V.-sj' . ''JjL;;? rc--";:-? ;:v',-;.i(. i-i,-;'.-,-.., . 1 " 1 i ' , i i , . IT ! PUBLISHED JCiVEBY FBIDAY BY 1 JAMES AyTHOMAS, Ed i tor and Proprietor. i li JlT ES t ' V. '':..-.;"' .;je Tear . r;.l.. sic .donfchs '..-ir'"-js "f-;.. X, To Clubs of 5 Tub Times will Absolutely Rure; This powderever varies.? A raartel If nritv-, j strength and rholesomeneiA. Hore "economical than the ordinary kiudi, Hnd cartnot be sold in competition with llie multitude of low test, short weigltt alum diphosphate powdera. SOL.D osiir in cakS. EoyA Baking Powdkr Co. i "IOC all St. N Y. General Directory. f aoUISBURG. N. C, I CHUlitJIIES. ! r f f MuTiibDiST E,eV." A: McCullen. paster ervicrts every Sunday, morning ai night. ;Jfrayer mcung every eanesaay ju,'ht. uuday school 9 o'clock A. M. f BaptKT ltev. r-iylns Cade, pa- or. Services tst and 3rd Sundays in ea iuo ith, n ming ana ngnt. rrayer me a; every rn'rsart.y night, aunaayocn S j'ulock, A. M " ! VIayoIr O. L. Ellis : t-s ir.RfiTho. white. F Co STABLER. 'D.Piun!!.' - . I Board jneeta Friday before in each month. nrst Monda-sLL FRAJSKLJN COUNTY. Commissioners tJ A. Nash, ch'mnM S. Superior CoartClerk W. J. King-i-,--Register of Peed B," F. Bullae,. V T.easu;rerB. P.Clifton, S ij).;rihteudeut Public Instruction . N. H.iirris. r '; I ; A Keepei- Poor House--T. W.Pinnell- Supt ov Heath Dr. E. S. Foster. . Notarvf Public Sr. L. McGhee Frank- 3DA11D OF EDUCATION. N. Y. jGulley. Chairman, E. d. (ohyers, H. B. Massenbarg, J. N. Uirns, Secretary. -'. T ie Superintendent will be in Louis urg ori the second Thursday of Feb naiy. April, July, SeptemWr, Oeti b ;r an l Decernber, and " remaiu fof th re divs, if necessary, for the I pur p tse of Vxi nlnin applicants to teach !m the pubUc school of Franklin coun- y. ! ... PRO'b-KSSlOSAL .CARDS U ATTORlry C .' P . C; a, fit 54S. LouwairiURW fe.sa. OfSoe in the Court House. 1! hasttioM putin myhatd6 viil re ;eivc prompt attention." iiTr an 1 ;OUNSEnLOTtat tAW. L0rjI8bUBO,'crit akkw-co. c. t AV 11 attend thef Cogrta apt ,Nasb Frank in 6vileV' WafrWiWd W.ike Gounties also the Snpieme court of Nor th Carolina, and the U . Circuit and District OourU. ? JHcai oorrTelrrutfrmtir Cooke's iDruflt Store.4 aUToiatag Dr .0. B. W iTIMBERLAKE, J 1 j .y ?. r .; ...4 ,. ATTORNEY AT LAWJ LOUISBTJRO, W. C. 0i5ee he .Court HotweJ r r . w A. !lAY Da.y & S. . O. aQLIilCOFFER . CJL, ATTQ BN" K r4; AJL AW. ; Practice in the courts of Franklin, Vaace,jran7ille, llalilar, and North la nptoa and the Supreme aui Fed eral courts of the State - Al HICKS, imin Law & MarxPffiia OXFORD, N. C AND TJHICKS, Attorney at Law, TT P.vnup o A V v n ' pfan vil Jje, Vanee, Fran klin 'add Warren, Ill lltAtl.a AMA4k :n.lu.AHIl4lAl A. " in all matters requirinctheir joint at sntion Uqpe by prompt, diligent and faith il at' '-uMvn to business, to deserve lana eive a portion of ther- Jaw ' Ju3inS8 ': KSeetlnn . , - r w ! f royal f stsat j ,;. XI I "' J. A. THOMAS, EdltorsmiiJeropriotDrsaci.TH malice THfTPERAfiCEnPfl08LEM. m AND COMMON SEHSE7 preparing a bill to be reported "at Al jpany in aue lime. , - - ; Theubject;bf tempaoee is always; xx thjarpeti ' NoJ)ddy x denies its importance, ueiiher the nor the liquor dealer. cUfgyiuari otUf(ccrUrsefivunessJs a crime- oeause n debauches, the Tmily. politic, taxes us for the support of peual ia- siituUoos aal breaks up trie home, wh:cU.;i8 the. aairof