TH H FRANKLIN 1 IME ' -IFYP V THE FRANKLIN TIMES Published Every Friday by .'.JAMES A. THOMAS Editor and Proprietor. - ! TliBTiMjjUibeoh'eslctE-i; j published in Frank! ic coauty, and iU t ' I t circulation extends lt over every ecs tioa of vhi and adjoining countic Alvertiser8 should nakc a bote f.tTC Uae Tear" Six'xlonths; 50 - The Editor will not 1x3 res;ctuilLjl for the viexof corresoDucr.u. Brief communtins fro.n alla lion most canittly aolidte V. News terns of any ntar will bi thankf-Ily rceire.t - , 1 00 J. A. HOUAS,- Editor and Proprietor. - with malice toward none WITH CIIAMTY FOU ALL. M1ICE L50 PER ABHl II In Advance To Clubs ot 5 Thb Times will te A. orniahed at $1.4:0. VOL.XVIII LOUISBTTRG-, N. C FEBRUARY 81889. NO. 1 - i ' ' AC::LVITHONESTDCKlkG.! SENATOR VANCE, IN CONGRESSIONAL - - RECORD. . Composed and arranged for-lhe old. spummg-wheei, and respectfully dedica ted to that devoted friend .of-: protected ; machinery and high taxes,- the Senator i from Rhode Island f Our Mary had a little lamb, And her heart was most intent:' Tq make his wool; beyond its worth, Bring fifty-six per cent. j Tk.S m ' .m , i ui a pauper mi across tne sea. - Had a email lamb also,- Whose wool for less than half that sum 7 She'd willingly let go. TI , - 'LhlfL Absolutely Pure This powderever varies.' A marvel of nnritv ' i strength and wholesomenebS. More economical than the 'ordinary kinds',. mm1 ounn W sold iu competition with, the multitude of low - test, abort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold ONLY I CANS. EOYA BAKlKd POWDKB CO. . ' 106 all St.I. Y. "PllOFi' SSlON A CARDS. STATE NEWS. t Items of Interest Gathered from -- W i all Parts of the Stat e. : ' light " The Seat of the Affections; . '" It has been well suggted that there is no authority In history, mythology, metaphysics,, or physiology for placing the headquarters of Cupid in the" heart. The cradle of the 7 baby-god may, ' for aught we know to the ; contrary, be in me mngs, or me spleen, or . the .liver. 1 Mr. J. Y. McHae, of Ralri;h, made Une ot our homoeopathic ts say, that Love I an assisnment last week for f ix thou- Js A creature 'of thestoftLoch.and uWnr! I Rna 7"rnnr - .V upon the gastric juice .to:8urahortV.P liaps he is right. In fact, there is a good elected annual orator bV the Utcramso- " " v j. . , I aeties of Davidson UoUege. yec, u a lover snouid say to the object of Charlotte is to have her electric capacity doubled. , ' ' - . .',': B B.MASSENBUUG, ATTORNKY AT LAW- v., v i Lonisituno.N. c. . . OHfl in the Court House. t All business put in. my Iwnds vui ?eeoivo proittpt uc-T"- , . 4. T P r an 1 30UNSET J,OR at LA W. LOtJISSUttO, Ftt.VNKLIN CO.,N. C. 1 1 uttftn.l the Courts of Xasb, Fmnlc in. G iuville, Warren and w'.iVo: n nun . ips fl also the eumeme -,,irt nf XAr th Carol in A. and the U . Circuit and District Oowrta. Another girl, who liad no sheep, ? -v i :x . : i n xyvt pujujuiige,' wool or uax, But money just enough to buy i A pair without thf l tax, - u'Went to the pauper to get Some wool to shield her feet. , And make her stockings not' of flax. xjui uotn pi wool complete. When Mary saw the girl's design, She strait began to swear. . - She'd make her buy both wool and tax, Or let one leg go bare. So she cried out "protect me from v ; Tliat pauper s sheep wool free, - - If made to keep both her legs-warm i? ' Wliat will "encourage" me ? - ' So it was done, and people said , Where'er that poor girl went ' . One le5 was warm ed with wool and one - Vitji nfty-six per cent. Now praise to Mary and her lamb Who did this scheme invent. -v- To clotlie pne.half a girl in wool" " ' ' And one half in per cent. " All honor, too, to Mary's friends, And all