f' 1 r -,u r i-fMq all :i i KM "!-.-V - J- :W - ' -V.-ii--i JAME3 A ODOtihi and' JToiai2 ouJt . Ciitor ant Ptvtxietoe. Sites: . , Tear;,' - - 1" 50 J. A, Til' rrrrn LSTCUtor7mdJxoprlBtur. iriTtr&tALiCE toward kone , with ch a 00 To Cs t 5 Thb Tikes will be VOL. XVII LOXJISBURG, N. C OCTOB firwsae4x.4L . mil ' i m..:.: -n-1 u...i ,),.,., u.,,.,.. .j? ? v-tr Ell 10 1088: u n,odw JfO.1 UrWWuiS 1 7T nr . ' j ' it -J l Abco1utelv"Pur6 ThU pwderever Tarie. Amarrel of parity, ftreogth aad ; wholeaomenes. Mart ceonomieal taanh ordinary kind, aad eaanot be Bold in competition with ike maltitttde of low teat, abort weight ilea rfispttate powdei80JU 0I I X CASS. HOT A BJtKIXO JPOWBBK JCOi General Directory.! LOUIBURG,:N. CV fcllHUBtIiES. -;wiK .;?;;,k :ATUQAvt.M ,AYJJtt V,c i Lb! MsTHoDiST Ber AMI eCallcnt,' yimow y?S services ererr oanaay, morning ana 1 ight. Prayer fee ting erery 1 edneaday blOC K A. Jl. .. Cade, raa tor, Berricea lat and 2)aSMb8iy8ia'ecIi m nth, morning and iftght. vVrayer meet 1 as evejnp Tbi rsday night. Sunday Scjwol UAYOBO. If. Ellis. . " - I ! 1 14310 aaaThos white, r. N Board meots Friday before first Monday ia each month. ' . - ". CoM5tISIoSBli.S l A. Wash, Ctt'ran, J. iruduE U.S. Foster, F. P., Pierce, .w Superior Court Clerk A.V. J. King, j CegUter of Deed B. Jr. Hulloe. Sheriff .a C. Kearney., K Treasurer B. P.Clifton. 4 S iperiatendent of Publie Instruction J.N. Ilarria. ' - . V -4-: Keeper Poor House J. W. Pinnell.. Soft or HkaTH Dr. E. 8. Foster. Notary Public V. 'L. IfcGhee Frank-, liuton, N. C. ' 2UABD 0u? EDUCATION. i N. Y. Gulley. Chairman, .; E. O. Conyers, :' . . - " . - 5 U. B. Massenburg, . . ,; , J. N. Harris, Secretary. The Superintendent will be in Louis the second Thursday of Feb ruary rs m?3iOf7&pv&7y&o? ber Add letoioer aii-yepiwiiijr thraa flay a, iEnc3Trie?rnr pase of 4a JftUoplteaiitaW ioaMi in the?pablic achooU of Franklin coun- ItPROF.RSSlONATj r at 4 U ATTORNEY AT L A W- nj LOOISBtJBa.K.'C. LlOffice ia the Court House. kt basiness put in mxuaMtd recavo OJRNl.ORaiW. ttO, F KAN KLIN CO..K. C. i; - . .... i :.- ' ..-7;' . m 5 -V . ; " . . v Vltattend the Courts of Nash, rail? In, Grnnvilie, w arren,- ana WaleCounJes .also t eoartiif NoiCttioRrii! Wtl CSttuit and Distkict OourU. " Jjii. E MALONK4 : ' -: . jlii 2 doors kfBio Ciuka'i Drug StbrWoMlsDkiQi TO m TIMBERLAKE r-r LTTO Practice in the courts of Franklin, V aace , GranviUeVHalitaz, and North ixarapton and the Supreme; aui Fed era! courts of .the Stated r?X' .HICKS, MUriieT At Law iHitipy PEllic I OXFORD, N C.,ASD p T. HICKS, 4Y3 .... Attorney at Law, will practice together in the counties af Oran Title. Vame. FrankliA and Warren. "4 in all matters requiring their joint, at- W hope by prompt, diligent and' taith ii'l atention to bastaess, to -deserve (and jive a portion of the law business , of LQirtSBU ' 1 nviwh a mr . nv ft mifice ie Court House : ; of Cleveland Itla ;moe importanlig or ..'