FAY Tin Published Every! If KLIN TIMES. BIDAY BY AS. . TUL HU U XL uiJuil ' V-TTlf A-,, I boUlaaea is Tri olfiK OMhAV. atod tt -J . . mmf ,rM Mil- A T In J A WIT A PmVliiczUpaliermrT ffc YOi BVAil lirvr nftltu m k - - - wvir9 kdTertihoriaka. note bera. 0 r1l rro'.;j tQTOA&NOVW Yd r" .Xr 1 t terror m,i0 iaWMM,ii I r I mm u-ji.i nil nUllj ';,,5 ; ' ' ' .i i r--f i n - ... i -m xxiii ui iLikia r t - - 1 mirT JH- ri...t r,. n? ill - .... IMIiTlJ Mi A 4 WtM I .lavs - .... II f WW am . - it a- iiir nnn .?. t i W Pilar "wff! artliattW' 31 edl Jaa XI. XJ5Ta.t!MlMnoi(wai :i tt JHETFRH 1 1 j :V7"" , ""flfl n steiw fK r Li.rr.LTT Vmusi I J: - -v-V .mcilq tuts ttTum i .. i Thi ptrity, 88Mrel of More 811 J c pecan with tlie multitude of low test, short weight aiutu orpnospnare powaers. HOLD ONLY I X CASS. JiOYALi U A KING FOWpE i5! General Direc LOUI-iBURG. fi, CHUIiUHES. Mbthodist Rev. A. MeCullen . . a..j. T Eerton, G. VV. Fo Ooxstable K. D. Pinneil. Hoard inee i t each uion FRANKLIN COUNTY. J. V-id.ic U.8. Foster. F. PuZT r . , j uzzeu Superior OTrn3eTl2Yl ,ng. Jlugister of tffryg1. B, b:ena ,11 C. Kearney, l rc isarer u. f .Ulitton. Suir of Hkaltii Dr. E.S. Foster. li (iPD OF EDUCATION'. N. Y. (Julley. "Chairman,"" "'! 1 E. O. Conyers, li. 1L Massenbarg, J. N. Harris, Secretary. TiiepfimJjBrbehi Louis. burg oafCojiTarjf'eD- l'ir au I December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the pur pnse of examining applicants to teach i i the pubjscbgols o&'riaikjin coun- 'PROFESSIONAL CARDS JJ B. MASSENBURG, ATTORNEY AT LOUISBURO.N. C. - Office in the Court House. , A.U hu3inesa put in my haods vii) receive prompt attention. .COOKJS. 11 attend the iohrta nf. xr,K " j.'L lV i'ii if ill Jju 1 Tl i Mm 8-rvices ejrerrSundav, morning and .ALPJIONSO C. AVEBY, . uivMith, naming jyid night. , Prayer meet- ALFRED M. W ADDELL, f WtmP ?X 4o6ly about --.toalt Keeper Foor House J. PiBli3ir"' T" 1 1 f r and SOUNSELLQfRatATOOaattttBl to tfeejtizens of North Cir .rsBXfno; na, and the cause ofthe scarcly f rank in, GrJ'avilleWarren, adiOT ui ior in u avttHnq, jaiaaeatJfyirtw?! "'"-uh auu iUTlUUTUOUrU, . i a a i j - a D a. JiE MALONE, S70I Ci.ikeI DrursorlMTVom - . mT T X : w a H - - - i. KJli9. ?. -rr1? sarfMaBjafcf w WA.