THE FRANKLIN TIMES PUBLISHED EyERY. FltlDAY BY -- J AMIS A. THOatAS viAjf - Editor'and Proprielck6f p uil:-f ia rroklju'eoir.f , unci It ciraMai'on extetrds all cmv -every tec oa ef thii and , aJjolaing coclUs,. 0&e Year BiJc Months ei so; f f SOH AS JEditor and Bropriolorl i Tk Editor flllMtbj rea;xaILi for the Tie w of corretpocxlontt. WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE;. WITH CHARITY FOR ALL. IUCE $1.5 O PRANIir II In Adranco To Clubs of VrH; iMes wiU e I f fcraished at $1.40. I r 'J VOL XVII. : Hon Moat Carnctlj okcitJ. Ncr IaOTJISBIJRGri'Ni O. ATJ&nST 17. 1888. ' -'. . -' .. ' 'ifiliii iO7 m Absolutely ure Tliis pawdereTer T.ajtTc.Ainifvel of Ssrity, strength ! and ;wholesomenej8. 'ore economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold iin. 'competition-' with the-laultitndc.of low, test, short weight alum or phosphate fuwders. .'SOLD i ONLY IX CANS. It OVA iSAKING JrOWDER UO. .. .. -' 106 all St. N. Y : Qeiieral.:I)ireAOTy.r , LOUIURG.NC4 l : CHXJEUHES. Ml M KTH6D18X Re v.- A;; McCuUen; pastor er vices ercry tianday. .. morning: and night. Prayr meeting every: ednesday aight. Sunday school 9 o'clock A 1L.. liAPTiai jiev. .4 jiayi aa.'jr'.vwae, pas-. torv Servicc8.l8t ana aru sunaays in each iiwnth, iiiorning and nighk - Prayer meet- nig e;very Thv rsday night. : Sunday school y 'clock, A, At 1 -: :' .. :,-. -v O M 4 lis I os ERSThos. ; White; MV N. Egcrton, Q. Fmd; T. M. Fleming., ; Costa BI.ER. i D.'- Pinneii. . ! I- Board jneets Friday before first Monday in each month. f ' : " CoiiiMlssioxEES 4J A. Nash, ch'mn., S. . Cr-.idar U.S. loatcr, :Jr. irierce, w. SkHertor Court (Hctk "W.-J. King. . Sheriff .11 C. Kearney; " r? tfe Treasurer B. P Clifton Sc 'ki-Js'A :Jl- 3d jerinteuilcns 6 Pub lie Instruction ' J. N. HarrU. ; j . - -y'- ' jvicper roor nonse .. i iHen.T Sop'To Health Dr.E. S. Foster.:. , KoUr v Public A". L. McGhee Franks liutonN. .-v--,:: ; .V;. ; Ci 30 ARB OF EWJCATtON.' r ; N. Y. Galley. Chairman, . x. O. ConyerSf.. i'-.;.",!. ..v. ; 11. B. Masscnburg, , i - ' . V J. N. Harris, Secretary- . :.; Tlie Superintendent will be in Louis urg on thesecoud Thursday of : Feb rudiy. "April, July, September, Octo Iver aa;l December and ' tetoain foir thxea days, if nx;ces$iry, for the pur poae of einiiuing''applifant8 to teach in the public schools of Franklin county- ; 1 PUOb'RSrONAL- CARDS :- fail ' r 1 -. 1. ' f . i 'f ' iir' Jg B. MASSENB.URG, ATTORNEY AT LAW-; . no-uisii una, w.1- c. - ; 0ce in the Court House. All business put in my hands will receive prompt attention. M.COUK12. kV 1? Y and OTTNSELLOR at LA W. LOUISBUUa, FRANKLIN CO.,N. C. V".1T attend tkb ' Courts of Nash, Faak'mf GrHnviUe.viWarrenv and Wake Gounties; also ;the. 8upietne. court of Nor th Carolina, and the D . Circuit and DistrKjt Oourta, $t: DR. J. E i MALQNE.ityl;;:4 JSLzq 2 & ooti; below. Form an Oooke'a Drug Storev adioining Dr. O. L. Ellis, w - V ' i "V " " ATTORNE YTAjl ? L.ouisBTita,'N. c. - -r ; ; . - - Office ie Oourt House ' 7 W x. DA Y V M A. C. ZOLUCt FFEB Day & Zollicoffer , ATTORNEYS AT LAW.. - J HENDERSON N. C. - -:'!. i'Jr. .... -. - .;v'"':1j-f. " :..-: ? Practice in Ihe courts of Franklin V ance.GTanville, Halilax, and North tiampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the State A A. HICKS, Utomey it Law i Notary Pullic, - UAI UKU, JN. v., AHD ' ' I T. HICKS, ' . ; , Attorn ey at Law v - HENDERSON. N. C. GraavilJe, Vance, Franklin and Warren, . ana ia au matters requiring tncur joint . at- en lion. We hope br nromDt. diligent and taith- ,. iuiaaircubiuu lu uutjiuetHSy lw UCSC1 TC uuu receive a portion of the law - business of . i i ' :r .i j : i3aiocUATii:i nominees. " I or iVesiilent!" - GROVKR E V ELAN D, : ' .of N ew York. - ' "For Vice-Pr-si1Tif. 7"'" r. v DANIEL; G...FOWLE i S:;:-".'::-! ' of Wake. i-v'-'W For Lieatetiant-GovprnortSrri.iX : THOIIA M.7IOLT, ' of Alamance Codrrtyr-"- :.For Secwtarirof-Staiet If ffiSfcWlLLTAM SAU2?PEKS,: pt;vva