H w FRANKLIN TIMES Published-.. Every Fbiday by JAMES A. THOMA! Ikiitor and Proprietor. bates: Oae Tear -. - . ,ix jlonths - To Clubs of S Te Times will be fin i ... -. ........... ... t - . j. ...... , THE FRANKLIN TIMHS.; -TllB Tmks i the oldl ix spa pee puUished in Fraukiccouutyt tnt its circulation extend al' orex every, see on o thi .and ..adjoining eouatiee. advertisers should jaake a no:e li:e J, A. T?HOMASt jBdltor.aud.Proprietor. . with malice toward jNONE ; with ch a rity for all., fcRlCE $1.50 FEB' ANN V II In Advance uttnshedatil.40. royal tvs&t jk XI X iXQL.XTII LOXTISBURGr. N. O- NOVEMBERc23 1888 .1 NO. 44 .WHAT. CAUSED. IT? , StatesvUle La nvlmark. the dead to the remotest branches; and these make a great many,, for nearly eery family in the 'North was interestrd directly or . indirect- Nine hundred and nine riewspa- j ly Jn this monstrous scheme .for papers and politicians but of u thour sand say it was the tariff. Maybe so. The tarifthad something to do .AJpith, it in some iocalitf es, andpbb alyeverythingj but tle Lmdmark does not see it in that wav. There was some all-prevaaliij causes1 that brought about a revulsion of feel ing against the democratic ?partyr but if it was the tariff question hit should have manifested itself dif ferently. New York is a great manufacturing city; the Democrats made gains there. Connecticut i3 a great : manufacturing State; t he Democrats carried it. New Jersey Is almost wholly given over to manufacturing; in New Jersey the Democrats doubled their majority of four yearff ago Rhbde Inland and Pennsylvania show Democratic gain?; so does tbe city of Chicago; so do nearly U of the tnanufactui iBg:tjenlres4 Two years ago 5 Jehu sBakerltepublican, 'defeated -W. R. Morrison.De mocrat , ( Horizon tal billi for Congress iu Illinois on the tarff issue; last week Baker was de feated in tho same district by For- mari, Democrat. In the State tilec tion last spring, the Damociats car ried Louisiana by 27,000 majority; last week they -carried it by S.000. Lousmna is interested In a high tariff oa sugar. The Mills bill le ducds the sugar tax 16 per cent.; he Rppubficab seiiate.tariff bfu fe a-uces-IttSb -per- c entidVneaTffT if in r ..-vii Sato 9 Tk., : Co 5Ic I Kif ohW. S. Southern State and the result there, J. Cruj ip U. S. Foster, F. P. Pierce, .w. apart from the tariff, cannot be BsSwrtWwrCterkWVJ. King. -lokedt from4hoa e stand p wit Kegisterof Deed B. F. BuIIock.. from which one looks at the result Absolutely Pure 1 This powderevcr varies. A marvel of purity, strength and vrholesoiben-eMU More economical than. the ordimirtklnds, nd cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, bhort Jweight .inm or ohosnhate powders. Sotri OSLY , v rixs. KOYA BAK1KO POWDBR Co. 106 all StJN. Y; raiding the treasury Not stopping here, the President issued an ocdor returning to xhe States of the -late- Cnfcderaey?lhybattlefl4g ap lured from the "rebels" during the war and stored up in the War !De- partmentat Waslilngton; aud then the "loyal" North felt that he had sold put bag and - baggage to .the brigadiers. . Tle, i-iingry clamor against him girdled the continent and its echo was not allowed to die out beforo election d-iy. w- ; Thfcue are the iuflueaces, it seems to U9H fro.n t he election ret urns; that were potential in defeating the greatest President the country" has had fn half a ceatury. It is not worth 'while, of course, to discuss these things now; except that what ever happens it Waiways interest" ing to look-around for the causes. Tlie ..Govcruor's i Thanksgiving THETAitlFP SCARE. ' - J ; -2 .s ; As might have been anticipate! in the event of defeat, the election i pq sooner oVer than the cry U raised that the result has"been du to piemature Tariff Reform ,aglta lfvered his Tariff Message of cember it is i pretended that flow : to Keep .the South Ioor General Directort. Li. r i Proclamation. LOUWBURGN. C, I l CHUliOIIES. :-1- Mkthodist Bev, A. MeCullen,paslr: nurvices every Sunday,, morn&ig 4and uight. Prayer meeting every . edfcesday i 'ht. Sunday school 9 o'clock At. M.V Kaptist Rev. . T-iylns Qtd t pas tor. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each month, morning -and uight. Prayet meet b? every Thursday night. Sunttay&chool 9 Vclocfc, A. M Uavob O. Li. Ellis. 5 :t m EBSThos. white, F. N. Egerton, G. W. Fold, 'f . M. Fleming. Cost.vbleR. I). Pinncil. ! , Board meets Friday before first Monday in each mouth. Sheriff .11 Kearney. Treao"'Tft'P,Ulifton.. S iperintendent cf Public Instruction J. N. llarrw. Tl. Keever Poor House J. Wi Pinnell. MlJP'T of HbatH Dr. E. S. Foster. Notary Public V. L. McGhee Frauk .aton, N. C. 30ABD OF EDUCATION. N. Y. Gulley. Chairman, E. G. Conyers, 1. B. Massenburg, J. N llams, Secretary. ; . Tlie Superintendent will be in Liouis "arg on th second Thursday of Feb ruary. April, July, teptembt-r, Oct hiraud December, and remain for t!ire j davs, if necessary, for the pro pose of xa;ninin4 applicants to teach ii) the public schools of Franklin county- ' PRO F KSS ION AL CARDS Office in the Court House. v ll harness put in my hands will ivo prompt, attention. iLT'ranl COUNSELLOR at LAW. LOUISBUKa, FK.YtfEXtN CO..N. C. 11 attend the Courts of Nash, Fran'k-in. O-mville. Warren, and W alee CttH i4 KUIbO f ftfceti rPtpJp eoart of Nor th Carolina, and tne u . . Circuit and District Courts'. 11. J. E M ALONE. 7 in a Northern State; its vote ts " simply referred to as one of tne surprises of the day. We have seen where the Demo crats gained or held their own they did so in all the great eitie- of the country. Where did they lose? In the interior or agricultural dis tricts o.Ne.v York a:.J iu the agri cultural districts of the Northern and Western States. Tlie farming class voted tho Republican ticket. Iu New York they overcame the city Democracy. Iu Michigan, Wisconsin and Ivmsas, States Which are purely agricultural, and upon which the Democrats built high hopes by reason of the tariff issue, the Republic m majorities n- Creased, To say that these farmers voted for a protective tariff is to in- suit tneir intelligence. A protec tive tariff is nothing out a burden to the farmer; he derives no bene fit whatever from it. But those farmerst voted the Jlepublican. tick et. Because they had some vague idea that in some "way or other "protection" protects them ? No. Then why? ,Tbe? Landmark still sees in -'the result of the election more of the sectional issue than anything else. The great mass of the Northern peopledo not feel that" heSouth Nobtii Carolina, . . Executive Dhpartm tarr. God is recognized in tlie - Constitu tion of our bl ate, and should ever oe h mored as the Supreme Kuler of. the TJ inverse in the hearts of our people To him we are indebted for our coun try and, her mstiillutiona,-for civil and; religious liberty, for our holy religion and its adaptation to man's wnntsand happiness, together with the number less mercies and blessing - winch have crowned bur t'aiiy lives.". ' .. I, therefore, Alfred M. Scales, Gov ernor of North Carolina iu view of our dependence snd God's goodness, d hereby appoint. Thursday, the 21) th diy of Novomber , 1838. as a da M RiailKSgiviug nun pwwoe aim jl enrw- stly request the people of the State devoutly to assemble themselves to gether tn engage in IQ worship, to prai-e His holy uatue, and invoke lor us the perpetuity of our igstitutiocs and the continuation of His blessings; and while in discharge of these sacred fiuties, let us also contribute of our substance to the poor wnd needy aud widow and orphan, aud especially would I invoke the generosity, aud p ayers of the people for the Orphau Asylum at Oxford, where so many orphans are in training for life. Done at our City of Raleigh, this the 12th day ot November, 1S83, and in the one hundred and thirteenth vcar of our American icdereud- ' ml ence. Alei ed M. Scales the Governor: --' i C. II. ARMFIEL.D, ; Private Secretary. Xw.l Had not the . Wesuie-ilae a pretended that; hi.