f r1 iff ' 7 0 1 f ibnfio eutt.adsycH.tolot awl j SiiiiT ti tl u . ' . ,a'ot A oaoV .in a 0-tJ i!3)ti'!! rvlsaMwV A - Vie snrfl -jg' ayvb 2. eijUJ ,WXUli!03lO The Tnnsi Uitnj-.o;,:TjirMpr 1 Tyfin!' I I ; on of iIJm WjcSain- eoc&ti. I ,11 ' hnu ..OS ,Z ' gsl rH.ir HA I'l "nil Otii i.'uiMt. ! tlCiH i-KJ r,-p,-rri r r .3,4 it is - for tbV t U ri'if xori ent " , lit ill', .'i i AALiAlftM ftUrse lion c: 3t f-mK3Ly oliAod. .2Cet temi c' 97,ptyrvl ktbju&fiiy 6. U-AtLr f urac urtAii .ID 1TOTT VOL XVIL-r 0C8 In eJf. fuKHt ''..i'TvTO' au .no id .9T iwv" tHt f .of. il.Vf' i,l JrT- i ! f i Left ifini i mi t i Vf but! r... i Try. 'tint t -Wl e.'lj ' JuIiSmll ei'j LV h vuijl 1 eU. t. ww sr. , rviru 1 r .it m ' - 1 - - - it - 1,.... . ,11 . . 1. I I - 1 ... iMJiW h - L V P lJ ' I.- ft ' L1 than 1550,009-QaQ i.QE. BeftpU' Cleveland secretaries have reDOtt' tea yearty-for the iastrfouryearaJ ana above tee necessities for cvef of the government. -AVhatiias be come of that.five or' six; .hundred Absolutely inHlionf dollars ? Arthur's ajida act tiartes reportea a surplus twin six hundred millio?-. .yfhftt Ufs beoitie of it ? Thecod This Dowjerever &. Vnritv, streneta ana ; wHolesomeness. TVHritv, sirensria aaa -wnoiesorae More economical thau the ordinary kinds. and cannot be sold im competition '-with the mmtitfop oflo i k" cans. Koyalj 106 all St. N. Y.' Baking powder Co ; iGeIlrallDlrectolTiJ, --.- 1 CHUKUHES. MKTaoDiST-Rev. AwJIcCallehrpas services eja-nPyfT "Pfi night. Prayf1nWfvercgaS: night. Sunday schools o'clocK A. ii. Baptist llev. , Uaylns Caae, ... pas tor. Services 1st ad 3d Sandfts-incsitiia month, morning and night. - Prayer meet d like to know. If ther aCmr vay to get rid of tti lobbery and swindling brought lip- i 1 erattcesof thoimrtvj!wirh'ianfes lif iBBrVM&& rccwpuaixieaaatlcms successive Republicaar i'fifjaries ;,of the that the party can hkfl'i " Tir. r rt h ,.iFiper VWt ittoafunnn JngaJHftr-ldidMan ittt Lincoln I hadaPOrt.iKrridfathdr, O.mcKiflileyjr-lUlrft'fiit; thartK by . r .r t ---'-.. successive ItepublicaaPrMMerit ,Ruak-,XJeJty andii wa4iit a cod 4,3efifane3 of theTreasuryH'-4yVitHer.'v-ir?0 tvoatr: ;n I - i irR If5f)fcff ff IW$T the men' and measures out of existed cc? who inflicted this great wrong upon life peoplemdKvtebikttlst m keep Jrjg Jft trtitjd Kffitt.1" WHy collect ally more, than the government needs? It seemHhat the . people int of starvation and nakedness put of pure, uoadui- Ltsmted. rmeanness. The eovern- ment has no eartnly ; use tor tints 1 b?li,thievest$l' pniy laa takea' poeesaioa of and r will ae trcty ts ma'ky i'uueriy;''.as I "tip: 'waavtr'V- ki iWtory'W bvo the utmost con lAnisoTiAroenl imM. v. .iTj'i .1 1 0, f lA1ger-Rtboy ,atfts thd Triar Z0.1 ''.I'm a hbrie ! 