Ke couniy. . , For, Slate Treasurer: ';iiipf:Wuke.;;Couuty. j ?yt)5;For Si ate Auditor: ' .of Wayne County. :5 For t Superintendent ; of Public In ,5 SIDNEY M;JFlNGEB,V;c:; j 01 UataEoa Kj ouniy. K For Atlomfcy-Generatr: - TIIEUDullE F ; DA VI DSONy ' .of liuncooabe County; v- For Judges Supreme Court: . , JOSEPH J DAVIS, h .of J'ranklin Coontjr.iU1;-' JAMES E SI1EFIIEKD,". ; ; wf BeaRfort County. v: ALvnoNsoc. aveuy; of Burke Coutfy. . . r Fotv Prudential Electors at Iarg. i of New Ilanovi t Coantv. v FREDERICK ILSTliUDWICX, of Orange County. " ; For Coi'GRESsrKoH 4th District ; ; BENJ. Il. BUIS'N, . oir'N Asa. , '- jAr Dangerous Xiciagie, ,r WihStar.; ;. , . Do our readers know that in the North there is a very d&igeroas as sociation - that is known as-, the 'American ; Protective ; -'Tariff Lfeague, tt'its bossed by monop-v biyhTis rdu in thesblft- interest of the Money Do v i 1 . Its aim i to 1 perpetuate 'I lie i gigantic crushlngi Unequal; uniut njniorali: uncon- t8titutionaL Warjranff. ilt is rdn in the interest of men who aie so -un fairf so uMnerciful, so disregard ful of the decisions of the Supreme TJourtor thotnild .State as tode sire and strive o perpetuate a sys , tern that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. It -is the cun ningly devised plan of keepiBg. : Up a systein of; taxation t!.at uriuda: the' faces of. the poor, thatcompels' the toilers1 to work: for the rich; and make&fifty-bine mijllion of peo ple labor for the' enrichment of one million." It is the most salanic de vice that has ever concocted to op press the masses and create a select class of millionaires and plutocrats. It was conc ived in- sro and is t con tinuedin a spirit of ' injustice 'and oppression : We have for years as sayed in hundreds of , editorials to teach the dangers and inequalities ahd absurdities of Protection -the J System of downright robbery." If God sparesis until the, election, we ate Resolved that na IpteUigent reader of the Star shalt fail : to. un- derstand the despicable character of alligh Protective Tariff.-'We mean to give line iiipon liiie and upon tiue We mean to xliscuss it in its application to the worker, the; man ufacturer, the farmer, tlie tax-yay-erfcr-:.-;- " ''.'...,; : This beautiful "Protective Taiiff League" at 23 West Twenty-Third streeti New Yqrlr. One Edward H. Aminidown is President. It haca long list of officers "at" head quartere.'.AVe Vehture? thatieyer one of them. is. making! money: by., taxing the masses for their .benefit We venture that all of the officers jn New JYork. and various "other states are benefitted by a High war Tax levietTpn the massesttiQj laH boring people. We venture , that all of them have capital invested in - protected industries of 'some kind. ' " . '.'; " t S The list of State officers is ' long and covers the country. , We no-; , tice in Virginia, H.. C. Parsons, Natural Bridge, is Vice .President, and W. C. - Pendleton, i Marioii, ? is "State Secretary, jsoutn uaronna seems to he without officer?, but is the only Statewe believe. Those .from North Carolina are both from this city--JW. Atkisori :is Vice .President and Norwood . Giles, State Secretary,;, ; V ;C' ";- It ia necessary that our . people shall know of . this- Tariff League and be warned against Jt." The League states in a "Rulletin" ' be- fore us t v v : Organization r-The plan of the League includes a Central Organi z:ition in each State, and Territory of tfi UoHn" AVith-a Vice Presi dent and a State Secretary at ; its head. - Subordinate to these a local organization will be formed in each county,,with achairmahi and cor responding secretary.; In populous dist ricts, town and ward asaocia-' lions, or Tariff Clubs, will be t orm- Be means of such systematic organization every part : of, the country will be reached, its condi tions ascertained. - and its needs promptly supplied. v? i i V ;?Metnberahip---Ariy ; person may become a ' member or the Leagu-; oi Auxiliary ; Associations may appoint delegate members to represent them in the management ot the league." ; 1 . ' . "All , pon trlbiit ions- should be made payable- tor Chester lriswold,. Esq, Treasurei, and addressed to him or the general Secretary,: -fit the office of the" Ijeague.' ' i This is a free Republic. 