. . - . - - - THE FRANKLIN, TIMES, 1 o ; I.T- -T '-: t:. . I i . . - - - V Published .every vtbidayby m 7 puUi&hed ia Fntnkllc eocutf aa4 j circulation extends all oTtrtmy tu . -0 Editor and Proprietor! tion of lid aod adloinicz - eocstl AdTedisert nhnold tnilte a nM 1.tr.: fcUUO Is 7a R at s : The Editor will not be reapoailJj for thi Vie ti of eorrespondentat' ' 1 . Brief com mun-catlons from a tts Uoni most earneUj soTu!ited.. Neirl lenii of any nature will be tLanifuy rcelveVt, ! - '" ' i) at 1 50 1 00 z Mu THOl&AS, JBditp andj Proprietor, WITH. MALICE TOWARD NONE; WITH ClIARITX FOR ALL. VBICE $1.50 PES A&ll I XI In Advance ix. Months . m m fVS n rSuisURG; n. c.' January 4.1889. . f 1 ..T f irmshf tf t 81.40. v o f! - 4 J-LUU: -;::1;--;, dh: -JL1 JIJLO o , - VOL kO t ill I Vf I "! sioners, of Franklin co win nv THE BOARDP OF.CfBfMISSI?Nrt 1,6 Vnvranra. SOTII. A.,D. 18S7 TO DECEMBER. 1ST A. D. 1888. - , 1 f JV VTJ ..Mf S I l '.. ...-'., -r H XCONTIitDMrJ si7 Jane 5: HCKearaev i X sberiff fees T?!rtA -U T) Vt1ttB'JT3tf r :. 1 JV;8ClMfitOT8 tees 549 TW:, M nt$nt , - 11 05 10Q 554 ; ; R A Speed ; ; ; 53 S if lireen 561 '; J A FauLkn-r constable Tee$x witness ieea 2 ,ncl constable fees dd . W do A 0 This powderevef vartes. A marTel at piMiitj, strength and vrholesomenebs. kote eflonomical than the oii&arkii4 and! cainnot be sold ; in competition with the multitude of low- test, short weight lam ir phosphate poyrdefs.' Sold. OKLY IW CANS. KOTA MAKlNU rUWUKK VUi U" G Weatliei-s -iRim'OreeiJJ- ,T H C'vnyers G II Pcrkinstsii 563 ;564 .606 567 KA8 560 1; t. - B BCarr po do Sow d :o " " do Ido . do 1 68 1 30 l"i l I oa ' T 60 .1 15 1 65 3 50 682 683 634 t 1 t i.i Ci-75. 4i234 90. 687 C88 ,689 691 692 PPPearre d BS Fi.ster . do W B Uzzle . . do . g " 80 tfl tu&paipyy-. fCfer t bard days w . v-'jj.TuuuotJt '-eierk I dor. do :Ca Nsh i committee one day ' Mary Harris -1 r.MarthiOtiDStD til I v Elizabeth5. PUH Mrs Masrgie Hsv Hlis Mitchell dot r . .. ; v do do1 do . do' 23 70 J t: i ,18 00 one month as outside pauDtr . .. , 1 1 50 r x - c r r :'Jv 693 cya. - i t B. SAW B. MASSENBUltG, ? LOUISBUKU, H.. U. ! Orce in: the Court llouse, t v A ibasineas put in my Hapds''Ui receio prompt attcnHon.,lY y 570 671 572.V 573 ,474 t75 577 578' 579 SHI W D Ui church Gaston Perry Joe Foster B R Crocker W4Lnrria witness and congtablai-rccs afCa'tSolawiew 582. iT it M.UOOKE. " iTT'f an l COUNSELLOR at LAW. IduiSBURG, FUATHKLtNCO.,N. C. attend the Coacts aV Frankin, (Vnville, Warren, and 2 Wake Uoanties also wie Mipieme eouft oJt Nor th C arolina and the ,12 . Circuit and DisirtiioTOoTivt.5 583 584 583 il 586 587 688 'X 589 , 4590. -r -j 591 '''-V Joe Poytre&s 1) A Hopkins 3lryant Pearce, Prtvett-' W Pearce , t Binitli Pearce Jonas Pearce , r ISlD' Green mi;h s Robert Privett WS Johnson r , Robert Yancy . Francis Yancv WH A Harris tJames Amos BUMassenburg 593 J w wng 594 JH Uzze l 595iFnu5WNjFuihn Imi t!o cto do do dOrsr.'