V, nr AOi.i4iTriEi FRANKLIN TIMES ------v 2 . - P. ;. I . .TOO ' J 3X1 i' k'tru E 1 T " v . n dl" o-4Jv Published Every Fbidaj jjy hi -UN . -! .1 LMi Mil ULfc I . m. 7 , , ill - ' .i m .iur oil iatiw! JAMES A- THOMAS, IK 1 1 VV.. H Kill blot n&M jdii iiiiii Ji,mj Editor and Proprietor. , Kites: - u . i. Uo u?Wori Ulvq ".1 Hi lUl " ureiiayj sii ()ie"fear - 1 m'f 1 00 j J. A. THOMAS, JEditor and Proprietor. : WITH; To Cubs of 5 The Times will be nrmslielat81.4U. j ft J! j 1 1 Sf- I ?. 1 7 aU xr I ' 7 iuiiuxuu w. yvuu..v. .y. AjLvA xiwr xi ouhm T Uanariosi carneUv solicited Xe .-A '.;:': i : r. ;! ,WJ-V: j II. . 'ft 1 ;--.ii' ' d ' i ii x : n si rr Tlie Jemocratic Adiuiuistra- Vtion. On the eve of the vlection thepeo- ple 6rthV"Uftlted Staleiixe .nskedj " It h'as never happened in the his tory of the country ' that : a parly could go before thf ' people, : chal lenging with: 6uch f absolute ,Ton deuce the closest. scrutiny into all the acts of administration of pub-. lie affairs for four !; yea?ffhere l&X&SRP, an e5?f likf dW alion ifithe life of tbelUtion vhki the Dnbiid kervice iwasjBo free? friln all scanaa orcorrtppron, aDupyww- er of the public confidence, The Cleveland admioiatratiflaJiaa t n r t 1 1 h . 1 i . 1 . . . . 1 r: in . tv . m mm mt ' , mm veloped. ana that cur peopl-i aa a united country may live in the en- jxiyjjafifft'gf'Snhoir rights, in. per- Absolutely Pure. This powderever Varies. Amarvelof nuritv. strenj;th and -wholesomenebs. More economical than the ordinary kinds, n(i cannot be aold in competition w it n the multitude of low . test, short -weignt .lam or uhosphate powders. SOLD osti kj-cans. Koya Bakiko Powder Co. a06allSt.N.Y. banished oacial corruption, cheeky ed the greed of spoils and " infused all help the few at' the epferUTdf Hh& many, to keep alivo the animosi ties of the "past, that ti6 healing ytake"ptiii'.u ' uii lUU 'old sore. Which party has the principles as d( scribed ? It takes no wise , man t left youjtttie nast history fl our rcountry apkarW itsel' anfl : it is fnat roumjy ve rigitiyv' ask ypu tS nsJereseu thin' J and ?voe Crfprfticlpipa not me.4Fay eUevule Observer. ' Democracy Internal Keve- Li'J. J.liii'ittlo TJmu!- ni tr-r The answer of our members of I Radical.itaikflrai andnT "Radical Congress, both in the Senate and I writets inoajbotjUieiickediesa-. In the House of Representatives, j of pucti j'SiPeolteutjiarv OQav.kl Ja feet peace andgool w.Ilwith each other, from one end of the land to .the:nierrmt)ttwr.U -iiu ilireci A JMiWOPilt,iS: to .iBoau:ueMi UtdliM ajesfcissfcUure anat(t3ittran roor, n.nrt about I3 na oc rut, -J? t ak bre . tioit assembled, In : the ' matter or I earn an lu)n? lirRnArJjlwSoflW :VP.ar obgh not to be, but-iha la persistent and unmistakable. 1 and It o I Year after vear thev have made I resoons cuui is iv imD mo iiuviuai c cuua i i uun LUUltl IIICIU IU UB H penilGIl tiy States I to artlcl JltU. UobblH iilU. 'lhe Klair ,t -urn. ' d eflaeepyfiitHp lot f ruvMitiar diffiffiil.' i .. -" I A 1 A mil enpaxmssjzi S 1 S. M. .XmmW. Geiieral'Directory- LOUISBURG. . C, CHUBOHES- its its rfinan-.. 