..!! "' ,"rtT?!lS?2'Tnow t.lian 'ver' before tha "wer SQ0J leeuoa. in n D EM.OCK ATI'J ; 5, Iors iWidi r GROVES CKEyELAOT, of New York. - 4 Tor Vice-President- IV ALLEN G. T WRMA- ofOhio. 'i-M'' r Fob Goybbnob f .ctAiu PAN1EL rGi 50WLE' i ist- 1 ?For Lieutenht-Governor: ' : V, THOMAS M. HOLT, v.U if TojrfiecreUry of Stater" WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, - ;" of Wake.cojoiy. ' Vor Fsia leaaarer i 0 KALD 1(. BAlNftr' f Wtke County. v - 0" - Tf . ., i aicor: bANDEGLIN, CouDty J5-Suariotende I ii k- Vi.'rJ1? . 'SSI'J I ' ! IT s :- to f?IlBISfett dWRS i f ; i ' .,, ; ; JT their husbands were not about. It Spot , i for Juaes supreme ;ouri; I s ?i? of Fratiklin County;; r ; :t JAMES E. SHEFI1EHD, nt X JIU '1; .T--Kr VJ " Burke Gduiit yV . i - h ff: . r. of New U&&mPVVB FREDERICrKRUlnVlCK, ReCountyiOrfI 9' R Co? orfssproM 4 fa IDISTBICT BENJi IL BUH, i "M ft SH : . . j;aiilff in'itiu rtiUToi Mtfltni uu ar a Mnn to i 1.11 1 1 an iiib. ..a Ul urua- v r - -,3 a . 1 . ; J 1W V- JVlk?ll" IJNTY TlCKJiiT. OH AS. M. COOKE, JNO.T. CLIFTON. - Sheriff ; ' H. U KEARNEY. BegiaterofDeetls P. Ai DAVIS. i! Treasurer: . M. S. DaVIS. isarveyort BURWELL BAKER. Coroer. B J. BLACKLY. xAiriug mi .a,u-u - 1877, Mr. Hamson, U,e Republican jasa&fiLtiW M a MlfTL . s a, ..:i. j 1.1... .tJU. nf work at the poi.it of the bayonet, Be haa written a letttr to a Pennsylvap-H ? nUxZw in whfeh h tfl-etenda to bfell arpdbejtnJEtfe-edWr-Bhould asUJ him if he erer aaid if a dollar , a day was enousn ior auy worKiugiiiaif-u a t .-. -m t - z r m itt,.i mv'h, La udfla- MCamrjaifirii?l lies so piauaiSle aa to require a deniajj j but thia is cerCfiniy not of thalpni5n. l 'iliia is the roind about way He trieV I 'the IriportA 0. I II -421 111 As ; we understand the re UftAHvtv iha vAifiAO S tn - f Ka .n-Rimsnml-4V)imtT. rwHjyu-py Kacajr-member-rotr We-t "t?o ""A"' ."V 'r -rr r "Slbrthebavonet. were re&clied n.ni..t ticket Vwrii W...VVKHK-V - "t U SvDem5cfteontroVthet Ka-rresiaeni.jawicg'? wic'prcBiujuai roESce 61 the Senrate;!?This makes itfE j 4, mi li the more imnortant that we hnve i good working majority of Democratt; m the House of RepreafintetlTesV TKtJ n ever oeiorejna, 1 1 . ie !eefwn or defeat of Bonn the Democrata may gain entire control of the government or place in the hands of the Bepubli cana one branch of tfie legislative de partment by which tuey can ; continue ta frustrate the Pseaident and the oth er- House of tgres m their .enueav-. or to carry out the principles ot their party. x.r- t ? r--; If we elect the President . and lose khe House of Representatives we will have gamed nothing, but if, we hold mir maioritv ia the House we will entire control. The Republi cans recognizing this fact, are making neat efforta to carry every doubtful district all over; the country. The election thia year is indeed a : voting for principles, not men, all Democrata should bear this; in mind.-rTobacco rjDtufund ..Plant.