-dO' Vlo do ido do do "do jdo do 3 5o 2 10 Ho do 2 10 2 285 2 70 .195 - 1 20 'X AI!.. J1' 35 1 30 . JR. J. E 5MALOXK.I c flee 2 doors LelowFurman & " CooVeVDrug Store, adioininsDr. O. .L. Ellis," ('.)..)' .J: - J. ' J ATTORNEY AT'L A WJ CT - 0'Bc3 ihe Court HoneJ 596 ' 598 1 4 599 600' 601 602 G04 V RUzzell Mary Harris. Martha Dunton ' -Eluwbeth Piel s Mrs Maggie Hayes . Willis Mitchell . Marv-Allev . Mrs Lucy Leonard ido 1 do do do do do do do do do do !do do do 4" doK do do do do do do do do do do, , do . d do? ft.- S A Evaua and daughter do Elizabelh.Bolton do SAHam'et do . MrsE Guptort - do 60 7o5 J EG tip' on ; dd 7 06 Wm Pattersr.n . 1 rto 7 7 i -f I cMkUUia-Edrsrds ;f f do 7o80i-u ' Geo 80u-hirbiua do 7' -9 Martba Dunstou (H T) do Sarah flfjes TT fLTd( 712 Win H Tharrington do 713 . ..JVeiu Dav.s & daughter do " IIO rfUUH Wild VJV 716 Mrs M S Vaughan do 717 MatiMawke . w . r.do 4I8 alJ-U HeJeixRogersU f n-do NickGoswick' . dj Li ' V H9 72o Uraulie Ulhorch 701 1 T Pii luTIanHnr l'bne month as outside pauper do! 45 uo do "do jdo; Y a; day a. c. zoiJiICoffer. Day & Zollicoffer ! iVTTORNKYo AT LA.W, HEXDERSOX X- C. Practice to the cofists kU FraftKm Vanee,Grnv!lleT UHiax,&ad North- s vnptonhTmtft341 eral courts of the State A j A.IUCES, I Attorney at Xaw, ten tMr ;EDorsfy t-"0 i J "RriUi Me.llin; and itifetdo -- t j. s Mrs TonyTiarns oo S A Evans and daughter do Ei'zabeth Boltou Napoleon May S A Hamlet , .r Mrs EGuptou . . Mrs H Falcon r fiPipton I Matilda Edwnrda Geo Sutherland Marllia Dunstn (H T) 607 608 609 6 0 611 SU 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 J620 do do do d . do do 1,4 do do .. "do d6 db T do do do do do lo db4 do do do - j lunatic pauper do do do it 7- do do do ' do do ft ! o-j i 1 626 627 628 j629 630 631 eivea portion 01 me w Imstetion. I HENDERSON, N. C. Will practice together in thewmnties o Grativifle, Vance, Franklin and Warren, and in all matter requiring their joint at entiAu- . 3 Wf hopeJbytorfciifpa pnige?iiraTi,iaiwj nl aenjtirft.4iAiB4td fleetV!e pnnj DUBinesa ui - I In Superior Coort. Fkakkun Count j Weiaeger Clothing Co,") Notice of sum- The defendant aboye named, -will take , notioehatB)sti!oinMWinbovfefnUtled . ,..inieil ocinst said defendant county, Si. K, tor me recuvcrj v"' i due by aocount.which summona is return able ; before iudge Superior LnUbnrg on tlw 6th Mondar before the lit Monday in Mprtbl8S9. ,Tbe defend ant will lsd Uk otice that a warrant of atUehment was issued by said w. J. KiugilerTof aid, "PSfTS,,.,0.0 saidti WUr Hivetubsr 'JB8. W!as property of said defendant, whieh rantls returnable before the said Supe rior court at the time and place above