"'L --V""'-' " - -i,--- - ' " " - -- -. - - : ' ; . - ' " , . - THKR FANKLCN TTMRcU . ; , " -7T- - '-T , ' . . ' . ' " ..lrrr . 4. PPBLISUXD EVESY FBIDXY.TBlMJ JAMES A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. TnivTiaca la the o!J-.trt'ry-t rj7:,:.tuiual ran t ; . r-u. y f-cr. i itsw ' Qa of i. aa a a oloj p t yx?UAi rr.t Sites: - i)ae r?ar ' - - 50 Sixiloathe 100 To Clubs of S Tub Tikes will be finnhedtil40. V- ;lvcTttirtfir'i!lria; a,,not. he:e- - J. A. THOIIAS, Editor and'Proprietor. WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE ; WITH CIIAB -T wr WMMw LOTJISBURGyN. O. SEPTEMBER 14 1888. 1a IjOVSil-Jl t i ivUt: I - -. : .!M:.y-"fl ! I 5 i : i'! J ? " I ? ' i f 1 I - t 1 I -" W I itx La.l ir, ZI tr "". . 7 hQi. I .M ',. J l.r 4 n.. i5 I . i i I S ' I -J - . II II II It I . . . - li t it 1 - i : . 3 I " - , W f . WW ,.v---W : .m..iHfa.i. . 4 V ' N. ;. . . .. .. . t , . :. t "Jt ' lfa " - f T - 6 Si -II I x zss& v i ?a a- v This powderevcr varies. A marvel of Entity, strength and - wholesomeness.' ore economical than the ordinary kinds, aod cannot he sold in competition with the multitude of low. test,' short weight, alum or phosphate nowders. - Sold oslt' I N CAJfS. BO YA BltIKO lipPVllR IC 6. T - 106 allBtvLX J, ; General Directory. : " LOUISBURG.. U, 1 CHUBCHES. - iiereIruadaSSSSlld night. Prayeft-ngeeting eery- ednesday-4- torw 8"irfsat an mohth,wohrra andh. Priyer mdehi i a e verx wday-ntehlJ-JShiadahlori 9 'eloek.JMiJU OJXJJiJUJ FBANKUN COUNTY. Commissionkrs C A. Nasii, ch'mn S. J. vrudur K.. 03ter. rr erce,-4w. u. uzzeii- rrsa t ; m Superior CourVsUfirK-sUMSa Kegister of Deeds li. t. iiuUocc Sheriff ,H C Kearney, , - TreasftmiHi IT 1 lin Superintendent of FabG Instruction KeeDer Poor House J. W. Pinnell. SopTof.Hra th UjvE.S.,pstei. NotarlP4l)Uc1VTftaukf linton..t I I I a s .4 ID OF 8ICC N. Y.lJulley. . Chairman, K. U. Conyers, B. B. Maasenburg, . Jf. N. Harris, Secretary. . The Superintendent will be in Loirs- bur g on the second Thursday of Feb- ber an l' DtfcrtiJberf 4nt3 retimn j-fo three days, if necessary, for - the rpur pose of examining applicants to teach in the public schools of Franklin coun B. MASSES BUliG, ATTORNEY AT LAW- j tt v LOUISBUttO.N. C.'v . Office in the Court House. : f All business put in my hinds will receive prorfifritfJionT? - y- V - I i : M,COt H'T'Yand COUNSELLOR at LAW. louisbuiw, pAirgt co..; 11 atten?ltnW't'oiA8feC Frank in," Gf nnville, Warreri,uU and Wake 0 oun ties also ; the - Bupierae court of Not ith Carolina, and the U . Circuit and DisTniCT Courts. , DIJ.E MALONE. Jfflce 2 doors lowFtimM& Cooke's Drug Stordtoiiiia&DjrX.O.l TIMBEBLAKE,: Office i Ke Court House iKeCoi w a. "day "A, C. ZOXXICOFFEB. Day & Zolhcoffer : ATTORNEYS 4?!?AT a Practice in the courts of ; Franklin, v