- : v . . u - t L State Chronicle. ! ere U a generation iof voters I6jaln Noth Carolina who can scarcely: appreciate . the IinraenM ? KwW?, HWMM&fl iaie oe ta Q,iejnQcratic, .parx for its manly sTiad iddrins the days i of reconstruction. ; . And they t can not appreciate It oecause they were too yottiigtigeretan'd h&f, Iwiie of those days. ' For the bieflt ow all such wa beg leave to recall a few facts of indisputablMCCord : ) - J. iForlhe flret threejyeani of; exis-. tificertrthe RadaL nartVLrute I fqtce 4as relied upch to accomplish 9, coupledi(V$fh tusult f the ft characfer!"t was i?Tl868, mat ine woiueiroi tne Slate were ineulied by the advice t?ven in . an editorial " trie fta.dica.1 .KAleisU I fiunrfrd i.v RnHiMl Nnvooaor. n I was in 1803 in a public, addreis to- . . , ' . 1 iVitheir clfacfer Jasl legislators, that the white people Were threatened openly with star vation and destruction ot theii tBomes i ram: the ! ; reDeanice '-txTae- t.U ovul.siw :alJ viis Wo uJ. e - . It was in 1869 that the speaker Lower Hous legislature, a efghSentiirn.lunarmed, I that the Radical. Governor ot and State, in presence of and in defi tnee Trsf ueciareu ins iryvius knowledge of the attack and his infr 111a tin fitftniupaT 111a nanviiio mw vav.v.am va at aa ixv w iuuo a - ; TO TQjTTsQaequent approval of all that Jiad it was in that the radicai Governor claimed the power tosus- fpend ail laws at his own' pleasure. I (It was in 1869 the bill was passed ' ... 1 iL. n.... ..1! cally to declare martial law in' ev ery county In North Carolina. It was undetihis bill And i thisear that the Holden-Klrk war was car ried ont.and the Radical Governor asked the radical Congress - to au- thnrir. t Ha TLidfral PrxwlAnt tn 1 - suspend the writ Of HKBEAS COR- that men might 5eairested ad tried before military tribunals and shot, and It was In the same ft!L.) mjTH. menai , ccrvnru reauiug iremu' trats and Conservatives who might be naoied, will be Instantly put to death . Kiir rnan tru rr r nn mar niwui unii a a. a a a a 3 , z-jAzir, Couraira cr Aha jirhitfti.peopIq of North Cirolina, thei ladlcal j Qov- j ernor e Jte to gr3attier--i4 lacy; Was driven fro cat office.fn sham only to be followed by the age o then dis fintiut iuicuo t cj couraged and partisan ends instead of being accomplished at t ttna lP rit,oC,Uie oge, therefore that 1 1. rr I Jussei:, in ms upera xxouse obitkk dictum, to wnicn- ne re- aa let in hi&f!5rlt lettcarj 1 told !he! hegroeaf nq! f nwiom.ioiu wKnwa ,,H1 lw iir idfct td vlolecfc but tctjheiachl w t t -i a w r 1 si ert of Ihe IfAv,lto etprtl th liUito gJjybiver XL&L e m mignt go.- - f ; Till 1870 the millitary - sustained he Radical party. After that the udieiary, "exhausted'? sought to do the wi&wqrk; Kir i is Wmm I gWroiie dll.T4rjiUOTbi But lainy of the radical party of those days than Is to be had in the" acts and utterances of Its leaders cannot be imagined. That It was a negro. party then as. now, that It was vlo lent, iawless, . maligant, insulting and vengeful, it stands convicted out bf itsbwn mouth.r;' -1 I Let n i white man, especially let