Y, -. . . . . . . ... . rHE FHAN KLIN TIM KS. TUB Tmoj t throldest tiewF;2TrC published la Fraakllt; eoautv',uid its , erco!tlou extends al'over srtry sec- onof ihu and adjoining oountiei, " advertisers should make a note he:e7 " " VJ ': u! f The Editor will not ie j eti4..U rrT for the Tie ra' of correspondents. 1 -'is- -r3''' Brief commaneatioDS frosa.11 scOi ' - X'aL I x 00 4?.TH0n.S' MaiCE $150 PER AN!to' AdTarido. ... ( d Tirir. Tmrisa will b 4 k lions most earnetly soIjate.TXea Ju If; . 'm . .... - .-" TT vLOUISBURG-, Jtf . O-lNQyEJMBER 1 6 1888. , I . rNO.44 smtftcP' ;;-n.; n el . i ; rr-rHci o r' ' P . uUi t.rr'r1 ' 1 1 r ' 1 1 1 1 - ' ' 1 - . ... .. , mm. .13 it 6 1 r A Line prawn Bjr the, lresby- w Bal as a bbdyl 1 a! coart 6f; the mr pi phTinit nri tsnrMnrirr uarty. and General Ben 1 amine Har- I .. . . . I better id 1 Work Thin' tiezl i The Some f'Don'ts forGlrla. Hecord of the Bnotliem "ttebvte- naa vnurcit in reeara lo tne rela- 1 o, un'tn.. k 'k .. ,reKiu iiiai ao pronouncea expresslori bi the whole Auiericau and respectable a Christian bodx of I i ' v s-mmtm I JL-ao not Know wnere to r getems- neonlena thrvphvtHttti wstri I I ?2 f7 ,5. ployment l' Nonsenw !. replied . :.: we see notnmg in tms remiit to 1 ,K t.niomr v -i, .fttRJaSSSiSH bi cit W..y Won of t allv. Tia rwvaitlnn fhof fit r.ta- I - ' . ; ? "7. V I yOtLWill. liOW listen ? t0 1 016 tv I T-- t jt7 .... -m -w- , the people or4 the United .stales. 1;.; hV tian organizations should occapy in .wJi.t kwMonceakKtt ll)te ToA rneet tb th nMmiiar r Mitr I : L rf ? "T "-rrv- I gentieuiaq gave me a ? half doIUr. respect to tne peculiar or civil fY 0fthebrtuntrvirrVfa. The liber- I V?-. .': . fairs of the country. Thls declaratioh of the SvM is P in relation, to the ..Uauor Traffic. I ThnitnAnr.n..uu io . . - 1 ! unnieaiatety lett f 1 and C economical han the ordinary kinds, 1 T rlrT m " institution IS supreme. Ttte pe- 0fjt of of ,d 0.re e in comnetition. with l to Indicate VP her e the business s of I uia r rrPi rtfA. -.tii1' .::inB" 01 pyo "m .nil cftnnuk -rT . . r-- - 1 ... . t-- . i.-, rj--. t zr j? 1 uiciui:t.u e '-i ui 'i s r rI-u5ta of Mw test, horts weight t-ZZ.ZiiTZ.1ZZZZ',ruSl -tr,-"l V:-- V .. wueiuuerw loeaavica Absolutely Pure This powderever rarles. A marvel of iad cannot 1 . rArnhosphateipowdera.rSOI.1) OKtT L" ". . rrx; uvsireu a umcrcui rauti, lur - ly mft bv mv 'mother hfnr aha linvnvn On I ntihlif Riitvrvlsjlnn nF thA-nfFiIra nT 1 i-l.. t ... I ' uiuio aua i5caK8. T UiT&itf&r?-. UIed. I to pray to God to fW-ai TOrprttW rSnirlSinn iXtl lfMrVff;r keep me from ainaud gtVe-me his Geaer ilTMXOrT- nhefttion tinfioctrine, fc?aMl08e. 0i Ueljdayby aay.lweut aroond . . V , - ? ; vhat Jhe line is wisely :drawnIIBJrthetrliiinphant party. There are Ki k " . " , .TTJiiTTDft" -w . . . : . i uuuiiuu "J to the houses In the count rv nlncta. ujuwjjua..v., , iUn ine restrained license ana tne I .mnu nt inn. .m.ti. th 1- . f . CHLOHES.'.. . Inromiscuous uaeof liauor. there ZZT rZZXT XL WyWW . 