1 ; 2 : - I .....-I,., ..... i. i . i i ,, . , . i, i .,. in ., , . ...... . . ' i 1 ' 1 HE pua:;klk; times. j rfjk-i&BXBX EVERYCJ FRIDAY BY 5 3 A31ES ti. THOMAS r . fi 3 W Editor tpd proprietor., ii 1 7 ii ' r ii i x jjertfeaVv Six Months Bate s: , - ' ..... ..... .;h . . .. 4. . .. ; , ' k -. loo J. A. THOTIAS, Editor and Proprietor. 1 ;'- - I WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE ; WITH Gil A'iltTY' FOIi .ALL. r JRICS 1I50 PEIl illTIl TT In Artm4rn VQL'. XVII . i -.. A f (BY BEQXJEST.1 Of a A private soldier by the name pi racnaru ;jjcet.,was laKea D lore : magw'.rte reqetHly ,for , plains cards d ring divine service. . It appears tlfat a sergeant commanded the soldiers pt lie fcum-ftFuTaiM "Wtiftiif! rvar.r " h jj A . i reamne prayers, ,iie tooK tue te$t. ' hose who bad a biblu toojc it out; bbt LOUISBURG,-N. 0. FEBRUARY r 1889; ! STATE NEWS; , . i : i - J .-. - NO.l,52 fc ' ' I ; 1 '-r , i " '. - - . . f ' .1; ' ' ' ;"T i r , , . ( . - illi L'rti I ;m, -4 i 1 LLlI 11 : : ' s-ti ' t ' . .: . . - . . t " m iTT , . ' . . , . .... U , Z , The Timo is l-.-.!'cil ut;i paLK .bel in rr?.cli.!ir. county, i'3 circulatlou x.tend UoYer erurj f ra tion of iliij and aJjoinin couatiii Ailrertlseia sliould nnle a cole Le:e Th Editor jf ill cot bj resiwallU for the viexsof con r;ju-c; Ja. Urief comra'aQ:cilio-i froia"ne3 lion most earnelly soUaia 1 2Cewt lemj of any lutare wi! be tLiatfuMy ri veil' r I . ' : i ', I. Southt r.i' Caitivator. I see tliai Farman says turn under no green crops, but wait untiKhey die. Dickson bo a ever, says turn under, green. Now, which is riht an I what do chemUtry and cxpet unents teach ? II, W. B., Mayes ville. S. , i . , " JlkSwjS&, XJntii withla a few years lst it was the revaUmg opinion anioo practical farmiii and ' agricult- urai writers tuat civpS;grown; u jtiie juuu iir umuunu suoui t oe psowuu ii in r i u fill m uj i i:s- j u-rtjk. i I Jl 1-1 1 -III 11 1 f?TWfffWaiw'W LT Vy y LTJ LbU l!P?tth tin js m solutely Pure,. u m. wL-x f n.e crvicq Ab This powdereTer raries I Farm audUardcn io.tes. Items of Interest Oatliored from all Parts of the State. v ' lSivri your pbre4tViyfor tW t Hatter The Statord Air. lne has jiotl- fled its Mnts.that the, Immediate families of ministers, - who clunr- To" make";the butter. nii'Jc 'ufrom'-1 locally nt lhe8ame rates "a? tc . f u u w '.v .Harper's Bazar. . ... .iILLUSTIIATJDh; j , v j n avp Ea'a D Ar ab wil l.co v ila 9 to ' if! a ! , The Charlotte Chronjcle hasl new set,f type. It '"- looks spicy and city like. . - ' v Ileidavllle wants trinity college w ho win geyttrrntrlT ?c? .r heal'y cowspulshouil be uid, ll.i ftiahtHVto'miriiiterbVer Its raids. m,'"in repvUtiojiM.Rti.nio Ji Avoid extent of the- cdws,; pr- Monday nl-l' about rnidnljht, trtt.ons nr cf the h r-u ,i order, lu dacid )Y chasing with do-s j ' TJuned 6tat'a 1 Deputy ' 'iVrvl.al rtatam 4 ;jf klW I r' I ft W.nJ, r IlarWtreatincnt lessens the qoauti George V; Meaiis and a f o ;;t. ot an 3t " r;!,: ,,a 1 !' ' 1 !. U.e ,ty an4 redaaesUb?. cnt'tty c.fju!Jks-tlL. vfi,xun;w.wre. fira i.t. ui.rnW- i.oiwu ... iT'.rrri.r" Wwul MilkTesVels should bev't!ior.ujilily.; hush, by-a number of ; moonsliinere. I heet scppTeiuvntamliash!oii;platea this soldier liad neither liihle ir Com l!