. I 1 - - . - - - . T:r'- Hw,, , - ... i . ni j , , ., , , ,, ,,,, , , ll,lll.,.,l, ., , , , . , , , ,. . , Editor ami yroprietor.J Bates; Oae-Year? $ Months $1 50 1 00 j ???? To Clubs of 5 TttK TisiEi wll he ttrowhedattl.iO. l 'a . M' ' i ' fc.3 : ' ' ft ,-H t( Absolutely Pure; ThiipQwJcreTer rriea. A marvel of EMW'4 steagth 'kiitf wholesoincnebs. 0einnekteall thutf-thboaTiar j' ki iidii , and cannot b sold in omjetitioh with the multitude of lw : test; short , weight lum or phosphate powders." Sold only ix cams. UoyaL Baking Powder Co. GsiieralLlilrectory: LOUI-BURG. N. C, I CHUIiUHES. M ET odist Re v. A. MeCuIlen, pastor erriees !' every Sunday, j moraine and Das- tor,' Services 1st and 3rd Sundays ia each month, morning and night. Prayer meet s lag every Tairsdy night. Sunday School HAYOB-r-0LL.Ellis.Y,i - toxxiMidH mJriuto . white, Stirf Kgerton, u. V ; Foid, T. M. Fleming. -OoSSTABLB II. D. Pinueil. i Board meets Friday beforelirst Monday in each month. . ' " - . " - v CdtttioTKBS4J A.1 Nash; fch'mn4 S; J. Csrudap' tt. sS.'F6iMfi Ti 5 P. Pierce; wi B. Uxzelr t'f'An)-j"t i- v;-3 A tiuoerior Court Clerk W. J. Kine. ;:;V uh i r" v r- 11 if "j rmr p?; tFFv eMt- uirht. 8undy school 9 o'clock, A, M. . , i Baptist llev. Bay las . Cade, pas-' iegjitar,4t.eeas. r. jiocv -.-Lfie-inaouiAciunng rings, lnoinervf S52A"?S2 X WMokls:ULople of the United? 1rearer-Brttft0ttr . Hiperintcndeut of Public Instruction- w- KapJ?ooiUou,c-J, W5 Pinnell. . ... 1 . . SCf'TaV iIlt.U.TlI3li,T!l'jS-" Font r,..v 1 - iT-.tarr Pnhltc W. L. McGhee Frank lintou, N'. C. BOAtiD OF EDUCATION". N.' Y. Gulley. Chairman, K. Conyers, ; . i ' .-(.- B. B. itassenburg, J. NAUarrisSeterctary: yr f?y The riopeVinteudeat will be in- Louis, barg on the secoud Thursday of Feb raary. April, July, September, Octo ber au I December, and remain for tlire"'dAva, if necessary; for the pur p. 88 of viamiuin. applicants to .teach i;t the public schools of Franklin coun ty. firritHM iyuOFESSION Ah fVAKUir:j g B. HASSENBUKG, ATTORNEY AT LAW- h , LOUISE URO.N. Office ia the Court House. ; All business put ia my hapda wnU receive prompt aiwnuuui:, yo. O. M.C0UKJS. aTT T and COUNSELLOR at LAW. LOUISBUBO, FRANKLIN CO., : .11 attend the Courts of Nash, Frank' in, ! Gr mville, Warren, : and Wake Counties also the' 8upieme court ol Nor .th Carolina, and theU . Circuit and District Oourta. iiifo TR. J.E ;MALOS45oin A . H I Jtfice 2 doors below Furman A Cokes Drug Store, adioining Dr. Q, L KlU Hail t.ff tJin-ri B. w TlilBEULAKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW'" louisburo, ' w-o5an.Bi Office i Ke 'Cofet'ttfaft w. A.. Day. A. O. Sollicofr : tr & 7 nil i nnettv Practice in the courts -of Franklin; Vance, Granville, Halifax, and North nampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the State . : A. HICKS, r , . , 'ittornej At taw & Notary Pillic. OXFORD, N. C, asd ' n t. hicks,; ';-3-;'-; " '--:r Attorney at Law, . HENDEBSON. N. a ; Will practice together in the counties of Granville, Vance, Franklin and , Warren, and in all matters. requiring their joint at tention. .