SI . !. tens- v-vrf-' . (:! r i j t r ' 1.1. -J 7 !!::. l.rM- ! vmY 'Lit . I"! Villi VI JJ.1IH OI!Vf inv , tr. l f T) jn!J.7 ul 1 " ; ? aW -. ai-. f' ,r:-" er .'1 lr .A' Editor and Proprietor V f i pa At Kites; .R-.iLU J)'- Uae Year e'lDath I liilli I 111 V -'. f--i iota..,-.-. C 5 h ' r v., :VII.'I1S-JI !M1irl 'itlfx I n Kr .! I mil! .f i lI'M.Il! 1 I l i ik.l j . t. I . " . 1 "' i j -"'1a' I . : m riii . 4i l . i . :- ... . . I . . ...... I ...n. ..t ? t ,,i.."W4i !! :A'lvUU .::(-: If, '. H .. ',s ..: . ' " ' ' . -VI 7 oft! e r,f L , , f v .r! ' ' V." J A ttifaisUed at 61.40.. fr l r. i h J IV - W o- . -( r,tl, 1; ;., Vi ti . j'lV ,b,',:: 97,il "?Xi"'i; M '? ' 'ri.rin.' Tf,f o.-ltrf t r - w w -1 -.- vT-S 7 -i- ,. I; " : '.--i't . ' ' , ' U . '.V li ' fi,' 1 1 111 ' ' " ' "' 1 1 " ""' ? ! ' " ' ' t ' ' i ' Vt.z.: oiuAf IS 11 I I " I I ! : : r: . - t; , .. J j unnriur , 1 n a .Vrt-' I 'iLii itf. 1 V J 1 ' - I Absolutely! Pure This powJerevr varies. Aniarvel of parity i' ittre itgttft rcr4 tiiliwhohietltws, MorccoftomicUhii Uia-qrdi ttarslind and cannot be Sold in competition with the multitude of low test,! shorjt weight Inm iirnhnsnhnfr nnurrlora. Sntti riKf v is c ass. Bo yaL Bakixo Powder Co. 1 1 ' CHUliCJIIES. a -MRTHonisT-iteV. A: MeCnlien. nastor ssrrices very .Sunday, . morning : and i nizht. Pea night!-Sui B.VPTIS Month, ramming nd night; Prayer meet-: I la each month CosciissioRSiAt3Srab4Ch,fi.iri B UzU- 1 viTiiiivrT "v9Yl jSuuerior Court ClerK--A. w Pearce..; . :f itogistjer oiueeasr-iw. """ fi 1 Saer flS'rittJettt of Public Instruction1 Kipper Poor,House--3:. Pinnell .: J; i;.t,. v ! i -r . ; ; - : -i I ; :3'iRD OF EDfTCATIOST. lyf! $ -li -i B. Massenburg, ,v . . " . 5 J-N; uW"frf7? f The SttinWwtoif Ul W burg on the secoud Thursday of eb- ruaty.. April, July, fjeptenrber, Octo- bi-r au 1 December; and remain j for tnre.vaays, it necessary, bise of examiuing applicants to teach :t me onuiro scuuihsuj. .era Q B. MASSENBUIiG, ATTORNEY AT LAW-'-t ..U- ;'r!'' - v Hush thy sobsand bowr,thineear;4 -.ids AM- ijBemKcaese&i lyer. meeting.every ,ednesdav..L A f-or. ctr-ov.F.frTnbnn i every Th-rsdat night, Sunday School Give to Caesar crowns and arches j 9 ull?S 'ft' 1 ''S'rT'i ::r''rgMj1 bfotb laajEwine; U liwtQsiwtio i TCiJbt life1 thine5' , t Egerton, J. rrwUomw. " lW?!-.r? , C.smU.K I am dvinsr, Egypt, dying: ' r ooara meets j; riuay oeiore nrsv uuuuky O lEl I' 'J-. m" fr tSS thaaggefel i.ouisbuug,n. c. '" ' country and -:let;imporie4 rprodncts OSce in the Court House. come in T free. Competition between All bU3iness"put In my haDds willjanaf.Brersiforsi the services. receive prompt attention., a A jtJJtjrbiiisen might then raise wages id f J M.UUUKB.u -r . w r. . T r v an d TTXS"E L LOR at L Awl louisburg.' fhanklin CO..N. C. V rd- ;-r d : d- x .v-i--" .n-ttend the;:.C9urt3?ofastij iia.J,x(.MAi,ui. , rjffice 2 doors below Furman Ctioke's Drug