protection's acts: Who cheaply clothe the rich in wool ' And .wrap the poor in tax ! his aflectkm'M 89, permit me : to lay my stomach and fortune at; your feet," she would think it an old way of pop ping the question. ; Conventialities with out any foundation has sometimes the force of facts; and .that important and powerful muscle which acts as the vital pump and distributing' reservoir ' of the jAsystem, having been assigned to Cupid as his residence, from time immemorial? we must. assume him. to be thcra. al though iio trace of him can be found on is, however, a pa'pable absurdly to represent the hearts of lov ers as ill flames, or transpierced, with barbed arrows, because j it is manifest that a person with the vital organ in a state of cpinbusfloa ; or ''on a skewer, would be.atja pohit of death, and there lore lucapabfe of courdiig. And ;yet, if this ivptfar notion b(C- discarded, Svkit becomes of the" valentine trade? : : Mr. G. X. Walters,-Merchant-Tailor of Raleigh, has made an assignment; li- J I abilities not yet known. r.v A Valuable Cow. HE VrbVLD SEUU HEB ''AT A "'' BARGAIN TO HIMSELF. OBEAT LYNCHER 1 Hi) IV D !t. J.E MALONK. FOUR MEMBERS OF A TEXAS MOB KILLED BY PRISOEflS. ' O H :e 2, dortrsXbelo-w -Fnrman :& C ikrtV.Drug 3iref adjolniua Dr O. K Elli..' E. WTIM beulakit; ATTORNEY AT LAW , U lLOOISBUaO,"I. c. , -: O Sice- W ha Court House jArLJOKI-S IttohpywlCwelioTatLiVp r iTTf J l 1TIrv "NT IV ' -f - Will practice In the courts of .Franklin.'. Warren, . Wfce, Vance and Nash, and in the Supreme court of I he State. ( A. HICKS, six prisoners, wixi1.e being taken to jail, bepuiise, with deadly x effect, the 'attack of linch 1 Vers. two v of tue 'prisoners Graham, TexvA little Alabama medicine was given to ' a Texas mob, and as the result the Texans will have the sorrow, of attending the funeral ser vices of four of their ' number. . The mob has for a week threatened to lynch the four Marlowe brothers, who have been held in jaH here under the Deputy United States Marshal Johnson. Boone Marlowe Was charged with murder, and his brothers were held as accessories to the crime.- Marlowe lias been in jail charged with offences committed in the Indian Territory, and had been released oa bond when sheriff Wallace received a warrant from the sheriff of Wilbarger to rearrest Marlowe on i the charge of murder. Sheriff Wallace found Boone Marlowe at his brother's house as he was eating dinner. : : The ' deputy sherifi ordered "Marlowe to throw' up his hands' Vand he ; "Qwing to ill health, I will sell at my residence in town 20 ranye 18 west ao- cording to government K survey, one crushed raspberry colored cow, i aged eight years". She is not afraid of cars or anything e'se.- She is of : unAannted courage and gives milk frequency. To a man who does'not fear death in any form she would .be a great tooii. . She she will. be sold to , any - one who will agree to treat her right. the ,is ono- fourth short horn,-; and three-four ihs hyena. .1 will throw in a" double ' bar- relied shot gun which goes with her.' ' In May. she generally; goes away somewhere for a week or two, and - rcv tuTus with a "dl V red calf, ; with 'louj swabby legs. Her namjisjiosa and I prefer to sell her ... to a ; non-resident. BillNye. , , - 1 AVe May Ne'er Know. VMaj. Samuel II. Smitli, Capti R, Perr cy Gray and Lieut, J. II. Wtlsoii will compose the staff of the hcw jAdjutaut- General. V ;v;''c .::X? j'Vv' . 1- . The wretches of the Greensboro rob bery have not, .been caught. . They k 'Twenty-four ciur loads . of . steel "rails Were unloaded here this week for ; the High Point, ; Randleman, Ashboro & Southern Railroad Co. High Point Eu terprise. " . - -'. - ". . - , ,. An ice fhctory with a fifteen ton ma chine will beerected here within a short time. ; Mi. nines, the . proprietor has purchased a lot on the South eide of the. ii.' &; If. ; R. R. for" , the 'purDose. Greensboro North State. '..