i iia i 1 1 1 THE FK AN KLIN . TIMES ) 1 .r J V t ) ' .f - J J ,u d' T i ?;l ' -ill Uslt "V1 ! ' ilH'f iiO 5 m L; ii is. . 'Ch 'CIV .( 1 ,- ryr i.l- Tiik Times U Cbe bl)ei b-tn dmunou cKiD4AiirTer Ttry sm ob of iLu mn4 Wiaia eooatiM. I.J f ? Bates: Uae fear $1 50 . i il Si i. , Jbiditor ana Proprietor. iJ ?e with maliqe OW Abd none ; w 11 en a eity for axl. vricb 150 pim AIINVll In Adva-nc l r ti of cotre.poodeniv i To Cubs of 5 The Times will be f irmshed at 41.40. , 'lit I. f: V yii,uil.(,.-il'-" ? ;A J t J ii , H i yoLxvn. rXQUlBBTTRG, N. Cv, JULY! 27; 1888. 1 c 'W., ,.; if . A u :V fc mm TStH Hi . -..cL- iviivi r it fitof 'Tfoffnu" UTuRFlT THE INDEPENDENT NEWSn r m . . - f , ififthei0iahBe6,Qiks;aJTrlbnna.frHa''tuorne water - 's ivagtly more Opposins1 as lu 1884. - and otiier, papers in the Northwest, -white ibo JVpoblicans of Mlrmeso t& fiia-jiBoiigreasional prconveotion L -assembled have repudiated the CU cagO' platfernjCbminercIal Ad- I " -. WiQ ithQpoaitlotlxjfj.the VIudepe& dents at preseiitj rww that the Cob-i Klidateihimedfnd -Hr. camt)alEni begun.' Ip general, h may te aaidC; thatf-vvitfi'nW'rnfe tbiiHVneot.tWa: exwpitons, me kinaepenaent v i- (UQjiowwanzedjMwoTTXtfitaon id -I . ideslrab'eiiml lirocable than drink ln& the samp liquid oot of a ' coarse tumble that has been- pressfcd 6 ithe Lips. oCthOuiods of the CQin- ElTecUot TcaTastlnj. i General DirectQry. - -r aidjs another ;i?soJir? mAlMi accouAt; ohJelonHrth didale: personally. a because of tho villan-, jpLtceJ. ' Furthermore, thjel Ciipgo jjlat form have been re-ei- tforced b some notable ' accessions, 4 i,- ft t T-einer a jrong wiucu is 1110 .rrtivi dence Journal. -r The Boston He This powderever varies. AmarjfeLof F " jg'i?' J?1!1! "FT uPn which he has" W!!?X Furthermore, trie! ftnd cannot be sold , ia couatiUonfwttli the multitude of low test, 8?H xweiji alum or phosphate powders?! mQs psl j t cAxa. EoyaL Baking 3Po woe rJCoj Ar-Voscibrii ManV rAction v . Studerj ts of men tal , , jhe nam eti a : ,17111 nd spmethlpg 4flotetvstkl.io'p themln-lhCcaseofihe; Blootrlng-rf iade )?rof jc 'jjWip ep ihis" cash box; outabf 'i-the ."hood Lot thieves.' ,'He Was 'fterribly'" beaten .knocked .senselesg, ,u managed 1 tof keep th ii oiit of ithe1 hands of Yhfe! hig 1 way meilV! vThioV sbstroug1 , was Jhe poyern?f habit, ,h (though- utterly unconcio us of what he was! Important indepeq this campaign in maintains consist- tjqlbp'.' colnpieted his rbri ahd 'tookl .hTSjhorses 19 ,he, jStable hiolding. tightly tohe cash, box, the ;while. 'Aragcr f'Arejidf- the as was jthat-whetf he reached the office, in wnicn ne. seemea xo,nave eone v4 iy, na reiusea to MBTaoDiaT Rev A, MeCullen, uastor entlv the same -posiuon regaraing erviees v9t WttytmtMiigfflBficC ef6tm Whlcht'lias' AlMU : held. . . J . . ...A M mra W L . V T . ... - - - - - 1 month, morniu- and nieht. Praver meet -uiumimS. tmau ,, F-"r JojiMissioNBBa Thoa. white, F. N.' many Republican papers of the bet- Egerton, G. V. Poi-d, T.. X. Fleming. - . r t.f i. il tksi wi. k' O.SSTABLS-K. lKPirihieiVJ' 