hand s will receive prompt aueni.105. 4. CT r and 30UNfELL0Ifc at LAW. LOgiSBUKG,? FKANKLIN CO..N. C f 11 attend the Courts of "Nash, Frank in, Gnville, .Warren, and W:ike Gouiuies also the- Pupieme court of Nor th Carolina, and the U . Circuit and District Oourts,,,,,; D 11. J. mU&LOX&W&s'i Office forseliArtiWii'; Cooke's Drug Store, adjominc: Dr a - Jtegistar 4t DeedJl '1BalQ4(-M EW TltfBJM&fru.All oJvr?glet,b(itieiW worth all it cost,': aud ; j . . . , .. : ; 1 wijiiJft,irmifl wero taxed. ATTORNEY ATXAW ;. ,9oi LduisBUBG N; cj-r;l : .111 J Oj In d Office KlJtf5oirt TTotl? Day & Zolliqpff. ATT0ttNY&tW5 4 OJ 2. Cl nil Practice in the courts1 bf-Trariklhv Vance, Granville, Halifax, and NortbA namptoh--aud the Supreme and Fed e.-al courts of the State , ; . v . ; ... a 'A. HICKS, Attomey At law & rlctary Plic, , OXFORD, N, C, AKD . ' fjl T.UICKS, ':"t Attorney at Lair,; (! nENDEESON.K, C. . Will practiee together in th counties of Granville, Vance," Franklin and .Warren, - aid in all matters requiring their joint at- tention. v" :-" ' , . . t, We hope bv prompt, diligent aad lajtn 1 .ttntion to business, to deserve, and receive a portioa ef the law biprinesB ef ?I5 t'f iBT74KA,K T&tAT. ii 1 aiii laun our troubles uown.- . For all ourlittlc trials wait s ' --v f Oar laughter or our frown. 'rc? Beneath ihe magic of a smile,. -i-ZA i.j - vw uoats will iHd awards t ath thj gUaMiCray It pays to mace a worthy caused1 isy Helping it, our own; -'And leaver in Borrow-darkenc.tiTa, , uae gleam ot brightness tJiere. To eajer earnest youth; f ; . j ,1 " S Ttt'fftftfe.'Tritlnrllrtheii' wavwardnMa. VpieUirnd their truth; To strive, wttb sympathy andloTe-, 'v - , ; xnoir conndence to- win; i ,y'- It pays to open wide the heart f T : And "Jet the sunshine iii.', f t r Tltd Milk Rill.7fiiidilie Wage. (New .York Herald.) r TlifrlriTrcgTualion of the Mills jn Qongrees sh4wsihe laborinjg men who tiMrfrtenda are. U While it is in the . interest it ' & large prosperity, Tor all clashsei.Jan'i Trill, by cheapen inr the cost cCJprjt- cerjai oXi?jqSifiturecl fertods ; -n conuiiiou oi . auairs.. oi poiyrt, capittd: will take no advantagte4U - givaryjbrrgtt le wage earners by eTo them many ot the nectsai r ries ot llie at a low price. -4 i'i-rTJf i Worlcirikmeh all over t the i land ATC'-HK iP.WPrt h . matter ,o,yr totf trms,Y8f7 VAney nave ' fouiH tti theicorTtw id cost, tpat ii" protection, as illustrated -by Mhe JieDJiblican uartvl has no rereren'c?' tdibpirirA It is the most ; arrjiganU aogtna in the political economy 01, .trtw.tfinesfor jbeiv y o j-efcjETotrri topRtctical liiirdpan" the ? poor! man j lifts up hi hands and askes for: his ssuare oflhiSr-f.aven : born, heaven s"iit and milleniutd prcKlbchigpoli cy the ouly auswvr he gets is an at- tempt to reH ace hi wages. 