4i t 4 - i . . I "iOOTCO V w,w --- -- bought old rags. These I took to tart hdl.1 lis. tioA.-nidninna. fir X . ..." . . . j a I v'- m i i .iHvi tiv flew iroitrnoraiea in ,ina u i . . . ..PTer meeting every ednesday ;nA i e tricr and rt-r r.';;":" I.V: ? W TO fOtq we at, 'XV Snndavgchooltf o'clock A M. - i , TV " "7 f -pK ymKFwwo; B-Tf I i.. SarvlAPR jg every Thursday night. j o'clock, A. M 1 Board meets Friday before first Monday in each month. j,js uavi "ti.wlc 'J Cade.t pas- i gtTVeilance ot .the , liquor trade, I iw"hAlteve tha nrinctnles of the a in olsh I . . -- . - I. . -." wa .o i jjemocraiic rpariy ma cwrwev- Rut mnrpssinn lhat Ihalihra nf - ch et- Sunday School w i - pcnr t mnioasinn mat I no liMN ni l . ' . . ' : . Kirtrvt-s'r-- si-Jk . .r.tn,"v,i''y,..-f-!Ji!iv--,i : : i iui luon man inev went. wonn. r i -lT. nr. ti tCV&hB land'and public senqment of J knd WadPatredUia conduct t .'i-li A..., Iln-nfi: p.-,,,.,. , i FB AN KIJN f COTJNTYf . p CoMMissioXERS-i-C A. Nash, Ch mn., S. i. 1,'ruJuc b. a. Fbstert Pr .w. it ii. r i t If-tT P. t. f , Krister 01 ueeu ' Sheriff .11 C.iKanrnaY--'jL;"il Treasarer-R PiaiftonWf .lrc M. . . 1 d..,i; Tnotrnrtinn 84periateaea-.Mvi-3'--T J.N. iiarrw. ; T Ur wn.ii Keeper Foor uw-.- SDP'T O? lIBAT---; v. .Bton, C. i church as abc4ytl"stifculate fezeat fjdwotene Doinesti t anldea oHnterwe raorality, -is - to 1 fr,Wfbur States. 30AKD OF EDnCATION. H V finllfV. E.(i. Conyers, J TtfiMWfMn4 general mnint Rarfen rt nr Inatltiifinna nm rail I -rz- - - . . i . t. rr .r- r sense of our instituuons are rib Sufficient to da -With the matter t Iootigglet;lr.rlin fourteen to eighteen cpgld oalf updentandJhoV tTuljtar it h to be con tinuallj' nudging one aoothei , putting thelcrheada" to-, gethee and keeping up a chorus of Te, he, he f vTe he, be, het if erery one and everything about ' thetn waS suDrenielr ludicrons W'-tii Vrin eui those irVesistiUe cIWkIe6f ,sh(J, uu wuni iuguierf jl au :ure, uieyi wrooia -eonqoer the-aWt,-; for M r.ls greatly a habit. Laugh,, ray girla, all you like; It la a wholeaouie thiu? to cfo;' but laugh out 'cheerily "and frankly; Sfegling, aiutpern," and' whispering arc sure signs olau Ill-bred girl aut- Doo't use looiblflqM.in , pubUc any more than yoa . would v use a , tooth .brusliJ I hav aciaally'' seen -these articles toothpicks ' I mean see on many a table in "the country in sicken ing prominence, and I have seen girls auu nvuicu, WUU W?UiUJOQ Ve"y UU- wiliirjg to he called anything- but" la-diea;-take (hew pat t after meals aad use them is opeuly as ; .they would their needle or crochet-ho-k. 1 should even prefer to see a toth brush aud bUle of Kw4er'rse fiirnUhjd aud used; era hairbrush and comb Tht'sa uuues ut iue tone, snouiu be eonnued toyourornroomf,;; it I'Jtls imoss.llj to sxy you shell not ue a Handkerchief exeunt i.rivfl for tLat isan unavoidable necejiHitir nf i f iTakeTlrae To Itest.' 