1 been emrnjtHt az?naen ly successful It has maintained the standard, of the currency, and by a wise dis ibutiou.qf he IJreawr sarpr y has prevented a what; mightyaye. been a most serious momentary I Pray v He aijh't." Sunday school 9 o'clock QPO rt Baptist Rev. Pav.lns Cde, pas tor Servicessit aacuera oanaaj a m Caen M;th, morning and 4rgbt. Prayer meet in; every Thursday night. Sunday bchool SI o'clock, A. M , . , . , . UaYOR O. L. Ellis, i.,,.;,,.,.-,.-;, 1 1 mo ersTIios. wMt,- F.' N . Ererton, G.. W. Foid, 'J. M. Fleming, ..wmmtslt T. Pinneil. "rwJ hforfefir8f Monday iueri iaeacli month. TT T? T T A the WTtta t?t? 4 WK-T.TISI COUNTY, CoviissloSfiR841-Awlhimn J. Cruder. U.S. Foster, F. Pierce, ;w. B. Uzzell- the, system repealed, bt thefJJftpresen- tauves irorn tne JNitin ue not 1 guindeu ii ri 3 eir prea ifitl despite aavoci!y Tim season, measiti calculated I tli motd our people reuefTn these matters, the Bjrs- teoi remains a lasting memeuto of the time when the Republicans put the law on the statute book. y In the matter of tabaeco they hare of J853, mri'ti&VMY. The first the State's irisori or PentrinYfaf meitVn'l. itfAmS&K erettYaHV7,ah,dt W'&WH State Cahtemr3frrleIir; f.f-frtae ot an exentioa ia my trwa. o tt t "in MiriiJ'WM!l'0 f1 n- V' Thomson, PlulniTfl; '"" .-)dtd .A4n'' 1ft .ralriA.'oodiifdfT jith. 4ar.k fPAawimPrtri Sj idTm knd thbrruai yelLbd 'OV. ana VO read 01 I TWiuereqarMauy tmt4iaiXf KMl v 4 eonltVtutlSi- the "nd&t 1?J AWtfi, T4 u lathe fitntfiVhKtritV'- rfkrfl Toad adliainr the l&nHftr-2LT.TiWlKaU r-'.r. . . . . j .1 w i i if ... ; 4 oirtirr 3IIT internal revenue, has , been both I contract work -vith convict laboriUi-i!e-tfrUi tJorhnprfuevtfuUiP to tufy aiid crecntio-amd . OTLMty veaie'pyjciflryal t.ha . . It .t 1 r I n.c. x)uisbn,ri N. C. 0 The lUetfirfiltureiofilSGcQa.ibbfya ed orderfoca imarvftlfando rmb (.1 I,fi.rr . j.vji -T I defendau. isoed froa thi mmtfrLrut V X'U . " . ; . I ',0VLf ? docf 10 H,mt)a'X. o Monday il Qraw1insnnainf rwwa 01 uiose - "2tif wyior Norebcr is.ssju be 0C 6th. '48. . ruortftY oil) bu Lrt9O0 Liio youiz mew-ratner.iMrjr oe ola ":,u V i,uw. rj? crmrrti- - days on khV ItadlttO BlAAf3I sTttUeSDemoettfttte party oihnoliBifrordf a. Jted lo Jid Hint vlded ionbuHdipglA penitent wry-' 1 al'and widLenc'4 cPnphnsilfitMflH tttiTsI oWk kol4 TiooJI X . ' . . t Norebcr IMS. Jit beiiB,, . irges, ba ia G15 acrea o. 'H tflitf 9t T. K. 1 horn th-K cause mftipptfehfetiSion tP-inat gea- f-ge4nnraewon 01 tne tooacco laws, , ! theBlatifbl cause naiVip ilomon's Tift nnaition on the sub- J and crowds of witnesses were also jectfrTo prevent this we give what J compelled to frequent the courts from frrm his own lips an over me aistnct. WldvUpV-. fiHedJ Itllelllfch .TQicft.lpyrX to ati,y Ex- t iWe ranaot IbinlLiiwitUirTAwrM ii nkntinhknhmiy.i.i VsdrtjO., is hir miift i P Co"' gcanywt rlaUofiiiiXlnjfl U'WllI rtotOMta.niWBiAoTtnt made td QOropeterAvUh hdpeatJaboirjh