1 A": man has a right to hold whatever politi catview Jhoj chposes He has ' a; right to join organizations i and to work, to carry into effect his ' senti ments and convictions, .slf ' the; become dangerous to the peaco and order of society like thel Socialists and Dynamiters then the laws' must take hold of them. Free disewsnon is all that ihe .-friend of surplus re-' duct ion ask for . The people ; need light When they understand the meaning and intent of j protection they will stangle it as they would a rattlesnake about to strike, i i ; TllEED. . - '' J " Ah, what is this?' Only yester day we told of Mi. .Edward i II." Amuiidown, President J of the Ameri(ProlectiVeTariffIi2agUeJ" And now it is our v duty-to ; tell mote of l ini 'The "New York Herald accused him of employing "cheap imported HTixs" in his woolen mill at Passaic, . New- Jer sey, "to the exclusion of legitimate home labor.'?',-:;;; : '"r-i-,:. ... Well. President Ammidown haa written a letter lof the Thiladel- phia Times, in which he 'does not deuy the charge The Time! has beeen a half and " hair Protection paper It is at present supporting the "Democratic slight measure of reform tt publishes the letter, and then Kays The articles we are lequested to copy give aglowing account of-the growth of ther Passaic mills,, and an equally growing tribute to-hunga- rlau labor. It Conclodes with the statement that tho Hungarians tire a - sober, thrifty aud industrious jace of people," tc. ; - . . .;f :Rut its', important comment '? is this T:T:J: "Thai he did not answer?. -Booner. is obviously explained by the Con fession V.ofthe substantial truth op the Charge and his wreak attempt at s avoidance, i President Amini down next avoids , to' break the force of his confession that import ed Huns are employed in his wool pn mill ) hv ttlfkvirl Inw 1 that Althnmrh President dt'the' co-pany, he has never - influenced 1 or - interferfed with the employment of any ' class of workmen.; Why doesn't he in terfere ? If he simply ran Ids woolen mill avowedly to get labor at the least cost and make the lar gest profits regardless or' the "In terest - ot ' labor, " .he would be " consistenf, Ifno excusa ble; but President Ammidown of the' PassAic. wopln mill is ' also President of the American Protec tive Tariff Leagued- Tho principles of thtt League as declared 'by an official circular sent the Times by Mr. Ammidown himself, are, "by adequate .duties I upon imported 'products, to protect American la- " This li3 ' decidedly interesting. The PresideutTbf the "American Prot ectiy e Trtrifl;lieague, ' Is ;'i un dovn,treed : caught. ; ,He-.need not ask as to his identity Am-mi-dowii ! He is very down. - 1 1' ; r - Areyou made miseiable by Iudiges- -tion, 'JoDStipatiou, Dizxiaess, Lo g -of appetite Yellow, Skin.?. Shilab's VV tahzjr is a positive' cuce - For 8 dc at Furuiau's. - . " " THE GISANGB AND TUB AC . JLIANCE ONTKUSTS ;t.i. IX .5 The "Bagging Steal! Temperance H all Gr anq e, N o . .43, Near.Tarboro,! N. C. Aug.; lstisss; . c -? . ' EDiTon FARM-fct, RALElGn, Ni C.f . Deab Sir : Please publish the following and oblige i . . . - - - 'iAt a"'meetlngrof this Orange, on motion, ft committee oCihree, con sisting of Dr.' A. B.' Nobles, A.! Davis and Dr.: C L. Killebrewj were appointed to take into consid eration tho Recent Cotton Bagging Trust (and (; devise some means whereby the farmers can extricate themselves from, the grasp of said monopoly. The committee, Rafter mature thought submitted the fol lowing v vv'-v.:.. A - Whereas. The various combl nations and trusts - formed ; to . ad vance the- price of all articles of prime necessity to the farmer and especially" the recent one' on cotton bagging, should be condemned.' Resolved, that we, the rntmr bers of Temi)erance , Hall4'. Grange No, 43, P. of H., will not purchase any bagging at the present exhor bitant advance in price, but will use some other material "for cover ing our cotton, if nothlnj? .but;"4c. ccttonade. 