named for the return of summons when and where defendant is required to , ap o,i .ii P demur to the com- Sarah. Ha es Ella Dickerson . m II Tlui.rriogt6n i Mrs M g Vaughan Matilda Cook Helen Rogers Elizabeth Adcock . ' Kick Goswiok UrsuJie Upchurch 4lsiida jJSnrand wife (3 B Sti ickland and wife Alice House cancelled James Wilder - . v. Norfleet Cooley one month as outside !pauper ' j do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do I 30 l 30 1 35 1 35 1 30 "IS , 3 75 3 10 1 90 210 2 10 1 85 1 85 185 2 10 1 50 1 50 1 50 4.00 ' 150 1-50 1 50 1 '1 5o 300 1 50 3M 300 -1 50 1 50 1 50 1 5j 1.5C 1 50 3 CO , ,12 00 15a 1 50 -jrl 50 ' J'l 50 1 50 3 00 1 50 30o 1 50 723 724 - mo 726 727 ,728 rr 729 73o 731 A I "32. 734 735" 736 737 738 739 74o 741. 742. 743 744 r lunatic ,i r do ,v ,. 14 4" do" ' ..'do do - do. do , do' J do . . do- do . . do f. do i do 'i do , . d ' tunalic do . w. 1 60 50 10 1 00 50 4s vyv ,3 00 1 1 SO ,T'-150 ... 1 00 3 00 2 on I 1 JO : t I do-t 827 ' v John Ollptt SM 1 r. mm.. 1 .nn J.fr.vangnu ,t. :t iati'Oa , ki. 83-2" 'Ursulie Dbchurch. tVttlv IT. . j dd .11 f,H.bl:H maatle 2 XJ r.t trer '5 ,IwI'.5 l '3 .-ir vVtlO."iH rjii'J dtd 833-v tttt-m-i -r: w WtiIe Strickland " - - -,rJ 836 1.- ; "Alica Hutsa AV; .u 837 t-i -.. Jamre WildeV 838.-V1 Ti -u NorflerCuoy-' l r do ii - ,u tw MfMU Snorjia'V',1- iUv nntiMahiifn ....... 4 v 5J 1 'J- it:CbariW Harris .. uu-.. 4i' ril .W W? " '.HMsactlX3 Z7-'l' " -i- l0,iW.Ttrell r Haida ; do 1 T 5a 845.jPtt. :1 . JW Pinuellv.. A f- hoanf ofpaopWi Jfco iu Rj'd 8-W-; i-N D D ilav ; j n. '.imid &r nriuMMirxi-.;) .iiim V. ft 19 851r- 842 853 ,854 .345; K'i; ' . : i .7 slmafNtwr end wife- -o L zzie Stricklaad do . - , Alioe H'Hise .do . . 7teLi5 OTU wpecned- . James Wilaer . do , , .do. Norfleet cooley do - A - ' do . - j Turner Medlin . 1 month support f Priesie Youns pauper Martha Jeans V'J l month as outside pauper Per v Williams and wife : ,' dt do .. , V t 1 mgs 6, N D J) May r- A" H Moore sJnofstalli EWMorri8 WraJ King W S Evans C A Nash John Mitchell r Wiley Burnett John Griffin -LZ TTerrelj B F Bullock Jr board of prisoners Ac ' keeping rafts from Siuims bridge keeping rafts from Ferrells bridge publishing tax notice. ahiiofacct , . . making stock law gate &c committer ou Louisburg bridge . , witoess fees do . do . do' I i do , . repairing Loulsburg bndge . amtnf acct - in part building chavis 3 oo i 5o 3. of I So .15o 1 So Soo 15o J 5o 3 06 1 5o l.So 1 oo 2oo 3 oo 15 ' 3 oo 5 4o , 2 5o ' 2 5o 7o 4141 125 2oo ,2 25 15o 13o lo oo 33 15 155 oo J . H I I V.I. . . . . t . t. Bufap Branch repairiog gate for county Thomas Young ;rU bvuldin stock law finxe 3& ! ',M "V2 D?. O G M:lfanawty .. xamiularf Taney Gnd' -nuL4i9 vr ti P,ram U PJ . 