- - i JAMES A THOMAS, "TacTixta ia the old&i newspepre ---faUi&he4in Fran4.1ic.oButr; ad'ta : i if o n n Tin- c!iu?aeTT extrtdxxr vr-s-K Af iris .! :v ;3-8o.'j ijaa Teat A.: THOIXAS, Editor and Proprietor. f. ' ''.t'''T 'T m.-.!'. Vfi?fi.9 y-frJ' To Clubs of 5 This Times will be' for the Tie re ef cerrespoodenUt. . , Brief com a. n;oaZ3iI' IFimi all aec- teres of any natore wll tSaa tfally ecotred. J)'j(in hilnl) fill SI- rt- 11? LOUISBURQ-, N. C, SEPTEMBER' 7: :I888. " ! ": t ' ! .--fi. -..?. i ? .1.". ' 'it r,.-i s f.oit'jr-f -8 I I t- . . . L . . NO.1 35 f S fit f-S' pt ; ;1-!4K-?J n. I irrv r ---"j---v--.fr ;- t. I - al" SU j I i fcll: ."t rti ' II : I - . . I 1 , I r IV -i ; 1 t lines. Mof,whu!av4 i!jr,n2koiivl fP TTh"EdiraJtT"pa-Ii 1 M n.; HtU.-iii t,.i i , .,.. ?,.-rt -i .:i; ' i ' -1- r- -,.1 ! - X ' 1 ROYAL PSW.1t . .pX i'- ";TI-lit -,;':llf f?lJ-''lf t'l?- wjyJ rai A Absolutely Pure. This powderever varies. A'marTerof puritv, strength andl wholeiomenebs.. Xfore'ecottomical thaathls ordinary kinds,' tad cannot be sold In eompetitioa Mrith1 the multitude or low test, snort weight 1nm or uhosnhate powders. SOLD ONLY i x cans. R o ta BAmro? PmvtRCtsr .. , 106.aU St,. GeneralDimtorj LOUI"BUEGN. C, CHUBGHES. Mkthodist Rev. A. McCullen, pastor erviees every Sunday, moraine; and night. Prayer meeting tfm-fedif etday! Bavtist Rev, BayIual Cde, Ml IPaf reach tor. services isi ani on ouauavH in eaca uantlt, morning and 'night. Prayer meet every Thursday nights Sanday School o'clock, A, 11 H .-I.s "VN Jo vI.mi-jsiox ERSThos. white, F. N. Eserton, G. W. Fold, T. M. Fleming. Cs st ableK. D. Pinneil. Ba&rdMeets Friday lere nrt Monday la emk month. FRANKLIN BOUNTY: f Commissioners G !A. Nash, ch'mn., S. f. Crudar R. S. Foster F. P. , Pierce, . w. K Uzzell- Superior Court Clerk TV.. J; King u.. r.e lUuilc Tl 1? Rnlluf SlierirT .11 C. Kearneyt-A. )f ff" Treasurer B. P.Clittort ijSf Superintendent pi Public Instruction J. N. Harrii. Keeper Pior Honse-rJ. W. TinnelL geirx of Health Dr. E. S. Foster. Notary Public L. McUhee Frank- i;...... v , 7 . . .. 'f; 1 BOARD OP EDUCATION. N. Y. Gulley. Chairman, E. 0. Conyera, J-i. i w J. N. Harris, SeCretarjr. J The Superinteadent will be in Louis- roar, Apnlj July, September, ; Octo ber aad Peceraber,' and f eiaain fori tkree days.Jf nessarypnr pose of examining applicants to teach n the public schools of Franklin coun ty. P FrJRSION AL 1: ! g B.MASSENBUBGf r ATTORNEY AT LAW- LOUISB rjBG, W, C. , Office in tbe Conrt House. All business put in-my hmds wit! Meeivo prompt attention. 0. M,COOKE. aTT'Tand COUNSELLOR at LAW. LOUISBUKQ, FKA.NKLIN CO..N. C. WJ1 attend the Courts M. Nash Fraak'ltt, Grinville; Warreni .afid Wake Gounties also the Supieme court of Nor th Carolina, and the U . Circuit and District Uourt. r,;:j D H. J. E M ALONE. . Jffice 2 doors "below i Forroan Hu -Cooke's Drug Storeradioining Dri O TIMBERLAKE," ATTORNEY AT LA WW 0 : LOUISBima, N, C. ' Office he Court House . .. ... -. a W A. D AY r A. C. ZOIXICOFFKB Day & ZoUicoffer ATTORNE AT LAW. hexdebsox v.' c. ..r-: : Practice in the courts of Franklin, r ance.Granyille, HalUax, and North aampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the State ' A. HICKS,;, Momy-At & Kotary PolJlic, OXFORD. N. C, AK J T. HICKS, Attorney af Law. HENDERSON. N. C. Will practice