I civilization and fCither holdirlg daffa otlauiplifost or rui'uin tKroiB utae w.hu a Keeu eje Tor the perquisites. ; Admitting everything that has been aid tir both wise men. and, fools about intemperance iho question' wiiich Lis dinned into our ears like an exaspera ting and irritating blare of trumpets, is " vVhat car y.m do about it?" not v hat would you like to do about it?" It is what can you do about it 7&cjeY''& governuie t swhose policy ;i is tfeS l6ersvwftri live atr "Fifth avertfienjiie siae streets and in the tenement 1lrictil-. by, j.Ie ' educated" aud the uneducated, the religious, the unreligious uid the irreligous ? . .. AH these pcSpfe Ql equal rrfghts j whether they. have good judgment or only prejudices, a high moral stand ard Oi" no moral standard at all. V.v. ery nianj.of twrn lias 'a .dtjW' aud the' . ,, ZZZZUJtZi -oesr-tawyyuu carrtyreriope-ior pon der this statement,' for it rests oq hard p.iu are those vhijh strike a fair av .'t;rage.' 'OThat is to say, laws which no tigtjgrant all tirestri jtions ..Jihat the best ; elmenti, thin V desirable nor all ithe lloense tlj.it the wors.t elements would demand if theydared to. Tlie prrthib ti list have tried their hand and uot only, sho?n that they. 'can do nothing practical.' but that t-iey 1 .deKberately and with malice atore-' j thought iiiterfere" with effijie it reform. 1 That is a rough statemeut, but it is true. ' - 'i .- - X J': z ' Tlicy liave adopted the policy of the impossible. Ganeral Fisk's party is Ukj Quixotic pirly in politics. : His constituents don't believe in their own priuciples, or at any rate havu't the backbone to stick to tlem." Thay are sentimentalists, with unbounded clo- queuce, a purity of motive that h is never been doubted and a most as tounding ignorance of human nature. They deserted their colors in, the last election. After deno ncing the repub licans' in terms that bdered5nfen- zVittiev Vaterl "almost s"rilidlv tfie re- iublican fickeC "ithetallirig off orthe prohibition poll was one of the signifi cant facts, if not one of the humors, of the campaign, fot it reminded us of the 6id farmer .who aidrae wasMfdr tlie law, but agin its execuliou. Ther) are, then, two horns of the dilemma from which to choose no oreIivaHi''yJnral'i-enperae' work the i prohpjitiooists have counted themselves "'out."5 Unless they can have every tbingjhey will Jliave niJth- tfi and rmteSphey?MirhaT j; the Ivhoie t bea vea at i pi&e! thejM preier? You can have a . nominal license which gives intemperance full swing, o: a IukIi license which restricts it. lPlhmmj)$jf this questiou we leave" to others., The pulpit will Jake thai up and discuss it butter than we can. euc were is a purejy - uusmess t'Sted.' ftn"!., .JKT'Jiw. Ili"i trtilil'inrr :w forty thousand dollar solioblhbuse." The nee'! of it was felt hJiigjagoj .but the money couldn't be had;; High ; Ai-; cense fetched it. '' Now, if 3ou' wilt; cat your eye over fiat thriviuac city you will discover two things, both of them the result of high license first, a new schoolhouse, and, second, a de create in the number1 of saloons by about fifty per cent. Rather iuterest in J fav to thoseV:i:jl: .; . Out in Pjaterson the ""proceeds from high liceuse have enabled the authori ties to lav aside thirty thousand dol lars to pave one of the priucipal streets, .besides, the numner of sa Icons