Mil the giifH;:. w" TO l 4 -, ... J -a, .. . j . ; . 'I j A. THOMAS,' Editor and Proprietor, Rates: $1 50 I 00 f0 Clubs rf 5 Thk Tutir&m Ubedattl.40. . 3 Absolutely Pure. ThU powdcrever varies. ' AmarreTof iritV, 8brcugiii buu iiuieBuuieBas. nlore'eeonomical th the ordinary kinds, Ldeannot be sold im competition jthl tie mummu " JBm or phosphate po lS CASS. ROYA Bi imultituuc oi low test, Hoort weijcat 1 - . 1 . a . i owers. BOLD OST.Y akiko Powder Co. 106llSt.N. Y General Directory LOUI-BURG. N. C CHUIiCllES. Kkthodist Rev. A. McCullen, pastor light. Prayetrinetrng eVefyednesday light, minaay scneoi v o ciocK34Ciao day schools o'clock JWtio ff mm" 7 - ! Baptist ltev. Paylns CaWWf.7;'"iUJi50 a;AV, tar. Services bit VliyfL Sundays in each uth, mornuilpvAUUKaht. Frayer meet- pievory Tlcrsday night. Sunxlay School M eluck, A. M - - , . ttAYoa 0. 1 Ellis. - , ' Josihxssiox ERsTUbs.'J WTh3te?'iFl',N ? E;'erton, O. V. Fold, 'J. II. Fleming.' , OoSHT.VBLKn. u. rinneii. Board meets Friday before first Monday iiieacttinouiu. "Tjpr-t ,T7T A FRANKLIN COUNTY. Commissioners O A. Nanh.Th'mo., & J. I'rudUF K?tart lv77 t es : 8erior Court ClerS--:Iir3t t i t . i. i I. 1 3herifl-.H C. Kearwef. uf & & ' Trciisiirer B. P.CHiiaift - . A A Superintendent o( Pablie Instruction ,N. Harris. Keeper Poor House: J. W. Pinnell. s 8nPT ok IlEATH Dr. E. S. Foster. Notary Public- -V. L. McUhee Frauk- liuton, N. C. TATIT OF EDUCATION. f n. y. GuiieirorrTW K. G. Conyers, onvers. - W f (. li. Massenbnrg, ' J. N. Harris, Secretary. The Superintendent will tie in Louis- Wrg on the secrThpsiay-ofreb- wiry. April, JvLr 'SeJAbfr. Vtto- ber aad DccemBeri ailJl .Temainj tot three days, if nrpb&arf.fcr thel pur pose of I'xaininijv : pp? ' ;ants to.r acli li the public sclLla oiJikliijun- 7- -:r:-7Vr---;,-v70 .. PROFESSION AIi CARDS li. jIASSEN 13 UliU, . ATTORNEY AT LAW- L0UISB0"ftO,K. C. '? Office in tbe Cort House. 1U IDC WS1 k UUUSS. ess pt in myrknd8 wil All business otin rav.-nds wit) receive promj IT r and 30TJXSELLOR at LAW. 'rank ia. (l.nBviileJ;. Warren.. .and. IV.. u - .V . .. - . . " -nie u oun ies also tne supieme wart of Nor'throlina.-andthe U- Urenit and, I(stiiict oourta. J)a.I.E M4L.QSK,... JiBce 2 dootfs.below..EonnaoA woko's Drugstore, adioininsDr. O. P, W TIMBERLAKE. ATTORNEY AlJ:W'-1' louisburo, ir. c. . 085ce Court House- - W A. D AY - A ; C. XOIXICOFFEB. ..Practice in the courts of FranlclinJ toce.GranviUta aad.North- ...9W1 .u54aM,j0 onf j.fclju Itaey At Law 4 Hotan Mlic OXFORD. N. C, AND VTT TT. HICKS, fff fnt1 Attorney at Law, anils V.' x rHK.iiil mu niiicu, n tiaB matterB rellrinS their joint at- para's 7kiiVe a portion of tk- taw bnsiness of "ccuou. i Will .practice WjetVerTa th'eeoantMs of ' x 2i VM'f Fraaklin and Warren, ,'I i i - Kl. v'V:kJ I .