--. , ,. s. v . .. ; . We hope by oromnti diliiront and faith. f ul attention to business, to deserve and 1SZIZS&& ........,..,.,,:,. ; v. ,. ;j 1'. :"' -1 If T'l 1 Li i ...-. T.rtOlIAS, Editor land The. Tariff. over the reductioo of ;;the tariff. The Bepublican members of Con gress ara arrayed on the Mde of the te sT3e of the farnUrst Tfie if pablieans are massed in solid pRlmxlnbbair of three mUliotw of the P&ble.Vthelffe&ocrats In la- The Republican party claims tire, right to tax sixty millions of people" right and proper to tax the farmre?. oieclianics, blacksmiths, doctors; lawyers, tr.erchants- and w working' met veryv!h,erej:jrorty-sexen cehts ,n h.eilot'aLtlrjofjfarm,-; a(nd family-supplies and; clothing : tliey buy for the special benefit of ; threes million of manufacturers and their employee-, -The .-lenocratic part y eays iis wtoni and unjust, and iali! ought to tw taxed alike, and that alt the burdens ought to bear upon jail alike. : -n- -I . For. every dollar's worth of iu gar, ricevfaruniojj utensils, clothing andsupplies bou&nti fVJur me chants throughout the land an fjv erage of foity-seven cents on - eaci dollar, goes iirtor the Federal ex'1 ghejquerr liajble)r bonus into the pockets of the sugar, and rice grow. ers, and into . the ...pockets of the manufacturers of the country; and; ,foreyvry; CvuUar,f ttofcV finds 'Jts way into the tfguyerainehtic coffeirs,' five yoUars-'slh'an'1 into the -pockets of the lords' and " kings of States are taxed fotty-seteii cent u.cvwy. ui woruminey uy: rom,ine.iorei oruie country r.tnar the rich may grow richer and the poor grow poorer. If a man's store Account is one hundred dollars, forty-seven dollars of that one hun-: dred goes not to the merchant but to manufacturer? of tue'countryas i a bonus Over and above thfeir legiti mate profits. There is no people on the earth to-day so swindled and defrauded as the American people are by the Federal government un der laws passed by the Republican : party under the protest and against the Votes pT the Deinocraticparty. Tjae wealth of the country5 Jsr gath eredfnto thehanbs 1orihe!rew and is used to control legislation and op press the masses of, the people. This thing ought to stbp.-Exl ;V'.y.. 1 j.g How the President works,? xro "' " " ' " " f aa-:- ' x... i.. One of (he secretaries at the White House, who has served there during the administration of four Presidents, " Including Cleveland, told me recently that the latter spent more hours iiy studying bills senthiya by Congress than hid pre-: SMkPS forrxnted, and wiU ; re iceive nobody's assurance as to tlie accompanied Vby thBepbrtellnade upon it by each house of uongress, and by all Jthetuformlttion toucliiug it thU can be fumlshed by the- executive t j, -" ' i aepanment wunin wnose Jurisdic- stop his veto. : He " usually : keeps well up with Oohgress in his work t6Jb jp'yis, and has them eigri ed or vetoed7rly :ln the ten days allowed him by the Corstl tui tion after their receipt, r Occasion ally he rebel ves a batch of hard cases that have bothered Congress but finally gets through. Then ii fa Viot: lia firtmmrina Tin rjiMAM! i drives out to-"Red Top,"; .shut 1 himself and his secretary out from the world, and makes a day of JJit1. The result of such ah expedition i usually two votes to one. approval! and the anxious clients have come to look upon "Red Top' as ': the burial place of all their hopes.) 1 Wjshingtoo letter to , U wtafH (Me.) Journal. ,- , ; ' ',1 1L m r.iWtj:iiofritcome.fif in his opinion t in all rntJheViens it: if not. 'ail II - ' Ton ?!fn 7-nS Liii i . . ' i . t M .MfCMi. 14C-V -li ! L :-lJ-lJ . .. rn PropHoiorj! To Get a Cinder Oui of the TJyev I Is la pe-30?s out c f e very tery fwUh a clniier for'Irn sabstan'c? jn th rye ilUosUatl begin! to rub the eye.witb, one , hand while hunting fur their handkerchief with' -W-.t - m.'"' -'' V Li.Miiuvr . Aney.may ana fpme-. J wuw uo remave ineouenainr cln( der, but more frequently theyv rub- till thiye:btoj9ln2ained. bind 1 I- , lViivW.l,j-J''''l ,nl go to DecUijJl'Ms MwyixVQtV&TUB ictter way is not tb rnb'itW;' tm with the cinder ittiMijtil nb WQVfcrpiik MS&iw&y as you A few years ago I wit riding ri 4 .Bipghampton to CorningBnirtMB enh" l-Rinetoiy iin ttld sctioot ei.'f minr,:' 'Plt???!1? window tl causht a cinder that gave ma lh' oostieXccucUUlngpaln.l;i;l began tt rubitheeyeVith-lMitHWSs.l,tiel'' yXfif.pwf ,tthe other eye" (this IVom lha, englnee)i I thought he was . ichajEBdfde anii worked the harder liknow you' -doctors think you know It all furl fr I .you will tWalp'anjIj jii'' rthoQiher one tbwiiernwiii'be but3 i ii, vwv uiiuaicB.-T yersisicci ia en, . gjnere. r T began to rub..., the. .other uye, ana won a. icu me cinaer aowu War the Inner crfnth'tis,,: 'and1 made .-, ' m . . , . . - 1 . " . ! Oi' renuy iu iase it ouu i, r liet it aione uniiute 4opjtjand;jlckiiiia small glass ; that he ;"gave ; J louna the offeqaer on my . cheek times k ana ihave ? ad vised,' " many others, and IayJneVlmol jt So fail In one- instance (unless ftt ,was a piece 01 8ie .or. omethtng that, cut Into the bail and -v required an operation to reraojW1y it Is ad I do not Kh o wt rt BaTthttf It isso.I do know, and, one may; be saved much suffering' If "they will let the Injured eye alone, and : rub the Veil one. Try It. Medical SuLamaryP-1'-1 ' Artf.TheyVise;.?.;;; ' We have always been 'a" Wend of. teraporance, aud .however we .may differ from tempeTarrc organizations astd" Oieeinsf prnrootifctinper- auce, we regara lnvemperance, atntne greatest curse of denand jve.rcspect. any persons who are striving; 'by any( means to aavauce we cause 01 lera peTasrKmoQginen, aad therefore it ts.thatVe vdeprecate" theS,cour6e" 'c sdnTef of the friends of timperinee in drgidg the