-,' r , ' Maj. John W, Dunham, Cler of the Criminal Court of New Hannover coun ty! died iii , this city , Sunday ,. morning ing last at 4:15 o'clock, from the .effeets of wounds , received in, the battle of Seven pines, in 18G2. WiL Star v , ' ' . . - . Capt. E, R.. Stamps has tendered ,h!s resignation as .President of the board of directors of the State . peuiteutiary., -He has filled the position many years. His successor has not yet been appointed.r--News-Observer. . ' x X v ;; V: v f Vv. Capt. J. J. Thomas having 'declined a re-election as President of the Raleigh Savings Bank on account : of mcreasefl ' An engine and fourteen; freight cars were wrecked" at a"sidinc:"' near llieds- ville Saturday night ome person- had broken the lock of the switch and open-' ed it so that the train ran upon it and was - precipitated down a thirty foot embankment into a'creek; ' The engin eer saw the danger ' and ' saved himself by leaping to the r ground. The' fire- man was bun ied under the wreck, but escaped with slight injuries. A brake-' man was killed. . The train caught fire; but the fire department of Reidsville turned out and extinguished the .flames. . Ammie Ellis, col . paid the - death penalty on the Gallows to-day for' lull ing his father Allen Ellis in September last. The execution took - place about A mile north of this town and i was : wit nessed by fully 3,000 people. V X " He had rested well last night and ap peared to relish his .breakfast. At ,12 o'clock he was taken to the place of ex ecution, guarded by the Clinton Light infantry. At .1:30 he ascended the scafibld, where he. spoke to. his colored friends.: -,: Prayer was offered by Rev. 'J. W. Turner. At 1:50 sheriff Spell read the death warrant and soon after the black cap was adjusted and at 1:53 .the drop fell and Ellis , .was r launched into. eternity. His neck was broken.". The crowd was orderly, and'the execution passed off in excellent order. . Sheriff Spell ' was assisted by his . deputies, Mersrs. Jones and King. Messenger. THE FARMERS. Frozen Wheat for Seed. HINTS AXD. ITEMS OF INTEREST THE AORICCLTURISTS. . T I i 3. J ivatebsMinesrJ- W elected A. p t.iiicks, Attorney at, nENDERSO.N. C. vWtll practice together iirtheronntie ' - 'i it . l-i:.. .A -Wr.MMrti requiring ineir jouii-a i i" .0 - - .. uvuvuv -. We may never know of . the anguish hidden beneath smiling eyes, ' We may never know of the weary hearts ' beside us day by day,, whose prayer is for strength to wait till Jod shall say, Well done." We may sit down xt the same fireside, clasp hands at the.Vsame ; social ud ik all mattcrit We hope by prorapt, diligent and taith ful atention to business, to -deserve and rtcei ve a iortiou of the law- business of board, look into each other's faces, ' but rrifleishootinxsheriff Wallace" near the- we W06 unu j heart." The wounded sheriff died within j teuoi uie saaiautuos uio two days. V Boone Marlowe escaped, I iu for .a father's hand to lead beside the but lus brothers were arrested a. acces- Hfm wnt f neace and rest. . . ; ; J i i UOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main; St.; one ;dor j low the Jflagle Hotel. F. S. SPRUILL; r I Attorney At Law, v f jLOUISBURG,;N. C. V. i' : -.v,. ;.:' . ' ' ' Will attend the court of Franklin. Vnce, Graurille Vaireii, Na-'h, aodj Federal m Supreme Court. ' Prompt' i" attention givea to cdlectins &c. ' v. ft Oil t AH persons having claims against thf estate of Lv C. Waster .will p re seat them to me at