-'-IV u J. A. THOII AS, Editor and 4 1 T Jt or I're&iuent . GROVEKCliEVELAND, . of Hew York. - For Vioo-Presulent AXLEN G. THUltMAN, . of Ohio. . of : Wake. For Lieutenant-Governor: THOMAS M. HOLT, m of Alamance Cuant y. For Secretary of State: . WILLIAM L. ISAUHIJJtnj a Oif Wake coual yJi H, 11 or oia-e iieasunr: N - n. M . : c 17 DONALD tV. BAlX. H j U of WejL'ouutyJ " , ' For Stale Auditor: GEORGE V : HAN DERLIN, "ot Wayne CouDty.- For ornvrm. mltr, 7 I SIDNEY M. FINGER, bt Catuwba County. r-r ri : i'H THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe County. , ; t JV J JOEFtr DAY1SV" - of Franklin County. ; : i . : tt Beaufort County. CT itVw. . . tQT tor rresukintJal x.lectors at Large: 01 iew tianpycruOUMTwiy va i;i FREDERICK JI. STRUDW1CK, of Orange County. " : - op Nash. - -. ienate-'Tth District; r-; r " House oi Represent at ives CHAS. M. tX)OKE, : JNO.T. CLIFTON. - . . blienti: H. C. KFARNEYi : Register of Deeds rrTrTnp 1. VeaueS , - M. 8. DAVIS... Surveyoi: DURWELL BAKER, 7-J -v fTTI Cor"7r. IB 0. BKLY. u RACK . PEKSECUTION8. -itT tHe South Oil neei negro ote has been united all along and from sev eral causes. One of the chief ones ia lie fai of'fheli ovn race.! titiis bnowiilo all that In toost jdmftru-L cities a negro, who would vote" for a Democrat is in peril. The roughs of Jib own trace are j merciless r pert : to prevent a negro from exercising thVfteman right- t8Tvttas M1 jchooses. . . F'r itweiityoddl (year But you will hear none of the bel- lowersr in 3ongTess' hi thef r,J:dSnun PlatlliW Pjr.Hip.Sp.iit.hern-w.hi?, de?. nouncing in - turn .the blacks i for Uieli 'rradddfTo'iiti iM thus p fe'yeti in? a free expression of opinion and choicer They ha v many vf ys- Ho Tleferand lntiffildah''&dlItolirfo beating and pelting. They 1 can 'btycottas-wrrTlshiairrr. Recent ly in ew York a colored Cleve- good behavior. In 1883, the col ored club- in pharlpjttavCntyjya.f Was stoned la the'itreetsioCnClchwi f 1 procession or negroesj and even the stand upon which Gov. Scales r was speaking was slmiCd.? ThaTol flowl"j si.owstRa ice ievu 01 . 1.1-r toIerceHBlnpHeutTon work among the negroes. It is from the ITew York Timesyt which: publishes 7 'CHABLKToy, WiiST1 VlV feep 18 When the Independent colored entfitEelptate met in conven- tlorr-fieferiat weeK ana piac9u a State ticket in the fitld, and en- "rS IH.G.SILjlS. j i r 1 land club was Pted with bricks by ( nerbCsrThile jard(ing. The po- . pIe"lTad to hattmerlthelrouihsiVitcL inihd. 5ilrf thircity tt Htbihs1- JiJ JL (TAbiLJLilJ Proprietor. with malice uurrnan. f .its dora'eJ Ckvelaad ar I Tlairraan. Thare werepredictiuSf ofrouble f for those leading the revo't arainst the : Beiiui'ljs. The prophecy "seeing-1 u i ' - wrfyrrrfrflriit ai led . is. A. Turner, the colored candi date foi State Auditor, hati been teaching f school at Wellaburg, Broolce'coun't. 