Store, id iominf DrOi L. Ellis. r - -J4uai.iMkftVeFDacent..l)onM nI Tl W T I if B E BL AKE, til omI ATTOENEY AT BAoiV Offiee i 4Ke Court House W. A. Dav. A. C. .j.i Day & Zol a. : ATTOBNEYS ATV Practicein the courts of .Franklin, Vahce.Granville, Halifax, and North-, nampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the State - " . a. hicks, attoriiBi At ' Law & Notary Mlic. OXFORD, N. O, asd tj T. HICKS, - J 7.4;,l;r Attorney atLaw,5 . HENDERSON, N. C. -v"Wlll practice together in thetfoouties of .Granville, Vance, Franklin " and Warren, . and in all matters requiring their jointTaJ tention. ---y- - - sm.! We hope by prompt, diligent and faith ful attention to business, to deserve and receive a portioa of th .law businesg of this section. , mm UA. 4a i Antony and Cleopatra, , I am'flyin ypt: dyings f''n ' .Ebbs tlje'crimsett life'tkte Cwt, .- And the dark Flutouiian siwdowB - . i Gather uu (he veuing blast; ' Let -Uun irm8, 0 Queen, enfotdjire Though my scarred and veteran legions ; Bear their eagles high no more, ytJSrtfltMi :rfflacHHvtl:ttered s'allevs Though no glittering guardSsurrounds me. . '-i-r -;(r::M r: ----r'-d- : Prompt to do iheir masters will,. Mock the lion thus laid low; 4 'Twas no foeman's baud that 'felled 1 him. Twas his own that stiuck the blow, Madly threw a world away. Should the l)a se plebeian rabble , :v Vhertriy tfotfe sJottS'-l Octavia, ! . Seek her I sa v the tJbds t-ar witness -H J.nnier oiooa, wim nnu wiumuigwu . xet shall mountihe uiroue OI Kings . ,-,, .. v .-' W UU vne spienaor pi .uiy iaiie. v Hark! the insulting fo man's cry. Tl.ev are coming I quick, my falchion . Isisaud Osfris uardT,hee! k Cleouatra ltome-Farewell ! 7Gjin. lloberi . l.ytie. ' T5fKElS OR tfiE NATION. I ,4ri7i: alterrTv nwt j ih taniT avstem cl our uovernmeni., the yaitimore Snri under iM abovej headingrtbe SjV iC1 Addresses. vhinH J self to the 44low tarjff aud j high- wh" rtsiMy.xu(jeon3 (?)' j for jastifying a high tariff system. ,r 1 ijn i,a review of this article, the Sun j so'completely covers the greund thati i tiiere is little KH lor us w uo . uni j adopt it':, 1 'V v 'i-- j v a prest-ns ays cenamr. Tuce, uii I U13, WUU, Ul UU IV T IWI Ullj ivsovBf l.Jjnannfactureiriia8 . his products pro". li -1 iti m iiiuii a in -- ad - a c uia y to pTotect' laeor, to put a heavy tax on foreign laborers coining into this the desired poiut. ".'and: aV the ' samel i tij e the workmen In.ight :bny ;whal they need at the low piices that pre I vail abroad.