1 ' ; - c .i , RtfSpLVED, That the Executive Committee of this Grange : bo in structed to Investigate and . see what article they can ; substitute : therefor and report to tliii Grange' at as early a day as practicable. " 5 Resolved, That we Tequest all members of the Granges and Alli ances .throughout the ' Southern. States to co operate with us' in this action against monopoly, ahd that these resolutions be published in the Tarboro Southerner ;iliianoke Patron Pgreiv7Pafmer"'"aud" all other papers throughout the Southern States frieudly to the farmers. :" :-: ! ' ' ' . -I These resolutions are unanimous ly endorsed by Cocoa Alliance, No. 4 53. : Grangers, Alliance menfc and all other people of the South,. let us tand together and resist this twtrage and fight It oat to the bit ter end. . ,', V-' .,'' v ' .' ' : . , A. B. NOBLES," '.; . ' J, At Davis, . J- - ; - ' ; .,; . ' C: 1L KillebreW, ''';. . " ' Com. WOltT II KNOWING. ' Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant. Lake City, Fla-V waa taken ' With a seveie cold, attended with a i distressing couh and running into- consumption in its first. stages. . Jla tried many so called popular cough remedies - and steadily grew -Worse. - Was reduced in nesli, had . dimoulty in breathing and was ; unub'.e to slep. - Finally tried Dr. King New,Drsonvery :Tor consumption and found immediate re' lieFv and after using abot a half doxen bottles fonnrd . himself well ' and h.ns had no return ot the disease. No olh er remedy can chow so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption'. Guaranteed to do jast whatis clsimed for it Trial boU tie free atClt rcMi'a Drag Store. - . Cob.. Dockery canvassed a por tion of thfs Stat n 1831 against prohibitiontand la, 18S2; be '. was the Liquor Dealer's ; Associalion candidate for Congress for the State at largev and In 1884 he supported Tyre York for Governor, who ..was also an anti-prolilbilionst. . Now, however we see from his letter to Judge Fowle and Ma Bpler Whlte- ker that he Is very anxious of hav ing the chance -of ; traveling- over the State with brother Walker, the Prohibition, candidate fpr.r Govern.: or indeed, he can't be happy on less brother Walker Is along. .- The Colonel took the whiskey side to get Inio office.:, Now1, we suppone he would like to tickle both sides a little. Sauford Express.-rv: - BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. , r f "' 'T'"r . V'!. ' ? - ' V; ' 1 , ;'. - if- Tie beBt Salve in the ; world for cuts, bruises, so res, ulcers sale rheum, fever . sores,, tetiet,- chapped : hanJs, chilblains, corns and alt skin ' ei uiy lious, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is. guarauteed to give perfect i satisfaction,- or money refundeJ. -Price 25 cent3 per bottle For saie by J. li. Chiton. - Trust?. Kewberne Journal. , .- 4 . v M . I iTrustM Is a very simple word, but behind iHurka the.; most gigantic of mooopoliea. This Is a trust- - Some, or n majority ofthq great leading rtuic afaclurera of a staple article, tired - of competing with one ano ther for the patronage ,of the. publir, and fishing to obtain a mora perfet control of the great interests in which tbey are en gaged come together and tirui a com pany ortiust,' transfer all their re spective, individual- interests Tn the particular business ' ta the company composed of thenuelres and take in return a proportionate amomt , of common 'stock.'