THE flflf Kill 7 TI" riS A rn (T I h ' r:' - j &.L&2iAH . .Q3D "-xl"myLr- '"T:"; . jjtuiL. rxiiosiAif2 1 i4 Uil tins I. Ull VV "-- ' )r ' -' ' r r . Editor end Proprietor. " i e c! .-V' ' filllA. ' I .'HU .a. Vi - b- vw vla.t nit ' . r. t r.v; ' JLL r ivi -7 , i-:t:'-i r ;-j ; :r- - $1 50 .To Clubs of Tax Tar: will beW J I om A hnol utel v P ur a. his'fcfwmyerVartm purity, More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low.- test,; short weight alum or phosphate powders.' - Sold oni.t General Directory. , LOUIBUBG.SI.U, I , CHUltUHES. aiKTApuisr liey. a. aicaiiea, pastor ,i strric Months tsetflSbMimi 'alSili4IlU,iiloaio"ft Til? ilia aW. aifht.,. Prayer meeting every : ednaadagi uifht. Sunday school 9 o'clock A. M. . B a PT 1ST Bey . 11 Bay I us ade, - pas tor. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each mouth, morning and night. Prayer mect- tajx everjr Thvrsdn.aTfIt4: 9uiiaY i-i tss to s as Thos. 1 '" white,: : N. 1 Egerton, G WFoid, T. li. Fleming. . CaSSTABLK R. J)..' Pinnell. - ; Board meets Friday before first Monday in each months Jiyj 4j T,rht$mlAit F K.s. roster, r. riecee, w. i B. Uszel SairirXt5.rr.?A: KJwrv BeSistA)JBMg Sheriff J C Ktfaraey. Treasurer B. P.Clifton, Sapcrintendenc o! Publie Instruction " ftrpr iip ITealtk Dr. E. S. Foster. otarv Public WV; L. McGhee Frank- 1 a: Cosurars, B. B. Masseaburg, . J. N. Harris, Secretary. . The Superintendent will be in Louis, burg on ike second Thursday of Feb-, ruary. April, July, September, Octo ber and December, am) remain for three days, if necessary, for ? the pur pose of txaniiumj? agplicanu to teaciv m the public aol(Frklinu- PROFESSIONAL OAllDS BB.MASSENBUI1G, ATTORNEY AT LAW- LOUtSBUBO.N. C. ftffiea in the Court House. . . i 1 30 ABp OF EDUCATION. N..eyvrnj' V 1; E. Ci. Coswr.viiiv nLvVivt. All business put in my hawJsiilJymoriJps his eyes blazed .wrathful- reccivo prompt attention, r"- 0. M,C0OKK. a. Cf r and 30UNSKLL0B at LAW. LOITI8BUBO," FttANKLIN CO.,N. C. f vf 11" attend the Courts of Kash, FrankHn, Ornnville,' Warren,: and Wake Counties also 1the?8upieme court of Nor th Carolina, and the U Circuit and Distbict r; A jmc z aoora uiww luumu . irtrtft tlnnra below Farm an & UooKe . yrug Bwre, aW.mVi toke's I L. K11U. BW TIMBEBLAKfc, ;. nrVTfvT xt-C-V 4 1 T 4. TUT .T " ' " ; 'ficttH bi,-sfii . Office i he Court Hobm . . : i 1) XT. A. ar. , A. O. BelltebfrtrJl :j "ATTORNEYS AT LAW..j f Practice in the courts of Franklin, Vance.Granvnie, Halitax, and North nainpton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the Stale A. HICKS, -Vv 4-r . j ., f attfijieiit-LaTri-HfitaiT PuMic; p t j. HICKS, ,si. .f; Attorney at Law, WEWDKRSOVJ N. C ""Will practUa together ia the rounties f Granville. Yanee, Franklin and Warren, aad in all matters requiring their joint at tention. u r W hope by prompt, diligent and faith fal attention to business, to deserve and reeelr portion of the law' business - of , 054 1101: IS, Editor and you xvn. HE KNOWS. d6i fcbooy'i t:j fcbtwtrjVW- . , . www aot wnat snail Detail me,,3 , . , . God hangs a mist over. my eye,1' ' And in each step of ray onward way .