j f-It, FP A.f' (CLIN IT.lIiS ( - ..--,J.- j! ... ,.,... -i - , . : - -, ; - , TH E F R AKKLI NT I M RS.n , Tjib TMiik. vlarsTJost ne published in Ftanklir. ooiru7,ax-r Iti 5 circulation extends al over srry s 55 oi"lhUsJia'a3J6m ;'i atiTartisers shoold cuke a bold Weiv The Editor will, toi be icsy luiLl-- i.4 1 JAMES A. TII03IAB, JSditor sna Froprietor. 1 fP Propiiotbrl with maLicb toward NOxii ; with chAbity pou all. lor the vie ars of corrtspoe dents, r. Brief comxnTurcations from all tec fa Cbt of ST?hk tTnoia will be' ,MOE $1.50 PEB AKNlHIn Advanco tions most e&rneUy aoUdUrl.' UNews-l terns of any nature will be thankfully ; . 1 r - "idyuA pi ; 1 IPK ill if O 2 1 1. Abcolutoly Pure Thii Bowderfrer raries. Anirrel of ritr. ttrenxth nd wholMomencst. jfore'eeoaomiesl tha the ordinary kinds, uJ eMBot be told 2a eompetitioa - with the multitude of low teit, short weight ilnm orphpliat powder. SoLO ostT ix cam. Boy a. Bakiko PowDBakCo: .106 mil 8t.N.y. General Directcur. LOUWB0EG,NU CHUBUI1E&' I ! Kktbo18T Rev. A.. UcCullen, pastor Mrrtcei trery ounaay, morning , ana aiajht. Priwrer wrj oanesdsy uhi. Buaday aeiiool 9--'cioeK a. . , BirriST Rev. mylna : Ciwie. pat Ur. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays IB. each outh, morning and sight. Prayer tteet !! trery Thirsdy ight, fiaaUTOfeoI Iv'cUck, A. M -Uavoe O. L. Ellis. : mio n KHsTlios. white,. F. N. Eftrton, G. W. Fd,i . M. Fleming Cs.f st ABLER. D. Pinnell. Botrd meets Friday before lirst Monday ii esca noata. . ,.v ' ' ' CoJcmsstoXKBS C A. Naah, ch'mn- S. J. CruJti): R. S. Foster, F. P. Pierre, iW. B. Uzztlr iaf'mm-'. m'rf in Superior Court Clerk V. J. King. Regiittf r of Deed B. F. Bulloc . Sheriff .11 C. Kearney. , . Trenurer B. P.CHfton.- " Stprtnteadeni of Public Instmctioa U,N. lUrris. - " Keeper Poor House J. W. l'f smell. Sdp't or He atm Dr. E. 8. - Foster. Notsrr PnWie W. If clihee J Frank BO ARD OF EDITCATION. X. Y. Galley. Chairman. K. G. Conyera, . B. B. If assenburj, J. S. Harris, Secretary. The Sapetintendent will be in Loa'- Vug on the second Thursday of. Feb- ruary. Apri, Juiy,pepiniwrT, ber ami December' and remain fo thretj daya.if neesmtjforrtbe' par pose of amiuin applicants to teach in the pablio sobooU of Franklin coun , .-it. . . ' - ;.- VRO F RSS ION AL X 0 A RUH ll.ilASSENDUUG, : it ATTQBNEY.AT LAW- . LQtrisn anon. c. ' , 0 ce in the onrt Hoaty A.11 business nut in my hands wuJ receive prompt attentioo. .COOKE. r r ana COUNSELLOR at 1JLW. LOUISBUBQ, FKANKLIS COV,N. Mf II attAnd fchA (Tanrts or Nun. I Wake G oiiaaes also the Pupieme m ., '-T-a : em umeme i court of NorTth Carolina, and the U Circuit aid District urtag i Jtfice 1 Annrt .f.-l rtwrlTrtrrrt poke's Drna Store, adfnlnintf Dr. O u Kiiia. ' f r : , . uih D w tim nitiiriavTi:. ; . J, LOtTISBU&O. WV C : f t -2 Jk . ' - --. voce ra court Uotne M , -sf -1 W A. DAY coffebU ATTOBXEl-d AT LAW. ' HEXDERSON W. cS-'t'; 'iT '- I - - w 414 lug VUUriS Wl . CIwiMiu,' ' "ce,(iriayille, Halifax, and North umpton and the Supreme, abl Fed ; wuns oi tne state 1 A. HICKS, Utflriey At lafllctorfiPrJi; OXFORD, N. C, AH T t. hicks, -;:;:::;v; Attrneyrat:LaT7, HENDERSOFwlT.'C wtvsk. attJMJvrA7 a w practice toethr in thoronntles ef "-ia au matters requirlagUteir joint at s f.,.' h?Pe DT prompt, diligent and , faith Mention to business, to deserve -and a .7 Potion of the few twsiaess of ecwon. I .