0 . uiiiwf.;-:?; -iry-iiz .': i ' X Armory Knox. i' 3 L . There are man j ways to traveTi Wt if you desire to travel for pleasure aud rest, let me commebd to' you a jsatllas yacht as a means oflocoinotioQaud If you- want to.cet away frotu the world's . giddy uures k - front t cares of iems ox may navare wui be Uaaklttlly A la ih r4 celveLi .., j . . ,.,. . .... ' , With the InaugwtJton or'Harrl'O, tUJ sou. t ere u lli cotaineucw a new; j iXi ' tn t ! i era anda new ttst, Jn oorr.poUtlcs. m et, -olu ,aeTeland'aadiiUaUtratlon.wilL.ju Cn. pn to theetid, pure, rtron, aincere, r:; v 07 devoted tu the people' goWTbe , complete. record Vf loon yeara.i will r :r v ' beouewhich the -IXuiocratic par- rl .-f amn ty andJhe(Kepuhlld niii,,rje ietet'.V'ini-f V.niJnJ.UnrfT in i Wwr.k w I lro. Jt; wUi ml at Hdaudard Zi-rl vnV 'petty annojaubea-thai ,;iuaketfe-lu wftth cpuUicani: jachievemeuo od. the city a daily round of wearying toil. wH be inewured, and . Institute al 1 , t,.o 1 say to you go and di we-arwtdo- ptrfaoiiiittlie reauUwMch ro i ' s- lug. I.- --buyo-i : ' 1 v I Have no feanFlroru The tblsaitwHfl f.t.1 .! t profit; I Was --always willing to give a fair price for the things - I bought, wrfdnotry to sell thenvifo InWxllmate, bur be as" unobtru, SSOTST:.1 prospeied merrily, purchase and Uff.?? ?J J jre- unuersianauig pi t profits fiee'larer; .and Iflow4 if i"mber,: KUie, vof policeirgulatitn, r Without according to our those principles. And we desired influence and nterferance -of 3 the the iUrta.i ixfi thk '(mvirn mnt . kilO yiJMw v. ...w. D - - , - - . ...... Dr. I Bull's in,? have got more than : ten thousand t "P W,V ?' f 0 ?" f V H U dollars that I call toy own. .One ,p"Are yjn soing-to the races?.' Yes great tin nir thkt nas-'contributeil 'tV .and ou ,lhe. wbihing horse. ' ot4 oanaaorne . . ' . . M , v 1 lull . . f ' " - . ' annnt ppare vne uroe, ' you say 7 I v x-puoncau iariy, io j Ah, well, then go ou my friend,: add 'ess than Crotxi tbe 4tifluencea' that' V .yjn' vrwrry and toil; and get worn : and . a bound W control. It, i it ! ifr fu iu weary and exhausted aud one day joa, probable tpal thaadmlalstration or. U t Jnt1 will spare the time;. ay,:as ? kr -as. Jlarrfa-pn adllbear com par iron -with. t.tu this world's urork;. la: concerned , you .tnat of Cleveland. le-uocTats Will hj'j- IiTT will pHTje noi nly wme, but eternity. scrutUtize 'closely . . the couduct oC-.V i iuA l too, and by thetiaia, you shall ha Te federal 'pftiirr; rwulyj to giveiiMxikKni, died. If you had Jivel a natural: life,. fU credit, to the party In -power, lemperate m labor ami indulgent in but wrtchtnl foecahMta doings.! so fi voX rest, die world aillbe w,blrliog arvund, M lo bat' them fwW tw. il oJi m smbetb! .as if jea bad emr, bew' people'for the verdict between De-nl ,,11 and ypuwlll, long before, have,eea d BeW6ncaft to J?ur grave. and foten. , VTbea berendered la I802,vlf . thviJiU i :l tlwLord niude nienbe did.not inteud T..tK!t. .... .. - k-. . .. that they should be Rjay-balred, pbys- , J.. ... f ... , , - . i i -I kf v. i' iU.it j Bc7resentauvea;'5tliey''iir have -.'"cw. II ial wrecks at 40, as fo many are. '11 ; , . - .'