. : ;Thfr trust, thus formed becomes a close aad gigantic monopoly, whose firt step is to crush out. by underselling, all competitors who. hare refused, or hava not .been allowed to enter it. Its second step is to raise the price of its products just as high as a suffering public will bear' It then goes on from conquest to con- ques until it is victorious oyer all op position, r .V. .: : V , ' j : A man who has : made money his idol is insensible to tbe emo tions of his nature. ;The elements 5 of hi beingf which once responded to every appeal of - suffering' humanity. have been eradicated, or; He dormant under the in flueuce or the rnost pow erful of t-al narcotics.' If this Is true of an individual, what can be said of company of such persons who have combined in absolutely " soulless cor porationf v. ; - ; Tmsts are confined . to no locality. Well may they say: . " . '-1 : MNo pent op OtWa contracts our powers, ' Tne whole bonhdleMi auivene ia oart.' America has been prolific of trusts, and whel ever tbey are found they crush out enterprise bankrupt communities, and . ' , ' "Look exulting o'er the mint they hara made"' -.-.". ;r - - ' AVe have augar; Uusts,lumber tracts, -iron trusts and .steel trusts ail of them are steal, trusts and wherever tey exist is "the pestilence that walk eth in darkness and the '" destruction thai wasteth al noon day." , A liih protective tariff is the moth er of trusts. ,- They are nursed in her arms and nourished at her "breast. Trusts can no more exist under a . loC gltiniate tariff for re enue . than dark-n-s can prevail amd the full orbed sp!endor of a meridian sua. - ' ' : RENEWS HER YOUTH. -Mrs." Phoebe , Chesley, Peterson, Clay . oa., Iowa, tella the following remarkable- tory, the truth, of.whicu iVvouohed for by th residents of the town': "lam 73 rears old, aud haro ben troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for xnny yeais could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from All p dd and soreness, and am able to do all my own house work. Ilowe my-thanks to Electrio Bitters lorhavmz renewed my youth. and .removed completely all discae- and pain. g -' ; " Combine on Cotton Bagging. A combine has been made between, the large manufacturers of cotton bag- grog by whlca the piiee will . be in- creajeu iroiu i 10 ii cen is, wnoie sale an addition of 4i ecu ts all of which is clear ptuflL Tliere Is' said to be no scarcity of raw material to )us t'.fy the increase, but tbe ; cottcn pro ducing "section seenis to be at Uie mercy of the combine. This is the re sult of the accunwl high 'protective tat ifi enabling form, combiues, pools or trusts to cheat' the hard working farmers and all ; (except the few Javored manufacturers' out of their hard earned Tooney. - The Re publicans not only proposes to contin ue the present system" of - oppress! ve-higbrprotectlve-taritT; but, ; ia ' their platform,; declare for - even higher taxes.-': ' , 1 ;: . Taxes in tbe shape of an increased cost of go ds are not so easily lealized as those we pay direct to the tax col lector but the consumer pays I: all the same and we think that this increase of a fraction over 65 per cent in the cost of bagging to nack' their cotton to the cotton farmers will partially show them how tho things work. ' : , We ask tho farmers if they are , go ing to yote for the Republican party that made the tariff duties upon , arti- les of prime neceisit y (like jute , bagl gin 2) so high that manufacturers; can combine and force them to pay , these robbery prices . ;' " " "There Is no Cure but Alar. .;- , - rlagtv.-: 1 j ;- ! .. Row many a poropoua old frjpd, with an M, D. attached to lis namf , his offered this lira fdi honored pre- scription to t, pale liagard girLsaJer- I lag from the Ills of womanhood? How 1 many a wretclied hell earth has thus I beenstHrted! fur no taarriage ; can be I blessed, either. to . husband, or wife. I which is Ukeo as a pill. ; Oat upon I such quackery I There is a core fur j sunermg women a cure which will I make nurriase the greatest earthl blessing, and home the sweetest of Fdeus., Its name Is' Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Inscription. , Just trj It, and see the black clouds of Ufa away be fore the glowing sonshin?' of returning health and rigor. - It is Uie only med icine for women, sold b'n ilrirrckta- - . , n . - j under a positive guarantee from th manufacturers, that It wUi gire sati factlon la erery case br money refund ed. ; See wrapper around bottle;' . - : Dr. Pierce Pellets the original and only genuine Little Liver Pdls. 25 cents a rial; one a dose, i , V ' What Shall the Harvest Be ? ':'. ." .