-'iv , - - ' IllBiaiiiffi LET C3 AlLCiVETL'AnS TO GOD :; .,, .. .... For the Dlesslus ct Pca and Great Prosperity That Have Been Vouchsafed n ladlvld nally and as i People ani Nation. Washington. Nqv. Jamation fay the Presideat of the unuea states. Ootstaht thankasivinz and tnMtl-: tudeiuredue' from : ths American Uio Almighty Qod - for Hla goodness and mercy, which have followed them since tbeilaiha made them a , Nation . and vouch safed to them a Tree 'government. With levinzjiindness He has con-r stantly-led- 418 ki thv way of pros perity and greatness. He nas not visited witMwjtiunh(ho(ient jaax short-tomings.- but -with . gracious care' He haa warned os of our -de pendence upon ' Ilia . fbrbearance, and has taught ua that obedience to Ills holy, lav is the price of cootinuanoQ of i bia reclooa: slfta In acknowledgement of what Ood has done rorus as a Nation and to tho end that on an appointed day the . united prayers and; praise or a grateful vcouo try may reach be Hhrone of grace, t, Qrover CTeve- land,. President of the United Stales, do ; hereby I designate and set apaft Thursday, ( tha - !29(h day of November instant, as a day of Thankagi? rag and;Prayer,-; be kept and observed vthrougfcotit the land. : . . - ntftw yt iernbn:piwpic suspend their ordinary work and occupations, and at theit accustom ed places of worship with prayer and pnuVe, render, thanks to God for al his mercies; for ;tho abutr dant harvest which have rewarded Urn toil of husbandmen during the year that has passed, and for the rich rewards that . have followed the labors of our, people, in their shops and In their marts - of trade and traffic. Iet us ei ve tUauka for pece and for th social orderind contentmentv Within ourt borders, aivfor"ourrf advancement in alt that adds to national greatness. ! : And min jfol of the afnicted dis pensation wit' which a portjop of our land has been , visited; let us, while we humble ourselves before the power of Ood, acknowledge His metey In setting bounds to the deadly march , of . the pestilence, and lat our heartsbe chastened nby sympathy with cnwow coon try men who have suffered and who mourn. ': And as we return thanks for all the blessings . we nave re ceived from - the hands ' of our Heavenly Father, let us not forget u.. rx-jut ... m a a aiui ana siiia ua w ua a a iaii aaiv wwr wmn n w n ma aaasr w "I'nsin bfbkvi w r . - .... ingytet as generously remember (ha nnn iu! iuaiIo in thaf ' nnr rT - tribute of-pralaeand gratitude may ie geeptd $ lhjight jofl ihe Done at th city of Washington, on vthenrst , aay.ijOt,iiovemuet I eighteen hundred and eighty-eight I nA ThfrtsAntK I USVM fJM-tal Mia Wr Haw aatMi aa av a m v j leassed thcseatof ihe United States GbovebCucvelakd. By the President iiimlm T.P. BAYAtoiBeCy ofbtate. We have our prererence; v but no vne prefers to. hcar . crying baby; when the fact is so well known, that pr; Bull's Bahy 3arup woold at once u irMiuimtlv Jiartnens that severe pain is -very; greatly relieved by thoroush purgation. ; use Jjaxador : . ; .. porposc j. rve . A man rnar drink and not be -dhrnkV. 4. . ' A man may fight and not oe siain; A man may Vss a boonte lass; . And ytt be, welcomed bacx agpn. I ; ? '! ' J J 'a u ' f Croup, wnoopuig couga u won chitis. Immediately, relieved by Shi' ? oh's Cure. . .For eale at Furman's. r A TAU UITU 1::'J3EEEPRS1 5 i-1 Take care of her own health and tle health of her family, I assert, la. the.flrst.and most I uiportaat 'du ty of women. - ' 1 . fi" - - - . ,vs- rift-.