-.ljl':i:l Ii! t-Vtl. . iMrUHwOo .J,. U, pack of cards, he Spread them: before JNsi W10 mostsiijalle stagejpf '--l. ; f 'vnivVi eva?5 , ,tooKet air one card ffj ""tr Tl 7 ? ; - cna tnen at anotner. . xiie sergeant tot T 5 "n uo iT"""' V1". "i?vFw bf tBe iaioi thal!t!)eiuliiS'Of fernetU- WgeUMo uidtbr eerfsafnju?!. o effect oqK the soiVor hp o,uickl J yucceedmcroftii tliat hoa'vivay-1 1 1 M - . . I . n 1 1 r , r .... .. lire edonoinicil fhaii tlte; ordinarT kud I war it,, il-o'Vnu feirhi nlu t!ie mul fcitttde of ltw?i testj IhortT weyEkt, I soldief liere forjS'-' 'lr plating Cards alum onpaisphatowders. SOLD o?LY v-r--- -, ,1 ., ill 1 .IW VROFKSSIONAL - GAUDS. ; crop. 1 t "r mi t . " n 5 a - & niu y aw; r urwi r wi D.m icaiu ciesnseo, scaiaeo.. nun Dou:ngf water. iki.iiuui:r-oi tutors were exchantpu ... ,.v..v.. . .thffor Trinity-.'.tf 'Ji, nd.s Ito sinw, bcii jr &i,SJtgS: .aylmfllch ft me hi thUcityIleb--- aweetiid tfj j,: d'un i ..in - yf , seriously wounded . Shelby' Era.' 1 Lou-ktepla. cookery, et-.-'inake it . ruay22Rd. Vf : jJ ,y The; Uwp will le'lhe betteV tr. '; ''11. W. 8. Wells of Orpver, haW lafetoi-yryWseholdi IU. B.irthpaf pur; tmm X WureKleomiractloretia XX'Lfl ijniuTciir:ivnHLfexiui. is iempora-,1 .Hinsiun ipv : sw.ew ; wim,-coae 1 una iorn ana aaurinill lor JAr. L, luia n rtimitted lo Jts coltimns Mat ti ; . .1 . 1 i ' 1 . 2 v . .... t . 1 ; v : ' . . . 1 lirwy nmng ir. Manuia'S cnair, 1 ut a-iiumps.oi naonrei m i.m t mih 1 ine.r jeam.-,Tlie mill will "bo 1 - ma uinsioiijr-Hiiiw iuu umwi i( - . inerc is uue aanger xi manuring ".ly uouv,inree lilies irorn- pti ?if7iirj'00f)'f)jrhir'ai :ldJ'."aTfe fqr",Tegees !!6nboro.S-'MrJ.iWellf Has just ff.iCh The surveyors of the new raili- .Uavy ferliaing will always h-piW ed'- ' fiiie CQru'mlil 'for Mr'.'p! D. t- KririssENi5tjiiG,oir rr u-i -.i i 3. . .- -..r ATTORNEY AT LAW I - LOUISBUIiO. N. c. (iftce iir tWOdurt Uouse. All hiuiness put in iny hunds will receive prompt attention. ' Q M.COOK13-- V 11 attend the Courts, of Nash, SVank'in G-nnville. Warren, and coirtt bt ortliXTftTOli . -Circuit and DrsiKf ct t in cprUi." pveli, iflierjiWliat4iaVe you-io say.fo'ourifl". Jpluch s I hofefy goodl,;fflh1fti; I will puuishy ou more tlian you were ever pn the 8il niarchi I have neither Bible nor Common Praer IJouk,'l have nothing but a pack of tiuui, kuuj. it saiiaij, j uui : n viauip Jl tlie parity of lu'y itent!o'u?E,prea I V. ing the' cards before ?; the May Or, ie. 'tyeifim wltfi tlia'acei f Whetr I see lie a e it ' reminds, me there Is but one ! Aiodt- yheii . see tue, quyet reminas jmef Uie.JMieTan 1 ape the tray, lit reminds tie otthesFathdr, b-o and Holy triiosi; wucu i see tne JO uilo wv 'tovub i lia vVC pasbl work south ot the river. Col. J. 1. Glenn, of Guilford been appointed by Govi Fow judaut General of the State Guards Biedsville is no longer in n. j: k mlalosk. D O'iie'i doors lielo w' Thrrhan . il . kt'n Drug 3sj re, ad i oin Vri sr Dr'Orj Eiiig.;:nt .7. .t ..