THE FKANKUN JxiMg$ i:io ::::i JiilULlU L ii Vir.v M:t ' - i 1 ! : 5 -f "I-vlitor and ProDrietor. TllKTlX&jUU.Hili.vM'IMf . : ' -it X V kUe Year f i t V..1 vi"j seo Months oa of thii IU a ' J nnlin 1 1 . . .... Ai.Yxrt isei aLn.'.u' lit t i "te lr:e X ' ' ToCIubsof SjiTAiiKhdi!? I .. ' " " : rv. . . .... ......'. i . ' U v - ' - l ti H - - oiw ., 1 1 i i i ii i i ? . .u. ..... a .1... I ni i fU. ' ' ii i "Mi !!,. i , , t :-. . r. . ,r . , . , , ... t 1 . v ' .. . "7 i Brief cpmraanicatiocs Trma hUiae , VOL XVII. h1' nI.jTQ ' ;t - ) ' ''iLLi .br.sW,luartutl V,-uilo.U .C t . m : " L ' " 1 1 i i ' ' ' -I iotiw. i ii i s5? A Pure. This p v-rJerever varies. A marvel of the multitude of law test, hoU weight alum or phosphate powders. . Sold only i cots. UoyaL Baking Powder Co. ' '"- ' CHUliilIES. " - ; Mtdist liev., A. MoCulln. pastor crric every rfundav. inominir and aitht. 1 Prayer, meeting everv cdnesday. tti.iTlsr Uev. Ilaylus Cde(,? ptm4i r. eerricea ist ana jru suuaari in each Mtfuth, warning and aigiit. Pravrr meet ia every TbrdaynighU! Suulay School 9 eioca, A. Jl Ljfcrtou, n. W. nrir,rM. Remmg. TrUDtAntonvFKrllt ' iv. ii. rinneii. T .1 Board uieeU Fridaybefore first Monday ' is eaeh month. , ,! ; '!. ; " ; . , vT?n V w itt TV! " ATTVrr'r '" 'i: Superior Court CIer1t.tL?fS!if? 7 KgUUrof Deeds Ik F. Bulloc. - - pcrinte f f tr" : . Keeper ...Poof Ho.aseV,nJBeU:M f; SBfT F ILKM.TU Dr. K. . Foster. iJ iar iiitilia "Mf Me4ihce J rak" liutou, 5i. C sHii; i:" ! B )AUD OF EDUCATION. ' " I ' X. JuIIey. ; Chairman,' if ' " K tii Con vers, a : ' . :: , v v " I 4Tiie SSperi uteudent wrtlt tie in tjonjs.: burg on tins swoad Thursday of ' Peli-t rimry., July, September, Octo ber au I- December, ' a:iJ reinaiu toi thre'-. dav,'if iieoesaafy, for ll.e pur p mo of eia niniu applicants to teach l j the pmLc schools of Franklin cbun- , v v 0-' '-rx- "! Wf:.: -- . ilk-; g B. MASSENBUUG, - ATTORNEY AT LA W- O.uce ia the Court House, v All business pat in my hands will receive-prompt attention.' (J M.COUKK. ; f r pii. ifcl 4. t PfFanS fjO&NSitttOBai LA Wl LOUISBUBO, FltANKHN CO.,K. C. i ? .' i W" 11 attend the Courts of Nash. Frank in, Gr nville, Warren, and I Wake GouhJes ; also i the Pmueme conn oi.iMor, in uaronna, anu uie ur M --V Vil . 'WAV . -mr-m I Circuit and District Oourt. tntti 7n t Ar a r f jj ic 4 . wyif 4 j ' T JL7, ;.t'"-v f ifice 2 doors belbW 4Tu?fWn HlVbAn&?. OKsW&t ran to blace chair! Cookft'a Druflr Starft. adlotniiicr TrT fl l " ; -V' li'.i-.