2 dT " I7 Gleaa case u-iiivsVifXs ? P M'J OP11 ofNo. 751, of Ani 6 las t, C llarris paying for renovatta beds for poor house 15TXt KjchardWma eottvajicg Ludndia Jones to poor hoaia'1 ;f"Ti JA Thomas am't'of acoTt for books and priatlng for county 8 tx) .. . ' Yarbora ADarU' reparrfag J ii Joors L J Ut i t .... P F,Rull;kJr.; r. ; . am'tof Met ' - .-. 21 S0 b r bullock Jr. . , ,balaooe tax list c . 4 w. , ,;T J2t5J 'cA'Nash' " commissioners da js-and 22 miles ' 11.10 F.:p Pearce". ido r ' do '! ' 14J 'do' 7 IT lft SJcrudupi ..'aduVn- do ' r 122t 'dO 10 .WBUzalei i;ido f i do CQ i;4.do.i 4lj , U 00 K8Foster ' i do .. - 44-. do t 12 2 lHoKSarney ' ' officer .to board days us. 2 'iA-00 B F B alloc k Jr. clerk to board 5 days and 12 miles to P U 1 0 60 iuunw uuBjion ! onemouiaas ouuiaepauner. ... 715 If 74G 747 748 749 75o 7S1 73V T 753 754 755 Aug. 6 W.V clifton to ue of J S Joyner W V "Uliaoa to use of S CYinn In part building Chayls 'f'ibhdget J t'tJiui i ' ' v w j - loo oo N Y Guile v 4 davs letUas and receivinz Chavis bridee 5 oo J b Jovner 4 days letting and receiving chavis "bridge Mary u arris ; ; one mouiu as ouwiue pauwi: Martha JJunston Elisabeth Phelps . Mrs Maggie IIyeg WillN Mitchell J Msry Alley 1 Mrs Lucy Leonard Mrs E Dorsey do do do do do do do Btilton Medlin and wife Mr Tnnf TIjt-ri i"lils AfE-ans and datosxhtec.;.''! Eluabelh Bolton 75G 757 . , 758 759 760 . ... , s Napoiean May; - 1 'B'A Hamlet' '""V" Mrs E ( pton Mrs H FJconer -Mrs 'J'fiCoekV. J E Gupton 761 762 763 764 s? 765 766 767 768 J 769 J70 Wcpu .Patterson . . Mktilda Ed Wards' Geo. goutbcrland ' Martha Dunston (11 T) Sarah Hayes i - I t r J&JLSZ L?72w UwVVm.U Tharrington do -luaatTc .vdmj cancelled 634 635 636 637 638 639 tAfi : : llfnrr:hn'J(aiiB t'' filJufv VJinlWihllief', balance building bridge cr. Turni-r Medlin 1 month, fupport of PrisRie hionth as outsuio di do Jr do 'do 'Brittort Williaihs H Jurying body faiada TO do 3 w -- . pauper 1 50 77 do .300 IIJ do do t . 100 480 do x , 200 ,781 Z XWci 783 Liazie . BUS a - a mm wraflUB s ' - iO 1.1 - plaint or the '43 644 646 3 647 648 649 650 651 52 653rJL. 654 655 656 657 653 659 E W Morris t VJ registering vo-ers U B election taro J J Bobbitt ' raising bridgfrnear C 300 23 10 build'ms? bridse over Lyons ceek 29 tx bdrd of paupers i tQ iisins nridsfefnear Geo-J. rs HA i,h J3 oO eofUn and burying David Mock- frBaker ;raakhig coffin lor u- okjcsuwu S Barrow & iv amt of Acct .-: Z T Terrell timW and work oa Fdx Swamp bndge Vm J Kin,? esc amt oi accc William Perry making E S Foster RS Foster five I do : bridge and settle with sher zoo 44 29 12 85 7863 7t7 788 79C -Tsapt. C9I Roena Davis and daughter Nancy Bell 1 AJonn t'atlett .., MxsMBYaiha.t Matilda Vooke Heb n R'Klgt'ra . ' " 'NIckOoi.Wtckl,; ifti j Uruiie TJpchurch ir irolly Harper Joshua Nunn and wife fckfand ouse JaaiesTidec Turner Medlin Martba J eases oWillUxry,afl4wlf j r neaaant r do ; do- V do ' ." ' 'do do do one month as dutside pauper do- :,do 'do do. do '"' do do do .,do 7 . ; do 'it, do do- do- V 5 oo 1 5o 15o 15o '2 oo 1 5o 150 1 5o 1 Jo lis!