has"; beeu material'.y decreased;: 4f Now;' Ne vfl Yorlc is" greaUjr lacking in school accommodati us." 1 It 1 is . a crying evil and one that should be remexlied instsntly: - How shall these buildings be paid for? ' Our streets are in a wretched condi- on." priyc fasler than a j trot through soraeof them -and" your velii daiil groaivai' everjjl joint aodvat last go 'all to pieces "from sheer exhtus tion. It costs pili of money to keep ibem ior- idBTuhd'$fit1gQ$d streets' arer a prkne Necessity TJMi'ailA I There are a thousand and one other imprQvemenjsery murhneeded, but where U the monpy to come fropi? Xewark and Patersoii jean answer thatquestion. Iligli liceise wiiryild all we want. Nobody is hurt, intem perance is checked, the people who J enceV the trumber ' - bi loon s? -; Wfll bkt i de reused and the authorities will - have fuuds enough to make repairs and keep the city in tipt p order. A little ' le3spura r sentimeiit - and gush Mdag('KkU'iTekLr4Qre ' commiri' eense will enable us to handle thfs temperance problem in a way to satis fy every right minded citizen T . BSllfcM i ii I H - Nine years ago the Legislature of thii State recognized the propriety of he emploj-inent of compete fffTelnale physicianjs to have thTcare -of femaIS uatieniTirj tlie'Stale'hospitaU fbr the insane by authorizing the mans and trustees of State hospitals, to em. 'ploy them.- Under .- the . authority - of this act thisjias been donj in the hos pitals at Hamaturg : aril 'Norrittowo and at the Ulockle Hospitaii' with van tageou results. There are lea sons wby ; competent" women ehoald havethe care of women patients: that ar so feuggestivtf as to prelude the.ne- cvssity of. statement." ' The late - grati fyinsi adiauce madelu ..'the instruction -bf - womeuat - the medical colleges, their admitted proficiency in their pro fessinn, and the number of gridaat s. mate it nnpossiuie to excise tne re vtetatiou f male physicians for thi patlicuiarjwoi-k" "on anyvther;"grtjutid tea rocte l pref rence i J which bars th'3 way to a proper an 1 needful charigje. jThe cure-tf ;,insane patients, is uot so much a matter of medicine4 as of care. Women have always been the most lender, watchful and trust worthy caretakers.,. They are nurses by natural gift; and wben sucli capac ity is supplemented by proper medical irain'ma, tfieir care and skill combined is precisely adapted to successful hos pital' work. Th3 proof afforded of the value of professional female assist ance in the hospitals which have taken advantage of legislative permission is now so cumulative and satisfactory as to warrant such an ameudment to the act of 1879 as would compel the au ihorities having "cliarge of the Dix raon Danville and Warren hospitals to eecure the services of skillful resi dent tferu tle physiciaii to have the medical care of female patients. The hospitals are State iostituuons and the prejudice of their trustee should no longer be aUowed to stand in the way of a change which would be an ameil oration and a beneficence .fully in ac cord with the popular desire aud with the opinion of experts in the treatment of lunacy. l'hila. Record. . p -t -t . Clay isf l?oyerti Ftillzeii, In Virg nia and the south, where the log cabin and the stick Chimney are familiar objects, . most observ ant . farmers must have noticed, where such a chimney has been pulled down, that the soil