'ait aftejnnE foW 8:eHfhii4bmli1aHioiJliatVJii the Kepublican managers havi 'tjy-l pleading and threats stampeded his scholars bo that only lour remain. tion gone. He will have. to seek employment elsewhere. . , Other threats and intimidations are being inudejagafnV-othera promluepfc iu the ii,uepeentniovement.'N 7 : t3$ee"c ntry;;- "Ik of roll um.ii persecutions snouia top Violations of law should be severe" ly punished, In the North " the Bosses carry out their plansi differ- if they vote against their . .. interest if they vote against their ... interest then the shops or furnaces or facto- ravtJ are-eDUiieu iu a irf b ex refekin jf epiiiin and a jTreej bal lot. ttacoDeryecution3 stibulEf stop. neswiUhlrettsedv VJr. .men reJJoaii r.ii, flPI 4fX liiilllfimldUMV I r - "-jk-x -v'XTa; 3. This ia the worst klud ofjutiinida- ticn. for it brings famine to the door. ' If the Northern white man llMId wbt&aao iieorpreferred i)USE favaht bSHlfery greWl ehadges lrtlip election results in many States. P lull U i vAVdysri They CoineY xM to. specially our Northern excfta-lges, ,- -r. 1111 1 where Hepublicans mostly predorn-- :ltiflwse Wlieriioma patrl. qqt SdfeleuWln -mttf to has heretofore been-a Ilepublicaa . has iTjand taken his stand ; on oCratic olatfoftn. T 4. Thomacqufsitroofh flUWliiB'WUiq uiivivi -vu. uuock ia Mnii ia the lion. Juo A. Abbott, of Lebanon. Ohio., who has always Ubeen an active Republican, and is a veteran TJuion soldier.' He ,de-' cinrea his intention of voting for Cleveland and Thurman.- The letter, which we have - read, is an able, manly and lucid state ment of Mr. Abbott's reason for ing his party relations, i - He has long believed that a re form in the tariff was uecessary to the prosperity and safety of the 1 ' iwr1: lias - Vm-Ar1 . affdtnof hope iiiat his party would adopt a refojt policy. Whea Gen. liar risoas nominated,' he says, 4,I had not -a doubt but I would sup port hina, though! depreciated and despised the platform 011 which he stood." j But General Harrison's utterances at Toledo and' elsewhere have convinced him that the Gen eral is ia fullgnj e .vicious principles proclaim UTTl Clio(la, and Mr. Abbott therefore fetis tiiat he cannot conscientiously. sopportj him. 7 :... :.r.;.:'; ; It is because tlie Democratic par tly! is right on the tariff r question that men like Mr. Abbott, gwhose name is JU!tojJi!rjco 5, Idly iifsupiofiti UOl 1 ales r ijinj this catnpaign ijlijy, arci real- fa. in VJ tky ana tnmKiii rueii, know that tlie tariff policy of the lUpubljcan party is a vicious ' and .'jcrmiual policy, and knowing this they have the courage to oppose it, iregardtess of.fjjbg RjlpH with the Republican party. Thou sands oV life-long Bepublicaiis know the same thing, but lack the courage to say so. But many of them will cast a silent vote for tar iff reform iu November, just the same. I 1 preserve Her Honor,- ' the past twenty years the State tpf North Carolina has . developed her itkources as much or more than any State iq' tlie