1 THE' FRANKLIN vTIMESl I , ., r - - - i -i i , L, - ,i - THE FRANKLIN TIMES. t The Tnaxsi olJe4litvr; spot adrtirikocWtikl now We ;Th Jiic wif not k' wpvo?liJ Si J. T JAMES A. THOMAS, .Editor and Proprietor. Bates : ma 'fear To Clubs of 5 The Times will be firaisked at 81,40. f .... r. -... y I . . l . . . . .-- : -ir-T-rr v I'-l- V-jf ' i ' k 1 00 1 -s rfrf a. xnuLiAJS, isaitor ana JrroDrietor. : . with malicEvTowakli kuh.; with uuAULrxifcUK-Awc'jfJiiuii; iriuii ajmx t uiuauvauvu i : -T-- Tr-"- f twx mirii ii for U t r of corrtpcoints. 7 Urirt commnneatiooa frcxn jllec (em 6l naf Btaio -will Ikj UiAdkTuUr jjiji i' "5"' ,,tl t",; 1 . " 13 t 9 4 --, Hi TWENTY XtBASOS WHY lltpTECTION3 iDOES NOT " V BEGET HIGH-WAGES. tZ- " i Netp navenHegister. . , Club of Boston hiis Issued a little. fiiprntain1ngjX(irenty'',casons why It is hot .true that a high tariff makes high wages." The slips are for distributipfTamong the Work i ngrpen, who are "part icularly. liabie to the attempted scare of the Re vfrl'numicaiis. Belaw are ihf t u-ent v OJ tl. Because to say that, wage earn ers as a body can.inerease-the wa- Absolute capital for raising the tpricg pf e- eryining uur iaDorf ana . aesiroys that competition for labor between "different employers,, which 1 is . the great agency in raising wages. 16.' ' Beca.uHe If the manufacturer really believed that a .high .'tariff. Compelled him to pay high 'wages, "J , X i . :. .... . , -. t 'Xji Because ithCTmauufaettirer does not: raise his rate -of wages wltff1ie gefs a higlier tariff duty.! u pon h is prod ucts; the tuanu fact u- rer who makps large profits out jf th tariff can undoubtedly- pay J i high wages, bii!,lii doesnt.. "Jtj. I; J it. i'o X" r - L i. I SM3 ti averngo iujum. by the protected man-j pph hv nrtvino hitrh : "Hiriff fnroa Lire. which fall Thispowderevervari8.JAinaryelia MiriffB W aJJUUM iii 18- Because the averaee amount or wages paid by ufKciurer in'tUe iwonh ot goods is less inanzu cents; hUe the average tariff tax- is 47 Scents, leaving 27" ceuts for the profits othe manufacturer and the n nuntr. strenem More economical than the ordinary kinds, anl cannot hi sold .n .'competition with the multitude of low) test, short1 weight uliitn or phosphate pwdeiTOLbKtY IN CANS. KOY A UAKIlGryWDE UOL 106 all St.NTY. 2. ! Because the. value.;, of wages 1 19. Because the theory that a hii?h iAriff. makes lU4?h jvases 18 ta-snot inr-morrav. hut fnTT T7i t ITT. . . " ' i ! - ? and the express bject of a. high tariff is to. make theae articles dear, thus decreasing the real reward of labor.? viw l' A TJV. -a:iK? : CHUIiOnES. 10 s-p-'8r. "Because the high'-tririff. poll Methodist Rev. A. MeCnllen. pastor GeneraliDirectoi.7.