- V -i I have often i heard Uti asked r Why do women look tallow" and olJ4 so much younger than men V Anmnfrforty-flve or ; fifty, of good habits, In the priin of life, and as hsasouj as ajratlnT?r vldos, white very few wbrtien reach that age with anything of the bloom of youth, j Wjth very few excep- t,9?rs . Ufar'as myobscryaticrL goes, i flnd - the assertion true.- that women' fade earland' i grow prematurely old. We ? have no rigm (u uesiroy ine oeauiy r nature has graced us with and wear 'sharp lines from the corners of. the nose a 1 a a. - . r Siown, ajugly crow truck at the corners or the eyes. No one will thank im, love, or respect us as wel! for tfirawlug our youtli5. into"' the furnace atrd-growiug haggered -and sharp-tempered; not even those for ;Whom we sacrifice ourlel ves. ' I Close confinement In poorly lighted and improperly ventilated rooms Is one of the many causes of this r untimely decay. . Purefcir and sunshine are Indispensable' ele ments (for j the preservation ot health and beauty; evert , the 'jbvr ersof the field teactua a-lesson. , The rose grower, - altliotigh ? his blossoms are perfect In txlpr,",fpnn and odor, waits till the, third day after cutting befoie he decides as to their valuer- ff the piuk r petal loses its firmness and looks fady at the edges, he says. "Wet haven't hod sua enough toripen the roses.. This is a poor season for them.'. . ;A Well ripened Mse will keep fresh a week, while those forced With a little sun , droop In" a " day There Is magic In the I sua bath; health and beauty In the pure, fresh air of heaven; electricity and mag., netlsm in the earth we tread upot.: '-Little childien," says an eminent physician, "should be' stripped of shoes and stockings and allowed to play in the sand and dry earth a often as powHle;" and adds: They gather strength from the very dirt you so much dispise.' ; Another writer says flesh and blood stand more wear than Iseveu- ty years can give theno if decidedly . : History tells us of many notable old beauties, all of . whom took plenty of daily exercise in the open air. I knowCmanyJ farmes'i and mechanicsr wives will aay, "0,how cab I take the-fresh: "air.T. I have hardly time tc make mtoltet; I do not find oue hour irt a week to spend in the fields ) and- 'gardens..' Take time, or you- wills very soon find tme to be laid; away " beneath the green grass and lovely flowers you find so little time to love and admire. Try to lessen your labors m. !Itt,e wavs. and release . . 1 - t. ... - 'aeBtn iron care atv least one hour a day. If the Weather per mils, go abroad into the fields wjiere you may enjoy tha pleasant sunshine and v fragrant flowers, where yotr may gather leucrweu strength and inspiration from 'the yer atasosphere yoo breathe, and where'the sieging of birds and fhe babling of brooks Will tune', your Jteart to harmonize, wltu all that is gbod and beautiful. 1 ? ; 'nrnii.Ai 'knnil .1.' ix. . r.. J ii . " work and spend more time it.. the open air with. their, children. Put on an old wwriperanoy go' into r the back yard,'or to the sand bank, add help the little ones build their mlhlture towns and railroads. It will be no dLsgrace the children will be delighted and: you will be benefitted. ;Y';;':i- .;!,-, ; p Housekeepers who have the care of sleeping rooms cab never be too suspicibus of Impure air. The air in unventillated sleeping rooms , is breathtSd fifteen or tweoty " times over dhrlng the eoune of a night, and