1 flarI3bIlli-TIiIIftsi'avrfu.!y,! .. p5r?y,,a8 'e ve 'dtroed V;- kll - - -Mu..vj..7i1nol rhiatiryi,.Werhave the utmost coril: "?0. It'Morfiah; wimtfantt I common sensa nf lhe cunntrv on I thW6r2tjaSTm"3B-i6i anniat alIWplar 'oagka rmlifti,?!;1 Av-i-i . I steadily rw twmo.71 j W rnapoea to stupidity, ignorance, and prdu-1 i0 flbad diffloalty, fri,;bnutUliis diceV Consequently, it was strda anil was, unable" to' Ieep. "'J"iri4lv ah institutions oi learning "Vtn work against it, conscientiously irl Iiflike ontbe country, the people ought tftf fldnettthat'la& irfu t.JatfbU rb' conb and runping iotq con juSptfoij. e coantry on, I in nrnrst stages: iitr ca iny o- . mi t : -a on1A U!AV. 1 I JO.MUl5StOXKR.Sl Tho8. . wiute i - Egertoa, G. W. Fold, T. M.-lleuung TtsKij$ mw&ar cr wsit ate Tdie J. Craaat "auenor Uonri UlerC-"' . J. img, -r. t Register of Deeds B, F. BullbcK. Siieritf ,U C. Kearney, 1 f Tre;isurjr B. P.Clifton. ! Saperintoudeni of Public.Instruction--J. N. llarrid.' : 1 ' ; Kecper.Poor llouser-J. -W. linneu. iiitoiv.C.-w2- U The otReiii wrong is the uses . to which thiS'' Wood Volley p'by I tnWere,-, nable and inTamous. It is worse than Infamous and nefarious to cpl lect money from the people bier and above the needs of the govern ment and then loan it to National tK'itl(ojSKctVkut thfese TiwowoTds BOABD OF EDHCATION." i N. Y. Gulley. Chairman, f E. (J. Couyers, ! . B. Ma8enburg, : J. N.'llarris, Secretary. " - ; The Superintendent will be in Lonis- bwrs on the second Tnui-sday of eu- ruary, A per and Decern! three days, if necessary, for the pnr pose of oxatninin applicants to teach in the public schools of Franklin coun ty. ' ; . ' n. iecond rnursday oi x eu- f1 emoer,- aiid remain for yearfy o PllOF RSS ION A Ti C A K D S B. MASSENBUliU, B. ; ATTORNEY AT LAW- n i -,i LOUISBORG, N. C . Office in the Court House. 4 i All business put in my haDds will receive prompt attention. ' CI M.COUKis. ji Lvr'Y'and vOUNSKLLORat ar I U.v, -.1 n.Aak Cl,l.xArcr(nra tirsi. Af onHav j. ,? .... .t i-.i tJ -l.i w . uLSMil i in each month, i :1 HliS aat-o ti'iU.'.Ju r v acts auows inese tnese secretaries to monies in the llonal banks with I classes or Bcctronsbut-takipg' fchtif Uiinl 'irdi fea &h ' fiassfj JeJHtQji pf jirore t oyer o the .Democratic party and ha made itself the representative qf it ri)avbJ'Urlrio4se're(ilousIv. diiW: . - 9 tt m 1 Wit $y.gM&m& wanufapturfcrf. wtime intercst.it js intenaea lasap- port'Ca&notr rirt1 In 'favor'1 6 f. a tftej-existng! tari.and.allQWinp rem