- eleotion would have a sort of :: tri umphal march. Hsw Utile truth W in this view lies upon the surface. Of .all -the; States of the Union, New Jerseyiand Conneticut would have most visibly revealed the ef fects of a "tariff scare" had it any existence. , The glass, earthenware, Woolen, cottou and iron and steel manufacturers of New Jersey art the indujtrie of the tariff-monger? d clarjd would be ruined by the Mills bill. Newark, Trenton, Pat-; terson, Camden aud other towns teem with workingmen in these in-( dustrie!; yet New Jersey has given ( to Cleveland a mjority almost, double. .that )f four years ago.j Such is the emphatic protest of ln, -dustriai New Jersey against the false cries of the tariff alarmists. Connecticut too. No State cf the Union surpasses Conneticut in the variety of it manufacturers or . in the intelligence of its working- men, ana nownere nas tne iarm issue been so thoroughly discussed.; Conneticut was included in the programme of the Republican man agers. When iishoueU appeals to to fear made no impression upon the workiugmen aud mechauics of Connecticut, efery means of intim idation and. device of corruption vere brought to bare upon them. But Connecticut has gloriously iu.- iherged from the tremendois as- Tlie Merry '. Maiden and the .Atlanta Constitution, ' j V.' TheRjchniond State falls into line. : .vitu the Constitution in its appeal to V-utliern people to patrouize home in- lastries. ' : ' -: DcoutemporarjiLjl (.o fay tliat the practice is too preva lent in ltichaioud of sending to di taut cities fir articles which are made at home. Richmond people, when the) want household furniture, dress goods. aa I various tbingi of use and. orna iueut, send off to New York 10 pur chase them, notwithstanding the . fact that all this merchandise' can be ob Uiued at the sam prices at home. To sume extent our merchants and manufacturers are to blame for this state of affairs. Many of them do not let the public know what they hav?, thd quality of their gooda and their pr e. In & word they do not adver tise judiciously But customers are somewhat to-blame themselves. Our contemporary eays of the Richmot d people: . v . ."Another and large class , of, Rich mond Loyers !s that which buyj. dry goods and notious by mail. TLis c'ass affords the big New York bouse Its extreme felicity. It buys goods in value trom 5 cents to oO, and is caught by the broadside ad vertue neu s iu the Gotham pa pel s, giving prices, aud closing witli the alluring caU-h- pirase, 'Orders by mail a siial'y.' fbis is a favorite method, by means of which New Yojk dealers unload sreat quautity of out of date or shop- : The' Editor rill sot b ' lii Q!bt ' for the vie s nf correspotrdents.'' Brief commnntioBB from 11 cc lions most carnetly bluite.r ' Nei temc of any nature will ins thinkfully celrel- - ' She was the. merriest before she 'struck' the tar. , Her spirits sank f s she beheld her new white. gown blackened by the tar. This tar helped a.waou xna instead iC helping ruu a ship. Just so a thowautr trivial arc!- df.nts anr1 neglected iuall tldnga" cake the merriment out of the lives of young girls aud maiden. Particular ly is this the case with diseases pecu liar to thir sex which lake so much enjoyment uud happiuess trom their life. However a runedy Is found in Dr.'Pierce's Favorite lreoriptin for all female "weaknesses" or imular ities, nervousness,' ' neuralgia, and uterine troubles. Ask your druggist. Dr. 1 ierce Pellets, or Anli-bilius Granule, have no equal. 