-f Iabbr would thus b a Innhlv benefitted. Jnothcr metlwd to-isttr:; the aa4 workmen Riejccntag-of the value o Ail bis'aWl s equal to the tariff rates! I The present tariff .rate pa sugar, -foi J djohe wages they now get; .tofKTJJM soon, with ordinary . Jeppjumy, become bloated capitalists! X But theipe Is no. likelihood that the! iamB ban niwWfbtOnfel fever favor such 1 di t a"tTIhlbj.fJearis of turning the! xpitf the State to the bene-j jVpf labor.V Tliey prefer : that i the! nYhm&W tovvenabltr them toaaahiglfar wage to labor," whild noooay gfea w weir pyiug iu , xnej protectionist argument 1 that higher wages is shown to be misleading. Assuming it to be a fact, if. the ad-l Vance in the price of producis keeps pace with the advance in the price of labor, the laborers position is 'not im proved.? On the other i hand, unless the tariff raises the price of products anu iauyr iu u tuuusuiw cuaiiy iti is unjust; It taxes clearly A' for B's benefit in an offensive way. 5 J '. ' t The fact is that the price ' of pro ducts does not in this age , of r, produc tion by the help of machinery ? re gur lato wages. Wages are rising while prices are falling. "' Senator . Vance produces statistics ', to show that in England during the last fifteen years of depression wraces hare advanced on n ivnkhli i ketk iwfiUeJ the ptie of t0o his Ueni ie t elal-H 5 trJcSQ.j itfleitUcs, 45 per cent; of hiile, leather, in digs J 026.5 per cent.' The hih ' prices fact tbat-1tr-Tf'Jiv tisT morft azl been ateaiUiA VrWiiiiio flnsland than inthe tfnTted wili"if telb.1 JTes.". y, the riieho ages have alwaysabePiiaytfis vfjien, when , .pnwes. Wave, beivri?igbest.1 4af ? league he sbos arecsieqioijs rjnuUljpV09i toThe ,;.Senato.r.f ,qaoes frrfoil'Vriic v'.rmally ttsse!TW4lUit 0thelcci of the Amf-ffcatflabVir; In a ton of a ctfTijUiJi46f ioa prwluctai is 36,: whereas tho Inst census shows lttf it ia bui 8 lC.50i' the' tarriir;'tbni! Jpocheijf by 'tli0'muimfuctarei4 be Misrem sen talion ya d, . jfall iceous prophecy; be dDstifyfes; lrrt;the wean-i ;jon me proiccxiooisi cnie.ny. employs 5Tbe story of quinine points "Ihei'triie .murals. The, rcniavj! of - itbo .... duty; frdJn quinine when it costs. $3Ji0t!.pi; 6utic, instead of ilgatrpying the five. establishments" ; making .4tu hi ;fthi cous try; .increased vtlie numbvr j Ao. 'twelve, doubled thettmber c'ibaoas 'eip ployed, and redtfje(T the '-i ricwta bO ten is: A like effect2 wottd ' fbilow the removal of the triff tax Jrom J 'hitfltjtude of articles.'?? SO'C-i Horn People Xtved in Days of -J Hbfiit! bftW reiidcrs :i or1 evf gpa-1 persoi me present i-atty-.t'-ia boa young to know 7r6m;th'eir'uwri ex-j ? !rfrit iw.n- ? 'f -. c j J , 4erieince.Jw fentif y Avlth; ;:t.4hq iJ rwunoiis,-iiicir are -.niw ."wiuiin inereacntot even inosoiK-aooaeri abi rni-iins; were tht-ir:Tatheri'uarii Ktandfatiei. It nue tell,., - ftw it'ofjlife iii 1825;rit';Pb;u aaei ph ia.CT. w liicu in t boss days: was Considered the first citv in the "uni I A '41 A. !.. J! . l 1 . I ff . J 1 orny of home rested tin- what were called matches. 