J It? r Tir:r3 - , . aa- i : f Ti t Lii ' ' f f. (7 V j J sf;rn (.'11 Tj il'Ulrt!HV(-,; ,1 Ttt 'ti i: u a TKirrr iTM ES. av-UJ A'l " j ' s Editor and Proprietor. f '1 - ' l"iM'1Jn.- i ok I .1'i.R '.liiv--ji II: . The Tin m li tL- x : Rates : it ?! per ati its -! U $1 50 :o l;i jnb lnlii.;i; I CT' . I u.n J I"" .... 1 I . , , IvaolUiU and koj.i.i; couati- -11 1'X. 11. L TOTTA'n p)iL f uu JtToprieior; wttt nushedat8l.4. . J :; I ILL) i l-.,.Tli Il,to ili-CfrV Ue;oJU VOL XYII. rr . .. 'J-l .t . Oae Feat . - v j ' ifOm yifl Ju Of 6 Months r : ' - . : i" 1 V- - :,,.. . , , - ' ' - ' ' ' v V" Hffiffi I ,; ; 1 'J 4fir.;;.' 1 ... j 'la OP; ! f vv r?nro Xdn fa ,,,,1,5.1-) . r-. r 'Tm -t 'J Absolutely. Pure., ,TlupowJtr.ever,.ina.ris. 4 m,,i v. Iftfe eetfaortl&T than the ordinarVkindr ana eanaot oe ta d in competition with th multitude of low tett, lihort weieht lam or phosphate powders. Sou oBir IX CASS, v E0?4kBAKM.o ?OWMfc,Co.J V LOUI-liURG. N. C -CHUKUHES: , WV MKTffdDlsT-Be v. AI McCHllen, pastor ft It J V "r ,T; V',ul Vet PM" mZniXrftJZ iasc ererv ThredaynighV; ggndty SchooH uYOB--tI. 1 Ellis. I i t.nrt n " - lligertoit, 4. J. Barrow, J. Thomas. i3siusitftjxnog? wane Board meet Friday before first Monday ia each month. :dvf'-.fvt.T.-j Saperior Court Clerk A. w Pearee."- iteiinrer d. r .pinion. -T''tsr.yi Snporiatttadcnt of Public Instruction J,"N. Harris, f-;''";-' -"'i:----:..'. I IC!U4r Pnnr TTnnsT W T!nn11 - ' r u-w ua, w. A AH " .. 4ary Fu llic WV JU i VcUhee Frank- . a. T j - BOAliD OF EDUCATION. N. YrGalleyV Chairman t r - K, . Conyera,' ; - ...i The duperirffeifaSift willfeiTLouts buxg on, the second Thursday of Fel ruary. April, July, September, Octo-l-r an 1 ; December, fai.d remain for thre days, if necessary, for the pur pose of xauiining applicants to teach i;i the public'tcbools of Frantrmcoun- B. MASSENBUEG . ' ATTORNEY AT LAW- I.OUISBrjttO,N. c. Office ia the Court Housev ' All business put in my hinds wuJl rfiW.!Tfl nrnmnt.ttnf5nn ?i A llt v w v w aj w www w vcvurvr . 0. M.COOJlJS. ' ? -i iTTT and COUNSELLOR at LAW. LOTISBTJUa, FBAKKLIN CO.,N. O. U attend the " Courts of N"l.. Frank'in. Gm ville- i Warrpn ' an A Wake 0 oun ties also the Bapiemaci court of Nor th Carolina." and.the TJ - Circuit and DjsTjycciiyrta. rrtr -y l'nu V y Mi D S.J. E MALONK ifflce 2 doors balpw jForman. Caoke'8 Drug Storesdipingt 9 vvcrv duimsr. Dlnrnmir mnii 1 -.'-..'I-- J with Whicrrto-defame and blacked TO W TIMBEULAKEr- J7BI jO!!1? :of f the'' Soirtherja : . Ofice i Ke Court House r ,l J : IVSl.'.l Day : & ZolliCQffe!rt ATTORNEYS TMLAV CJ fl HENDERSON K C. 1,5 Vl Practice in the courts of - Franklin; V ance, Granville, Halifax, and North nampton and the Supreme and Fed erateourts of the' Stale--r-f &f::f: A.HICKB, K .