-1 ' - He makes mew scenes to rise: - Ana every joy hesends me, eoint sec aot a step before me As I treadhedaTB ofthTMr. - 1 hedaTs of th year. !' .... I? Ill '''..: . , f .- UillePi Ct It may be there ia watting ror me coming oi my Ieet,- ' ''Somte'foWstrayeTy weetX With, the thanks they caacot speak. Oh f restful, blissful, ignorance t : On the bosom which loves me so. Sol ?o on not knowing.. I would not i might, ,: ; -r - '-4 r Wftnirt n,thi' 1V- t .1.. ..v 1 li.'OujULk kJofeflia thelfchUivoJ " ' m.j ucbix aiiruiKB oacK irom me ir- . -alS.. ,f r...---!-: I'' ; j " . Which the future may disclose, Yet.? I never had a sorrow, - f - i-a rXljliat tTyleiff CyrBTKbse n ol sendee ipmjpg Jears back WithTUe whispercowordsrIIe Knows " CHANGED HiS i& .Qi-U!HJ.tliJ ?fi' , . Mrg4 Hyde kept NfrfoWPiiMfe dried up widow, onal toothache and a mild, meek way of taking the worid aHt CAraeKo beri vJ'orf'fiftyi in.- renraahaha4Jiiattk4 fortune, until come second But there's one blessing tokfqlheId say me through it alios the needlef to the pelei' '" ' 1 '' '" From this it need not be inferred that Mr. Marvell w'as a lover of the little widow. Far from It. He was only her beat boarder the boarder who for haipLa score' of years hadbpiedrljr,first floor rob6,im pawlUiiS billras regular as Sat uiday. night came around. , : He was; a batchelor, . as may be supposed a man who was full of whims and carprices as au egg is of meet, yet who carried a kindly heart in his bosom beneath it all. But il on this -fispeclal' Friday -Hyttwup ot nis nose nung ionn a crimson flag of Indignation, as Mrs. Hyde came meekly into his preseuce.vW i . '. &AU month's warning, ma'am, was all that he said. v ' ' " Mrs. Hyde caught at the nearest chair for support, - Mr.Marveliyiflie gasped. at all worth -.WbMto go tnrbogh i any scenes, Li said) the JbatcbeLor, callously. 'I am a practical ttan, as you ought . 4, - .... lrjiiT Put ? uo .a . bilL . Advertise; Let yorroonjasusoon as you can.Torl Tfioov ott' to-morrow, ' although as r m w1;,! j-jfca.'. . Js m . CIUesy JahaU paymy bUls tip to tba first ofJune.' ; JM.' (Marvell I faintly ejaco- lilktMhWtooH poe- sJW3hliayey SSM ?- : " i til 4k.rjyoyr own conscience, ma'am r sternly rewrtea Air. jiar- yeii.'.-;;'-, '. J A ' -1 r' v ' Becaufie If It's on Account of Pat ty and her babies t. It is precisely on that account, ma'am. :;' J was waked last night by the screaming of a child. 