together in tfie counties of Uranville, Vance, Franklin and -Warren, nt"m all.mattera requiring their joint at we. hope by prompt, diligent and talth u attention to business, to deserve and f?.lve a Prtoa of the business of ft- f I I K ' I u GBOVERCIiTrVELANDj". qf)Qb!oJ!;Vri.IAir 7 Z'."" THOMAS M. IIOLTrr : " : Af frii'.: tt Alance Count y, - "WILLIAM L. SAUJ?DEliS'' - DONALD , W. BA IK, ; of Wal-o frAniittr TOO 5 For Stale Anilvtor: .. - GEORGE AVVKDER, oi vv ayne County. Fpri,SjineiriateOjdent of Public -: In SIDNEY M. FINGER, tttoeMenfirali i?i TIIEODuRE F. DAYIDSOJTJ ; of HuDCombe ; County. For Judges Supreme (Jourt: i JOSEPH J. DAVIS, .;. gMxOf FMnkJ Cofwityp? f JAMES E. :nEPIIEltDl ibf BewifoA CouhtvS M 1 alphonsoa ievERYfi ; . ri"- ALFRED M. WADDELL, of New BanoVcr County.: . FREDERICK NSTRUDWICK, - . ... -. t r. . r ,n troraRKsarROM u uitr TR1CT - . - of Nash. . Who Would Change? Olj jm tG, t pjbUcTies- urcr reported the State debt, prin cipal jand interest, at 15,233,0 10. 50 In November, 1870,:.oh'ythree Jenkins re- 084,641..-: 75. The Republicans had been in tfi1ree,lfeairsand .. fiad anded $17, oji(5bt25'tothe UibtJ rJ:. JnA87J)tha DQmocratagoUcoB trolofthe Legislature, and -whilst the State was in qo condition, .after ii ! . r T- . . 1 Li. ! J..L..I. Ufcy a bnlsdT Key-pre mree years oi 4.vwpvinii.iur uiiaruie, vented any Increase in the princi pal. They did reduce taxes, re store the common schools and ; re commence tbeQonstrvctiod of. the "Vtertorthjjarola tallroad. By 1876 they had reduced State taxes to 29J cents. ' ( ...... m . - . In 1877 the Democrats took en- tirevcharge tf tha f State. They "fburid thetate debt, principal and interest, amounting to $41,788,781. 45. Tbe prospect I of. settlement seemed almost hopeless to creditor and debtor. : But the debt has been settled eMisfactorliy "to both parties interested, tnThe : Stale's six per cenf'fc'onds are selling at: SI 23, and hs1 four per enti!bohdfi at $95, - the jlrjtTnder .the s erhhient,' rebred by the Democra- ( & 1Q 77, the ioantiesrafe- nearly 4Militt5n5 their large idroxne&avthe result of Bepubli- can misrule nearly all paid ; off; aldf ij eleven yeartr:6tla dollar of taxes has been lost to "the State by fauUfpif)ieriff.'r , IlThei Western raliroad has : been fioinpleted to the Tennessee line and . hai aflected hts CjoAnectiens with the railroad systems of the country; and it Is making iapid progress to its other texminu? at i Murphy. . It has brought into the State two mil lions of dollars, and two millions more will be. used for , its comple tion; -' ; ;-; r'':':" s,- f Some two millions of dollars of more have been brought into the State and expended upon the Cape Fear and Yadkin Nalley Railroad The best equipped and most: use ful Agricultural Department of the South is aqother result of eleven years Democratic rule. . -, - .The system of public 'schools is thoroughly je-established.. The University has been firmly re-established , -. Normal schools for. both races are provided for - every section of the State. " Asylums for white and black; years' later. Treasurer pbrteo! theebo'Dea; built m(lthorously I III 1863 thtf Stat6 tar wan 80 -it- r Fo two years pixst Uie-State ajr. was 2a cents. ; : . - One year there was jjb iatetarl -Voo would change ?,; -vV - is a eood tiling to reduce -the "PfBople'a taxes and to diminish r the public expend itdirfe-xvlien it can don6 fvithout damage tp the ""peo- Die's tntf restii'tiiil 'after ailJl lie mat- fJl rvU rtotQ j.f J v.a iva iiiv iwuufvei o uy m - hw much has been spent but how have 1 been beent8peHViftnd wh'etlwr t'PWJ If Prohibition Democrats ' . . l . ... 