charged more heavily with or ganle poison at '"every ; breath. Somebhe says, MI am strictly care fu to let the window down an Inch or two at the top, mking the pre 1 caution to dtaw ' tho curtain -T and pin It io the casemect to preVenc a draft from striking; tha steeper.'; Now the fact Is, ' under ' such ar' rangements,(there Is no ventilation' at aii. - , - .'i ;rvi U It shpold i be fulljr understood, thaf there Imtut be fob v p)ace for the air to go into a room and anotb4 . .. .. - I er in the opposite direction for t to 1 , w insure kuw l cuiiutiiuu.' i - If the people were as particular to breathe only freshnir as hey are' todrlnk pure Water, xliire would be less doctors,. bills ta settle. -No sane person would drink a glass : of poisonous water if they i knew it, : whllejjme and ngala they thojight lessly or Ignorantly inhale Impure ; air,: tinctured by the escapes from unclean places and carrying ipolson mto'the systemwith every breath. The sens of smell " Is very acute, and was given us to guard against effensive odors as well as to enjoy the fragrant. If we do not per vert and abuse that sense by a con tlmied Inhalation of Impure air, we have.a very safe guide to follow. The five minute morn!ngJath is another inexpensive luxury; and better than a medicine.. We know 'When straining milk or syrirp, it the sieve gets clogged with foreign particles the liquid is retained In the vessef; on'jhq same principle, if the pores of. the skin become, clogged, perspiration to checked; and the morbid deposits contained in It are thrown back into the sys tern to make their escape In tumors, scesses, cold sores, and the 'like: City housekeepers cannot be tod watchful and cautious in the care of their sink-drains. Every sink should be made wtth a patent; rub per stopper, ntted . tightly 'under. the strainer, which can be removed; to let the water escape - and : then replaced. Poisonous gas Is contin ually rial ng from the pi pe and I m pregnat lug the air 'with poison which is taken into th lungs onhe inmate of the house. Copperas ' If used every day is a good' disinfec tant, but with the ruober stopper, copperas even once a f week would be much more . effectual. S. Mi nerva Boyce, in Wooaians Works. V A Womari's Dispair. " "Death would be preferable to jthis awful, draggiug-down -f sensation -and acfuuglbwck," disparingly cornplained a suffering mother, A,ud the' wortf ,01 1C la' sue added, 'there seems -uo? cure for ii," 4,You "are Vtaea replied the sympathlsiug neighbor fa whom tlie.aufferer complained. . ' suffeled for yeais just as you do and .f)uud no relief until . my. plyrs itUn fi nally prescribed Dr. 1 earce's favorite prescriptiouwhlch 'curedr mei and 1 X hare: ever since been ijell, and the wealth of India would not r induce me to b without the remedy, if a like af fliction should : return. r- 44 Favorite Prescription" is the oolymedicine for women, sold by . druggist, under a positive guarantee from the manufac turers. Uiat it ir give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and futhfully car ned out rot many years... ; . Dr. r Pea rce's Pleasant Purgative Pclleta- gently ' laxative y or actively cathartic according to dose. 