4 u i Its cutting ye-teeth, ' . poor dear,' Interposed Mrs. Hyde. j i, iAnd this morning on making ln 4ulries, - restlessly went on the; batchelor, I learned that you had artually taken In your widowed niece and her twin babies. Twins; ma'am I ; One would " h ave . been enough too much,'-' in factbut when it comes to twins Patty had nowhere elsa t6 go, 2U. jr - " Chj-fe arms me ,-; - theH warlace-liad bei S"rae f "II V0 UT f 1 ell. Bat lcaaHstayln the same I remarKea oa pleabe.' : 1 I I W a ' i T " 1 : ? I ' r -.TT "T i T" IT I M : T . . . . . I (,Iuf-- ...;.j tCllf iJ Cirri -14 U-IW-V I W,MMA - 4kW(i.;! ltr'ri "Llm IV wkV- 1 iat l cant to! ermt children v d won'tVHiWHl Vbo be kind enoueh h So Mw. Hytfe vreut dowa' sUIrs t6V(5i?st ihtdf tears, tack of thfpah irynffodrjwbete tty Smlth,wlth i at. X f & .ja s-.fv a. ' a a" . " he other eWzxixilng 4v: the rflpor, ike almasped beedle ' wasTjbeJit- , Dg eggs ftjrlherdtoneiciistardrr Aunty, wbaa the matter?' de- anded Fatly, atlU whiakicg yiKP- dusiyatray t the costard V" ' aHqs going, tay dear.1 , chvI, let him irdLratirity Hct 11 A a i.. ! a - rts L i 'Vf? . 4 . aHcneeriuiiy; onewaa a uirn. i IIMIo Inin ). nltuf.l 1 nt i blacks f yes , and - .black , Jiair, edjTd ;.oti j her, fptehesd -not uite twenty, In spite of fcT.wid the ytveancy.', i;;Vt&d, I 1 But not.VyJtM feuij Kl man as Pfifneas Marvell,' groaocd Mra; yPn o'un, I I knowl-raust'be k crnsty old pieeft aunty, orj he neverwpud obf ' jef to the dear, darlmglittW. btt- !WW M,U vuu i ? no'r, tnere s a ueari n il aii wmtii So Mr. Marvell packed -op his uuu ieii. nu,;ifcLra. , jiiyue.I : cried j V.f-1 r oj .il It seemateucK a pttysaW she, I 'after ten years !'! ,l : v f 1 ,j)n'i mi no it, aunly,' said the I courageous.. ratty.. ,'JL'm . sure he I must be a'e4aihrefltuTO,. or be BsrentuT never would serve yoaao.. , '.'jHardly a month' ' had ' elapsed when a sour-yisaged woman can e a the Hyde, house and requested anr. audience ' with the ,. misireaa tjteofy' r1 f Ybu know old Marvell, ; I up- Doae?' said she. ! ' ' ;I know Mr. Phineas rMaavelL Mr; Hyde; wltH aignity she of .the acidulated; countenance. ffebodtdl 'at? bur ' htfuse ;-;tlttet Weeks and lour dayu . He's down Wllb'th gihall-po. :Ai r.i.l un, ray I'-ejacuuwea jura xiyae. pdear's6n And'TrVrafcs 'fcl'ttf'T , iny iii'ij ji; qi(trii fmifVrWt7'7.Iitt(itrif -rtilfpfil'fo' That's just the . ivry vquesUcti m m a a ar w- i .tftun-, ib ihK.. I got nly: as faeverthaal had the -small Ipbi.i W think of iw.5TOaMr-xr -sf- -s--r cleared out, and the "doctor dont mi., .ttit . to nnd'ixtak the fos. krrJi ftUUW you Mrs. i ? r . i i , illl ""All l t ol flHrfVefkli VI would, rather not. As"ybV" say m. AA II II ' Uh . J yourself, it's a great risk to run, ,,But Patty Smith, who bad been listening in silence heretofore, step- . I'll go, auniy said she. nfyoali taka care 'of the twins. ( I have had the small-pox. I am not f afraid of It. WS ...t touaeo u .aon1t,,x. wrne juri , -Aire, niuc, I V J " -. ."'r ni.