lUELIiIlANKI JN TIMES. KIIKlxUUJkU JJVLUI &1UAI ill I S.-':-,:'j-S . 1 " ...1 7 f '11. I - . . :. - . . . I- i w ' 4 , r J : : , j-. r. 1 . ....... . ..: . I I ."-1 fi - 1 ' -:: "I .'..1.1 tae i eat, , . . a. . - . i ou siW.VI HAjlTXA -lci, .To of 5 .The Time? will be "-yd .Lhvh-,' - life! Air -v A bsolfuMtlureJ 1 r Etjr' r ' "This p.wderever varies.' A marvel of fa -rfty; -iVn'-'-JlULi J , liulti More economical than the ordinary kinds, and $hm t nriJh yk-pittPSUAB witp the launuuaB oi tow tesij Mivt weig alum o r Bhosft hat e rt wd f s. .Jou- ok , 106 U St. N. Y . General Dir. A HIS - T If WTII CII A HIT; FOR ALL.! . :, WaiCE $L5d PEU A1.HII 11 Iu" Advance VOL XVII. 'J it t pi 1 IB a I- -J'I li it .Liu. c ",:L nrr bo c4 iLij." Ad JJ Uiojr o s. EMOCI3WOIlKEES. couia keep t U 14 TffEI r.l i from En ,of New YorK s FbiVice-?resident AXLE.ST G. THURMAiT, For Lieutenant-Governor;, j rFor Secretary of Stale: ' WILLIAM Tj.' SAUNDEliS.r ' .liir?tWake County. the negroes and their allies g japlllagirigthe fundsj bat ignorance would dominate all. the iaattjLorLf the wheelseJijir -KST "r :i. rTBewliTte ltrttie-ea8t-pani--tt-4- of tbiscfery tplnyS a.dodgeJi. scheme 0; prpmtiatejio-. ceivtd iu mischief and will he worked !. X rv rL i i J1J ahOtjl become the Republican party has the lVee WJiiskey, party, ind they in open xTatlobat CJouvention de clare: PE.t,'7f0Fr TilB BE VENUE IAWS 8UBBKNDER AMY PABT J ' -12(7 LilX AU il'ATlI.k, Til AX op oXrit uilj'j) It-Begs id detoaoguety 1 d it successful will end In . ca!j fin opposition to such ' legislation as this the Democratic party ofil.e; tiieortUernColorcd Vote. .TJilxd lrtj,SpccclA. "tf l.f! . .. , j ,. j , ! . y .1 JXhjEJktof.vUlyt.t rcaMOkiiia . .11. t v.' - ! hddoQmXBno?cliox' -'oa til c-' lllpai x eirnetl j otita"S.luJ.-1 tea i o( nj kklart U IliltSf-ll jr ; 'ofiiWakeCouttiy-.H.' t ' f a ; .---if v .Kor, state .ijiA ?VfeyDe Coupty. .Foji.upetendent of Public Jn SIDNETSTM. F1N( 5 ForiA tf ortey- Gefi era: - "TniEODlRE Bfi5AVl01.v of JSuncombe Uounty.f i - LOUISBURGN. U. CHTTI.i:nKR 1 1! MkTHoDiST Rev. A. Miallen, isto- U ; nerviccs. every "SuhdayQ taQrainfct'tJa 4d Jt," aigni. irayer iuceg every eanesuay .light. Sunday seh6ol 9 o'clock A. M. -Baptlst Rev. Barlua Cade, pas uii CTeryJ 9 'clock, A it 1R. i knviaunr iizuir,; ouuuttr gvuuui i j- ": " i : t - - i UlYflR fl f FllUa Ege tob.-OidOTl Foi Tiljt Fem ing,, Board raeeU Friday'betof e.first MonVlay in each month 'i-t--Ait;: S&3S - Commission J . I radar li. S. 1; oxter, t . f. fierce, w SttperioB jCoft Clrk-;. j, &vjf?) Register of Deeds B; F. Btc: 1 Sheriff.H C. Kearney, Keeper Poor Ilouse .T. W. Pinnell. JtVf,,tia?e8 Supreme 'ourt; g f OiEPH J. DAVIS,: u bf franklin County, r: i JAMES E. SHEPHERD, bf Beaufort County. ; - ALvnoNso a aveuy, t)f Burke County. tjr7 ilsmoill irt .' . iill.".-n 1 I. i and to theater Dockervt lalftt not, . io feJJ Mtg tat es fepJ edged ,o die bmSouVHr. nVttiterii. Thel Tarrff reforin to a "reductl&a Lfn' halm fpiiveV will uo begin ta d6.j the necessaries of lifej for instance, 1 to reduce the tax: on steel rails; fro'ail7 o I nljojreduce thetax! on hammers from ' 16 to. . 