- . gj V TIM IJEltLAKK, . ; ' . ' ' at I.OUISIJURQ, N. c. pACL JOS1.S " Attorney anl C sto ell of at Law LoUISliUHG N. C V ; ftvh'ftiiiwttt remieda toe. of the ! fcur Evah- nalUuidthe XJ it-lislsIiai jrV alie(L?Ma lllie Maife' Z4iim Hiini wiiI-'sllhe tivW further that tlie cron will rot oaicker ou-taefaualWlUiouVnla loss of fertilizer value, even if not turued under uut l just iu time (or the spring crop. Our own opiuion is that it is uot best to turn under a green crop, or turn over the laud at ulL in mid- once in a cr the surf We believe crop uu decided on the soil permitted to die aud decay ou the sur face, and this U especiall v true in clav 8..11.4. On sandv soils, alrendv own resume tlie practico ot the law. -,f- aud porous, and containing very little the health and quality of the plant. H lt;IisJ?betier;it6i, fiU ii the1 wa 1 6 '..1 ',uvr!- iP.r I '..'tilt- "UM(llf 1 or it Inrrian at J trougu oeiore u is. quite empty, tivin to f lliatllinoret"al 'bolt hi the Tf.iAMlft . tSeA. xeryr.wrstr. ann the C., C. & a road blew ik.irnK;so,mucttiney aoti 'care-to eiiviiii th iin n led-, VT'Vn ;V.;,S sooitweWitransferred l-'tw the l riirf P?.1.1. .ffyfFjJPHf? Carlliia Central train and ah1. Vx ,iK'i oriiroesjm jVufive-acretravTberry ta engine was sent 'from- UUcks-. .V..B. ... 1 , ! . . . 't ! If . t i I I. - ll - .35 " ' ....Uu tlioliowl U n . Ahmit mttnn f.infrv Tha v. -p - uurK to Ule,ine iram. IO lltUtUeT". I -llASPEaS YOCSO fBOPLK J....J ZWJ -r - : T"." : . . " - "TXh aavemnchlh-.theraU that' IheV de-V rUV . . .', ..' 4 i. n Yubiber. la crop that will. promptly cov- tract is to oe closed at once. - it r .:dt ioT.:v:,rr t,.!i f -''t JV - ' .c ::J ih n.dXl RieZ Caaada. dlsriali w... tviih vonroturtA.. I Thn wri rtro nccount of oncrte 1 " : '' :,rm' r- - - "V 1 ' TwQ' thmTt. "fy1", r1 , T?tV!a- I '. . - that the decay of a "green t .:l'i? n A-WOHA'N'ADlSCOVETt'r. ! V.. I yll0J, A savlnrs bank; and nteht 1 ..The vahm of tui.T5azar; will be ler the soil will xert a ore of tue Stat, last we k. - T ,1 V iiither'woWmr tdieuiical and 'beneficial effect .a h:l;Ate&teW i"obj, f.Iaj dhd savinga of maliramodrits by tlrinLi.ih'.lntTotiiiil befflAwitla than if the same crcn b i'" Tv I this ; t, PuritryT ' Disease fastened 1 Its th fi' UitiZMA ; -.7i:-L .r .V,-7.int IClUlJf Ul UUYC1UUI OUUlC7. (CMCIICU near 1 englnfe qfa ou ti and The i pat- feuld offand the most fhtMoas taste. Amoup t'ne attract o.l' fihe new vol- ume;rwi;t ba (8fri)- stores, nUy,, Mr. France Hodjsoa BurpetMrs, AKx :.n kr, ' Wil'.ixin Black,'- and Thomas Hudy and a series'" of yx -er onJnnr ser mnagement hy Mrs. Ckristina Thuoe Uerrick,,..., :fnT 1 i : :r.i - .-. i v. .. HARPER'S PERIODICALS- ; 11AKPEB S liAZAIfc OU IlABiaK,8'MciA3aHE1 C""" 4 OU Hahfku ' Weekxv-1 d ft liivj 4 iU Will frirat-tlee .ln Cthesp'iWts FraiikUii:Wjiv':ltei.Viinee; and Nifclirnd i file Supreiriet?ourt .f the State. . : . ji remiuds nie of the" five wise virgihs that U's ni Uf'd ther ;la"njiii7-.Uiere wea e iteuC mVl i. Ii V i w u wjse . a urdi ti d we q log.nsn aua wit snus cut; wuen 1 . s.e . the s:x, it re nin Is iue.tat. i,u sijr Vlays te L r 1 m i le ILviveu and earui; -whU'i I Bi'O tlio oeyim it yo.uiuJiKK ifie that a the seventh diy hs resied frojia ihe-isreak vefkr ba-hadr ore;ifedJ add lall Jvv&Pit; TO4l e4 iigift, jit ruiuiuds nm ol' the eight righteous j-; sons that were fay? d when Cod dje-, stroyj'd the world, viz: Noah and. bji will?, with throe sns and tlieirL wives; 4 wKeWdrrmmiuds me 4of: the liule iepeVjthat Vjeri cleans id b'y our Kavaurz-TtTieTe