1 rtn not flea how thev nro hln5Tfre- I more has been spent than necessa ry to the protection and "advance ment o public interest. He whor erppoys a inan and pays him $1,000 a year to run his plantation; and at' the endTot s the sterm vof service2 finds that theie are no crop returns; that his lands have been allowed to to5 go to gully; that his fences are down; his stopkri'fij forrvfce and his barns and out-house gone to rackrarid ruitV, is hot j likely ' to jemplbythat'taarif Wfter find'' ing that a successor made good crops, keeps the land in trjm, r the stock In good Avorking ovaee aiid the uuildiugs in good r repair, oven ff the outlay to secure these prdQt-J able Results were as great or even greater than that which had yield ed hjni no returns aW"KuhtvThTs faroi to the - verge bf "Irreparable" Twelve years ago this; great "plantation, Noith Carolina, ,.had "dona JTotby tit I Uf.&m: w&aav W a wu-u w - v high; priced Kadieal overseers, day t is in better c mdition than 1. '-:; -i.-'.v ' '' ; "i . -I ever uetore, yieias Digger aim Dei- i ter returns, e.nd costs less than ever lo run it. Who would change this State of things fWhowouTd re'employ the Radical applicants for, .over- seers places IV: 5;; He Can't Vote For. Free tWhis- fkey.'' Ca.btjIsie, Peun., Aug. 25 The Rev4 J. B. Daugerfiold, pastor of the African Methodist-Episcopal ztoncnurch ot JtLarrisbarg, and .a very: prominent colored minister of this part of the State, to-day an nounce4 that'hj would fa&ip State for pi tetrad andJThu.rman.i lie says:. As a minister of a minister or the Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, i - ana a . ine-iong uepubucan, now that the old party has defaced her record, by declaring to a civilized and Christianized world; that free whiskey Is better lhan'!' free; Wool lor me couuiry, it is nine ior ev ery minister to stand upon the open platform, and use his politi cal influence against such a party. I appeal to every, worthy-and intel ligent voter to come out boldly and defeat the free issue of the Bepub- to my people, f cannot advocate free hiskey.' ' J ; All Pointing The $Mn& Way. Landnark.i l?ai?" .t-, - - -j'wf ,i grt:uiCl Congressman John Nichols, of the fourth district, has been on a i visit (o his home, and returning- to .Washington a few days ago was Inteiyiewed by a reporter of the Post.! Among other thlDgs he said speaking of North Carolina; . The outlook Is ext-emely . favor able for Republican success;' Uodie Russel in his' recent mterviewMu tne rose vastly unaer estimates tne Prohibition strength. They will poll 10.000 votes, and draw princi pally from the Democracy. v; r AL.CknrmaoPe& who was at the Mt. Holly falrlast; week, itrnx made' a : protection speech , was Hkew&ie interviewed by th4 Toil uponi his return4 Dtb Washington t'Hni in the o . Interview : the following occurrsj 1 i . "What "do the Republicans' of that section think TiftheTp4rttd chances of carrying thb'State t : , ' v VThat they are good at least for