temperance causaY iuto friends who advise the making of teou perance politioil issue are doubtless ioijelled by; jthe most! sincere and uviitsb vuiMitnuuH nut iubii sent OUVr strips tlieir wiiidom. . They are e LtemtKre'fflt purlaii JtheOfiUtW of , iHlitic.vt,eirif er 'anca iiV poHiica isVlika a vwoman ln the fehduldexf' . It H a n uhnahlral and r- Which will be tlie destruction bl "the agency of teapprancC that oufiJ or permits the unholy aliioiceEdono mist. ... 'V ? ": ft H Ev-Maycr Edx)n I sav i ThN rules that l'havbjYoilowe alJ-my life, and wlilih Xregard adTnecessaT ry to success in business, are : 1.- una .-. maim "suuienmes ; working nights aud during hours . unusually devoted to recreation .'jKeepiBg, so as to keep within year luco!n and at all times to know Just where you are financially, t 3. The .strict est integrity. -It is rare that a dls hOhbsl hianiiucewids1. LlIii',aoes sometimes, but not oflenf ,,4. Be ins temperate In habits. 5. Never 'getting Into' a; lawsutt. ijusluess 'pnght to be conducted! , in. .such a ;way that there will be-ho need of lawsuits, and it is better' ' often ' to eaffer a wrong than to gp into court , about it.s ;. 'Jr. . "nithicg to cobtot'S J Uut ortodiffweat..,. f,-,:. fsv.l'J r- .-r.7. ,TJtdr:i JL r i.r-" f " t . : . . .-, . i mvi-a yjoJUa Tbilflj . , Br : j . 1 1 1 " - - ' i . " ' ; .'. i - . t i i - ..." .ia - y - ,w . ifiJ flj Gleaning' J-u rsi cjf rr.il rfr !;g Itr.q jr.r I Oil) ... . - . . . i m .Opaof the UtUp Irrs Is'i! ? tc a f ' carefully, coilecti'r?::, th?,.- r'rlnW oAa icbmsponaelit s) rjf Uhd ilfe 'Yorkibuho says tKU ai! the J er Torsue evBrcommittea ary- directs lT'tracelbld tbb thettta1mlriatin eiampW Rhd1oHaeue f'1 his fa- tlierJa hired help" 1fJreaipHas thehaffarWrs11 ihbufd'Vm-is im&Mim feelp aV,fdieven then. oroervtoiw-ultnosV Vigilance: t Mfin-Kt ) liJilii eu.fc r. , 4 I. f -Ul) tF-ifed epitefayour roses, the time in, nyxmryoor bshesi for,, Ci.Wy: AJWuUQTX.of 4 whale ! oil, tAe5 adaywUhvrwcwAtfirj ....4 11 . . 1 mnlst. -Atmnri)l era inrl. nli-a .Ki. kr1 4aut, KentilUtioa- aU.ji Csw-drbp -ovampau insteaaot eeipvii you.. Refer lovifix LrenoiLrri.dry. lat -aosphere-ts tliaraaii'ciuse ef llie peatV , x Bi-vIiian -t'J In: r ThfwhVaa the report fc We pht!HdrHlkltuTate WfenMaWiimW wasJiaken1ri dial euiir.'g' thVulM ald JtKi It was generally conceded that the: jrobln Wasincrea-Mneat a rapid, rate, ,ljM,i ttaj.was, the fTC.fhkfly Injjoripus Jp hortJlf cituraiista as M.e.PfmyoK other birds and nfjVii it bud. : MrlW.lt. Mo wn.'SneVchant, Lake. CU.v.Fla wa ukm with: a-4 severe fi,d ;!twded, wHIn au .di$tres.sinx; coutih and running into consufSpttou IA Hi first stages: 7. Ho tr ed iiiany boV called plriptilar'bdugh1 remedies and staiullyrow.woraevi .WaalredQed hi fltfa.ht.ha4 difficulty,; a i breathing , onabjo Jo , !P. , Finall tried Dr. Kins New Diso-very for. consumption -abd found hnmediate re lief, and after uiing about a half doen bottles faunihimsejf