becoaaes remarkably, li iable and fertile. And yet few, perhaps, have paused to inquire tlid reason for it. . Now the cause, apart from . , the presence of soot which is a - power ful fertilizer, lies in the fact 'that i)urnt clay is a good fertilizer. By baking and .burning and smoke drying clay , looses its ; adhesive quality, aud so breaks up. and inains-eruiiibly and friable, and its Sillini elei9e$ts 'urlBlfree Jd made soluble.'' Hssldes this, the burutl and ; broken particles ,ab soro ammonia, aitriauti carbonie- acids, &c, which jieldur;u?hmeut rt,l,.i v it- yid-1 i ' Lius iuipurmui;xe.iuit ui .uuriU'i clay haif uot tieeff utalized' Vr the extenij inaii n Buouiu.nave-, oeen. jtiis'ket.Vtliatcould fields be subject superficiailyf ".ioio ft powerful heat Hie ": quality'4' of ; th& sou wouiu .j-oeL'jrewiy faropro vea. For gardens, vTviiieyard.T orchards aud '!plalitswof u ih&ltTMi&ls'. would i not seem to be 'a difficult task. If such ground were 4 ---w-u .m n- n l m jj-.:. ... n n it 11 TOWAitD nqsk-, with chaiuty for'all". .. ytmCE $1.50 first ridged so as to expose i a good Ileal of the clay suisoll,' and then covered over with a dense layer of Drusti or wciiseasocea wood, sucu. as eld pine rails, 'and IMs materml sat On' 'fire 'and -consumed on the land, the heat would have beeo suf ficient lo pulveriztta good' deal of i. , " . . ' . i . ine ciay, anu maKQ it - inaoie and adhesive. In .this way a good per- cenl. 6f tho clai f the soil jjwould be permanently freed of its tena- ceous quality; its inert elements re- ie9uu nvi bu iuau iuure lcrmr. and "certain V thb addition of the ashes would be no Injury, fortheseJJ oa,;tjifndwtorepdt r a tenaceous olTJes$ idtfesiy. J Clay might be borned Id klfosi the same as shells, and.ihis iPlieti to close.soils to reHdt4hein iaoie fopen and pro ductive. It Is believed a fe'v fcdol laijs invested in burned clay would ofted yaya3 well as the Kitme laid Out V for ii fertilizers. Petersburg (Va.) Index-Appeal. UiijustPrejaclice Ajraluat Law T yera. There is ajvery unjust and inde fensible prejudice iu Nerth Caroli na: against the lawyers. We do not stop to trace the'eause of .this au- tipathy, but lt.exists. The reci nt canvass was made in this Stale .-by lawyers and good has been" done by J their united la-, hors. We cannot undertake to enumerate them they are so many. Many gentlemen made two r a half dozen speeches in their sec tions who were nott candidates but lawyers. In a word the canvass was made almost entirely through out the State by lawyers. Ther'.was"'Sver1aliy:8e'i)sl;tn uVer prejudice against the legal gentle uen.The Star i a people's paper as all whojwuow vho have taken the pains to read it carefully for some time. It stands by the inter est of the people always'. It there fore thinks it ts doing the people good in trying to remove an un just prejudice asaiast a class. The lawyers of every age have usually heen the staunch friends of the lib erties of the people. An examina tion of English and American his tory will reveal to the student the fact that the noblest and boldest of the defenders of civil aud xeligous. liberty have been the" lawyer of the two countries Patriotism, is partial to uo calling or profession, but is common to all classes of Englishmen and Americans. But there have been no truer, more ar dent, more aelf sacrificing patriots than those