'terfsdrti suchnas the Philadelphki Board meeU Friday before first Monday; Telegraph, Which, , though feeling qui aunoai deserved, utyi ColftiissioSBas C A. Nash, ch'mn., S. J. C,rvfnt,K3F?ftefl IjVj Pft .JVece, ,w..j iSupferior Ctfnrt 6ierKi-lTJ: Kin :f:: 1 Register of Deeds B, I . BuIloCi. ci ii 1.... . - . ... ' . Saptv4tad4 of4bliiflnstriicio J. N- Harris. ejaiiiroxJIojU - sun of 1IB ALTII ur. Vj. n. a osier. -iKotarv Pttblie- r. L. McUhee "Frank lintou, N.C. . ' 1 w; 30ARD OF EDUCATION. i:- N. Y. Galley. Chairman, " - r Tle Superintendent will be in Lou!s nrg on the secoud Thursday of Feb ruary. April, July, September,. . Octo ber and December, aiul -5 remain j for threeldays.-if necessary, for the pur poaepf exajnininjpplfrants to teach i!i the pubUch ofFra nlmn cmy- irJhidrrcrraaTi daily .' with eome well dese or i nstancg, 1 ne; ;j. giegrapa ma Ke? vigonms protesjL constantly against TreS&rrBP.Gliltoni fH U theJrours tfersued bv the Senate in PllOFKSSION At OARDS relation to Mr. Fuller's notiiinatioh -to-be Oh4f Justice; -Onr'-trrerpen- sion question, too, it does full jus tice to the President with regard to a - matter in connection witk which be has public sentiment so .uamistHkabl.v with hun-that it will special pleadings of uneasy parti sans to induce people to think their liberties are in danger through the FVesidens exercise of " a preroga tive tht men-of wisest censure in all parties foeUeve plight to be iendea rather than curtailed. . The Telegraph does not like the taste of its piatform a., bit ; v better ttan it did at first, saying on Fri day that! It made no differeiic whether Mr. Blame could stomach Srelyfrrf give us the lot. biakim afc fiifiLauJnit thl casliUr -ks he. had ' madft against the thieve. History "Abounds with cases of ud tuciuus peruvmance 01 routine a ti tles, but this case adds to those tes timony which seems to prove that esslrili slnn f vprfc'on j unrfJe , by repfet llions oC.the' JsaradJ tec. but may be as well the deep impression made by a single . very impressive ijA Mule Tliat lefietl Arrests t v .J .Virginia City .(lironioie. -Sunday evening-James Smith, n cowboy from Mason Valley, arriv ed inr to.wp a tlte, ;hrricane deck of a 44f4 lnv$i hts aimis- mg a crowu on C wtret causing the animal to perform numerous tricks. Chief of police Henderson appear ed on the scene and ordered Smith to: go on with his mule and bo p. d, q.'about It too, -or he 'would '. arrest . both' him and' the ! animal, VSniith ex- g B. MASSENBURG, A TTHRNKY AT TV A Ww ' . w lr tha free whiskev clank or not- "-.' a-. 1.37.-'".--. ! lotjisboug;n. c. r-Mr; Harrison could, "every bit of J iuko " viiv wu. , i. , .1. me mjintr iiis?ner tiuiies on nifMi k 1 . : . rr K.nlo orlll 1 - : . - " .' ...... i Ail UU31UBS3 I'ui-Mi luj uauuu ' i iri,no fi.od. plnthi nor rtnrl fnol. ftiifl receive prompt awuuuu. - , froAram nrl TrPA rl,flW The, Rochester Herald is another IPiii'. . i, - ... .. - f '. ';vv : gihi f. ! U rinote8t against some of the tenden-i Tfen twi ago only oue store hi handled Imd-wluitfo known- as