-- - i';.'A J-.rJ I ..... attorney; at la wt LouisBRa ATTOBNE Y6 .OT(TXL I IT - , .: - .HENDEBSON JCvC. ' :1,s.'' Practice in the courts of Franklin, VanccGranyille, Halifax; and North-nampton--and the Supreme and Fed, eral courts Of the State l--i v&ll A.HICK3, IttoriieT At taw i notary PiMic. vivc UJjV ii, vi. Ainu !,; . n -t. iiicks, " ; . i JL. . i Attorney, at Law, 5 ' , HENDERSON N. C . I Will practice together in the counties of Granville, Vance, Franklin and Warren, And in all matters requiring their joint at tention - 1 We hope by prompt, diligent and taith ful attention to business, to ; deserve - and j-ceive aportioa of the law 'business of mis seeuoa. - : . y uaee i f.g Coitf.tft tlAT6ypTMit or dark colors?' 7iDay& ZolIlCOffei?.cy Lmedarkare all the ptylJ 3 eopatra no oiuk me uo below the desert--., Uolden trlwa th ul Purpleflaiiie erowas surtng and temile.V ' Ijghts wp everyAncient pile . Tt. lJli-rf riio nlrf .i . I l hL outa?e ike u. Qucctr teimi'Tii.n "lam dying, Egyptlying!" ijjjt trie t.sesar's army come ....iic tuc crow a nig lUUUipbaingS? V. no; arwM will show him ? " IV 1, if.. U I - . - - f m 31 1 titi .. Jiat lied In the blood of Icings dMscpptr lui lujMaaJ, H w t - F MUU-TW flll. I .... I i - 1 ... .uuiiucici j i niei mm. . - - -"'gi uujcv, uKe siave I will foil him, though-to do it - I must cross the Stygian wave. ' In death meet and lnv See, I follow in jour footsteps- . F Scorn the Caisar and his inijfht; For vonr love I will leay b'oldfy f iTJinhtTL 7nd nighL rke ptflbBrinifutrar, And fcom not the distant azure .. urea Ks the bright gle;im of a star; Venus, queen wf lore and beautv, f YVelcuuies nie to death's embrace, VnH-r, proud and triumphant-; 3 to tf . Oh, my heo. to you-arni; " " ' Tou will welcome me I know" it iV uuard me from all rude alarms. TTjirlrt t hour tlm'Win;.... ' - ' A . ; - " ' , rr t . ! M. XJ.. MJ SAiEf iiVf.- 11 I . ii, 1.,imiTli It til AMOCU THE S muw but Sticcessfitl Methods L uu uiiiiioueu in a casual.: vay J . I . 1 ? . : . - that M e needed some dishes, a new carpet and some table-linen, and that I tii list go down town and buy lr ' aVk "SHiCaa - X . .. . 1 Wei I are you readay V For what?? f ' Why tp go down and buy those things. , . But I didnt s know you "wanted 10 go. .lnueeu i wish you wouldn't1 Hyouk?& Atu muied' ;Wifi.-..;lWrfri I You know I'm not. 1 am afraid you you Well, what?" f. - - - You'll jaw folks and get into a'! qurrei.',, j,-;;,,-, . . !Mrs. Bowser, Are you going soft UaJtje head ? Jaw folks ! Get inr-Vt6-quarrel t Humph I Are vod - to4quai omjt,g W first visif Ad the oarnof ofntJ x jmu. not yet uiaae nn inv m m .r i ' . . . jl I i 1 l - - - - V . mvW rbV.IA k'.,.'. k-..i- a . ... -. . . . ?wnetiier ip ges, paries or light .'.1 " " A a . a . . K 'univir efAjl?l'eu 10 iKe a ciiai ppdaeJirB clerk roll doWu abou VJ pw-io Vwli umu( UUU lO o all'of two hours in making ud mtf i 'V' . . . .. 