no white woman,' fail to -read the following extracts from the Infa mous record made by the ' Radical party in the days that, tried whito men's souls and made white wo men's cteek8 pale V, with; teiror. Great heavens : as we look back : to those days we wonder how North thhcld their hands I nish as ' iuch 'creatures. I Iwwever, we ought not to wonder, for there was not a man that had tke nerve to pull a trigger thatdid not have . either wife cr child oi mother or sister, sometimes MM,tJVmtPim they I 3.and.the,clothas they $too. , It 1 1 bad enough to fjo hence leavlnz loyed ones to tmttje vitlvUie world at fttjT tloll'noysjike' ' thW the thought ta slrnply horrible so horrible that doubtless it Willi- held man Jin aruj from -righteous vengeance. hnb other consider- n unaeianaisun could have ved it. I Jivi what those Deo- ald an I dl fti those days and Wge fof-durell ves, ye youne people, what the provocation was. Don t fail to read K single extract : 168. "But wheiever f else you work don't rail to trn . nmonof thA : Go after the women tnen And don't hesitate to hrow yourarms around their necks rY iir !eir nus- !. ...I ti . - biKla'ot around and give them a good. They all like It. Our experience .with fe male rebs Is that with all jtheir sins theij hftVQai va3tauaouut)QifAumau haiuwJand onlv want tol hvA it ' T t . . . . appreciated, to bel the most lovlnjr P and cariet-bagsrer, don'trail as vou canvaHXl(IJQIXnk after the fetfljI" Raleigh SgjnJfJg "Did it ever occur to ! you, ye geutlemen of education, 'property especially ye women Who never received anything from these col ored people but services, kindness you that these same people. who are so very bad, wlil not : be wil- ling to sleep in the cold when your houses are denied them merely be- cause they will not vote as you do? That they may not be willing to starve, while they Mire - willing to work fortjieadTpid It neveYocv cur to you that revenge which Is so sweet to you may be as sweet . to them? Hear us, If - nothing else you will hear, did it never occur to you that if you good people mali ciously determine that they shall have no shelter, they may deter mine that you shall .iavo no shel ter ?' ' Legislative address, signed 1869. "The Governor has pow er to sustain al civil law as it was suspended In 1865" V. W. Wlolden riit- KPIj rfl c .fail Ira I IV k J l . -. .A. Js'yar Thehcrner il ill was In re 3iced ir.to t . 1 a leglflai ret T.i advociti is Ibilli Rkd! tl iEc"itor fimbe t JitisirddJought to pass, becituse if it became a law men accused "could be tried by drni.n.lPAcl court ! martial ' nnrl iThofalVting or disguise act was passeoihis year, i K .5 A u 5 1870. If Congress would au- Ik .tva rha onoruanoiAit t .Ka . . . r,. . laenc, oi me writ ot naoeas corpus i a la aritr i r I arrourn- o rtn tr bvm a ore miutsr r iriounats , anu 8r?r, we wouflsion havfeace and pr- er thfdSsat nil ftHceuntryi - .. : - . 