ance.Granyille, Halitax, and North Hampton and the Supreme and Fed eralcourts of the State ? I - A A. HICKS, - . r attorney At law i Notary Pullic OXFORD, N. C, ASD -"IP p T. HICKS, Attorney atLawrrn . m. HENDERSON, N. g:-OU.U Will practice together in the counties of iranville.Vftnc.fl. Franklin nnri "Wifrfn and in all matters requiring their joint at- We hone hv nrnmnf "JiliMif .nA (tulattention to bnainH, n iivr receive a portion of the. law business; 6f t-iis section. ..- ,v(tj,J'j.j'i iueachmontn. . , s I irorua'e-im uisuvmi i rrt- . Ivy DJSMOCUATI'J NOMINEES. .s. lor President GROVER CLEVELAND, ; r : ;:.:-''"'. of New York.; ; For Vice-President - - ? ALLEN G.TIIURMAN, i; of Ohio. i : ;:Vl',.;::- Fob Govbenoh" "' . "I V; 'DANIEL G. FOWLE ; ,. . w Wake. f ,3 4 For Iaentenant-Govenior: t; ' THOMAS ILTTOTiT,? ftvaraan Lar. -JfJ i. rorsecreiarv 01 btitery ; l WILLtAMXi JSACTN DEUS. ! cfWakcc t For State Ti easarer : : DQNALD W. BAIN, y of WakeCouuty. or taie. Auditor: ... 4 I GEORGE W- SANDERL3N, . :. 01 waync County. 4 Fi t4 SIDNEY M. FINGER, J 01 CatawDa Oounly. For A tt orn ey-Genera ForAttc Lot (UULbomt oiJudaes Supreme Court; v , 1 JOSEPH J. DAVIS, " of Franklin County. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, j k of Beaufort " County. For Senae 7tU Dist HsUi W. KING, t! ,i:.4JG..SiLLS.-r;;,. House o Representatives Sheriff; HTvKEj iJlegister of Deeds a I Treasureri! m;sdavi:- I TJDBWELL: BAKER.. ... Cor.uer. j ; . J. BijACKLYi ii sA Workman's- Question AnV - i ne ueraia tens me mat i am paying a good many taxes that ? I ought not to. Now, I drive a plane all dny and have no time to thiuk of these thlncs; I'come home Ured antf dori't'totoufli -Wjv.wxpnJnv....;.Uu, you will ttll me o t ns th.ng 'i I nerham T oin irer it Into mv head. Mostcertaiply. we cwill, and a very Interesting topic you will: And it. f It won't take you long to see ttiaMneTepnoneaTr1 poncy '-w highertaxatiori uiakWl Iti-kacder foydudtelhfottoW life?. or that the Democratic policy of lower taxes is in the interest of ev- 4 AO wing family, perhaps. To be- the first cot of the house you hire is increased by a tax pnal - ost everything, from the foundation to thA.lron vuttmr mfVkikL-. wrrtnwitt. yu payin xtfa rntjj don'ou ? ina-iaiwiiorci ts not apniiantRro -phlst and wants fair interest for .his investment If his , house cost a thousand dollars more than ; it fWoold if the, materiala. were cheap? A er; who pays the interest bn that i thousand dollars fSNoithelan; lord That would be an unprofit able way to do business. " You pay. jt,?bf course It comes Tout of your -f irages. vSpyou BWrpwTtir t bur- Now, yoa want . tools to work with. 1 Well, under, a pretective system' you pay a tax on your sawf plane, chisel hammer and on' the wooda.bQXUutt holds itieniil Ev erything