1 window nrtnina nl Snm.i.. f$$M h - up here to buy oys-4 P7fitbiahW, ' rui . it . ejyr- HT A. : ;iWd Mareis i' uemanaea .Mr Bowser, . j jyOUiKDOW.' . i f j . ... :'U-Hffo6k kwriy thing , of - the! ttttIl Tlwre plenty of v white horses and houses, and white shirts and hats; and I don't, know vu why light carpets shouldn't be.' fashion able. Roll down this piece.' f Yes, sir; but you wonjt like it. This dark pattern is what Mrs, Govl Smith selected for her front ' bed rooms.'. wTTti--'t!:.vtfc:sA4 Yesi: WelIt I may get that for my horse barn latter on. Send ; up a man to measure the room, . and give me that light pattern. f Why i ' Mr. Bowser I' said. You havent selected already 'Certainly.' ;-; pM- " ' ' .'But we Wfr' ; f V'f V i ' Five minutes is enough for4 any er We'Waut bodliruWels;1 khd" He VanVrf lirfit t'rbuh'd! rhfli' A"lll iheey'abdtt;!!1, fflBu;f tiaye1 med, iiok" .Timer Wliat drt vnii want f fur ftJVhat morg N desired S4 i.ii- Av-f nt,ere4 -lry igqqds. 8.tpre And" wjjiiQjheiilifte oouAter. .A wn-v-awie lorwaw lo-i 'wait on us, and after iWiiVg tbifdfVhat! wasTwffnIedrTJeTci wiled tSo yod want stnne reaUlineui.. mY" 1" . km o a a a' he WPHEhVoCraiaine JiQiuak the cloth o-er to nothf"- ly Old ladrt U this U Hirer i ifXiV sir?: it's Imireotto she' re pnerlner kniinspectlbii. tl - Where r the1 pr6prietdf i!ttf ; ha store?' he demanaed of the 'cferkV 1. BoW- It passes, for. linen, sir. f 'Jr.',u Pt row's horns and a! ffllP?& norsft he'd pass fur a otiw, ivojilda't.ius? Sir, this looks lame- iike a ptty swiSidl, artdH dn"ypu' If F'iWjqfan to.blow., up ine clerk, and lha miArir;, oai,i , .1 aiesign, and as we got tuit lf,Iobrs I penned: Mr. Bowser 'up1 1ntba ti ' X' W Mvr never dare enter ' this store ajcalK!'" - ' -i1, ; : clerk lied byi His ih fractions;;; Ve'ltry Ja'wiher. - The next-stofasyhslcrowded, and ;as we reacdJhft.lineD, comitef, , iv ,vas to .fiud,,very, stool if tJCcupfed. f tried; io get IBowsei: out iii "Prtunat- al thai moment one lady obactted to another; nt-1 ii"f tiH'innia' .Ii 'Dear me, but tbis iabthe' third1 afternoon I've come down oWh to' ony a tao ff.naMto;A; ,gdt And I waniniur erflari ' TAWi, aQd(J,ye been atlrjver lowjJ twicej replied theUtetJ 10 ?.'Here, you I snappea'Mrr jBbw r io uie cierk. 'are yu busy ?' i iAdiesr: y. 