-. Ik"- W TIMBERLaKE, W'r DAY A, O. .JBOLLICOFFEB. ' -Day & Zollicoffer ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HENUEB80N Kf C. Practice in the courts of Franklin V ance.Granville, Halifax, and NorthI Hampton and the Supreme and Fed era! courts of the 8tat r r v - A. HICKS, " Attorney At Lav & Notarr PaWic: OXFORD, N. C., asd 1 'T.HIQKS, j Attorney, at Law, w!ii n?NiEE80K;ir:c. : uranviUe Vance, Franklin and Warren ATTORNEYtAW ai.toe contrary, the Democratic DaTtit Office iu nZ"''?? "PV, it sets I to .eWT .rSI bdn:J UllDlf A VT 1".':; :v '- olOh Miiiii-jA.Lwr?,:n Lupeglqjepdent lof Public In- Uba For A ttorn ey- Gen eral : TIE F. DAVIDSON, li IUUIUUU OOUIllV. des Supreme Court; JUEPIIJ. DAVIS, nl !PVonlrl:n Pnnntv "Aas E. SHEPHERD, of Beaufort County.. BENJ. H. BUNN, Tlie Scarcity of Money. "ot fcoittja Sfl j The register of deeds of this coan rgivSmf w4y the year. Soxtfiro 4 m there can be n reason to doubt that the largest pa rttie Utuwui orf inons taxation to which our peoplfe are subjected ty the Federal gov f. eminent. For several vears ftn7feiiu$ti1tofi .miiai.Ji nnftrWi,wefcmA tn inn millions of dollars more than I lie government needed. To keep th s useless wrong from piling up in tl e JTreasury theflfoent has bee q yifpuboSVl a large pr - mium, so that tHefe is now le t only $129,000,000 is the Treasur; ; but the millions which j have goe tfce purchase of bonds havecoitt. XT...1I l . I ' i no iuiui wiierw ii.e oonas narAiJ u 4 peo-j for the most part been held. Add4B eti1yVsrf to this dram the fact that North Carolina contributes about $2,0OQ. 000 annually to the enormous . nlw 000 annually fa the enormi WTOi,y a doUar 1 of which TTO nxofley'wewnies perfectly appdr- e xteDuoncan t.artv insikJ Continuing anrl inrroncinrv tiTt tuexAifieZieafl irjnrtrlA,rr.AC.V;UI JA3irirrir.i.LVm.-,. 4.Zj r. I a.ttrTJKjII sovereign remeflv i .jumi . . . i i ' J4SsJ4??e6!t?Rkne 8,,PPy of tnonfey pie- They propose to reheivH poverty by taking ay Bn. ml a - - - : -sid&wfDgS" ti priwcfiuvuwvi ii l peri IV. Ufl - . - nem ompty, it sets I to nuinuuim uui waai naa him its seatch 1 the U. S. Treasury Is j o verhauU i the nocirAfa p thi ,.,r-.J 7 the pockets of the manufacturer are examined, the coffers . of the bondholders are looked into, and 4hOMl WAMmImI' mmm. . . - - 9 M i with their money, and in it BAkh3WeaU3 cheapen the cost ol liaTTT0??? raxm ..wo n.c jioupwo uiuuey is louua.;roiai?Ql declares tkat the. Government lnXLaSPSff ujuis utauw iu roo me peopie-r-Chat taxation shall be lowered to fche needsfm,govtrnMf4 meat; that the people Vjshall their own and not to be robbed! Tn ft.1s fln.kf nrKtK t. It. Ftrfl take? lfyou want to join the per nana ana take ; the last . pent I j which the people have earned, toeT ! i no xvepuDiicaa cicicet. Ifyou wa6t t to relieve the people form uMtl? nuu upprtive taxation Democratic ticket. Let it not be supposed that the Tariff I? the only .qu8aon before the country. - In a Bepublic funda- mental., jaefeuofls"lif