yoii use In your trade Is taxed, directly or indirectly. ; j You must have decent clothes. You can't dress like a . European jasant; Aqd in fthls climate you out these you will get "pneumonia. Your wife, too, and your children use up a lot of flannel In the course of a year. To be thinly clad means bickness; atdithat.'yotrcan'ti afford -i The undershirt and fiannel re - erj laborfngXmatf itbe'jCpVntry r t PMiw are.a icarpenter. taxed. , Yoa must have iroa and tin wear in the kitchen. You py a tax on thesa articles, and on the cnpklng stove and on the diningr I. wi Je . knives: and forks spoons and on the f tablecloth. You look through a taxed pane of Fiass, rock a taxed cradle with your baby In it, and when he is s sick gi ve him a dose of taxed castpr tiT. mi.anh pkcsd t c.uiisrer 1 - ra yoticcsoranch Blle? ty c yfli hB eJtbI r hi ariijeTer: a a A - X i toals rrrore tflar?fr-lHu V Ml J other things are taxed. ; ' Now, then, you ask, What is the object m squeezing so much money from poor people ? Why, there is no good object, and that is why we, conpiain. The government has its vaults full of dellars raked- partly what to do the surplus talking about the firovernment tea!-"- body, twenty years ago, whtnv the government was In trouble, it need ed that money; To-day it , does not need it, butihe tax still re- ittain. BSIUr.liSreuUilaa ?Tf flTnT1 fts'HW - . with , them. .That is "2. " flJd In Port Huxootfto which the :couatry is niv.aiuae th-eJ a TOWlfflVWfr . Tt. i n hnrri"tA tru,u w, viuuuie wore 01 nuuian MLv :"v :4;j - .1 make nplour mtailLThia ftxaac tBdjukmden to ox asmt119 er tur-M (J&8MheSatfou?; ? , You ha ye not a difficult problem to handle, ym see. If . you t imyaTfimttaner?essW f PiiCB tltolidslriia Wo-' 'date you, and you will, vote ; with iother hand, you believe that these ate you will deposit your vote in ballot box. N. Y. Ucrald: ' i. i - .- "Whoever heard of a farm' r making a million dollars out of the ir t: w no ever neara - or one orth half a million out of this ROurce,'or a quarter cf a . million, or eveof fflirear toecn even nrfeh etfutyfo him feel honestly independent? i ... i . the m nn nnd tenH of inillmns ITlftn , . . 4 ' eugHPStiuf.uiuuii:iurw Dorcn jI1Kee2,e I0n: .tir.lvsXh direct irun oi protecieu inuus tries ? s These men are counted in- the? North by the scores and by the hundreds ! ? But daouJhear of any of heir employers, the wage earn 'ere, growing so rich, or even with a competence, or even with' remu- nerative wfjew leveni We- cen,t UvelirifctJW" tmffllUb, doyoa not hear ;of constant pur- ; pose to reduce wages, constant le- (termination to k resist r;ductionJ constawtstruggle to get 'fchrdughjwj meetid wa;its, , constant '.strikes aud sustens6aor "work1 lii. the V ie JV foritd cuVe natuirar , justice T Both of these