- do do do ' lunatic paupet" do . !do:'-' do '! do : ! do do .do .do. do ..docq 1.50 . dO" l' SO 3 00 3 00 1 50 .3 00 3 00 1'50 1 SO 1 50 1 LO 1 50 1 50 3 00 2 00 856 850 860 861" 862 ' 863 8d4 865 '866 -867 -.868 . 8C9' 870 fc71" 872 873 . 874 875 876: 877 878 87S 880 ; 881 882 " 883 8h4 ' 885 886 887 88 89 890.. 891 892 893 v 894 , 895 ' 896 897 . 898,. . 899 ' 900 901 902. .. 903 904 05 ' 906 i 007 . 908 900, . 910 u 912 El:zabeth Phelns do "'- Maggie Hares !i .,-do-'t .r .Willis Mitchell do - Mary Alley Mrs Luey Leonard., Mrs E LVrney . Britton Medlin and wife ; Mrs Tony Harris $ A Evana and daughter , Elizaoeta lloltou , S Napoiean Maj B A Hamlet ' Mrs-E Gupfw . Mrs II Falconer . ' MrsJBC-ooke " J E Gupton . - Wm Patterson . t Matilda Edwards George Soulherland Martha Dansloa (U T) : . cran tiyes . ,. i . Ella Dickersou,, K i W H Tharrington -Roena Davis and daughter Naucy Bell , , JoUa Catlett , . Mrs M s Vaughn " ' Matilda Cooke il-lbn Rodgera: r Nick Goswick,,, ; Ursulie Upchorch Polly narper - ;- -Jo-huaNunn and wife ' ; Lizzie Strickland.;. :. nt A lie A TTonM ":!Jams nider!',; Norflfct Conley ' i Turner farllin do ' do do ' do , do do do do do do do ' do do do do: do do do ..do ' do do do do do do do, do do dj do do do do do It t. 4 :go; ',j , do - n: dO- I '? do-l .. do do -r-' do lunatks pauper do do ' do dO ;:. do ' do . ; ; dO do ,jjdo:. . -do. do. da 1 . S .:l.6( a. i?Mica 3 00 i 5d 3 oa 1 50 -IjCv L.1M 10 3 to ;?d i il 11 -3 CO do rt "roti -! do -? ' ,'1'5 j;. i Ij.dOjJf. 1;10 ' 1 luuatio l"0d 1 1 pauper 'X I'fiO l -i i -. .Cdo i'L dl Itfsl dO .c&t itjit one month support ol Pressle Young 3 00 fAi'i . 1JV 1,50 1 50 t I 50L v do " ; :i zo t'.t . til ..; s do do do de - do .do ,r; do.ii 3 .-do !;..! dO ' ----- ' 5 J-1 T 0 tr Iwisatio' 1 r y'.r-i Pauper,.i.. 3 00 1 50 vll 50-1-50' t 00 1.50 l'SO k uu t v. w do - 1 50 do! ? ' 1 50 lo ' I 50 ' ' v . : - do : z w one mbnUiVpP0 Young 4", 3 00 oae4iothas.otide panper I 50 aahiTv iraak bridse V t 4 UU 15 3 coo do do do !' ti., 'Att makincodi j for,Mary Edwards pauper 3 00 X III WraJKogcsc .. aintaccy j Ct 4 7vaI JiDlMyiconvejito R A.Sptd- r? sfcends, ames Kli etec.fon. n 793 John Dibkens coffl for Vepfy 2! Jn&mgV: 1 794 NUl-MaT 1 ardo) ris All iu i; - - wuiiuu'o wya " "J"v: v u r'j i i a JZi iril'J ji.jiii'j,niM ri.m.-pHoiiNMu w. 913, Not. 5 914 915 SIR 9 18 19 920 921 922 923 25;v -925. 928 ' '929 ' 930 i: 931 ' 932 J33 934 936 936 937. L38 I 'ao 'H y .S dO.. do.. . . . -do do uJ. do i r:T00 Wm. lerry and Hlfe -cnariietiarni f ,M Martha oono '- Joseph Terrell ju Ben Perry v! XGl'tiH t i j .do. -.vt u o , do ito.'x riviW oonvevlnz 8 crisonera.ioiaiL. 