4 Not the ' inat'cfi'es i j-irai ara &k I fHmilliao witn tetrtHa viler.V Xhemcaine tna tiod)eritHx aterfarnhlasAva ioud in " ibi rrarerrrfjKdvttiteii tiirtl Sab y iiHd t ha trour. on i so taeth wjpjinti mai icr naa nxgo hst6l; aad.kauckleso&iitn elt tune - -m r "S M " w t i a t until a spark caught the tiuder anc enabled hhobzht pnq thos yileaualcbreij aatf thlothLcandl( and then make a fire. Tallow can dles were used in wealthy kitchens r 11 Two ; spermaceti candles , were two ; spermaceti candles T werd make Its appearance until ten years; , 7 "V. . a ' a ' w argnuu iamwjnciL. eaye a Deauuiui ugnr. -- Jxexica,rfhB Solar lamp, . which: gave a .'more Iieht beinz t ba wrrt 1 now 1 haf- a-dozenbun; rs ar at' .vorkf j f . i , n i ii ' Ddtnyie brWn slIcktfnlcWMfa rated wit f i brhnstoie. and . .snielJ In: poweriui y tnanl herind.! -wl ta-mep t a 'ibatgiver or aiid finally Ucfpaet ifid't afiwi) v. int abvVfivIigv bread- to Very poor VsmM. HtV,wone hugrll !as tolyithe rich. ...... -IF. tl. 1 The tires J afkif d r,tthU?rnocA toMVe aln?cr . Still, later . i days, and a beautiful sight was; a fine weiliMaiyai-eVer heboujH. Parlor and dining "room, nursery and mamma's, bedroom had them, but' the younger members of the fT3ii Ln?'ierAf Trtisement not long" ago- ap and female) sol no and dre. refr W Ji M rooms, very often being; obliged to break the Ice in their ; pitchers before they could wash. Dressing was more hese when every room has its hot air 9gi$ter and hot water pipd. frotji the tatchen. Bound the parlor fire - were fathered all the family in.a circle, sit ting as close to the hearth a8 possible, 'and the heat extended only a 'few feet 'Into the room, most of ibeing cold, ffire. no heat in the haT obcame couof the cold outer hair inlos Jiaij nEarly alcoU VKaadhass .were, ai all the windows to keep the air put. In fiict; all Ibo best fteople iivtd in .wlia! inttw.3wud becoaidarcd .T20t qxCj dji- ocoinior V-Uut misorr j nUai-Uhey: :Ttre ia bappyyaad enuyed- lift :qvUv 4 ijnuobirfa wdorilhrJilLiouTi motkni t ken up, tlie domestic charm' aUacV hl . t - . . . . . - . .li iteii HipJJ4i.duUoaVflreHi oaurebefw . iMid futuaceliecL and wrbroiacicat - vnnf74iUlint-'AfwiUr 4haWnA.1.tfliT I tnpogb aotsofMwuJoarfnorS trluif and.tultore is .' .' bAotlisLfai gtiisheU by& LtixO. iohtiiLmt o those vrhoBQ'tran - X-aflfla&Tlba -differebt'fronri.iwtrj tti JPertotialifltd 'aie a rtltibf? the thelr-tonVlcticarahVODld inee is a mue, qu jerl". . ...... . "I don't beheyo - in , raintr,Jd L" R3 a.fX,v,P inony, vand that ' thfiywy fclut s their Jeavft one '16oko4- -irifeailittglj htahQ other and AiUtl1 tloul very iqucerAffiiRro qot0n4bat tH-What dpea h"-niead bji iiay Ing t tnartlage is a. lottery: fJ4 &he unhappy? 1' iiUuIb wa odii. '4fe friid oneedr cdjnhfey ;wdre f he fcMotlHtle tnafrce reuiark of an-'1 idle rViofhentquite 'Uireadbare by dlsCdssimi114 JaU ''fnAerytbleratepublte'marti'.'who perjeetcalled upoa to Judge lii tellotf nieo skice. their; mtnor odUU ties are noto.f tTte least importance1. iSH.? ff .l4t( ppf111"."' qe.;iieInous crime mere ai'e always plenty 3or PplJoarea.way8. read to: sit f ft 9 ... . . a a I fa! in juaginenc otvineta i en-! n Ifl8hould see, on" mV waV down town, a man standine on hli neaa in me street," lie declares liarity ln i choosing-' ttfet' 'positron I should takeJUiir graiile'he 'h'ad excellent reasons foi doing it; "and sill i: 1 .. . .trf:" i-:". I jiiefciy say -now will U1ypji ,Keep iyourtballance !'