once. ' ' E. W Timbeij lake A tt'y. for ' W. T, Collins Adm. Blacksmith ing.x - I desire to return my ' tfians to, my. maoj patrons who hare given- me there patronage for 1888, 'and- earnestly ask. ' a continuation of the same for 1889. I am are I will be able to d better in the future, ""he times are hard and prices ; very low. Those who have horses to be shod call on me.' I wilt!', guarantee' satis faction in every. particular Prices low. If you havs a horse that over reaches, cuts kin ankle, stumbles, has corns or the nar row heels, call and see me, and I will guarantee satisfaction.,- Do not forget that I am prepared to repair guns, and havctallparts snch as hammers," tube &e. .'.' ' Eectfully, Anthony T. Neai,. soriesi V; The brothers broke jail f recent ly but were recaptured. Then it ap pears that the mob determined to ?take the" law into their own hands and hang the brothers. - ; Deputy Marshall John son received orders to convey the four "Xn 1 tiro iMVxtlitwa ci r1 V 4wa " rrl a rt- cfa ' Buckhart and Piersoa to. the Parker county jail ; at . Weatherford for safe keepmg. He started with the six pris oners under a strong guard. The peo ple soon heard of the flight and a mob of nearly 100 collected and - started in persuit.; ? They overtook the guard and prisoners four miles from town and a rod-hot ; fisdit followed. ' --' The guard would hot frre into the mob, but three i of the Mariowes seized the : weapons of the guards and poured a ' deadlyi volley into the linchcr. The fire was return ed and two of the brothers were killed, 4 but not before they, had kilted four, of the mob and wounded four. : The fight continued And another one of the Mar lows and Piersoa were Wounded, and another of the citizens mortally -hurt. The prisoners, Marlowe,!; Pearce ' and Buckhart, then escaped, but are said to be wounded. .-It - is not known" how many of the mob were hurt, i A large possee has been Jnade up at Graham and the men and the marshal are-now in pursuit of the fugitives. Sheriff Richardson has already hi formed tiie sheriffs At Henrietta, Vernon, Wich ica Cisco; Abilena and Colorado city of the encounter.: V VVs : ? , V-; :.- J The killing caused great excitement here, as the lour men killed are among the best known citizens of the town. i To temporize with your health in stead yf using La xaJor,is not indica tive of much thoughtfu luess. Liixa dor i sold by all druggists, V Mauy of pur? yoiing'1 people don't know what a blessing Dr Bull's Ba by S'rup is until the youngster is able to "yelP' by the hour. Ah I never till we soar rbeyondV the stars and all the. tears be wiped from our eyes, shall we understand that InscrUta ble mystery the huAQ heart ! Ah despair not""when life eelns" hard and dreary; by and by the shadows will fall apart, the fetters that bind us will' be sevarod, the : burJea e removed, the tired hands be folded, and ; sleep, with her healing wings,- shall hover oyer 'us and rest be won. . ,', '. lu Love with IIi3 Wife. ' : "What cati I do to resraiu my hus band's love ?'J writes Mrs. Carrie. R.; of Toronto. : "She" adds " that seven y"ar&Hgo she was married under the most happy auspices, and, until- six months smte, happiness crowned ' her domestic life then' her husband, be-' came distant in his., manner .towards her until now. he is positively ... colli, Mrs. R.. give no details, but if she is afflicted with diseases peculiar to- her sex, if ht-r cheeks"' have : lost their blooiu andj. her -eyes their . sparkler it may explain the cause of her com plaintrriu ;.tlur.event.