'r - ' .The opponents of free schools prob ably favor hire education- .Jiv s Tha reading Jpubii6: has reason to ' X,:' be disgusted with any medicine which claims to cure'f erery thing, from ; corn to consumption. Shallenberger's An tidote for Malaria is simply what Its bame impirtsi. -lfyoo have r malaria In your'sjstem a few doses " wilf- de" stroy it Immediately; So far "as now known it is the only antidote for this poison. Sold bf Dmggi'ts. fi It is sn odd fact hat the coal beds are furnished with petroleum springs, 1 A, liberal education is one that has cost the boy's father a "good deal of money,. - - r'-J( .-;,; . . The gay young bicyclist ho's In hi - Not for him is the spring son shin- ing, ; . . V.''-,:'- - ; He has been flung and is sore in body v " and head. - - f.'.., c' But Salvation Oil will make him -y..-: smiling. ,;, ;; -: ;v : -. s T.re got It at last,',' said the fellow who found his cough subdued by a dottle oT Dr. BuU's Coush Syrup. . Some of Sams Hayings. . The biggest quant ion we have to deal with is the children.' If the children questions don't -1 Interest yea It Is either because you are an old batchel6r or an old' htzt and r 1rnt thlnV IKom fa mn'oK ' ' . ..rrZ T'l . Tn t . . 1 :. - i -l : ' a am oy wnissey selling as X am by a loose!; -My 'most principle ob- JectioaltlKjxscthw living The shaprof LnxfaAxD, rnoiully, is the shape ''of a.'battercake.; God neip you to grow up as . you grow Somebody said the -Methodists had to Cut down their steeple about twenty feetffceckoh they thought they -went about as far In that di rection as they owned.. r:v; "C," : X hate to see a hog In a fine house.,- ,ATV,V r The meanest fellow is ' one that will pack a preacher In an lee box and cuss him because be won't sweat.' :-x 4 ' ; 0 ' ! ' . -i t ' " :' r J :l C- You swap -your religion off for a flue house, and .you've . made the worst bargaln.any poor fool ever made. God pity a fellow so poot that he hasn't got anything bat money; j Heaven is a place where you can live without locking up everything and sleeping with ' your . breeches under your head. - - You might take an auger andT' bore Into some men. and you i wouldn't bore a half Inch before you stru- k pure dog. Reckon i this is the rea sou so many women love dogs. I thank God. for 'tne,. disposition to stick to the bottom dog. If you want to find ;8am Jones, scratch under the bottom dog and if yt u don't fiud me. then J-'m gone to dinner-Ji'Vu v.4' I'll be a bull In a china shop be fore this tiling's over and your may - prepre"yourself for it;' Hold your grip. We'll get there Ely tf ; tr - . -1 expect some of the) 'dudes '"will want tu flgha.me to-morrow.' I can whip a cow-pon ; full of 'em. Thank God, its no harm to kill a dude. ' Murderls taking the lire of a human being. " ' Show me -a "minister that ap proves daucing and I'll show you a minister that shouldn't preside over a litter of pops for me.' You've got Merchants .here;! that you can take nickles and scatter 'em a - hundred - yards a part . and ' toil them into hell. t There alnt half of you that can praylas high as you can spit. . J,' .: . Borne of you had as soon. ' set In to make a Chinaman as to prepare the way .for the Lord.