Xovernment are, more or less, at Issue in all pop kuiar electiont 5 The ? Deniorcacy is' li theiWttfrRarrVtfJbje II . mm' m C V 4 J a an(ib I hi fw - I -r ment whenever it is assailed. The Democracy is the diilled ar biv) the people in their war with u"Kvery central iWgikaaUatrtfT every oppressive monopoly, ev ery plundering conspiracy, must overthrow the -Beesocracy before it can trample the people in the dust. '-; The Tariff hasf been made the leading f!9 thyn'n be cause UUiiiJit ClMLi mon stious wrong that oppresses; the people. It has made trusts ' and monopolies that are mills which gjmS the bone andnsMe&a cf clfi? sh fft5PAi9Va to fijhtQfqfir boring man a hovel, andv forhis master a palace. It has accumula ted in the national treasury mil. Hons of surplus money that ought to beji the legitimate channels or irauwimtnoTpfcrusi; 6 peo- the people, the Democracy de- mands a reduction of She tariff. left ejiresentative undenandnthelie government economically admini- ieml. nnrl t iha aamo ftma ItV from theshouldcis of the Beoola ready to mako any sacrifice n sary to the proper adminlstrati oppressvalighfes mount4in.Keifh3Md -PfiarDatiently bear the burden noj- e opp .rEx Cheaper Clothing. As the Richmond State oiarKS, "wno is it tna i i . - r a Of! Qt want cheaper clothing?' man in the country ought to be crlAd In iTpf If Ttnt o ran AAW 'ttbe'ftpceHSarKtt' ;es of the operatic factories. - . . i a fives in one of our American, wud I hvv w w w mrm. K.E1II a.. B 1 W m VLoacrory. w TirdrteTq T&lsMl -----rrri-r- v"? JfJonstltjition. ins oi TanrriP?isi!iriMVrft to badmiM ;icbj)tfhfble to thpxlen45ir ouOTfi 4 .bqt they feel f they win Wrt marRS. "who u it t n aT TTrj- lwu, per ni, more man me iurpltfefriauta8oTit InUei4i3Wn fl 79 f ITf !3UTJWi0f RwA speps jtn6 - Ia5ff tbtnHh than In EuroDe.r Free wool flirr aotI mAnl I iiiT Wtfrtnere ever su iL,.I.72!CIP?oa LhllJ I uTii1 wiui' uuiwf wMaifl-i r int lly MhA I lev. ITlj.'. ,T. TJ mm WOWSS3 "SKT VJrTT Wr 1 S-i&cfrnni ffterjjejsbxrij cfeen ui Li f W iSbfturope. ana iree KeepoureiaMaer. via KKtarto wvttw .arr . . . SpehorelIFrilf 1 tha"fcuiUxatlQo.flCwneAt. i month paabr it-thtf elap&fcwir fft-mplrWithMs htetro fbifSr- &awourritebilMaAin3 irftnaitrsJtDiBSfliifliKSii QtUn 9di daidw n! ,vM oil,,, do ,dI2eryotIla69 4Hudftclbla orlu llkJltWriyertgtdic W '4fjfnrAtes1 Cntklgftt8iarateft ready tokVlllXt XM'i1 iftT etu.