extremes grow out of, higk protection. -At The- manufac turer gets the cream, the laborer is almost deprived the luxury of .the thin skim milk that remains. MustBelva Withdraw. jtieiva jjocuvqoa is a canawai imr President, ial UieJ nHghtni StelHtfdi- draw. In a speech the other day she destioyed ; her--, chances entirely. Among o'her things she said-this: ; "If elected, I propose to do as oth er presidents do." .. This settles Bel va, and the sooner she quits the giddy wheet of politics Jthd better.' & Mi t 'as- -' orttrnTtti pan a n crrpat HmhV A trtArtft ' pother things it means that' if fele'ctea President Bel va will r ? Pat her2 feet ba the table sofrieEmes''! W Miss the cuspidor nine shot id 'tetV ; Svrear at the 6Cace4seeker8tJ3 Let wind blow through her Whisk ers, J . v -t--, j. i 'J- i . " y- Wear snppenders aud a plug hat,J, h G(i fishing with Dan Lamont. . I ' i Do the American - people -waoBV 'to 1 ie&d female President do these jngs Kola thousaud tunes, S9l-r i S3 JlOVif THE FAItMEKS AltE AFFECTED. Horl. F. 11. II 11 rd, i r : l Magazine. ; ": "We read with indignation amazement of the European des potism, ?here a man is robbed "of hi bcicttolt by- bom? aristocrats who, by: the grace of God. M Jef- rrVexeiri Itode booted an" a m oiooa lor me protection 01 me cut- rehS: U find th Mmft tvrnV 1a. galfzed and In full operation. - -rf J -I I charge, as I charged npon the uiLiZit-: a; 1 vt ti u.iiu iiih 8iRr. i iliii iu i uvi i r: t. . - y"- 1 . i 5i ri . - 1 TP-rr''rlxT'.ri Y."wuii'R-" i-iLLfii'.reiic-.i ovjjl'.uui ihl.u.- "ongrea-, (qh every in- .Vh WV1 -v ' crease of price 'vhich a protective h'KWH s-HtemalJtA tariff creates is a.dav of slavervto responsibttityand dnif'.y PRrff of increas- ethffceJ M46tT-TartIcuIar industries? i Let us see how fects the farmer, for the agricultu ral interest is the foundation Inter- est of the United States. It means .i .uTalTitTfLfl on to sa and bevond what he oroduces: and I will content myself to give what I ho ohioof oh mn,tr.r,.i nf tiutui.n. ko. i.'n'mA - .i t Teferred this finer tn hi thorough . " "Tw' " ' I Accurnte Investigation, flis report f" mQ wn- h ti inqi ;,rtri to the fanner of America S66o.OOO.OO0f tTr hurde (Whlt Ur f I'll ii ii A srtjirgell tA-ke surplus aoroaci. - this surplus is the profit on which this surplus of ours has prospered. jVy ell, he takes Ink grain to Liverpool to find a market at all: and 1 will suppose n 1 1 rTK ruirw mi Lzrcuiiuraiwra e2u YAllHb W nretatalljand I ixvill suppose a , early one-rdf f 11 the real ;ts purchased a thousandT biistelsL .ii fi,r tt tt m hits purchased ofj wheat. . He seeks to superintend personally its transportation and 1? on; steamentUiLivefpQol, .whereto 'mikes liia traJe7iIfet tspl sun pose '(hafoVii ttftfref mffili i m -ejbange, and he