1'rolec- into .such a in to such direful straits t hat e is forced ; i uto auS orgamration irauw? ( union, TCnirhtK of labor assemblv or what not -an order to maintain the fight to ex istU r He see prettys plainly what he ought to have seen yeara. 5iiio-it ,1.beeiriundea"ihto A his Jieap: uynara uocks, oy .uusuccess-, ful'stpkes, by futile protest inj ev er direction that protection takes mighty good caia of. thev capital ist, the syndicate, the combiti j tt e poi"l. the monopoly, but treats With 1, Jiaushtv disdain and proceed: on. Its way humming the sweet re- frainj The devil lake the , hind . ; Mr. Mills put the whole subject in a succinct and clear headed (wsh- , . . i . . .APCive w current oi our ares v 1 r U3 U ' VV firore tone, i 9t 11122. U fcafeilbeaTT heark H I OniH-essea with dull despair.- : Jion has drlven...iiu ion. ? At tne Degmning oi me war ; mat we neeu expect, reiiei. - - . the government i needed ;' money. xlXSce ptejtlfffei 1 had hjjht to take it. wherever j by voting the . ItepuUiij-Jickeii UiJC9(ili.Pu its finser ' ! jNo: ; it is the party of monopolist. , It in ibody grambled .-a The eou-itry jhatrTthftnrxiratte tHatls rfcr Jto be saved, and both dollars 1 and llutda'tSliesl no'inatter hew many - jUi were needtdi ; were placed at iis.commana. . at. wm wg "ft 'IViVI .uam m.nnr.rfiirM nnrl. riil l- j" kroads aridtusurance 6ra panies jancT express companies and bank; ,de every business transac- gfiout the North. We iLpod tne-tne Strain, great, as it wno, land weje 'proud of H.s 1 i l j CiifwvlttWd you, this taxation A ik tWpjld. ,It fell on the :ich who had plentyyand on the poor who had nothing. The rich paid hard cash, the poor paid high prices fjt the necessaries of life.j :v - The anomaly of the present ay Is that the tax on eapitalf;bank poflita, business, iucomes, lias beea removed. That was. natural, ajntg it was fair. No one complains. KJ But the tax on the poor min,- high'rent, the price of clothing anJP other necessaries remain, ana no ia pay in? them to-day. The war tax,) that fell on the rich has Deen ;;aooiK, loho thft 'wur tax that fell - Ori" n-l ui tha wocta earner in 15U0 iailS on . , t0-dayin 18S8. Ht dkes ec 'pfklritjfthatibrit nor lair;,,; V)w. ;t y1r) : p .? ; rTh'e. Democratic party itTiero fore, W 'ffjfrP ieflaoowr:. JtKe same bettefit ;which tlie country has .ir5a'Ki giveiTJtke!n Vniil ionalre. rEhat party1 i the poor "maiia part v,; Mfctee'jto .deals, jol of a republicanism which protects a cgmbine, aud ; lea veg j tlifc laborer to take care of hitiisetf a best IrekaU T . : itun 'i.t " Make Times Uctter. i V Vi! iT?iF?re' P,wsinSf along the street one day during the past week,. we heard K 'mW'4&)':yfc belie.v I'll, vote the liepublicjiii tieket: d 1 see if tViiies won't be bctter.' hle J W WtheVau t; (ia;; Vfaau 'and - the thodght struck us, How