- Attomj At te i Hctar? Piillic, nr.' t. hicks, ftafcH Attorheyiit Ljht, ; v HENDEILSON, WiU practice together in the counties of , Granrille, Vance, Franklin and i Warren, and in allmatten requirins; their joint at- ;. tention. ; v ' . " ' ;--f . W hope by prompt, diligent and faith- fal attention to baaiaeaa. ta Hnrr, mnA veeeira k portion of the Jaw batinesg of ! tro lection. ' . 5 wm4U' CA PARTY. a J ul- tlK-os suit ;i -Liunja ' FOR ITS OUTRAGES AT iW ) SOUTH-His ELOQUENT HdoVD.'WV VborheeanWi.l t 'tTH ATT.fnrtloii to re- message was remarkalbv fine In concpn and delivery. There has beed ion no in - j TT Mhavtl fer ""."r.ie ureeQ:' uy the Rpn ih. can party, he said : ! "Twentythree springs and stim. mers have decorated with fl.J0N tlvs ttraef Ihfe dea'a, mifi as minv them with funeral ' leaves. Ind shrouds of snow, since peace wh Hp. ciatwera ia the fiiid, anletkCthilatfeiWa campa ?n f"-va animosity is again de ciarea against tVe people of he South, their rights, their security M 1 A I f T Jr - 1 uu vueir gooa name. v ouvu ma national contest !s solid against their party. Mill 801116 n the Other side of the r T 1 1 r" mesiignt 1 The special anger of Republidan ' iteafoy&titMkm& the vL s, FT JSTTeno3rtogo "tfuraan 5; nature. nature. tell inn hrkor tiia x . i. ' n J?. " could be other, than it 1s? You had political supremacy once from years and more after the war vbu ad asceencylto everyState W JfgnJfCuth; yea e!;ct:y . -TatJlTcaiiGr'over r- cco ad kgjslatures ia the; ,- x hatf thefpiirseS ' ; to cor- lupt; th sword with wtiiea ia-hw timdate,; and a:Republican Col gress 'aiid ?resideat to enact and io enforce all laws necessary for the overthrow of individual and State -You seized upon the enfranchised negro and sought to organize aid hurl him against the peace and s curity of political and social ordeV, ana tor a time and in many instah- ces you succeeded. iouana yotir allies who n nt frpm-'the rth nQtj "alliesf the Cjniier ut ks fteS2kerUuo- ac! der, swept down upon the helplesi eoutn lite Hyder-Ali upon the Car natic, and left scarcely a veatage from which to hope and with which to rebuild, except its i.ever failing aoiLand staunch and snlendi1 man. iiAnll ' vA., j r,. . l hxiod. You despoiled 4 States of their resources, and you dismantled them.of their credit. ,r You issued their bonds and securities In the in terest of fraud; and hawked, them on the markets) like counterfeit pa- TMr. fWr or.anythins vou could trtti I - YW m vtigations, and flettornmitteBS and ' commission?. Composed of your bitterest parti- !An1nteifJSouthfor the, put PS together and 'put ting in permanent form the preji jf.dicesk'bf - vagabobds and ' scoundrels people. They were procl timed in SQieejhstances as bandits, '' and in i6thers5ja5lo biitlSaharis. You rei rtdly'tfljB'iTid honest elections w'fcrf ihiii results were ' fa vnmhik j it vwtirj . r iH ui guuu oruer oi so- Itletyi khd V&htVb the schemes of I'ZLkJiHij 