- Dr,'; Pen-re's Pavorilc' Prescription will effectir magical change 1 and restore - her - to. healilu As a powerful invigorating tonic; Dr. I'ierce's Favorite Piescrii tiou imparls . strengllr to the wh'df system, and to the womb and its a p peodage?. in 'particular ; For over-" worked,. : Mworu - out"'' - "run-down debilitated 'teachers, milliners; dress makers,' seam? tressea,"- 4Miop-gir!s," housekeepers, nursing - mothers'; and feeble V women : eenerilly, "FavoriU Jrrescnutiou; is tne sre itesi fcartuiv- hoou; b ing uncquale l as au appetiz ing cordial and restorative tcjiic. ' . Esq" Vice-President, has bean president and Mr. G. Rosenthal . Viec President. " " 4 ",. ' ". One of the best things . Hydo county can exhibit at our approaching fair, is a section say two feet square, of, that , fSv mous soil that has been . in cultivation fb." near a century, without manure, and produces from 75 to 100 buehels of corn to the acre. Newberne Journal. ' Mr. Reynolds has a petitioa in circu lation for IL S. Marshall of this district; There are . from ten 'to fifty ; candi dates for every office in this State. The President will have a time with . the federal ..'. affairs of .' North , Carolina.. Greensboro North State. 7 . r : -r . . Mr. Mjartin Everhart lost a horse latt Wednesday night by driving it into a well at his brother, Felix Everhart's, about two miles from town. ! .The well was covered with slabs which broke un der! the weight of the horse, , letting' ' ; it fall .into ; the, water," Jwhere it' i remained until death was caused by ; drowning. Dispatchw ; ) . ' i i -u 1 v The first anniversary of the Durham M. C. '., Vwas' celebrated . Sunday night! at jTrimty. " Tne". church L was packed. j iThe exercises -were of au, in teresting nature and the reports and ad dresses were listened to with marked at tention.2 the hearty co-operatiba of our people! It is doing a good work.Durhanl Re corder. . ' . .1 . v ' v - It is thought that the Scotland Neck road will be completed to the Williams toil and Tarboro road , near J3ethel, . this week as there are only about two: miles of the track to be laid. It Is ' beheved that trains will be run on the extension at once but it is ; not ' khoTvn" whether' they ,wiH riih to Bethel or Will'iamsldn.; In either case it will . , probably becpuie necessarv to change thepresent sched ule of that road. Roaiioke News- The negro Waller Johnson, , who on the night ,of the 15th instant shot and killed another negro named : Warner Walker, near South Gaston, has not been captured as yet. The two ' men were employed on the farm of MrJ Wil- kins, who , fives , near . Gaston. While i . 'Worth Keiuemberliiff. '!'?. j' "'"T Our' ResL"'; '.'.' . . That the tongue is not steel, . yet it cuts. v: - . ' That cheerfulness is the r weather : of the heart.. ' ' "." f-' '- That sleep is the best e timulanti ner vine safe for all to take. ;5 - , Thai cold air is not necessarily; pure, nor warm air necessarily impure. - That a cheerful face is ; riey as good for an, invalid as health weather. , ." , ; That there are men whose friends are more. to be pittied than their enemies,--' That advice is like - castor - oik easy rfavgjvft lint hnrl ftnpiig to takx v That it is enough to keep the poor in mind; give them something to keep you in mind. ; T : ; ii -.vr j- itvn 'j.s; 'v That men oftea preach ; from tho housetops while the devfl . is crawling in at the basement below. . . :... , . ; .. , f ' j, i V . ; That nature is a rag . r merchant who works up every shred, and arty and end into new creation. , . ; ; n V (i That fife's real heroes And heroines are those who bear their own burdens brave ly, And give a helping . hand to , those around them. ..... , . . - That hasty words often rankle in the wound whlc'i injury gives, and that soft words assuage it forgiving cures, and forgetting