little "oiie learn from'expeuence, how ! sobW. the ilhj-Qf qthet dys are forgotten, . Wershujd the cause of tdngency In the mgi4 ey mark6t4 whiVbrought 1 1 pTjwi4nt Vm Uriff,itn posed upon the country ly't!e;,'llepabllf Afleo-hgTi lb i-Ialitn'aniair'flsia" ft'i Vr-of you.ig garden. Don't Ufic r1111" 'therhile Clot?V Zntt-,! W vrty. Weirdlrwtiy. ;int VrWiybtc-tt d aavVtee thekifow.'' uhriWin aud' '1 'W Jf K m betd' thaV : .re' ort bl the office off the Bheriff.':and'Vhe in2"nULaird''u-8lf:neHitalitv kf anv cow that 'has to he' mhkiu tirftWl WedWia txibiii syinmbtricili1 Vnrl HUr trtiM ierfeits WofWi. L.', jittpriey were lken lall at erne cjreit!a(')aajr e'Hbttut by. pbintins ear. ui ui our pocKei inen jnose-iwno - ?vi-i! ill ' 1 i v i . . locrAmiir'tor betterlipieg woald1 jviwre tire Tsboxfpinches v, hd t wito nilade it so tlgiit; 'arid. : instead piiolican ticket ' to hrnkt , tirneaJ "V!;5lf3rrla)ii aMerrUh'ey ;,wou1A'pWtte fU.1 hWka'orhU idendS?6uk toe Wdjty . Again, iHhey-would enauire'. ho1J.'?,.'t,lH ?.r WVPT0! rJ:-: Jl jHir; ; ;;Viviu - !..- . rft ffinl" 11 hfXKitNi an cnriMnna tliO-VaaW-Xlrir t It fTrPr ' ', I'.lntr - . . I K . w , , - -V, - I no service, they '-would know tvfiaV L-Vi i"iL ; - "t n1 he would realiie'lhat in buying his cviitriuupg ,!o 9Ma j vs j aac v a .9 a4ft. w . v tl 19 I mone, ?i ia-beniioardJ hi LxirUvhicn the-eev-1 LI1H. . . .'J. il V a ill 11 A 1 inn I CI HI 1 " . a 1.- m i. : - k. -iv .7"".-"- . i urn in o?i f li . . n iif.. I'l MirT.c cijTCiiu, uig millions juensipas ana. jr UialterS. , llieil he WOUld CrV Ollt I its syet er, ana compelling the poor man to remai ?yf)W(i4nilno KJ more.vor beuiu products llian . they. wouidcost iiimyhereJri. r ki . If the necessities of the govera- ment recittireUUie prentntaxifliCwe .woaklaU Mibmitiidniini-Jvjeii- dur lbrhrsaker IftegoV AT ment, but as tbe necessity lias long . - for it. TheJ Democratic' party'1 Ui now jeavosringtodira jrwy wi th; the &urpiMsyedociag-the tanfl' and it will be' only; by continuecTT iVotiog,fortthw partyv until both the Senate and House are, in its handa. the peoplej and isworkingjiard to. givef rlief. att(l)Bl4'.0 server. y.TA knowtlleuty Of uropai.ty owners wli weald udt "cantriblte tan cenia to"ar.ppb' a y4W8pijirf they J ktiew the fripjtlwouii ipdace4nuWj lion dollars in. oapital td locate. In the county every year.'' AerwioverIS extrac. tram WSiHLterr which tlw class named, are called j'flkinfliutal?,'1 There have-been J such roeu in all ages and in f air countries. They aia to the lmmimfarrdiyfirt .the drone is to lha bfciye.They glow fat on the labor oP Kln?rs,mt civilization ' and Chrifttanily; ' have save! them from beibg, 1 clipped" and have tlieir dayfw 'sj it; iBUCKKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. Tie beBt Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, uteersaalt rheum, lever sores, - teiier, oaaupna - uaaus, .chilblains, and-aU skin erup lioos.and positively cores piles, or no jay requiretl. It is .gaarabteed - to tr'wa tMirfrt'i : a-1 kiafiitrtlnnvr or r moaev refuudiMl. Tries 2) cents per box. rgraAiebx.fCliUi.