- have never shown any sympathy with legislation to promote tne wel fare ot the wage earners, by t doc trinaire,.,- prpt Ctioafets, r political- partisans and 4' manufacturers who have a-selfish "interest of their, own. ihelciote6tilI the 136 votes would have not been sufficient to carry the resolution. But had only 26 in or 3 Republicans, or only thirty-seven Republicans in all, voted for the resolution it would have been suct, cessfui: .Thus we see Rhow . hollow are the'pretentfons of the lDnbiiiSi,? plan leri of Virgi nia and 1 ort h Car oliua of any part of the burdens ou the interual . revenue; Of those voting morethart 96 per cent, of the Bepublicans voted against It. Let every Deiocrat keep these figures In readiiess foe Bepublicans who ho'vl about internal revenue. v m BLAINE DEFENDS TiilsJ Seven Hundred ilelpicss AVorc- by the Great SlisaTrtist, TSewrork Herald. - , , . , . anairs, eve Shall Wages or Duties Go dovf n I New, York Herald, Indv v. r r 1 The workuismen mre tocboo$e .Jwesn !e .horDt of a.diJemma.poous muif 'be cheapened or iherowillLe 4q , I market rorlbejo. Tcflu, j ' iLr'st' by 'takiug J.he" 'duty off f ra f V- Br virtie ot tnKeetiQ i air htN U farori U IL U. ThwoH, I'LilaUfl; raiMt J.-JC. l o4w4. M R.ffin J.. lw'Wo4dan AdnV ej CJrin Woodanl (Oefcdaau,.! akair eJl t tne liljrhert tiddcr, lor eak, at ho as door, in LuuUrf.M UooWayOte liih. 4y of KvaBer iKS,(itWMtrXiKia W X. viuUr court) all tke 4rs that ICUa &uffia Laa ip 4.W acrea ol lai4 -wed ia Xxlanriowuaaip. o-U brMr I road alj.jiainir te lasda Jt,T, Terrell, f rmvil orJ, . ii:iWaU and oiW K ttAutj aaid e?ecilio W X'KBAKKT-GberiC 7"tlJ ie oft tian i when 8 tar va LI 'valion'aud'nakedaess stares 1'hate been takitigVta'ges down a peg- " ' " . .- '., . T 8.i2a4RrB'i haJutLsadrrerea haadred 1 propose to take. the duties dxmn a peg f By irtae.C a tetHa n No P rofit j lu Wintering Poor J r-Kcv. A. Aieanen. paswr . .,e taxlnff the,, Wage, 'earner! U uo., .hlar.hVrV i. n- .Lja'mu a wi AVAvr nnn iii a v i ii i it i ii 1 1 b24 r t w HVHry a iini'f i h uii "t.t t . a a a. -r-v i: . " a hmocraUc:. paity. F iriade urv principal I yioPiwageeaVii- Board meets Friday before urat Monday 1 i4- ia eacu moniu. T ni2ht.t3favi7edBeaj aizht. Sunday schools iKvl buy, gives hi irrtro-pTOterHJftn upon tor. Services 1st aHd fiaftdays i eaeK the only thing he hrts to sell. We, nd evep seeking to promote- riSuS - :aetrae in laUr Yheif true tefe 9 Velock, A. Mr- s i' r ; f - ? " 4, .'Because wages represent' ; the , . f utoB-6. L. Ellis. x wage earners share of what be him- '..Republicans iid Internal J0 . c I s'0 BRSTkoa. .. white, -i -S i:rsp'!r -'4 "i-c. ', "' ''Revenue , ' rossTRTEB. JJ. rmneii. r according as his production is.laree V ' Kichmona otate. or small. I The Republican Tariff Coujmis- ton could, recommend .five years reduced fretif0-to2S-per now U. UAiCIX - r j I a O " . 1 .' Superior pourtClerk .. K,. than bV;the.'tariff. ; ' from 47 only to 40 as provided for S'.ierifF ,il c; Kearaeyv-i;...,;--.-. 6. - Because if the - high tariff in ,the Mills , bill. v. They refuse, oflrucm Tv&U, its ..first, and. moreover, to. vto for thismore J. N. Harris. T , : v Keeper Poor House-J . W. rinnell. SOP'T of HBATtt-Dr. E. S. oster. Notary Public .V. 