-. miti'v rrn i'xTT'T TT' TTATtTCf w iy.., : -.-.""" . .. . ...... -. - . . . '- . i 1 niJCJV' " ' 1 ' t.'v - -V-T; ;-v ,v- . ..... - . , ----- , -. . - - 7 - r-i . . i k r- rir tjt - I r - : i t -"v ' - - v " j ... !. -j 1 .... n V-Effltbt and Proprietor. ; ,;:-(, iiiLjjiK jiJ'f KiJjJ.Ll- ! 1 1 " V : - 'V ,' ! t ' J X ' ' THE FRANKLIN TIMES. ijae 1 ear ,ix jjlonths RZate s: -1 50 ' - 10Q . c-y- t;-r " To Clubs of 5 rHR Times will be arnisbed. art WHpSifes' ROYAL SSKUJJ jjfel1- J.iA;..THOMAS, Editor aMPropri F??; AL:rMlI?E1:50PEB A1INI II In Advancd THINK ABOUT THE HEVLCflOP(i Some Section and. preparation of i v-": Vtbj oil tor. the CultU&v- If " - N .: . J r Slate, tuousn the order 13 nol : j r5- r r . Absolute!t?ure 1HEFAKMEB. LOinSBURGyVO-JANUARY lav 1889. STATE NEWS NO. 49 atrew Hotel: Lexington has a finelfeqaaleSem-. not bejin j The Tf.u ,3 Rra offprln?? chean 5j v J i rafeTly r3o nipa n i es ' w hi) J w f ! 1 6 Pari another ttiarilo' schedule on the iticlttnond l& Danville' railroad, probably-to go-into effect on 8un- "uayjor Monday next, nnd ..that the dayimail train Trora Gold?boro will "a'rfive hero - several hours : eruller and He over here till -the hour at ;W-HAT KEEPS 'C UK PAPERS : i, : L . . . . : . -. ; - yrjponipanIeft:whi).i !u-to 11.cn it now - leaves, aho uie attpnd thi .nm'rsmUnnr-TUlpfi-h "Hin runnlnir between thU 'citv alffSreftH' Ife"iaiITe , atIonal Most all the schools and 'colleges fd Oxford, will be run on tf.roagh ablerwhrci v rffC jof tjetehammencedom ;thlclty .to Selma, . where It will be klwavs mil in ihftlftinHtJ tilthLliJ : T ? : J 1-The-iiOiidayH are over and gone. I "iuucuwh wh mo nuw H!teft&agtl. fHrnfi Ftteville; Wants K cltUall Nrtteat.-Newbserver.- : tl 11& crnnl nrnlfcrl v - n WillJnF vnl wWf.and a Savings Bank. We hope the & very sad death of a promising ' I . , f. rr rvr -cr r b 1-vJoserver rwui aie jra-realize its ! young . man . occurretl 1 n - liowan . . I The National hmr "AlfiaWii-WF-xi- - . V ,-r. T .Lw -c-j-.. vuuuij vii j,'iiunjr. ucuigc yJrriucr aged about twenty, werit'out hunt ing, with party. ; lie sat dqwn - to This powderever varies. A marrl of' pWitr, ; strength and .HholcsomenebS. More ecoaomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, abort weight alum or Dhosnhate aowdersu- SOLD.qsi. is cak8. IIota Bakjks Powder vCo, , PROF KSS I UN A h vAHUS ATTORNEYAT Oiuoe u the Court Iloure. is nmi-wnrk-wif" j.tha.laad-.-i3 Ww .ground, it should, after having been grubbed -andcllop.TtfeeeanT oil. loQVac . a . , 1 ? tti. tkSif ....It-: Sci be closely broken twice and cross wise wit n the bun-tongue, ana as olten harrowed. : It should next be haarea1 offtJy IutMongue ia hori. sootal rows three feet three Inches apart into which should be drilled thejaiid 4s ftaturallyjrich, of ji good ready to be listed or bedded with a turning plow. I prefer the list, iBcMit'iighrjm9!tha!h bin more n Allinl (tAnn t TheXato4lPal'mers, Ainancem sess'on at Meridian, Mis. re-r'ecled .the . alAAfieera; wftich-maKe CtUPe4k firStCVice-Presideut And Capt. Alexan der tjb3!reMdent if ortlObaco lina.j Col; Polk 8aya -what he regards "hopes. .' . oMr,'fp? Thomas "oT Thomas- ,yille was gored last week by a . fe froua,lDlirHetwilrevertVonnM nis.injuiies. Ills gun was by his side, the ttussle rjointlng strait towards his rest. i " . w- t t , l rrrnn. wnun nv snmo moon i r . ta m nn v.rv.n as one orah Mdnmf6rtalntfeni H 'XTJr Aiwmrcastume;retJOn& I .t ' . . . . takAUii;. f;,,;?;" the usual ae nuWof lrlWI scnargea. emptying the wtole I impale!, or then . . 