tudt4A nrt infanhl tx"niiaaral(jis5'.T xit J .1 ijmroVl .vabMiT - I mM a I l-I fi If S IT Ifl U A WW.1 1 V I a A M nty, made a April in any ipeaaufet and by. lentpiayjajpi it on railroaa work tnV)iMiOQniU tlWWi4tJiiAVa!itttiJ f HU.An nrt CnatiTr. IA yksctte I ....... I I - T - .1 . T rive 01 s acer toriConlrk-. J. King- . i I Register PtX)eed B;l BUoe. - v OIICI ill x V.' J Treisurer B.P.CUfton. Sip irintdiidenfof Public Instruction r J. X. Harris. , . v." Ke-pcr Poor House-J. W. Finn ell. Sc'p'r of Heatu Dr. Ki S. Uostcr. Notary Public V 'L, McUhee, ;Frank- land lS& and protec'ted((Bd Pa I ctSfia jTo-nRt lhe rapacious mt- road corporations and other corpo rations and trt befc ear U vuUJJgetergl p r . . . I wili'ifbi 'tinflnnrlilionftl'v e 5 nlioob- und . tBS at I ' " " liwiuci.m ' I .r fn p tanu And Iher-- ineth- -fi- ,vr.,,-, I .;B hat Mr' m-.tr EPPke to mu r.:i intoAhrfween foster to-his bill, and especially to people of the North and the South has been solgreatiy lufproved that there is nothiug 'eft for the spirit of sectionalism to feed - upon; and , it may be isaid witli truth that at no time within this "generation has the spirit of national it f, been so strong and all-prevading as in the present. . The relation of this country with foreign governments are on the best footing, and the 'official inter course of the State Department w trw trrctcrtmtr beeTwf i eefrvriir'ar I I T.Q rrir Ii a a UfllQn -TtT IHHWIlJMttnnp-l f . l . . - r4 , rav. tafflr t Ti V I c ui am UT.Tr I'MH'OhowuMlovhttfiul ilMokrtajiirI TJ'""rw0",,!r"V .expcrieBcoKwioruixpre5a.'" viwrtit iWnkiin r l.s niM.irutt uuaitiuii. .. i . .- r . a l . jva-iwi r"i a jk. i . . .... . ... i. . ,-r. : - . ' . . f-. I ' & T . . ... . . .I".... ymt T . 1 . v.r..lul. ... , . .n T . . ! . I inlMrnIll 1. Illllf. 1 kill. .w 1 I r .11 I. 1 .I..r.T .. fTf .i-' I T I r 'fill . T . V . if I . . 1 Ml I.,: I ... 1 I' THJoSslnev tne drear H ever, W si' i " ilhe Att WfihT? Tftft Ubertyfwes'es were Aomprtf Wthoibor '?6r' horicsf doWaU TVetVRtl? lucerfrlyiM hente unjustyU3- tained tflSiy. while cal-. QftV hto 0e' 'moe co;Aric?e Steed4dwh,ie4raiy. aM .fftete ife ffi 44VS ingidle and doing no good, It est jury. : "V kept mlvr by0 tnLe-rsValure pemocraiic yqlfWal "Toj 1 Crtttmex ..,.t..iA nn.inbvu, But craduallv our representative!, VUT .rr, l arfAMJX IIlIT MAVm hiCdnePefeaott lairi AQrlnm&iiW thq $oafd 6r labile TCharltle, 1 hithalr vot will not be nesd'ed i - , T .T-Tj-r ue:O.WiMfc altonaTn'd''aritUbhens and scenes became less common, and iutions bhould be made rts,neariy"f: .71 -T.:::riJF'ct orT.T-t-r-:!i wiumwo. wvioi 901 w vviaoi evamually the worst features of the' Beil.surtorlfnzV aT" h 'consiaTeTT aUoul gf li.llaill,;B0li?aiiA ,Frtfaof a.depretJ Saptrir, fna trir internal revenue system in regard to re'8"iMJ!rTioBd Jfg.i "jTiTJ". notigl t. CbarJotte Cbrouicle,, ort trffIi 4f 'u!'