'L. McGhee irank UntonJN-C. ' : American Agriculturist. Now i tho time tu get rid of the poor animal. It will not pay to whi ter them, as better aniaiala will give) larger returns for shelter, care and feed. It is not ecnoy to keep a r-porantmal through any season; but nt is'Tntfst' extravagant t koep it through the winter. It is the height of folly in stock raising to sell the best and keep the worst. True, the j3e8VAringVtbejf largest-.. price?, but if you sell the best an 1 keep the worst; soon your best wid be no bet'er than youc ort is now, auoVf yoacrworsl wiitWsiich Uvat Uie m6reaycnnave: the poreftYi(El5 You, by tli' .planveonstan'Jy uiaKe, V ouf attials peo his l. Wl.?" r?1!1.!. ; I nr. -it i -f hhrheat Wdr-loWWrtk . thehoni pf X0fmM h0et. and -iT . Kft ,livna I eat that.8-0. Starcec, baa i. its. . . ... .i . I.HVJ: 4jvuu,u patv.Ml I .ly,ftHWlil l' I I. I'.l t tit., .. , I- :7?f.r'7. . , T I airopIy,Dut?Uirft.Vf4.-.l9SUer,i .tiyMiMnii:thMUtfi Mra.'.(madie eS-FOTOHlWJWieraaj. i;, . wertf,,,ot 4ialf ton.the(eitatoT.X,lhoaa,tbh-. WSif,lMie,riend- - .n?-fl?H?A 'loWX weJ : ,t.ad af-S. Uk Stnrjrei.a4 k,w the T"..?- 71- L 80 Fpodeibeadl.,ho,weve, ..aa., t Pptu Oc4d Uiaa property, t aatulr ; x fngut in, tba bitlee da4 m front , of WJV ln;VtheWrit of rr. lL Ttion and co.u. r. " ' tl, twfiruvr : hnilAnra . frnm . which .V? r?lHlW "W'J '-T " 'X)ef.l0L bS.-' H. fcTKEAi-W1 ' m . r-w krJia-a i iv. n rt'f h irn I If - J . )V4N nat S. U8trfreJ-aiHl 8tarea oaprtar ra Biinter acra, vnaiu, ad- Deo idpji aipdicai uiacoverv. i i vn ,.uoi t,u r. Uie' millionaire jpresin' wJo 't' thus .heartlessly put his foot' upon" their ibreadf'trayo, ' i ;!. ' . That the news iot':thi rriercllcss .-W i.SffA,rp -"7; all skin diseases. Druggist,. 7 - ',7;; 7UUedo4i, lVul hearts wherever ajy sympathy is left ( .JTCT t n VvYn' U -fi? dJ . K. rkSbila ?ti7 f!T cT.; Th for the helpless ::workihgiued goesi e.xA r'nM nutr, 'UV f urt bonae doarJtu tb tVraWc'Lsu. wlthoat Mrio -iltwi the iensaUon l?eV V lVA 7 ?f n-.-u b"nf, on ilonday th U'tb day f Ko wivaoui saying, iiwaa ine sensauon tlduw, Uw- . - ber the tract of land iiiuat-d U th )uew,York and-BfOokiY jtcrj.r A SppI Ji;OAP pPCJXO) oointyrf Fraakiia, U Haywruie tow- 1 tracdia UookiOU, af ' TfaV U also I Oct 0th.' IRSS.1' r lXmimisstoneri vmcli has cured many mousana ,oi 'nm.r .... , . ... . .yer disease, impure llppd, , kir-s's- JM ""jfT,. ,-,.-.:..: --V'VfHjt.rheum. drop.jschxpnic nffee- h BxKKlol, ilUU 1UU"3. BSUiuio. mwiiu, iuuuv", t. fi J ULWQ neuraigili dykVpsl&nVlfVovTwa l'' 'WrtuVof.'.'d'otie Superior I I It ia tlvrffti&8lMrMt.ftf and Tjatlietic I E. B.tinbrMce JXanilay-Esa.., r- n 1 1 a a riiA c rw v ! aor mnVaft i - : . a , i i . -, animals poorer he make himself P. nS "L" f .iF1", V" l-Zl' L.itf . .. l nmh hut) ipnpi tr ma inuDiican . . ... it he keens an uks .nrocess. ir-r: . naortr tesuns. -Uf oro ivr waa j : ' ... r.7i ! . 