4uuBrera, , x ou W0Ul have overturned the State " govern! ment of fyuth Carolina in 1876, ape agaia sacked ! the substance land, tn credit of the State, had it not .beei i that ,a giant 8toodjalnKypur:?way , upheld by the public judgment o ' the world..; v ',. f L.; Yoa provoked collisions betweei the two races in order to justify military usurpation and to infldmc sectional hate Rt the North. ; Sir the career of the Republican part) during Its ascendency in lhej Soutt was a career of crime, unrelieved by a single . act r tending.; to promote the education, - the -progress, the prosperity, the peace, lor the happiness of either race, white or block. It reared and left behind f . PHifei t6 trTe: i! Htd rarande. JW; HSPwTOe W another for 'seven ,4,IUJ monument, nf nrfitnl. anqulref'WhyUand howi'ab'd- tatly ireraenqous held on the prostrate South, and slack 'away to Hturn no. mT2jpreveir he wiJf be aar zled . tofgJ n ?J ejQ detaiIs,Tut he -will flually write that its administration throughout all that resrion had hAoritnn aHAinrrJWiL ' 5 1 Iiii 31 "WiVtole ascandaL fiJl nethe. cfvilteed world ithlts futi. opinion inen ftnrf iva,. mer uRmanaea ltadowMall knddr,' industry amlU fth . this mrtv--.fr irhncn I j v - - .7 a w... n BBann v"".v, v lumo i.u resoive ana threaten theBcttthertjprjrmlrf WdJ their Stat fcijgj. igt j weivume u oacic again into power with all its unhallowed memories and .its predaceoosr rinstincta'i and ' habits! Aa well yod'tnfcrht eyhei!: a frontW-'i-eltiernerit 'to 'we.dom'e!1 ahatw.ks and sniping. knives;- a iuv. 'V Why gape and wonder at then, suit of the election a few days ago in iuisfcrpa?jTTheffe isothTi! in the To.OOOjDemocrafic .riajoriy: to marvel H Atas si riipl j it he overwfielminprotyt ohe people governed by the leaders of the Re- pubHcan partyaijjhe,,rily won der is that the vote was not unani- ""itD .si- Ciller s-; ' They had Jn former times seen i vcfhraent,r!pa3a.Un'to; ", '""' with a, deb - , r d t ft ey-tin a 4een ce ot tonryearr Bnancialiy ruiriedriahX dishonoredy iffmyuntii$us dbtf of 50,3 0thotl3ofdJy4 isiana of bolh races had witnessed iworse arid more.hqrt gq?eHJ jiawless camps, alIliTtleflofehy ielection they mpfyRleh?- ?u-5V7ff. ?V,cn 2 Yerpment rnq mom f foreverl1 3 1 J 1 A 'Wl ; FiyiaujiQcuoni iiate, c to tii proposea inauest leffialAtinn.nr k I Alir0mVacnuseS tW 1 i r - v"w,iqwmuon . ""-jwLUiiUoaaimea.sarasU introduce ae uere, ana m tne other branches of n?r e.8p,;J,li -Pf wonderrorj r.w6.v.j uuco uui oeizM upon a coun- I uponacoun try afflicted with Wwlessness'-'atilf d with lawIessnees'-'aW political disordsr.; Capi; teeVlntfme6trfn SHMai aad taflote81nJt land of crime and lnsecurlt vl libsK' nacn mnn nftf tfiirrtt Ihnlr to the homes of criminals find out. t r . laws to make newgaje fid to increase theirgains.; Let the condi-' uon ortheiSouth tdayf nterpr , -!itu"tlJ6 