-,. - ..- -n doubtless intended ihit div abid friler.opportt-nlty and V fullet . W ,,t .;...vt iPot'phljf workj.but resL ! ' ;?:! p Pile ! Pile xltchin.rUes !' SymptaaLB-Moiatae; , laUase ; itching and tUuriurr mo ft at "niehtf wor by seratchtag. : If"- aUewed w : eonilaae ta-, mora lorm, wteb oitea hltxMl aaa ulcerate, becoming very sore. 8wayne' Ointment atoita the iteblag and bleedbtg. beabr ul ceration, aaa la moat .cases, remove tne tenors. At arngguts. or I cents. ; Dr.' Sway n a Soa, r, my success is this. I have from drink and tobacco." as kept i uiuu t yu kuow Abdullah, he la lame fTM0A;i iu Chairman, - t tr ... V.m wet J. o. 41w""l VT IT... Qiajf rtfl.rV. The Superintendent w4UeiaXonis-. waty k.it Q rl i.. a ... if f-Rcessarv. for the "pnr prt8e of fxainlnlnU appiuania w "i the public iecboU of Franklin coun- . U- r TaiTufe pabIef ilf-governrnentiThat I tive aiid executive affairs of the yiyr, civE !iberty onSht national government r f 1 itbebiotteH' out arid religious con- jjut further than this, we do" not tiol aWunte jhejIirMtion of ajfv are badly hurt, We fairs of human government. y " a pprehend' no IiilieTerance wit h' bo- The separation 01 Church and sine8S. We expect . peace. We Btate has ?been teemed as A the I look continued prosperity; We saving feat are or e American rknow that the-.Preaident elect -la system ofVGovernment. The jlec- T of the first men in the country. lafatiorrforciviland rellgiour-Hbf Tnde believe that he will admin. wldelyT ter the'afiltirs of the nation witU FRO KB iiUNATi CARDS aaid that no one can arrest the astouwiea , beggar, Jie. saidr the flight of TimeVbilt who' is there you "aye lU"11? cnaoce who bj not able to s'.opa minute? of getting on in the world as 1 had I -a' ' ' .1 v. Go and work, and never let me see Jaan V pkiIt?V "or and PuMUli- you begging again.-rif Vdo?! Sv'ltf t J hnri vn.. .,virtn . . "lJ?Vi.vM" tnd bnalJenbcrsr- Year, pa-d .way. The .centle- "-T" '"Vf1 - . . -; I ence, tuat in our case it; acUtd like . - . . - v.nm.11, iuu uu mi ine aoctor claims through P he entered a lesDec-1 r.u w -s i?,L?r,?i?---i9 . . 1 " "?e wvuH.Msureoiy.jwve some books that srKHwibilltyHbaa-the Democrats -tw-.ivoCX have obtained,.'' We could hot carry jt J U . oqt oar principles efficiently on. acr: IiL. cjbntof the veto power or Ui Seu? . J:j , ate Boston, Post, Dim. - ' . " . 4 Shitob'a eouzu ar,d " consomptloo euro-is sold by es on a enarantee. It mm m-SSPHm nres cunsomptipiL. PirsaleaVFurUH HUT y ataii, xer oo .,!- , ' ' " rfJilJTninn Fragrnrtl L&Uagt , Price sacu. Sold at DrassMa, DOIi port UmrCmialmt. . CmtlovHU, titiim 1 ctiwM, CiMMsa. . AUrmigtttM. 6. lJ.'.i' J jfl . . ... i.' Vl Ull Mli I IS. JlAiIW" a h ,2 ; i v.; ATTOKNISYATLAW- LOtilBTJttG.K. C. na, i si the OonrUHouser ? All haainaxi nuttrumyD'. receive protnHt attcnft6n! f.Vf w i ,. trencth;KKt.i.;t.:anihi .tiifPtlnn. wtw ,wm B.'"P- recouwetoitsjralu iflt errWrtA. agaTBsC the opprpssioit of Great' rWe the new.adrn ntstratlon WW.