10 i per cent.": on saws frorri" ' 40 to" 89 per rWZ-W W Wfin. D0W,e1 cent.; ort , anvib from 84 to 25 i pec ywasber qflthe Mtepabcau'i pimpaig-4 ct;,' to. reduce oxi eight ? yards - of ir"T-!!f?rF?VTi hllt' hTs' Rrs ahe pinkhani from 46 to 40. cents j flauk mpvgtnen) fool ' fli Pemocrati ... tflT nn io Worth stronghold has petered put in pitiful hv3iU,!r U lkK i Wt ,lci educe the tax on $10 "Worth W Jto 48-perTnt.Mo abolish the apuhs last week.- The call was for Z r- t, --r .. , -i-., , . j tax oncopper and cotton ties the colored men t-f Democratic prochvi- , , t . .7, I n I 4 Mnla nn Ihtt 1 an1 c f 1 i .- . - . : L I lillici c u - V.EUVO i cvr i-foridlnlnihr.. I . , T I ULk . i. I ' Cleveland: Th' Co.ntion:'nied POWBUC" igiib uu, inipurwui r. There Is a sunlne split threaten ed.lo the Nrgro vote lnew, York Btate.-Thus far a very, consldera- 14e dscrtioh h i "-recurred." They -j-. ..... V have no confidence In Chineio 1Ijt rison and Mooej-bagu Morton, who IroportsVheap contract .Labor from Euf ope,, The i, Ifew t York t Star My5?i.-,'r..r.l ,lO t - in,. j. t V'They, discredit, too, the IlenaV HcanUm of the railway attorney., tne,iann snaxKs ana tne monopo-, iisi9 wno conauctea ine Chicago Convention. - And they do not be--lievein: dear clothes .'and - cheap whiskey, ,os Jncueted , the Chicaztt platform. . There are " ten thousand colored citizens In 'NeW York Clty.-U According to the most conservative' estlbate?rthey vrlli cast 4 ;0 00 votes for Cleveland and Thuruianr Accordlnir to the est! Ux ate pf the most sanguine colored JDeniocrats, they., will, wheel Into line 7,000 strong for the Democrat ic ticket.' .The colored' citizens o the metropolis are advt forDing a Democratic ; County ,v Committee, and.are organizkig .aDomocratic ' ;;OT'afl1W a wa-vlneedi by actons otrpooc. roaa oote I Atlli&JiL to&VJfc'ttet Wij ndlxJ.crielhe.roe i . cityiwhere Sj$$W&&&te from the Money Devil4 the Pluto- i For Presidential Electors at Larg : L3YADDELlm .XUBaAcifJo h v C -1 FREDERICK N. STRUDWI-J ,.vvsr,:i : of Orange County. - L: P l l. 1 ,V1 T5T T ill m ttv r 3J J.iUfo ,t; ... r jwi f.. il lockery's Balm. PresideniliVc..'' . , ? ninit L i crats, tne Monopoiww, inwr-news- But Senator Math'oasf resolted to P?P3Br ojr, ansj rtpi?terTrFrbe 8 ta'uipefitlxe-Convention and turn it xraue, rres Araue. rree n'JJi into a.llarri8Pft.anlMortoa ratuica-1 v bkk vuisiet, jpk..oju.i-, lon lnjeeuag ;ue setectsv f fiozeu ui the 8marCestibf j&.scofoi'ed cWquary iu will And. own on, county Governmt nt He is so much in syp- i'patQyititpatty,Tnaiu iif the largely v? savagi nntrcf3 -referred Philadelphia 9and sent tocmia Indiana apolis flreinlry Kadcd dewnJwitafuuds. The programme was to dazzle the. poor Democratic darkits by showing tliem the town by gas light, to the music gurgling lntnrpagne and - the clinking of ccrn. The Democratic darkies bit splendidly at the ham- '. ACartl-Oiike' Can't : Stand i "If '!. t I i-l n . . jjeniorToDie . . 