Soutli. r Her people have been aroused, there has " been nought to disturb her, and as a " Consequence (he State has gone on da after day advancing. . Her . cotton industries have Increased rapidly and her mnnu facturers of tobacco have grown apace, aud become known "throughout, the world. I In all her industiies she has succeeded and they have become varied and profitable. When we look at the State as she is, and then turn bark to review her condition just after the war when radical misrule with Jill t&trV7lTfl ed l J 1 ' II.!' I1 I i i . - . .ji . . . . . . II ti iv towakd none; with charity ialtendfnt As. ! its a! iendlnt erils I Id he ! in Us grtsp Truen tue spirit or spirit 01 the people was broken, and evil stared ;them; in the face every where. Can we really e- timatc the value that the democratic party has been to the State. It the 1. t 11 3 t.-l ' . l.T ueea innoverisiica, , uuw evf ry wnue man who had energy or : spirit - would liave been forced for peace sake to leave his home, Or else lived" in poverfc ty or misery but as soon as the Dem ocratic party took hold of the reins, an assurance of proteC""n f J, giyeh. npe and prosperity rjit J Cand i the Stale sOl cfegraded;!a3&: Irarapled ufpn rose (jod her :t and . has cUnuedM,iyi u,naVteJ elergy to place herselfforemost in tlie ranks" of progress. The work is now bravely goiug on, and the - resources of - the State are not near developed but if the party led by Doakery bo its rulers, V3ilejhen of the State be com- peueu to stand aside, then that which has begun and which has flourished, umilx bgr ejjy-J ed and .drag Arrl ofpie aiwetry fexisueU or tne cood ItaleTfor the sake the. sake of your ; own welfare, for the sake of peace and hap--' pioess for the children you love, white men of Jorth Carolina let if not be 1 prosperity turned the good old State on-r to a rmrtv- who ; despoiled I her: servtr. f8CtlJIl Onr State Contemporaries, Otl ftfUOO JfiilJ .hose who would have taken from the White man his birthright tlie right to control his own public affairs and put TflrBKrWSeflfv aairhe his slave, hit field hand, his hewer of wood and" drawer of water; whose ignorance was absolute so far as government, was concerned; who, indeed, as Judge Rns se!l says, was no more fit , to govern than hisliealhen brother in the wilds of central Africa. ( 2ol. Docker was on the side, of those who countenanced the most unheard uf legislation in the interest of spoilsmen at the expense of the State, who encouraged tlie most ruinous taxation of all forms of prop erty and the wildest extravagance in public expenditures, who, brought - the State to the verge of . bank ruptcy unlimited and iodefinite, from which it was saved only by the provi dential triumph eventually of Democ racy and the economical, creditable and efficient government that went along there with- He has been with those who would