-VM JinrLam thA tnlfuvo tx were ah,Vishpd For With tttepurpsse ofiheir CreAtlon. ' Jjir.f i.T T Vi eaaVorUtfcJ-BMyiTrWfcBdPwyalnputo have to .thank oor.Ngrth Carolina ArlpoUiieVtor '.''" : f" f 9 ylKifer Rf? & ftVllHE SiSny tTlt2 Conzreasme:! : and bena- - -' t T.rtr-t'wal v;, IWMfera sinworKCH )illlU iC"Tj I daynatNav5Bibot tlMllariaCtrMfci.u,:k t ; exertion , ; hBf iW&nsil 18871 phfgrij The.E.epubll-wm,mak .5' Kn ; ine iav.o r 1..,.. -.t,.,. t, Al'-i J i.HUijifi ., r ti. i I ,.,1 n.. i tobacco 1-AiJassns. h. '-bhalbeskebqeb t '-i"'; u,vi v-..it6ffl;,.f ,..Y1Jv w.w. , pnmf.oi. JirtiI proper CO. M-Hi"-" V". "vW r.! fJJoU. has , ben.' R6c"ifi9hTfotfa;'(t9,-T the on4 which requires North f Car- a ;ve a . olina ttf tax her people 4o,. raise 1 sura equal to what she Is to receiv? before she shall receive other Words, Mnj. Robbins, to use his own words, 4 wauts Congress to pass a bill In simple ... form, giving Democratic tors. By their : constant they succeeded in uavin that every man , who raised could s?ll it Iue ni8 ntlwr But that is not all: the tax jjreatly reduced and durmct the pres ent sessiou of Congress it has -a been repealed by the Mill biilj so far as the Democratic House cnuld repeal it, except as to the tax on ciaars auucii.- sample last Ap 3()"VRD OF EBtTCA-TION. N. Y. Galley. Chairman, K. 0. Conyers, . B. B. Massenburg, J.N. Harris, Secretary. - . The Superintendent will be in Loms Wg on the secoud Thursday of Feb warv. Avn.IuXLJViiSmXM berand Dumber, leigfi three daYS!;necesafjffa xaianung appin mlt n the pubUqichooftrtFWikliirwourf nineverybraiich of pub- iy- f:i I ---' -'' ' - " ' ' . I lie service and among the people .etvilityofta he br. J Q JV ' WKSlOSil CARDS .he tone of polite, morality has Ibijince its Introduction !n Con- aofth L B. At At? uu.tr, . VM : T . , isonoofthe result ?iUv.TTw ' ; Pilnciples Kot Men. JN ichoi pretended to be work Trul 8h ATTORNEY AT LAW lotji3bukg;n. c. Oifice ii the Court House All business put iri my haDds wi receive prbiupt i us back our money ;tor sc.ioois, u arettes. The luxury of the rich inau you please,) and stop right . there; is still tnxed, but those items do not and away with the intermeddling amount to much, and we may say in ... i- t j i i general terms that the entire revenue spirit of New England cranks who ystem, in -regard to tobacco, has are never content unless they can been wiped from the statute book so help manage other folks' business.' far as the Democratic House could Sfedesville Landmark, .i J Trm.nnmn,r,t T?Bnnnt,riv0. had never accomplished anything else A t .1 ..! a naarnAnd have been the sen- uiey oeserve ine manss oi our en-re I nponlft for what thev havn done. . '.iiJ rll.. - ,1 ! i nrikA Tnrra I J ' . iimjeiitsoi i'lf9WY",r1riTi iiriitM irMKo sine, j because of this matter and see them cause of irritation regard to it. Such' esults of Democratic shall know a tree by bottte oti pilJgkyouvfeat --.l m Hoi 'deJ hU (Jujy. fTbef .peaci PCfSliYema' ht ilr-r(Va;ap'kTj!eiXh1oni ladjl 'refeSand prosperit v ufi tl) Sije arw,,Lv ifonjha and itctrbtlihera ihf a-vyeryi obstkiite-'j at stak (JlilblMtlypj. (Jlai case of lhird;dayTchi' fvZm'on Jioti l ; io.V i. xjtner rqmea laiied to dou? in i:.l' oiin r j lii t n oTrii)y ipo'lTS -iH.fl 'MjOHN-PlKETT 77rt or "4 liman'ei t j w.TTTL I i ....... I ,.