-iT ' Tritftin. when the Puritan. Baotist. "ijIZr he wanted, c He had not been many the Lutheran, the J Catholic rthe plsrpaUJ and jh0 jirascally Presbyterians,"' (as Governor Try- on styled beni in IJorth and South to be; partisan, In the proper sense, minutes in conversation with the If U3I U?.-if e,f:, Carolina) united as a common body 8houidlbe. The spjritbf cjvil ee)t oi painois, io resia. ogg.ciuu vlco ffcform will, we have no pfyrany. Mn;allthe;conte new admlnis- t- v i.. t. ; .- Ts i; -- -. '.j h Arm ra do with the lluuor traffic", our ap- l to.COUK i.V: . A 1 UT 1 1 p r an 1 SB bbUBaj ja. 11 atteniTthe iPaukin. G- hvUler lilLlk I II . UillUIIUUf ... " Wake GounMl also" the t'upieme court of Nor-ta Carolina, and the U n; L Jn..arni.',lAni4'1"' Circuit ahdj )tfice 2 do DtsTBicf Oourta; si below F urman Cooke's Drug Store, adibiningJDrO l.. Kills ATTORNEY iTCAj f LdTJtaBTTRQ. H. c. OB&ce i Ke Court, HpueL. t il'U" .! ' . I , r ! m..m..v iu wii iviihuu mill but we do not look for an offensive t , f ..,. m,;? bookseller, be ore the latter eagerly display of partisanship. The;,po- . . . .. - -t . i:' ha looked in the face ofhis customer. imcto uuiiso win, -j -""-) ffllei :y BeprblfcaQsasJhey ma. aria., bold by druggists. t V , Mrs. SheHdan Is 'stflPvoung; belag but thirty-fjve and beautiful. 1 -.-j and Inquired: 'vSirt ?are you not is .consumption Incurable Bead tJie foUowmg:.Mr.CUB.Mor- l11 ho,TafeWK yeara-l- .NewailvArk sayn -Was down'. ao, gave sv half- dollat:-4 to 4 poor J. wjtli abaceits of LuuzaI and frivnt's and physiciaas pmnounced me as as incurable eonsnntDlive. ' Beran 'ak. in Dr. KinK Xew Tliscoverv 'for ' Thnn. sir Ihk hnmo thla uroll k f 'rtnoiimMiAii 'am nn ,i-A W6 shall regret the dlsplactraent stocked shop, is the fruit of that 1 0 ltle Bd ab,e to overBee work on beggar at the end of this street?" HVJ. f rAiimmW it wall V"7 ""T '"iitr V of those Federan officials: ifttir teient'Dfece prehension' has been that the church "T.ft -rW intiTo-- I n?iy"t Piece ..;,, , ., . . 4. ' State who have given such unlver- I iTara of trratitnde t might fatally fasten ltselfJto the . , --iul i 4-1 i 01 grauinae 1 -.4 1 . - evr made. ncKieai down. Uesso Ailddlewart TnrTir rrtkta i -it,i. .'.Lt.At.--1 mKUl sai satisiactiou wiiiw vuwnw 1 the bnokaeIlPrM chAAka aa haMim.t sayat vaau it not beeit for Di.Kinur' utBreuw uux u. the siandard othat service has f dnc the WntlenWtolia ha'nnv1 Nw DcoveryMbdohsumptiouI in entering the - arena-: of political "'"T" UVlJiio tZhtn: I apceasne centiemaa.to lils r happyj wouid have died or 'Xnnt 'Trouldea refbrni Mtoisters andhxnom ff wife ana children. He was re- VasgSn'ndo SgbrraircIttheiveaW ?When M best oealtft.; ry it Sample: "nreSit .- - j w 1 & ivi.i.ui ar7aa aua-a eaii aa-.aBi vaa a rr a rvr a . aa a --. a t . i - . A . a - - ... .....B , . iuovi icb, iuo wutfux;iier reuuuui i rit.iVMrutli0ra omnhatfru.llv re- .. . .-SJ..-.