- AGKICULTURAIi Cottou Flantlnp, 1 t r8out1iern.ColtiTat4r. i!s mPGc thatlchany rarraers think should be done ''in a hurry '.and Antbrtf eshialka VxpeiKhturfli 'of la.' ia od 8ylo. and with,. LLq KasYhiBor, but Tt iswcll to coujidr hat by tukng liulef u)je tuiie id tipr atj.plautip j,',mui:U future work 'oi aa jmproyed-iwiod f cottou 1 Tr.eie h H'rcrtyiMijilfcrence in the 'produc-' . tireneaa ii'thiiuiaerous vark!tiei'of- b lyailefvr fcaodfiul.! in a f Marni; 1 . 1. t i ii. 1 . 11 . . . 'i :i f ' B..W " T.iW vrit liinu.f .m.M. nn ..nail . . . i'l "n It TT'.. r , 1: 1. rail. I 1 1 V iui.w -v I . 1 ?' w- "5. g?' f u Hl ms auatmttVatius'm hllla from ced 1 JiM wWefully selected witli : ereuce symmetrical" detelJpuTerit j 8 ectiou the plauts have Ijoinri u: . . rf. ' . ... linuiu mat my ue reasonably cxie ' .. , .... . I,,r ea rrom ine area wmcu lias bei-,au- LriaUAte ha use. : , Uut tllull nvntm iK,i nnt r..onir. i.wirW Jm ow'e-fourta as uiour ada, wliich J thrc2 fore, may be the more select and coku labor in the'pfcit-' I lug. butleus iu the subaequeul cubi I it H Z' U I - 4 -ls adnaittcd .that greater care m iliPftpi41??? an early cultivatiqu'wilf necessary in order to secure, and. T3Rrmtefc aland, butia! hjhr My prooauie iha,t sucuriocreasea -ctre ic iham rapaldiby 4 th) ase : 4 vuwJ.wl,l.wu m - 1 itt anbaaAiiAnl nit k.I flliAS.MLl' t-iil atslmr Corn. nu tNashvIIleAraecn.l Accntlemau said to- an American reporter that nothing Wrntire suscept-. jiblelra thorough,, prevention ..than Is Ihe fa-Iuro to produce corn in a ril!y maiurea anu ueaviiT iruuea conaiwon. ence in iarnung 1 nave never naj 'tne "SliT3eSl'occasIon to complain ! fVthd evuwhkrh you rnentloo, at it has nev er existed iu my case. I attribuW&ils noTaloaS toirood fjrtTJhe.- but to-th weli-applieij pfoyisinns of anr esUln- i.siu i4c.; x Mttvis uu u, 1'oxi.ui lira grain to attain a ; prcper growth, re- curinrg;aUp and all . other evidVhccc ot imperfectTeyelorTinlnt are tracea ble to partial communication between. lue siia ana ine pouea, wpjcii cumin u- ftnm?tmdi ireflerullv tftiu-ilit abdut by agencies, wtucu are oiten wimnem 'To-1 the great detrmieut of the "growing crop. The remedy is to go tbroflJT' thoeld of corn when the kseljand th silk-are hi full bloom, a.d byibcli- ; 'dTlig alternately the stalks of adioji- ing rows, dust the pollen of one tassel . in any; manner which tnay , appeal ' mostxonVeuieat to-. iiag i aboutt tive desired commtniication. rcousidcrt& day's work so expendedjaf.tb Junct ure worth five ay8orl'4tajny pfch-i