the governorship, with a fair show for the; presidential ticket. : The gubernatorial . Prohibition ticket ywill pqll a large number! ioEI Votes, which vyill lmo atrnos, altogeth.er from the Democratic party It Is by;thi9"crefectl6i thai .the OU-pub-Ilcanswpe-tcwinw.' In these twoTextracts we see He publican, Jiopes as to North Carol I -na cleaily outlined. The Republl t canoow- w- they are ln,a -rminor1iy in the Slate,1 but the h6pe - Fi3k and jyalker will , ; . ; get , enough votes to give the State to Uarri -p tty. for the Prohibit Utt I'de. of the United SUtes is the on- 1 vuto wui, as xicaois ays, wme i er "prlnipally'frouai the '.Democracy or as Perkins, puts it, "come almost altogether rom the Democratic t . x . a J - do.not see how they, are being ' re lied upon to pull: tho Bepubllcat chest nuts out of the-fire, it Is be cause they will not allow them selves to see It. fi Keep Ilinl Down , r When a poor man attempts t rlsemptytrjiho w itluthire is no monopoly of genius, and that Qod 'hath given as free' and' noble great he Is not only opposed by he class above hliu, but envy and f"?y? Pyl, Dut envy ana I scorn are ouv iwo -euen nis V - ' I J. A. ' r BY . A K but twotlen his portion J amonr his fellows. They do not ii rwii a. like to see themselves outstripped by ciie whom they have reckoned no better than themselves, and in stead 5f 1 nfcouf aglug, t hey dam p Ills ardor, Ind gri4vff1ilsi heart with siippiv mid mid. Ix-aino uvIooa. I counsel, the hex t class above J himj loyenot, tq see. a man who has toawght toiboast ef but ainobie sool, I M ' - - - - - a b - presuming to take his place among V' L2 r..:.i I ineni,,uuu. iuc ts uuo uiiibii uhrwit. hf Keer him down ThUnnwnrd struma uhici the poveny-sirucK ireuiua ntu to - en- i - . . i t -a a. 'durehruxgreTagalnsrpreJu - dice and (pisrcpresentation 4hd fwant has daunted, many , a mind, . and i discouraged "-tnariy a breast; hand has kept inany a name formed to be a light to the world lr pover ty and darkness to the end of '.. hla days, f Because of thbi tnany a no ble spirit has couceuled ; its ,, own flame ' brightness; many noble and free men, of wlom the ..world was not worthy, haVe gone with all the wbdora of their souls un'.' . iold "have died,' and made n ign.V f' '--.:' ', . ' Idle Daughters. i , It ia i a most .painful' spectacle . In families.Where the mothor I3..the drudge, toeef; the 'daughters! ele gantiy aresseu, recuning j at neir ease, with their. drawing, their mu sic, their fancy work, and their reading begulliug tliemsclves of the lapse of hours, days and weeks. and never dreading ; of ! their . re sponsibilities; biiti as a 'necessary consequence of a neglect of duty, growing weary oflUhefrsBleaas-i nessi laying hold of every newly invented stimulant, to . . rouse. their . drooping energies, . and- ' blaming their fate, when - they dare "not blame their God for havingj plac ed ihem where they are. ' These lhdi v idaala 8 will ; Qf ten , tell yon, with an air of affected compassion, (for who can believe It real ) that poor clear mamma is Working her" self to death. Yet no sooner do yon propose that they should assist-, her, than they declare she Uf quite in he element in short, that " she would never bejiappy it she "Jiad only half.s3jwuch'ui do, D I d dl - a-. CAUTION I. ml ,.