who have been known as lawyers. An upright, honorable, truthful, well eauinned lawyer is a necessi ty in every town or community. They are generally the ;only per goTiCh aire well I fled to d ra w DmVhitenaetjudteioua laws. A Legislature without a lawyer in it would blunder "from 'day iq day: and unless they could employ .out side help their laws for the most part would be extremely defective. We would not be eurprisert If the next Legislature did not feel - the need of good legal talent before it got through with its '' labors. A man is not to be preferied rfor -t of fice because lie is a lawyer, and he ought not to be excluded ' for the" same Insuffleient reason. Star. In a nursery w Jiereiu all is, . life and laugh'in!tead of crying aud fretliog, there is sure to be found Dr. Bull's; Baby Syrup- Price 23 ceuts a bottle. tfe'aa thinVarry. whei TBuf teriuff with Ineadacher Lax -dor v will banish Vliis A 'disagreeable ' aiim ent. Price only 25 cents a package. ; Rev. Dr. Bell, Elitor ot the Mid . Qontliient,'Kinsas CityMo says' ; in Jtsjs;bfQct.,,A8t,38S7: 9 t. Ill M to hty believe 1 that Dr. Shallenr Je'pfBochester, Pa. has : au6nie remedy for iever and ague.r - A,, geny Itjeman, iii qtir employ iujerei ; grea ft ffjnT rrialarla, and t ried many "reme" dieXto.po purpoe;twh6u, 'seeing1 rthl ANTIDOTE'' advertised, triedi it, wa$ imiaediately relieved, imd uj finally cured. This was two years since and he has had no return of h".s trouble. ; lhe Nubile SehooT System; VlCarthage; : lllade: ' r. This Is a subject which jye - cod aider thoroughly ripe for discussion, and onevhich we have' some time beeni Intending , to- touch upon, and no belter time ha , ever; been presented for bringing this .matter before the public than now the-l eve of a session of. the Legislature. : 9ur school system Bince the war has attained gigantic propotions. The fund has grown from ' nothing in 1876 to more - than $000,000 in 1887.' This immense sum is appor tioned according to school popula tion among all.the children ofs. the state, both white and black, equal ly.1 But our main purpose Is ti show who'bears the burden of Xhis tax. Of the 600 thousand collected last year, the whites paid about $570000 of it, while the negroes paid ouly about $30,000, "aud , yet they derive as much If not more benafit from it than the whites. Is this right, is this just? We ask every white tax payer. Most cer tainly not; It is an outrageous im osition upon the white people of the State, and we raise our protest against a further continuance of it. We ask is it right for us to be forced to educate a lot of "savages", as judge Russell calls then, when they are our bitterest toes? We get no thanks for this -"tagnificeut gift to them. jq the other hand, tiiey, in every election, solidly array themselves against the white aiau and his best and dearest inter ests. Tuis shows how much, they love us. They don't know, the meaning of the word gratitude. JtJut. yecu not meau- that' we -pi pose the negroes being educated. We desire that they all be educated if it will tend to elevate them and better their, condition, but in as much as tney worK and vote antago nistic lo us. we sav let them pay for their own education. This is but right, but of course the negro will disagree With us. They think we should be made to educate their own children, while thousands of strapping