well o and Jh. had no return pi tUeseaaep .oth er remedy can (ho w so grand a record, of cures as'Dr.KIftg's Nw Discovery frr consumption.' Gaaranteed to- do iiut wjrnt i claimed for it -Trilhot- f6,6 ClVropragtoye r-A:i Y.i 11. ,11 lixed. J The reign of George Aio'falahd was the most openly dissolute period onjgiaia wno naa acquired . repulaliohs for' drtmkean ess: wereVtheii thV .'tot. .popular.. .1 It was.then i that Rout-. jUj tahtex! ita hlgheiit'degree" of perfecUqn. A man who did not wear.: nlifi. shoe ediatelxej out. or oca ana rproceea LbXM again.! Lord wtym-u after spending a fortune and utterly worthless, was appoia"" . Htryof Slite tr"cognltiott ted aec f i Xioi aouiuesf .aa a:-, dri.nxard. u tioi.iiemooraaJ lUvll ! Jfrs.., Plfoebe. tEealey, Peterson Clay, oo: ' Iowa.rtella i the'.foilawiI4 I . . . . " " T"f I iuit, t.aus t lue , iouowiair town 'I am 73 Tears old, and hare ,ben troubled with kidney complaint5 uu lameness ior many yeais . could tiot Cftas mi'self without help Niw ' !sn Jree from all pain and sorenet, aLaa able to do nil my own. houafe-, worlr 1 1 owe my thanks to pletltjo Bitters for having renewed my youth? and removed completely all disci e" and pain." '"- . ' " .. T , , Be guarded in ' discourse, :attehli and alow to' spelk";7- :i f ' r re BUKjrXENURNlC-Lyp I Tie best Salre m TO!fwoVlir cum, Druisessores, ulcers sidt Heum fever eores, tetter, chapped ..hands cuilblauw, eoraa "and all:' sHiletn-- tioos, and positively etii-es VilekW no pay required. ,It Js guarauteed Jo give fperfect ' iatisfacilori: 'or- mnn i remnoeov -iTtoe m cents net box. J For saie by J, B. CUltoiu - ; was orJlj tiiderpr6test admitted Int l.tirely tUrid up by the ettUngirir tnixfrcleii'of Dbhfe'afvietvl - Sir PraL-r. trees. ia adjolabtz swhttr. imthti t Francis upon awakening at nichVl .Gjrh in" eblekaus. It' A l n It . ' 7. ! , 'd.rt'u:!.-! J ... j 31 " l.-f'TTi-'f :i.Ti'iT. 1 1 i 1, j of t.y (; STPCI L . Mr. Ed:tor--rt It n,ot cltpr hjaitlce for SBtaj.tpprtipruita miner -w:':Us:t3Aiai2j fctclMI.'if (hi w!v"ar5ce to ed-t n wn ttl F.?.t.Erowpplla lieii fV?.Mw.itywUl;jJ8t) fcjj reckoned de oagoguesbat mgro fahat4 .Ifty thspotrer.;ti two vide aebooia for the toegroj the -4 1 axe the Sne power8 toetfocate "the 'wh tea4 W -IwnuabH rtUyjattd-. .curst M the ahtof GW. i Aadnf he whlte-' Wan to tlre oe''(A , crf I "ai.W.Ato? R,Eov TbeXJctnor cr ti partyt said that 4o thai party rhi thcrenel- rem4ay:for Ithe o fwort'Uliie'trta 'f.MWathft .aafaetltjri, of ,ourf .nfntAi we.bare taken &edricj of tliat part, -atftl wit thent'1 fntvk' 'Bulhislba'n; flUCom'' ,1! auranAya. curie cf pfaartm acy.i If therb.ht oee hdneit itatettban to be'rJemifet allyrvme ' (hat 'UffinxV fte-w.hlie 'rke k'n? Uf.-' ,?S JrV 9? f t f PU aparkj bf h Oi or left; o& oneiSartkle ' mt laTTiip'a- thy for his-own -Irace; W &eat; ia J tfvWng ur.t dTapAr Hatched Irotnj u i byudeatsln i pulK tlctkna WT)yeJ asV ftreana:of !del' gracing dpr-ui",''' ,Ths'ihite r;ecaa nonger ,rfWar4ej IfW. .service to iUeuf eouoUy;rJThU. ia i a. age of reform; ' The? J nefo ntaat bo, .Jhe whye ricev .wai.