(! --r.I ip.nnons cougu.,aLa ,cons.uTnptiop 1 ' "! ctirt-kbousumptiot.f ; ForVal'at Fir-T wtUjeiUli IwUucb rbdrtbP 'i Jili 0! o) Lnta iUAobn'il'oia'aQ'lo iifiit .J"- i irll. '...-..iMl,.,llf,M,. .i ... tin. It 1.1 Tiiet Baioh "Nattoxajaxk or . . ..... The shipwrecked sailor generally I ,.lK.M. ,3 Ai.Jly -"4 IV' "'-?? R AJbeo Jili'Br.'Ctt 'rfl fai9i U has a rait-of 'thmgs to lookSiftert' jVi&S "Wfr Hi de.M k 4f.Pk..iiUnn'l 1 uii ejuipiiHu 4 ul uyieo-,i term mot einued attrenT - iq and J3 'teut'r Wt-''ff Vtftioiurflfa.ix atobe S!J The ppreWsnbjeWS Of'Earopeair 1 tia. Tilide' Be- upoil "the bill f liobfvppiiil fripnd and nnnliareham-J Bobbins, to thiaia seprefenselie in Jutfcimiiny; Katth has no s arrow tlat Tlcaveq nXlerf' nsicjpit ien , The sneech of Mai. SnlolltifQnT rtt-vai wntpr. ttlilS I A( t bo ;ti fr vhto fill" hlrA t WO lf ATS.1 attention. t T . Jflr ' "11 - -.-I"? X L4 L;irS fieenso! long wedded to tbeir ;:wpa Efc'iabll duplicity 1 cfiie tttal r-3 re- il. 11 M.UO.U " i "il nt tt . 4 LouisBUiANiajad.Wo. )i ltjj ibeen exposed, and"' which' h - gave them a talk that may- open proves not only that his promises Wjl attejoa the. Courts ot wasn, their eySt andmake them know canHqt be relied upon, but also that Z S4ftSY-1 lo that the duty of the country i, to he Ufo his position in Cong COmt n. rVKnarftliiiandUte lJft W Of the peo Oircuitfaad District Oourfs. are'but two political h parties, L aud bu tnerely to promote his own m- -H- ... their principles. have not onlybeeu I terMfel ; Last year he had the ap discussed, but both have held the j poihtment of a cadet to the milita- acauemy at esi poiui, am TH. J. IfclIALOl2. Bce 2 flofors belo Cooko'a Di'pg Store 1-. Ellis. , w x urrnani a, reins ui uyeHiwcuiiuu iwjcojr ry , adt3iftifespt.i. ,foririMinteHent, ahnSing man "TT. . Ptoyto?eeI, wWcrT has; ad- - l V.t W TiMBERLAKE, ATT tomsB 0!5c iKe Obtf W A. DAV- Dai At t yihcrnft HEN n practice in the courts or Franklin, auce, Granville, Haliiax;, and 2ToTth lanapton and the Supreme aui Fed eralcourt3 of the State - " A. HICKS, -r Iii8y At La? i Kiitar? PaWic OXFORD, N. C, asp 'P T. HirjKS, . ' .. ... ...... Attorney at Law, w. HENDERSON. N. C J " fir, I!raetice together in tbei-onntiea of "ranville, Vance. Franklin and Wiirrn. t. m all matters requirlhg their joint at. t6 hPe by prompt, diligent and 'f aith- eceivr. .V' uu".luM'.lu asere fvaq ihi. fruoa oi ine ia - business section. of ministered the affairs of the gov ernment in a manner that was best r L3CW . Uondocivo Jtothe rjghls of ijia peo- buMll'JfVntw ad the safetfilotVlts suT pr.T.TnnMtBffg i T, rVt Vflf ft ffl'f flflrtV. bl 4rfg-ioh ffellinf AayUne- Ut' As freemen, for the love ot : coun try je. should by all; the , powers within us, not only vote bnt55w6rk in Uie i interest of good government, for the party that will make arid enforce the laws for. the