2 &jk---4t T H E FRAN KLIN TIMES, :-, ; : Published -KEvery Friday,: by v ' Editor and Proprietor. X: THE FRANKLIN TIMES.- 'Tnx Tikes is the only newspaper published in Franklin county, and Ks circulation extends all over rrery .111 1 1 wv i ! - X ObL BATES. .'X- i-.'. tioa of this and adjoining comities, ad vertisers houkl make a note bct One Year Six Months - 1.50.. 1.00 The XiEtor wd.not.be Kpons& for the views of correspondents. Brief communications from all e tioiis mofl earnestly, solicited. Newt items of any nature will be thufcftiHj received, ' . . - . , ToClubs of 5 The Times - furnished at $1:40. ; , , will be f THOlil, Editor and Proprietor. with malice toward none ; with ch a bity for all; BICE $1.50 PER ANNl M In Advance VOL.XVIII LOUISBURGN;C.FEBKUAIIy15. 1889; NO.i 2 il I.. This tiowJerever varies. A marvel of parity, ; strength and fiwholesomeneis.' More economical tnauine oru:imr mnun, huJ cAtiaitt be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short- weight alum or phosphate powders. . SOLD OKLY. IS CANS. KOYA BAK1KO PoWDERXo. 106 ah St.'N. Y. PROFESSIONAL CARD B B.MASSENBailG, ATTORNEY AT LA W- LOUISRUUO.N. C. Office in the Court House. AH haziness put in my hands will receive prompt, attention. . - x c-- O. MXJOmiG. ,'" f A Country' ScliooL- XX . . Pretty and pale and tired, ;. :'' She eita ia her stiff-backen chair, X . While the blazing summer sun .; :..'. c :l Klines in her soft, brown, hair, .. ;.. - ' And the tiny brook without, I .? - .That she hears through the open door v: Mocks with its iimriner cool Xr XX 'X x Hard bench And dusty floor. ,"; x It seems such a:V endless round-- ' " XX Grammer and; A.BXJXXX:x v The blackboard andumSjI When from teacher to. Uttle JemU ft Not one of them cares a straw .. '.' Or Kansas in Omalia. ' VX ' But Jemmies bare, Irown feet - Are achinj; to wade ia the stream, Whcru the trout to his luring bait X Shall leap with a quick, bright gleam; " And the teacher's blue eyes stray X. - To the. flowers on the desk hard by, .'Till her thoughts have followed her V-.X-:-eyes -;' X; -.xft? '' 'Xx " iX. - With a half unconcious sigh. '. , ' Ilcr heart outruns the clock . V n i As she smells their first sweet : '. . scent; X-"'X X:'X X''-' Eu5 when have time and heart ' Their measure in unisiou bent? . For time will haste or lag, , . Like your shadow ou the grass, That lingers far behind, , . Or flies when you fain would pass. Ujive patience, restless Jem. ; The stream and the fish will ' wait; Have patience, tired blue eyes f Down the winding road by the gate, . . . . Under the willow shade, , ; ' Stands someone with feshcrr flowers; So turn to your books again, And keep love tor the after hours, X S i r Omaha Herald. arr r aa i ;ounsellob at law. LOUISBURa, F KAN KLIN CO..N. C. - if 11 atten 1 the Courts of Nash. Fraak in, Gr nville, - Warren,-'"' and" Wa'ce Ooiui ies also , the Mime.me e'irt of Nor th Carolina-.' and the V - . Circuit and District Joints. . STATE NliWS. Items of Interest Gathered from all Patrts of the State. D E 31ALOSE. O Hie 2 doors L. KHi. Drug 3: re, elow Farman & a;li oiniria .Drr O. V TIMUEULAlvE, Ci-'. - .VT JMRNEY AT LAW LOUIRRTJUG, C. e -; O Bee W V.e Court Houae lAl'L JON IS X LultWHUKON. O. 1 AVill pr.u'tit-e in the iMurts of Franklin. Warwn, Wakt, Vance, smt Nash, and ia the Supreme court, of the State. :.: A.;nicKs, xx - - j,. 