-k e. .refo rm, .Away with . you,-L ami luhamecE pi you. Go to work and put your 'chn 'dreVtoiworto"5 help etjuiate thUe poor: negroea.;, This usulU'i't reply Is the steel tliat purees b heart, ef the UbingWhtte min oftrkiaitothr The 8en80 of tjBsappoUjtrrreoty tnliUceilu- riUtion. kv. .toojgreat 'tli 'endiriM pi energy Ui eruahed, .forever-;i Ble.edf are those who' are .'born 1 negroes, jfor U---i.-i.'ii..Mi..U.i.'j '"ji1 i.lil Hcju&ii luucrik au cuucayui fih. uie T..L T"?l . ,-! S VI J.I I i 'r Farm and. Garden 'Notesl y;ixtVofcrut9 bAndyoorjbniles, GoOtI aeedod g od cult are piyi n. .G'Te ycur waste oieai, to the Itiwls. j p WUd: khecry: U -valuable if ortt 'tre4.ItMi!;i .. :i U.;v 1 e-s,-Tuj i U'iltf li-.a4- -m!' fti -it' -t jGoo4 aycofiea pearest to. being psrfeetealtia food. : i ' ' J :: i ;:;jTbeJfwje,s sboald neTerbe1. pu In. a (iaiwi;o.tbejr7aM,t:i ri .tifj .,j -BlaWrnit'ca bd lgrown 41 from seed, o bear at seven jears o4 Forest tree jwtedi will dry oat an less the soil U kept moist bv corerimr ij i! ttii:i if-jn d tt rtiJliiJi.f f, a rarner says youcaa .feed- av bo. i tti beliveJ will not appeifc WaerA'-pure"' waterii'iurhlsbed for t!lie fbwl: td mink-ou4vaddto the waler i'lit itleaulpbate of Iron,? ar.'iir SJUt.- J i, -i sUrfjpbarTdhi1tsidTcM 'be eoM ?tertediotoforesU bV trelik'ng'' Jtbe soil and siwlng ilantioa aeeJi ol such'3 tieei aV white'4 pia ldcutisj j mild cherry and he ltke2 1rBa'i? f 4 . wooa jaxnes are vaiuaole in applv ing tq oronvua. xtiero was o LIHht 'on.pcar treei where used. Where It W j) lu rVn? W.f J?ter, uT4 f.?wi?e. week; ifibsyj re. W kept. foture .W C for lvuVljUigwill keep tw or jUifve weeks. y., half 7qve.t j.diiUy.; i .Thty should be fcppf.la mpace yf, moderate temperature...- i,!-., j iaio r- t:.TWwy.houaeplabta thrive : on ttae drjgf of eoSast left at breakfast is.lad- , yalrable,;, IJpwkerjUelfj hardly turns oat itronger.Jaarage,. oraqcb,Y thick. t-Jootn t The ;pvca&x , are agood mulch, oahe lop pf the ao4, bat a jlit-, tie care must be given, pot t le them. a.ililntala nlty without J the" ai- i taraacefprUa,-'? : ',' :"' V ' 1 ,'v.v7 r:t "'5 yji-'il v .?j;i no yfirr I . . , Uoti. Tea';h tJi-1:Vl-.'r-tht to Iron fab d" tiara fk?5;f; ti'ae'wVti ! "'.'', JafJ-tomtl- lrcad.'rfrci''t5.'i ,'t'it' af 'cll'raif '-fd krt'ti'leii-v't Hf f:& " tori!t:c. ..itTeyt'ahV 'i'Jt.Htt tia ' cxk ea.y, lay 'up'" taouey rwt'e .ex-' , a nia income, pna r be ve t V t-yWi more than iLcy rccuTe.l.Jltaui,llwa' that tea', loo ilfes paid 'foir 'la "teUer than a silk otie not paid ,'frtfv ' ' Teach tbem that full heallhjr face displays 'a'treaCer Ins ter - tfian -'titty eotme tia beautlesi ITeaca tHetti hal an &4iet farmer 'or aseibad fc 4J : Hr4a-iin Jdrwisa lIlctJet Xtteica thao I ofhacsb4 r dxm.. draaaoJ e lllera.. Teacb acni that thaisTitsst f rat. rimrhdepeo4 Bi Lher 'xteral appearance cor cm. wealth, but the pian character. Teach thef ihat gqp comfveq-i tlf help ggi duaSxj, brlax4, rfaccaaatg ilJlii'! Care of 23UcU Cowa. : i :n 31 . 