takes away' the hurt. .11 - ' - ' ' Liniples, Sores, Aches and Painx. . - - . . r t t . . When, a hundred boktle of snrsapa- ti la or otlier pretent'.ous pecitics fail to eradicate in-born scrofula or. conta- u-'.ous ' bloo'd pojsorij "remember that B. B,iBJ (8otarilc Blood Bitlni)'hiis. gMined many thou-asa victorir,. in many seeraingly incumble instances Send to the lilbod Balm Co.; Atlu . GX lot MBooM of i n Onders" and The Panacea Springs , Alliance will; build for their u a Hill 23x49. , The Alliance is increasing every day. , - i Greenwood Lodge, No. 474, at Dunn, N. C. have resolved that they ; will buy no commercial fertilizer except through the agents of The Farmer's Alliance, and asks the co-operation of other Sub-Alliances. '- . ' : . V Red Hoaso Farmeri Alliance, Cas-; welljunty, on the 22ad December, 1888 adopted the following resolution J uhahi- mousl: : Resolvet, that we will toi use any manipulated fertilizer after "the first of March, 1889, that is not ' bagged ia cotton bags. 7 - -; ; -! . - Friendidiip Alliahce, No. 445, at " a regular meeting held on the 5th day 'of January, 1889, adopted itiie' . following: Resolved, That this Alliance memor alizo ' the Legislature "to change the present road law so as to work roads by taxation on property, or on the poll. Leachhurg Alliance, Johnson county, passed resolutions, urging guano facto ries at home, to take steps to have gu ano and all other kinds'of grain . put up in cotton sacks, and to petition the Leg islature to repeal the homestead law or to so modify it as to restore credit And confidence between man and man. The Granville County Farmers' Alli ance has perfected arrangements . for starting a tobacco factory. Their ware house reports a. satisfactory -business. The increase r. of, . membership ; for ; the last quarto: was. doubled that of the proceeding one, and altogether the af fairs of the order are in a Very prosper ous , condition. . Three-fourths of. the white voting population ' of . Granville are members of the organization. . , . The Farmers', Alliance! Undoubted ly there is much it can do. . . : , i . It can reduce the average of cottoa 20 par cfflL,.,,:., ,v, r" ' ' v Will it4Qit?,:Or wiU it spend Its energies in a vain effort to compete' in merchandising, j r ' ' . ; . r, i . . .- it content itself in being an Al liance of Farmers? Or will it vainly suppose itself a guild of merchants? ,.Will brazen bad men get control of it, as they invariably do of such associ ations and the quiet good men retire in disgust? , - . . . ' Let us wait and see. : If they will reduwlho average of cot ton it will show a control over each other. It is vain to suppose they can influence anyone else Gideon. ; ... -. ;A Baltimore Sun special from Charles ton, S. CM Wednesday, says : The- sit nation as to trusts seems about to be reversed in' South Carolina! For "over a year the farmers in "various .portions of the State have been engaged in or ganizing into societies called ; Farmers' Alliances, v Not : much V attention" has been paid to these hei etofore but now; that the time has Arrived for ; laying in farmers supplies, especially commercial fertilizers, it begins to look like farmers a sort : of There is a test being made which tr.iy be great value to wh?at raLors next spring. Minyofthoso who have sovn their wheat have devoied a portion of it to soeding-with Lxlzcu. wheat, sorao c!aiming that tho . germ is neither d 's.Toyed nor injured ty, bdng fror. Should this wheat 'grow promptly ia f j spring it will relive thb formera of p . t expense in . procrurlng feed the cc :.7 j 'season, it being evident that good unfro zen No. 1 hard will be held by a few, who will, following in the