wreck the ship of State between tlie hope of salvation. and we have never heard that he has azain ..before ' the people ' of North Carolina and to ask their suf frages for their highest office 'in 1 their gift Raleigh News-Observer. , ,;. . -. All the possible efforts ought to ; be exertstfasa. all the people .of our Stale Vuy ai least learn to read and " - - 1 1 f hd Lt nrs Vbf 1U tOmliy at4 1 wrritjtheKvoi piniefc 1 tiesitfjs is, tTivast ftiSfces ochpeopfe may now acquire the rudiments of an English education. : If they will make . T .1 IT. 1 1 . i3 -. I use ui ui ire puunc cwi- iwr uye i or iT -vpa: abort .nd efficient as same rulers that dominated from 1855 4I.-.-r,M,w.- r. fl. wJrTamry'6ddsiaeK Tu1I V 'nrideMtknd dtpy u1 tni inn TiMfii.iR.fTL n ip.Mrn nil lurl ih rwiuir- i ed to be taught in these schools. But pany of the brightest boys and; girls ought to go- from these schools to the academies. To this end we need one or more academies in v eyery county. These academies, as a rule, ought to Le, not In the town , but in the I rural districts, where Tving is cheap,' and te nptation to vice is at a minimum. R -lcigh Becorder. - . - One of the Coon Candidates in tlie Block District Bought - . -on. . ' . ' Washington Special, 20th, to the' Baleigh 77Nws and Obaerrer. ; " It has been ascertained here that the the Protective Tariff League has bought off Mebane, one of the Repub lican candidates for Congress in the Second North Carolina district,' and rwill furnish Cheatham with money against Simmons. Mr. Simmons has d'iringhis term here taken a bold and aggressive stand in favor of ; tari5 re- -' uction and has thereby given great ti. . t. J I . SW 1 JT J-i. .n;f ihu'i Lna I t. :.( fo 4 1 La r. .i.Y J'U i-'ti iit tv r offense to, tSf, tcjcerrm' eapeciaio ipftscowqw.bagsnaa -treat 1 -v. combination; asdtfceyfiaYe determined y--i ei$tAlli Hu'l(tljtl:- upon hisieTat if n taa.'da' ft lf iWIUlTW .-1 5 they can fe loss to the farmer 'and.lsberers iof ia ..,t Is'a Urt 0? .ujstrick wose caasot. ne );nas cnarapn. Jlectually,' a' well in e'very: oihP ItisundejTstoW&ti.tlTwft;. tain kinds rbuilne ImhWr. League pfeeple. handaoa 1rfaitflfc4iliy dcJc1aeIlod hope of-tou tIfofaV, bendirg theic - efforts tO'carrr be t?""i: I -'V o iJ o I.. r4j House of eaenUtlveW 6 " :Bnk a jWJLiiscYrfoas re2 Mouse oresenUtiyesy .ytl my M (ajnridDa, -QrKCrlOcif TUESIAIIIJ '"5rfjr.j cwAltftff KlhehvAUab!(!m9 TJr- publlcanl laresUjat tothout free wool thd iironron fm,Uiit,IuiaanTthB V. prosperous in this courftvyaiid'our Americahkett belMxnM,nlT'1: ! byArae ieart1lli4Ytd.iab3,.y.i;ri LJi"W,mW?r --Vr "' -.-in. I ' jm -f I in woolen 1tM.eeclar!:Jll!a1,,Tiy' 'rbuVlnela1 can't opArate mu .employ;., derof.hl, u.ainrHw.. uiHuunii mmiwf lanor at lafto wageai.i without free wool antk hbtilkli. . '-JJq? -.r ov'r 'i';'' "-4 . 1-. M county, a dXQpubjLcaaj.woolen jiiajvii P.. Mi n L I - - m.. k-tr. t . . 