-!J. r , tr.... ruui . But, pattia'thiihj bWmBil liked Mr. Marvell so much T - i I did, said Patty with a snille P and a shrug of her shoulders! But Ut isn't worth while lov think of ! thatAibWiHi Udclt .'anoloaUiyn fandrieftreaturi ij is euougv vdi n'Rrli-- Yvl'.f K k ! : i-t I . . .... And Patty packed her uttia ouni die, kissed th& peachy, -:uncincl6iij cheeks otthe.'"twtonW that Marvell What a disconsolate ecsaa w&s .r,ti0, must pf.whlca- lay Mr. , tossing on a "bed or sick- ' 1 w4 r -'' 'T tJi.J. Tt. feUtixl'.tfyirLf, I t'rn V fi Ill rlztVrtltyj Uayil;-;.: ?hdnfeiikfrI6iii-fevfeii tdath '(sr I'OWiutiWaj r -kn ttiaJjiuiuJiui I i Who tre ybcr? Ar3f r hei iiAed;toiilrerihs( filaVolkcd'wlils-; iPTNl'.aifi Iia(i:2sn C i X:J:mo I I. I" 111" I e bo dreadful to M reft aload"i i io 'She: Bnwrl i1 ;I;Wdnt' Phineaii ' 'liaxveU: av M' fi V month and with 1 il6w tecDEery, cameii1 bense of all "tbafPaity smith1 had;4ooi! nihtni:;!,,(;. h:r,;trf i ll tell you what," laid ilia. Oca-, tor,; on ' the CAy that tier ttlde'lili beea rot ,Irt. ,.tJUayp;cWoia4 nay& been sradSenly ttored .1 a mjt .- I . 1 ' ' A.. J J jt 'I,'tfL P1 'l!H r. u 41 kQ w. JIe, HtxwL answer-, Tedii i it tiij iua uu.n ;ged.the twlna.;j within a locU icf (their Hvea,4I'Kope thefpW'deart reentlehiRlf WteVV ' ! ? i stent 1 h i be' all clghl now t', said Bait ty.1 He's coftiiDg batk to-tnorrbw o ?nexl dayV thkrobin'all ready TV, 'All ttady MxaIIv5de aasvexzsia , ' ,rw m Vf-ty?t .rfr: m iwsjwu jivuHn; , t.,:.t j- a UU tfcaiy tejCUUeren sbmethlDg I, Xpeihaps oojht to JiwiwiV" J.rr'l ih m,,h,, c'lude, aUrt' ald thwptejiDg Mrs. Hyde. What ta that.r tin Jus . l'm going ta be vnwtrrted an- nHncea ine oaicaexor, wiuiinar'rt if. , Married,sirI You? Deur dear I fhen you'll ,be leavlnz T mealaTO. I shouldn't :wonderlt : ; . i Not aeceaearily, , Mrsf Hyde I dare say you and my - future i wl'w will icet along very comfortably together. . . Indeed,' air i r bi:niiKii : i" For I'm going to' marry Patty. ttjrhMHTae,-;;; w tfYes,' Patty.1 "- . ..i.-. . ie:,;. maoded tlietttaxed raatroo, u ..i ot ,1 the- twins,. :Mrs.'Hjde,'arw ' the dearest little creatures ia tfo.wW0rL? " Audjfannrdbable aS'stiVAf-jseeni,. Mr: Marvell really rooked ha bs Jieved What hsaVdf :" it was ai uus v yv.(j .od or aia preuj. seen it with my own eye, said' Mri. jlo u.m -aev''4ocld 'ttidure Hvdel1 ,4HeasevTi''-eocld 'tttdure cbildrek afoM ! 