a i Ira titter? now tberd la' no tea louse - of j any ImIorlance, whalcrei ;' which' has it Arid ?i nee the I raagl nation ' plays large'a tola in our active lexpe ri races, -Jtn may I bo f 'qdestloned , y tether, the obnoxious;? fLivors of mineral, waters generally: ' -would not rm in&TerirtU- raotimea ior in better by .iu prflonelusii of ILeia individual awthotid' tgl&spes;;?; JlVa, all know that champagne , taken, . k r' iu V.Mn.P a !nuSf. becomes. doWiiece'bf naner L at once insmia anu oisiurrceani not in on 9 hf its employrs a good ' tea tasiersaid k large wholesale Jtea dealer. UA thousand "client'1 of 4 tea will be received the tea' taster then gets In Til work. ' A Tttle teals Likeiu 'an"! puffin a scalrt JuHt enough to bl- ar.ee .iT.ve 'cf'nt ' picje. 1 ' It ' Is then placed iu cup and I Lo jT'n "vul& poured over the tea.'.' The tacf vncn LMiysklans as . Opium Blares, O. Ii; ALIX3T ft ' VriX 'CIIAU ALLEN&CRALI'. .vxcciMjra axi fou.vm.y eh .u.r7 .t ! .n ilftt i!f T i !.---( . ,,t v jJtAJXZGU; r:.it::. .t ' - 1 . 2.-M I"--::.! Many phjaicians hve become slates ta the apt'nro haUU 1 A' recent Austri an ndlca1 autltor pe.iV of the !Ur credible huruWr of 'phytlcians' 4 wha i lvire fallen Ticilna to It ;ind cf 'il many who have only jtcaDd, (A. , mrjrph'a'addlctlon uihlcr hlsrcirf, !cf U I lZR FtT H J Ill i H I C f I if which tnd!caT mi f.-trmaul mir tVarr 1 - - one-third.' The mnJritT of inf oo.1 patients are medical men! ' The " phj; j;cuU is 1 1 rj'ort to tJe dRizibe- cauos Lis calling lntulrca ctkxuL ia', and writes. I oad into LU mental and ph afcal well his' Idea' bf be in 2. Nearlr alwiTk. in them- as In ,:ETCJI!i;ti!rtt:li, EKcnrnj, ;rotur.3, VrluT- cence of thedrinklng gia?s. , .t J -1 the 1ea bate - hny lujurloua I 1 procUui 4taa ttysidcece-Ulier ' Saratosaa ladvlIWelL; knowli f liv I nVct-ftm the tci t'nVter!,t'il ,,r I I imtn ni,v.!J.r m-tmA !iK ns ' . " . - ' 1 1 . . . . ... i 01 T.T---J r-,"-( riTT-wi rnof'- r .... . - A"ew X"or.k city has ronftjoff tfiese 'Somett.ries ho will feet bold of a rvticdiscae of m.irM severity M SX7' Mjmpunc Jfromjaiy - drinking glasses that iaa rtiarvei oC positively-rank'' grade, and Uheri' he whohasinhii pbssesalon ' hjfildr-- " ' ' "'M,u'r,niB arUnltls made ot the thinesi and will pit it out 'at .'soon1 as he '.can. I talc syringe urid Magide's lauoo;! 'lltivttijrWh VtiiVi-V' 'At purest crystal in the sliap!..! .Frequent tAstihgaen'Biakesmaa.l.ii.lioand td beeom toobrroil I'laterJlf-h'Pvt'i tlt. t inm:ji.i j ,i :.!! orfinary turoblerJ Amutid'ihVTt'ncrtw he tampers at aU wiiUtbabotcat sad l it hV. U ASSES PURaPeur,Bfc edge Is a dqublcroWjoDturqooise !t acquire a posinvidlalikd wr . tea and. I raiailng al!cvUtlvef au opiuoi hablu-1 jc-r. n'ii. , l .',fr::: & j pet In gold rinf, and .ibeidwa this I notwu bnt coffee ' Tliert are oeV'-J. B. Mattison, IL U. In Tfca V-Ti' u.BpLuLVew5f ruiber of.lluVi:ii4.nonds. ThV KnolMeur.of teaas wea ras whisyj; Kpoch. ? ,lA ,UU rp vi f '5 :rrrf; i; rar- a ttumoer oi iiuvijuumonns. ant 1 cbaUithatattacheMh Tahla-.faroubed;.witb the3jeittlie " iv.'