-, - " -j When you put a No, 3 shoe on a ,No. 7 last you'll - squeeze ' the - las or bust theshoe. :; -..; ; Foblishnesif , Is. stpff to rub; on fools arid It takes a heap, of stuff to go round, too. We preacliers . ain'lKfweaching ; for. money, nut tnere ain't oue oi us out what; would quit to-morrow1 ilf you'd stop our salary. - - II Oue rotton potato in a pile of five hundred bushels-will 'tret Ute -whole pileifyoulctitstiy. It'll get your pile, sure as a sun's iron? " ' - h God himself can't do moJh, with a coward; Tnere4s-no-lounuation to Work 'cni-i-r'y' kH r-l'I don't bleave '-'in evolution. I I don't believe ,w'e'camV "Ironi'mduke'p,' but Whed I look at sorneTol !yoo I think yt're heading that; way. ' ou may get- there.,--'. . " - - " T --,A prim; nice, elegant - Methodla. b a monstrosity. jTuese oice little prim Methodists . aia't worth: killing; they ain't .worth ten cents a dozen- i ij6nt'Expeiiimest; -'- Yon cannot afiud to waste time in . expel interning when )nnr lungs are in danger: Consumption a4way, seenib. at first, ou ly" a cold: Do not er.u a any dealer to impose upon you with some clieap im Ution -of VrS KIdjs New "DiBCMV'ery i for-U0n8utnpti'.n; coughs and colds but be sure you go .' the geouine. Because h can -make more profit be os Y yon .he ha something list 'as g6od,ir joat. tiie-- same. Don't be deceived out inst-t upon getting Dr. King's New Dis covery, srUlchTiSi guaranteed to glve f relief in all throat, lung and ebeskaf. t ' - .'. . - .t" rr hune hacku side or ciiest,i -us t Shiloh'a Porous plaster. , . Price 25 tnt, Fcr sale at'Furman'a. - ; . . - .f .r - A SOUND LEGAL OPINIO '!L Brtlnbrlflga Manilay Esq-i Conn' ly uiay oountT; Texas aiys; "Ilavs used Electric Bitters wih mst happy t emails. Mybro'hrrwas also very low ith malarial fever and J in niee; but was cured by timely rise of thii medicine. , Am satisfied : Electric BUters saved his Me.".. , . Mr. D. I. Wllcoxson. ot ITorse Lave Ky., ad-Is a' like -tPsUtnouy, ravine: lie r an ively belle ves he would hare4 died, had Iknot 0een.155r Eleclilc Bit ter. This grea j.jrilTxT a ruT odnas f Well a cure airmaluriardiBe-ies. and Jural I kidney, Layer amUtoraacli d i s and 11. at Clifton's. -, i - WTgrttnS. the priphet, appearaVtrt pe lost," says art . exchange. This' is all projliet and no Ions. "' -. ghiloh'a cough, aud consumptlnp cure is. sold by us on a gosrsmtee. . j 1 4 cir conaamuoc . l ur sale at Fur- 1 bhilotTs yiulix-r i .ahVt you "need ftir constipation, loss of appetite,' dix sines, and all symptom's of dyspep- ua. ; I'rice iu ana 7 a cents per bot- lie. - For sale at Fnrman. . . by that tei'i ibla cough. 8hilh.! cure w the remedy for you. - Foi sal0 at Furman's.i ,r " - . , -1 Catarrh ' cured. ; hralth. and sweet breath scoured by VhilohV Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal In- ector free. .iFor aale "at Furman's. Piles 1 Piles iTtching Piles I Symptoms If olsto're; 'intense itehinj and stinginc.mot at night: worse br sermtehing. . If allowed to eontinne tu mors frm,'whieb often bleed and ulcerate, Deeomtng very sor. Bwayue's Ointment mU Uie itehlng and bleeding, heala ul ceration, and ia most eases removes the t a mon.- At druggists; or by mail, for 50 cents. $ Ut. Wwayne a Son, fhiiadelphi.' ; CwMtCllMMi FntrmmUUstlmtt . Tho Leaulcg Price S3 Cta Sold at Druetrista. on rt : Cottloim$,'Bilin AtngqlttM.JS. -'!!- SflLUATiOn : IL WHnJs'ere Rheumatism, Neuralgia t n t m i -titxLia.ch;TQ0thachB, Sores, Burns, I a mm M m m . aaw m aa -! 47trfxr scaurs, uacKacne, iroonc j,&c. ,,r- LA USE'S nUCS, Tim- Crwrt Tobacco fjntlM tltaui rVaaia Cts. AtuUMniggUU, iv- NOTIHEa ! Ilavlng qualified as administrator of J. W. llolden. notice la hereby given to all persona owing said estates to eom . for ward and ' settle, at once, and persona holding claims against the aaid estate will present them for payment on or ' be fore the 29 of October 'SO, or this- notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. F.F.PEARCE, !,: x-.a Adaa'r Oct. 29 th 18o. l ; , N OTICE. r- J i .Having qaalified this day as Executor of Joo. Thomas, dee'd, all persons in debted to the. estate of aaid testator are notified to make immrdiate' payment, and persona holding claims against said es tate will present the same for payment on or before the 23th of Oct: 1889, or this iiotiee will be, pleaded ia bar of their recovery.