'Patterson, July 61 take thisi method: of, withdrawing myf con-, tiectlon from the Republican party, The Rev. James IU Jones, T3ec- tor-at-L-rge on the third party tick et, addressed those of hls way - of thinking at the Court ' ilouse Salur- j3y night. rdsstblyr'a few who' did not think wnh Uc- wero pres. ent also. -1 ; u,,,i: This Is a free country, the lnhab Itants if this country are freo men. -There 4are already- two t parties, though Tot. the life or us' wo could' neter doe the need of but one he good old Simon ;Pir ."Democratic Party. .But: If there are) those, among us who' feel the.tiod:of another the third party as .fred men they havffXrtght to -qrsranlze lt.'J But whether br notj as So6it era Whit. .benVthej? have tli r'lghi J TlieUagiiiir-ana Io Txttir, -1 ' Money it porer, jjfe.'e'rk' fa 1 i tfus iaiT ttiaroa'Mr ''exeaw pliOed than la tis UaJ -I boaiUSLV f rty and freeJoiu! w t tyi'ta&nej3 men tan cbratiae.' hrtxy'cJrcSrt' ed cH. Jujcrf LeV tali i r lA I trvir ardlles an J a thwu aai WTA": r artlclea'tf ntAltyaJj'f-.t1-! people t o co o id L-.t. li :: &krJ i Zx and In a f6r dt extxt from ck.U " niir.lon of dollar. The peoJe, dear' people,-,-". gailib!, people, areXo tUiue foe nbth ftf iilu'. ".TP0"1 tluisarAnnopo;i; te,4;sQ. into poitiona.n hf, f- uzus give uem me power to , ocprets us. , , ; v t: tTe hope to pmcut t,r rt-v la ihe near future some fures Ci al . . . it era tliOV umt awjiivvuwatafpa . - v i ri'V toorgatizor bnWge1 bvef I t00? Vf? i-.:ilv J UiemluJtheiiutterofuiUea, TT -1 I 1 .. 1 - iiake our own blnUuh la V I J " - - 6 .r"!?:'' Indut can Utter jute Ce grow IMa la battled for the supremacy of th $cgth an3 Car-lhWaxTd: U aU while raco la hfs n le Gulf SUtes. W sfioalr It another thing, r,f( t u' Jt : J h .re oo our own'fann and malts It la .Temperance U one thUig; . fanalK to bag, in? and tJe our own cotloo. cum is another, lie temperate In 1 and br a th4nr- cr anlatln of ts ad- 'rrixe Cleveland and Thurman are galn'-i ifle.' ' :v, : au noe cot-aa, a Ing streugtheyery dsy.i While the i V,TT- "Jt"1' " , Ztl; w051. -tc .! W in;ir f t. w -tr I r . . vu v " . . t T I "4ve monopoly r tii grd of cot !?.?? tariff VhlcaVlir; to- Wfh hV UMBmufactar- remedled if the Senate will pa-a te ny d1- commercU world. The colored cub hi every assembly dUi- Is apolitical exodus from -the 'Re publican party .M:u.r.-;.i' .f. ;: i : '-Surely the signs thicken that the cause bf : honest covernent '.and Just taxation is pros periog, and that au .nngs".is a uivine; mjuncxion. I cotton growers of UA South, tt ls;tbe; docUme .brheIUV.; Mr.l aXtUaTarcierV; I Jones , tthe.. apostle, . temperate? J Jitst for the p'rojocudo'tt-ii. f Wa fall to ba lt-T!hrlnt( nhmo- I for lit conttA ai t enabWtis a SuVr or,n-I-Dr."E. S. Fostec. : ifptarv PubiieXt.''jrcGhee .FitiM VjraAi OFDmiATIQN B. B." Massenbnrg. . -i 4 tarns, aeUreUffyi" The Superintendent will be in Louis. arg on the second Thursday of v Feb ruary , Ap nl , July, September, .Octo ber mrmmH' pose of examining applicants to .teach m the public schools of Franklin coun ty. K,T ir ... m B. over the twenty-six negi'o. counties, to the .cjn 'trl of the blacltsJJrjJrhia: i prptentius iid yet-rH6rrantMitk5iftn' iar ready to give thT'uegroesconttotof j the purse" . Qphis"p the real, import; a:nd.T JlSrl'etter? He proposes a sort I I --a. ly coivj03ed fwgne and the com and they lollowed 1 -i whim sonja juure time give my.i New: York. They i 8,'. tof-wUera 1 WifttvfsoTypetfersiJue,4fee.i Cleveland and in his Hettbr. 