'But lrrt ws phased as ' Pan, for Pattys aafecT;'- .'" i JfrUjei' , lVJ'Z ! -rrj ft ' You ap- petite is wiih headacbri I it t Ite Llidiet K neryjai and genexaJlynAitrsortsVkbd. want to brace npv Brace up, but xot with stimulanU spring medio'. ues or , bit ten, vrhien for Uiatr ;sl very cheap, bad whisky, and whltb stiiau late you tqr an boar, and then leaf you in a worse coudition than before. wilMrWjouV blood, llabeafthy action of Liver and- KLineys, r. store your vitality, and give renewed health and strvneth. Such a medicine you wilLAudin prctric. li.liera.oniy 60 Store uaKig cougu can pA quickly Three thousand boye In New York city in broken down health from im --a " . : . i . w- . iiTMTpKviba wor d foH CnOruisef t aoresiceci sjus rneum, fever -sores. . tetter- cUapped hands, iiit4ins, ,andAjfkin eruH pay required;-: iv u ' juarameea w give perfect a&UsUction, or money reranued. . l'rtce mzz cents per dqx, " For sate by J. B. Clifton.. "urir in -r n r ' ' - ' ty and nejf&LM, I wourin'I betleVe It tthTelv ld ha' "T9VO Iffl r!imnfn(l j;nun sniisl i-rr'- "J ' y' 1 Iw 4"-' 111 't .1 sJuli.-i ,.i t i .... ..... : ... 1 ttiRiji urn ,inti nimxn Rini i , '. n .,,11 I .... ' ' .11 1 V T ' v -JJ Liw. resnJlw uov baa TT. qv Jftrfi ritivr ct nJrrilo hnli Jftni niiw iroi wlinio IgU a. w w - tica.? ari c?-, tr I -kitoi o XttXr ! and taraehapetrk ' UiVr 1 l;:--i.??itVAiir;;r and ! ttiiertxftvet6 Xfad hnnrt.tsJ-kCiJ 1 e'tbmtafeftrtntfVrUI i fr ana finwpen ttvMJkMmbr TUakaistt4ulic ofcQettloadiriMntfatf axs are patfcoUy) ckartymianj ;bo tttrw thai tbif aremat feriilat qvUH thltithejL, ljhalf U,,g ixhr, ja, VaitiaaproaiBSthtteISM rseoi bt falUifulCa'UeriMltii JtOMuiilo L.irri M :tvlmrY ol ri av nvfoffil 'i9TT-a?r1.tiwftaft9lria4d tiXra.dIiD9t sijdi tVrta tefaaaiinsf JLkti ooa oMyays" wlWnyirKhi-baJ ftalhtfmSt Tbere jarapiauiferOjV BseUsosta oij WujrsMngr ; .bojtV) aD at aboataa,touignBntspal4 IniWibeycatfTeV Wellt) fUjjinetfs tlVWPAuiWiXS fWl strvitnti lb tU wUif .Uiflir.iNifKts) in tbtue shht diraitaitie a"gbod tldPjirttanuUUiei'; gettlh fce fOli 'aWtaWid.'uelk url it!1 AirnW laflff. .;iny.bff ajnyhj l-iu; ,h r WalratL'l -geV.aij? apMu i Aad fkfKrj'WaHat RlilyeIyteHti'l" to '-.TesMaV'iiySj tyr t"- Vt WP. JOvrAftTrii Mst tw.fjMrfl ut vntitaxpb Miud MiHveell,ipwty sqqa.' ,'-m.1 li-jfll '"It bad bVutr bewttrtTloofj Velittr iniu.1 iryoH',k2n5MilwilC' iboa" HrtM 'l ' rKiltAiiqutii'a oil! Jctril cyiahooaiLii'iuntlilu i-n k i-Iiiiu -n i' I'Iltottillratxr tfltlkre- aiift aWi-tTioe l'kip 'tetf'wrtfi 'a 'ban brc'ifaiec.', r"Ui .""' .neutf i; j i 51 j r i O : 1 1 1 T VYiWricwiMirdAiBWf miunit'iri waj;ifoU) irbeu you've been hi bed thirteen boors. Now you Half ah 'hoar tsule WaiUtdli doca fnoi'atlrar: J 'indtueaV aJce'' cuCs u.ninst ujauuutipeiityMosood Wiotlirp! rvil! otl oi luu4 'lr7lUicner,,amfnbjricy a .I ain't deef." -:ifHt aid T'lMftaaJiait va ovesf -aiu boyr, ao, tmtf rM H fsftete Wt bharl you? hae KtUhbse : Wore'draneriJ " i iTirSqll IvyeSsC saau:! tYoa ,wwrj 'ontt1 ' : IT .dla! tfi loi ii.