uiac(ian.snii.B chuneres 'iW-' tlm ViyrliriiTcreV1 .By petrify ing'l he. laf iff wiWoui'-regi'd I ijartieuUur4idastries,2particu5at: - - . - - i tire: e ine omy ones fcve can remembei that sart ii. the jji rection of our meaning The Ija tional banks selected by the Secjre tary take this money aud speculate on it and may make six or eight per cent, on it. JTIlain Engliph, erWttientwolfehe people foT?r: RnTr hundred uiil lion dollars for which it has no use, and loans it to the money kings and lords of the land without interdsttj it.? and with this money and its prop( theyfcuy up Congress and the State:, hrisOTislation and thereby nontiol the Xetlslation and people more abso lutely than the Czar of Russia con trols his subjects. Ought not the people to rebel? , .Ought they as good citizens to longer submit to such wrpngs, outrages and oppi sions? We would like to mai u- (he ml oti i .( -wr eoirt AAai .ilSas our iniormauon goes,t c n- 8 y 11 attend tbe-j4JCpujtt8.4ftl 1j&an DtaikDaltmotxioifitrong fnoiigh end Frank'ini Gmville, '; Warren, and meaniiiJreugh in infamy to len Wake Counties lso the. Bupiei i ifr M V .. . Wl court ol No Ah CoJ9aHhitj" Wlaw makers from the( ay i . Circuit and DiSTJUOTurt . to this hour lit TMli J. E MALOS J5. : i 1 the KfUWBlongress- B thfsfi- 'fJ : S;y f vlt WlMiice the wafe the' peo le I idlee 2jd9ors. $elow ;j?arn t A,Q ??rg rouamon 6. And t ds tx utt ;r Im-ribtpftKffermapove tho.degittm ite :Ci. -."Ti" . i I needtliutional governmebt, lUBNifii'AT LW t0BD?fjiTatiTaii. kob I1003 . i.d liiv.l f -L ciiuut of Ci r 1' nU tiii ,ijii-ll fey:o-oi ntuitiv 1 JjKrjJI srtl 19VO -juiiJ vldln.il cm ti I .. . . . . ........ 1 .."I ' '' I szto f Kia arcsr vr:i,fcit'U rCanxt J a:ll:'b;-si'i:I?,lrt .' alii. ipSiiriauBoinaiiuM!ui xyeF',4 ?TUe lit.hlch hiiltbabfaEac4b wnspes yut! hU modey a filled K boJti.:sNeariy riltior) tlteabaibbk I mlvo bcit da !arid -i I vie far- the-ediinb touVituUi!lUpbbl , affcL!EN'.'8f "-XJIt AM. . EKGIE3 HOIERS, BIUJT- bott:e fonnd himself nreil nr.d .li.ifi .had no return ol td'e dtfea'se. JN olhH er rVni'edyan'fclioW d trdaViitoid nf'etitesi'RS Dr.'Mntt''NI51cpFti-5r froxtsumiiion.fjGujLranlwlLU; (dl jast what is elvimed for it. TnaLbotvi . 1 - -m: . -r cm ' t I UUrnkdl hdtoir-Hvcnbinarfiilftrx4rt ttrger.Ji'n.fllr)illi6ll&l teifllrlya feiiWWf daT Jin nix pctirt.Ur. 7mjrinddv. I Milrt4xtUU4faHa-BAtir' tlioktoj5 giws tlKflar .dxtyilrier I fonu(uihai7Yobibifc;aitU!r. .. II V . ....JL LLtiL. . - . . Jlttitl.l tU lite taes qkx)iUTvTft ;e 1 taocjilibe J fmbjJdr OAtXpabfi(-kn "PnsFmi wm trom hrilnt8ed4S.3 pnr oUtil. U't i( jwrto .jwk. . ptjlgrbu.Jtt! cdM 10 u 5iarl NoUcc . ,u" ""Blue nuaiQcrvii pwrpw. CfBU.o:Ib Ufe l ffW Tje WaLL ii I t vi ri'i 1 1 'M4-e t ' irtiiil I I- aw a 1 ? . l & k m t . j r T 4 ofvp W'ni V ViT-rir" 1 f rnwtnwwwifcintt urt.w Wi !.o or reiuartablo 4vry. ibeliQth IV H bleb .J WAOC TO OilJ) VLvil . tCuillCl.'t . 