4 rnarjJoars ehf wee paSeai lind the t ayitbat -ftlxQ.PiOOdy sum" poiicy h" he hr r I :- : - . . i , ' - i 23 inoot of a roundabout way but the end iliT rmf nirue?iriterettsf of tuv-Whie) peopl I there had been in B. MASSENBURG, f ATTORNEY AT LAV LOniSBURG.-K-.C ' l 4 view is to give the : negroes control. There was never a more foolish sug gestion made by ,1 mortal .. " than j be immical to jthe e. If anyouM of the-asser- Ltion that Dockery is a demagogue his letter must remove all doubt loreVer. He is wholly upset and dissatisfied ei rfindit. 1 tie sa va ihe "valuation of Dronertv. lavins : aud . control sun had brushed the eastern vhori4jn I Korth andthe domirieerlng Bpirit with a streak of red. The next day 1 tf the revenaoi and : negro element the Quay niggera," who had 'stobd 1 South.rromDtr, me . to..tako Vthls treat'' so bountifully attempted to jen-' ter the convention hall and complete tne stampede.fpr llarrison; a?idr , .Mdrton. The attempt was aifec-as.they; got, ana several ate giaa ptey escapea witn t0 he let alone arid allowed to vote. their lives. The door keeper declined i .juv Ato-aa' -1 ' ' ' : -j --si; t o admit them. He said the house in side was rjaekea-witn Cleveland : nis gcrs and every hoof of rem . had a Ing the old corrupt party t that n has bamboozled and bled them so of ten j-what will the Southern - black men do? . The prolabllity is thai they; will continue blipdly f to . fol low the lead of the Republican ty that has long j ago outlived uaseloshnes8 and good name There are four adored lawyers will-, support ana -v. lit. ! J A tmja the city;- The leading lawyer Stewart; from South Carolina, j He Mill-; hill. rwTh poor woman's' shawl, costing 65 cents per .pbnnd. is to pay. 120 per cent, while her Bi jUah CQlwTOrokera foclallon spept mi'.lion. of 'd'olurs during the late war In1earchui';'fdr'a'ri4i and .I rich neighbor's shawl, costin? Sl&O I nrorer tltmatWeonffi-Joai Lit I ha hrtk. per pound Is to py only .'81 per I 'ductldn bf.isuble 'ihat VouW''43ocn- v il I cent. ..The Door man's' tiki? costing Itte Wuh'IAiaerlraat rlTUnla-.ilbat : J 47 ccnti rr. pound, and now. nxv-'l tue'y fAnVvr.'W kra'tha Jr P-rJe lo. Ing 73 per cwnt. Is to' pay!'ll5 ' per I ho can prARice TV" Let tbcAUiwxse, 1 1 . Ik. l t . . ui. f ' ' . . . . I - at. . . a Lit iinTOv v Aiwwua j maa ua Cent., while Oha , rich man'a hat WW . m . . Wl11 y .costing I1S5 naf round, is to pav cotten Auoaoaa a fiTUe. pSana , for rgreal PonlvldTr cAit. ' hl lair ri raMo ur own fata ad ! for txaakmz Is ,T. M; I Vraple of the woie echeaule: Inl.'00 C'Q Iaad bj. prspef, co- a course.-, lam not an,. asplrant for; c tJ tHebelonrs to a Demacrat- Li. --t i;: ' JSll .Uofflce within the 'gift -of. the I icCiuh . , , , ! " T-v .1 "T -,'4r I 'a t - i 'm.v w iw i lc wua-'4-' ' ' ' ' ' ' I goods worn by the mass of the peo peopleand wish, to retire, to the Trt TnrfUnn. ihaM ni k . mn. I . . J - . " j " 4. tf Aii t oav iV - pie. me pretence or tne wool ana shades of private life. ..All I ask Is I -,1 niit in th; mxrm.vntA. I : --ri . . . . I - - ' .. 1 vuicr vrwicviufui9i9 iusi iiiejr ue every case, pracUwbly.It 'dl-Im': f rae Mll0 icaa von oeenae uwi zjciuf aH rjao in Oapendonl la. tha frUr (t,ih Al liance ) aaovat frTrd,rrosrcMire Farmer ir O Bice in the Court HoiisecjJ All business put in my hands will receive prompt attention. 