better pro tection of life, liberty and property. Men are not to be blindly followed, but if a man's polit 1 tal opinions i be right, if he advocates tke true way. be he friend or enemy, 1 he r should receive your vote. His' principles are right, that is ; enough. ..There ran he in politics only, one right Way. One is for the peaceful, eco nomical adraiuistration'of '.the af fairs of government, that, our re- g urees of government may be de isl"? " v qnJ i.. f ai I ,ce lfrfrorr.:f 'tof lnl 20sptinrui'nisIrSbunIat all spiritual or mental woes and. Creator has stored, ia tho kinsrJbm natuleli'fmedieriVfor everv ohvsical 1: T1 - " Utnl3yLForrTes Hhese , remedies wero allowed to lie dormant, through the ignorance of mankind as to their uses, and for ages more but little - af tentibri was given to remedies fpr the I .. -!.-,, ! .1.11 M : 1 nAVni.n.nti dim t liia ArirlH -t?y I lte.JVHur SfllB l Turmflfl'd. ' t wuiioj-. . ...j vwu VI iUl- . ?V7"r"""; , " r i' tyOJ -' ' Monday, UM2thlby kVitml&-X1 n111 free homes free IrWslmd ftJTfree me Cronp, wbooinng cougb,,.an,l .bron ber i&ib tbeloiiowinKdeacribad irafctii,r, v.ii Itis the slight cold , rreaucntly con- ittm0trJaUk,,.Se oJ "cUat .A'rHWadfeiGur.rueiloya system jf? ftrTWII , yo W fci ! v,,t amlnlmwi af. nn nf prtg tui ,fcytait teuftle cougtnsfSliiVib J?flfo, ,fAoal 0,VSFM?!"bfi 1 Snn-ofhh.uicwiirinWSwefit w thtrbmed fnr vr. 'Vni ..fi?.f at . .vet tb,vloJfi,Il QflBaiifcaidArfc'i Yta v?dt fak r- - - n n t r r-r r - r i i a t- . i x -jiri r -tt--j . , . pah w Naaw k.v"iaiiiii i Wet t nrma 1 J s"' Hrr"f You p-r i cannot afford tp wasl?tjm5 ta clor ikTd AlYTi .nTTini.i't ui olGai li ..j.r.Ltu.'dl1 . 1ut j" i;ir?rji i "taiiiL curc(i.,ueaiiu i arm. jjweei atar 7injt I a l a. J t J 1 r I . . . . k k t tirstl o1yt cuVtvr, Do.aiot .pefiup, lIul.,. 1 vi-eaai. Laa tihtiiH any deilbr to 'XPp8fupon ou with JJalnWdge Munday Esqbl some caieap Tin.iiaiioa ui wr. Aiogs i ty Attf Ulay em)H, W.u Xoi I ifKJuio.noii tll at itHi )o ICIIU into, IU fcilC (l)OVe I r sty?: I r i Xw-DuirorfiiCbbsunrfrjUdi Klililifi'aiiHi:u4 ;ClJJl ounj, vi i .i . . . . , . i.. - - . - : ....... . ,- f ennh on nn ai.nuioeBUiRAAUAXHi'Ki rAiiv iacii o ' :M j w ,,.. ... i Wi i uui a Mm.. J 1 - jt 7 i iurj,,wiiiB9suca uj inncif dk UI Janus - sometfiJusaMoxij'-orjvBFnw msrheojflUJftd Aitfsite&Xlettrl 4 i Una Fearce reiiUes. adiokiiotr tkn. irnnnA. I -. 1 ' ' I .inltn. ffliliAm nf tvnman who vn - - a - 2 i wAA..a. w. - r v a i u mafcbanic -wrote nwjrm ieuei u i r V'L WBlw k tu K til fnrlif. w i- ir ii a JendL In laller! lines, s.aSe and In phiijlUf'py hayac6lnev to her relief, devising remedies tor her peculiar weekn.esses, which have been ''combined in- DrrearceV favorite same. I Don't be deceived, but;l3m-tj upon ietting Dr.i mjia LNewJ)is covery. court hi or4 this c e TV of Arthur tlonzer and others, fan jpaaHgZ2 aerea, it beiut mi9 lial'nf edMnad AffxUiailaduEltCri 1 'aydjjis, jjxea-0n rf, 9jf IftllWWWdMJI, filiaT III ain it: 1. WilfOTsnn- nl TTfirP I I Pierce and vife to