- 8If there be any Democrat who propokeJ.b-.vou5 againsLthaamend- meni Increasing )thfc' number Mf"du- preme Courts udges of imy who jjrd that the araetfdmenrr berrcarriediand Davisi AveryandShepher bbeaten. Jher Radicals ?,wdl; , y ote'i , for .fl the. amendment and their nominees The Democrats must take no risks in . this or any! btbei matter on -elecUoa' day.f L' f No matter how you: 'vote ' on the amendment, he sure, you .voift for .Da-: vis AYery and Sheph.erd.:: ; ri b hare,.neyertheles3, lo.vowe for (hej pemocratinoidatesnest U nappch i t. w ; j 1 1 . . . 1 . . . ! . Morton and the Special Tax, I Nortli Carolina ha a special inter- est in defeating the Republican, ticket for Pesidept and Vice-President at thexpming election.,. Why is thls; so t I lieeause LyLP. Mort-n, of the firm I of MortonVjStias & Col, of. Ws Jl street,' j Of thelufamoua SDecul tar bond: BO-?aied,' muei by the carpet-bag- I ger, ftni Is seeking to force ca to pay I Ihem' ' through 4 the Federal' (Courts. Worse than' Shylock of old, he craree' the nenaltv ind f.rrfrtifnf ftif Knnt , i - J w. 'r. '4.. - t . even though they cost us oar 'heart's best blood, Y sOonceiyed In sin and brought ' forth in iniquity, the history of theso bonds U, too- well known to need - repeating here, "aifice it to say: The people of 'North Carolina, laughing to acorn the claim: of the ; carpet-baggers to pledge tho jr&itti and credit of ;.; the t State .'to anything that w at not to be, enforced ,by JFoderali.bayonetSrf t repealed i tho iaw, aocsiiedi autortotig , the . Issue of the bondand .b7j a formal.ordi. nance, jluly ratified at tlie polls and In- corporated into the Constititioa, . of I the 'State, forb?de them to be paid. In spita of. this, however. ,the afore- . aaidiveriP. "Morlon'f . Itadical jcandi. I pata for Vice President or the United I SUtes, George Bliss, Richard J. Cross I and George. T.' BIist, composing the J firm of Morton, Blisi & Co-i are seek. ini 'to nave" ihese bonds collected through he' Federal Court,' and In' this'' I court a w.uw oorue ;m mmu inaT us uuuf "uuu a man re me in- I a ! ii n a ' r a, I I !... 'jt 1 rr; "-T.-j ... " V , - - " se 1 "orM,n Blue s.Co brouzht two suits. -one in - . w,0tt '""" vw-t, wu,?n ,iavin removeato we Federal Court" was thrown t oat of v i . - . , .,.;... XT yl :T7 Tho other suit was In the name of .A. II. Temple,' a citizen of Wake county, " and the case coming on to be heard In - . r"-t . - . . .:..- . - .. . iie rederai Court, wade Beyrnour, the District Juile, and the aforesaid Bond, the Ckcuit'Judge, both ..being upon the bench there ws a difference of opiDion, Seymoor being ; of ' opinion that the State could not be' sued by ' a citizen of its own or any other State and Bond belog of opinion that the State could be sued by one of its own citizens. Bond being i. the bigger Judge, his opinion prevailed aud so the case went against the State aud in favor of Teoiphv But an. appeal be ing allowed in such . rasns, one was taken fry the Stale . to the ! Supreme Court of the United States, Where it Is now! pending. .1, - ; j . .Under these circumstances does any man think it prudent on Xhe part of i; jn ortn uaroununs lo pus more power into, the hands of Mr. Levi P. Morton than he now posaestcs f - Is It wise to put k stick in your, enemy's hand to break your