negro V bucks over lhe country loaf around and pay no lax at all, nnu live off the whites as best they can. This matter should be thorough ly investigated by the next Legis lature, and some relief be given he "vhite tax-payers; thsy are tired of carrying this burden. We are expecting much of the next legisla ture, and we hope a remedy of this evil will be one thing. We would like to bear from the brethren of the State press on this subject. . The best cure for ' rheumatism o neuralgia is Salvation OM, used accord.' ing to direction. 25 cts . , Tiie news from the seat of war is constantly contradictory, but not so from Dr. Bull's Couh .Syrup; every report concerning it proves it to be the best Cough byrup kuowu . Only cento a bottle. 25 j "TnETilADOXN'A AT 1 HE TWB." ' fll. whom Mis Phelps wrltesjras'a gen nine specimen of health aud streugth." Ahe doubtless anderstood and appreciated the matchless qualities of Dr. Pierce's FaroriU Prescription whicit relieves and curerso many ailments peculiar to the sex. As a powerful, invigo.stiog tonic it imparts strength to' the whole lysteiu, and to the womb and ita appendages.- in particular. For overworked,. , worn-out. ran-dowft, debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, shop-girls, housekeepers, nursing mothers, aud. fee ble women generally, 'Favorite Prescrip tion istbe greatest eartniy boon, bein nneqnalled as an appetizing cordial an restorative tonic. s BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE Tliebest salve in the world for cut, bruises, sores,-ulcers, salt rheum, fever .sores, letter, cnappca . hanu,: eliilhlains, corns and all skin eruption and positively cure piles, or uo , pav required. ".It is guiranted torsive perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed Price 25 cents per box. ' ' ' i For sale by J. B. Chiton. S f Br virtue ot a power contained in a mortgage deed executed by Luke Taylor and AJahssa Taylor bis wife, -to me, regis tered in, ffiee of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county, in Book 64. page 243, ,.l wilt on Monday.-the 24th dar of Decern Der 1883. aell to the hiehest bidder at the court house door in the town of Louis burcr. for eash: all the interest that said Luke Taylor and wife have in the tract of land described in said mortgage deed,.' ' Nov. 19, '88 , VTM. Rcdd, C. JL Cooke, Atty. Mortagpe. PEE ANIU llln Advanco NO.: 46 STATEMENT " ThfsThows the number of meet ings held by the . Commissioner of .Franklin County N. C, from De cember the lt, A. D 1887, , to. De cember the 1st A. D, 1883, and. the rer, Diem and Mileage received by each member of the Board, during thotime. , J -e ..i; -. r , , : : v . . 1 Number of meetings held, 31. . - r, ..C, A.' Nash, Chairman. Attended 30 meetings at 2.00 ( per day. Traveled 02 mi 19 l at i cts. per uiile. Making . for same. $6-1.60 ' . F. P.-pfERCs ',. . Attended 31 liieetincs at $2.00 per day. Traveled 830 miles " : . at 5 cts. per mile. Making for same. - i : $1030 8. J.' Crddcp Attended 29 meet I ng! at $2.00 per day. Traveled C86 ' miles at 5 cts. per mile. r Making for same ' $02.30 U.