25 cnts a vul; one a dose. Core headache, constipation aud indigestion. An evil deed has a witness in the bosom. IS CONSUMPTION 1NCURA RLE Bead the following: Mr. l H. Mor ri-, Newaik. Ark., mo: "Wis ddwn lt!i abste-s of Lm.gs,- .nd frif.ns. and iihrsici ins prnoancew tne as aa incurable consumptive. Beaa tak Wi lr Kins -New t)icovery for Cor.sumpiioit, amnnw vn ruy . th'rtl ottlrf aod able tu orris -e wurk in y-ari. ! Is tmr fliist u.ediLu , eviT mad -. : ' . - Jesse Mid llfwsrt Demtnr, Ohi.- fay:- it mt wen Tor Dr King a New DtH-ovty tor consumption i would havw dlel of Ijidtt Tr uhl. "Was i7en up by doctors. Am now. In st oc bealt:'. Try U. ' SampM botiKs free at Clifton' Drug Store. Ci tarr h cured, hta'th' and swee breath secured by hilth's . Catarrh Remedy. Prke 50 cents. Nasal In eclor free. For sale at Furiuaa's. Evil Is mended. soon done, but 'slowly iniectorf with each boi oh' catarrh remedy) Foe The upright never grows rich a hurry. In Piles ! Piles ! Itching Piles Symptoms iloistnre; intense itching ana stinging; mo:t at night; worse by scratchiug. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and njcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne'a Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ul ceration, and yi most cases removes the tumor?. At druggist, or by mail, lor oo cents.. Dr. Swayae a Son, Philadelphia., worn goods. Xittle Deeds of Kindness. D n t&LWTSi T Phasany;!riglU to part irrlthe ad Pot. DruglSjeyaajoiningDr. M iK&JZ-j. KliA 1 KlRa -v " - ' 1 - l ninit-iT t" r " nno fiv- The Republican E W TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW LOTJISBXTRG, C. OSBce he CourttHouseJ W A DAY DfiqdrCc5lli ernment. The Republican Presi- dentr all d welt with it upon that idea. Mr. Cleveland has treated it jactly as if it Were the equal of other section. He invited three Southern men into his cabi- A. C. ZOLLICOFFEB. t uenjiwmicu wul,Si' ""t.! sent mem us minisiera iu .oieigu 'bonttirand ;printedtneirirto places of honor and trust in Wash ington. The Northern mind re volted against (this treatment of Confederate brigadiers" and 1 felt toward the President that he was comDOunding a felony. ' Then came his veto of that father of all iniq cm A'JDTORNEYJJITAW..- in the courts of Franklin, Practice Vance.Granville, Halifax, and North i amp ton and the Supreme aud Fed eral courts of the State . .. A. HICKS, Attorney M Law & Hotan FnWic uitles, the dependent pension ; bill, OXFORD, N. O, akd -l T. HICKS. . Attorney at Law, HENDERSON N. C. Will practice. together in the counties Ol firanvillej Vance, Franklin and ;Varren, in all matters requiring their joint at ution. ;: :-;V-Jf . We hope by prompt, diligent and faith nl atentton to business to deserve .'and, cive a portion! the bur buainjbi of i sseotioa. which : practically;? provided for. quartering upon the public' treasury every man who saw service In the Union army during the war and is yet afive, and the relations of all those who are dead This act . an gered the Northern soldiers beyond expression and not only , the sol diers themselves and all the survi vors of those who are dead, but lhe familiei cf both the living aud Atlanta Journal. In conversation wit'i a number of srentlemen some time since Col. W.' H. Ilusley remarked : "Gentlemen, a little deed of kind ness will somettmes'go a long ways. When I -was quite a little boy Judge C H Strou kept a general merchandise store on Whitehall street, in the old McNj Uszht buildins. " I wanted to go hunting one day but had no ammuni tion and no money with which to pur chase any. I was ah aid t go-to my father for the money for fear he would put me to work, so i went to Judge Stronir an d sot him to credit me for tea cenl worth of am. nun i tion. I was the proudest boy m the world. Since