'Are they goin to ?; N ?I Idou't know.'' u . wemnntoa UHQlcflool awa WeiWant Mijefta Uozeiftabre-cloths id two dozen MpklhsiV J:V tThe ladies arose in arrcat' indlfr v"Vr. "r" ux ipsa lopk.that peareed tide to : the heart! J' and each,one of them2eavb.' itiri jwper a look which -ought to haVe "i ti r iWU ?vtW-aew Lirilnutesjwe had found -s what- rT,ueu' V''lllc.f 'Si rrWa.4.lWeri readyo go. ; Tlie clerk acted 'HiV appealed t him to hold his' toeace. several thousand . ladies to-'coine' tfippisVpnd hpplpg-inirtnsisted ' VW3"tlB4?H-ft t lot iwoll . dress ljaafQrs.ialidehterlithe if sterns andtalklhgaii hotit- and a iialflu buy a sixpence wort, h. of lice or ribbon tThe clerk .melted 1m tie at the same moment, and I eot era etoref niv -'iin ir.j o.'ei u w It My heart sank asrsiTiherptace viuucu kMT42U4i. e,.naiiea xWiSK saying:; .to - a clerk. . , ..,, i; ''i -I XI T I. A. ' . . 1 !rw ra-y ar.Bpwseivk,as t.-- II'lLcall iiim.Blr i "xainas nnen naki nr- i 1 suiKj-ami uiroio wfcer as'getUnd eniptioui ii'i'.'j in:(ji irniM ffiyST- ev i, said,, as wegoput, and we went to a crocks sixrceniii r . - - - ' - - UuL.i- r.j ' Tjr, vi ,,:.t n j; . i ii I T.xe3 .U.w-.. . . . u , .... .xnijs js una eame one i ei: ytsier- I iOji, iTertainly, f , -i,, ,", A 1 ..... ; 'uear me, lvian if couia mnic. up wy-mitKtwneher-to take It or noti votrsee wd may. move IuJie Waiit,aSh,bti; l$15! Wh of' T3ishrrinrerrupted' Mi.':Bou'rj ,y ' Yes,sif, ip just.a.'moaieiitv IA'.; i ii l ami yaiton me. lllV; twelve elf4! Jh.5 fir; fqoF; platters,, tWp tureens and a fish'platterfj I niliiM yulyim-nea about and. .kill., a, jne,.dead rwith oaecloailook,; vjTheti she, looked ai 4he.'bck jof iMr-lBou;serai::necb,;and' iried itf, murder him, but ha would bet 1'ajll. Tieai sh rot untied-and 'Icilled :qie Aver again;, gave her Shoulders I a" tWut and walked out1 of the srorer 8hehad barely departed? wheri i a1 f frh arT,val iked onr clerkV busy U thofughlie Vas; ttf shoTw Jiersome 'lfcaspoihs.!?:H!t - i'-'' i'j 3 MatofsaJdB 4d ' erhapa;1 V , i-'Vi'k-y0" , H f down ' and ' WF rpugh v buying t1.? 1 Vi V.UA kclmi I want,1 j anrlj shall pay cash down. ,; : ' T l vi.wa kilted againjMid if. lookx could liaveicrushedMr. Bowiier he'd have been -taanxl d corpse in ten Seconds.1 -Te- were only thir teen tIrthhtesjKiying'the dishes; Ami ff Ffi .Kt out and jreached ( the car Mr. BpwserAiidj:A;; i: :.vJa I r rsw.jwhenryoo ; corne ,aroiMid he stores, and: bat ructlng dyorways. , and .crosswalks J iko ' t lie , wpioen wej haye seen , to-day r ; . I . i 'rr.I guess I Aq oJ.'v?hi w ' t'J ,,'And end; y huying four.' uenta1 i.worth of-aometh i ng ?! rr -1 t : :a i r.h ' ajiiYes? it a the custom. V' itcid. Td 'Al,d wau,d fc wtV taken ' you ; tliroe reecs to buy buy whar we bought filn two hour? rtKYaJslKV i Jf .uv.m ! t A Then Til write thfe very day ah'kHbt.asyittfrthd 'see' If I' 'riih SQUeeze' Vou lit fit's rio1 wonder 'ftvt darafrd'eveiy'tftherfi Wahli J ii:ai6rce tLtroir JFree! Presi 1 Msf i DONT EXPERIMENT.' r' i: ' !.',ril.J!fji j a ) JVou cannot affiydtp fafte;time in expen-neniing