WerdTime outr sta insoluble material that can be render ed uvailahle by the fcrmeniing process it is probably best to per.n;i the greeu vrop to die and deuay u the surface, Oa the whole, it iuay.be left for - each one to dctt-rniiue for hiuiseif acuordiug m the circumstance-, aud consulting con venience. AVe are a tislied " from esprit uco t'.iat wheat or nats wAl uot do well 8: imiuediattly afier a heavy greeu crop ha been turned un- au oppyrtunily yf getting- an edu cation who are compelled ioO work;j In thddayiAiwHo will' be flrst In . t VI... I starting either? "Saving bank are . . : i .. c : . tlutchps upon her and forseven years his home last week, where he tvOi J 8i-e wll:.t!,d severest .lesu,, .but nrr vuai i,rau3 were uuueinuueu auu. de Ji 8fened iinmlneiit:' Fbrl threa The Herald is published fot Cold 1 months -sIim couhct inc'essa'niTy aim noi gi ryr uiory is goa , enoagn.i - - - dolmr well st othpr ,da' iha thing In its wav. but it is ai heavy lor consumption' nd wan no much re-; State.. Tt-iis nave one. ,, d 1 i discount wheii it is time to sett Id lieveu -on; taking the-first 'dose' Uiat iXrJ,'u'-T 'ir- - ' your bills.-Smithfietd Herald. fie slept all aihtand witho.ebott! V. ;ffe!K postmaster haa beau marncu ouslv tured. ) Iler Ht Atlantic, pi. C. wrilai ii.llid Drs. Haywpod and Hay wood JE,1 name i i Mrs. ll.uther Lutz.K Thus sbm-of the boys 'were ceiebratmr 'i.l nhv1diiM nir , th Tnatiiin X. t.-M.t a free trial ...bottle' al (W.( A of the DjafBu X. L -uu,.ta free trial ...bottla iat !W. 'r." powqer' guns. . ' -ni i ',', j U i Furman J r'a., drug' Storey t l 1 Witrt tlUVsorfdr Capt." Hirman mb and Bi.nd. vice I , , - 't ..i u rsuJ A.:r;i ' irr.-r j - . - vii - ,r , 3 tV" . .f-1. in.'. i .. Boynd volumes u Hniers Jazar, for three ' years' Uack, ' In libatfeloU biuaing, will beTeiit Uyfaail;ipoat l!d,"or by ecjkreas free vl expense (iirovldot the fr.ijht does not exceed 'one "niNar per oiuie7;fof rfQO per YQhioiewr t!.i ir.iJ -M-1 ,is Cloth cat 's for eich yolame,ulti plc for bludiiijr, will le snt .bynail, post j'ald bnrece1pt of fl'.OQ each. :'.leinitUasc3 .should .be . Rd 7 jiostpici.. money 1-crder'ioh draft to aroiii chanee of loat. .- s Nwopapers areuot to;opythi J T.II1CKS, : " Will practice together in theeoanties ten wh- never, returned thams; . wheiJ I see the ten. it remans me of the tu c nauud;nen"J,3 which GMlded : o on t:Utp onstmie: mIkd I sec -rrr-n ; t t i . ' i t. .t t heninliioi nie olUeTang of Heaven, whkh is God lmighly; when iVeu the queen, it remiuds nie of the Queen of theba, who visited Sdoinon, f or.she was njwise jnraft as he was, Slie ifoihri& fier fifty bys and fifty girls all dressed in boys '.ap parel, for King bolomon to tell . whi(:h My.on had a breaking out on his Pimles So Achcsaml tt anone,tegntineV WdahkeAtiVaAlcIe Wnea'careieilvJ ..W,14??5 fcice.as riug-woruithen on his hands if W t ' " f ' i1 ' 1 , i . . "( 1 i v handled diurnal - 11 SUN relieves llAttbccanrpiigm 'bUaSu hVHiflfinaillmlil i.ir.c,therjprMstp4 ". T, L 4 t - vil.R.dlinK : mill s r0 afTt-i t.1Ltf ,,tt '.f LS,rATn ' t eradicate in -boctf sdcofala pr ponta- - Tlie best salve in the world r cut, a couiodious three-story building dta should begia oa-op. about aTlAf .?fl11rK-f l1 oM Uo