'JL . John Pool . proposed to put- .Ii; service a -a desparado named Mctilndsey, who. v would , raise... a company that .would give of theni arrested by.'him undertook any resistance he would kill then or they would be lost and never be heard of again"; an4 suggested that Governor Uolden should follow the example ef Governoi Clayton, of Arkansas, "who had taken millita ry possession of disaffected counties and tried. and executed large . num bers of men by, , millitary . court." i Rl C.'Badgers sworn ', testimony before Congressional Committee.' J i-'If he (GoveinorHolden) is ever personally menaced his friends will resent it and punish the man or men who may do it. If he is slain lor even wounded, it is already de- rrai termlned tliat-iJeadlnor Democrats Amlfkifi5rvrrtiT - ?hL.rVhl Tka mm;fwmlielristaut!y' 'buVVo aejj Thy'GoverV, fmiida.i3 ftupiCRaleigji Standard .fcn M12.m MRttly tKls last lfmV:and carry X fi eiecftoqV" ud theta will bo JIcKay candidate rorCotigre8Sin, 1873i rfTh'ptetenon that!!aov pefsojo or class may. be prctveqlsd from jresorilh-ytty a(I public - place wT'JUran; yi'peo tor, all JSuj themy and denied tgjfo$zqr?lxrn account 'of colortirracesi wtd nbtbm tolerated by .H.ixuTrtrh'onesiTv and Rlyf I V Jy-ouJ f liblding theCMK'iIt'dltll ia'ys ae cordlni tJ Ihlid trielirpSt and meaning.' Judge D.L. Russell In e WilmInetoirDera Kuoxe 2wlAi1f(aaJt:'aft? lF ness. and intalS honeatr. too. sk thdi tiiirW wLtf 0 men iatt.Xr Wle women ofufrth Carolina WSal I 8ors.ot a-piace inia norae or theirs 1 . ...... m ... I iti .li j.; v.svHr:! 1 ITV.r. I a4k you to considei for a moment on- I 3 f f lOTliFP0 J ftUU LTULU1U11V.. IL ID DOlfft I UUeSLjOD I' t be dod25d or shirked.., Do rou jit if k.-.ii 1 j 1 1 110 era; 1 ri lhos 1 rerwnrttf mai ernmeut iu JfUk'tWftfttea-? Do you jiot aocuv 1 woaiea of tOrday khialt of the'inuu ta tlniir mothers tweift "vearV' Vo. Itlthem'IfliitOt'oftlie-f-terror -f those1 threads t(j.bpro wid tnurrtert ihxtTtliey themselves were haprtily-'too young' tfr understaivd add appreciate. . Ijet the ydufiruenretweniber , the Kirk , war ipd hqka hea cltiirDtjvar9 tafresU "na thrown ialoipcMOTs ooUer fmrtr tiafawTiTTd-iaved uTbelng.Vjad, by drum-head court court martial and alio "Tr V. WW An9. Wpoco juuge ArpKa.uKVQa Dteas fflnnir.n Sutmoae.-lii a"wti-di the lUdlcl 'bari 4yiad beebsUrj j Va arrV butttbf It bellish'nuerSosesIn tliosel ,dars''.what woull Jve,, beea. your , condition., tQt party, -at the pertorfal peril of itimeto owe it no gratitude? .IcCi- .4 1 III ,( 'Mrj i Harrisou Abiong,' Hii Friendj.'"Vi:"iun 'i t ? Sbnlpqti Carneron,' of rnnsy 1- yama, ute-ioog. ltepuousan and lance, aa it seem, is: not much -of a Hdr?I!mjafVThe ffflfcvh& I " -. .-n ww.f.-w. Democrat A idna-"' l M-.lx-'i . v let that creature liarrispu partylh dWtiaTV ..Jt tJl- .,,(1..- "-Th i mi ratra -statesn rather surprised,, but said : I thia not.. . I-am .of thetDlnioo that Ia- h iSWelJJ fiaid i Senator f Cameron peonie cioseiy ror'inev1 lnxena to repayhe But for Heaven's Bakeif.rtol!y-,las, , . wri LK'nHUW . : . z .ri - .r"i.r I, ...1 . . f, .