1. mm , t Whfen owi 'are firrt turned eff prala In. the iprtng, if foed 1 a bun daat; t!e f'f W2Utto.be allowed ia the pasture but' a fcwf,hour eachiayt tit tftet i&ji j n a wra jae. caaaz et lotdraaduia J.xrat,uaU;CaTtl!!e!w1 tlIai real iy imo rtj n t ppi trj hat resulted low c.iQua couaqunea"4;..u i ,! Li?'' r4?Pltedaqesrl3a,vlUil IRe most reneral answer Is. -No- not riftheVnbial haj a .an.daaai U- gooa grass. ' 1 ne most natural at Ida same 'tle ruWbewltiifut'ood fct mlkh cowIo summer Is the green grtssi a good pasture..' Wj,ea tllorts'lnd bran are ottatdable it cheao fates and, 5"w. utius w uul, utesr may oe usea to excellent effect In sbppleolea,taig Ue grassICuRledVith hay.aad led to-cowitfmilves a )arr. mtl cea t?g. eftfrai n! wleUle o totq Uttof 1 rmix a aise acreaeL ' 1 ' ;n ,, , Jt often aappeos -that wlien cows are giving: ad extra aatlty ofi mllkkhey JbcCne to hecome tkhx and aeaJu'Tliis1 :condliioB abpai4 be prerentei by the 4 Judifiioua ;ui fcfj concedtcabMl foou; The suength a'od coadUfeo of tha asw: imal must be kept up at iaU timea fof; beat resulta. jjrr.ol W'.l vul 4- li'j Alpliatet of Vxwnxiik - X 'A gain ofproiluci' worth a' pound t of chin b-l4il ,!ol&'!ui'l;i u I HByasUrs aUsW to1 liars': l j it JUConres.itiaiin a: 9 jJV inooteUi attbereau.d frpood. ! God reaches xa gfitluLbydcW hands.' ' - - 5 t ' -.yttV.X t j oHe. hAa.hxa Uartt yrorki wbw bt no wfftlSi" dtfi '.J&l -ojir.!MS, i f ItcosU4aora:lnireTeajy iwrcngt than to baar thcmi;il ?ol lud tli! Jt fKttavettti the wtade. ; r&arnmg makeka tatil fit Utapaiy- p ileitVitVguVJ to irti3 .bjv-v .i'tJ i oni . : XwO u near conscience is the way ,,i,FrouJ oo BBake ful work la.Xair -..Quitt cocslci xlvea tet akep ..rrJcheatU wLa'rtruaU leaAU.' f 'Small fau!uV"laduIeJ "are ItlOe thieves thai let la greater. iThehs-'tliat ymTsti,li V-tprlintwalkiJiUa iffULH-,,1 viae ju ;u.t J..,.' .virtue anu .nappmesa are rooui and daughter. , . , , , . iKPKJH.il.y nl I :o-J 'Jr.!fiu I . .You neTer lose by doJnss a rgood jui. ft eal without knowke II firiswlti-' out Jgbt. - - '.ka.tiCjf-.-yj.i.-i '.Catada has loRt'tS05a;6 with- In the ptet two 1 years thrash' etr-, bexxlery who. -Tlve escaped to Ufe LUnited'i&tatea 1 With t he cxmeyf. As n Americas er.teix!er have -taken mora tbaa"tr?,CC3,XXX) over into 1 1 IX) tato! oo in" the earn a 'pa rfod, Canada May claim Ithat'4 the alaaea of trade Is In her U vo r. L XIi i 4 -j n j .ThkTlim is ih wJ-U rttr-ptr rUbjed iajftraukj hr r " 4 its J-jtiMft9l u r4ie Irti. fit t!-4 vl 4 cTicru- Liu eoto'vii. i f , -j ,11,,,. it. j.tii U? - 3 r -. 1 1 rru : ! y V. ' . UU , J; w ti-it ti way s.t-rs w.M U ilJf.li lly reccltij. V.Hi.-.' j ul Joo oil p feccrct 6riA,!1t,'! 'u ttfcvir L.iT4'warxi": -tta J t :t thera,- I Xhert txl a t'-ca t!. tUj' !