4 ,r i. . i I i.i . v , , . . load in his temple and scattering I to go to the wall. to jsecureheiutrodttchoninto aUcomvl nakiug therr wayrbaclrtoher tnrv I : . w r . z!. "I.,- ... 7, m Ult. h-JiiStf-At-ia4 n-'r' .m-.Lv his brains upon the ground. '..When time, divtdmg the 9 . a nr. ;,.oi ri..;". . -.u.,x . j nis .companions reacnea nis siae he ; - T - yV "' . ?l - If lu.'Li.t I? -t.u-: I had ceased to breathe. The In. -Tbdjtical Pot ts t-,the nBen s -f WrlJs- - V i i; -tv-. sf a 0 Monday ;night of last week I at atorsBip Is boiling. BeveraF prom- Scotland Neck, Sidney Dunstan.' a Inent men are in the DeiaN Alexan- I welt Known colored man who ped- ulind for Eleven Daysv . J. T. Love of Lecsburg, Ga.f Mrs. widow of eminent and successful phv- siciah. says uuder date of Sent. 20. 1888: My husband in a large and lu- der, Ransom and vVaddelI. Mi. Wm. L Latemer, Pres. Mr. C. F. rrulclilclJ,' lato of tin Davidson Dispatch.' lm seTered lis COnact!on Wiilthaf paper and wUl es tablish - & cev papec in IxLuton ab..ut the 1st of January.' Tin h wh.it is keeLntouf North' Carolina paj-ers poor. Whenever a newspaper in any of our towns gets fairly on Us feet and In a condition to" do its community some credit and some ecrvtce, ano'iicr fapcr Is set up alongside it and ono or the other must die or eke out a pre carious existence. There are twice as niny - paper m Korth Carolina as there i auy healty demand for or a re spectable living for; - They are eating out each others vitals. We jude that there Is just room enoub at Lexing ton for one paper; there certainly " is for Uo. Either the ew venture will have and in the mean patronage between them, each will saner from insufficient nourishment. Mr.' . Crutchfleld will please pardon m if we eeera to be med dling with his business. Our observa tions are intended to be general rath er particular. Gentlemen desiring, to lUK Tilins is tLioi.xit ce pulUbel in rranklir. cyut;tr, a si. 13 c'rcu!a'.':i extends a!' oyer tTe'-y i: tioacfilii and aajoinins c:ur.C"3 A'Wcrti-rs should nibRrnt I t f The Euilor not bo ie$poaiUj . for the vie a s of correspoodcr.ts, ,lh iff comraaa'cations from til set lioiis most earnctly solicitel. Newt terns of any nature will l tLaakfully f rreive 1 J ; P'.eufaut t.the tajtc, surrrV.rlT quick eSect and econoiulcid la price, oo woud.r Dr. Eu'.l's Couh Svrup Is the .eadlng prfpuralioa cf its kind,- .;',';. ; . . ; f "OUl woman, In thy hours f eass, uncertain, coy and hrd to riease. With thiUrea hurt, long Lot'j-s s'ue.'s spent. Do try SaWali-n 0.1, tie ,lln menU . Of Kpr trrc balks between can 1 be a. ii uusiuoss .uM.i iuuijD i. thrown cut at the nrst weeding. fe?civo prompt attention. ; J f i X IV? .ti.-tJWriiind With it restored -tor healty toanV4 i rV:-ft XtLkr n about to cro nb.-aavinir' h would WnnmiKal noanrthaTArlill. I ' . I " " " I . . " " " ' nsin whose cases all other med- motion unanimnualv elooted Pre! taKe atrip on It. 