-'ftl .V3 - . r t - . I . r u". TTf v" "T" V ' W ".A wanaermgiy.- m "i meaa he'tronlfl De1 no W W ctn-j founded! vi loaehrVLac nsweretf astute Simbn's'SiYlAiihalicallyv '1118111 t woiifdf. be a'critne te senii hira ihere No selftresiting-maiLv whoi was J associated withLpjn,arT.istia,;;ltctjtbe : Uiiitea atatps Wenate would eonear him in' the ev'enVpf lusueJectioxtl L cert1nlj5JWQjld Vli'JOalLi.npou him." - :.Jt"-J'jQ lou cannoiaaoiu w wasue ,uas .a ' . , X . . . . . . exnvJtiwpn:iDg.w4ea aut iugs are lu danger. Cousumption atwayav'aeeaM) aUfir$t-OTJlj;a xii J. ;UQ: fiOfpermtt auy dealer to iirpoae upon. you Arrth: some : Cti era3 hn : Ulloo-. pfUcl Kuizs 1 New . Diacovery for .Gooauropti'?o,' , cgh$pAoMratbe.faPef aa-gtt i the genuine. Because he Catt(elat. : ravro profit M-rpay -jtdli aa iioha ISOmeuilEg juoft na gwu, or juujbu. I 1 . I . T 1 M. -t aaiuftolDqU.t.uacfiiy0diJbtft:tnallt ! unon cetting Dr. King's Newi Dia coveryyvWHa:J5 .'guaranteea to give relief in. uU throuk lung and cdtSUaf . tions. r - 1 .Si ,h woahl be loday roairnotttenMror owe itip theoi thWceCTOemWiU. 1 anc ptnervrise. was not forced. 1 1 i. -a fi'O'J ..IUIIlft ill ffj I UUb S LlBk bua fc r 1 1 If I II I i ! ' - T riiiT Tbe New York Tlmea. until venr recently a lstron Repnblicaa papr. cwuin: "The'couniry wiir nox inai tkt'Rppbliena aga&i, in thUi natter 4niiul.trstroit:4Sr IfrV r tvtlin'd? L 'Lliri.' ' x'J I- wLOivananoa-uiiDiniAi cwim bu i leaairecuytdthexftrlaioaor'Uie ne- rWvoKe'li'Cfic'ill solutioa-of this potao. lf,ipm ttn$t2Aitr:lf wi-TI .u-W'lr? p.n " V w MiauKIJU IM UUKIII xf .n XH.i-iifV 'Ajiiii to'us ind baas T)l raja) of tlia feeeijoi oftha t&tiL' Tixi nrqia'who'iier sou on uie aueuod diock la the tlm m tfritAHMI&B rfbath'an'wB AaaWvotraf the Souiui'tuidef bv towkrlry khd pdJIeyi 3 brth" fie gaittcaoa.8 tuitiag,itbewereid to tUauf iKibbxii, and.ielibiaivlyiUxpJidI Id tbA.w4qpieljlpruJics:tlftiinpl 'JW atreogthenitlw.boWof tJi JkpUbUaao) poimcianppo iwpatrtfajaiaiaiadi . t. .1. J A I ? lair TVrt lit 'will rncmiv, hair rfvA ubu sun rouire 01 ut .uf Dirv v'.i i tii j. ) ! . "i 1 . ;r.. 'iui akbtfaicounUilr'ib u il'-aXsi"' ' il n South aGould b-thiwhUii taen who Bred tlrcrughihe dsti fbfMo&sthlioiiV wo tome tober 'how they Vert't'rtan'J died, perteutea;iuauite4) WdLphnP dertd (if tMliUle tUt'recnilneai tcr them alter fba thousand "mlllloos'ibi' I d:Uara W thaV property , had Uei rap. i . . m . ft awepsawmy a w ran ot tM. war. ' ' ii 13 asMziaU ua!thaC3i any - wbiU manUoiNarih- CaroUasi, hfcer Icarrylag kiu fwusbt backforonatniomsut'Sto tha,4hwa af reconatrftcLftfMi. tWit gP q;tb?lot.bpXJldW. fo.te Rraibl.partj.jjoit o.i) lo i Khnon Iji-KJOiq' it ti) l-S !.. -id vrt ot "A'.J Iprvmlnanfr' hyaicianft 'calls Hbel kissm.ele'knt'dlsaebitiator or dP aeaCuiHaaaywttpYaSd by It, so are ltotr uiieaseavil He;' raalo-J Uina.tuatitleJdsabg custom were driyen out uf the land fritrjrould save one-tenUiofoneperxentr-of human ' lWtbWire riowSaiba.iVbut