'f "' rf - RrritlVrfbflViPrompllj at- Good accomUixUtloot for tb Trav Tabl f urnUhed, w 1 1 1 th B 1 tb ,a:i. 1 1 n.i ir--r -hil i JO . Ji ,'k! ol TheSoothern delegates to the RepuLlican'owveotioij sold'tlieju sehrs over and orei tig4li so (he i&t&K : : 1 Why 7IW,'iu-fr-Tlua Rei-ublVaa.Tarty-iaMld.itau;! and II!n.rii1J UwTMOiioTUbl.i d Wber'li otklrtgfnaritfthbAiin., these .fijniyi., ovt)ovtlmi the in lW.bJijri Ja takldaTor to vo tvy'll'iie ! XFh ik yi BbaO be' ,land he f'Ukcu iu tbUnater, till vorumlal tbptiklio witb good con- V, afir'i'a.vofd, ' for neither ORatLA'fflTwl IiilaM.. i- u repres inertia as wcu as excessive ana un just taxation. ; We confessthat the platfopra. goes much further than we had suppled it was ' possible for. ahy' party to go. It has beeu" a 'cotuj, aayiuf Rnt iff hertf It(Iecanf ay tyrii thlUIUiff Renublicans would then do the . . i -?j work if they should be in power. But this plattorm binds them jiot' m d? itejen when, eyr in' tower; 4iJ(?i;4ciiytlifty,;ctv)iot,, because the vote 'that ; daffies1 'tlifeinr into power wttfba'vberf pprt '! of a platform which n declares the present tariff to be exactly risit or nob susceptible of amendment, except in vly"bT increase. m Married, as Far as the Par WOU1U jrO. and service' was paid for in produce. 1 1 - Governor R- usid, to illustrate biOAfty therftdahje taaiisi ptflcej a young man accompanied by a young - t W- Ji- Day. - - A. O. Zollieoifer 1 Day & Zollicoffer i ATTORNEYS AT LAW. i HENDERSON K. C." i rractice in the courts of Franklin, V ance.Granville, Halilax, and North tiampton and the Supreme and Ted , eral courts of tke State l . , ' V ! i A. HICKS, 4 A' ittoneylt La? iKotary Pillic; ? Will practice together in the counties of Granville, Vance, Franklin and ' Warren, and in aU matters requiring their joint; atr tention. ;-u j'Vj.,.0te ru :t i. We hope by prompt, diligent and faith- ATTORNEY" AT T,1W':'J 1 fe1Bnwfe'government8, county and i lmRotJft tjie 0 Srce 1 tKe Coxiynse ja)ri-y6ple ... in thia.countj-y since ine war nave in one way jor KMie fiMtfsItlAopllirfois. were rude in speech and rough in man ner. Money was scarce with tl m 11 f3 . , VJ 1 IJVJllI UI1IIICS UCIJUritllY ui- I.i Jj!JmLmL ttxW u4n lttwyinatrtd4 Ofj4ljfr are . niorcJuUT.in4fver tbi lUpublUav Aba1ttf iiJtjA54d r.jTi'ed !t terif Ab t-J,,?