when your. ln?, 4ri in oangor. ConsnfapUOfi alwayi perm.t ttdf-AeiUl tdMiose upon you iv i ii d . w n i a jiNMit iw i nr iuiiiaiimiM yo iiget tliei genti Un. Because he in ,traikej!nara profttha ujajrtell yoa ia nas sopiethitig joat good pt, just t3iY re?f in aU.throaU4uGg and chest airedions Trial bottle rxeo aWCllf- tin'a TVnif fitn. . . V" " ' ..: -Those1 Vhd are in the hatif ' of 7 id" 'ulgib'g ia raw oriibhsa'ifs il Wedt .catni4B,i tie consoled Tor the "so cial ijdv'aiftrfgW'which 'eusa'e1 "by i ihe Tact ttot pbib'n's tifeabou't the" Ibest j uervine kno wn. ;f No:rhedicme; U retl1. ?y id effAtlou" ih'case'of b rVoua- proa trut&oV&s theJtbufIp,g4iworri obi SystenY !in a very Tij'rt7 tit&B.K'Xilty hb'brl a lt? powers aie also "inos t 4 y iilu 4bleib.peclally in f hhes of ' epideihtcl It liarbee-fi Tepeatedly observed tfia'i aa ifl(rarpatclr inf tfia- IrameiliaieVli fcihity. oTai hott9e,5fc?s'; asr ra'?auie,id lgafnt tile peiitlt pie iru'cli5 kis' t e rf avf lorpasa btet1 tlieliirnates "'of ' thd' bouse. ire cTenroos' in' a klclc ' robin absoibtaU the germs and prevent con-SfP"-! Ltiriiaa f pi.lenjuc.tUe dm: fhpied 'nlou eattr, should,.,. however, esleW his'hsnal dfit'as ' "f he gertus of diieae are present 1n "tha odioh ajiacojaujiouHo rawly results - ., ..And it is Imported? "r- J ill .4W1 Jl' !.. I, , -now. many oi inose toihpicJc i . .y9 know whether you do 6r ArWIW at them.!, Vfst'ibn'" getting4 iJrbg'a'Kewi , DUcoverri- wtihJh .!is-' u Cuaraau-ef toi I - , -i.u. . m i i an I M5wnerri isoiaU-flJcka careful. I lr tcJtd wUl :.t .k,.ii.(. -J ' - '.m .uwu .i ucvicrj rw" l-iT'iJPur teoihoub so eonsiruct- i PPflUiieiBaViibt rwiiolo.,f ir I "cl - ."e roqsu ioui4 "be lowcjpecfaiij 'TiH Pf in the 'wariu "V,af, ?.r.l,,e. W48:,( There r4houId Le araple mean of .VeutUatioa Witbobt 4 " ' . 1 . Ul'l"!.": r! 1"' . ' i r:.J -Vliv I . ... a ! ii you nave a rooster that leemi aJ piUy'a uest he irotdd break 'Ul6 egi'kiid1' fall 'all the rest brdie HHiVto attLfe iu the, let.-'Thulicnrarnta'usuf '-W eat -i ! Molatare and reatnaUorilo 'artificial batc&lagv.ard troi great 'Talumbliig 6lcka:ln poultry) keeplng.Eriry ma a' ha iu tehU-aa iaajbafflp ay 1U. vu icrunen(si:;aiTt;aia9aaaxtliat I more ebi:kt are killed irr too'mnLh ftliaW,ioolitUe :mdUtur&1 ' Tl,receulr liatcHed1 156 heikhy cMciena frOiWlBV fertile 'egga', and lu'a" M&wa'terl&m- bator, irlibbut do drop ?of !'roofsture' r anu who bcuitU Uaj, lfc - lUCU " UB ing supplied b taree smali tupt'cbeV talniog span Jenwfeith' Were satnral ' wit& quite, liot sraten, ay il9 de?ri k at each tline'of turaloa: the egga, ti bt aud inniag;YLTha on!y Ttut Uiiii b the caachiaa vraa aappliei by meat ' of an inch au-1 a quarter pipe directli in 1 , tlws fronts ,. Tni . wrs ktpt tiju.: ty plue.1 untlj after the tenth, day, a-W. yet we have a bMOiforchickeu wottii gobig a loiig'?way'to'ee!n:vii ini j J tiliu course t iue pperaUrjjr a.