'lie accidentally dies nedlcine, was eriously cut by J.embark in the newspaper business' In tlys State can find plenty of newspa pers for. sale and it is wiser to buy an old one than to establish a new one. jog mcKney, wnite. . They -were both In a crowd, when Dunstan ran - , 1 -1889.'' - Harper s Bazar. s . ' . ILLUSTRATED. ' ITai.PEb's Bazab will continue t maintain its reputation as an une quailed Iknidy j turnaL Its art illus trations are of the h'ghest order, iu literature is of t'ie choicest- kinds, and its FadiioQ un.l Iloashold de partment of the most practical and ttonomical character. Iu pattern- heet supplements and tashioo-platea aloue will save its reader ten timet tlve cost of kulecripllon, and its ar ti tles on dovoratire art, social etiquette, toustj-kcepin. cookery, etc., mako it indispeusvbie to every household. IU bright stoties, nd timely essays,' ara ' among the best published, and not a line is Admitted to lis -columns that could offend the most batidioos tasCa. Among the attract out tf the new vol ume will be serial stories by Mr, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Mrs, Alex ander, William Black,' and Thorn a Hardy, and a series of pa era on nur sery management bj ' Mrs. Cbristuif Terhune Iltrrick. . 1 1 - t cm I k x rf.t vit " kW-'i ad bbUNSELLOTtaj;LAWi r.rrfriMTiia wit a trr.tM f"v.w-rt' . r--.- ' 7 " J,- V 11 attend the. Courts of "JTash, Frank in," Gf nville Warren, and Wake 0 o hn ies; 1 also ' the- upien'ie court of Nor tit G arolina; and, the TJ ! .Circuit and Drst'nicTCourtjwt i'.Bce 2 doors below Furrnan A. (TtS&s'a D rug Store; adfo?nin k Dr: O.- LyKllis. in . w r l vi itb'ui..i w w r A " . A. A- V IVUt lyith a.riwd weeiiug i Jioe T tbpe lists or be4l" enorild!not kei XVorUed antU conical hills, placing them persp: icines proved useless. "K One young man- who had been treated for six years forbrooTpolsonliTs conditio . had gradually ;ro wn? Vorse, ' ar d got to be horriblr'i' : ''He1 was' helnle'ss for 'three Jt fhreeclie j twelve months' and blind for eleven giving-aDoui-ouv nma to me acre. ;i dayp,. liis case aeemea incurable. I know v that many recommend j But he w;s ured sound; and. wellby iiuore tTOwuet-iitauiiuK. S..'K, i p. cv:o., buu . iuusy is 1ng in my. opinion is gained in weight? while something is lost in t he length, breadth and boily .if I he leaf,' WhtcTi Vltlt the manufacturer I takipg medIciiifrM;weuly-ixry TKeT prime eqTiisITes. ThelTTTcpre blood pc!tun:" In less. tiiirtv aays my SKin naa dent." ,. j It is thought that Trinity. ,Col- a stroug. and ran against JiacKney, but . begged his pardon. ;,' Hackney made no re. ply but began cutting Dunstan with a knife, inflicting four wounds. It" was thought at, one ti.ne wounded man now., thought tie win. v. recover. Hackney ran away. The citizens rThe.r1CpmpetItWe..Pxamination! 7.7 for the position at West Point was thought of. - , . Fatal Neglect. lege will be moved to Raleigh! or "Durham. ;; Nd decided place has as yet been adopted. Pres. Crowell has visited both places. The brcaaing of the smallest wheel one ti.ne that the I in a mammoth factory, if not repaired would die, but . It Is I or fepltced, will ruin the entire' plaut, 1. iliiTennancnt. v li O 'it ill At the timoi I commenced " taking 8. Si S. roy ood3 and arms wi-re al- are TT'OUXErYAX"'' ucyJbyXBetftcwse' bOUlSBTJRG, H. C Oiace i h3 Court FlouJ AUL JON'ES , ' Attorneyasi CsBnsenor-at Law, - measuring, one ' row, .; ana " then- placing the hills of the next ? be- Uwn thiw fif th firt. mid sn nn v inr irw i? .