- - - ' J. C.THAfcaiWGiox, Executor of r , John E. Thoinaa, deceased. Qct. 22.18S. V ; . " - . ' ' ; SALE OP valuable REqAL ESTATjE. ! By virtue of authority to me in a deed in trust from C.J. Cradnaand E. A p-n-dup, recorded in the Keg is t era office of Franklin eountv in book 67, page s 103. I will aell on Friday the 10th , day . of Dm cember '88. at publto auction at the Court lioosodoorin Franklin county, tho-foU louring tracts of . land situated in aaid county of Franklin, and to me eonveye-1 i a said deed in trust: First tract lie, ia Dunn's township, aad is k bounded on the North by the landa of W.4. Harris, on the East by the lands of Mrs. Butha Pearce, and on the west oy the . landa of. raul Pearce. James Baker -and others, same being known as. the Cruduu mill property. V - .Second tract lies in llarria' township. asd ia bonuded en the North by tho landa owned bv tne late w. IJ. epivey, on the East by the lands of F.J. Cooler, ost the South bT7 the lands of the ilata JI. D. Freeman,' and on the West by the lands of Nat JoneJ. containing 397 acres mora or let r ' ? '' , T -tl. T VAU persoas wiU Uks notice that-the nadersijrned claims, as trustee.' all crops of; every kind on said lands, and all ,perw sons are forbidden remove, sell, por chase or in any way Interfere; AwitU said crops.-'' ' ; , v - Time of sale, J o.elock p nC. '''w l i? U terms of sale. cash. . , , J .V .. ?; -''; f.-JVr, holding,! -J x r a TC I .J.BWjh, N, C Cxi. 2CUi 188S, ,m iy haada' in tavor of II. D. TbonMa. rT-I.t.r PUlaut against J. K, Woodard, Klna RatSn aodj. woods n Adm'r of Trivia WaovUra. Defendants, 4 shall sell to ta h!rfcsN bidder, for cash, at the court bouse . ! y ia Ltiuisbarg, on Uaoday Uvo mix dy i. i November it being tloada of N .-.J vemrer court) all tas iaterest that Nlaa J Raffin baa ii C50 aerea of laad sitaaled ia LouUboig township, oa the Bis hri- 4 road adjoining tb. lands of 2. T. TerTtilr . W. Ford. W. II. Tleasant. and oLhrlt being 1h'e excess of tjis bofl.estead ot said 'Nina aXuma to aatiafy aaid ezeeatio and XL C KEAKSEYrCTeiir: 71 f c ri Kit T . -r-! .j" - liy virtue ot an execvrToa la arVnada Br virtue of an ezeentloaa ia fa roe of J. P. Arrioftoa- Mai a tiff. vv gsioi S.ti. Atanresaod MHi; BtufreaC.- 1 defaadMtWV-laMed Iron 4ba aorw 1 court of Sash eoonty, 1 shall aelUs tb . . lujjncs jyoaer far Hn. aj ins vsai i i ' bouse door la LoubburS, s ilondaV' tba 1 1 X 12th; day of Navt-mber IJJSS. (it beiag . Monday of Xovambef eouit) ail Uio ' lnU4 I eat that S. (J. Sturgvh-On SI5 arei- uC land, situated in livid Miaa tovaship, ad Joiuiiig the land of -Mrs, taodioo Aca-' -wu, the esUte ot T.'IC. Ibomaa, the homo stead of 3. O: Sturgesya'nd known aa the Oct.10' .,ILC?. ITivatr LonUbnrg, N. C. T; aU'ffr-raaklla Co Cf- Thb lUxxian atioxal Bank or . N. W . . . Geo. T. Ayk3CUe axd wifx xt al. Bt virtua.6f a decree- ot.tbe.Suocrior .. .