W8f. enicper) Uiut bruUes; r?K ulcers, 's ilt 4,rhcom, with W 'cam4nr and ' is fllll m, lht.,:1xS4fTT8u3. WWasdroimg. -IJuder-eeikipif ' Jft.wB. itaiWditoo BTrtui hr.k fever : sores;': teller. Uianped shao Wl- ?re.n!en R.J.i,wnlIe.l up wxU ba on hand at tlie beginning ani iihVbwtii.Q h crrur eiriii r.o .. ..:.....i mAn tu.,n. h ; ii I ehnhbima: tririm rtnrl !l Rkn onmiiniM I from lop to bottom -with tliBiate-t I until the end ox the must interestinz Granville. Vance, Jj'ranklin and Warren, aud in all matters requiring their joint at We hope by prompt, diligent and . taith Lwere bov and which were girls. Kid fulatention t bosiavM, to Solomon sant for water -for them to teeivea.portionof the law business of , , : . . -.f 'ATTORirET'AiTLW.' - LOUlSliUltU, JN. C. Office on Main St., one door low the Eagle Hotel. and tlie boys to the wrists, so KSoloapoa,toW.by, jJaat- Wt41i' Klbg said iu such a icause oi a Avaui !-TI Dr. Ricliard li. Haywood deceased ... . - - . - . . - The citizens of Uioiuasville laid a meeliiigMoiiday wUhfandd? cided to open'a .subscription i lo raise f ZS'OuOFTo operate a shoe' 'ac- to&J .Kv phico like Thomasville ioruiaktiig'shoe. Mr; Reutien ChUty, night-watch-; man at tlie-' Salem -Academy aiicl, wTHatso fir several years' has ' had charge 01 tne grave-yara ana vm- etrv"as irtave-dlgger." received a . - .TT tl.. ..;. 'i stroKetji paraiysis iaiciy which uu., Rlclutrtl Iiefrtr atnoatated thA Lie 'a ( prlveshitn ortheuse or one arm. erated Hmh.J'Gunpow;der ik rather Hill, pogred a double baud ..fu) of advertisement wi.hout 'tHa express powueciuto nt old-musket, rutnm- orar i iiarper.uro uers. , . ed'lhe w.iJ:i .is.,,,' .;.d-p.lM y'u Zt' the triggvr. The barref exploded, : - - JewTork teurlnsr Off the' finders of th bnv- ' "' '" - f ' ' - ; ' :" Jleftlianri:; Drs.TiPauli arid I iuM rr-1 iMlvifK; I TV1. i du.M v.r.'.FOB.r.lii 4ve-yeariaa4aTWak aMftIli Rn'1 Positively cure. ;pil, s, or no' p.av improved .flour makliig ma .audilieier-Dtioilwinru.dia Be ir t Bead o Ue, ; blood .lialm (C? Ailw. d required, ft is1; guaranteed1 to give TJie principal part . of the ,aBuvine ej-nuo. uganj Wi'.tWaejir, f :Jr fnrm!.UiUf JndnA'fft'-'Ahvi k l-oerfecfsafisfact oni or inoner' refund r -i . " Y . F v Hetoutinued to take it and .every .yiace C It ij , the only tbce V 25 tents per box. ? -u ,?e.Dlc?.n.8is,,? qf elghtparcs si'a oi uia-ia?uaiiiitaun:U'tiwvJ.U'i l vrmt iTRrpiER.- . . r i tor saie uv- j. i ijiuton. hinery,-: dimiorPK political confl't since . . Ih'e war,. doing its ho. e, utmost.' as' i ei lip- tverC lb' secure' the triumph' of the ofi24 De aiolr. it :e parly and the peraisnent .,", ' .V ' ' - I year with sores. All the medicine? 1 rm; vf fyJriQ 'iMrf -1 11 waM.tadid ipii.qo7 1 then . Leesburg Ga., Sept-23; 1833. t tridb. B. B., ana 8 buttles cmedme Silt ; Illi Mtian Apjdl-at lca.will.be made. to' ixjgiaiaiure to incorporate vine. Jule Ctfr JJoaa Fpnrt,' the object of which is to provide cheap homes. ,bn mng:.tirne jTor ouf WWklrigmen. '5 j r. I rpllers, made by Oriscom Sb- Cp. A I laemacy jol.the pilucn Ic-n La.l br rr :':. LMcPeelfour Silver, Creek i floor li'V 4oa, taul:den the I dressers, two.12 TopU round k, reels, I relnra to ah61nte ixv?et'r -ifm -om. .