1 1 idle, beoe'tbWtaeU rtl ness by s'K7rWaac filQflQ k.nReiHibllcanWatiKl ,thai exact trtitli'wheH hit declared - bto nt "S1?1!??, tIthMfl ree raw rnteriai1aDa,; per!;cBnt.rl ta,riffoajbS:ft0.? ' ufaclurd pdfltably'; 'llictbresehf'i ay eraga tafiri tax,oa $arpet af,8f , l M sp15w3hu, xnDKiuK;irouJ6.iQ ou t ... Mr. Drexel, Ihe most; conservd'; and hoiepublia.lil.e'llm.r self, raw MfaV?ftWessary,;8u uve orD04r4AmericAn;bankerv and. itodllttlialAdepeiidenee.'rebuys especially ititeresled frt the? 4fe!?- tdd lmu?li?u -r!' 3- til '!w ouo xmt "f anMsJ)if iiewj teWvirV" farmer 'liotf thecouhtryDtfor.tinleUectual, hi barnrf'i.ntl todersid''if ifiKV 'tirW- t.w cessiui zuausmeiL ;ia: ine u United' States. Eiiuni ir vsijj ii , stroy hiiiaJI4 9iniojB!a vo6ep mills t tervei'4ipart jrpbset Dq Mes.'b:3 son anUaaes.tesUri aganie; mistal en!J pottoyuof thdr tpixty : n.ilt a m 9 . . ... . . T . i 1 .ruiunuyuermouyina cere aesiEe. 10, prosper .inquiry, anij. t protect iabQrj-jnii sd jtnua I (b;,u ( ftisvif In 'ThTdi-"VOtitlMJ t I' 1 fl ( llt-r ........ w"oury "f'V.-j iV"!1" ported rrom rorelgn countries. I pilhAri In Vaut jrri-Lt'tfriata'rif tn mann. I H i rr r rr! f avl fr t a mr rt A 1 n. AAnf Ia 1 protect wool, the wooHrfdusfry is H tMl b 1 X . 1 lif IT I Ir .VII .vna 1 l"Wml o. . v.jrKii j-m? , MN?if . -iTiesamet)ia lines may-be wrltte'rnifaiR eoBretipitrocttan,wu m&iaeelft, ... Stated-vfirtiPi!: -illisi ,!! linn At.iilxl.-i i I H the Studies Inctnded-fa'AasUaAidi101 ,w :Thdbrttle,fQE;ftee.wwJjmAtfirials .1 used bv.Hmr general timdacfivkT..iiii.i I .1 . r1 1 . -1. ,.. ... I ilf ntiralmentofttii WorktomenoTj ..J' ...;.. t. t i. .,.. . . u j -r .'.If V! r . eign (uarieis is iniif not ine oai- tie oft fuUor?. JLI Jt . la., lat . LOHiir. JUi oteh6t.estitroTit.f:ri:i j - i il.T:lT1 TUT nor mmpfi m corn leaivgTound I have a pasture b H i , . 'I .... and ail my changi goodJ- I - salt re: muclij sattrrMyows'gcrto fat and not milk. cive some dots cowsj I willbe, Starky;Fla.o7., . Asi wea:-Cws ouhttobe abun dantly fctippliedttr rou2liness ' fn the 8Lape.of ; good, giazing, ;nutritiou hay or fireeiiiTrage,, atnuclV'aa ,lhey' will eVt. Corn meal orlcorn in-any. form Is nat aood irnllkpi,odacer, bur goes o making fat '.Wheat '- bran i $s good for milk. Southern Cultivator. lariirt2'rr4-oductsrTortilarj?tnsr I .i .! .-w '.V I1 gtl Dd 'W'lUWaWdr-Attrtri; cold 1 demands foMal . . . ,i e? ! w 4e3 ,J :r.,W Mm vmd d3iiw inr w?gbjrihcreed darkl fof -Wup yout trusts ima tnonopo- 7Te-(flTCMfln'jT.loO oj Lna tkirrgtieiif for'tdnctiori irtthe '!!;? ffHeTtf ll be i1 tmbeatnoo JiMt ftl. Utjr, j,, costcf fac&sorijreT anH 'mjJpineW Iathoi' r"l Ll j . fit) '1 U Till.' eningjouf ATfcanS if hjmtf titiidthW, 15VAtt&Tirifa ;llT wnati-MArfl Anrl Mtt.t.Al Iw4 r- I W' flv I 1. ... . ... , I . r . . . 1 ULUUIUGIO OUU X.VJLAJ UCI 1 1J T 11 A 1UI I I 1 -. r f v. f .