-B. Footeh Attended 31 meetingsat $2.00 per day. Traveled 293 miles at 5 cts. per mile. Making for same $76.90 W. B. Uzzle Attended 30 meetingsat $2.00 per day. Traveled 320 miles at 5 cts. per mile. Making for same $76.00 tJoMMissioNERs Office, ' ' LOULBBURG, N. C. In accordance with law, I, B. F. Bullock Jr., Clerk ot the board of Commissioners of Franklin County .North Carolina, do hereby certify that the above H a true statement for the year ending November 30th, A.D. 1888, of the amount of claims for Per Diem and milea -e of the members of the Board of Commissioners of Franklin county N. C, audited by the said board of Commissioners. .. . , B. F. BuLiiOCK Jr., . Register uf Deed and x-fficio Clerk-o" Ibe BoaTtirl It is sweet to live, but oh I how bit ter 10 t e troubled with a cough, day and niht. Dr. Bull' Couglt. Syrup, however, i a ture remedy 25 -eats. I cannot siug to-oig.:t? My throat is sore." "Of course vu havn'l tried S Uvaxion OJ f"., , No," - "Then get it, aud you'll sing like the birds.1' Never promise invre than can be done. Laxador has been --uccessfully run on this principle. For sale by all druggists. Price only 23 vents. A royal heart is often hid uuder, a tattered cloak. Catarrh- cure I, heaUh a nd swee breath seen re 1 by -hiloh's (Jatarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal In--er" or free. For n ale a: Fu rmau's. A fool is like other men as loug as he is silent. Piles ! Piles ! Itchiiijr Piles ! Symptoms Moisture; intense itching and stinging mon at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore.' Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, Leals ul ceration, and in most eases removes the tumor. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Sway tie a Son, Philadelphia. - It is hard to dean after a uurgardly husbandman. r " BENEWS HER TOUTn. , . Mn. Phoebe ('heslcy, Pt-terson, Clay , 01. , Iowa,, tells " the following remarkable otory, the truth of which m vouched for by the reaideut-J of. the town : I am 73- vHr old, and have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for m iny . year! . could not dress mvself without help. Now I am free from, all p tin and , sorene, and am able to do ill my own house work lowe my Jthiuka to E eclrio Bitters forhwmgrenewd my youth, and removed, completely ail diseae anil pain."-'-"- ; ' - t - ' : Swttt m foal . ,fnortutt!lattUgt .. Tna Leading' PxicaSSCts. Sc3 4 t Dnigsista. Cures UoerCemptalat, Ccttifcneii, iiiotS . Ajftctiona, Litidinuu Atdniggitt. S.5. 1 Price cn!g 25 Ci. Selibj 3 imltiu V Will relievo tkeuaathzt, Jourafgla, SwrtllngsJIruisesjMabajcJprains,, Headache, Toot&acha, Soros, Bums, Cats, Scalds, EaclachB, Uour.ds, c. ftuettf LAHGE-8 PIUGS, The Crrrt TobcKcelim LnL a &47ttlfTle$ 10 Cts. AteJt druijglit mi THE ;FKANKfcltTIMi ;TUB TlMs U.UieoIes'uewsev' pnblished in Frankjic couuty, and jtj "1 ' circulation exteudat.il over "veiy scc tka ol this aud '.adjoining ,cvuntie . ; Adverti&ers should make a note l.ere. 1 '-f " i Th Editor wilt uot be iBjjoqbllt for the vie w bf orrespoudfqvi,; o-.' r ; i Brief eommnn'catiUi frorrDallitc-j, , tiona most earneU j eolicitod '2tew u i ? tems of any natnee wOJ be tbaakfcdly . , cwaveU -r.T .' "i ; t il .;sv ! j f n j u, .-j is COMSUill'lIU jNCUUABLS-'V ; Read the follow iufc :Mr.-C.: lit Mor t " iu,N-.waktArk.l ?;Wj- jiowt.: with Bu.ai , of Langs, ind . friends -- -i.d pdybicians prruuhce iiia,aV.jLa,7r " incarablo conauniptive.' ' lafci'J ' ing Dr. KjUi Zs-y , Pit-overj! ' Coi.sampii(n, am now on .rny .third . bottle, aud able to ovcra,-e '"Ao'rioti -my arm.