- Witcied.'lbe chiles a tLrjl aurtJ la th C?tp Max farabova lia&eadj 1 Sod l??nly be ipw.4vtj r ke l4at ' tren bl a, - ; : a t o J ? rea.i, tl$ ml c a and i..ll jedt. rere mats f : fsaUjcff, to tlie grouaX; 4 Qm' .frtt ; bacfi .14 , body crp a tkjy weaM La bad captured as Us prey, sa4 beMlflhkh , m its. uiona 1 to, oarea aVi fTrue to. iu nattre the MX t "- from lh f"ii noble jr0fVre.fuVi et prowiiiv beea crufeJ aud rumel W V"Vcrct sin; 4;uuj weaia, iuu ierei, nas aockeLtlie kr ttoo'rm tu: i- !literji:tlma I rt-sii aHoipeak. tn ia dftfes tf a ficIJUfTov Ctl.a:ft!rai)ai Lorj , '"oyTa coacml fft'uiVU&oth- ef.'ptAced a' ll-bCDd clzar'Wntedly jadkarkU'Wheree?haL Sot efkuH&wde'fiVKVort.ft vmWitf hrm,aiala,,l,u'-- . u.Tbe-uoIy nrward f vtmai ku vtrtae; tVe polrta j ta h tire fH4od Ut be one. .The esecoce of Criemlship.l4 en- r cremsi, a UUl inanaaimitir and txmUllS ICJ l a ir 3 KM M Vlll f raxtt bw gracloo aa4tiaers it sTaowmhe bajKoisaa-artUe ivesli) and tkat lii iitertda na uUnd cot Lff from PUrtsrf tody?laitvv rmttarituithat hjofeaa, ,?l!iai'o:'. cd' Ir.tt a.t - -ife3tafp1cA..iiiiVcver' clo7.tiaUC- treJwed by VepHitlooi approyed:fr by . , hcuhicuw uj tajoy- . Mrs, CbopHit-A''es the sections of old truuk covers are ant La b faiJU. chesUbiaT " ' r" turrd by enlottyaViv'- We'gaaran- wrtj iwi. ror sua as ir. Forman s. -Ayi7 W,y suffer wth. dwrpsU aod iver omplavotT.. Sidlob'a Yital r Is gnarautetd to cur Sroa. Fr aale at - FUrtaao W R t',c T-u:ia r SlevepIeAi nl-Hita. ma'if a hiiiW.M by.tlttetIble.eoqgb tilsttfe. cure Beiaeifyf.Frka SD.eentaJiI STauP In jectorree Fur sale ai. Furu,attt. okm-.S m chest,, use ShUoh Porout intr? prV 25 ecluiFVrialeatFannanV I Jt.tthllohVosh" Tndu co'nsaniptloo " w caaranieei it i.VPfl)! .taie at Fur- fnaa-or.ppJtrSl aiacwy-aadall symatoatalof iJru. f.1 If. JO ffr47iCta per.iliot- hodiu dlatc eMtltomedUicly mlieved by rI. lphV3Bsv i Tos? aale at ramiaii'a. TIlANKlinJiTO'm Good accommodaUoaa for, the Ti-aw. iTabUjlanUndi with.ttalltait) iv- M Hit .fjaiWslorda kwr Goo horses and bciej- always ready at ray atablea.' which iTaa ia cenaecUetK wltfa lay bate! , ta eurrtr pwuaonsajy where they -mJ wish to WO A. . mf mniww, n uiShavingHdrCtittin ll''Sl1alobnlrtfI,&c5, -.-r t'ii .li'i-j liBt ia-..,r c-.i, Tj i-ARTlSTIO SYLE- l.Calls UrpHvsJritaJctif;f'.eut. jtln bair aad eJurnjui csi.es , 124 a;d children's hAirprcfOf tly rrfxinJad ta geitletawaaaxifixby t:W xsoatb. I? fnrji .thinks-!-;.tbsr Icitisra fofa Lou'rab .rj'and ssrxot:sir.jcoaotry for 4pmt patruwr; and Uj aeotatinaabce l ,.1 L fj ,'' i In if t ,. t r;f j.hIAtJijVr- f .- I , '' I Jeht Id la f'c4 m fit j-llTr thit I Jfeave iMrvd:ytiB'4.rptr' at midfoot of l!4,e rivxr "ori';eoo il wes ftklf ok JXalu street, w here I am prepared, ta aj ' ill 'kinds cf ii'ackiiulLU' work JLXorse-sheiig:i spA.UIly. ' Dlkkll Davis , -J-ouishurff. N. O iTilcare:!:'- rea4l soenred bV-hn,.r,'

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