1 1, r-. lI.i. i ' ... i - , ji I . .. .. is as aura as. fafjs Tli 'J wmo ,,fv iwui iu, tuatumj rerj 14WW1U1 mi trial level auu j-u- ., . ; n is as sura as a xaw. i a..i..i .uk-- lii kW. tL.i. ,.f o T I f! 1! ! : icy is the winning policy;- 'T . .7. "r'T.T.i VhV ' 1 s '! rest and retain the be. -r" i?JS3 lahlsl.fo -v, ... f -cetki h of the pooier auif I BUlvVJvAv4ua it iMvif i r .Tiwwicox8oniMOrsl.w l nP r n'vJtTrult' lttrrCZ. you may4uyarfew('better .JRIVW.wwea Iad a .like .,uwo.uy.Mjw 1 iVt,Vda-t K. l-blusAUt yoU-ttOWTa-TJMt l4 -iv ..... n ..,tuw7t tdieiL hkd It .t CfeuTor EletUid'Blt PaeU at Dubn5 anetion o. M.daT'tb ' ? t r.Tf T T-; a3 f I SH Because tha wages .or teven RARiJNeOUNTY". Ke one wage K earner out. of , ten ago that the tariff should bo . CoMmssi?ia";."- cuimeciittiepmtecte Un arrnTeragtrof J S?H ttnefal causes rather cent., but thev cannot consent 30AHD OF EDnCATION. '" TU. Y. Galley. Chairman, E. O. Conyers, ,. 1J. Massouburg, m,: aVTnl.ni1nt will be in Louis ' ! 7 lSnd TfiuHfiy of Feb-C ber ana yeceuHrei, vmi . - .; three days, if ne6esary, for' the pitr pose of examining appli-anta to teach ia theipublic schools of Franklin coun ty. I l..zfrZ'VV . PIl0b;KSSIONAL CARDS , . . - fc v - "'a - greatest effort must be in the "pro-; moderate reduction even mongn tected" industries, wheieas the rate there be coupled with it the aboli- of wages is corisiderally lower in tion of all the taxes on tobacco save these industries than in'thfe unpro f only those on cigars, cigaretts and tected ones.- v , L cheroots, and the lemoval of the 7 Rpci!i?p the hih rate of wa- I most objectionable features of the crease of breediue makes vvnai i flocks and herds of the best blood poorer, bankruptcy opposi' e pol Sell the poo And sell euou mala that. ,tlian tMJMjsi making jour animals constantly bet- L ; -v. r vAi lUnil I Itter. t, h-.'I J,-.!ul-.itt Mil , ter and yourself richer. , Soou youi "T VAl ( . Tl Srefl.t OTWf -l wor.t will brin2 as much as your besi bc noal wellasOo say wlia d p-tUU d sea.ea. aai I now If vou have not Pure-bred .U-WU pay ror wnasiio aiSi.vKi .l rianifuaDrjTtrnainu u.. KhU wife W.B. 4'rryJTni.u .byfded now. it you have not pure-pied auij l ,,.r. ... .,,.T Kuinmeqdaled;1 ciMetreDi ftecorded ia book ti pit -tsd. Situated ia tiivlsj seItenouendagradesrf iAVhv? U r.uir x t I and l. atXmOou'sw.ji ZnimctJ 1 t'JfrankJtnihHitria irnrm towaahlp, i : i sy i fl 9 vwaDea mii, uie iouo wing iraea . of land, to .wic . The tract of, land, veyed by deed of girt af Hary Baker, gr.; tll. Baker Jr., aodiby.tbe-latur -and bay an auiiual bf each sex, pure-brcdi j , ; v- 4 ' atq-a.-t,n iilV i Hold fast to the full blooded prod uc pr the ArWl I . H and to the highest graaes. Ala.m xviil .om man telliimwhv-the col- . f nl'" .... - w ' piore you are aware oi ( you wi( have only pure-bred animals ........ rtnA prty hard ,rttrJ-LA" -Turkish bathv.cH" wlllo i'nvj iu'. ! tainlug two haudred aerta, laara or leaa. Terma of nlcM eult baUuce on credit ot a oaiA.!)Tiinnala m. v ,t rinv M tn tho iTnirrrf staiM is dim to internal revenue system. .other.causcs.than a high tariff, such does this prove ? That tne Repub lican are; noi - sincere in ntarprips 8ion8biai'.tnwywlablwlWver formers of any of the burdens aud annoyances of their internal taxa tion.. But we fortunately 'xavethem on recorilas vStfni: agalmsfl eTfe fff ram , the in I K: ., t, ' :a"ti.r.;ii0U Ii fwrUvne,ba iJ- I "J - , i ecu ta. -rcraa t what, when the goal is reached, seems. JJ. ATTORNEY AT LAW- T.OUISB URG, C.f f38 as the, extent ofTiosetttedTerritory, 'theuargfereiums 01 agriuuure. me tnrlnrcf Hhunf r, the extensive use of improved ma chinery, t.ie intelligence and -ener-fgy jpf th. 'worWnjppjpuifctioii,i arid the greater1 em ency of their - labor. 8. Because at 'least- nine wage- earners oul of ten are ' engaged I in I occupations not subject to the corn- l a vprvlhffft tthie.T TTH1 -) A, WARNING. a Thiirl nirtvfA lias lianrfcwl u n nv fth-,vW Vrtp-,oir ! , the uegrpesocested . id -or! I eft? e le at turmans. ..,, a Democratic rneutuire ?, r-ji rr i f'"" t'"'" ' , ' !V Do nieynoCknovrtRat ilia TtepuVlW A 'beastly Jam -A' derailed clrcna nVareirl tfmajorYtJjiip Npj-th'wtexe Itraiff.' h i" "'- UH i " lu i i Tarifl is prolectjon to fJio fp.wmbnop r. ii-u!j !'' ' ii'n J JiUnd that tW. itm, e,aWi the' V'Sf South Woull vote fbr'-e -Trade" trf vn, oT it lirl 61!: rbJl alT j i. i.il jJ,l,,7'.8;Sracixu. 1 Com'a. NOTICE. 1 l" " " Tub Baeioh, Nxtiokax.; Bxxjc . or Jarne A friend who is a prohibitionist but d us a icer (a internal taxation rwhe- the fqbes- t" "? .P ,:u f7 1U8Ui Uorthern Yankee," nga!n'ksk; Wfiy theea may b toOfresH when ,ulcluT 5"AO f.. . iH c -1 - which ; cdnUms an extradt --from a. f. "".1. , i T tV Kriftf .fii.olo I n .fi) iff? tion was not involved in anyman- I TTtl jfr.-j - t 'do not the negroes votd for Cleveland?. fieU ashore. , . . , rbeca'iisE favors the .faimsrs .Arel I. Furmaus."; ' I the nejrroes lotecosted in any measore' r ' - tU A krAtiiX-, :...! or taw;tuat.iayprs tne larmerp- n'fhe rnost conflrrrred old "salt'1 'on. ne t i j lwT" ' " i .Vr V,t 't 71 speofch, .recently delivered , by- Sam tT;iw Vnii rbfrgi,rT aUatPaul,nricalling our .ffififtgw theState of Monday, Iafchfe 14th, attenU,)a plrtlcularly toTthe foUowingj Ihey vote the , pDo they know thatthey' ire. voting; m Jl , -u I R. A, SPEED Ja., ET. AX. ' : Hy virtue1 'of decree of the ' gnneV .court nf Frauklia-eaaty;ttad 'at-April terra U83, in the above cntUi4 ati, 1 will aell at public auction, for each, at the eoart h aac door, la (be towo f LoaU- burr on Monday, the 12t!vday ot 2tovem- ber 1S8S, the foliow'mz deaeribeI tract of land to wit: ! Uaatd m'Jtbe ..waiere af ndy cirek, adjoinipg-landa of. J.'F. Jdnea,. A. tfpeedr 'lira.' Kindred Gun- ;toa abd thera. it being the traet Uad 1 conveyed py U..A. cpecd Jr, to J.J. , Vw tlaoy morrageaeeo.rceordia book 60, voice iu iucA)vist k tn fcnoinosa linkin mvhaPds will Ait J Usjinvvw - 7 uetitlon ofrforeiem i m portal lorrsi so . .i, L-U-.v . L t . i is7 tne lonowing eaiioriat riciu i gfrft rrm tj that the rate of-waees .which they I ; t , , ... " . - j v-A I passage irora ,11. 