? vv ! 't-T . 1 - 1 1 A ra Ton man m l ir l m n i rwl mxi. Be to the wearer's awe is: ot: laiier- . . How The 3 rakes , TVorlc. f X lWDJ -umatipatio, UiEalnes. l feh rm'i 1 on rrr'H' 1 i.ipj natlnjf links of embossed-' and ' deep - 1 " appetite. Yellow Skint BuU'i.,VU ! UJL va 11 4 4 u'"1 7 '-'f V.p'Qr " V" ijVn lo J 'c1 : i .V'',rrTrir f Vn "'''ic talWrU a poaitiVe care. For t ie kl -Coodjortes. aod.ggfet .alwaya blue enamel, also inlaid with , Je-, paid a railroad man one day: Hl FurtaifTrn "", adyt i stables, which I hm la leUiv' Sirarige 0 the-'' ' lady1! Is bet not pna ln. a biinTrcd of the people .-.t;i..ni t 1 ( 1 -iiitT . conaeetitn.wlia my boil;,to corfrev hafdiy'satisiied with 'It'; however, VhoVavel pn rnilruadV train's under .1) Maqve veiling and wlute raoirt U ,a- .pertouaaaj where. (Ml-majjrSsh to " thiucs bt1 ifehdliTsr ! ! abroad "for' .tlan'dhow the presiure of air Is -.used; , fMk M wella a.;ftvorita ;ommer. e. - t V r. --r.-f -.-t j t one of "yet " greater priceCiam. Tb3 Ileal Issue." ...-.-,. ... - ' - ' ' ' I 9 a 10 appiy tne. oraites to .ma vain.' I ;rM..T"? iu.j I j,. AYIieu theairbra.e was, first JuvvU.L 'Whywln you faough when' ttJiol 1 ,,'.1"a, aslfueu..mi CViinar' Cure. will girermnHKiia relief MYie under e-ch car when the car bo stopped, and the pressure tyrt r.pX: erted to force the braces up . aains the wheels. y But at ihe present day the brakes are held against the vherfs 10 cU., 50 tt and II.. - Tor tale r at rurman;a,.,,,v. .iAyjll J ; Tea gowns : for : aomiuer wear - are maile of thin! white muatn. over col-:J in LouUburg, we wilt ehdVavor to-'ao- :oreduralui;.;i;i ,;; in, rj i; t) i ommod.it UxJ publjo nitb-gacxicou- v I J,veXaDcC"-Al good h(Hrea aud bog r A posJ. g'.e, and attuuve di i f The issue of the campaigii is falsely stated byithe RepuUHuun Convention. No proposition luis bet n .Uule fur free by springs, and the air is turned iflto trade. vTne issue istivbliall there be a, the cyiindera to puab the brakes. away low Mriff or a huh .tirirTf . ..fcilvalKn I from, the wheels a the train h ln nxi-, the people be "burdened . that tome' ( tion.,', When it b desired i o stop. : .tlie '. Kurman, Jr. . , , t j . ;f 1 to ta numbr-r eftlw pc.pto shall enjoy I cxi tnhi tlie air js let pu aud the 'springs 'u ' .'. '-. '' ' -, , t" eptibn'al and dishonest prosperity ? or. ..apply.'tlic brake and atop the traiu. l ' A 0w!Iia t rather dark JV' shall there be cqoiUJusticositoi all? I The last method of naing air, pre- Shau the excise tax ,oa.wiuaky; irnd 1 sure h;i great , advantages . over the ' .iuu L.ir. lrj.li Shiloh'l catarrh remKlr tivo cure for , catarrh; diptheria anj eankec woiua , t ot sala by ; IV. IL Themcw approached Qe. mildT eyed 4iUeafad rlached fqi Ithe bn dleVeinViiItiiV)Vn4r'qyitly rei tobacco be maintained to the end tlut J o'd way on the score of safety. - When 1 the direct audindirei-t tariif dix cn the I au accident liappena to a trainee Lof .necessities and comforts of 7 eistene I. the first e tree ts it is apt lo liave Is to shall be reduced, r shall.it be tool- J rupture the atropines leading from the ished in order to make wearing apparel I eugine to the cylinders under the cars, drivers will "pica the public,' w are determined that' it ftbaU bdae. -AJaowo ara prtpaXed to e re ol teaiua-i.and lha vnry aiteotiou tall(b give a thenu art pwiar.a to da t;l llndi or U extensively 1 used In combioattoo bttUn2 a tecured a Cm I du witU'tllk. ;' . 