0. M.COUKJ5. a TT' V and COUNSELLOR at LAW." torjisnuaa, franklin co.,ijr. c,r, ; -. .. ..V., . I.r-.- '.-,- .- tlHtJ 1 " Y li'attend teJgdurftf'tJfasn,: FraaVih; f G-inllle J iwarre6, Wake 0 otin fcieSf aWnhfr pime court-of N"or th Carolina;, and the TJ . Circuit and District OourfsUf! "QR. J. E MAiiOj YSiitaa Jifice-2 doors below FurmaiH,. 1.. KllIW.i -cjTlq PHhis is subversion of rights and tends to san fundamental principles.'' I "It is a "fundamental principle' of a Re publican fta-hi of Government, as I ad ministered by Republics n schemers riuliticai adventurers and . chronid 0f- 'fleeic$ker8 that the ignorant and; un- 'letiered f.sOfiuld control the porse - strings of the ' property owners j and fevkna4dv thpt; taxes collected zor in his hip pocket which i he wearing for use, not' ornament. Drae Of Uitoraarue lro.n faidohjifp tlTfdakef froic SoRfcbyvor$raz(fcsa oo long was Ho the rlth edges on both sides. ; i The Philadel- phians expostulated and referred 'to - 1 y l.' '. r : : t. v ' I . ; j use as i piease. ; t . , . tha colored . i voto at N w Port . VnanKing ine peopie ui au pu- Rhode Island. Is out la a letter fa- ties, races anf tenditlonsV especial -05413 ttXs, the .colored JyJn my native county (Burke) .fr; ,:;: ? , .1 ; , iur men BU()yut. 111 iud bu with charity foj all and rnalice towards none," I am, j .. 1 r " Very iespectfully,. i ) : ixwt to liie T(at.M . : Mr. Johnson, of U. C., offered an umPTiflmftnt tv ; insert after . rlca jAE HgAYBUBTpy., .. to.repe all lnternal taxe8 pi protectionists is that they sire by high duties. to .protect, the American workmen employed j In mamifttctnriag. If they were sin cere In this1 tfcey : woo!d lay the heaviest duties on the hrgbest class goods, because the ranking of these involves the use of the'most labor, and In the goods labor1-bcart ith'e H..TM br at .Ualve ! Ltv, IUm . vrorlA Tar cnta, bruIaai1aorea.aceri salt rheum, fever aorea. Utter,' chArprd fcaada. cailblalss, eorhkiiaa all e akta et op UH)at and posiUvely crt pilaaor bo pay required.. It la, guaraate4 to giva peffect itffaction, tr ' money r c fa nded. Prtce 25 ee ntgpti WU 'CF6rMie,lij:jlLCli&ni li4 ' All 1'' said tbe ebouy . doorCeeperJ' 1. , i Rev-,F.."P, Roe,, whose death ltEV. l2. . 'ROE. I' t - r Always carries. oXf the palm'--The n'! . ' 4 -ii. v-.-jtti rj WaS of public schools kre t remedfto't "?n dnnk Hmsonnd Morton aTJnonntea , reaterdkv. .was. 1 without' the people mat. w, icom ins pgroijif,,Huyf.ul iuimoujv 1 juv- tttUes and chief supporters and Ithnt ton 8eguaK?Tjuteryon CryJ oipreacn t - Harrison aud Morton go?ptll toj dis cQnwpntiori, you; bettah .he "t prepared for all final change.'. k j ' The Philadel phians were afraid1 to 3 e in la a moment the diiroified . Phifeiuei- phians emerged making fur the ilret-. at a full run, assisted by several r'big. questfon the most widely-rcadr nbvel-' 191 iu jvmerjeu. xuerw uaa ueua uieu spirits distilled from grain or . frui of any 'tkind,'- but It hwas.. voted. down by the republicans Whose plat form commits, tern to freoi whis key, i ir is evident t hat : they j are hand. ... j REXEwTi H Eli TOUT Hi snwutoiaiair .never sven T f The itadicat candidate ior uoverooc 1 . aou