- . . :' :. i -- i . : i Jtr ."" J or what Is called dodging them. To prevent crowding or irregularity , iurhillingnids rUIe will bfouud of j iiife where raw hands lire euiployed. iiie uiu culture, uoui in mo prep arat ions and the subsequent work ings of the , tobacco crop, should never be de oar ted from, 'fur the A y . reason that that method of cultiva- UJ.i A tS.-.a V 1 1 WkfaUnV raUi.l iVMir ho Kt i. ... i aihj -swar va b v wa-w thinss to be considered, for the Will practice- ln:" the-iarts -of Franklin. Warren, Wake, " Vance and NastiVand iu the Supreme court of the State. ' j tl T. lTiCES- Attorney a Is Law , HENDERSON, N. C. Will practice together in the counties o Granville, Vanee, Franklin and : W.arren, aud in all matters requiring their joint at entin ,' T f T , (t ' j i n r W hope byproapC,diligfaia.ud''taithr. ul ate nt i on to business, to deserve (and eive a portion of the law business of his8eetion. North Carouxa 1; . - V la Superior Court. r KaKELI n cocxty j - Weiseger Clothing Co. Xotice.frsuni s ' i - Vniohs' and "war S. B. Webb. . J rant of attach na't. The defen'dibVabbvQ ifahtefl will tafcel notice that a samnions in above entitled. reason that all tho diseases to which the plant is liable, such as french- ing, firing, spotting, . rusting and sheddiDgrCQme fttyv xeessUe ijain aeceMipaaieai. oyi xccssrvfer neat. The "r growth of the plant " itself .would suggest as much, 'or in time of drouth the leaves stand up to gather tho rain, but so soon as it mi.st oue solid sre, and I had been years than all. cleaned off aud I was a well man. ' j , i:;.; John tf. Wilixs . 1 Washington St, Atlanta Ga. Oct28, 1883 ; . - , bwm 8 opeciue.curea me oi malig nant Uobd. pitison aft r I had. been treated in vain with old so-called rewf- edies of mercury and potash, rj. S. S. uctonlyjlmiedibf bjopd poison, but relieved -tho rbenmatisin which was caused by.tho poisonous minerals. : . Geo. Ijovelih i:. V r . 2422 Sd Avenue, N.Y, Swnrr'b Specific is entirely a veg etable remeay, and is the only medi cine which permanently cures, bcrow la. Blood Humors, CauceraudxCoyli gious blod Poi-n;' Send for book on Blood and Skin Diseases, mailed free. : ' ; iTHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. . . 1 Drawer 3, Atlauta, Gx held at Reeky Mount, and the ap point ment Xvas awarded t6 Jlr Jnol 6. BstJIe ot Warrentpn. . Mr. Hackney of the Durham re- coraer xas retirea irm that paper I Viniplcs, Sores, Aches and Pains. : When a hundred boillei of sars,iDa riUarvther preteut'.ous speciflcs fall to eraJkateiu-bom scrofula or. conta- raiid Wilt devote ;iiisTtlrne,Ttohe' B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) has pauiicuiiou ui me weefi.iy,iecoxuer I gaineu iuj fcawn u ?icirir,;m and Southern Tobaccoulbt and Man- afacture'sRecord. j j , ; J. W.Srlttingham died of chol era morbus on Sunday, night, aged Bixty.-thfee ; ; y ears, j t Ho :. c tn e! d i Lexington before the war. and re mained, hereiver since. He. serY ed In the Mexican war, and was Koy drawing a. pension from the ernment. Davidson Dispatch.' In Iredell county a young white lad was accidentally shot 'and1 In-' etantly killed by Burwell . Adams, his younger brother. They were lu the woods oud the hammer of ihe'gnri ; caOght n a tree and the 'trtlre-1oaa Ofshot entered the boy's lody.-7The Index. ; , A sailor by the name of Willlaia Weston died In Wilmington last many seemingly Incurable instances Send to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta Giu. for "Book of Wonders" and b convinced, , '-It .ii: tlie ;on1y r tbce blood nrrr eb. - G. W. Messer, ; Howell's X:Roads,; Ga-writes: .'