- . .' : - .1 ... -.1 "Scarcely three months shall elapse before the people of "North' Carolina shall be called upon to decide wheth-' er respectabUUy and loteitgonco shall continue to govern the affairs of .the State or the government., shall . be turned Over to an element-na filled by nature and unqualified' by education to rule.; The Issue here is not one of pouues, out oi principle; not a cuts i-a . m . tlan of Republicanism or D4mocracy, but of decency, law and orcr on one side and of recklessness. Inefficiency, -gross ignorance and lawlessness on the other. As between! these' two there should be no difikuity in . decld- r If thet property, holders, the " law aUding.citixcns, . the Inte'ligeni and patriotic want lor tarn to the dark days of recons a uctlon and mhrule, that made oar state a reritabla fui demoniuoi and hell on ' earth daring the years of 1867, 'C3 C3 and 70, they bare but to take an indifterent and half hearted interest in the cam., ain to secure the res all. If we are wdlftyj to have repealed the fwul abuses that rioted thr mghout Uie State -in the years named, we lis re only : to stand aloof and let Uie negroes do' the . vo ting. It Is not t uoegh that we should rote for Fowle and the Democratic ticket, but we should niake It a point to see that erery rote possible be cast against Dockery and bis gang. ..The terriole experiences of the past are all i b our memory taadmit of any f.. . , - too fresh tnainz "truii a result, wnich la reason ably certain, -but as to which no chances can be' taken, u The State now u on the high road to that destiny Mhich her natural ad vantages and high order of citizenship entities her. to Her boods,'State and county, are worth one hundred cents on the dollar; her public-school system is aa good as thai of any other State. and her eleeniosonarT inslitntlons are adequate to all - requL'eoients. The government is in. good and capable ' hands4 and . working smoothly, and content and abandance bless the peo ple. All this . Is ihe result - cf the restoration to power tho Democratic party the wresting frtm the hands of plundering "vagabonds the Treasury and . executive departments of the State. And ' these" udvanUgea . ere cannot, must cot - surrender. . ..They mast be retained and secured rat any cost. It la absolutely essential to ocr farther prosperity if not to our rrry exlsten'ae, and we must act brsTely, and staai firmly in ;the maintenance and perpetuity of ' these our .natura rights. Those opposlog us now, as always heretoforeJractlcallj oie mau in the matter of voting.- They alw4ys vote the same way 1 1; the samo blind faith which characterizes unreasoning Ignorance. su.ll-ieatly advanced ia education and independ ence to recognize in what quarter tlieir best interests be, nor who are' their real friends. . Their prejudices are un- conqaered; their reason still xlouicd,' and their predilections In the matter of the ballot as strongly adverse to the Democrats as ever. TVno.aad educa tional advantages will ulikna tcly con quer this mad tie vi) lion to th Repub licars, w1k have long since ce&sed to interest themselves in belialf ot the negro any farther thau his ballot. 