- It ra: the ' linest',4u-ci.lo,I - Jesse Mtdclewar.DecuiurUla,, say: 'Had it liot bevu for Jjr. King s' New ''Discovery "lor CoVifcuViVwoU' l"1 would have d.ed- of Lnog TruU.r r , Wa3ji7en ui bj-.doouni4 .-j Am t . 1 m i; st oi healt y Try n, flirupl botde Iree nttlifton'a Drug feture.3 - ' A nasil injector free with,ich'6at''f tie U SliUoh'atrrh ,reu3edjr4-JFai;'j sa e at Furmau's,. , , , .... The Res. Ceo. d. Thayer of. Jioar . J bon, Ind., says: -Roth inyelf ,'Knd,', wile owe uur lives K:tihiloif 't"onf siimpt'um Cure Fmt tale aJfuruu-.vfl' . Drugstore. . ., ohiloh's cough and consumpUor cure is sold by us on a guarantee. -''Ii " . currs conaumpuoc. . For anlaratFtir-A'l . .man's.. ? i ;; j t, . 1 5 I..U p,iv Sailoh's catarrh remedrA pcsU live cure fof ;atarib, d:ptUru kajia 4 canker mouth. J For sale' by 'V.- IL'it : Fairnun, Tr . i o ..t v.-di I tailf .'.1 , Hackmatack,' a lasting, aadf fruuii grant perfume. Pii-e 25 iwili 50. ta.- ' For sale by FurmaUr ' 3.4 Sbnoh'seure-'Vili'JmmetefeirrP111 : lieve croiip,whoopiugcmghitadbWfnJdi chilis. .For sals by Furaan. -rf (nU ? F or dyspepsia and liver,; com plain, tm r , yoa kavea primed guaran,e8? ,ev eiy bottLi ot SliilohV YitalizVr'. ''It icverfal'.s to cure. ' 4'6M:ile"at'ifttY9l min's. .illir.f 1 f'DOYUUOuTCIlOIl?,, t TTk Aid tin lUiU ehUM Mudumr tn tJ'lA id ta i-gaayis ' trunl ifecauM M 4eant U. iax i.s kuw .. - aOa," M might hatw rmorkti ettA frai !' IMrtAa aUt." auiU tM-t-W e . , . IrmK h Af a an4 vnt&wt n ivruil n$, tin Jrrmiir.or Mr. OUcctimuiflaiMMUA lowtiatbuat Instinct- t(itt riyKt. Knc. mr1ent. gwymr iMStHut tut !ftiIl badiy" a half thow. n4 yott wiii eutrtvQfUu pat tt?Mcktatfcior 1 4 , ;vwl '. i -q k! - 1 j. c. huts on fit qq(i jF'ixriiitiiiuOi J$t,ajXM ft whiu roc ui anriJU . ... j -v. ,Hl4Sll Brocattd e S Ik ParlirSuiU , (lC63A9-,i Silk Piuih Parlor Soifs f.om '&5e.0Tf Rilk Plush Sora Silk l'lusu Divan .fii bed nopr, SUITS '! 'l " VUtvil Poplar Chamber Sails frdrrf 74225 t4 "-l ;ii.; : ; : ,vv IU Oak Chamber. Suito ,il. u aiuafc uiwuoer aouua x.om oiaw , - t to CO Walnut Bedsteads from 8.001 vU 12.0w.xi . .v"lnoj i0jl llatr Maewa!JfinesVquiit Pine Hair Mairease'' frorri tlW I; 1- j-u.-i alto ftitiCTf . Cotton Mattreaea,irO(n, 5.0Q .tq LQ3 - Straw or Shuck, ottou S5' DIXI1YG L .il"jiifl.:;'- Walnut Extension Tables Walnut Exteasloa Tables ' 11:50? Walnut sideboard- 29.ir0 toiTOddl Ppplar sideboards ' t vll i IQJOQ.ia Drop Cenlr; A Ch iry cntr4 Ub'ei ; f CHAIRS - "TABLES,''1" UrAiii.. Teaf Tables . ' Vr'' tew" v- TaMei Jt2.00luid ZZtf'1 ? n iq le O lr Centre tabl ea ' ; u 4i a 5 l-ii'fU AjI T , ' i. C'omnon woo i cba'rs -.f.t 1:10 .tgia . Cane seat chnif-i -.?; utAth l3f-75J h Oak dining chain-.41.00, IL15", ttS&n?. Utjcketa - Ca- e, f r reeatiug chairs, .OQCalaTa Single SUt'b'eH " " ' Af -X vU t f ' Woven-wire Mattroeses '1 no wl fa b !i v arurobes .rHO.Of) an4l8VS07f CLildren' R ktrs and. H'gh.., Chair A tt ' ' ; ' "'"75c. il.00 aVid)i,5 ' Baby Basket Carriages, Wth -rJrAwk ' "I.-" i . - t 8.U). SiOoauidljlWiil Ha'.l S ands ..y.:la.0OadJ.Wlj iraiigea from 87-00 Id iT6.S , Haumock c.iAlrf; $&OJa4ff'.to0i ; . .Beahstad fr.m Al . j 2;0fttO12i(lit . ' Ordrsf .-om ll-cotrr ire nrom; t atlatih. Wfet r aW .. . run J1 ti u.-vVf iv:mA' .mx'Si; :vjcS . , 1,- '...-TlM.ll irtYJ nrlft ; t HOTSC f -ii tjii -fAl li'i'iV'.M -.'itrtyoocib u BALEIQII, X. c. FT 1

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