er stage oMhegrowin crop4,lTlie rV suit will never fail to;be 'satUfaciurv. I have exhaalfveTyeVbstTttedl ihtf succcss of this melluid of", application ,1 cutting off the t as$eia before ton lurity tf isolated rfields of. xorn ubd. 1 1! t ; i-Thb first requisite1 toward tecuruig a ! i'c'obtl." soiiii d-careful 1 v-seleetfed seed h c . v - . : t r i r,f 1 vii vmtTCth a brtro th4t will rabo J0PPilxSPthH W4,rfliBta . merit ouisls uvaud outt to depeud ' i ' L tiii f 1 ranre- rather an it,,,. rLn., JLj . r Upc'UftinouKlhaa n. ;ui;!s . oeire roiiua to be iinpan-?(f or derc,- ? ..M5 . , " u,u, empyrei- -- netrtMttv of iuahw ,7,i. . ,, stWbribuylngVWt lupine shou lmito, iurfd,' f ntccsej iouifol ami ltrl. .i-it- , , eed of'goyaVelectiom even if iofmW feiccl nnd' travipfi floVvb rtlmlC.-'HtslIeVryiw ?.i)f a fcaWafry 'dr falU,'Mi .' xnobr idALe gardieu or iu alto'rbd. It ibuntl good, at feaii Cr'ver 'eut. of theiu snouiii0 iuakef. yisorpu, liQalthy , that ruay be leu b a. bill cau be cotluti ettoa to TuihltC a Wge y ield the Inaxi 1 ; 1 cl- dust upon the silks afterward a pro r filM- f 11 ill . n'inn.. T 'J -u;.? i "'.'ii.'..' r l - i I --'l " -.Tl Y-7?' -?'"?s PT. V 1 1 1 1 i'"Sta Metea;ex.1 1 - OPed corii.' I know tl,Uui;tturtV Km J 1 1 : ' 1 1 1 ' entiCefuccp,sUaotfc l- W h l .wWlhiw .ur rn.ttloe J .--if r tU lroUluto.;;i;ryi 'W.tlicW ft Mmostdoraiaa for .. i,V rf ?J;MA -J,Ht r4 Kouh'tM!e'ss npVaVnVrf-rlm' Uhii ir0e W rakliI3C-rj and .iKrirmS'.- f 'V: U k. arce.''XlWaiV,:;'erj6,nV PTpartnS fir C!i worWhty Utt uX . . "'L . ,; U ."asetl yield. u 'ilr;r' :fl .1 c ,Jl t'.l-i.cuUuit fir lh6ms T-i tia'-trU :Hitlm"' W.t -.a, j.Ja Tr,T;-'-'7. . . .V , ; ' 1 1 ' - Fprtac!iIox contest for tt!t jr.0 W ?''rf 't'rvi-iUie U., V Prermuy IrftnrOmomlHtlieto: 22? if.r ' 'ijl Vi 1 -1 "ouTTj ' ' f4r" P111 tM,.a Wrtl.-Ui4' mcBJiil -Ley iUtlSiiJ . jvVQqea you cow $sksithe, KW ..audiappcarCnexvutls whatL vim jlt 4mT Well, .nol:meli. ebd duh?ti ' "she pne. co 'it rj j. 'J.bfl Mse.plobaccpT puts f a erious uuim?aoTlTl9rF is.ij0ilpl9yr rneufc o, wnicu,tJt .rrvommenife liuu: unreuvnyojwsjto ecu- nyction, witl, nbiclvnie,rbi?lable --rjfotal.didk-al Uiso' kit :vs-iii.lnes vrkl artength n iiivii kiivt n ion uuuin, WIU1 a young nun .wupiu .tncy( arc to. tiicoun Kir coiiaUhtly in iinp.irtu.t, jqlations. ji jlvarejy, u)tU-eUj would jus y laanjiini Ueh'gitien to aaetupr.itdue of "to- Tjacc'recthuiMciud tlio habit' as a1 wtae Aad.uCiric'erii pie'to.a V'oung uian' itt rarely Ukes U bpat b' faalcaird bif fvv,, ""- tuc. i tlieir excell3;U;iesi ' A 4ey bubu gotten bejuud ibTslinripe' ago. so preguaut wuh moral tnaUna, without the habit, ds'noUiitrgW It '-'to Vppeiil io: his ri'.iwMff' taste abd cxDerience. ! " T .t expebse'of the tobacco habit tf aerlo-waud uticompcusaOd ' burden oh any -'young inau.'"Ybe'ecbubaiy fs ' an, essential con'd ti.iu of succcs. Ab- tjineuci Iron WB. pernicious: .iircoli u;oniUlute ai ocuaonsy Lirge Venouh in Itself to be oF considerable 'Unpor lau.