gusieuea w ui,iw . uu aw p. acremedjtand such a remedy it'-lsTfj They left the city, hastily and;; joji j hrn. yUne-aU-ni." He proposes that ah act K Mr' 'J- 1 nau. fove : kil'be passed "authorizing thef 1 n. h-'nn nrnnt. th.n whole cuMuttj is latighlOg.Trylagain, ernor, on the petition cnp'Iilliidrjiq free holders or any jcoun and a iUBBniiAL LA y(Ma W&vMtfm&t&'Mj.tU trom Ist- to tfce ElliiopiM U Chans'. Offiea K Hnnrt TTamba a iVciuaWWodasioner8, to be of! Dbth fc W. A. DAY ' A ;;r.Day. & 4 Zollicoffer , ATTORNEY o AT lj AW. HENDERSON N. C. 4 Practice in the courts of : Franklin I Vance, Granville; Halitax, and North nampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the Stat . , : 1. 1 ,1 A.HICKS,' Mtoriei At Law & Notary Politic, " UXrOBU, N. C., ABO in T. HICKS, " r; nENDERSO C. ' ' - Will practice together m-thei-onnties of .1 1 Gran villei Vance. Franklin and Warren. and in all matters requiring their joint i at- , en iion. , - . , We hope bv nronrnt. diliarcnt and taitn ful attention to buRinesa. to dierv- And ; receive portion of the law ! business of xdiycak parties, " thereoVto be of op and the' majority opposite' politics to the maioiity of the .Board or uonimisw sioners, without whesa consent pot, a dollar of the people's money shall j be expended.' ' , ' This is fhft mrmip rtrndiirp.d 1TV the laborins of the Radical mountain. propoes a 88tem that would give igv norance and fice full control or thzX would stop the wheels altogether How could there be any progress, any 1 nroner expenditure under such 1 " wild 1 - - . . . - . . i - . goose scheme 1 , .The Board of Audiff and Finance to be controlled by Radi rnla And the Roard of ". County! Com-, missioncrs to oe controuea dv iiemo crats or vice versa. . How wouidrtlj work? The Democrats in thei ceuui ties would not make any, needed penditure without Radical cousenfl approval. V It !s true the Democrats Matt But perhaps it is too late. jThe ; leopard's spots havft not been herrd;' ly'j'bf specuhitibnas to-wby" this j was" sblld foiasurrusla the x, treasury, I 'sooyYen 'hVlnrUi1 admirers they are In favor of aiding anooop- I ior pensions At is tne party oi ine rich; the aristocrats, and In dltect success was not justified by the( uerit cf lus booKsv btiU. H is a ucl , wmcu caanxrt. be gaiosaid. ' r.i -' 'erspnallylRoey'a radsi lovW ah!e min full of. charity and affectum opposition to the; poor-, mang they care pothing for: I he poor, map; ex cept his vole and.-IhU.Uiey! say ! JJockeryi. thinks or-jinapkfod, they jeati'huy. i entloos in every partoC his hSei -If I' with tWem and endeivored to; get "money from tlw National Commit tee wJDayJon.jrjejppoT raanTs y lie-in otbxavordcays he is role. lie-in othex-Avordscays he Is de void fprlucfpte and honor, ca.n'the Republicans In rl892 Andl fn! f there" was any one caiise"' more j than anoincr: wuuwyii, uuu ui5? largo cir cle ;0f readers, we suppdSe- it wasj this spiHj-tr4l?n4jW im perceptibly throu jh all bus work He smbed-thtr Irfo nf the commen pe ple,7ut ha did i so(vi tb laitbuilness eveq .In the smallest jletafls, ;TIf he 1 -General Deary, whiU Governor, of was tmacgnain ted with ajiy scsnca"; or; Pennsylvania; wroti Dr.s'ShalUnbcr ate into a.bCA3.? .h' Jdied poor white man vote fori one thinks arid acta as he does. who 1888. Itit'ifiknV linn & t-J i T n.,ti. rua:na -.i i I - as JJ.r.