6 00 J H, Uzzle n- amt ofaoot ior.poot hoaso,,,,! vAg' , J A.T.homas amt of aoo't b ,oks AC for ouotf r,-. . i? J . A 11 Moore keepinc ralta from Si cam's krld re 3rl otarteF' -VBBtker mkioj?coeao Tot jfartia Jeaoa ' (M O I Ellis " im't of accUJtor lanatjcs and.Twprs . 2 GeoWHant work oa rrfad ia 'Free mans lowuialp l--tl'U FPPearce : r kmtofaoct l 12 38 -NDDMay boaM of prisoners &C , 58 75 JBFBuUockJr. . jTamt pf acot ' . -.r 107.0S-- , Horace Alston expenses to GolTro Insane asirlusi forsoti 60 I) U A Sped ' ' renateriaif names foC saa3r ersek townihip IOcCS . EV. Morris registering names for FracklinUm towijbip.1li45 f w; ii ooppeuge tepainnf stock law teoce-cy Dress creex r p . y a- a. cMtvaicgiwaaaz ssmcs rirewioi wwiuutp B S Foster- . -do -v ! do1 HlyssTiile J -Vlo-1 o'A-Nsh commissioner; 2 da js and 4: sllesvHixj42l -W B TJzzle .do ",. , . . 20 - do ; - 1J B B Foster - do u" sl ,J 2 nl 2o- do W bS H c Kearney oGoet U boars 2 days 4 1 v. . ;uv 4tJo telerk to board 2 daji.4U rssx pp amozacc's . . fP iing wster gte acrosvBed tud creel jl 001 J supt othekUrJfTL onths J125 00 j ays committee on county fence m y . 4 y I 8 660 f''-x1' ff jTOerk Superior Cvntrfj B.BMnllrKaaaE.Af. Timberfake1.1 Plalntift's Attorneys. 1 BliACKSMITHIWG. 662 ' 663 664 665 0 L ElHs ' cost in matter of Mat and Patsy Huff ,Eti Hlnrfintr 9. ta hooks witness fees ; ; J i Q ( oo - v ao 666 I desire to return my thanks to rmy taany patrons who,have given me there aurel will be able to do better in the future, betimes are hard and prices ery lew. Those who have horses to be shod eall ou me. I will guaraiitee satis r..; tn n articular. Prices low. v:.'.nVi. -nmr.1f.8has corns or the nar4 row beels, caU and see me a nd . I will I 675 a-narantee satisfaction. Do nS forget J, 676 tiiat I am prepared to repair guns, ana j fi77 have all parts such as .nammew,, wuw Ac. j- ' ' . J irnrdft fir, "Rrmichton T XT TTA.v.ifAA1 V i i . W'BtJzzle i4i committee on Fox Swamp bridge C A Nash ; . V?. do; v. V-;. ;. d ;: nd et- tlinr with treasurer and sheriff ; . j 8 J Crudup v ? netting and receiving stock law tenco c 667j-y r BF BilHck J--4 MM t udf m yI UZXFeSliHSg tax-lfslFrankllnlon fownihtp- j ' fiQ . .1 f! Kfllrr flO . xiartw , 670 v J BAlford'-'"J.' :f s do r u,nna. 671 : . AW Pearce : : H ; amt pi acct 10 00 3 75 400 ao 6 00 672 673 678 679 : F P Pearce . teking tax list Treemans townthlp 12 00 2 00 3100 36 00 20 00 p 20 Q0 iH!ijV?46 80 20 00 796 797 793 100 801 802 : 803 804 805. . 806 T 808 V 809 810 - v 811 8). 