-4oDe which iu no wav UU'r feres pt grc84 jiuci Jl clT-Un pro Vein.ij 'i, and oua which tends t remorij . the eirtatioui tijrdj!ence and .wasteful-ess. in many; directions. . ' ; . The funds which a joung;fmaa a dieted to the ti-e 'of 'tobatco dvptai to tlib hidulgente are rjuite suffkieot. ifrhis meant are..: s. mall, iox serlousfv a-educe. his chauccs of success in l bbsh- aesi wiiilo lU'u f'tfin, tu texpcuuitUre" -:ul.ofiifluUrJiiate aud pcecludt very vksiiablbtMilbva f.jr.aufcULaudi intel- iotctual-rujoymenr. He often ha!to choose bcLwet n , tins -one habltJ with' Llia'Ea vorabl a a s soia tv'ia, jil d n1 largut vsricly, M truly l aaiuabrc and wJi.Tlaooie i ilea sa lea td be won ht - a cheaper rtitfe. With lar less :dan?er to ' teal tlx anu lea irejmJiLe topArnianent BU0Tfc4s:'r;:r ji t...i.n--f bi j ut Stir..' no ii .. .". I .! A ..lfi i hA.ipi0-rter oiJkrirohiuitio ryonr nusDatKi ims tioi visaing i sa loons V r,,:;M' -'' ttJ j.VXei,',JeeJfi!llB: promise me jwbeu .heiweni tintOM- business I for himself tliat he would uevct ?d In. Ide of a sa?ooj asrajn, and he ;ha4 kept his -wordi' 'It must be. 4 at tug.1 gle for x)r Ueorge, but lie bear ;ipheToriciilr.'-r- i:!i ui J . uu?V.hat; b hi buslneutf nw.V He keertsadrui store.' tj I ,EIad,iFirmerM Pl.'jroor :ahyt .tltiild: luhfuJ l K"1? W ..nBUinr. Mvone-toSviaU'iftiJ V-oud 1-3 t'm.-.. . vs. au Ilusl fliH hr h.I 'Cy1 h "ot nuiUelouaad VHveit nkAat,VIo-tUb.,Vfv ran J pipe, Uueaud:npumpUig.statfv)h. I ' " nnia5 wiucn very allUr-f 7 vx4.i-W'wa aj. oony. I i. ,. :i ! rf , ' I. wuisioa is a trodd rimy. I ' r.-r. . . .Aounsr Jlen aml .Tobacco.' fire know:. ooTlt 'kAru "i J I iuv ;5:;."t 1 cr ..puaju, aiionm. wvorv ftrt;stlcft prevarication., concehilnr . 4A wW.7t ' lfeyWjTO the; President 'were out .ifn5ii br jtuJlSib t deceive objectiou when any itoaitlon .1 . ' . J l" -f , FT te txusl. 1 uudeV lTMer? I 1 Z Zl X, 1 ? ' U C 4 kkka3 Into . llo,- Itlow'e'ra.-.bii 'a.siArlattonlriVeri-mariyuh t.Waloutvare tbeUtt.JwJ.1de rr srnoii).najWHsliuiereatu jitr niany' rivatio-iivxwuiagTo romance. .rui; ln -t t-f Jj , -' .-.At fathers wulfl.Viya ilJdfri counsel Uo tnalhematle both: Yh- W-xmi ri'lA Hr ".WP-i . ,; sails y-iUo-ry oa the 6th. 1y W krhe'est I t&$ti$ ' erha'nd;rfltyrtiiw tneudacims tliebreni to ecrattoct V fl,tratidhsSiKh,fr,e.Uteit lul I Would X'wiW'great urelicV Uie cfp' rdetflOTisfratfo which ts.tartioz , fi foa 1 arU .mer,havuiSfeavlie4 aiature age wlU- are favored apus .of Dilal ' HtnT brifeht xbia,' ftbm&roil gkctVnea . luut. b&tiaJ acduired the i. liable 'verV tlirlr fWarr r ov. t.,.. 