-1 4nlsltyl1i the'uas&brrb h&h i he we take, an ixact kKct- 'U&2&rivZU&l -v.Wtflas. ,are,tyagbUney.Vlay- ): 1 qftfilbrj-JwilTi' tf'cd, .Uix, ,jouc. pMirout.aoJ w They Wc4iargvdVilh!fl iewft AH'luducUeirtJ tol .a;j ..tofckmWWifilwrtJ aDdtosiSIke JwSAiiyt4&fn and o'vei; akatn;. witli ;"hHr....tlierif r tieKtfiatnoWVttf do, jcalki. lordfidfr, .Tlpw ao'f ,!T r'lUilWrUllOyJil .Kir consta.ntlv, 'cocked 'or, poydle-.K- (iUt'rtyUibpbea eH',t1lrein''by the .Tyiecto carnVizn of it. Dqt'thebHt 7.Iij TCJkYB&ttXl&XElL. aJuchbhargnd' SuspWoira h&iSijnS n ki?. I . iiT ,..15! " vii- .-l ,,!, ?flllw jnobt .aW'lafd against1 Sotbem1,RubHi t,, feiulo JwOI rlitutu, rognnt aud aia mtrkknl ,U, lIJ '"- fi !uo lfaUjI- jal 'Ipans bytiieij3brt6rttl Tever ore,.dT.Upftd.bAnr, Por nianwrU'tao tbed V,i. il ri- Iuwt ..y,i ;Ve bayejettoear.Any'ng- cuilbUins. co,i and all skin ei abAy'Wfer Tbtre1 'ti bJlbTnVpopuJaf t Jyi -riv-FS2di -vr. iestU.prt ieuhasebCdel.a' d6t.iknilTWe4yp1l4,or u?i oeultnrtlijoutjiM.blfii V '"7" V1" 1 ntfi iperatjQ Co pqy .WqijUfiU I I hotai4iiieda to YMVtJTM UraTwagl Z ' n'ui,T'y rTrl Chiragn wltr iniirh ,ridir.uiai ibyL8ucMa.peppje..,Tbe.t . ..., .'-J' a .jiovsaivod qui .. i f i r itu i i Jin. i -, i ii ii a ii in . 1 1 - - j . - aaui l one em woman. . '. . .. r'Biyou the 'squire f ' asked nevj i, a t.,'11 JJ.i i J iui ijip) IM'.iii i I Ac. rk r nnnAruinltv f W'cx. creased her vote to Alger, tlm ijjd-o ItTA'r T f 'leViyfellW buti'Morle-'Bb ciwiiiMb6i win t1 rrll Li hv'-J ;l. ni umj jt nit iiiifii i. jvaain wswuhit uiaianfOITS.' l. " (Air j nx to do something towards lilviana-iicOwbTOt.rrtal. Abd' iljort tui1 SrtX'- l co!UJ!rM manly youtET "Yes sir. the' "Ilovfmuch do vou charge ?" On"e dollar" is'the feYal fee VtrH bees- ell, go ahead and lie the kiot and Hi fetch the'wax.'VJinl tL j j How can the editors of"' imfolieVOT : 1 W'Pi JMtf PW .Wi 0o to.ofitVrVlo State support- each W; 1 Afflt , :ruptIon and fraud? V .V knoviV ai utiW ' splat. Il useful In every hui.aLold, aod a T Yi!P?M A H owi our, live, f 8hlloh ".l sun.1? 1 nM:t4i Tr " -TvV "fn.v tli tj v 'TTiie latter ciasn or men Tie'p to Tbuitdnvt&upf'ff frji P flialWortuuaHeteo to p- I iruepromoier-ci econornT.. ltaedlld' wife sum Drug Stow.'. S-lll ;ful attention to business, to deserve and from HOW Ulllil the end of time. thii section-" ..