& 4wea:eWhi-rikraJ iopi woJi uboour ae auj fxtei wsssp ISgU yi " J r' i-CLiihj SSM& at is gusrauiexM td sf't lfWl,rtrb,Jy'H-HliJtliJ luu- Knj tiirt ..Mft . v ... . ... . I '5Moit-OTrtWCfc7l4V Irui a, fcTamhaltiiiaHiBQcaitia Ukr ltJbi .i . . . - -i td tfMWumfcWr Sfefff ifmrrtJjafi r in all your a three-qutr life. AoVnVatSrge f iSSr'-iy'ftiM tier rovteg psrent4(nd I 4'TeWt8i(Aaiftdd4b wliichf aha -tfak Uf J'flHTJ ,U .v4ft' lift B?n r'Cfc I I UK4IUIH1UH. I1Q rrtt-Ter ialrtha ahy .Tf4 sTbtrMttButHrnftty ailcnnidaa 1 f fftMk(i temr j ivi. .k. Ai- w a v -ate b& a im un v n ls r -'mm a I vma M I 1 1 I 1 ! Ttaa , A - . mi. .tmMdJWW I mm i mm . I T f I .. f II res iu the woolen.H..-XJlwloi-.trt u.w J!.J, . -liiW.u ,i:t... . ! " --rffrirsvtikMMMa.HaMHiftiaivw'ni-wfiia an,wooiraida4otT:aaNg WfrTiifclf t. highferjy tgT o V ' -""-JI BUiX V mmVmtm - K m-M . m m. tzaiittxn lim-a .luV.. , t.: r" .- -3y Wt j - Tetf wr a-HTge .WAJoUrttofT W-teda.-5i r. . - -t" r . -- ' - - Ll?fJil - W"ff nii M : " or d LdiartLln bloa aom week. Now fcJ Plh It u5 anH pgb i 17.1 ,7 S irftl SnlI ien - - --. - t a trendy ana jou im n&4 no i . ii i . . a. HI i a : m t f ou ilotneilic ShjlrfrtryntfiiV"! fo'u iiKmi&V eWfyou krA1 PTonWJTLiwftrWidd 4 k'rifrielto'Wfel fodfdirjlaa slIH UtoB ir:ftto-airraaiO c4 HrVbM &!&auartiremts that h.-id been tbrea - time clipjisd CUntiuiitMrfaadfcjjrtatiw bfl: iwlWisxa. mM jw Sffttet fo'TOtniAfrttAffSfe . -Joxal tuo t bua ' The chair jtf.lhsifetf3rr department ofthe uuirersity ofTexaa mmiL afeaIS5lJK RHwrjaed to iwsmru Hue 4 '" i" a'uiiii. :,i "ISJ i,gahtlr "Ki vJw r ! Uvi.ci,0L. T1 ,t-- !r.v. . 1 t.f, aVespeare never wrote Paru- '1 1 MScrw aUut (3ers EilWfc r hlrru;:rA.? i.ii 1 ObrUUamaTfirlv UactfSlfcTeral tiaies.'' vlrTID III llWrii.l Hil i.r T ttrfrw. 1 ... f . a . ' ... -c luiLimi iuiu i m . i . . iaroarAa airA ara n t . i.ii. Vt tiid .Vblta.n va, "'. ! 11 k 1 j - -. w - w iniKt ' wttlr Lia tory . .IK oii't aril u vjn - -" i' 4,14.1. tii ina ( and: iKiuia4o T)ThalJ idodti tkhowi "!wJhaI X. 'idfeaW-;ooitfW5fcnW marrLage it .rt ' iu i. a l f . t . . ... . if . . r . j a mrw I .fcflnaJo I 4Il,w-tra,r3nc . ko other j dun1'! &"fw .tafrn J .4mtoVe MuiV 1 f ouM redW tlie i wrrrc r. ?.tt i .j-s r -me., i i AMxnfc you are ncaii.. it --rk. j. .?"w.ihtconi-eul KIE7S 013X07-' 17177 fyrl, cla Tele Imnienoo- J'-J!J. (I, ,,,:,t f" 7- lZ-T"ivJ ilMl i ' awla 1 I T 1 fl n . LAhB - m. mV,.mm VW1 1 A II HaaB ' 1. mm AMI KUUU av. -11 t ... - - - . 1 r- m 1 mm An. m a 1 1 a t4- a v - - ,t 1- a --' t uui 1 1 a n aw 1 r r trm' I IWtotth.wwWdfd Wver CTkf:'-ro7ar4 .ttja,.,,!! h-W,!- v ' . aur. . hp ,ai 1 i i w 1 , v w a au 1 LMmr m m bb rw a.. a . . 1 m. ' 1 aisua aa-i .- 7 . m u r an. 1 is vv m ini h u ai ia , a r a a - - mm auuiMi m-mrm w .i ml aaija uui umm .hit a r i m awi 1.. . daats floatlUttnaid elJJil - m 1 J4tlajiie4jtuat farmera caa man: 1 II Wti&taJi1 o OI mliUrrta mvmA Au intetlijent, well lnraracAaiiSf . J - W.UUK . 