-. I - J L T F V JL T ' ft,' r nlrl 'ff , ;1 "FfriJKi 3yd Lf- ,7 7 T lf eirXJ63r riTH1 ft -FeSys Udtif , i ::sn'.auafi4l via;iLK iffsf..j KebTIcanVlaim rudWHIial' 1; j u,Jit -i;ctrr .amr Will som of the fenders W-ttCtfl-t tbejH haWncampMga,,fufldsVV3iTbi:- J OnainCInairLUUinl 'hjjaj tivatctttelf-MttiffU. VasteetftiotledVesle.djtyB VffrdiirP tfi'X vf " y11- fecdirigfl Utf oa'? avhacis best 4d: Zi4 5f&- ltjf jJVi rii ' i .CrXniMnlZ. I'-d no feedd.etliwrrfalllrig'minUttK.-.l 'Jj5VJi ' j, ft?ia,5n100n "9 aC.frMj haveetArtefl W?datryJ business wfthl .yjbelieVea word of It."1 'They hare- w. I zmo f .Itnl loinofntloJiJ odT cows MisedluHpi "tnt e.0U'fn 'in oi tnfto boqj SouU Carolina: nT-d'hennto? Uhn- tdow iwbereof I speatf'ome llepub-1 ;'A:Df ''Xrrl effl lo -lkf withotH tyalves-foT. nine ?tairlt)n lliey VuIftU have chU'irnimor tknt". srrA.iVl 11 iU! lrJjii e-iil oil of are ndSfilihgi I fed 'first four raotfths' HVJ ,??-r thf i'.if.lili:1 1,1 -TJ ivil 1 viu 0iiT on briirtUldrve 1 fottdd theyMlback: th yeajthare gettfngr WmoneJ 't. albilo pri Since then I have been mixing and-otbers-bave dJ tiiaMh Third; jfj' "ii11'1'? chaninet sometirae'bfaTiaad then party to etUbg aJLi thee lUraiblican-1 bJ v ra ay gt IA .rr fefede4Mand oaU. "ira"Jm comes M'-OLth, r. ...rff -oECAL nW tica iJ Tel utitis rather hard: ?1t, t 51Je?!I,?b .,??.l F!: ?5tUn2ai4J to UtoetidUuiUz blcrxEkiZi gular; -mar- Mtoo i- vw LocisbrrgandntrontvIiETrtrTfor ..' abouf feeding milk Aa x.epuuucans are nueuw ia u. I, , . , - , . , - - ; , ;thankful.-H7., . G, . lQRl n r;ilQT i?ev. -cor? ,c rT.u.u I ER, , . ' " . : 1 . ' ! 7 t ;j j 'alii . ,rUo!l fcl lf , i 'jUN.TCTOickt i t. r.Jio. m pri it- aa smv" t.l v'.u '."..1 ut. rknill.. i. . m it f t'JlVirtltt ' f . . 4v-a no,;vr rV.aijT , 'T myl" oi iiis work. rnd.thV'j-i-iiprj.i.f J.ex 1 v.. .nj.ij- mr rl 1 1 TTI at the desk, is too much rushed rjf U?3 tas! pess, oftener Jhan once a . yeaf. . f 0T.H:otod3 and"mea46rpvrlb"h a T fine he mul' iieedsTJ f - M 'W'tnlJi tarmer it w di fie rent. T UmUd thwlnr b thal ... ... .1,1 1 .,T. ........ . . I ... lJIumul tvdl tjouA ?1.U prv.of hTs bams and dibs' 'and I oic,'Ui wascard.btiaeW oke houses i.ffu '"'''7 'K WA$. sSii??!1! w.; Ui. s!Snar:Wan may not ha wake -00- portuaify. ftener Uian iineeA vsr!i Hhe larger may.:roak a-eurvey Jkrh'tVni Ul Tbi5i IedV us to toeak'oCChe Jfai- mer'8 oppre&sion. IlcXeeU crj lijpppte - isedr "'Because- henar Bcttntt!y flHed wftt? iuptiea.t)?1 10' ; ... .I. i 1 . rOsed t,bnmeMThe.1ba1g2lntrafc la f-;eTr nnnraTrn tnit nnvr . .It. . M r M w r. .'.I JL. bflar-, lefartoers .waep.aud: ralse..thelr, .PLilUtli. , ,. I mir-T-r-u.-."-f TiWiuiiofr.vouoie.inem Beriotisivo r.t ''.r'' J . i ... . . 1 ' I n We do not maxnrWBay.tbAtiofiirs A.. ....k. ... r t lit . 1. . L .1 f i . f . i . . I in - th .wisest i;xliai1riT'ipo8Sibl9r fc mmmtr,- . . at . - I vf?S. 1 umes y--uome aupplleand "home economy" are .K Anla' n a vi a Q - t.' a m ... l.Weity,iJIf the 'FarmeVs' A!li- I . 