-..: 1 control Duuiaiea every ci'iiiu-uu-t vreiTJi'' of - our home ; affairs, h i. -iat topr'if.;r-'l"-T-; T.1" They declared that vas long as water 1 j . . -41 .... . . be no 'La&lrfif .hicp&try.- They no- VTOr,!JK .j MiV people pi Jiuriu vmiuium- juin. ed his history from the eventful The liealty growth bt, me . baby, is dopendentjopun ita freedom -fromthe a . a . - i a a . .-.t a li; : -i F ' -nil Um.Y;MffHa ivata I "-IT-: . " . . 1 v mo. n VIWH1Q I llliui. , pies of thepahlshnqulsttto! etioaid-neverJaaear W A. DAY A-b-UDL Bay & Zollicoffer ATTOBXiS V5 rAT iLAWU HEN DintSON, NV C. . o Practice in the courts of Franklin, 7aace,Grranvill4, Halifax, and North n&mptoa and the Supreme aud Fed eral courts Of the State .'M bnerraDrkoC itbe rack and wheel. . Labor Agitator.' pA -f ''. ti a iki- ill- H i'mi r.i1f;j& .tmfr There Is a great deal of trouble late ly about the alleged conflict between labor and capital. The following sen timents from the great domestic heath en BobInaer8oli seems to be - worth orinUnK Here is a shoe shop. . One man m ine snop j J . work during, the day-lways industri- ..... In the evening ne goes courting nti-i. wnncr srirl. ' There are five .i.. mftn in the shoo who .don't do any such thing. They spend half .i:.-xnrlinff; hours In loafipgiand their eveninizs in . dissipation.; The. first younv? man by, and. by cuts .?out these others, and gets a boot and shoe- store of his own. aneu ne , roarnea ... tririi Koon he te able to take his -..f mitiA ride ofau evening. . The nitv , inrfra: bis former coonanions, who see hiii iudulglng iq hia luxury, retire to a neighboring Saloon aud pass i ...i.,t nn i.nt tnera is an eterua IfcSiCPf ; b'fli ;;ifinoIo lKtweeB1Ulor and capital" A. HICKS, - : - ' v f Ittornei M iW i KotarT EiUic OXFORD. N. C, asd w , v 5 .. '.. .... nENDERSoN, n. c; will practice together in the counties oi Granville, Vance, Franklin' and Warren, no n allmatters reqniring their joint at entH.il.. ! 1 u . :i- . ' We hope by prpmpt, dilisrent and faith u Mention to basineas, to del deserve land the result is It Dernocratlc hornet Witriepubliian Fetleril GoVfrn rBent; instead of the treerse. tj jj Will! ' r i aa a r -m w r v ar si ri ar a v v ar 1 r i .. .. Ui iruu LJ UaiUIJUiJf ? a"tiJvl;llt:iI) ' VTKg CU rU lotto cfcfc narnrJU cisteXrato ' i i; V i ; lwU UoiurfmlfVri.aidLnUmi..iMit- IvoUatW iiuMmcC w4. ftAt. , - , f ., SOtUy ill,MiM)ilnt(M WMfNK . ' .( 'wBuaTvucABssuirxD. f .,.. v- i. JiJ , al -jr . f " itv-l . - -. . . i , I ..-,.. . ... . i . . i ; . . ' ' . r v i J r.KIIU'J mfnferQ Rbf uab9m'i HwrdVtx.xk. PariirSuits u 1 $G3.tO ioi SwillingtJirvhtijLumbagofiprainf, t bilk 'inuhL Parlor ,SLiW;fromi fSQjOo Rsadacha. Toothocbo, Sores. Sans, Cats, Scalds, Uacicacha, t7oana,&Cr .,rr WOE'S nUG3,Th Crrnf TeSace A I sal 4S lM 5-' Itavinsr aaalified at admiaUtrator of . J. W.'Holdcn. notice is hreby given to all . i . j peraona owiug wh. - uwmi'p -oetme ior ward and aettle , at .once, and . persona holding elaims ; against the aaid estate will present them for payment on or ' be fore tha 29 ef October '89. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery." 'h Ii Ki I .F. P. PSBCE? t'.T Oct. 29th 1888, "; ' ' " TI.-. U.k. w..l t .L . i ' w m --BttMS kn; i me m m. t a B-rsa a mm w n w iihi iik lb an a aa-tm a. rvnini v Me ao i By Industry, honesty and denen I ,.h:Aji,.i-- r i ... church Control oyer the- civil accetdefeat of the Im dence.npon God's help, he had risen hood. U ttaVf fnn H aiep iy aiepy inun ouying rags to selling-papers and tracts In the streets, then to keeping anold book ahnil" . rnd -1 uUl-riAt-il-r itt 4h - ti WrVpr r'f K 1 hi fiagulates th Bow!! , ryt Hvs w MW v-mfww rwaaWMM- a mmmm i -.---M-------a--waa---a-ai large ou; family liioie fa7 Tifbught " LVTZT T.irr' , T rTP'-V Ottt, a psalm Of thankSgiVItlg ' WaS J Vct. Tor-.l by til de-l-rt, Trym read. and. then all bent around Jbe family alter. Having onaliied this dy as , Exeeator of Jim. I Thomas, dee'd, all persons, in debted to tbe estate of - aaid ' testator are' noti&ed to make nam -d late payment, and Srsoaa holding claims against aaid e will present the same for payment ea 'or bef ere the 25th of. Oct. AO. or .Uua botiee will be pleaded in bar of their re- eovery. ,. -J v'--- - "'. 1 - r J.C.TnAkaiSOTOX, Exeeator ef Bnll'a Baby Cyrup saleof vaIjUadle i e cani at least, stay atr homej eWitaithe Ufiuita reversed conld we have existed " here with at.y . peace or satisfaction. Wil- miugvon jaesaenger. . - Tbe "Love That Mveevrn ff ''Youthjfades, love droops,' the leaves . of friendship fall - ' "A mjther's secret hope outlives ' them alL' 1 ' She will not : believe ber dimpled darling must die. The baby eyes look .to ber for help and there is help. Hasten' to the nearest druggist land procure! thr. Pierce's - Golden . Medical Discovery, and your child may be re stored, for it cures consumption, which Is only scrofula of the lunx. if taken in time; as readily as it cures scrofula affecting other parts . and - organs. Don't delay. . .-A perfect specific, Dr. . SBgea Ca tcrrh tumeiy. Words could not ex- BUCKLEK'S ABNICA, ALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, ; salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hand, chilhlains, corns and. all skin eruptious and positively cure pile, orjio. pay required. It is guarantdea to give perfect satisfaction, or money "refund ed, lice 25 cents per box. 7)i ii Uliiu U, I V ft ri W1-1' n RHIJL'S For sale by J. B. Clifton. For the cure of Conghs,Colds. Croup, Iloarseness, Asthma, "Whooping t r "Trrfin-Incipient rtitloh's Viulix-r ii what you need and for the relief of f r " rA xnatirarinn. lnsta of atmeute. dis I Consnmptiva peraens.- i 1 .... v.- r . . . - I . . . - . . . . m 1 I I I. . i 1 I AC arngsnsis. zocis.y u uuwu 1 j ainese, and all symptom a of dyspep- tla. Price 10 and 75 cents per Dot lie.,. For sale at Furman's. Silk.plush Sofa Silk J luaa Diran " ' I..JJH.1 lt,UVJ..J 9UUI3, 1 to 4C350 . . . ' Poplar Chamber.Saila from $22.50 to Oak Chamber SuiU' I V'.i3.Wiv 9113 Walnut Chamber -JSulU from: W70 rr , I . . ... to O.00, . Walnut Bedsteads from te 42.00 M Hair Mattresses.; finest quality $25.00 V Paie it Uair' Matressea ' Irott ' IttdOO ' " i. i-.i ii- to 8.50- m.i'i (lotton aiattrestes; from 5.00 io 8J .r.:. fei.fl Straw or Shuck, . Cotton . Top... . . 