! was . afflicted nine years with sores. All the medicine I ooold take did me no good. ( I then 'tried B. B. B.,F and 8 bottles cuied me sound.!!' r - ; :- -. -' i Mrs. S. "M. Wilson, Round Mono tain'Jexaa, writes: - "A lady friend of uaino was trbublel with bumps and piiuplei on-her faoeand neck. ' She took three bottles of B. B. B., and her skin got soft aad smooih, pimples dis appeared, and her face improved grealy.,.,',:;,:-Jr". - ; ' y ' ' Jas, Jj." Bo3worlh,' Atlinta, 'Ga., writes: 3pnie years ago I contracted blool poison. -1 had no appetite, my digestion v.was I ruined, rheumatism drew up my limbs, so I could , hardly wtHc, my'th'roat was cauterized five times.' ' Hot Springs gave me no ben efit and my lire was one of torture Un as a speck of dust wilt derange the delicate machinery of a watclr. Were people;. as thoughtful .to r'repalr their broken health on the first approach -of disease, as the owner is to mend ' his machinery,' they . would escape Inde scribable suffering, and often death; Slight causes will sometimes derange tho digestive orrans, on whose healthy aetiou the beMLh "ot the rh'ole system to tnnch depends and feverish bfood. headaches, and consumption itself sets in. -The wise person will at once 'ar rest the cause of hls unhealthy syrrrp tom,resortmg to Uiat world famed rem' edy. Dr. piea-e'a Golden Medical Dii'' co rery which purifies the blood . and cures liver disesases.. Of all' drug guts. '."; v jV r THE WORST NASAL CATARRH, No matter how long standing, is ab solute cured by Dr, Catarrh Remedy. It does not merely give re lief, but produces permanent cores in the worst cases.. CO cents, by drug gists. ; HARPER'S PERIODICALS- : : Pes Xr ab: - r . Harpeb's Bazab V "V HO IIabpkb's Maqazixs . . 4 HAErEU' Wejcly . Hakpeb s Youno Peopuj . " 2 0Q , louge Free to all subscrilers la the Uitited Stes, Canada, or Mexico t .1 CI OUR STATE CO NTEJlPOK ARIES. i i. ". , ;ja'.;! i-- .,.., . . ' We do not pee how. the Legislature The volumes of the Bazar wflpbe-"" giu witli ili first tiuiuber for Jaocary ( of each year.. When ni time is meu- t tioned, subsciiption will begin with the number current at time of receipt of order.' 1 1 -. : . ; ! ! Bound volumes of Hai per's Baztr, for three Tears back. In neat cloth ' binding, will be Pent by mail, post- ' l-aitl, or hy expresy free of expanse ( (provided tlie fn i.ht dorr toot exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume.' ' ' -i Cloth chscs for eich volume, suita- -I ble for binding.; will be sent by mail,-: , . SA . p.si-paiu on receip oiiuu eacn.. , Uemittanoes should be m.ide Vy post-oUce money order or draft to avoid chance of loss. - -.;' ! . . : : Newspapers are not t7 copy this , advertisement without the express' ordercf Harper & Brothers." " ' ".-' AdJres :";" 4 V"-'--'' :-v.vr- i , , . . IIabpeb & Broiiiers, . ,, . . New York. '. 1 v $1 A YEAR. - ' To kef p posted on the en tiro ifcrld - i " . subscribe for Uw ? . N- Y- WEEKLV HERALD- It.ls snd fwil continue to be the greatest and cheapest family journal Can improve the condition of our . far- I iu the United States . t Uon't. has euouch of it thev turn down Dion't snub a boy because , he wears shabby clothes. . When Edi son j inventor of the telephone, first entered Boston h wor a, pair of week.,,.m3 death was caused by ai til Igave B. B. B. a trial, and surpris- ing as it may seem, me a3o uj. uve bottles cured me."