1UU wTJwkkeT'U4cliaa4d)t5U4 tJidcatb trTf tBMP&tzapi x& JfllkOat difart:tiav Jadi aooartrjqmj lI"nUkinjterUf tarn, m4tk ment of tfte ftT;feiqiVt iKjtitt.tm ,ass aWv1 f A..ti - r. i J ti OMf i ya?. thMnwl.drn)traBd thi,thoaand ar tfjT.bjrithisfew ' . LMBUilin8.aod.tbe elflUprj of 000 . - IV volute l.a.iU ,n the 'orth? Ml'ej Rt iheianie OT rii'M'e'WtdporfWn1 (UittiwecK XIwsV do4i . . j ?EWrri-lr.ri ieta rnwhuHJjJn ( jrparir1.4 nuiniuiu weaver. "1 am only a workman, Iniflrne niy aot p6aa:QfflcMttClilry'abi& atvfTable4es'1b ta4nfrfVhtT tiiU ilar. frea'fntaiapamndj aortnt,,! ' aK mm will a - . , . 7 V rriTf .'-j jwhk fk-M. m .... 7 van .XT)ucr N G. TTrmer. ,.,fflM9 1 Hi fit. mtT mere ara many wtoObrwhT mill -aiHtrg" in thji U Uoxlea;bV jUfpIkV'blartey.Vir f ft woiA 1 en AreltfliJd acture Qf Uiq-e-aftivlea In tbia coui-f try can fhatfaiOny.N'" 'Jt ' -ftS ttrjiSj) Jfje .w&fa. UryrTlu'.l He (. not hbifwioEd iwU W . . m . rn.rn.rn. m -mm a I Itfcd scltoaetQUf rtwilft-rT? . . mf " -1 " as 1 , w.wa ixa 1 j- fji VTTYl f j. . ianu are Detrertb!ili7ar5ow l.teiU i'Tirakea-kalelittal if.WITJ.. voi .r"-i iirfi In m I . r" LarA.-XL ill ' j n lil.. , . f ym. I a!t , ywau - wnrMf-ewfrea 'Iel HlilJlAi.1.- 17. -1 h?olhrilvtorn,f, .TbtVamkul i-1 i! OJ 1, 5 ??"woall fnaa. j a . a capable of runniox a OasJl t crorvf " . ' 1 a epw or m&o wbtfoaT haue taTvery . . . . . IT ' - ' in rdst ctma U wbolj U well W Ctot4lifarBrf aadr devt'Ci Wdai tla'io dAfewOaaen Tttr?fia.-8Ttai .tt.j- ariaartntliat wcalfl bkkraiityl WoUttBi-dfi iby blla laodUomeaiUrjJairt tUb r4ir ta-JHcd aaC I! tUe,' r?a maiiodriarei iPraH aaJi(UOef Aatf a ir)tJl: iu, iwifl, A Htxb 4arra' ill. liiWi' , . " " ,:iii?imu,j vt!u-nt; boa rw-,1 I., 415U j .V ,vl-7 v.!? 11 nn- - - t ...... .1 1u V SSW'' WetJi-'iVoaptiy at. ..si w UAiiSKiRuuaa'iwj I uooa acco !i Takla farnUbed ! wtUi the ,Ikai VL. .ir , ; jiitMi t-uartJa, , f.ioodborMa; and bTfta. alwa. r4jat pj4UbUa wbich I run .In to- con-boa- puoc, we are at ernilbed lbaf it UAiaa ajae-jaf utroaj-laari 4ht jrrrr .!!f.r 9l Tvur ; pairuonce,; j aad w r a... iv ill . 1 4 sniT Tfiik iu! 31 J:ia cf infTj 1 T ilahlJ'Mjqi il.d m pftji ylrxt lauJi. 1 Hi u tii utlcu u.uL.kWk b. ii.I fi--i . rt?,dt mjrm 'T .jfJI Jr O T 1 1 U UT; f .1 nr . . .- - 1 J wai Olm Jmm t tu t . . . ... f '''" i-y wii " M.UN .l wH1 WtKJf 1 SiSr r.rm'.fffl rvw4 uor io ano laxt fTAnttil V tre'" tT OajaWAe'Ui maftyKi6ra Jffed4alarm; .'ahai Mby ' baJ

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