-iioes indx ti ai thtrVe1 pyeitWrHhat Blaine urged tt &W mn AiSteYToT several iinonthsi j sinceii Jft, declared ; that greiunaltefalypposed to the ,i54uiuiu ytMitJJiio 4 intern nal on liaunrs and-:dar fiirdjtllaril QflsMrSiel ieductrorrf- essari anunot upon luxunes,.';;! Lesrfs- ution equestinjf their dslegafibr to uthe i i.eaerai uongress to usOj their itiflu Mature of 1S83, adQpted a -resol ex I an'fiht ariA iAf a'a'c"' jlne an.. v..-!.'! flcni roVth'e-'rcrnomhM Whii I tpv nnfl nppr to-r Tlfit t iooo ui viia;;r!.yf ir;5xr.vj:si'trrt!olt" gen ...'I regard your . Antidota j as (a. public benefaction.-v la my Base, .. as. IT wfthlianteal f a Voungteporierxxi'! well as in many others known to me,, f --.-. 1 -. i .T-t'.2-'. I ..! --..i.i ,1..- - . . ... ... - " . J jus JUr atslinmenl. K:s , :! , , jt ; I t is w strange coincidence that of nil the oiodero novelists there are fnd". two.whqse methods . were so similar " I i i "V 1 I ioini were conscientious in jtheir literary work to tf.VBt fcptU fcfi helievedlhat the novelise was nothing more or Jess tljan a reporter the' highest ; Ivpei' and both went'outinto 'the .world to gather.. their, material for their, works.' But the. American found truth and vir tue predominant, because', those" ;were the iJiaracieristics pi. lus own l'fe; ' the renthman, tvirjLh a different education aud among a different people, belie ved '.that, vice; and crime nd lust were : the .mainsprings ot the world's hUtoryv'X . Mr. Roe was a man of whom it may be . saift, with especial truth, that his was a , life well ,speuti;;t IBs j talents," such, as they j were.;, he developed to the:r fullest extent, and they were al ways arrayed on tho side of justice and humanity. N.'YJ SuiK" , " t ;; has proren ran invaluable Temedj for chills; not only prompt (in , curing, but singularly pleasant and. beneficial Itt ita general effects," upon. J the "aya- r- - - r lem." aJ f! .. n mm mwmmwmmm I i i n i. ya wnHTii vvnwi vn. .. -ii AIM u '! l, -I . u 1 liriWMI. Morcan.mPtxhant.Lake Citv, ila- was laxen with . a. aavere . . ' -. a -, - . co let, attenaea. wiin - a ,ais treating couch and running ioto.coosufilption in Its first atagea. He tried many so- called popular . cough remedies and steadily grew worse. lU Was reduced in flsau, had difficulty la breathing and was unable to, sleep,', Finally tried Dr. King's New Disovery 'for ton sumption and found immediate re lief,' and after using about a half bottle fonnd himself well" aod h hvX uo. return 61 the disease. : Nd oth er remedy can sho w ao praud a record f cures, as Dr. tang JSew Discovery for consumption ; Guaranteed to t do jast what is eTKirne.l for IL TnaJ bot tfc free at Clf roa's Dng Sfore, greatest proportion to the "cost of material. : But as has beea rhown by the example above, j throughout t,hls schedule favored by Ilepobll- cans they have carefully put j the I . uigucsiuui-es ua vue cuarsrr gooius, i ir. i-aitoa cjneieyr 'iteraon. In which the least -labor . Is used; I Clayi Ioata.rteUa.aLa .fottowin: that is to say they have and heavily. discriminated the I Workmen cm ployed r Iu; the 