wake of mor influential and wealthier, "trusts demand a high price for pure sood. At all events the seeding has been done, and the wisdom of this early work and the question of frozen grain for seed will be settled. Minneapolis Tribune. : ' i - r it.:' Suullowcr FueU A queer kind of fuel is now used by some of the people of Wyoming Territo ry. : It is nothing more or less than sun flowers. Ah acre of sunflowers wDl, it ia : asserted, furnish fuel for one stove for a whole year. When dry the stalks at e as ' hard as maple wood and make an excel lent f re; and the seed-heads, with the ; seed inside!, are said to bum better than the best hard coal. As sunflowers will grow almost 'anywhere, It is believed i that there is a way by which some of tho . treeless plains and valleys of California ; tan be made to yield large supplies of ex cdlent fuel. San Francisco Chronicle. - Value of Versbnmon Treea. ; The farmers around FJbertoa Ga, .know the worth of persimmons, and for years have made it a point never to cut -down a persimmon tree. ' In p!aces so . many trees have been left standing that the fields look like orchards, and indeed . ' they are,' persimmon orchards, the trees , of which bear fine crops of fruit almost as valuable as corn for fattening hogs. The turners say that the persimmon trees draw hut Utile strength or moisture from the soil, and that excellent crops are . grown even beneath their shades New YotkSunT BUCKLEN'S , ARNICA , SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts bruhes, , tore, ulcers, salt rhenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped band-, ehilhlaius, corns and all skin eruptions and positively cure piles, or no pay required.' It ia guaranteed to give pet fect satiaraction, or money refund cd. Price 25 cents per box. r , . "For 8alu by J. B. Clifton. Plve Generations. eonviDce vlt j lhei only hTBufl i . Jt. . , . , . viinnvrRmi-R , - uave Mieuuseivea orvniuxea " G: W. Messer, HowellVX Roads. . trust or combine, pnnapally agains.tthe Oan writwr1 wasafflicted nine fertilizer trade. In some : countios the ye:irs with rores. : All the luediein-! Alliance have'eombmed to" bav- tbeir1 fertilizers in bullr from the manufac turers, most of which are in this city,' could take did me no nod. I then tn..A It I! II jn.i S1-k..tt1a smul nta The Association should have I -nnMli ' . 7 Mrs. S. M. Wilsonr Round Moan- tain. Texas, write: i 4,Ai U1V' friend ormiae was lioublel with bumps and I lmples on .her face 'and .neck. S'ie to.k three bottles ol 15. 15. B.. and her skin gt soft ai d smooib pimple dis- appeaie.!, sou ner ince improved Jaw. Jj. Boswortb, Atltntiv Ga.',' writeal "Some year.i ago I eoutraetod blood p.iis;n. I bad no appttite. my digestion was ruined, 1 ' theumutism drew up my limb- so I could banlly walk, my throat was t-auterized 1 nve- timep.; : llit Springs gaie me no beo- etit and my tie was one of torture un til A yave 15. 15. 15. a trial, and surpris. ingasit may seem, the-use of five bottlts cured me." .rri -it .i tv ? . ,.Phy&iciaoa are justified io denounc'-: ing proprietary muiiciuen which claim. to cure everythiug.. A medicioo, for insUiuce that wilt cure rheumatism in oue iierson, . will, not necessarily cure it in anntUer,fir. th$ couditiou caus Mr. Wilkins was issuing rations to his J J" tmay ne a.uereuij, out malaria is Wfe.V diffinillv ocnurrid. between- always malaria,, and Sliadeuberger's Baltimore, and Wilmington, "Del. 5 In other counii33 they have decided to dis-' pense with commercial fertilizers' alto gether using home-made manures. The effects of these' combinations on the fertilizer trade is not as yet serious, but dealers and manufacturers jure uneasy, and it is not