J; J. I)ri rM.Arrli aid V SIM litfi tpUi An Ji 'Y.'r, trH -Wflftbi Wtiige SIrTiifa. omi iKak - a " L .which i .".iruar-tntef d to sive nli(-f lii'nrl tnrnatrluhiJ and chest.al 1AnnibiUKtki'UfM;rrifiH,td)j oii'l tnin .4 Twit.i l,.bJ I - . - I I aaa vftaiMa a. a avs.a; aa dianlc -wrote mmfa.ieuei iu u ai 4 to the jkamiatijli of Upplj ft i m that arysiffcn. Itt h$ een the clstom Smorif Congress man to give, the appointmi nt of ca dlto the boy who could stand the hbest examination, ; so as to give A- . I- i J.. UL Jl.l.i.t ' J... 1 r f 1 bir-noTTi no; qi'H IllCTMS .M. MP? 1H I r jrfa haiir "jl11 i 1 n r btuuua uuvuu4ie, i uM aui i- v prescriptionV a' remedy tha cures the 1 wast which she is constantly lery boy iuadlst janL, equal ance. NrcYi?i this, and, in answer to Mr. van Noppen, wrote atletter ? in -Which J 'Favoiite prescription,, is, f the only he said:r "I wiLT'GiVAfi DUE ' No- I "medicine for women, sold by diuggist. TiCE AND XjET ! ALL ; the YOUXQ j under a positive" guaraiiiee irom - the MEN HAVE AN EQUAL s CHANCE."' manufacturers, that it will give satis- This right, and Wf Just wicat Z.K'-'Z had been done by 11 the other been priuted on 4 the bottle-wrapper. Congressmen from this State. But aud faithfully carried out f.r many did Njchola do this? 'Not by- any 'yeaM O t- - , means. On the contrary, in viola- I When:you 8ee a briglit baby pleased tion 'ot his promise, he quietly ' ap- with itself 'and everybody else," be pointed his on!.'w -y..-i-'' ' sure that Dr. Bull's baby syrup has , Now, what ought to be done with been used. Oniy 25 cents a bottle, such a man? Ought he" to be ' re- t To think clearly and act quickly one wardejd by a re-election? ' Can such must ha'v good health, indigestion a mart be again - trusted? Let the the foe of health and should at once people of this district answer at 1 e dryen from thesystem'by the reg- hp nhlls! Pittsbord Record. - " J uiar use of Iiaxadoc. rnce 25 cents I rrrrt- it Uf,W.fJ,rlmrf.f ul!iD AjTciiorts; Wdrtie.' f-l:W; mmB -r - . i mi J - ) iiooupe uuysiaruevT loe tw purpose' Jor ( era Rheumatism, Heuralgia, . on i latcitd hedlWn-'pTitcfe'i f iiel the court jW oW.'iri tbe... , r1 thrmrpose'of J w"0? iMrg, atbiMPaat'tla' tor ' J uue or toeyeariRKy" uy . ! ' ""I'Ltwd1 eiuiue loiiowinif aescriDed tract of . MnrftJtiatbU t'tn'lcoubtf itnoqin 9n(Faiklit011'at;EiYdUurtolrJ'i - A. Utalliuga, coatainiDg - 105 lrr-.X" -V wTlf Tr'r r;7 ""T 'IT by morteaxe deed, dated TMtli day Uee. . J.2 ...X-: OdJ lo luujIMbbf Ptt41fiA3ABdrawa,Cp, M ,' JT to H J.J Lljvla. Time of naJa.13 . THli tBoUb IT trr "-a-.- f . . . . -iii oa tea 7979a i .wu m oust Qiou.i efilYSua artJlo acitu&Tio i-roi ovI Llo od) Snl dd) oj no dT .ytvU ol r.o Mad i9lin tir miiVeirerij Rheumatism, BeaiuIgia,r-;zH' "u r' MI ii a a a M 9 ff " f ? L 0 a I . a .. . I . .1: JaL aaa.. Cfrf Seams, uacxacnB, nounas, oa?. LouisDurg, jh. u. eu'n 1 ranmuv twii Jtiij mCe on ALua SU, one door l-ait m . Uct. 4, '83. . Noy. B.-si'i'-" iuVj fliituKu. of Iho Eagle Hotel, . 1 j I 4- if: 1