gives his thousand bushels" of wheat- yards of cloth hli cloth to New York, and reach ing the custom house ttus I giver -mint official says to him, "Here is a M bloltCI titH which j imposes a &tiy per cent, duty on thj3 cioth and x wm take a pair of ( scissors and uImlfypurhou ; 8aid yards." He" forthwith cuts off five hundre J i t . rfc, YlcL and leav Zl.w UjC f.x. f esnt nreiB.in tneus- . T ' t. . rri a " ' . . : il -ii. a . i i yatds inrettrrn.roT'nis-ttinotH,cf' . This is the. practical result ofa, teclteeiari gt&friiMpE I hia wheat at one dollar a bushel at Liverpool, and the cloth at one dol lar! per ard, tnd that he excange is niade olhis; b'a)as'pCT4x'i returns, and. the cnatotnu boasuiiI ficejr says, "Pay me fifty cent.' duy. f Ir vpay5 t-ndm yards intiiiM islnViicef 'tie United States, and the result Is that he has exchaBgI$liK0 worth pi; wheat for $300 worth of cloth. a.T - "1 :uU t KltiMWmjXmiK Ieyied on the TJnUed:!St4teaI Dy the operation of f his $arj aIFJ iPft 2i 2, 1 32, 4 2 1, which went into the Treasury Bale at Liyeftod7rso3ie' tWlk hi s m ido toe iasti.vcarrtbt iwuich.'W 1 r .i o s j t'i-itrrt havUflVretui-nit wiM.Wan.vT ..TS W 'i1. Ml ITW wereflO : Thjjftijrer .iiblSihs,x;oro3d.ailo skirOeiup;.' lherefore.vln that sin&le Tear .liir-4lPP8.a WvtiteHcfirea piles, hv no, w 1 in i ii vimw dVUni? StaLfthaY0 a.' . j. -hliol(JVou, Was tUl !&V43rC of 1 rt? iAJ other' yUi.' 4 ciDir'l Wa aht'o million j2aTkr3yfar 1 A ri..l TITSTI'.r.Tia VUTi-lTrxmri copip!rfaflvely"BrDat: cobntrVAnd ihit adi? pepfo pf PortliaroU it ,rder to I . -v: ! .tat i .t . v - . . djd t ihe ireatthWtbatdoctrjr? Aod oion with ithtvervttfneikWfcdon't It? Andyetthe'fiS'k1 . ,ii,i t.r Mm .n &Zt nt.. htv do it ' kn, or did tax him aod do yet pretty rj - J v.'Ttn i i Iblured to take. I rememUr V ofitBflriioit WtlbfrnmeahW'1 f . 1 uuai,eu mat Tear 10 o.'j,.57.iui. 1 " I 4A7nf"VW-Lf tcrT F.W ra&ed by the tarsia ncarlj equat ' rZH PSiV - ;wereimport5d int5Haa tWtry.T fet-- anient which the people tH In WiftWW iAa VUfc - . - r 1 o. 1 1 T.. V - . . T-t "jt.!" t gdvaraiMat fer ine hstf bT'fljtf I III I m Mill! .UD T'lUili WUCV-MIC V f 1 ' - I T t ' T...W..-w ' ' 1' abOUt iL for U k illut Am Hill llllurKa. ceianrwrie proiession' uon anora r , i . i ITT w-m? r2n.-iLSf fi3?a lE'lW nai tortMniA-Witir i . : ii i . t . . a rlVW4i .AWXtfrtVfK1 .k'VtAv"! uvt Ul !r I1MT WW WW T I.:.. A I I lakf wbfen fe' oWQiWrfewaidAu ftrvWblitlMeAM SlkUM tpiUilte tax nire w.ETfa J atW ague, cwua nveiui quinine wiinT""T1' ,rctW4l Mt bcrng:rbboed oi his meaus of tub-J j,.' J lLli:i:DV"r .ailli wi'. J 1??si ,VltfZVWZ?.LttA:ZVV .L"V " I te'SaJTrtt?' plfe of NorihrCarolaii td .tuderatand wkhept ataitBa 5het it was H.. wm XT. aTCJSInra:iL r I IT ' , . .1 fature: .'rv'MW'AVAOt'T bince thentrie-AU Rvcs,1ibetie3 atfd irbpert .1 M totUe:Jgi;UtwI.,iDWon-.4 I - . .. .. . mvacTlTTur fwun. mit bi iow, ibu mid rrW f : nimcnnilc jt IC tll HSCilM Ji"T'T b V .5 . .. . J f r v.. . , , ..' i ,(.