F niee iProp v"Mv iPeveioDnieni, since left: m m - K If- K I I b.UUll. 211 iair?, ana a c fin years, ifl- alCahlJgrcat tldusl'rtaU persuits, is to the minds ofthought ful observers a marvel In the hlsto- over 15,000 miles of railroad have been bullt on .Southern soil, and FfcoyeT, , ieoo.OOOlOOO 'have been put into the - cofifudfiSh roT; uu no ujprovemeit ot Void roads in that section of the e6untryT Vithlh the same ;: length of; " time the cotton crop has averaged $300,- nsnuuuurai . prouuets t upward of 7CO,000,000 a year, and tfer value of the entire Tproperty of ike South has increased inure than $1,000,000,000 siuce.1879. - ! -In orders to show stilt ' further .tuat tne sound, consOTYatye local : .SSIvernments of the sVphjave en- i wuragiueir own citizens," as well 3 cttlzWdf theNok'h'and'omal0 rope, ,to emtk.in a xvida di ty pJnWjept?rprjsesVand a3 vftrsi-. 8how- iu,l u Mieir araw unaer Itepab jBarrataria very fariokk I m uutf sir, suppose we permit the III ff.e T97 ! lgrQwJJt.ial8&7feJdbraTxlred hith Andwhn Ve ?! to tM bf t the 8trcce6sfnl labors ofC the t4jr?a 7-5 Kvjufcii-tiju cause 01 uicna t&JUIli"ctoatIon and Chrlstlal religion, we need no I er wonder that they are hopifu. V W.Mut.jqi.eir kreai. IitatttM.iuHi'i4i,.f..r: .,ti.i- feer thktrtieAfUrcrttieIr. piiti.J 1 u...i"V"r.L . : .t . o.- -"- " v : er far r vT. " Ji 'J TJJ r nil iiimb ruff law. iit a rm 1 v " xvviii nainui UV UCllDteS. tus, and wnwhlch IrA skyjand .7.1.: Utli If a new race had arisen; not of hew M"!1 Pr?- gifts .nhtofore knoNvo, but-of a .ipeoplt who -more ekhtwee'4ttirlM and a un for. half .reiuiieraenta, Ajf-Uho loff lest manhood, who were foe men qnr worthy of the North-men's st , atj wlr are Aretyen now , wc of American Imbrlte, effectlon, r.;. i prije every v here, . Kvherl cairel up5n before the; pie of ray State in the upproruhL- .Wissev Ki5.tttaa v'r thirt; years and more, to answer for H .a conuuet ot my iol tl il frier. ' jf the South, may I -net rc?po-.J wib -fh4 W?rhPyoPP:-;' cf jthe miirhty Nazarene T 1 f '' fruits. Do meaUrithit ?tea r thorns or figs ot thlsVinf . ( Jk. once Planted In thefriiras bfefi ktordpythWbb(s, iiltJthat the- goneeeariftgyBcti fruit, fs tOjft eiing.undel Aiobthtn sky If. perennial bloom and beauty. Th W3SlJt0l2rthe Southern moun tains are pouring forth their wealth fAMrorf and f bOairlrkt' Al OTseafid5 Wtindiess'sod prod ttpWS'Of'that Count rv mmhlnJ to I i - I - n vt aYdfih there more amlta"! IS r? iffaSrT?et1rwealth than he-4 .t".?. prosperous ages heretofore av'kroVfri az 1 1 " j ?T'h WuWis simply rising to Je7 pTvClOth her gake WOrl XtheattoucdiiJoJLBlavety, with a soil of - nnnnr.v..M. . w-J J'.eonditM with Umbevwt$r! tdw t vr'' .n.rWi" icsuurues, pracil liX-i: iSO extent, and with4 01 a propagating garden, It ' bewilJ der th most Impiar Irxflpatio ""omul 10 erasD her randitinA it hundred years honcef,diI tfVfti fir y,' , Wiya quarter of a century. It ' wdurd'seem, in view of her en f) t I f$uTH5qhe sublime J conceDtibn fan(I words of Milton might; with1, Mety be applied at this 'tilie warA.iz. .'i a S"1 I see la my mind a rfo. . : j - a i i . a we tpa pvlssalrtl nation . f ' i - . i I rousi "i'l O' sntjng nis li og nis invin cible locks.' Methinks'l see her al An fMCrTa' ranawtnn. K.