'J .:V.;-.; ..1 . dityjor tat u.parpoM: GitBi x$ a . , i :i m i.,c-. v, .ktra.ofrjoar!.T.wagaK0a4l.5a .-7A,M?eUL1 1' grant jjerfunie; Prfco 2.5 and 50 For aalaby Furrtian.' I jjAYis&prxirELi: Kbiloh'a cure will Immediately re lieve cronp,witoopiog eough and brou chilis. ;Foaalo,pyFanaaTi i . or dyapepala and. Ilyer. -TpompUdnt you have a prioled guarantee oo r. err boltld ul RMlnf' Vir.itT i fofa low ta:4fli,a aga'a t a, hist'a tariff, because a ch'dd five years old can , stop jLivr fails to cure. "or aala at Fur, :fur redu. ed taxation as against excess J ajLrain in thirty seconds from any. car I Jk,ij ' 1 :'I ' expressed a doubt of the chiePs J and those things without which exist-I and tht of itself stopr"Uie train,. In ability to takSTiim Into .custody. I ence is misery ex peu-uvc ? . . Tlia Dem-1 stantly it Js very important for er- Dcxatic party ana ils caiiaiaji't-B : ztutna i rrjr ouci 10 uuuersiauu. uus niaiHr, Go; r I i J L. " I 1 . t. 11 t?aji.'i a'ai 't rf il V-.'tT .Vit 1!; .i," 1 t :i '"Aii:it..t marked But liini ovpr "Nprl l.iTe taxation for- the ' msintenaca. of I in the tram If he simply understands ...- 1 v r I 9 . . 1. I a t. -. I t - tit- i r ?a- . "1 1 a f The next, instant, tho ehiof , lav , on fmiporw; upon ownuay i.anu ,1 pun xu now. ,iou wm see, u you 100a lor is. "the broad of his back, in lh mhMU 1 lUfcUC luu t""" 1 w pewwu ana r. necessary . consumpnon. , . a ne 1 irom me loiteimom ot every car , A natal loiector fret' with each bot tle oi Sjiloli1 catarrh remedv. . Fo at FormanV 1 aa e TVmopmMft.nn.rtv Lnd for rnasoua- I Tlmk rrinnfrti with th ktf irt nn.lur I uo,,tl" hie economy and a' reduced . surplus; I the train. ; If youcaU-h hold of it and n ot for wild. extrvaga(ie which, con 1 gitela little Jerk it will atop the.tralu tinuin? excessive taxation, wilidissir Lbefore it baa cone 200 tarda. . v - pate : the surplus. .. Cleveland .and Y 11 attend the Oc-uVtsbf ITasliiM ci'e afod Practiced of the ReuuLll 5 rantim rnnviiie, warren, ana tCan i.ariyirtrrebukes the" EeDub; waice uouufies t also? tne tupiemeii .r v. : .) c6urt of JToAh CarolinaVdnd tkJjl licans for their Childish attempt to f. Circuit and DisTHflcTJUburtaiJi A h monopoze the! fkmerlCAn . flag as -. Aammitim S An t JLl w,y-lv yj Wtfpouiniefolithe President for hi$ Jlflce' 2 doors - below Forman. i recent action in behalf of the ex i Cpoke's Drug Store, djiing Dr. $. J tension of the scope of reform ; id U. Ellis. tlmteiite. bfcB saUl ,trfeX?ivirJBerviceiy A E W TIM13EUL.AKE; r ; MosroftlHj Religious ;and tem4 ATTORNf AT-LA Wj ; ; ; ;J ; 1 jritimfeS,pa$t 4ireinow out in oped Office ihe Court.Hos or the free whiskey pronouncement bcaikai u-t . s . r j I ! i o t.