... Whyhdold'r ob4 Jeqt to a Greeclan nose .nafirely .Wj i43lio I hada Rornnf'i'i'ii' I 'AjYl o, in collpquali brwe73M 4tetl meddles or'triaeSilapd :rj;soaeiyvW,uw.ays, xuji orxeBtral 'uePand pieasare.14 othi tit II lOl T U-a rf Ull iiweiiistilAy:cobilc'.ldrlhfe 'way-'antTmsii m wmcn me wora iaay ns come ti u-eJTr 'hema a3 - iias-lmo t . i J li. it (ii, Vi,JI,1l..l Ni I f v W I dvnearedod to call anvoneof tha Eiiala.8ej a-ftroMAN, is to ihsuU her, - I . K. A W T .''Ladtf is from an old 8 axon word on Ui4 womeii wtre 1 1I4 .to athis. j the' "term lady ii - it ti ti 'ii i llwA r;ad al!J 'apr, Jed ,to oneiric was applied to all females who wen nzrx otiwjkewn. wnra-it wai broadened in its use and applied to ev ery female it lost all its Biguificance iPHd n a New York paper asking A potUiuU 119 . SALES-WOMAN. - It Wa) refreshing to read it, for the. wau col umns are full of such words 'as "lore , In the old days a ghrl waVfcf ashamed to bd called a lal cstnxu a n a needle-womabanVf icf 6bv Jf'o one talks of' a s ales -gen'em s j "or, a," (ore . gentleman. No; mai' pjesed fc tht sex. Is not wpsnsavasi.hct.cral.Te s distinction as man ? It cs Hi o these suobbish and imi- word, , ad 1 J . t ..1 . J I 0 . .- 1 men. Tiiere U iomethins 'ckl-fh-V tied bai tra'u i in' 'the $i uinle w ord " -' :W tu .--.- v - u:!Tt i , i j;anaDiy ,oag moa uly at the ktiecsl a:0"!l, bi ?r y ob tn L1ihe wear Lm'overcoHfa. ana' ettYiVf TIierswtf Lwi J : epbrteaed "carry no -umbrellas (cafmFuot!iVst.t ; !';. I. .-.- uiv.itM.i,,! JJuln oil 1 ' 3olf 6' hf 1 ritnds and a comfdrt irrere kcquatntanbes; $ jyk t hat: he tl .....AMnnK'ivp ?5"lu onTna T1 - i 6',tnTrequfentJy't-l,4ppd"srtlia u fn '".td a' Wt r-- 1 .-w- v 9 4v, caju ouv iuuuLi a 1x1 111L irrnk v 1 era. Their h.nta. If not artnnllv' V1tJ I ' I . y . . J " : i - 1 .1111 I T .1 1JW V,8U V A'a"AV4,,?5d Ttdatvery'aifie'Ue wtnd uPp'plbi It3?atcfh' Mmts fenrthealflTWaV' Suiicfir. smktnifnd ier--rr HvtAg hi V Uey ! laest turo w Haicim lauaawa nnrpeai ryrantfipeoY Uitii-'iiUctJtiy waiter pbettt heirop8 Ttr.wdtphmniCha tstruttC their fiurorite iroestem elTliW TtAr JDotbittg. fUkorJetff.noiutikiibr thfi opera plfty,saa4 rftiJUr8jins1i lin.thejev.eniaij 7unv,vorj iul US um I'lm if'r 'T itTrrnilTiii.firl l (tdnsatld poslUlyvtirlm-i :II .