1 .CW't.r P wnictaiiutKiir.w-i..uVwiw piorth Carolina will give 20,000 ll"c" 4rW-"W" lro tha mmnlAtA - AtnOQnrn of fnr Pialr anil rAnb. Ih PrnhU! teeeivb proinpt;attrjnt.ion.ff; g 1 r & - tk ; - i- 73 7 1 igoo&js--w .vi y bition candidates. The men there are: time to the complete exposure Republicans false pretence as Mn in thAir own raw; material raises the cost J of 1 ;OUfce . irnvoni 7(iTTTSELL0RatLAw. manufacturing, restricts the s mw j Ao T?onnhiti usBUin.FRAiN ketaft North Carolina will IV attend the";iU6urta; nl ( as), 1 1 V T - 5 T T ti v T fTtTz. - V ll""i0 babies so that they. -caunot. ue - tow Franklin I(G?riVUre W i wouia nave, 10,41 p the Hon of Representatives to re- f apart and then kill both of them. lit, ' a 1 ' X. W A ' L? aha A9m. I a a r " -. X f " I . ...... . I . a waite uojin les aiso twe. i;1 1 materials were iree. " rf 1 duce or abolisli the; tooacco tax, ' , This man Small has lately been ad coart ot Nor th oaronna, anuue u . rt -D41,,....fti J -,,-n.ora ho. ormorl . vonlap.!' tn mntA Republican tlckt.'1'" ' breath aoeurcd M r , Catarrh' . . , u v. M. Bcsbkb , rj . - M B UvDsAtf. Renieay. Price 50 ceuu. Xairi 'In-l I wi. vui,( 1&53. wuimunowr. t Wlro VVantatoIturt, Away with o) L'"' i -1 .' 'l -JJMXIC , .u.iu.u.J .V.io,, 01 mi be HbmVBrt ; u,-,Tlie condemned morcS' vbife rilJL ntu In ha I b"Jupi "" .tvMvu "'"I f f Ji if i i '1 il 1 I 1 WUSUlMlSUBUliU-UUBar, biujfijt w . VB. .t: w m v'v..u ,uy""r:. t'"! . oeitieaauiDOtTciear nw tnroar1'' xj-is in v in' l ii in. . mill i iuuiliuu ltzlx it in isitawi w io winvw m i j . r - j r : i r .a - ' r 1 cmi H(n mn h iih am rHiiKii nil i anri at r ranr nii . Ln X. :..;.nt-Tthe Kebhcau party. We m,an to markeU as prcseryea to us py the le- .. , i.I yt i-T n i ..I , 'ter- 1J, wlhe . J mir tha IfunnMlcnTi nrl I Mmnrril tl.l I rtnh won ketbai nsf I. 4 !H r jaice 2 doorsbeTow FurrDan & Cobkfc's Drur Store, adjoining Dr. O 1-1119. , " ' irHwnBat fastliJi his countrv with tlie followlmr facts-rfacts that 1 Carol ua under the f3 i't4 iiri& farifT npriml to-i I jivhollv exbnOrate thla Dsiiocratic" I Prohibltiod State ftentl850ridri860 than "ever sfhee under a light tari i "It " has Harty, whilst they fully disctosetna I ue coxirmau anu sei-rewry 01 wncu . iffrvf ftlsepretences'and bad faith .oUbejj are Republicans:; XI speaks Jheir' KtoWftw ii.rt.kidm' Vvah Lhopess taUuttioj&sIi Carol Mip ini f lLlBecaule wages were hlghri Republican1 party. .;pprch8ttl tkcit&esi Speaker "Carlisle Recognized tMr thclKaictllpUetiohre Henderson, of North Carolina, who it ever liad alzh tariff or any tar-s offered his resolution relieving the louisbfrqCIJUIw ' " -r-"" rr. I OfficeTTnXConrt Housei i, I 3iiChliU;hen1oye4 4?ball5?,rrIclMttt U I -.V hfv ft 1 nrifej.i SiiliAJ Ul4n t inm the manufactuie of dlsUlled - - t s 4 l u i4w , w vi rvi imm iii i - vi-a r? . i tin l. ihii r r"--- . lyli1? ::;7 rrirf3. ' ';r.lr.trid tmtbrahdv les . Held. vii5lQllibeffef When the resolution was submit- W AS' Da 4 'iTn i wu ir.a A V r. A W. Practice in the courta of i Franklin, Chinese Imngratipn jn; searcn ot ; : " oT . ted to the House two hundred and fifty-b IovrV: IT " -" l-.