-.VVr-- . " .1 .Taim. u-ritA: - Ar 1 friend -I iiif vQJU imn imi tf6HW ad.i;oth;phUanthropic the 74 tetjatdiSj WSJ asflai cirtaln ctir'd' i-piioy fes Uh1 liei ' face "'and' iidck. S-ie I history of our benevolent t6wiis-' atttbretYOblUel eured'i:iP.'fur.VQiwaHiA "4 JO.,uaiiw i l - . r.iK-mKo Tln J"""""l " . t r the Mayor, "you have siven a irod efdatfitatl f-i cafds" ftat one . . ... . . .. . a. t -r r- . ! . . nat 18 tnav? ' , a ne &.narc,-. saiu the :.Mayor,'. will give your. Honor a description of that, too, if you , will riot be angry.' I will not, said the Mayor, 'if y u ilo not term me tne Kna . ; Wen,' saidlnVlpiaier trigrcatst -knrve tTcito of irthe Constable that the Mayor, M' he is the greittest knajre, but I know he is the greatest fo.il When Tcouut how many spots m a Fd(l nnvrSUOTeTOe-qoorV Frp'Wf ,packpACIM"d3,iy fiid rthiee huudea ion given WcoHectudis, c': 8ixt-five as many daysV as thire iareJiu4q'Pfr; Ji WunjjlJje uuVn-. ber of enrds iu a pack, I findthere dre fifty-two Ihefnumberf bt fWtelc i nj a year, and I find four suit, the "number' of weekt in a month. I Hint there are me of that trouble with which'I -hadi been! ipaihliilJy f-anliclei.lfuIseveral years. " , L. 0 FaiFiiRHirn XtforW irLitwv- LGUISBURG, . C T : Will attend the courts of Tranklin. Vance, Granville, Waixeu, Kah. and attepti i' ;.iUt j.7: K0T1CE- 7!1 Ii All person! hnvinjr claims against the estate of Li, C. Waster will pre sent them to me at once, r . -i . E. W. TlMBETlTfcAKE AttV. for BLACKSJillTHING. I desire 4o retarn my thanks to my nianv patron's who hav ri ven nie there patronage foe 1SS3.1 afr learoeStlyck; a ;! continuation of the stn for l8y. 1 am eare I will be able t 4o; bettei; , jn.the future. The times are hard and. price's' Try low. Those who nave hoi shod aU oh me. I will euara faoUon in everr nartieular. Prices low Hyo bav ajior.-e tha' over reaches, cuts hit ankle, stumWfs, has corn,r the, nar row lieela, call and see iue, Uhd TVill' gnarantee satisfaction. io ' r;ot forget that I am prepai d to .repair guns, and havctallp arts jsm4: f. ! ammers, tubes 4c. r.c tfiiii. twelve picture cards in a pack, repre sentjng me nuinoer oi mouius t-ifft,- fca-. iudonHSouDabErtrteKT 1 Qnd tlifrleeniihe ntbe AlF-weeU In I a quarter, ' So yousee,vsir, a pack 1 pf cards serves for a Bible, Al mauac a?id " I Common Prayer Book. ; 07 ri)"l ifryr 'v'hiij&l? e-'Vearsago Scrofuti attacked 1 barlly afflicted with ihat disease, which tesi8tel;,tbe .treat 6ient ofi.my , ; family, fiyrtnHJfa's-lade'??he Swifi's Specifis by seeing ran 'accouni i ' i'Ufei lony cpp(yipa5r t iTbeioi? grove e it was ajiparcut froin-thcBrs dr?n Avere- cured, add' ra stHl ? souud drew up 'my limb-iiso l could ; hardly: UvalkTmy tffl-o-at was -tauterized five' frr beir- efit and my lite was one of torture un til .lijave B B: BJ a t ial, and au rpris ing as it hiay teem, the iisa of jtive biittlts 6urcd me. V" i j !" and wein John WiiiLiAst Lexington Va. : " . Swiff's Specuicl lettirus f eee taio rdiiifuynuuo is hib uuiy uipui- i... .alJlt'-iiJ - - ift. - tine wiiicrMPTiiiRuenuy ourc bcioiu- la, Woid humors g?cW blood canocr ana cout.t- -ISuifiiTt fi 1 lvJito f va : blood kud -Jskih'-1 diseases,"- niailed I til :!, ol r'.;'.v.i-t - ui. inji ; ' ', iaXUMine Drawer 3, Atlauta, Ga, InJtVftttihpt'tO KStti uottnnJfac- ; af ..:frai -li aii.