(;lp regilatiuij Uiup.niachiue, .mouirev U Aec.wiry r4t afart, oecHiise tlit opening i.nd cloViug cf tlie i ventilaUz'- uatum ly caaaesn dryness in ti.e-. tiU- chine, but htw: ta supply jus Ue x.L't ain uul is a p6ser,'' - I ri.ii- 11,. '-i-' Wiiii'uhfn j , ELECTBIO, UITTEKS. -1 I . )TU.5a remetly ia Umli)t(i Ito'treil -kboiwn ami a pal4rka:: t' iieed-, pu sftee'iSl mention; J Alt: i who - ild 1 EIvttric,BUWrs aiog thjri.paiuo aufc X exist and Hi KimaDteed U rdi '.al . lh:it,s claimed. . ' Elecliio Hut i- 4 ttre U diaeaaua 9f.t! liver alf kkl urjp, wui remnTtMmn m. It.slla H rhemn iu'id 4lier lifTectiuna ftiuseoS br tmpare"bl(i6L ill. dii f .lit from the iVsteru aad,preveut ai .well I v uenudvuB, cniisiipauoii anqiudigcsj iro nr umc Ujt .ertE dVe a) t i b ; i ICepublieilis ,AJLft.' ! 1 u 4 ':!1 ".'.1 s! I i 'jLLlI Vf efP.8f? ircel;., ia : : prattkallt ; n?wui nipre uorjesa Uum aiBwiiUu icarj.assut.-LT!ie Gieet.sWo 'Kofi 1 P5oUf?,e.ra'f1 A :.SP.trrkuowjWpU bwcll tihatirtrhai Mtn,H- Amt, .... .JT i - . "Tlie i2ht Of to raanv feiiriii.l'mrJ !fWweqicijia.nbrlwiil.iubal't f...o.,., ... r r, ,:.r .n erT,grcat mpwiaent has had juu suaW srarf 'la air coonisq aJltinxM.J uw miuifcp to great nfkm roM Wy preeQU.l aboat aoch a. aneVUclaj It is Indeed fKXl for Ihon rhL " ,n,l j 5n;,v JTAn t. f. I power lo jriivem this beautiful .,!? jjrapd old St ae.7. " vv do. not doubt but that there a (fv. good abd; houeat .w!eieliere ihe 'ring-leaders Jare Bepublicfni 'ud "Iwve lioo lwiukei thW f novever we cjon't thiok, mora- T 5R?:J T? ..Mre, Uit ? W c J , gTf 8:r if J f.b a . Ur! f 1 .'.1 11 BUKKLfiN-S" AHKlCAi SaLVE , , -'lIlM T1!l -.. i!7 . t Tb best S.ilvc in .thaf world for CuU, bruises, sorf-a.ulceraaalt rhaunrr fever' acre,- tetter,' cliappM hands, chitblain, haJ all eiup-' tions, and positirety cares piles or ttri pay reqn'reiL It Is, rturninfearl- ' give perfect satijf.ut'um,. or mony ,rerundeL " Trice 25 ccnU per boi i -.1. : - . - JU pi?bt or " ""v." i uui eea tuci) a ona' htarutf br tiieesi'W'hiie'ihVa.'5 hja ing nefess. aHd telv1 ah f kt. Fo saio by J.-B. Ctii toiw " " J" 1 hoyalciwv.l,." ; : JL hoyal . l.....!,iu?crcDs,iwwii.: ' 2irriirLiL"3.'.r.-'.;..:,.'..f.'. It tti 'i'-IWi'Vaw' 1 m voiOTIgiU..u!la--.-iL.-tr" 1 MnzcKzw ?-v 41 Giixfers.!: ' ill .AKDRIHYSZCO.-KrTal' 1 tt Xl,,. pijinI ..;r .