-r----'. -'. . a. v aace.GianviiierMaiitaxiani Jsiorui-ir niener.waces iias come a menace to ri! - nt i v-r rsit r "J "f-" F' - 1 i htrv.1 warvw wwmwkV nampton and the Supreme tuj iea American wase-earners. ' : il&ti "JrVf art 1 erai courts or the State A A. HICKS, ; . attorney At Law & HotarT PaWic OXFORD, N. C, AHP I'vr; ' 0 T. HiCKS,"4 -? Attorney-it !,Laivlgp HENDEKSOr . .-4.' lerii6crutia''':ttiifii:il 13t 'Rfebubilcahi' I k:' rS ' ia-iaa ol -aoJa -iriw ilh? fiKM Will practice together ia theountjes of J ed the high tariff 5 policy, " and " V.nee,rwkliaVan Wfl(rpft nro from 50 to 1 au matters requiring ineir joint -a- 1 v-- ntion. - - - . ' I percent We Vinna k 4k -rvJ'i" 4 HI Xna- oiut - lo ! r W, atention to business, to deserve, and cwve a portiomwf the law5 business of section. 13. -uecause inere are greater differences between rates of wage9 paid in dinerent parts ot tniscoun- 1 , U,j7AQAitoTTHBnEs6fcdTioK.v' try, alt sublect to"'the'. eaine f high I f ifahr yi eunirj ttvtr ni!t:Vtj!t-w oi-wv thn hcttcMn mtM of ; wam I Democrats, -f ji ya -i I Si u:ii J. J if V-t, - ":';'4;-- ' ' ,i.:.- ' J 'Rbptiblicarrs usr. r -J 107. In Massachusetts, and s fn England. ; . fmvi.,! u I A.mong. tnose yoting or jind, reso- IIUB luwca?cu "V" I ir; rQrt rrlro,,- OTtnila 'ullhtf 5 . r . ' ' - I iUUlllOUUa a. uvta.ve a'amiu aaA uq "JTS.' the.Whol9!votor.th.ti3.1C3 be.,,,. V mm. . . . I MrManaaw f whA tfrtniAaa APfhAvAA '. higher tlian In high tariff I "...".VvT- countries in continental Europe. t 1 oianou, cauiuyuu w mi. n - - -n 1 , i. . I W AT . . 1 1 T-v ' " . ' . . , .10. i because a nign innu iwiers 1 tne nve juemocrais wnu vaiea trusts and other combinations of 1 against the resolution had r changed licanjpartjXijteeoeBii. in mo vl j ' -i r,i.u uh.u. nu pare Snc t e cpuiu'caua iwu "ra-fLo-vtidi it ? i Wofcld-. sonie- a cawraian iftjNp body laxV ulawfcyAhlit Mr. het nuspices V fhe Depe ot course knows that all the cxcativecomulittee, . ftnt mtlr:nrv th world tc itlrlui t4 tlicduntrylnW:fcif' ch freight nsis famed on the Pabch aKix virxcr xr erw :f idi 'SnaWUr roaaty jnao 1 Jiptil bore rn tii led aetiow. I aaecWn tt -eaab. rt 1 tb court honae daor la the .U.mm ( Ll I iiU3 VJrtl 1,1 '1! irJtllMVLl 'brt.wi Monday the lith'day of KaveaiWr s "There lana more nouns urrtrot I 111,. a-.m a fdrlesdlil the Wurlti than Inlne.' .1 to win Ki Mated f the com rr f Frfcte Isald theltfe tnsu'raricft Mgelit'to J hla i H'whcreVillts Pearcc reaWX,'adJoiiaf hopes as toHauttinNartk the Republican column, though when 1 he was speaking In ; Minnesota he i probably had no' idea that he was speaking so loud as to be hearninthis a0&thatt f3CTiihrling. ir. alter it, any xtoriQ roi na iem- Ocrat vot?s the Third party ticket lie will sin against light and knowledge. Landmark. 1 I i;. 