-iTi a.ji'i I'iiui ii-viu:a n AuvuiM uau iifiyea.auigaf tresaemperajie 4lrqdah;ew,isty lWhRhfdpaJ1vbicefos rthJinpniriJ aiairVr-r 5,114 'il rrMHio. J So fllcycli eiij'oJ tiln i)m JitJi!a Wrtt bey lyoK jod ldl thteg; I !in teliyoorfadieJ 4i6u1,,,, ! Hwr a a ay v 4 1 v liueW I'M ataj ja. pw iD?fvi. , t.U cueaasyau rMi,4'Jf t li censia, ,apj Uieref m out ?f ted y etT bad -way With' Chw bMbmtUek If vyoU him! tl 'qdt ft five rnyatei:0l? Sn7vw rJLIaiUnhtw: lates ie tU.u.rlllli f rtakfkattAa beeu ktpt wafov4jbs. tVe ? Uie laWia VT?eaV4ft atteBdadce ctasiuai during jihae!,1 unmindful ofi alt past' tareats t wod. :Propiises:-' f ;ur -,,h'K'i 31T ' on 9 iil e 9111 a c Jiu , 1 oil". te&s'eaeUdlu fee fifcfl IfeAJ cjWW-C n eiutsUisrvI la:a tU ci uif) las od Lluoda TiT .ivai oxai ol baxi 1 I 111, V . iwv v.i 1'tM ,iu.i muui . . , - ..... ; T)J f !7 .1 fof - vvarf uox Hlw rJtl K Lai 4 f w t p-1 Yrrl tlocTs til rliira ttsSrATff..'soWni AshcTillo VirJwno xILa4 UrUtaOr4ifiiairc .. , . ' - Sit VHSW ftU.JJ tiiasi tMsb VJP .Wr aljr;kJi At5i tsthnsUsikritpiftcav teteil natVrod t aifyakOai bd&iP'ilt'vVU v,eiui .rtKj eiuli.TalxI dl "o tj nmiiluikkttsTatxeaadcslMTlAnmate TTOI Df'JLRioAriCf5ol4kni a-W lieutcuboa (Jbveswnrj pctPyokkrt(tf aft iS w edllmvUv'tiffrrKrWpaV -Oi, .flriV"''w yyr?tiv(yj vd.rH;iJalJ tbaKvatrtoti abca'Ui oJosstuici besUFl noDH'dllu eio!li U iailj -yacinaD onv .a-jvionetir &rq 'rTi'llonA .sltllKoami i tn&m Ictiajiioawmialtiociaw l.IiSsitad(Uerabri'tt,d Ulrwaf eW . BP a S ' iff rraa JciaU'aliaaUo1 '4oU,yfaKn4 smda4-ai IWfbU WiinTktirfV. w opUWiefMltalivUcM7i? qwJsUr bflilt IAu a4eepUtfe CT Vii aaa4r&UeaVaqi)eiBsrocy pUIllX aU meanayw hileatJatrar chfek a he u did rirM3datluin;4snrlatTi;Urbeoa 7il dT .loa4 ijwaf ol i't ia o al,M4vtki.f.ltor?ea Uerandtfifirely cured it aiid, Tlava net'beerViffil td mtuft Wf'til stateAUat aakuVloa! cttiiT rrtismiei with ..o KKlre.ut..lya,,AifA, Tt'iAvrtraee." 'lYiaHWItlealnafnfoTW ut'h-; -"''k f ftci-f-n lo'l ;fuiJi.l-u-j.)i ItliXn Mail X'l iuo nt ti'jfP2yoTjrni n lul .... t a a. 41e,WtacU.ariL9 nbadi;iaibi 'olhwias)a!tkkai, kad tftrryeb Matt TwerkXldKdipAjMdl2sUsWl!n. i ai vamaad: tiTtt: ibry as itaV cka; lucni dsvali.Uaba m fftfc rroTTs mesnaaitlosi s9sJsUsecbajK4svi sladld 4kUsaV eUrtlyiihtaWniftraVlalo tfua ils4tuiiaiiasiBvsi cttlMfiisar!iata ff'xHdtt eajruot ECaLeoha-iaa catxaeiy ratufactory tytbantJaIiafaraic PsJa WXCOf othcjf.aftiriiate (Aoveutlaa(featljrolWlot.T lilrlQxPGaVee'6fw4lea BgU'Lto Chs'iUdioals atktlrgtadriyekeftl hiaiaiaA a "smjcratftv a lanafsu W ckptctsdv4a Umc UodLLf.Caiia- boaaliq I?brktj.OYAdd thai! hwOot !an:wnHvkilbs4iasjft)i leeaMeiA, s)irra,fjwtjLUa 0 IT fir Ol arousing enthusiasm Ui.bebaiff Ue right are-geJng km sJe fir Hiu Heimc- ;- 3Uirr tUa yWJ VfJeWIalld Obaerver. ? KlTAIItX, v r.r t;s"m m:! i bait's, yv. r snsiDlhaiaurcrVt brUamt bstriBxatddrl 1-upHflftetoH te?4lL -TL Wve- iiiijj i i;a TiiisciTJWu.i l Lr5?iiii"kW, fcinliey,aXaIiraifq k4rjtt-Ui'sWlsiiUIiiri)ai3H 4bH oSftlenhtf k hMryiiHB4Jd alitial a OTlc dxbebUjotf ibaldtiei -lUpubeuntrtV us UtftsURp4 ! . . I . i i.wyff fiJ... t?y.rk r)imo audvill not accept Ute placeitja fuaa tl vly ol swlxiA I 4jamCAwFsucli aduiiraLLi- iueii ij-wmi F" rl J-TlS. Ti aUio Die Lii!dX.vrti'i'c' tea n'i Ut for tl tiaaa of vorteitUciita. tiona WEJmVry-t5lZn Xra fcsatsa-awsM ,,iasi bate over 113 T3Kr.T2lo7t La re-. I 1 m .11 .r. . 