-4 T a Animated Xumb-liells. '-.! it It w I'. A. DAY. A. C. SWIXJCOPFEB . - A TTflTlN K V is AT LAW. ! ; HENDERSON N, C. . 21 ; The Christian Union, after a L long and dispassionate statement of the case, says that it ! has no wish t conceal"j its present preference which 13 4iin favor ; of econdmica expenditures and a lowered tariff.1 The Advance cails the free whisk- plank. "a blunder which 8 amounts to" a crime,"-and denounces ; the! 'cowardly and wicked ' attitudes of the Chicago Convention nn thti nttoBJ At La? S HOtarj PalllC. question of the protection" ofthe "Voice ridicules the straddle of' the Independent, and says . that r while "some of the anti-saloon r Republi- Practice in the courts of Franklin, V ance.Granvllle," Halifax, and North- aampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts ot the State A. HICKS, p T. IIICKS, ? Attorn ey at Law, V' HENDERSON. N. C. Will practice together in theroaaties of Graaville. Vance. Franklin' arnl Wrrn: aad ia all matters requiring their joint .at- ; cuviun. , .... 5, ; :.t,, - .s 1 We hone bv , ul attention to hnsineBg. to deserve and receive anortwa ef the law business of taiisecfiSa. :. 1 . j h can leaders may find the free whisr key plank big enough for them " to oyviiju vii, jv wm. never carry ine thousands of Republican ; who are temperance men."r . - . , -' Other protests In. the same Uihe are finding utterance ia the colmns of the street from a pile driver butt from; the mule's head! ,Hescrani- v bieu to n:s teet ana i.maue; another 'attempt with a like Teault and toe- fore i:heiegaiur'ed"Hii feeV a1 second nine wie mu e anu n.s naer were .Tharmani a fair tariff and no favorites, J3 11 a . t a a Ml1 ' n rt t-r aa n 11 ra vrra m wuarn w r a awrsv4-a a . . rryj'rjtT'f rni u wiU.winby the: voice -of; a.tAiugtog vthe wittdaf -Hater in the afternoon 1 Smith ia said to have pulled a "pis electora of the Republic, against f free ??! 9$ tne P)vie Vfflce 11 VaI I , whiBkrVfree tobacco, taxed clothing; lvr.v,.w ;'"vM,"ji jrr"i::v f anq oe nominees 01 a.cvaveuuoq pre merely.; acjjrcjnowjj'em your r sided over, by a railroad jobber of 2ie -heeWf-Ned j when 4h mule's-hind cles in the air, which 4 sent every one ny mg irom i the , vicmuy tot fJiifhlsMnalif ctfired'IrterM U PJ Wfr-) had dismounted from bis trained Pa? ye.opeq a unique pa-r ot wm mule and locked up on l a charge bfj hlt :Xat wtnter.be went regularly tb the gyniuasium of the Young Men's Christian Association. Ha was 'told that tha best way to develop his mus cie was touse dumo-peifs or;, swing Indian clubs, begion!ng with n light pair 'and - gradually -increasing'' the weight as" he became stranger. j -Asi tion amone verv rich women of a I iTT. .; ... .. .. .. -r- ' , drinking glass esDeciallv dealirnedilsv?raIPaJ'rof dbt,.wklch ha icouh for the purpose of Imbibing " the' ail afford, he hit Upbd'atw i lfolWiog oatticutar-kfnfd bf kinds of wrrie'ml I ischemesklle was the 'owher' of two Mer'lh'all'mdvTff pupa which, though tmallla