- I tit irTnrdOTy beainl purging ! and unsealing ' her loir aDusea sight at the fountain lts4lt of Heavenly radience; while tie tie juoise oi umoroos and 'flockid irj tirds, with those also that lo r4' the1v,niight, flluttei about,' amaz d at what she means, Und Iri the ir envious gabble would prognosticjlel and fraternity ft' Creaking from morning sky aqd' atrwmijg? Inio' our darkened wtndQWs1ijkTcolh eth'wUh'thermornlngRnj Ai , tfe flocking birds with.Xhr? -,eav"iousi gabble can not reiauij Ajtiris tr tarn back its beneHcent 'auris r The Souths in' anal as much" ai 1 wliedvij great Virginian, the great ; Ameri- ,v .ivi p. iu tea, Jivll.lJ.lilli is peak not of the New So urTBcxioni ana fer:'BpedITyiahd mvm Wo retommend this Mid- of phraseology, and i no rh.nM Ur Wvnland cura Xrir ' a'h ''r 1 : mii uiiiii n gBttnoritHi'i'iare w accmnnuan nil it iitiv; Lot the dawn of the cdinina.d perfectxiaIcxf rnnionj'I mtto'nSUItl. Cam Udthrjr forces' of liiion frotri CyhkeF ir.:! ta ,s4iiu3etbi.a,nd8nahiCiirotlna b"ayr t t . . . . li M ttsaiaBmDracepGaorsi-rs(th4 beer onr-vTfrtlll.-fln l Tat.. trJ 1' " i . yynviiuiion ti poW en ejual terms .with petU server- "fi- Im yexT itiAnf TTk tri ' . I .. ,ed, an.tcpursed, asirajLiefactorkof .tlheirkipd!,.bet fhose'.ho, parhayniqpen aodmakQthem .bleediiafreshj tiiS K1? uiA detr.mlned attempt ,wpsade during the watf therefceluon7An"d ltlhas: beerv-cgnLlnaixl .suxce,) 'to T WJ 'pvai clva as. well 1 ii mlUlery iloaieri w-hoTemaiaed true tjth0 Wro'or' trat Ic pa'r ty , aa at en w I tr wltht the catise ct thTJttlort aadJirt an. hUVt ante' of setitlriient1 at' reastwHU tn ; "VC " trJr4tt assert- ttat tbn " '-" " X 4or?aif of'thr1 nilHrJ will 1 T . -.as'Al nen3rlckAel G.4 ..urr. , Wilh'Am'Ar.icbafASh.tnd ; '..vical a-ssocfaees antffiifrTawe h: .freitdred,btitl thaftlis ."deawfcUnd rWHiUia totW ana moss .acred righto ' of 1 mrrlcan. i : I?seasirip weald , iawe : beeiti aWeot awiry mfe-bllriUIug'siorio xk k&rtUn ; wratWhlctf iwaV tiol t tWn tlr rnl',1 .Oirntiiyl. mn.1 . ,t a ! M kezt Ihe (trimoria ttrAM .k , ' - "V.W! U J ,UiC - r ...T:;r -.i4 i.ae - capon ll5.ra ; W WUf coast w W W rei f membered with gratiuiJe- ioeg a W9 oesi pnotiplea dr freo'goremuicnt 'survive '-n:i "tn:t l:.".!i I t.i-A avwuuairamifi or uiS;30Te mem ia nowncorurf, after l he In of Veari, ' jh Ihtf ha'n'd s W f'fie"l?eiao crafloponyaoa U te.fionae,1 f.' jl' gxeat trust has btea wortby -ct lu 1 is- tdrici.fahiev