that time I have been honored with a place, in the Legislature, was promoted to the rank of colonel in the Confederate army, and have been mayor of this great city; but none of those gr,at honors ever gave me half the. picas uretl experienced wheiJude Strong ci edited ' mo for ten , ceuts worth x)f armnnuitiou;"'-11 " "' ; V'D'd you ever pay him for it?' asked one of the gentlemen. ' I'll be shot If I . havn't whe.her I did or not,'' - ,We take this opportunity to inform the guileless la'dy purchasers of Rich mond that lhe big New York houses o ight not to delude them by any such ph:ase us Ve buy in large quantities and can arTortl to sell cheaper.' Can- the New York est abllslune. t whoso UJ b" ihtegrity.and her In-I ho.we rent &4'l2f000 a-yeav eU tor Tess than the Bichmoud mervliant, whose rent is $1,200 a year? And airain: . The New York merchant, if he has any sense, will know six months before hand just what style of goods a manufacturer will turn out the next year. That style may be very different from the prevailing style, aud anv ?oods on his shelves when tho n - next sty!e. arrives will be a loss, Hence. -his only hope is to offer 'promptly by mail."? " This applies to Atlanta aud other Southern cities. Many ladles and geu- llemen iu Atlanta make it a point to order their wearing apparel from New York. They buy almost everytbiug there; from a stove to a suit ef parlor furuimre. Yet, if they but Jcnew it, they could buy identically tho same things here and save money. Atlanta manufacturers and merchants can af ford to undersell their Northern com petitor, because they pay less here for reut. labor, and in the shape of taxes and other expenses. It is useless to urgo the patronage of onr local dealers from considerations of patriotism and friendship, but the appeal ought to have some effect when paople can.be madu to ee that they can-save money, keep it here at home and make this eutire region prosper ous.' This is the way to put it, We cad keep-the 'South poor by sending our hiouev North: we can. innke her lich by .iuiplv. keeping our money here aud trading with vach other. wmmm Eeet at oa . The LeadiBC KFregnmttlMMtbtgf FriceSSCU. 'Sold at ProgKteta. ' Anasil tie i f Shiloh sa e at Furnwn'. Tba Bv. Geo. fl. Thayer of Bour bou, Ind., says: VBth myrelf rknd . wile owe our lives to tihiloh'i Co a sumption Cure, Fr sals at for man Drug 8 to re. ' ' Shiloh cough "and ' consumption c ure i sold by us on a guarantee. ' it cures consumption. For sale at Pur man's. ; . ., -j.lt' ' Shiloh's catarrh remir A pnal tive cure for .aSartb,' ciptheila and canker month. t ' For sale oy v W. H. Furman, Jr. Hackme tack," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and SO xs For sale by Kurmio. Shiloh'a cure will immediately are lleve crotrp,whoopiug cough and Lxou chilis. For sale by Fuiman. . or dyspepsia and liver, compbtint voa have a friuted guuranle,oa .ev-, ery boUie ol Shiloh'a Yiulizer.. . It rtver fails to cure. "or sale at Fur mm'a. . . . .' . . ..,';, . ',. .' "DOYOucaTcnoii? ADOIl Curt tcwr Complaint, Costimcrtst, tiiiom Atlrmfgltt. S5.i telligence witli which-Tatiff Reform inscribed upon her banner. On the othor hand, while the greatest manufacturing centre in the country New.York aud Brook lyn rol.'ed op a majority of 70,- 000 for Cleveland and Tariff Be duction, this great vote was over come by increased ltepublican ma jority in the rural portions of the States. In agricultural Indiana the Democratic niajority was effaced, not bv tariff scare workmen, but bv farmers, who were indifferent to the issue of the campaign. Map ufacturing Chicago increased its vote for Tariff Reform by sevenv thousands, while the Republicans Grained in the farming districts of Illinois. In Philadelphia, the see- on I manufacturing centre In .the United States, the