-V'-.M'pi i, iv, , bifl nsi. O I only make tliei'seivVs miseraile intAit .i -i i i u . i . l v . . , t . -: .win i every one with whom tliey come id con tact. T it's rhTbl and very r1)a4 ooc,'4 H,Jrt,6fitl8" ffid1 wWn'eri do -hotf reWli'tWtr'ar'tiuiancel brthat UieyOfotf . fclleti - ! to-such hwaysoU Ther nvtrt wbbilnwom en than eii,'bccabss ainorigihe- .tat tetf sex Hie- sbiilec vetyn oftcu f run rntexnrisaliiBa cmcertttag''then elVes; tbatopeis their eyes viiry'' sod j idcnlyodiiart wbea awoWiaU JUHt 'lhtd !Uiabitrt& :erallywhufetTl "Wei jrys.l'fc-Ei w .o.'i) I(i:a XJia j J.fift ui n.l n ) PEliijONAL ' Bl'MrV k..M:To'cblIcUeV-nMoi cuil ava'mitti.tarir'wrfeJ 4ieread ottifbiy vvrect nte !fd P mti Mate-it4iatibaAUitbcr.trerne4jie, "a"- "a ww w-a -av- as km jl jmupiiQ ncouzii saiQ co usjis laiaon p 4 A'tte8terb4maaun, Ins1 sbiTt'T'ijtl f cAit and ibt-s1z1iontliVfaleV rtfe'rfed It as ku ecTiie of'ttii s3n.,:w f icyi t.ti.. ir-? i ilka i I? OltreilirenU1o-loraTitnis wnefeW larla prneWbtAh'Wgulaf ChUis nnd IhretOre 'dont so.p-ct lai iaf fcjf the cabse 6t thetr'HicdmToH Alt' i a t a.. v . t . rf l a I a aase oriwo orbitaiientxjrgcff'Anl Tdofe fdrilara, takJearatijla:ttrafel VouTJ-rtstore airtrrunCffeb-'W YecV liValtS4,' 'AUinateiysafiH. flf 1 al. v ;dose;iSbld!by dfiiHris.'l fll 19 :ii! vTneWerlflV Netlti"11" "aUhetoHdV'rleti'ana f bVft iotvnirV 'eTomk'nt TpVtadii JM-eWrotTareplioil, -hioriflsSl one ii I la . a.a .. . i thoQr, but tUa?e3r Voiced But i peak. Of 0"rWord:f sHt haVen Zap xLeif ddd in" the Vtai f?eVl ex Hcnc'e'b rWowncirintTcbb$crcnce.dtf1b leta 6miic Taci t'o Lea y 'wl'ta tKd ,sflcU' cf-re3etnpiian.'.knj witli 'the! i t . . . i rate! in Jesus Christ, with their eelfJ t n in . r ' .3 m ail arfMi m iiipv war t --cs i r r evldcncini: l't and power.' "arij we f iiir.y tuVGod for -the vvetL' : 'Tbls rVould lrir. theweary ''and' heivy-li-l 1 1 ica rout ds u" "Ike 1 tLLrs'tr traVelefs! 14U.IO ax? M Sj spwVikltusndi LUxnii aiiJocr I V ... r . . : i t rolnsyWclothesytt'mV 6T rrduy'crcel'yit toCaSTajranU'd 'to "ia4h1lW Pycr?qiujriHUHj Jliiis ?0ttrantefl4.ijto civo perfect Mtisfavkioo, ,-or,. mcpev 'reCandM.; 'Price JS-beniA'Mr box. 4 "''For aVv X li. I'iilWK.' 4 j M'fJ?tWrwv9ty ,h,vju uswl .it (ur a revere aitacs of liron 'tistafalrtir. it out r 't stJPe f. -c!..: c J,:Jat 1 "CT 't'-"' k' T ' ' ' - t will erfully oa'all the initxi V iJvrnn al ?frtmi:tovua M.: -.l I T iiP mat 4frlns:be.t,.irjinits Ptik:WIJ Mx; FX Ajt- f imi n rwiv f 1 a rr w . -. t .-1 F-a V 4 M M. 7 i .i. 1 a :-lt. 'T" d 7. .Sf LtotLe nail JxilHiilda. tJ- -k-a Inti .tbworX.btiiruvont. the miiiuirt a I no lift ale expernnduf Lit m-u to tiki lJamclfcblr&..) ittiil Tihno n 1 rl ,.'.3 too imlt , .i. I'm pi Jin ;ii4f- -t.i j trriftcray varfeuVat?d strtntttd L . la. acciiwroOTeyo?rf oneaprBltsT1,ou Jats desk alfd oec-nTti TroSed 'tft'UU wbt; It'Tarfloii'a aky vWo'ane'r bls'ltool hai'eeti1 fill 1UUVU1 rwork' Thai' ltierfecrVwslHfteai'to, iMbttlil cery company ,j eruersr vju-ri c.iT'oi tn- f Uftll thor3olrn;Hn'cSpfnbVenrUVe nMVeJ4 eUief irfelh'd5f "recjcol f fel1 UetV L' -JoclaJluh1 to-rg ve'Jti f iMttareU'aVintttfe feineYltoe 'and.tie?nb"nl, WA 1 from them answer About1 fits ihi .n-rrr- : : 1 T' ;i '"n i n i . w v , - - aw a, WiOL cbila,.! kxewwyoii eard ri . 