l .Suoe tAwpprtiutnlenU J verdict of the American peopje", ioi Nd veml eMrrtwieWwill -be tlmt" thhrA' naVbeenhonesCaitllo',ioVVfn'mlnlA aodthal Itahallbe rotrriuW.,,r mJ .n-rl it. nri n.t: (.i :n rM .From the Jw'ih t Fri' "Previ 5L1 L6'ut; mi mm 7 xnu luilulji ul i'atcut MLUiiiuea la the exceptWy raiber.thAu : the rule! we mean that beneficial results frfci kucit uw ro ti j rare inueea.1 ' 'Zldwj ier.nui njaperfwe are irpf rwl t- , give our testimony in,favrriofSIialUiv berger'eAaitlote forf Malaria. . Our endoraemeuC U iTot IbasedW fjeraoi.V 4 wastlflzinrTuericei.' lr'Ternhirt tit be .h,is f riij.ici'an; ahaveai,rte. r scnuedi3faalreDbei j;ti?s AntidtHe-. ahd. tVif)ewt6s ton the boundinffrrairie alwjuld iBOk; toobeea f3KUd JhJceJsiBd-Mto wUh txxaoodrvui&vi Uaf e! ajaorsed ) EiectrkiIliUr aadD!ii EAnn'i Xtw 44is:LtJiaf ta hrh1chilTahreA)tnnj rufoa.'iMtu fc-jmodPi!.: br.o r: uifl .j Bumptiou, cough jd:cold?MplJbn,i jwTiijsMfcjMHiT ' .:r t . . . careless-UIiUrVfi: Ut.ald to haVe figured in acnttlog cthpeitirr ,rr JLiL .1. .tlKJtlXNU.'XUNtcX', iALVE a J(J trt tMIre In i the wAr!d' fbr cuts, Drnisei, ore.aTc b rhelca, 1 jever fcrci. ieutr, tr.p. j L.ad cuiiuiaias, corns ana an ski: eruiv.-rt . -r ' 1 For .sue by J. B. Clirwn.- : f.vuiy,-!xerupuoDhi,ireB .atcknesnf .rUjuad'ipfittt a fprUnie U'fiali'tuijf ita: 1 JIW hl I.I - - ' i p w a- k: ax a - - - w nrr in vm m mtt. .a i hilm Al- .rit... r i.i.- ' .iT. "W'je-i-ttna'Iu office'. ndwkVlm Mi .'-:ftrtt i reJ- ,erWho.'e bt,I UlW',irni4.Jrar(l fW-h. Tt''-i'oar.areerf kgl .uYngto'ai te 1 terf-cl- liti,fiaU; rVbirmbJ uvua. au i iji.iic i tu ri iul i.rnnj i reiatmwir -rrKseiiioents'Der'bA'rf- t I i4 i! ) 7 .vr. ,ff t VT'l-'rrtV, If J'JfT ta:a a ruoJIBt U Ue uiit.r cf tie 'non fM't: fT lite 'AuJ.tor brhrmr.MfeCt.ts prestut and utl Elaclrar'tin' emu afrjollc rfiinne'r Yoao'io'hlm:' U Tfci VoMfeattoo ' rf'ftnV' r'arfa; Lt turt -mu ct tn rested".. In koa r reouoaof .ucha'drs!re 'and W'. iPPMrtvidiriiC tLefwr?eVlair!'ext!a. paBVWptcUullj ui&hitledli For K i'Tflt tuttith. I fcqairk' W Irora U Mctioos f th: tiie5 yorulaa.aHp ,foi: Ayfad tka 1A fMiTOitf'&WWW ,,T.VJ art y rTO.Wai JW tart "omjPtttH .During tUse same ta Months,! liara etu Jtept Vlo4l j :o flped. aiid oij-tteniiboJHrtlrJl a! 1 .WttbytLeattro.anfl IiyJ f. .ji."nzrmfvx vciByurliUj9 It bas been n4-)lrMKtn Utjerl, iajjioAAiU.-me-tTT- VrU to ray r0Ctt&Ul inoirt 'la' tiierntayrJcaW.and wUbes in the premU-netS''rt? SrVeUltj fcr' wwco, as 1 iAt a Aol Kdiior iLW aritlrlV. ' VbickobtAtna fOTtftkiUiej)ubJicicaitf aC the hands of th. D-,...f. -; argc a-ainsl enripg agaia .b'e losncar itndv nr ir,;,,;.