Democrats have gained 21,000 vote3 in four, years, and the Republican V majority has fallen off. more than 12,000 from the majority of Blaine, while the interior agricultural counties of Pennsylvania, lhe Republican ma j jr ities have swollen. These facts and many more of the same tenor demonstrate that, so far as the workingmen of the country are concerned, the tariff ghost has been pretty effectually exercised in one campaign of dis cussion. It would not be eay . to carry on another national contest upon the fallacy that the Ameri can consumers do not pay the high duties that are levied upon raw materials and ailicles of necessity; This much giound, at least has been gained. So far from furnish ing any occasion for dlspondency, the situation is in the highest .de gree encouraging to the friends of Tariff Reform. Revolutions against abuses in legislation profitable to powerful class interestfind; fcrfeit- - TlnUUi4 Chick 4kL tm BecetuU ks mmU(1 tt. Wet tk oiU mttmt " FaXka," ks mtakt kr rrmorW vntk eowat tr ' -1 nsUid tkat bdl." What m tkU I'ttU cl frek from kit tkfiUmA viUwwt ny ipeiai inH Ikmtfromhlr.or ilrt. Ckick. attrmwt liutamt lo tkatkual ItuUntt. QviUrigkt. Now, m frienA, fiM vmr iMSttnct mmd ymk m toil" akdltkom.mmdyowUlvutrtMltktpm tke cMck it miakUii fur ' - T J. C. HUTSON & CO3 Fixriiitiire Stoir - wDUToouxiiivmoni . " P.1RLOR SUITS ? V v 4 forgotten 4 -' i. ;The prevalence of malaria jn .large Vections 'of country where,' until recent ly,. it has never, been .known, is . not easy of explanaion. i(flf : yoii are a sufferer, it will be 5more iuteresting to' y ou to kn aw how to get well. " A few doses of-Shallenbcrger's Antidote will do the work, and do it immediate ly. tThe mediciue ii prompt in 'de- strdyiiig the poison; -and always safe even'; for youug children. Sol J by uruggists. - c.- - ELECTRIC BITTERS. ed bv ancient class prejudices aud V - w party traditionsjVannot-be-aceo m- plished in a year and a day .-Bat, sooner or later and sooner raj her than later -this revolution will be gloriously "consuuiated ia 't a thorovg:9Yisioh .'jr;,' th existing systein of tariff - spoilatldn.Phil; -" 'V bi it.x-i::-,I-HHli i au,- -, Record.. r .i v- ...1-.'S sMiini A -Th'a remedy is b: coniine so well known and so -popular as to need no spec.al mention.'. AU . who used Electric Bitters sing the Varna song Of praise A purer medicine doea not 1 . . ja't. k 4 J.. ull eXlbfcttUUlL UKUUIDIiCVU v UU that is claimed. Electric Bittc will cure all diseases of the liver and kid ny "HI reraqve, pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections oaasea oy impure blood. U ill - drive.imalana from the system aud prevent as well allure all malarial fevern. For cure of headache, constipation and indiges tion trr Elretrio Bit ers. Eatire aat- isfaotion guaranteed, or money re- funde J-Prico 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at J..B. Chiton's drug store. . Dr, Bull's ;Baby Srup Tis In ,good demantl; everybody speaks veil pf :it; The; price i ouly.2$ tenUJ:.:' "My time is op,' said the doctor to the " patient, whom s he- found '.! using Dr. Bull's Ccugh' Svrup, aud he was correct for his cough had been cored. ' Riches are often) abused::. but ever refused. - -" . "Alas! Alasl" the duda exclaims, ft!.-. . . n .1ani4.p nil L 1 T'iA nnt ntlllL 'Don't fret,'i said ma',' for- whom he had sent! ,'! bave I some Salvation Oih" :'. " : Persons of sedentary pursuits are predisposed - to const!i)ation; such persons should always use, Xaxauor, which insures safety against cousi.iia- tion ond all of its uVastnous conse quences. Price only 25 coots. . lALVATiOM iL Pri nit 25 CU. Sold bj oB iruqghtu Will nllere Rheumatism, flearaljta, Swt1!ingsrv!i6S,Lumbago,Spniins, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Cuts, Scalds Backache, Wounds, Ac. LAMQl'S nUCS. Th9 Ortt Tobacco Mm CHEW tiaoflPrljllQ CtM. AtmUdrrnggUtk. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of J. W. Ilolden. notice is hereby given to all persons owing said estate to come for ward and settle at once, and persons holding claims against the said estate will present them tor payment on or oe fore the 29 of October '80, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. x. tr. rAKtr,, Adm'r Oct. 29th 1888. OT1CE. : ' ITavinj qualified tiiis day as Executor ot Jan. . Thomas, dee'd. all persons ' in debted to the estate ol said testator are notified to make immediate psyment, and persons bolding claims against sam es tate will present the same for payment on cr before the 25th of Oct. 18i, or this Uotice will be pleaded In bar ol their re covery. . -h j. . .THAaiaoioir, i-iecuwr, oi ; John E. Thomas, deoeaed. Oct. 22,1888.-.- " , i , - SALE OF VALUABLE REAL. ESTATE; Bt virtue of authority to me in a' ded la trast from. C.J. Crodup and E. A Cro dup. recorded in the Kegisters office of Franklin county in book 67, page 103. 1 will sell on Friday the lUth day r De cember '88, at public auction at the Vourt House door in Franklin county. th fol lowing tracts of land situated in aaid county ot x rauann, ana to me convrjri in sa.a deed in trust: First treet lies ia Dunn's township, and is bounded ou the North by the lands of W. S. Harris, oa the East by the lauds ol lira liutha Fearce, and on the west oy tbe land of Paul fearce,- James . Baker and . others, same being , known as - the Crndup mill property.--, s j. J.: ' oeconu tract lies in- wwutuip, and is bounded on the North by the lands nncd bv'the late W. D. piry, on the Eaat bv the lands of F.J. Cooley, on the a, M 1 . I . . .at Ik. south toy tnianoa oi we . ax. u- Frecraan.'aud on tba Wert by tu lands l Nat Jontr, conUiaing 397 acre more or lesa. t , ... -. ., ... - .-- - - All persona will take notie that the undersujned claims, as trustee, all crop of every kind on said lands, and all ir sons are forbiddea t remore,v el', pur chase or in any way interfere . with aaid Brocatelle Silk Parlor Suits . $63.50 Silk I'lush Parlor Suits from. 150.00 - , to 803.50 Silk Plush Sofa SW.OO Sdk Piuau Divan . ,;,1C50 .... ,r . . , BED ROOM SUITS.: Poplar Chamber Suits from $22.50 to ,30X)8 Oak Chamber Suits 53-50 Waluut Chamber. Suits from f37.50 to 60.00 Walnut Bedsteads from 8.00 to 12.00 BEDDING. i llair Mattresses, Onest quality f25.00 Pine Uair iiatressca from '$5.00 ,,. . to 8.50 Cotton Hattreses from 5.00 to 8.00 Straw cr Shuck, ' Cotton Top.., & DINING ROOM.' f i Walnut Extension Tables 10.W Walnut Extrusion Tables ' ; 11.5ft Walnut sideboard ' $29.00 loiTM Poplar sidboarda , : 3 ; if 1 10.00 . - CABLES, . Drcp Leaf Tables.; . 12.75 CeutreTabha $2.00 and 2.50 Au ique Oak Centre table s j 4J Chtrry centre tables - ' - - . 7;00 , iCOAIRS. Split Seat chairs . : . (.ommon woou cuairs . .- Cane a -at chair i j . ; Oak dia'uig tliirs . 1.00, $1.15, $l.r.tt i if- ' f ' : -Kt I C n. V T T . Ai TC XT' ft TT S li . Car e, f.r reiceaiuis thiiri; LOCOtVflLOO Sinlelat beds f'. l"t' --'&2 Woveu-wireilattreases ; . '.50 tVardrolH'S , : aJOXK) and CLildn u'a Rockers and; UlKhCt'tnrtr "C '75o, $1.00 and Sr,50 EabyBasket Cjirriagta, with 1 aiawolo : . . . ... jo.ijo. $.00 and $ltr,U ' Hall Stands - r ' . - $12.00 and 315.50 rNihs, tin or wire, Lounges fiom' . liaiiimk ci airs; . Lea-V eai frm" hL ta i Is from "$7D0.to. $16.50 ;i $3.00 and. 5.0U ; '$2.00 lo 12.10 " a i rn rl f. crops. -!..--.....- ; : Time of sale, 2 .eloek p m. ; i Terms of sale. cash. ... ' . i J. N. HOLDINO, . . Trustee. Baleigb, C. CKt. 2Cth 1888. era Vom the country wfil ,'V pr -pt kllention.' . Lette rs, ul r,V.ieriully and promptly, an-: f Oi c U - SWu.. :"5 - r ;t it x So. 12 East Mait!nSt.,"betwe Ba.ktt aud Woolcott Stwrc. r