1 a i ... T . . . i Au - n.. t . f We aifa'fclb Ulora doirlanbnib bf tlMlaimiVffrs'an'alia'rW ( .VTvaltW'on'aercotaD'hneki yeur'wtferrtf.e -Irafir he'i f-eton Wife ndnfa rrora'OerKr ari I , ( Li rfj-5:vi-l- r .'.Tbt TTiIViTioea f i. t . .... a . a i . . 6 IUl Ctrn,Qer":I 'r41? Ion The hour glat, . TbeB4valsn-X'onnor;aQd Booths . A l)Ible Casa vr vvarsx 1 Uy. :b! aTay. .-(itiii . ' " i wi.r oi v iirws irpm wnt lfeyl1, theestnVln' rlel -Waflua IbUwra 1 liet if It snibseifd e rt fSt5JiaaAaa . - - j i lKouinlslTie&rrrMo rtrtlhtlaabirfWarti, '!yV TCwWtV VhTdAi 5l!feft!f Jf sUbeif,Cljbetherior' KTllth srrVr rl out r f t, ah.T, aat nlii.'W-niSaes(1alh!st Bt?,ej InfIV1raliiuIc1liahfanolhcf rcCo pT Urrimi' KUneyt, r'AfTr. liHdV, vTV,Kn'-ViwntS a TwtbaTitr. nd g.r : rneeJ f.feHb whTwi.VbyInis tnbustrtls7 131- l.caLsa batUa at Viui JDruiwt rwnndOf llsf 'llWifreU, y'A .proFP, wMUKKeU saJ- bm--'knoW-det finieil'ef italr1 felir Vt?l fL' immrlUttljrr.rT:i,Te A bj-.l. 'dAfWatVyM(Wfy, dled.!-'an "v,ror m!c t Fnr.u.. than I was beCoitCfdlskTd' -V. I told inCnowlorTio'u are . V. 1 f '"Went when uem.dhCT hanoeri :raJthlrJ; wUclv rman what I was a tei.inyon bout w4 pWn any Vbe theyVa v wh Jo WabaifnisiPaeet; wfr?' rim1 '"r TVrT -:w me an htr diwRs'nCnh!aa;rfto4 ' " Z.6 TXilhvL M ;to,rnVth'itnParnsii.i r?a J - ' IT' - ' I r - f -' ... . tl ., y TTl 1 L'; vr-Tl"" lly ?Hr.l ' ,0' . - - - - T--.C ' " -1m t,TX:UCFf Ur-fcCcm, .tsJtof C cattle k2VWnji4i"lTfl.i!ji AteaaOt IvS.lCw crrial an trlft ccHarrtji abtiatf:iit5341jr3 -TM?l tAui UnJ l a3 Ira x! :al . iYltbet"ktYetsKl wint3 t4U"jr TS ret'Jrnnlvili Ji?Jlm Jkc3 r,fSUUtS'"lll7kKrv5Ttt2 rnr,ie1:i.rmaivn tri XS9dw tlV! 4i- Sev0 f f sr Wesj :prJiaytRtoriJ'Jii li dJiw ""i7trt Oetiy-.lIhwpetfQfea troffcjf nli3fi'taR.a:ctr n rumrfTiarrs'Hf! ftaJinl-rhi .4--t at - . , . w. a a.- . - . v T b . T S a t 1 -J a iaa. n9 'nuyv a7iw.nan tert wacn ,Ta jvnlJ Monty cheap, h.iwMiilv. Sffi. fp K 6Y!trl .'VYf1 Mrt?Cip5o.Ye WVkMoT iiei Cable rr:iUi-', J u: i-.Loj:xa rettbyii Pi4iaateit wnycarJirir 'CaTarIvcrt.llieaHn aiia'nnt . B U e. 1 f. Pric a W ceti U rr a V in . V -fa 'A JX . r "f AV hSh!lo!ia turW at-r.iVKa J-. . , - ' - ' .BWt. r MWa rurmaaif:- 9 ' ft mw . tfa. i l ior r.otnDroh7 ic at u ,z .t-.. 1 . t'i.WX lUIyTI. , lit -.:.i..-a- , l-ait.: - ali tt. - ywi i irr-irjwi. eca' ruaautnx. yua TiTs'-pfodJlrti I wl AlrfAtk Klree! B t:ar. oilv m - - S.evyfsJtti,, made , favajae pJ tjwu tifibU C4JU?V .BMlVi'a (ry., 1 Coo4acootiii6datie.'frtlW a-rT- U l.'.v l.xa .AyfliI!aV:ia.l v,.a i . " U CooA barSsl4"lwr fflSrTS ''AUTISTIC bYMi" i ub; auriM tr.anspv .r.;22 :,d Children' Lairvrcru' Ut iva- -wiKlad ta to genllM4 aWr by ti.a- month. I mum tU-U -.o- tL rii'itvi Lcxi-X3aaarrocaJci,abtror I r. f ad bcx3r.Cara vfiaxs.a.

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