-..! " . i ccniure but nt',.. il. Dleaaurti In l,n-i " , toerye: Jibew ia-aay rfn4 . errry W .otuker ah4nkIT aulr-.lr. iJ. aa odk?'w1ta'no:fAr.Tr "3t a made, tAlse ttr UuntJr i ia I TO pat dMire(i .nlwLi. . . . . I .TOlwU .ctve rajQlury in (hi f9Pcut as a caadidaU Tor U'w -Auditor nt TU. -irJoi-. . I . .uw iul otaro uoaTfn" ttTwwhWh:ttf,s lhUn7dothl'a'l nLl that Iari ftily cornpeUut fuV tie' Ifi tteand thai n;'wm'ccffir .a conceded, inhere Wtrfectty kiw DftlLhr los.L- t-m Ti . . i toe olil soJdjecs, of the, SUte , with ; uu ua,7V15 rouTiout the War: jeoTror the war- from ih0 'teglnnbc to the !aU flay4 ir rnia'rior -T fwVt list fUch allowed tit'-fut' tepffiCuUtrroJ other Cdths whVUte Viji' tW r x U t ' nheaerwatioaocVich and tuLft to mean aimply and exclu-irely fji M???'' .one ' "reticular 'clarch rpraocraLc pArtr of Xorth LarcVca l preaent my moat re-poctoltojipib. tbu far noralnaUon and eTectioa to" tub mil asnrance by 'etnint dM.& that I could TerwIiVu; lil understoud byjur bathrrn wLmLw .u up waai'totS aaVlSroo- 7,1 8,,14 jpOifliiwiikiJ f . . rana uut im4 Ueh;'an4 'J-? V1 'oily' b4jhfe,wil Brcsept; wjj, y o; vjbur one Voider bt rfDT' a Ln i wvni nua icnzue axxl W that ttre'it'totinz'.lemt4 the mckra J larV wLXb;l Wlile' Jhariflib ft, tailu' udiuQ Ui W tKt 'talent foi ihe"'ElL' or' .y throchbat llH'wWe1 oTJtLe tJ'j'e ltV 'UiAtfiaf6;eTapsl!h;'lllaiVLUJ tlialtrecuU aVwV.oV:je of ttt tT aJaSra t:,; Lkh ratify' Tpofiui I: :.:!',,'. 1 1 .. . "Sclent ClM-Llr-s cf 1 4 v. .:. . - I ' '.ttljl. ... , I Ms' 5 i 1 Jr ' - (J. fllt.T;j, :vc; i: y i : .. , .... ' l- n 1.. - !J HiYcariruixe4iJtfttU,UUaf st. beadacJtr, roare . t U 'tojtrtapibpvSi-ucV, 'butlnk wiih ,Urfwiien b.Te far iheit.W. TeTy cheap, bad wU.Lv.nd wVUriUaa. ivc.THipMq riaWbea:Ui .VHI flv'iu rctric; I; t en, -inly JO 5L? ,ChfIoa D, fnanjy.rg n.tXHLtsdaiiTa aa delate. ?u-i inu i, rJa 4fei4 rfffiat-VV4 Jin JrwWs. BMiMwm o tare jtx' For aala kii Fannin Vj ?; memJat- ' It i SJacpleM J nit t, r Bdt- tniairabla by ihaiti4ibl.ccccb...fiill-ha. M Jabtrrf; fcraloSU'Wt S I eShJhJi's.eotssh'; axJ -eaatlof. I inra m gold brm n . ......... I lAl,Vr,.M rv. ' . : y.vwt.n rurmn.'i. Oi racti-Toi." L ,U! r , tii' fin U'J.J s U4r5 W lbera-Xhe Cea f-Kj,i 2 P4&lo&d.Xhe man ckaler. r oo -uousi kTaiUuv2lon. ' ... - ' "Ui.tre Vila roiu t!inrou:i lit. t J;haye pQTdrte ut acp.itta thiifoot oi toe rirtr oriae,oa the Brest ot Maint, wJr?I t7UJrepareU to ltrXr 5,n,J 'B'afWsraX'L,woik. iroUa-aiJotbgaspciAlty: . GOTO Til Co-, t CVJ t - axsuUbnrcl. C. ti ShavinnHjiirrjiitmn i tiidShamnooning ici jOfaajs. v,y-i lr, i:.,;;,!.-.:., ' .I'M V" ii-ii I : im;i i u a UL'i.LiuJ ,tv Jr..!l f nt tli-fn vi U ' WW a 4 1... .... ... n, ... . . " . mui Am; iia.AsJ'l.. vr Trrrr-f! -.. it . i. . . . -vim , . - . . T 1 ' V- wvxeoiaatoii-xii , f,r Whatyoawa,, t ,4jUrHJyf Uiat ,TiUunfr our,b;o-l. flirt h-aJihr vVi7' ' a " TI ! T M W a u-aT a a . f t.Df balr aod c.Urcpo mL-? laini, ttjldlea'a hairrrr-iaf U t ttr.ozl 9 tagwUftDajhsTX.bj;it fVrath. J. 'rvUbBk.lQ ,tb.c t:: !

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