1 . hand-oftbe D-MjTTijmaJotlir mr., us givra am; Jo tjm-ia I'ue Cm tV- Ute tadLrv its r s;tlo . Yet n .w it la eJavETSil jt VvU, n Uie Utl lyTaluW pTrOW W.lrsTrH-;. i;tj 4-wratxtiaalijr-: -.for tu. !aya Trr tb flrsdin'if U"" " ly, Ukj luaaly aiidulrusnTrke thlrir to oVwttoH1 U pnmjpUy, Hjtwtv;tivTJ-car frea l- f link lta SB I lAlaf lyvta e mm - tT Ulkai rrlavialiiriCrJJ da and U M UlAfti3PaPa77 'tt.- naanaiiip wIUui lUnuiL excel t hi rare and '.iajj&tfjl WW "".xRaatiUAii .7 aonoaa It t. slwscyr U par ty cut f p.wer to try to make a i Sip isrurlftWi deranemeoU ia baamie and (tc;r flnatKJaljcraairoTibv s!nriV-ance arc at once tAaVtVd A, -afs-M f-IW tmrtr tuent, rcsulentiar-troiirres, drou-hta, frlietstiwaif,-xeftUlAslU are wlto-a Lat tU rpYcnjTn' 4 Us heT-'. TTiis ia aiay tnie. lut especially tciit audxisBaaxixtAsoav,I ta . these f. Twan I rr-jidlaaW qf Ilutft Xlureaixl more, w are g!aLtojarf as tlie yesrw -re meu noWJWt6erf lt5 election of this man Of Tlurir!Hdepentl opow I rontinwicl:fjarik,faiirfrti orruJ- war ci lapse ejirit4ry tk-rcMiofu Charlotte ChrwnVje. ilitfVtftWY Jowt pwt trjrby tfts'WnicnUa. Uw CfibrWtCAroleW Wyat'' vrF VrHeyyveA4U0jrf' rrxJifoA . ciai4cai4alsBtatbErulRhaXatw Hve j; VHaHiri-wxftxfi CaHJsma roifiiruNyrtHW AS'tlsi ahktalifWtoictUyfsiaiq tbe tovwLrl :wr,bAW.nan wl oesj taraei'art-ausil 6a "pertasi out o f n io iasM(j; rrt ,tw a imftl iwU ja the nrit4ia C-tXMMcracy. lr eeAA4 lltf IriiOlXMLelpAild. to conserve ancVSUKl down a leic- uult eary-itaa Ua ttqatj yKoit-w ttStteto ljnriytejWa bTrrft .cV-jitfal ?'tlTo k!t r t "al svoi irr ,xwa JXbwJJ w rfT 1o ilub9r1J oyxMmtimiib bos S4btod -OKI nl llXII&TtUTEIhjj nl alii it i-mblw tvhvt ,e JinTtlare idT fTii art frmrf orai wfti tti U' J.Vio&tri aaaatas;xaj tomCj&aku ZZm J&P&Si baa-Viveju .ejaj fcaJhtfU nfWumUbeia Jiriti wIT yr aprfejuoati!sTi sUijera ty-tl," JraVt ar.b-W.kUpT1c auina iaajMsisWqycx'adiaBsk (lo taltlbaaa IkhtsjmassaMsrsrV. .WaAWlUd Dd Utni&(T4Vi&'&. boa diuij aV,tiesi:.idi lUsa sra nABl'FIfS tJAZT3idaKi9 tottO Osv rJi u.'ia.t jrt a t dUUL'JJlW JVrryrlKLY., . itfc?i rater qrosfvAM i.'3c4Jtst Bmtpd roluiri!. laXTJi 05raiIJ3e suet U'jaiaptft yrfci tijta-nir r,tlO). tarT tW orJeruf llarptr ft.ttiisv4M4L . jtu v' , " , - . ' iu'wVi tw Pct1S,nfthpr,SYtC jvayi ,rji fy' true p. tMn-iler os rcoo. p,r. I U eZi iu- tOLi section. 1 -t

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