-4 M il.?il 1 ,nr i , -.I..- I --...'4 . ' . I- - STMfaVueasiw apace M fSJ treu1d!5y i b3 hoKea toTbe calls one more application of ilvit d fi-l the disorder oj iraiitee eatia- 5 Ralvion Oil wl:fch never d h- i '-u4l? S'-'-iJ t h'ie1 Dr, Bul"s Biby Svra nppohits b'.t alwiys kill p.u'i-;?Qjtucef or ; the, lr trwi$lZ-w$ '25 f 1 1 is neither pleasant-or profitable to hear people constantly eouabipg If MAftflHalJ hi VfiMsui vijal Uronson cleaning machine. Rnrh-: I monenmr;cjf all xjd.naiinermfAl- tnonu smuuer, xwo .cyclone aust 1 the. political , nrgauizatipp. for. whose collectors! and-' a 1 three reduction I overthrow tlie Sun Wi'tt jit thalront corn roller uaill -x The motive DoWd'forlifiech Seirv thjmeinAraWeeara cr la supplied" by a 6tl iiorse power 'orGnrnt;anduta lnaud llfis;i aal bouer-ana bo. hpe, flower engine. I uaraid ana Arthur. . .i:-,x!l skin got soft aad smoodi, pimples dis- ftppeaiad,' and her face- improv I dan JjI ;uosortn,r( au imar. tia.. writes: Some year-t ago I contracted Idodd pidSoit" ! had uo"ppttit,, ,my .die-tion PUesUnise lltchiu Pile! i SrmpUJ'Moistui-ev'Antenae itciing and stingioir mon at nignt; wwie by semtehinz... It allowed-to eoatinas taw' was-, xuiued,vTUeuuiiitisiri'liBors forcvWhiehofuaMaeJ abd alcerate,' becoming very tore, swayne'a Uintmeat to thertcrnngaad bleedinr,,' Seals 1: aeration, and in, most -eases t removes! tlie tnmori... Al dxugjlists or bv mail, for 50 intv P'- Swayne A on, Pliihdelpbu. . - . r i , . w . ii i ,. -,.( t . .i ...... I : ...... i, 1 t i . . - aXlonj Sihnston Uas ben tendered The four cradea of flour mnda &r Our Unexcelled :Pate'.it,! Pride I of! Thomasville; Wldfe Lilly arid Alli-J i ance. !JThJ dally Ciipaclty is 0t to i fngramtl ImtUngl Price 23 Ct. . Boll at Vtxtggidn;' n .. Cvret UeerCcmptilirt, Ai'sctions, 6IddineM. Atarugststi. 25. I t a rv t va aanavn a i 'itiArti stm ka ru . - y-mm i I . . I noiig av vuicu VW ill 'iiij l?mt 'tenleldpla-tlbbJId call a the'.editPrehVin-cerel'ofrtiiktfvilo-. Duhllc raeetinff-at an earjy uay witu the viewLofiorgaiilzing a.olt n lac-- ory ipihe building abd loan patV. able Journal, .andthast accepted Ibe position.- Gepi Jones, was..for years Teraiarge;hea! editor of the HaIeighVNewsi and 14 " mejil mlhe c)inniuhityi;?lu favor .art able1 and experienced JottroalisVy. uP tlio prrfctIjetmimaTteg . . 1 tVe.jieattl)ywein.iiim "ack to I haven't the eotiraa'toidie' sif,l f . Hardly the courage to live; i r Can't dank enouijH to forget sir,f . . Aiu't cywiuiii eppugn. w iorive 5 This was Jhe wailof asiwn ifn i had. ehdure'd ihtf ' tortures'iof "liver com Jilaini' andjdysrtejisia f.r" ' years; ari(t he might have enaurextnemof; nie,. had lie not heard that By. Tierce's he fraternity, and congratulate the pdpleof the'.Vest1 on 'having hi in in charge of lliei'r. "J lead jug 'piw per. Ex. " :'.ir.p I 'A a..,r. ,.. i 1; ,Jt l! n 8 ' i West Bro6k; N.1 f. IDFIgilUIILIt;, 1 6. , , , V-The StatesytJ'e, people ara ;imak34ro4den MedicaV-Discorry wul Wike! him a well ma i. He gave it a tr al and wji0uvpill . jilGla was hollow.' eyed, maoijieland slowly t tiering. tqjV.ar.ii.tU;, to-h;, b Jt .;w;he. Is.uor :,vus,'rjU8t;, anil hei thy. ?j ThcreJ U hot'ihtriis-that- csin eonntjare"wirh Vivi BVr'8(verf'as'a'vufatlv.ifageHf for 8 ur., sioiaca,, -eonstmation, impure rhpn thev coald be easilr cured by I a' t of tie fittest" Lixa jormii.t he counts t':"T)ifcj,vf Vise hf-1 hrriic'-nasal . os Ppnt bottle of -Dr. Bull's Coiifflu'iYrVha-.i'ive i'l AifiiiiV b beli: , c' J"ZU ?Jpffha"utitHf. ? - '. ' ' i . ' . . . t ii ii ..I'm- . . . f i . i i r l ' . it .... l.i. Amho.nv T, Jseal. , gvrup ...