2ktt , the tune hzs not yetcome, aud" the LiUiand ' seir-rtspeciiag white, xaeotf North Caxo!b a raast stand to gellW A ml j to coualAi iha." Ignorant and sollea element tia.t opposes theni. f"'M'r uv;t - V.None xjftU'baTe forrottea' the ca- - linirtous'diys whea thre wxs negm dom!ninra in this Stale; days whea t'i. re was n security for Via or prou- erty. and erery citiacn stand guard mount orer Lis 'fireside aui helpless family. ' We ) all re iember toc,the -Holdea Kirle I war, and tha rack abases and. hurh-handed ralimla of those dajs. , That U all past now. It has been relegated beyond reach of recall, but thert are possible evil al most as great which wyold resul front the clecUoa of Dockery this- fall. It Is manifest, therefore,: that no riks ai e to brtaken. Our SUta and coun ty aflalrs are in loo satlsuctory cen ditbn for any change, and etpecially such a change ..aa woa!d fallow the .election of; Dockery. "and a Radical " Legislature. . It is positirelf sicken Ing to even Ira agin the train of evils that would attend a resul t of this kind; aud for JJJs reason the Messenger urge tteilance, and strong, sctire, of gaalred effort by every white, man la the Stale, from now ou to, and inch aire t elecUvm flay J ' . . We can win we most win wsehal win. j The' way to dolt Is to work, foe It, and there is an I'ntcinjcnt way to perform this work ' which every maa should study and put into active and rigorous ; operation; ' ' -- The seed haslet h'sown for a rich DcmociaUc yWl. What shall tlie harvest be. Wil. Messenger, " ! ' Tired ot PoUUcs. " ' CLarlHte: Democrat; It is very silly to bear sensible bos sine men, or sensible men -ei an" sort, tar they ara . tirad of politics, that tbey do not lot xul ta again take ao attite part in election, mod that ti ey dou'tcare who 1j elected. Don t they kasw that their basiness praperity, the : comnvin we i tore or theb families, . and the interest of the State , generally, depend cpo having good governmeut and g.od of ficer t 8appoae they d uut like a man IndiviJoally, is that any reason why they should rtfuse to vote f r ium 7 W ita tbe experleoce they once ' had of Republican rule in this iSLite. I r lIlJ wllUng to : jeopardize tho ' 1 ,tnoCTuc f01" uj uuubiuj iue.r votes aay on some vilonn y Ichjme or a.nne Impr ictlca blt candidate, or by. neglecting to rojef If wtiite-radical-negro rulers should again gut pos.esiiun ot the btite goremmeat, Vs poiple who now profess not U take much iQterest in olectkins would be the first to ex hibit laineatatioos and ..fear. A rota for the prohibition" party is equal to lo. a UP party. - . A-vote for .tiie prohtbltion party is a vote against the Democrat ic party, and agunst good govern -menu People who gire such votes deserve 1 1 be. ruled br negro govern ment, and they will . find that they hare tnjared lhems lvea and toeir children aad their ni!ghbor to an ir reparable ixUou -Let sensible white raw aot like sensible rai n. . People, generallv have r.s taucb Interest in the welfare of the Slate aadln bavfog -good government, as .hare newspaper e-fitors and what, are called politician,- aad, ihay should not expect 4 0 to di all the work for the petty. We cms land a bad government as wel as any one, but U) -oar duty to warn tbe public agalnatlan riak of nariog one.' Whr ill you coug!i when Shlloh'e (Tore will give imntedia.e relief. Price lQcU 0.ts. aadtL , For sale at FurmanV ; 4 : Siiiloh's catarrh reciedf A posi tive cure Tor- -catarrh; dip theri a and csviker mouth. For said by W. 1L Fur man, ,Tr i , iracknvttck,a faiting and fra grant perfume, vrica 115 and 60 euk Forabbf Furooso.- -r , SbUoh's cure will ImmedUUly re liere cxup,whoopiug cough and bron chitis. Fur safj by Fanoan. - yor dyspv'Sia and ller complaint' yon have a primed guarantee oa ev ery boUle oJ Shiloa'a Viullxer. It cover fails to. cure, s'or sale at Fur. " ram's. - c . . , A nasxl njector free with each bot Uo of Sbiloh'a euUrrb remedy. For aa e at Funnsn's. . The Rev. Ceo. tl. Tlikyer of Bour bon, Ind sajsj' myself and wife owe wur. lives to bhilali's to anmption Care, Fr sale at Fur man Drug Store, ' - T tiua. B. AVILDER, ATTORITET AT LAW. roDismjHo.j.-. c. . " OSce 00 Main St., one door STcfJa J - of tha Zag'e Hotel