- oj. hi i What nortda 'reopie ure ojiLii en i?-M wt lx) U m !Kja1 WMwescn n.Mhn.".T4 f-ol ut '.ii" i r HL'1inzh6 to opea.alandexof a boBest brlatb .in Florida, Tmw thaf .Ifellf' J.L'i2r'f''j;.lUVCV,Ji hake ived, had they used atfiwti to mtrveloas! beu oofctoo far advanced DjVvPkrce'a 'VUdcn Medical DWcwertWtter ' 'J ,? .tli. i iT12; tnaqjaypoycQspjiufcea ana coo nvec 041, M'r.T! UW?,,Tr,lIi scrorv.ods hnSar Chich cinse,., con- 1 thi blood. cnrnZ'ttaa'dolaV' twelfths' I J. t.!. nl ..vii " -i.i -.1 . 1 ' . . ' I chierar Of draggiatar Ddn't hawk, and blow, add pit,i Ml Dr. Sas?ea Catarrh remedy. -A ir.ir.,tm yUnmrvp Sn y-ji iter bottle For sate byJ. 11. Clilton. ' I " 1 1 .1. ...jr.,T MiTiti - .'j giTe -ifdcVeatrsfldtaon, ; 'orttfouey r e f i 1 A&Lj -Prlod C3 eefrts ber bottle ' DOCICERYOATTllfc tOVXEST IE1TU. :X uheru laiUAt if a lid not fajif mea it (filci. Dane imMati'tJj f PJwapr Wit Jtiifc J1. f WM Viih; Lc ilat ud the wife oi tke hnsuhlAH ritianmf SfJ prorrdjme-iJ-llona.t UVlth nl'iiaTV knolriijerwof wbaleitp1ltfca1 cried; , . .... i . . ... . i T'" waaievtrpinicai creoav F W U Ike krrfJ U.roml f 13 - PoJoHeKJUvdMr. WitkcWJ tureal puuR-fpfeechet charge that M. a. Cleveland JZ! IjIL luLfT n??0 nwheJ jN.be.U .knawxv lest it h .tinTVM Tiarker 1a A.whltll man. KAnthm h0 uuderaud, -otf .the.r.T ha ihnt hj would ftlutLfn herjw every resuecta-. Iti.Tft the fojxjaftfhg.jiJpalujnjiy:., citkforlaUJayevrH.V,. t ii ii an wii ii lii fwoiii sk' Ti aar r a n In. tt A fria n eir.-o if roiu Xhe SUlaj oc.forun?i I hlL'to. ber.m- .al. tK .nctrnw' rji', .l r7 r". .-Z'J. m kT Ti J . . i - j WkVrVo'irWe horrible tVriiiaUrVad- 1 - r- . T AT : . T" .T . ' ' 1 Fvr1 .rirl nnnn it hn mmt lis other adrantasrer. be .brou"' f to bia fc jSL-Tv vv t ' v. .L 11 v.r "TI. u-J .V'7! i '-r,--K-.r,: . ' i . . -,i :L ?. akJ W T& Af .? f !f whotioeaTuto the Radical VtKX'ZVlTZ: I csae a lUdio,d aod not , ha, dirtj. 1 5 a -v a m L J rviWfy. Wi'W -'r Itak-A fuJlaci .rrom ,vour . laraicr ( hrjfli 1 ""'yf u'i i - ii..i.Tr.T:i , Ar7dihUls'WiheTnaVwh?a::a"- W BlaiiTaa aTarmer of farinira d 4hetf j arrip'oa1 and friend t 'oi Nrth Carolina. iU yoaown.Llnat I W think. nut. .. . r -t 1 Aod IbU Tithe man who is. goinz Tjibout oVer thOStaU aikin-while men T (make tlnJttMrcobtfrovf; lolr T ChfefiragltrU!aataay TOutiiAs wmie voters or omi -jaruuna, wuq. WtTe wires ordaujhteri pr !s! hntfifirii Wilf TOU otftJfAif l.f.n1 iOn.lMrtitMa.'Wa. JjJOa1o foolftbeowlfsiaj thehlof taagistHU , till great 7 , cot i n tr r c a n not , rcrjre. ia alimy Urtppinjrs inn unclean .lips fvbit worfaa'la'all the' Uad"ia aar j Anki''JoUmet,'DokeyJ dayi ifr ildv eland kiias nesra srenches. witb all the rile words jmp!r J, ..TJhjnJfc kll tnis'whed you go td the poilai'fel- ow-emzens. .