't..hki.iV hvii(niv4W-'an'U.....i ratal' fl-iv "1U1 (nnoMca Nflll be ai 11 Wls;f ,TCT'r'V,''.irTr-irn 1 j T carmmaiea Ihe-seives. II. M -ii.u. - If; V I -T 'r' "rH,e,J rn'-t."aT lfno .... . . r ,wou , l,:,r,AIUcI r' r,'.V. ,,.'s,T1Aoces and -contribute I nis meuaaciUcs.. . ; 1 ,lfW- OeveUiul Ure-man nated, 1 BS;soeiu5most ctnin:l ,e cJ. be' Vt'a'p'ar-il t I. . . : . MUh Ihemr: 'Their TaUelioodi have limits and the are TOore'rirorraaT1 M t$$'-T s tltao Hie Hrxirrer-'or lies." i tlieY' sbbtle' master.' ' Thev" are ik' hi 'tl. .J . . i ea. aflPV lf har-n !.., t l.iw I the campaign ver-y Viitni, wiia. www iitetiewspapers lie able 1 rials are uarf oJ bj jgopdo aatise. i I .todd Ittihe drear surririfer nloiithsT lot V0.. d.mId ,.ioU$ eolotun, tr t lv H u ttf a, jJL.. ..-vV .L--":.i al oS'e" the 1 taoa t Tu tl Jlu . thatglortooii 6K1 head-lineV1 r-AkoniEa tic NAinyv!j l DONr EXPEUtlltNT 1 31 ?5 J ( a; Aoawi45tacora'io wite tlme in fxpertniuaag.wU4n .you iuoss' iri in; danger Cousuinuiion tdtrivM M. . me it eemVaVflrst, only . cold. Do not pvri:i abrdealer to1muW wiUsaonuj cliinwUhiirif,- w ;.i JW &n.wIiivti7forr1,omp.J"!nW t. turn. couglia.tand cld.s.f.batb 0terJfnlol,,fi1c' i l .... .... .. ....... gftircllefio iir tbrflat; fui.s imdcSeit I bO t a ' t a 1 . ,1 1 "ill i . rrrr. . j .. u:m. ''H,SO0NDjaEOAlrgrisiOK7: 'EL B.mbri1gel M a2r.lay"E';; 'doo ly Alt., C.ayne.ajntts'Ttiaa k,jf : happy. 1 epulis. ,Mf, Ixo br was aUo very low aim mm.rial fever an 4 jsun iiee, bbti wtsca'rul by t1melfuao of uiamediciiia.- -Am atisflrd KLctxio .,Blttr aedhif life.T-At .. : . Mr. D.. JJtWi!cojcsoo, tf Uorsa Cave Ky, ad-ln a' like iaUinouy, ayin; IlerpwtivttlybijIIeycaLo Wuold.aava dietlyhad it nut been ior Uct'ric Jilt- ( ,1 uia great remedy ,wi'J ward. DT, well as cure all malarial d sea'ca . , f.irall xiJaey,' Uver and jloma- a!,J 'orJeri atjn d l;ni-nntlr ,t ' W'aW ciUte freoueGt! or let 114 4 fr "-u fi f W' irfall ray laoatl 'jtrrr.; e tbat.if ttiey(i 'il! ktu: ihjr, lKurdaod,reipeeuHtt (i4 oomi aaHntafu tu tTtfa RrlVUla r- m ( .M adidjfll4kk.x4 count. . I and not Ucaute of the LVoiacUt I Aue-iarjr rii a tsxttun , M.mlZ 7nl m''' .att!?ir2. ' WajiuaWin .'thtf bio. .. ! .Vi':: lUrDCVlira2Ar - t 0PP',t nfilm'ilir'lidiea I -. -i , -wt.a ra' lrrriai f;- 'I ina'R?aR,slIHiwciis. ! nviii ' t lIABfEU-S UAZAR ft r-ol 8S 0 HAlll'KK WrtKKLY oIU 4 ij UAupEu35!rou.siEcpri: .4 I'-at-- fry, ii I S aL6ri4eri tba.UniKlS'waWa ot,cav!a., s I ,T,'t e.Qi.vr., will irW aYsiVtMbef Tor '-J, TbaVUuuiemgnhelcar will I... U ir 3 oi eacoru-j wucooa wc44 In .-- . I Ii f Or. ra In. . ft . . I . .. . 7 T " ,a? a,r,iM FCwa3isXXarT-00 p T T - .ia I -j-ISJiripj-warr hots lo"cof . 4ryriiramtjU,tn l W VT ".'l- HA- 'Vj ' 7.-r . . .V2,EUrTCrt- t'-ft-Saaa 1 fltoi L '"lfl 1 n.t t .. ' t i 'aTt4 rtrii any- )f , . "I . , 1 n r -. 1 . . .. 7r' -f1 ..It:. , a i

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