- ' - - . bio w inflicted several days ago. It Is, flujte likely to prove to' bo a .se rious affair. V '. The Rev. W. 8. Creasy, was. a few evenings since, liberally King, Clerk Superior Com-t ; of - l-rankim county, N. (; for tlie recovery of $351.60, due by aceount,which summons is return able before J udge Superior Court, at Lisburg on the 6th A'onday before the lit Mondar in M?reb 18S9. .- The defend ant will ko tak notice that a warrant of attaohmeat yaaiseued by. MiAJW.'; J . Kiar. Clerk of iiJSuDllrLr., Ooort on aid 6th day of November 1888, against prosertr ef said defeadant.-which . war rant Is returnable Vefore the snid Supe rior eifart ut. f ho time And nlaee sfthove . aimed for the return of ; summons whea ' and where defendant is required to . ap-. pear and answer or demur to the com- plaiai or the reJitf ' demandodr will be granted, -li'l ,'Jii,!'?U l invi. This 22d dav of Nov 1888. a ; . a.; . --j . pounded1? by his congregation. yellow linen breecrres irr-thre :niep4t I The "poonding waso generous as let nr water stagnate upon,; the of winter, lton't 'snub aiJboyte-! to reach the.H'eight Q .poasibJy, a erounii.1 .Viru?' 4' 7.4 ''jleause his homd Is plain and funpro- ton, and Mr.Creasy desire, the tending.:. Abraham Lincoln's early I Messenirer to extend most cordial home was a log cabin. Dont snub I thanks to ail the kind donors of his a boy because of the ; ignorance of I flock. Messenger.1 ' j - parents.- jBhaspea;f? im miafoCtedVW world's poet was the son of a man flM, - ,nn t tne Wftte- works. wh wtig iroable twfiterthlar.)owni rUffni'oli ifcel krth. an olter which tiarne.' Don't wiub a boy because mnaaanrnA ao ir u vm tr. be done as early as April or March, nd should be always when the soil is In good ? working - .order and nedher. too wet nor dry. In ;the one case it will bake and prevent the -the-otlier it wilt require nsnch-?' rnnr to put it In "Condition for planting. If tlie land is. not new ground, either forest or pine field, it should be fresh or at least long rested, and neither corn or sorghum - has been latelytioppedi' Foriuctttlalldithei preparation is .in all . respects sim ilar to that'of new gtound; except that a turning plow may take the place of the bull -tongue, and that I desire to return ' mvthanV'Srio fnri-l-4tielliIHng' ? should UOWbe sflona many patrofTf KV giyefi f Bel therej UrierUhaah0 flrsB of jM&t patronage Tor 1885, and earnesuy ask an u ' waiting for plants or a season, to plant 'them. To preserve such land jaod tor prevent dainaga to Ihogrdf- k.-Ml m. uuin i ivi v ' ass-nburg and J5. W. Timberlake, l iaintitl'n Attorneys. - " f Blacksmithing. eontmuation oi tne same for 18ba. I am sure I.wiU be able to do better in -.the tutu re. - .Tne times are hard ana prices very low. , Those who have horses to , be shod call on me. . I.wul enarautee satis If you havs a horse that over-reaehes, cuts his ankle, stnmblefi has corns or the nar row-heels, call and see me. and I will guarantee satisfaction. Do not forget . that I am nreDared to renair 'eruns. and have all parts such as hammers," tubes . K A5TH0NY T. H"EAL., ing crop from ;washiug''.rains,,.wa- ter-fhrrowipg: 6t giitterifigi: r redi ommended. The vestibule trains will soon be runhn2 between New York and Southern Points - For he next house or repre 8entatives certificates have already