head with ? '' " ' 1 Suppose Mr. Morton should become Vice-President and Mr. Harrison Pres- iden i of. thcoe United SUtes, who knows how soon the Supreme Court of the United Slates will bo -"watered" to carry this suit n favor of Mr. Mor ton ? The millions he would make out of it would be a big thins to re4m burse himfor lu. print campaign expentes ana 10 create a luture . cam" paiga tuada for the Radical party. ' It will not do to sty that Radical Preti- dents will not water'" the Supreme Court to suit their views, for the -very thing bas becu done', and a Radical President did it. It niast be- remera- bered; that during the: next acL miuUlratiou there will be ah unusally large number of vacancies on- the Su preme Court bench to be filled tu all Jiuman probability.'- K- narriten- be President he will fill them. - Think you Morton will have no Influence . In the matter, or that he will not use It with ah eye to hi owhiuterest? The man who does think so : Is assuredly -very rgrefcOr" n ' vfc'" '-JT -'-- :-; - It, therefore, the Federal Supreme Court ahonld agree 1 with ' ! the - ( Hrcult Jndgo rather than the District ' Judge, an.J should issue its process to its mar thalli, backed up by Federal bayonets to collect these bonds,' there will be a lively time in North Carolina, so live ly that i( Is the part of the commonest prudence to do everything In our pow Vr ta prevent its coining. V' : ' J 1 '- '.- . But perhaps our Northern brethren, and our Southern u ones, j toO ; pf . the Radical, persuasion,- think ,.thAt : as thessibonds were wriUw with the 'I bayonet they should be collected 'with the bayonet. XT dont think o.'- ' But What a tight it would be to: see a FedVral Maruhal ; backed up by a lot of Mae-coated Federal aoldlers, ielU ug the mules and plows of. the. inen'. QI the bread trajs and cooking ulea auaoriue women to get money la V Hr Vice-PresUeot Morton kia there be inncli sleep ofalghU i .the country while that aort of . th!nr Roiog on, think yoa'f. We had better let Morton atar where he Is. JDockery Kcbuked to Ilia . J ; by Itepadllcan, M i t ..I;-;---;.'-' '""' Chatham Record. - ' ' ' " ' Dockery's attack on Mrs. Clere- uuia rcccirea a severe reouke iroru a prominent member of his owri 'rarty. a few days ago. - The readers of the Record will remember ' that Dockery in his speech at thla place stated' that' Mrs. Cleveland had aissed (to use Ids own words) a negro 'wench'' f 'It seerhs that he repeats this ' slrnder wherever be peatt. L One day last week he and Mr, W. S. O'B: 'ltoUn- son (a leading Republican from Golds boro) made speeches at Burgaw, . in mi Pender county. , Decker j apoke 0rst ndagaio repeate I his lie about Mrs' Cleveland, but Mr Ribinson, who Is a. decent man, in Ids speech had thehonr tr anu true manhood to state that he' did not believe th'uT slander on Mrs, Cleveland t Nor does Dockery believe it, and he only repeat his base sLm- der wTthe rlr.t lady hi; the land" in w' fttuer 01 OI Be, g .bearers. : How can any decent while mm vote fur" such a dirty demagogue as Dockerr? ' A1 beautiful eal Skin Cloak Is a becoming garment to a lady. If .she has an elastic step,' an air of grace .sue u nu em and modesty, and the glow of .health on her cheek, the will - always com mand admiration. Without thesel no woiaan can . appear 4 to adfaqtage,. With aickly countenance, painful gait. and listless air, she is an object ' of. Dity. 