improbable that there - will' be far-reaching changes in the business ere long; and through' the influence ' of the' Farmers' Alliance. " v ' "'v A remarkable incident, both of lon gevity and the unl roken preservation ' of ' several goueratioas; recently cania to thef . notice of Dr. Rawlings of Sand era vflleJ . He was called in to see an old negro : liv ing about two miles from Sahdersvflle named Abram Mar.diaH, who was 'sicli with a maladay which, from the nature ot things, : might Well have ' been old Dr.' Saiigrado'8TEVtural 'phthic,' old agei though such was not the case. : The oif regro had a colored woman ; even more aged than himself, in attendance upoa' him. . The doctor chanced to ask who' she was, and to his (astonishment was' informed that it was Abram's' rodthcrV The climax was reached however, when' in 'course ' of conversaticRX the old woman,' herself 85,' casually remarked that her mother "was getting rather fee-; ble now I ' Upon Inquiry, it was found hat ehe was 'J9 vears of are.- and hsm lived to foadlc her ""grcat-great-grand-children. Old Abram is proud of being able to have around him both a grand mother and grandchildren, while - five generations ere yet alive in the land. Columbus (G a.) Enquirer. " ' , Johnson and Walker, when the" former shotJthe latter, causing a wound : which resulted n death in' a very ' short time.' Johnson fled at once, and though . a, warrant has been issued for his : arrest and every effort has been made to cap ture him, he has not been found. 1 It thought that the murderer is'hv Virgil ia. Roanoke News. -.- u . . Antidote will tliWtroy It in the system, in every casr, ; t If .you are sufferin i'ro u inal.iria. you will know it. , aud ihis wi.l cerlaiuly cure, you. cold by dr 'iggkiar ; ' Tle churn tnust go," agricultural exchange, it must, In order thai may cJjiu. 1 U'';''1: says an Of courxo Iho butter By7.inumerabie: currs. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has won for itself a tuoit enviabU rep'utatioo. . "; - I've. been, suffering for tiie "past three weeks with a strained wrist. 1 tried Salvation Oil, and find myself aftef having used one bottle, tniire'y cured. '' Chas. Kevseb, 199 ihiluer ry. St.; BalUojore, Mc ! i mmmmmmmmimmtmmBmL ' We see that tlioy have succeeded In photographing a yellow reycr germ. II is to be hoped, that it looked pleasant, ...-..- Piles IPllse I Itching i'ilesl . " Symptoms Moistare; intense itcliin? and stinging too tc a( uigU; wors by scrutchiuif.-.- If .-alio wed -to cwuiiau tu mors form, which ofteu bleed aud ulrerate, becomiug very sore, bwayne's Oiuiuicui stops the itching and bleeUinr, he la ul ceration, and iu most cuses removes tiie tuuiori. At druggists, or by mail, for ini cenuv lr. Srajne A Sou, t mJi Jipuix. , A WOMAN' DISCO VERY; ' wonderful discovery ha been made and that two by a lady in. this " country. Disease fastened it clutches upon her and for seven yean' she withstood its severest tests, but hi-r vital organs were undermloed and dekh seemed imminent. For. three mouths sh couched intfcssantly . and could not sleep; She nought of us a Louie of Dr. Kin 28 New Diacovery lor consumption snd was to mocb re lieved on taking the first dose that sbe slept all night and with ooe bottle ha' lceu 'maracu'ously uraL -ner nan-e is Mrs. I .other Lots. - Tim writ W. C. Himrkk & IU, of Shell N. i. i-1 a tree UmI t oitle II. I'unuau Jr'.. druz S'ore. at, V A rt 1 fl c al e ru uia u a fid u red in a Pen isyl vanU twu.'. Tlie Its -viutor probably wanted lo helpllW hens bear thefr yolk. '- 'rj -1 A man that tnariles a widow fa' lound to give up .smoking and chewin?.T If she givi-n up hr weeds for him, Iio slruuld Kiveu the wved for i.trr.'