upon, the ..en o.tae gnanefx aua, aapieaa ..vaar, , ill I ' Ji . U !boBdL;iJdf4itij'dsearw &Plite aucti aia Ab1 Sad tha vld fox- ftaya rttea) . grat iourV' TJdpMm'deVoUhSa ; self !Joi;f wcettiiilUi Jt'f kisses t ItePreaplivWcbfWn iU.effecUupoaaRdiaeaaeapex more.geuora. Url!hve ecUHS IhV druEiiier. But when dfd'' iHe'dromrneiJ ,ii i Awi t ,. - .., -. - . . . -,-r rv Y -r . r unt rrrr hi 1JM Silrtrrrrt ol 9a!i bappyieiuTta. fllbrVaer'waaalsw'; rery jowjrithf maitxlal f eyer and itao Wjca,,butft waa cured by, timely pf IhU medicine. Am aatlsHed 12 trio rjjUUrs saved hia hU i-uooa u rM- addava-hke; etuaony, tayin;. e pofeUiVelr"be.liereabe"woald have cj;'lianVnot Oceh fofXIocWiJ X3fJ jThisrtat remedy wlu ward cti. at and iLratCURpn'strc .yTerpareacrioqaltbja teari Cua i rcomfUc-iv- mejitof the(Tra Joihs;cJh. as the people's rtmedy for tf -7-r They hare ateadlly deereaa abac eiJtcjUa.114 t,Mi 1881, when President Arthur, or lb. - ' .Wn-ava'." ,XlWr - r&'tfme' vtKlM.wfcJkaWUtl!. - ? etop'WuitthaV amlthtVYoo make JartVI-. lttpf eJer.rMicWt'tTLeyr Ifuil xyrlli CVlLz " UyyfiBcreaaeailii your lovelycurbuf Dearrn?7 centa a vial; one a doe . . I Be.t-ads frota . . . .l ) It IV). W'fei'WUVi-il cder Tectact iratoc-it - ilia xvowv ...sww I'.'i M m ftvXCl U i I Well as pure ll malarial disaea, aod 1 1 orall kidney: TJ rer and sioThactrdii- TJ Cjileri atHncla-unedUaled;" ' Itiea 5So If you're goa pala ccact. caaeaaatantlj. Price 21 c?"jt ' 1? bT our0La!ata?.ln,--r eitlic ni i' a re cw n f . u ' 5 T . , 4 r Biiell kr!i f fci2ff - a . . ' - i Fill 1 a J ? jfl 'JT TT - f iCrt f ii 1 1 ... ' 1 v . i iTlK ft?, 'ti , I I, L';3rVojaaffiCC r?T4sT:y , V.:nl9 svxzrezJSA s lV.h3'tiXf ! Jf ffaet JWt iH .frfS? I . . fi . Ah , . I b-i i riiiid .lo bartvoi ildl tfl I -UiUiU -luii-i U-J 1:J - I otitiiiv snivil eiif ritiw bri Jy-fifjiiioo eiui-ii a lud at InaiD U ii Iutjui f.l II A .pftsMi-nl erfj Jji o.li 04t baa Jfcul; itv oT .tartl oil i iit a- tin"- Ji uT .Viotiv ai . .Iftsiobei Jn briR )Jifa;i Hid ni I!I1 1 wnwi Aln. VnAn TrT 1 lVueW-w.P.,f.:..T! WQ ru".2rirWlr7Pt1oiiiU -wSJ&ffil1? en.i ; Ji!o.j tV .luY ws' ul X lh' Jl-J ,b-jlwti J boa Uiilai svad eJ 7iVt amirmt TJLunJarttV noiiiu Luauiuioaof ifcj?t ot !(' v All til U , IIJJ! v9ill vJl 6voJa fxil ti'ilJu'l aV; I PWMYdeboWnr'r V 1LJiojS I 0t DinWfl CHalrtJt Usriiiu23 I . i v i""1 or! xi v,Ufcb Juo Sjniuiua Jia ithoK Xrisq tl)&TXHiioU edl vA almbaxit. ItJX 1 ' l&tam Bk'U" 'ml vab.i!Jl f ld?ri cf xtiaq eidl 'ox oia lAii aixal' axii wicbet ot , -U J tf. U U ! K 1 , 1 7 (j ! 5 V' ' ia"UUflVMWIUUlV H'.!...! ..11 .1 J . il. rV, . . yjiTTra ed Laa fssiu.-sa ns.U ui sat nwitj JixxJa iti icol dJ svad wfr Ii iif9V9ftT .urMiiiicpiiii .i.inwaMa4 II. " -cool Jo ftqna-4 erl t aom!a 5Jo. TO-'ttaflt artlaBU. fsxiy omx4 a:ac at attv &tirxJRA12XlCII CJ. Ciim eialu rrtHou;1 VlLDx.lt Kit 4 JL' i iu tMiu ci uvaboa ' tf' i-t.x.." -l-t,.-'I r V'ff trace on Mam-bu, c-e 'ur tn aof thaXagla HoteC

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