'How many "American women daily drag out a' wretched existence,1 ignorant of ' the bleating 'of 1 ierfect healtli I ' All her weaknesses ! ca be cured by Dr. Pierce's 'Favorite Pre scription, the great specific for prolap sus, leucorrhea,' ulceration and unnat ural discharges. Thai only medicine sold by druggiats, under a ' positive guarantee of giving satisfaction, or raouey refunded. Read guarantee printed on its wrapper. . . J. -Dr. Pieree'a Pellets, or Anti-bilknu Granules; in . vials, 25 centi; one a dOSe..; . 4 ! . J .. ; ... - lie Was TruthTuL x VBilkiaa, I hear that yon are tho au thor of that lie about me that is now being circulated. . v i . ' ; . j :r. . vwhatlie.V . .: ,To the effect that I have three wives living.' . i. i : : It's a miaUke. I tell so licv M -.- Tbenyou deny starting the sto ry?' ' :-V. ' : L1...-1 .; . ; . -No. But I deny UUln a fate. ho;d." Journal. ? I " IS TOUIIPTION JNCURABLE Bead the follow log: Mr. (V II. Mor- . . . . . f - i ! V T ns,Kewatk, ArK, sayt: -V-s down I 'SVnt?' c' nd TriendJ 1 incurable consumptive.:, Began : tak- I lng Dr. King' jiex ew Discoverv for Consumption, am now on 'my ' third oottle, and able to oversee work on my farm. Its the finest medicine ever made. . f. . ' -? Jesse Middlewart. Decalbr," Ohio, sayt: Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery ior. consumption X would have died, of -Lung .Troubles. Was gl7en up by doetors.. Am now In beaj or health. Try it. Sample bottles free at Clifton's Dmg Store. - ' j ELECTRIC jirriEEa. , ' . . Th's remedy It becoming, to well known and to popular as to oed no special mention. " All who used Electric Bitters sing tha same' song of praise A purer medicine doea 001 exiitandit. isenaitnteed to-do all that tt claimed: Electric Bitter will cure all diseases of the liver and kid ney, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum andotberaffeotionaonnsed by impure blood. AYill drive malaria from the system and prevent at wH as curs all malarial fever. For euro of headachy, conatipaMeo and Indiges tion, try EJeotrio liikartKtitire sat- !. .-' . ... . . . isxaouon guaranteed, or money, r- fuudod. Prioo50cen(sand1.00:rer iwma at ymiea'sujngnorem l"c rao nalnz rTy Itia dmAr la K-tlon 1 VT I,1 of the' ConiUtotlpbr (OiaVeVeTy ' person reatralned of hU'llbcriyia ectl tied to a remedy to lonire- Into the lawfolaess thereetf, Adia axyp'J 21 of the article it iJecIvUal JJ prlf ilejes ht, the frU of habetacorpuf foU ahall not be, saspea'dxdL ua riA , , 'i'Aad yeUlo the dark daracilgTaJh. I to say, whenie tnu l power morth CaJrUniu there; wss extreme er u; persoo yelf, fuitH to property. i(.e iana Into exiled and other LundrBdJ, &aii;dln,, to fly, ued 'to,IUlch;'htlairtirK,T .mllea from Uieir homes, charred iAs "Z .violaUoa crthe'WhHkey Uit.Ue.