-..r ;,,Sept:eth, issc.-- Vc ShaUnbe.riJ'. r-vr'ti ; J t Uocheter, Pa. Dear.8ir-.TlU'"2 boxes if IfjUs "you sent pie .did'- every L Thing you said they would, ' My sou a i!ie victim oi maiar a. lu-ep-set-hv diving hi Florida tro jeTirs, and tlie. Antidote has done mo'e than fivehuii dre .l Hollars wor h of other in divine eouM'hive d ne fur h:m. , I have hnd ... - . j on of my neighbors .try the tnedicineJ sod itcurrtd hlo i.niiveliati lr. T iioiV ToCo TimeTHl ic to ovevV ouo'J fi iTcvln 9 .fio:n malaria. l U oOl tailU cVCi.j 1 rUtmtj2$ Ctt, 'Sold tgatt frugglstx , , C7 rettovi Rhaathaiism, card jja, Sw6lfinqsJ2tvheslucihdiorCprcins, ' ' KBz2icha,T9Qthwch9, Soros, Cum:, Cuts, Scalds, Csclacha, V.'our.ds.Lc. nH LA HOE'S PLUCS. Tha Qrt rfwo tfiiLU tidoulfrlcw 1 0 CU. A tali gngglrt ll is the s ime old enemy that Demo trats now confroat, and he will be en treacbsd.iiit!18 same .strong, podtfoa. It has been' carried ouco by Lrav anl liopeTortVrhtingr'1 Doyoit ndt believa with Ttw 6aa 4hht ! lh"thbi lean be d hie a jain t Wu:t rlj see I V j Tha hopAf -4h-DemoL'raoyCs in the loyal efforts cf a unhi3d"pres, cherishing n piowjres d p vj differ e lives iu none'seiiixtW fiarflrjttln? ev'ervthing but'thfl,1ltfVons.j(ifj xxpe , rlcuce, and that vict ry it a'duly. ' : -lW;ab'U ybu'kn'iWthe'Sjtalreadv a ah jwspaier which fgeti'aJp the pews;and. prints jt in. ic jajarab!e interesting -shap; which thrauicla facia'a thej olciir an tielU thelrut'i ahont minim i: Events -with. abWiIute uarle4Snes-..ia:ikiug. the cifplelt nod .hioit 7enttMtaiiin4 jjurp.iLpub-li-s'lied anywhere 'on earth; "and which xell.vits opinion oiry toJtts'ulscri beraahd,norhasers t lwITeut a copy-n Sin.dajs.foar,i:ent8y jI jrU d not know" the Sun, mud lor it ami learn'Vhat a'wdiiderful tlnii'iri to belia the sunshine.-w! r.i Ii d-vedj " 'i ui a $0 50 6 00 2 00 8 0) 0 7u 1 00 XewToxt t t i J-.. . j: i i i ll f' l?aTff Till w A. m . .? .itwfvcu'ii "t.i ,,v: 1 ' W, V. MONUOH " - iTlmtAvo- uu., iohuitiuii act tlw cutting pfthPthrp;l of a hr for Mr.C; Dtihnatii, In.: 4pru-Htein township: Dvie : Cmntv.. U m going to his stables lat Veduertday morning Mf."DL,bii.ua toii;id tn. : animal dtad from, the result !,tlu?. jhrptal tre'l,iiittit. iVi.idton r.lii- I Jail y, iwr mo.ith. ,.! UaHpcryear Sujuhy, per yi-ar . . , l.t'dr"hd un.iayp-r etr . pa lv and ju-l i y, jcr tn:iuth ;; Address :TUB-?UN t I v -vjj j w. will lf 1 r B , 4 a ik- wwM. mu ui lb. ii tiiiii an. " viiim M fmi m, erf mt VM..arf wmi umhim mrt Wn4. la rrw, , 7 it t J3 'an M Mar M :W a walM ail im llM(r. ii.6if r. mi .t, .ilk lit - ... . . v . Fart, KrawM, m 1 i m.. bum m iw wr..i. ..la, t . kmlj KKlatnrv, l.a, tw 4BWWM.n. 1 wwto la mm mi mmmmt a. -tr. i,-e i U4 "t MN' Hi tM warmt. ."-J tto. pnmml f . , f 1 " IU fcj.Jfcr t 'a ,4 I' IJ at tO, Aia. A.HMU, iiMiaa , 11 1 j:jtis4ii7 y, UftA '.r i 'vM. .:'. fid