1 . ...... f . f . , j . , ir . .- - ? nem? f lave ; Wonfet - and 'uf siei bite '' - yr, -. , . I '1 .Trilyi. -b. , V"' Baleigb Correapondeuce Pariifm To Dai a .j . 1 t . f . . M neavenvana earwi it cut uownAiu :tna- ...... . . )orUy; They ,w;it use. fce very irick! ncrvwiuio UI.. HUU n iufc vi uew oucs, and t want our people' to'be" told' to keep cn-Uid watch; fl If we- 'saow ihem. under' this tlaie ttiT ,aro cone.. Democratic work mutt not slacken for an instant.'' jnbr Uis aimply -because, tf.ej , I ';t .Mtmotaza edi iu: If anyone J will' I ?T,Tci,cJ( : ihb.w .'i j taatoe." " io rd vicuao .141 Tts TIM 4t-tl-&W t puUlsbeip Jj-aoiljc. rctT,oa4 Jt :, ti ppvqfAbii ana ijoo adrartiaees saould raatf Btm l.c:u tl rtSUT V.iV V NX' TTIVM- tiU DX-V ,l5ru I cJmraiQcatioo(a-frots!! e - t - - r . . Upnn9sjt tfSrlHtIl'8uvT:,'':c;--i'0"t 33 tsar.c)any!DatiiiTirCii,jry'v oi La 5rnly J lisril Vfc-irxJ Jta liiw vd wi 7 : ' ' J . . -r. l Mif inn I T t!.mt To thbsa who propose to vole the - : ' i.tpuuican or IT 0 1 tia7 mn-TTeT"- ... ceutspq efhuiSreipirrw ictI ,knAniw1t is oniyti'ccntA eta 19 ' J : 1 nrid a,viv 4. ; That " ftlui "l Wsto v'otherlrdtar mlL rtMil fu.faf - .j Ar:geo4. rn .tiiljll hf3iIJu ;JI edl lilTbe'ria iliflsylidll STltetr.iIin :Jrl la nn.l TrHt'Mi i0vnorU3 jiaa-lrl-d J Jtoi-rs-i " i J i Vr W8 il Doder the mana?v .njuixal S I V . " vu ' Bxt S3 M pbiitiaPrfcvofutio,1,. ntU-ryime I .. .. ....... . ... . ou cariBSfraa'tb il.etffdei fa1 8XOT c ,iriVt?1'lugwhentar lanes arts In. TJaAIcI sbmo chefaptr.Jriillftiiact QCiJ)ilkLiDin rrrTrf T.'n. 01iro 3 0'Jg riiU.lniTiiigt Mj. 904,1 orJost-tbri ii,lrrfi vovery, w dtriabroteftdbi Loamtib I " ' JT" A mm " w l-tjl -rt tadi LUb?rs taveainalifi; -wwinoi ddf T-lHEgireat remedT will w ntt. 'ff?4 WJ.uc.i alt ..a Cyrull kidney, Liver anI dtoonacli Ji,-. . 4 -Qii; t CliftouViKi .K J .ntU xtKtasm .iy.xiJ i'4idf rl ait ,uit at "ill laiit "vn. niBci oniVfaifi! orfn li,' 1 lifV II iiOA! l.llol lis irt- kr 1 .0 r ' r r m. . f j oiil -no nyi ! m I -itl'ic 1,111,; flUl Wtil via f.Udivm Sir.jtnalhnl lo wlljloq Jf.dT .loil-lldw U H ir ridMad e1) ol o! Jeioval coUlLooo a ion tl iljjnal tu"l no tU j ,9ltia oaolt m i &xza in' Set ifcSdi 1888 41 0,or MISS .an: . . .or j JoJI Lo&iil 01.1 oi Jotti oV .xibi 1 mm . m ... . gllshedaUobadtbTrcbsiidnaiwoo'l eril .SUC 'tA'dhtrrH ('capadlai?.kirtiitUjiiam . V. v. . I . I V - . 1 . v ar a rv r p a. rmm m m p hfli; id I liinbnf j(T-f r ipr v of InMuua ' 1 i .ft hnn ii!M-n'ui ifini ... ..-. i f.1.MUWlV..--of i. ..Tj.k vt r,-" a r ti ... - s-B - 1 . . . . v . ' r - :. : ' - r-r.n-.-. i . . . " ,i'&XXQ&iJiLYr&Tl I of the Eagle Hotel. ' .ui...i oj j jtj 6ie on Main St., one 7 door Until )l t II rxi.wLa . j li V I; it - - iu 3&Jl di

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