(x j . poom " r t u 1 a-.v,'iv. A . " urei ciienie.r ; , " $ V. i tii.l ! ' .11 l-li'lll ' An Ao'tin. maq met a Vaitor from bVUicrn TeiaaL anJ. h.t h: L certald niutuii friend waa'comini. -J 'nVFs aoiagrellAf; the'repTy. "What busiurssTa Ve'aC f , ? in thb roridof itJi 'Se'bHc Jccyt at SU Aaioriio for thre- abifAra ajilece. and takib j'thern ml'viMii fa'n'ct eleared iwenYv-aeveA olLi'ff "4.11 - - 11 w , a ai oaHhera '"l "C,J Linh ito-u 1 -Dio'Uiey! bring ch hMi prlc'esW" bat hlels1 fM rannd 'lraTni run Aver Uim,'aoU:tfie: eoropaii' trti t iay hhu thiity JoUarv A'i!pieio'1lbr IbeuiJ i-ntrj u-n-s ixa i!wt5 trr I 1 1 . t.i . t - 1 aUihVt'tfib'ijobiiVthb'nii tr wis irnKied. ',,:f Iioti'b-aXTar.ircfi Itoubc.'GhVut n.TMurVTerwftbtf "frrebdahi 6f 'the Potelai V ,: ' 1 -tlA j lV(.4vii :a Jii nil -tiu L , L. -i ,v.. .,,.V.,', I r,. . v 14 r - 1 r-The 'Whence tois Mahtiity 'I 1 tll-h-i-weir. I ta.a'tVet Tefit LlhataewasTbonl ordlt'D-a Wl1 j) JJoraln-Thrtt'a.tJia ktf note U nlne-i l.'.'IuWKer i-ltetJy'marriedl); IUam "about is happy :'ui nol'wirei,rt'4Up 'poae. i'usi Jwu ijfiiuJ ium lvi.l ''- 'Doesn't yexnr husband1' !treat ': ytw -wellf-' il '.:.'i.-'i .Jior - roiu ytt'lrt a htoulni a sorted ne Ttry Ordiuary, ererjdnr 4okt pf A.snaa..IJi.t..-i f i,:'-'-ol;ir ;.?i .!tOli, wall, my fV'rfVH cWtei. pect ta. be pirate's bridea hv th?t' prko Ica a?eyow kwm.r .J .'itii o-."in i' MQT 4Uat:a . t tAd" matted f Ypu peed excitement Oti 4 JBtrVaal l '..i Uf-x ' i" .". I'J ' itvi l'"Kt.j tlie ark ? Bemuse he Lad jaj La .of ::l 1 1 '!4r.Te3r :pr?ty gfl v U. : learning ply PDjbe cornet, and brr 4v!mlrtsa 'peak of her, a tie falrtf t flom r that Lkwa.'' 1 f-clnu -l30R6F0 . , . . ; staaw. .:, llu.v MotWpVn''??! albac.Mv'o4r tiUb. Health aUwerti!riuL ?I,M,,J,c,Wi4Jat A jAcVeVuiueT'lnOs , mJfxmf.k Ui Wnocelroured oui'.bch't Viif".'. J ' IUmur-- ;4nd 'lifborZ. i ' ' ' - , " : 4 ::r;x :-j -.''i -r''.T"t:u:i .11 1 3".! nH .11 .U inl t t..t ocni - L J73'twl-J 03 ul 9 .11 r.n 1A , I 3r.vnij(I ripx-r nihoia 3iol .noilrxn..!r, 'td iofcol .1 2t , .T. . .! I oil) fJ ' i:. i .-t m: ! HyAyt ;n-iv , ilJn , 1 Jlr ,nnUuymO r!uot .I'd iU ot J l5SIIV.mIna1Jo o:J,nU-U '.VI Ut, U. loul ir. po-.ri t5rr j Ai mitxto f'u ' - ;-' Lnv ' M Jlit.u' It T-ilir-i of ffol k 1 inirr.i the reach maturity, and whetf &Hr. As let hi k -nn ra j 1 4 ., , ,. we a uretf , Vi - ta v otiforiiuifa'jbj;; -rA'' c?il d.' wartaortia, jkK:U a&k '"Vi.'fo -the fcwfntt bestpar waasd lU Lati vf e If. iBitbe, wjtir-t 1fi LlS the aame Mmwljitrjtt t &he,J i Tun . t ;i. n 1 '.: " fr.TI ,..i r"-' ia m. Ml T " '" 11 a 1 ! rv.d j"W , , - tromTawlaaUorteri tcaVcWl,v, ralptiui; bW 1 toaa lm saat-t; li iL.a Un't? t' - 3 ! -Iiwa tW IiA f flrta a :t-:rV kTWi at aAkt?2 Ilia ti 1 1 boy r; J . fL:oaVr7.M fcigU-: ."Yta-tr. toaa: - V ,.

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