tise,' pos- ' - . .... ; I i . . ji.c.1 .1.: - J glasses, the flrst'Of 'Which7 frus.1 of I P a; ar.ranaraoie- degree xuai courlmported Irom Parifare oil nacity o'P for which tl bulWoss; I ' ' 1 S CP! ilUSUf. itOtOULCIlVUa lie caIV FiOInrZYm h taght each f these to-fir bis- teeih r"'r l4M,llV Ievea"ngv inei intheead of a short ittlck, land rthen cu" worKmansnip. Theyl taking one of the sticks hi each Und, .nfieuiwagoiu or stiver chain he waved them about his headteoma' and w6r;ri dangling froui; the Vbelt.! flr m-: -mAminitf!e Aa'UiJ , ine cusiou, wnveft, is a new one," is dog grew lib: stTeagth increased, and 'a.uEMj3S In! every poeture Tht Rtr, CJeo. ti. Tliayer of "Uoori M,:Imf aar: 1 -O th rnra.ir wife owe cur . Uvea u shilo't's I Vn. lo'.fi auuiption Cure, . Fertile at Furaua't irug aiyre. . . . . , n J H'OHTn KNOWING. ' t disturbing the peace, .. Thi . morn-: ing he Was released " from ; custody! ?i(ofuce: Novel TJrinklnirOlassAS. - ; ........ , . novel fashion at teaslderesp th sieasob h,asi ben -trre' ihrrbcli rts, s ilSSS. : llarper'8 Bazar; si I !1 ILLTJSTltATED.' " 1 x jar per a caxar h a bom journali I .1.1-.. .1. . 1 - l!i . . " - Mr; W..II. Morcanj merchant. Lake Dty, Fla wai taken i with a . severe cold,; attended with - a , distresing. cou.-li and running into consumption in ii s first stages. He tr ed many so ts lied popular rough ' remedies and i It combines choice literature and fine ste"Uily grew .worae.: wwa reduced I artuhistrattuns wtta the lateit inteliu lu flesh, had difficulty ; in .breiitbing I genca regaidiag tba t-ahloot. -itXae'i and was unable to,, sleep. Finally I number bat' clever aeriJ.ana tried Pr. Kin-j'a 'NeW Disonvery" for I t)rfes,' practical and timely cs-afa. citiiaampiion anniounti immeaiaie re- ongnc poetas, numorous sketches ctcl lief, and afwr uaiag about a half dowi I :Its paUern?ht .and .raaliion.Dlaui bottle fomnd. lumael f ,weH and ,hts supplements will alone help Udief . a had no return ot the, disease. !N oih- iavo many times the' cost of ih aol4 erremedy c'n hbwb grau.I a. record seilptl tt-and papers on' aoiial eti4 of cures', as Dr. KinK'a New DlscoTcry nuutiri 2coratiye art- hoosa-kMhlni; for consumption.!: Gaaranteed to do I in all IU brauclie.cookerT, et i mv just what Is claimed for jU rTrial bot- I it useful in every huiia hold, and a si-: , .- nil iii Sk. A. UFIIHHSCLD iTiSD ' r.i a jt- il 1.1't.i a I:.!. o 4 ..'I till 'I . J;! J 41 It I, ',' and get'every thing you wxa la the wa pf'.z -i:.r .it f.v.il 5i.!tT.4 11 i ' J"' il J-i. S'.J'.-Q -Id " W iJi Dm .Grocerios, ' ccaitCTiuainiESi tie free at Cll roa'a.Drjg Store, , i i v uTit best Salve In if the ' vor!d for cuts, brulsea. sores.ulcers ault rbtumj fever aores, r letter, chayped .ban Is, chilblains, cor. ia -and all ' skin erup-. tions, and positively caret piles, or ad pay required. It. is ' guaranteed tq give perfect aitiHfavtionjj.or money refunded. . Price 23 cents per bcttle For aaie by J. IS. Ulilton. ." f' ijIn theclouds-The ruau1.' hi J the moan." 1 .:f . ' ''v a t . - . 