813 o 814 815 Wm. J Kins B F BullofikJr. B F Bullock Jr. BJiullock Jr. t- IfBF BuWoilTj. .r. I . -- t f . lartha Dhrit5n Elizabeth PhelpH . Mrs Maggie Hayes nr.it r? , . wuiis axiicneu ; Mary Alley . ; Mrs Lucy Leonard ' .Mrs) E 1 orsey ! . Britton Medlin & wile) Mrs. Tonv Harris 1 8 A Evans and daughter da Elizabeth Bolton do m't of acc't allowed am't ot accftallowed i -. '' s In part making out tax list j do-2S-7.S! do one month1' as outside pauper t Ad .T.: do -do j; do 1 3 -1 do mi. iru:- a. uvmno n una UJ5 iU'f(Tstfti"?i 1 do - AD Williams do 'W t!i-GtWVebllUl HO'do - John Sykea ; - - i', :U do U 11 Strickland . do do Ur f 1 L do Havesville do Gold Mine do Cedar Rock - do Cypress creek do Randv creek do - rf 10 P G Alston Jr ! r i registering names R is election 11 C A Nash commissioner 9 days and 18 miles. 36 00 17 00 16 00 20 00 13 00 20 d 84f , . Ntpolean May : tVilto A Hsnileti i.i I tr i Mrs. E Gupton f M18.H Falconer f olo Wm. Patterson SW-"itiLirr MatildaiEdwards t-m: -do- .'ido'.,'!?; Co do ' do - r. i do, I '.',. . do ' .'. do XtU '; lanatio : -do - pauper- do do do do 820 ,821 822. ..." 823 824 825 -'826 George Southerland ' Martha Dunston (U T) . J Sarah Udyps . j -1 Ella Dickerson j Wm. II Tharrington i 1 Roena Davis and daughter do do do do do do . do ' do A do - " do do . do J-ir -do do do .do do do . do do do do, t do do do liioo 00 00 50 00 25 00 1 50 1 50 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 - 1 50 3 00 1 50 -;, 3 00 3 00 1 50 1 50 il-.50. 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 00 ' 2,00. 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 00 I 50 t I uuBF Bulloek Jr. B F Bollock 3r,vt H C Eearaey Elizabeth Phelps lb ILwinialitchell 1 Mary Alley Mrs Lucy Leonard MrsE Dorteyr Britton Medlin wlis Mrs Tuny Hsrria am't of acct .fin a: 839 4o 941 942 . 943 m 944 S45 1 946 OUT- 943 949 95o 951 '. 952 J 953 t 954 955 , 955 1 957 ; . 958 959 ' 960 -S61 962 963 ' 964 965 . 960 967 963 ' 969 970 ' 8 A Evans & daughter do Elizabeth Bolton; 'do Napoiean May ; ,x ' do S A Harslet ido .Mrs E Gupton r-r , do Mrs II Falconer ' do Mrs J H cooke , '. do JE Gupton ' do Wm Patterson p, " da Matilda Edwards ' ; do George Southeriand do Martha Dunston II T do Sarah Hayes do Ella Dickerson . ' 4r do 1 : Wua. HThaCTlngton do Hoena Davis and dr. do Nancr Bell t do John Catlett I do Mrs M S Vaughn " : do Matilda Cooke . do Helen Bodgera' do Nick Goewick. -j do UrsulleUpchurch : do Polly Ilarper do Joshua Nunn A wife do one month as datsldi pHvpex-' f 1 50 JdOw do I dO . 'do: Ido, do do 1 Ct rl il.Ml LrM do da dTol4; ! So do 3 00 i"ido-"'",l!ro ti ... i. 1, liiT i . lnnUA ,t !flj iJ-jf . r.panper.. .auW1 do do. : .... . Jl 5o do nvi( Vie At til' . ii n IS P0) mvi If)!!?' 1 ao J...II 1 1 "So 'nrai5o -. . .. . do rf ' i50 . ., do , ; do" s.. in ii0 4I0 '. rliitllvO - do,:.- lanatio . ,w 3 00 pauper ; f - 51 v. t..1 ..j5.5J 18 9o: 27 90 " Nancy ueu .. ( I .. . . S J Crudup do 198 do 1 .t v7

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