-,.. x . , - V another under 'Republican legisia- . lion found its way into thelpockits of, shy locks and .blood , sucktrsl: .against conscience and against J asy tice. r This thing ought ; to r st and it ought to stop now.4 ! ;Fof every towel, cup, wash p; trace chair.,. . hammer,; saw. coat, dress, kuifb, or? apy ptfier,, article bought and consumed in thU coun try, theisuyer and consumer pays a bonus " indirectly to the - iaan facturer of the article whate ver Well, if this thing can't be sto ped, and we have got to be robbefi, oppressed, outraged and fleeced 4!,LwyimWtmtfttrbi.nend S&.with a womoAj4roviAA',H:l"WtIJHf far as tlyj waxiwAl gqfc'V j : "YeS.-T chrf.'ahd wTIl. replied the 'squire, laughirjg, and he did. ; wtJfa,'; aaid the squire tbipkipg.U ring in the w wt In WjeRil'Urjn i Ul Vi fttcilntly tbeVeAitaVnt' to f swUfetfirAfas intcnea'"iiie norsc,' "npnnr (.JwhlelWey had floeBrittath its value was louod to be. only sb ty cents.' 'c i:--iv:.'i n-,.v- b; -y t: 4 . Waal,'' said the anxious groo ih tie the knot and I'll fetch more wax v frgaSnsl' the rules of this office.;! i i r I 'i ra Slowly the disappointed youth. tarh ed to go out. saying: !Come Sail, let's bur lives, we would like to see Con gress dynamited about twice u yetr Yi4h'l VI J aMM talker w a positave cure. For sde iomBtbSeft.eer0lJhw T f T rv 1' ftx.l.u,d-fcixiiiiw r!griattcpmirVftffl(v. ..3.Trft ;.Vxrf. 'Shiloh's catarrh 'remedr A' pfsU, JtMiT9tj!toJjlceTtU, , ttoior,tfer irrtbib'f Mrfc7rWepr diTrV tilnfisnThX cb!lr9laat I lifts luio iui Bbniiui umwinu luu 1 vahv mvk m f t f1-! 1; 1; UL aniLr ' - r. ' t wit i i I. 1 law vers, or uocujis. r.niisriw 'tfeHrjrfeanbuId kWn'cbti jjon t wan r-r worr. - 'irunt u .trn T "7. " " l'Xi,i4T:tlita rrlKM (enejj m- I ,CiHl " Jfuiij.li- l " upicmouaiyi :iQr-tare nut tfJt favfttJl' i.i.,th, I faln tri w..M t .1 Rl od ttwiaaii3wdi lsllqpuabd. I ktiii&stL.!iUi..it 'l dJ ' . 1 Llnrl. 1.T.7 J,?," 3i; Eurman, rr- " Tlackmetack, a lasting and grant perfume.. Price 25 And 50, cj t.-s.TW".?. .rirfiTi5 nr?nj-oi wirpn;sbre'ni"immediatdrM re. Keyfi 4Srpip,wbQXpirtcouftUna bxctiR jchiu.tjl Frlli4h;bjrtFurPHp,lJlwjl cUs QU4jiobvi c juyiaa Jeo lAiHrf netrtr lAiia ta enre.- t or laid as r aiv f-" - r.-,.. A A.njkaU:jctor frw wltbacilbo'u .V.W?BJ;vlirt- tie 01 oiniou's caiarra remeay, Ku or 1 ; M, ""iJ jsa e ai r una a us. . . wa ngnw ji. 1 , cuu of lo tfr. 1 . 1 - ii i..--1 .- ' . . 1-.1 ,i...,.-;n.T.! rv-"TM. ..j xiiigui.iMoorrai.:m.' w 1 viAouae Ml' ujlqiu i Mvn 1 . 1 ' , , , ,., ,.7. . ti &ia feiRObnifbni jno Dm ):CfrwiJfJkr0 rirefviU-1 r 'ft rr-V f"r- fiM J.r.1ffI)oi?lytthrfAllir1aAiVd r 1 WU-rakL , tMiiiAnf 41 itt -1, ,1 .JAHlUOAlJLEli.'.iilil-It dJldUuVnnt1, Hfnt1 iJTi;V- 10 alls to rorUi. ir Jencr for orJer of Haner A;"Kmt?iTk.- 1 i": o and cbndrttii kXf B - Addie IIajltxr A Uaoa. 2(cw Yuxk. 5V?eet my Jit- otatlT rc,.. ed tobiloJli toxzVvx 1m I iaz barber.

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