been issued to, 163 Republicans, and 159 Democrats. - So tho Republi cans 'Will have a majority of one in the -next house. :.lf "cirtificates should be Issued to Democrats In the two remaining districts of West Virginia1 and a'listrict In Ten necftiee .It Is probable"! hat" Gov TsyltJT wllr' give the Republican candidate a certificate In this .Tent nessee district, aiidlhat a. certifi cate will be issued to one Republi can in West Virginia., rThiS would give th'e'Republicuns a' majority of five in tho next House a very nar row, margin,' it Is rue, but one that measured 12 tucu.es from nose he chooses a httmblei trade f The.l t:HnrtA,, , It bt oftenMhat l-m :marm' "fx runout one ma author f Th Piwtm; Prr1 UP"--IV..r:. sufficient or purposes of .T.ka . .Ill . I ... because oC physical . disability . . Jk i Ta . 71 . t v CAi Jinion4jesieraay, a uouet iu nnv nPTSiusp i nniinp ac nis ' ips-i r r - . , ; t- - . . : .. - .-r-the'hoon factorv of Coir Jc onrta - 14 rviivrh -t a AoiAhiatAil 'I w rtatnfai nrirl r rwa tms air A d a cttiml I v : , . , , , 7 ... S 1 two sons of CoI. Ashford and a ue- ooy a I nis oooks. uon'i snuo u Don't sniib a ; boy otters are caught this side of Reedy Fork or Haw River. He sold the hide for $4.00. -North SUte. - reMercia'v, John Aslr . , . 14 . t A gro, andfaaUy iBjuringCol. Ash boy. because he stutterso Demost 5. V .Nfct-1 -1 Ci .,i - . vT v vl J-lrordJjimsdfhoIlsIn-a eying thenes, the greatet orator of Qlltion - " Greece, overcame a harsh and st am- I . . . . merlng voice. Don't snub anyone. "The Bank of Guilford Oreens- Not alone because, some.day.ftey .bo's third bankpenedI doors may far outstrip you in the race of j for business Wednesday, Jan. 1st. D. P. Caldwell, : president, W. It. Murray ."VicepiesldetilWi 55'. Td organization. It will be extremely diiacult, however to carry. through any distinctive measures of party policy with such a majority, . Upon the question of taritt revision the freo trade" Republican members from Missouri will-put the advo cates of tariff protection in a mi nority unlers they can drum up two or three recruits lu the 'Dem ocratic camp. i ' mers to any great extent. This is not the right end of the line at which ' to start the reformation.' The farmers' should behi at the other end at their homes. There is where the work should bei done to bring about the desired im provement of their condition. As long as the farmers plant nothing but mon ey crops, depending on the city stores for all. their necessaries for family and farm, they will, continue ! como' out at the little end of the horn every year, and, that loo to spite of all kinds of legislation that could be conceived as , working to their advantage No legis lation, on the face of the earth will help them as long as they continue to mort-. gage every thing but their wivet and children for provisions to . eat while raisin nothing but cotton and tobac co, it tne l-iegisiature could prohibit i The cominr year promises, to be crowded with s'.r.n.e event." ' . In the Uiiitid States the enterance of new issues imo the political arena ' hns ben loUowcd by a chauge jJL ad. ministration . But the great e ono o , . ic question on which t tie ' ca ' aiga turned Is still 11 r settled, and Its soiy tion is now committei to a : Congress almost equally diviued. bet ween tho two gre;i iarties. 