6., , - ., , Walnut Extension Tables .' . -10.00, ... t,i W-lnut Extosiou Tables ,11.50 "I.. Walnut sideboards, ' V f29.O0to2?a ' Poplar sideboards , 1 ! TABLES, '.H -li Brvirtn of aathorlty to me In a deed lm trust from J. Crndan and z A Cru dup. recorded in the' Begistera office . ! Franklin coanty in book 67; page 103. 1 fill sell on Friday the 10th day et -December '68, at pabbe auction St the Coart House door in Franklin county the fol lowing craeta of Uaad shotted ia aaid eonnty af Frauklin, and to ma eonveyct In aa.d deed in trust: yirsttrtet Ileal la Duua'a tewnahip. and U bounded on the North by tha lands of W.S. Harris, on thclast by the lands .of'llrs. Rath Pearce, and oa the west ey te laacu of Paul Pearee, -James , nakcr 1 aaa .otners, same -property -1 6ieotid and Irbonnded on the North by the laoUs owned bv the late W. D. ttpivcy, ta the East by the lands ot Jr. J. cooiey, on tne 8oeth by tbe.lands f thetiaia .-1J,(1. Fraoiuaa, and on tbe West by th lands of Nat JeneJ, eoaUlninf 397 acres more or lean." t .,t--rvil--'f Jr.i?f,l -'-A U persons will Uke notice that tbe undersigned claiaia, as trastee, )aU cropa of every kind on aaid landa, and all per- sonrare forbidden t remove, - aell, pur- 'chaae er la any way interfere wit aaid crops, f v ' " ' '"-'J-....'Tr ; Time ef aale, t .clock p aa...-: ,--t Terms of sale, cash. ." t k r ' J- N holdiso, Tmsiee. Pearee, -James , Baker 4 and .others. being known aa. the Cradapt will tttj, o I ) -r - - I , rotid traetlles laHarria'- township, DropLeafTables ' ' " $2.75' Centra Tables 2-00 and 2. 5n tu au Iquo ak .Centre taUea ' i , I 4.5V : t 'L Cbtrry o-atre tablea .j" v , tr W;,,, "'t;.'.; S chairs,- 1 ruv.. Siditfeatcliaira ' -hi t elZ$ .r.'nM tomuion wood ebarra , i x. , c J J w Cane statchutra.' . .' 75 Oak ehnmg di-lrs 1.00, $ 1.15; t Uockeis! - :v1' Vn,f' u"-j-'-XT5' vl.;j.i3 Ca e, for reeadug cUatraV iOoOtUl .00 1 1 Vj ' Siuglelat' bedaC' JCtr -V ft.25 ii! :: .Voeu-wireMttresaes ... 4.50 i.u k-'-Ii: .Vardrobcs . . 110.00 and USO-,. rti r . CuilUren'aBckr8 aud High Chairs'' 1 . , -m 1 75c.$U)OaudS1.50' ;-;fi,Wi BabyfeBasket Carria-ea, with FaraoI o.if lna V J ' fd,U2- ISjOO and lUkfJQu:'f.n iia.i tttanns lx.00 aud f 15.50 Bui a, uu or wire, , $.350 , T-inurea from i 'TfYl t AIR jt ' ; C- - V w.wv . If . .-I. - ... . I r-T uHuiuiov ciuura . j-uu aaa. a.ovrr BedWad ff.m!f; :.00 to 12.tO,i ' '.. Wsuhtauds xrdm v f ; 1 .11.50 W lu.00 i j-riK-.-. j ii .. .w-i. .-v.t ; Orders froih the icrrtry--wi?i re ' " c?i ve pi i tup aieatiia tUettexalol ) T ; ; riqiir cheerfully aud promptly an swcie.1. j , -; ' ' 1 ft T- . ! "TV TTTfnT-" b" ni. Tu: 1 N. .ISTE-vst 'iiaitin StT, 1 betwxe" ; ' Ravk.t and WoolcoU btorea. ; - -r .' 4;i YY i ! . i i ; i ', i i.: i 1 - . - ii-1