1 ' vikilvJiixCbFiNB T: axxx. TTia ntw -nw -5. . . . t . tfltA ti.ntrtftlBp a avntiin ' T i . rials are marked by go,l tenae, art I TODaCCO &C not a Una Is admitted to ,-lts oolomna A U fttUVul .W Y it 'i .'II a. . ..... I . I, . J .- i - . . tuai cuuiu oueua iue moi uiudious taste. ' - -'J ; J ITa rVbr's pKa4obr:itaJ ! .yer xeanl !..! - vi! nARPElfS BAZAR J $io nAUPEivs magazine . : lUUl'EIfS WEEKLY 4 00 IUUrER si TOUNO PEOPTJ& '1 00 Poaug Frat Wall aaboeribcra . Ir4 the United Stcta or csiaada. Z" 1 . The volumes of Ihe Bazar will be gin wiihtht first Nurolwr for'Jahoarv of each jear when no tilt e.b ibu- tlooed.aubacrt, Uunt will begfu ,wit! ...H 1 v- ;?v.;ResptctfaIly l-a 1 .i ) blAcesmith: . Novel white parnsvln are composed of large petals of roualio overhan"in r ,nd bttmDr carrtnt atlfrad of receipt - . I ofonfler. 1 '.-' '.. . . j .each other.;., a t,i i:.-f;i .:;ikadd vUamet ef lfartHa Tt,;u (provided the ireluht does not exrerd one dollar per volume),- for $7 00 par J 4 riea.tQ excess .and-.serylng.i for anl performing all the graceful gyrations excuse for VjiTgaV blspy''Thiy ik n.uf.aQ expert club-awmger ''with.: two' iP'P-iit neX fanions; but, on lliwoodeo handles, to the ends of which; the.other hand, jtcannot be denied l a coupli.i)f:.flfteen'pound bull klogs ihat.a: private - arid- elegant glass; IJiaog by.their tetth with a kath-Uke from which to qua sulphur or v.p.Baleigh Visitor." 1 sent ' by mail, p.t I ji Urs, Phoebe . Chealcy, Peterson, Clay, jco., owa,, tella ihe .following remarkablo itoryt the truth of which is vouched for by the res!dentj'rthf town : I am 73 years old, and have been. troubled. with kidney complaint and lameness for many yeaia . ,coald not dress mvidf witlum't heln." Now lam free from all p.in add sorene-a,; f1 , Ji ' v a,w "ii j u wit uvuiHI" woTay.. 1 owe mv.itlxanka to Elec'trio : ,. :) o:t v I I . a" . . a . a - i oet ire toinioiru me revise ,icat have moved lo tbe hop. at tha. foot of the river brile,on lb a kenl slJap Main Street,' where I a 31 prftf rtd lo. fl'tl' kiruJa 'of IJ'ackm.lfi WUrV ' .'irnENE"VS 1IFR YOTTTTf " II f't hree y eara back, ! ia na vibi ;i t. . a 1.1 .--i j ntDUing, wiif d sent by tnait, p.t 1 1 ECorse-abwring a stalty.' pato,or by expreta, Tra r expend I . tutui. . j ' Dt:iiXLC.:Uxvj i-SS t M .ti ' Ie'ibtirrr : "7. C h - ..1 it '. -.. -. -j 1 Bitters for harm nneweJ my youth, and removed completely all , djscae and pain,' Clotb cases for ach. volume. nJta-L , ftllFPIri I KfinP. U Llaf-.ir hinJlB .ItlK. .1 r." whw , poi-paia,u receipt or . 81,00 ajch,. ; .. . . -uu , - ltaittaacea a-anald-l mde by I , , ( . ., "u'"lui Fo't-olfics Money Order or Draft . tjoi 'ily ahop U .eLll on court fsea oiucaaue or loes.. , . n - . ; i (.where I wiil be pleased , to hava my Nea epaper are- not to ' c6nv thl i I friend and m brm t rail fn . mmU advertisement tallLout the exprcas l,C allsjrirate resUenccs ler cnt orderof llarper A Brothera. t!n Ixdiea andchildrcna hair " rromtl Addiest IXixpfr & U. . f . i.V. ra Fog-: Ua lead-y

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