- Stkuloii and. the, ,wntexA,and .other ' rTN''WftlWV LSfV4f eMldffa If a tr Ve k2- !f ft (Wi1 WoPs?f : , .fiwi t ViyiiT 1 th alL.bis social, .cducationjil and ti I j osmx r 1 tti tT tU' tm'm W yLLWia I PuTa'to ,itt!ca eli 10 xv,u ITer-rWhat; to -.xJcnlfif, ; JtJiiUiJ!- catarrh tc&xedr4A'rpo2 f W pArtArrhv r4jptUetU i4ao 5 llXlliPJ.tW t3 lictic ai I. jyrfal L . aficriw A .noil ptif cure, wilf ImwedUUly.TMrt- TcrtHfd,wioofcUig ooush xnd Uoo- tP'orayspeVsTaTaDd'lircx. cmsinLint 1 I SIiU KUlfaULPt .. Hery-b6ia Ahlloh'-'Vtdlerr if vrTt;ajl,Wjii. x-Mocaattatf CeX ra ix naaai injector xrea with each til Rhuoti' caurrh trifiJy. - For sw,Muniik let Lit nut ii mi RexGeofl. TJarec.l lx oIdJ'mjA- . ;BKa myfejf abJ iuniptiobCBT, '-talW iaTartati: ?K)8r?C.'.r,i mtnl 'nhnoJ tit Ha ul n lAreyo made miMraLIe.br Inr,t 1 (mil Tafit AoyiiauadvJjjaiKriiv -01 ot svcl tcnnti nr.1 lrti5artaBrys aad YoatfjeafiTcol lege. for ta UnJrersity; ud for U 4iiv1?,I tia4jraits ff )lfc,,, Vr ' PsoalUtIoa of afMV j?4 aMr tNiT4. Uorai taj i tymUUJ ' lekpniBt of jMinil , 1 j n! T -' ' ii a reirt partment. .. . j ..-t,.7.iii nl loic-oa aied Ty the Board f TrasUW, prahU sof4i iaaTaslcL;.T ik;u InWladJlU Kbth i ,JiV.u.V?. $1 5.tXJf " . I ' w aa Keen J If Ltidn, Gons&paUMi, Djixioasafcl).tr rf , rapptttUTeUo Skia ?n l,ijaV N-. '. PaLJaa tUTeVmreV' iFor'i.U at I pp.aaoiiunaieJiArgelatMJWcaalirt ortbigher mathematics.. . . , . j fc-or lurtuef 1 midrnuUdrr apuy to fieri close r eburTiiioa a1 ohatr W i.aiaUd to XW fciriVfWrt' jC hl fci Mt.Ui. mmtmtmj tkX'tW iV )'4 UcnThera Ter was a tinjt i tJit U ubject appealed la iftViw4l,aai'iii:,h'l litakahlelswivagilao Ud akrW itieiu e-eUlt frm it. -.,,- te7taait VuTa tits" eoa try." Tkrr t. lak taialaTvnru tiu:rUt .iv'' a rSeoaatnea. Uk t mMJtuf -iiia Va ,o ii ".'''"rjera.KlVftatWm-ii ia tX WOolii ,tkft Mmm .A tlm DOT 2 f'r.fT?V TOV'kvi-iU;wqmioi.i lad sot Iateildel.t,lt should W dsMv ;nkwm fliffi . 'dUikvf. Ta1' tfct eiazeakof Loahb.re Ii.t,m;IM'i,k adeeatiiibHaai la' hrmrf' 'tEa uli efcool teaehera U aeMMapll.b th caw:!a nfi n- - - - -t.- ;l iwiH "dl.' lul w T??5 ''X9 1-na rx BLACKSr.li-T-irr , a!J no f.t r t nv f v:i ti em I j -!p3 ico;.c ItV- : .t'lHul-'CL; b a Ideair iolnfot rathe pubik; lhtt I , kaVe fiioved to thebor.-at thi foot ' I of the rirtr bcl -Js;da tl weal aU4 4 ' iiai btreet, whrt f Y-rr-prrpf red f Uaue-dbqeiag a tpecialtfcki 1 i"i at m oi . 1 - ilJ if 'r "T ' ' ' " Mil nixP-o.n'A? .x;d oi :nml ,-TtJlfW ni 9,i lv!JT1 V15V . ' 1 '' u t tiia 1? U tl "Alpn Oil ; J t:it JLprjisnuuoN.i.r. vn "d;Hce on Main SL, one door toctET" of tbo Eagle Hotel, i 9 viul

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