-iV-" , v Well do ' we,: recollect ihl : wto00 .Kirkb and his nh Into Caswell; Uey laid Uwleai a3dt,a X upon tnany ef the ubai 'e'tolneA'1 tens itflhat counly'er Tr ne?tfi(ae7JV' and" tabieoted them 14 rnlswfUr4tortH xfL I lul Pi" cui-mroau and, aaartasint: rate I -..... m . ,J -. .'i Ilr t j i um wiuoi usueaa cvrpos wis deSed; , , I hundreds' otiood tlaxna"Were hAMf ' lence and : lAiufUl! -'lm'prtonrDtt.w Arnoog them : was k JoW Xarf,' thirfi? neariag the dove of a lrogXteSlstil'"-gulahedbybruliant-taXeotsv marke4i hu by coajpeaocai 'poic-eenliesU as adding to totber chdtaa la a cnsidrsa 01. UorJthat of lubig.be frem:eariyJl ni manliood aoj active, ! useful, ceftloua L! memberof iha BlfXlsl Chacclu TJitcq tu wi a William Bowt hog ai pretwV l tl i Ing miisUate.of.;thaf5Uwntyi ccrhcyiw foremost la tetttog an example of bey 93.,- die nee to law as he was aealoua ia av-- , fcTcbgit.t,FcaqoArterof;cenjtnr t,tlt ha had heW bijch oOcUl . PbvUU5tipgajJrj Ura Methodist church. I Tie!waa pr, N. M Roan, whoia emtijif nce'at a ci hten.had been recognized by Lla e)ec- , '" Uon as one of tlie Ccli; 'SUtp; whoaa profeaaiooat paiUon of 'Lair1 a" " life-Umehad Wn or tLeh)gUeV hi1 ,fl the SUte; and who for fair a long' a1 ne H spacerbid been an Elder in1 llw PreJ- ' byterian clrurcb-'' To thee b ktid inch' at these,' the Bodies! Judges Vie 9H ' nled the eoraiaones I priTllegeaf i44T I TTTt'm law, by Refuting fo enforce the writ of trrri habeas corpaa, whefr llieir highest righU bad been' Invaded with1 every I cirvnmstaxice eflojury."" Mjw I -i'ii. ! ' Under Denaocraiic rale the Govern; in.! ment la adminUtcred withont, bayo . ret;the Law It stronser than ' tho Sword; the Joda greater that the R u' dler, and the glory: of tha RepnLlio L-.f above tha glory of tha Parly.."., 1 - ,yj tn . mix will yon coug! when tiulobw-9 ' Cure will giva imnmlbv'areliei. Prk- ',1 lOets 30 eta. and $1. f. , For sale i:ai ;i Forma n'a. ,. .',.. . ' . .BhiloVs catarrh, re rued r A poal-. live core for catarrh, diptheria and 1 canker month. For sale by. W; JL! tr. j h rrnan, ,'r- J.,' j -i c-,u:w i ITackmeUck, a lasting and, fra- l!it srant perfume. Price 25 and 50 . e a.' For sale bf Furrntn. ' 1 SbUoVs cure will lmmedaU.:!yrteI lleva eroop.whooiang oongh and brba-ll ? ' chltit.:-For salo by Furman- . .... j ,f , ' J t dyspepsia and liver , complaint, iyou nave a printed guarantee on e- ., ery boUle ot ' Shiloh's ViUlUer.'" If ,U i' ,r over fails to core, cbr tale al Far '4 min'a. ;t . l.-.:.f..:-i. tdriJl A nasal tojector Iret with each boU lla uf Shiloh'realarrh remedy., For i,-. aale at Farman'a. ' ' , . ' V. The lv. ueo. U. Thayer 01 . Iioor- - I boo, IndJ, says: " BAh myself"kn4 wifaowiuur Uvea te Bhiioh'i IVm I samptloa Care, Fr tale alFurman Drugstore. , . ( : jv . f., t.. t I "! Are you mtda miaerable by Inalgea lion, fJoostipetkm, Dixxioeta, la cf ' ' appetite,' Yellow Skin?' BhltoVi Vi" r, talizer ia apoaitira cure.v Fur s4eat. , :.. Furmau't.: ViU ..... h r2 Jf, M,w . . Poor Tiling.'"' i .1'- .." . T . , -. Lacy Mand, that was a terrible ex periance of jours I ' ,' 'J, . Alice J ust think 1 You wake cp " and find tha house on fire I , ' i Julia And an carried da wn a la1 : ;dcr by a fireman 1 ; ; '; ' ' ' J " J"! Emma In the prsaenca i of a thie'-" e' iA and spectators,1'' Mlna-Whii did you Wa on f ' " ' '. Maud (sally) A wrappet aad ' ay ' 11 J 1 bbnhstf '.r ..t tm i All-Whfch bonnet f e v.wnil . MaodLa)t aeMo 'a nu Lrtm md. L,-: " r "All Poor'glrli- ''.'.' t Exist Maud, weepluf- Xknea. -1 ' J THOS. VL WlLDJ2j'n ' -:I ' A "ATTOMTEY AT TAW. " .' ::': ' it IXUI3DUIia,2.a.. t.J " 1 : 3p o MaW SU ona ,door s'oath 1 ' ' . , cj mo tag' IwltU ; .- , i)ii;p 1 tX.4 t

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