- eourt of Fiauklin county, made a April tern 1H&J, in. above eatiUed action, 1 WiU j. ;.. , sell at. publie auction: fr cash.' tho ' ' ' eourt souse door, ia die town I lwouis-I' ! .. burg, on Monday the 12th day of Novem ber ISHiS, the tract of laad situated ia tbo i" county of Franklin J ia HayesyiUe 4own-. . ship, conveyed to J. J. Davis by Ceo. T.' 0 "Ju1 Ayeicueand unfa by nvwrtga; ddv' rot a carded In Book 00, page 4i' Tisas of " ' sale 12m. ; -: - r I. .i vT fL 1. BrvncK Oct. W 183. !' tiinmUaumekT- ' l'' NOT I C EI r-'T. By virta i of a decree cf the 8aprlor Court mad at April term 15M, ia tha case of J. U. Ferry, Trustee, and Terry A FsUeraon against L. B. Phillips adm'r ot 11. Baker, liarriec Baker, et. aL, U1 aell at public- auction oa lioaday 'tho IX aay ot MOvrmber next, the follooiagtracat of land, to wie - Too tract of Isad eos veyrd by deed of gift of. Henry Baker, Sr. . to 11. Baker Jr., nod by the latter aad bia wife to J. B. Ferry Trustee, by deed' t ranklia euntv tn ifaxris tosmshit. on- taininrtwo knudred acres, mora or leaa.. Terms of aale A cash balance oa credit of ' U months. .Time id aale 12 sa. i . . XL W. TlBEaXAKK c a o Coa.. F. S. tiracux N OTICE. Thk!Balxqh Natiokax. 2hKK r 'R-A;fc5PEn Jir. ax,1 1 By TiJe ot.a deeroo of the Snperfc . court of Franklin county, made at April term 1888, in the above entitled action, I . -will aell at publie auction, for cash, at tho court b use door la tha towa of ' ieaaa burg on llonday. the 12th day of Kovesa ber 1S8J), the following described tract of land to wiU Situated oa tho urate rs est ! Sandy cteek. adioinior Linda ot J. v Joaea,B. A. Speedy sirs. Kindred Gua-' . . t . L. - I a L . . . " vau mau wwen, it oeg SAO Wact Of Uaa conveyed by B. A. 8jed Jr, to 1. J. Da vis oy mortgage deed, record ia book M. page 32s. Tiuro of aale 11 o. CM. BrjssEK Oct 9th, 18SS. CommUsioncr- - JJOT1CE. r ' Thk IUnaan Natioxax. Bank or - vs. . Wixxis Pkakce and Vine XT Ala By virtus, of a dec rea ml tha MaMrW conrt of FranHln oouuty maoe at Ayril K.u. i, i. u aoovo tmnuec acuaa. a will aell at publie auction for cash, at tho conit house door la tb-; Uwn-of XoaW)t" burg.on Monday tho 12th day of Novesabor . i5M,uie following described tract of laad K l'l to iu Situated ia ts eaunay of Frank lin where Willia FtarM hviitrL BHI-Irti.. landa of Arthur llonger and others, con taining 152 acres, It being- the tract of land conveyed by mortgage deed by Willis Pleree and wife;o Ji J. Drvia,' recorded ia Book 60, page 517. Tlmo of aale 11 an. " r-- a IL BOSBEV' r Oct. 9th, 188J. .' r ComtulUiooer. NOTICE. v s. .1; The Iuleiqh Nation jjjrifVr --: N.'O. va. ' , J. A. Ahorxws and OTuiks.' By virtue of a cecroe of the uperUr.: eourtof Franklin eouaty;nude at April term tS8S,Ja Cbo above tatiUed action, 1 ' wUl sell at tha court-nJusa dmmk Im hm town of Louiaburg.- at public aneUea, : bir casta, on Monday. o I2ta day of ,2ioaaa- . . ber next, the following deaenbad tract of land, towiu Bitnated In Uo oonaty ot-v Franklin, on the waters of Sandy creek.1 adjoining the la ads of aaid J A. A ndrcwa ! ana A. 11. A. StaUings, Ooausiaiag 10 acres, it being tha tract of land ' o veyed : by mortgage Ueed, dated ZSta aay Dec. 1S82, recorded la Book oV, pagn old, exa- ' cuted by J. A. Andrews and. Cora. M. Andrews to J. J V iris. Time of aale U "' 1 . ' O. MBCSBK Octr 9, 1888L nT XWwssianar.vf ' . qrillOS. B. WILDEtt, - - ----.1 . . . . . ATTORITEY AT LA.T7. f ' -V TO . ;LOUlSBUUO,N.C. Oce on Main SL, one doer i . , low the Eagls Hotel. ! i I i. w I! JA n ; . ! : V 3 1' -IV- 0 If 5-iaw r - tin - 'S