1 beo troubled. With kidoaycaarplaJnt American tvoolen factories.: i ' I nJ lAmanets fqt nA ,y wa v cottld no oreas myself without help., Now Iani free fnn aU pI a 'a a J soreness, and am able to do all my owa'-'houae-work. I owa by ttaaaas tohIectrio BiUtra.fof hviaawaJlrnjyoath, and remove! completely all ' dlseae and" paiii.""v ' tn.Ju Is . used t-iaytT'M aowa,rflua.aiM xmMwin triir.,u ramarkabVa torjr Untruth of wuko ,8kll Tully b voBcIied for by tU realdeots 'of Um I against town:. ''I am 73 tear Id,-' and' hava " 4 . ' rl'enuy YUo and Pound Fool, Mm i.i. V i 1 That'a what nseri wha plod 'along trying te- do their business; when they feel hair dead tThelr eyes-are dim and throb,-' their head aehoa; -' the', chll drcn anay; them; , their! wires lose thehharralfThey tOsft tlielr ambitTou; tiey make rahtakMlnrt1wU,,raccunts, and the 'whole world look's blue; they Intte' themselves and 'everyone ! else. 'And why?' if you fceLsb,' why i don't you scop and thiuk a mtcoU-orare you too stupid t ' Your liver and blood are out of order; that's alLa-Ye naad 'a good ireftulaiorand tonici .Take, a boUle of Dr. llerve'aj Ooldctv Medical Discovery; and jou. Will fl like a uew mam. -; la three days jotir wiie will he the: pre I tic t and sweetest woman, j in i the world; your children's dispositions I wil J be exactly like ; ycur , o u your business will Im prove, and , you will make money enough to pay for'. Uta "Golden Medical Discovery a hundred times over. ; Don't, be stubborn, but m.jflT. . -rr-f-n ' t i t t If yoa Buffer from cold In the heal,! or from nasal catarrh, ise Dr, 'Sage'a wtajrh rctned.(' It ;curea,; wbea' ev- erytmog else TaUs. Tho wife who carries on hci hus band 'a pawnshop after, his ; decease is truly a "loan wlddor.? n . . - - . . t , An African tribe ts' governed by a ruicr wno nas no. tongue, not only the King,' bat Ue dumb. ' r J ' '- - i' 'J He ii King - . I.. lum 'I An arrnataralattlof Uy--Xie calf Of a cowtcatcaertf.'d ' rf j ul ' Aa talimdamkifaMa Ww TrJItm. tlon, 'ioosnpaUonDtxioesa. Iai of nppeiltaYlrrr kin ? ' BhtfWt VI Uhier la a poaltit e curei Fbr sale at Formaiis i.t:.l ttjro.l r' Aa soon- , aa: a tain t cojxuaenccsi growlag' bald js js lopa j growing .hairs4 'T t :i'J t: ri tioxttl li 1Th v will tm covrr wsmsk rajleh'a Corajwill fira, Imnxocli.a relief. tYk u ciA- cva. aaa f i. x or aae as Funnau'a.' '' .u.iiiua It is curious how sweef a I hooey bee Is at one ebd 'and hbbUter h 'la at th'e'other.' m! oanua i nwm- rcmrur A post live cure Xor- caarrhc diptheria aad canker meuth.,..FQr. aala., hv TV IL Fmrmn, Jr. . , arant perfutu. PrteeSaadM.eia. For sale br FrtnSo ,r Sbiloh's Cure will iramed'.aUly re lieve CTOtip,vhoo4ujrcoaghandbro8r ca'tla."1 Fur sale by Fnaaa,i s:t djspapsia and lirar i icentplalat :yoq have a prio ted guarantee on ev ery bottle ol SUiloh'a ' 1ulier. It never falls to Core. ' t"oc aa!a at Far .;i A naail njector free with each bot tle pi Sbi'ou'a catarrh remedy. Foe sa'e at FurnnnV 1 "' 1 "The Bct. Geo. fl. Tliayer cf Bocr boo, Ind aays: . 'B.ith fnyaalf and wife owe our .lire te ililoh's Tvo sumption Cure, Fr sale at Furmaa's Tlni Mi " J - ' ' . . ! 7 ' ) r . - i i !!. .1 . vi v

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