1 Europe Is" a vast camp.. Army corps patrol the frdutier, and' mil lions of men await the signal for the most titanic wr the world Las ever seen.-" .- - . . : i The Herald's tews gathering xaa-.J chin try is unequalled. Its eorres- , pondiijtJiwdot the-"1 l abilablel gjpbe. ', nwthing can tsape7 their -vigilance,' and no expense ia saxed in rprcad ing the result of tbel cflfortj befvjre the Itcrald'a reader. ' ' 1 All the new of; America will be ,;; found each week in the Herald, while its foreign department will contain a life, but because it is neither kind, nor raghtt jQor.Christian, j Jt H ' The average American kitchen and Laxado r; ' t e th "kfao w ' dy 8 pepsia . the i one creates it, tho other destroys it. Laxador costs only 25 ceuts. ; The "baby's best friend ia Dr. Bull's Baliy Syrup since baby's health by kepin gart, cashier V. DBiggers, clerk, iLvi M.bCottt? Attorney. J'N ft tiff J DirectorsJudge John II Dii. Hard, Levi. M. Scott, .YTA-Ijash D, w. C. Benbowl'Thos. C." Worth. it maintains the JVf f J- M. Huston, J. . - VV Scott, Di P. Caldwell. epin? it free from . - ... . 1 Va loom hit thpiA S?i 1 1 Tinrtlv .We learn that theie - From the Centropolis, Kansa&jCity, Mo.. Decemler 1st, 1887. r i ; - There u nothing so vaiuab'e w us as heallii, "but we do "not "realize his until we are deprived of it. How mtny of our readers' awake in the. ihbm ng with the dull pains in the back and head, and find it a hard task to. perform daily duties f These are symptoms. pfmaliria, 'and. we. know frvjui periouaf tnal they may be Jcom plelely eraJiited by ShallenbergerV Antidote for Mlarva.; It' is a simple, amd eQ'ectivo remedy, and we advise our rt-aiers to try i. u , their buying foreign lacon, corn, flour. I panorama of the old world, 'fli shed l and hayjt. would do them more good than by passing any law it would.be called upon to adapt for their ' benefit- . Durham P lan t. -,''.' National and State legislatures are united In the "work of political rede trip I tion aad the day 1 Is . not far distant when political ethics will be elevated to a Christian standard of private vir tue and personal honor." The Slate of North Carolina has prospered during the year 1883. Her people have"" been vinder.the aea over the commercial ca-; bles. . . . ' SPECIAL FEATUURi. . Practical farming. Progress U science, woman's work-, nouble pulpit', ctterances. literature aud art,' stones ' by our beit author. ; . ! " 11 INFQRM VM ATION ON ALL SUB- , ' . JlJ'i. - ,'. Address. JAS. CiOUDUN BENXFTT. .." New York Herald, i 5 . . , New York City. ... blessed pith health, aud a gratifying degree of prosperity hat rewarded their labors. -Her educational institutions, have attained an excellence and in fluence onkuown before, and f-om her acadmic groves the iiht of knowledge has gone out to tha regions beyond. The past or xortu Carolina is secure, und her future is inoro promisiag. New Bern Journal, NOTICE- ' By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of i'ranklin county maJe - iu tbv cm tt Wariiovia lbk vs. Jno, Yr borough, i akall hvil at iLe court huuse . door in LtMiisburg on iIoilny the -4 ia day of February 1S&J, a iractof Und in Frank-. j in counlr,rvprei I'reik totihip ug' which JoUn i iirboryuli f rim rly re.ded, contaioin 150 acre. 'it-rms H tL, balance on credit of 12 uioutLs wiia . ; pr cent interest Irom d.itt. " J.J. II AVIS.' I Jan. 2nd IS 50, . . tomi,, colic, diarrlicci, etc, Price-.3J-ccts, '.rill i.