'rxoyr l Druggists tell us tha best selfu article -with"1 'them ) Why suffer sleepless nihts when your baby is hot well ff ou can ' buy Dr. BulfslJaby , Syrup tt as ad, 5drue storta for a quaKwot a doliar; a U a. ' ' f1 Medical exieiWby the use of Hire vifitin, ntolyi rfiriaear.yoxnkwCp lyVd7fnior?fdeel bTwiliu Bourishing .ot, b-V.jlVlfrMljIM,; Jr ad wiia to Ji JitU, reeorded dsii't ConK-Thce4 iue.4j ' J", t. . UV8BEE 1 ' Dcfc 9th; S SS. 'CWhitrissiooer. ' 1 m -mmm w ' . " . . . I V Tt iTTrl. 1 Cats are the poeta cf : itheUowejf anlmals--they cultivate themowsJ i The surest -means to rid vourtelf .'of tliat dislresslnar cough-: is to - use, Dr, RnllV iTou'rhSvnln. 25 clii!" I 'Alrs Jones sita at, the. window, 11 dy as placjd)y;as;xaaMay.inarning and her five small chUJren pji'yhW and seek on 'the' ba'ck stairs, .Np, wonder! 'She oaea Salvatiou oh for sprains and cut,'' '' r-rgrmf taarrtrrr aaa - Iklat trttm W f Mniul a nil a au: ttoi u- anpers6ns 'infferin froi malarlaUho iay thai to cure lle patient, iiee germs must peoKUiea.nl lxainy years ago Dr. Shalleoberger advanced 10 destroy these poisonous germs. If hivttM&ratia inl VPUr: I svsw faut. Sold by -druigists til Yon eanaotaff Kdivwastftiaaa'ila experimenting when vbc lung are id danger,- Cousamiptl always,' . seems at flt, oly, -ooli. 'Doi-dot pcr'nilt auydealof io iBpoanpoB--foi' with mt cheap: lactation of irv Kind's New t-Jijac-vryiiori,Jtoosurapt couKb n3. oolda bntbe aura ypo th. nannina. -. Il(VnBA ha nan 'nia more pryfAt.he; may t Ml yon be ha, Vhoopin ; pf mfli " r." . II . II Ii N I. r 1 II 11 . 1- j: A 1 mxtmm.m u wwvj 111 ii'iimi.aii rr-. a an w d a tucubi w ui 9. w - a t mm i aa. . . 1 . . . aiM k & mtw : m . " ; .-p.. I 'FamlitAtRi Teotbinal JZ!Ll I TlfC Rimon Xirrnir;,niA) J '..nR IMiKM'n.rhlal .. In 1 . r r T ' I I - - ' . v ilMTiidod of aiipersons snaenng ironj i . . r vj-rN ' , . ' -,. '...I. I J. A. Axdrswb Axixmixsa.:..! ' UJiiy'S aOrSOw'jV, rtrtueol ri i deerfe( the Srioa "nn'nrviriTv l.eoart of raoklU eonnty, made at April sc ''r' I Pffl i r I m 4t triH aell at the eoart hauae door., la tk Unf LIabBrw.biie'aiictloe; W eajtypn londar, tby Ut4a of .Kaveafr ber bexL 'h followinr deaenbed tract L land, to wic Situated La tha eoaaty' a? franklin, on tba watoaa i Sandy creek, adjolninr the laud of ajaid J. A. A ndrvwa and A. fi. A. rStallinrv enAainij. JOS xrea, it being the Iraetaf land eonreyedl by.atorrpae dcd, dated Xjth day Iftgj,tjerar4 ia. hook 0, pae 67Vetf- 1 euted.by .J. JUt Andrewf ad ,Cora-.l 0tU9, . VuiCootmlMlenerV at l tulklW.VJn someibingitist as .good, or jost the 'u,af?1.;' r7 t. i v.:.-. t. j2.: u t I Bronchitis coTercfc - to. W-glw SSS.1 O 11 k Jti j - 4tioui! 5WVK Fof tbetmrtcf Calghs Crowpy Hoarseness, Asxcizau (Jon- ; ' ft'nrc LAIOCS CUBB CIGARETTES for C j v:v.it soiaifr! 1 lr k "Wi oi Trji ' 'MTOSlTEt1 AT LiT7..' ':' i.ouisBun6; S c." " v'"' I :u Jam - .-.. - " I y .C .ti u i -tn u"' Office on II hi SL, one door 'Vnth' $t the Eagla UoteJ,

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