1 tornsr it Wf Nnlary'P nMic .1 T.IUCES, - Atiorney at Law, r ; ' HENDEltSO, N. C. Will practice together in theeounties o , Granville, Vance, Franklin and Warren, pud in, all matters requiring their joint at . entiou. ;' ':, " We hoie hy prompt, diligetit and laith ' fill atent'.on to businrss, to deserve aud receive a vortivu oi the law business of . thUeetion. - ; IJ1UOS. B. WJXDEli,. , "ATTOENEY AT LAW- OUlSBUltG, N. O. Office on Main St., one door . "" , - . low the Eale. Hotel. : ler.slature. Jl S.SPRUILL. Xltorney At Law, ' LOUISBURG, N. C T Will attend the court of Pranklin, Vnce.,'Graiivirte, Warren, Naii. aud FvdcrAl itid Supreme C mrt. Prompt attention given to collections, &c. if4 : ;fT :-K0TICE- Ail persons havine claims azainst tl.e aetata of L. WesU-r will pre- u taem to me at once. E. W. Timberlake Att'y. f r W T. Coixins Adra. f B tXCKS 31 IT I IV G7 V I desire to return my thanks to - my many patrons who have given me there Wtronaee for 1888. and earnestly ast a continuation oi the same for 1889. I am are I will be able to do better -in the f nturei . ""he time are :hard and; prices .very low. Those who have horses to be a hod call on me. . I will . guarantee fatis- faction in every particular. Prices low If you havs ahorse that over reaches, cuts his ankle, stumbles, has corns or the nar row heels. eU and see me. and will : guarantee satisfaction. Do- not forset . that I ata prepared to ' repair" guns, and havetpilparts ich as hammers, tubes , ftv. 1 Eectfully, . Anthony T. Neal. Electric ligats have been put-up ia the Capitol. ' , v The trinity alumni banquet . at Ilal eigh last week was a success , A reTular moetiag of "thb .trastees of the University is called oa' the 27 th. Nash County Alliance lias d-sclaroi., in favor of repealing the homesteai 1 iw. The Sanitary coayentioa - oftbaState met iuBitteigh'last weefe; 4vi:5 v iUss . Mamie Hatohctt has .taken charge Oxford Orphans Friead as eJ- itor, and the paper will doubtless im prove on ler her management " The stock holders of the Roanoke and Albemarle Agricultural Fair have elec ted B.-B. Winborae Pres. and E. U..C. Wood, Treasurer. - -The Farmard AlUinci warehouse of Durham was opened last week. . .. There was a fiac eshibitioa of the test of the Water works of this Tcity last Friday which was witness 3d: by mosE of the members of the News-Observer. Henderson is going to spread J herself this vear. The storage warehouse will be builtand other enterprises will follow. Help keep the boom oa and the ball moving. Gold Leaf. The telegraph along the line of . the C. C. & C Rr"R. has beea.. completed to Hickory Grove and an ;o3ice, opened at that place. The line will be finished to Blacksburg in about too weeks. Era. Ashville's new" club, the "Coemopoli- tan," is to have the finest club quarters in the South,'says the "Citizen, in . the large and handsome jPerrum, ibuUdingr lio.v beinjf -Biorouguivc prepar ai ana renovated. What : says tlie Capital Clubto-tiiis? Ex. - The stockholders of the Pamlico in surance and Banking Company, held their anual meeting and election of di rectors Monday. The same directors were elected and. they in turn re-elected n. L. Staton jHresident and the other old oaicersSoutherner; - . - " v Mr. James liobinsoa has severed . his . connection with the Durham Recorder. We hope to see him in (harness again jsooni for he is one of .the liveliest ; and most gifted of pen drivers in the State. Advance. . - . - Burglars made an attempt at an early hour yesterday morning to . enter . Mr. Jasper Bishop's dwelling oa;i Mulberry, 'between "McRae - and." Ninth "streets. The blinds of one of the rear windows. of the house were forced open and the : sash raised", when it is supposed - the thieves were alarmed ancMeft the prem-; ises. Star. . ' ' ' rrn T "K- . "DMnft'tniM m!11. Vr.- burnt, including $1,500 worth of rice in the Mills. The main buildmg . was a splendid one with extensive machinery. Estimated lass $9,000, to $10,000, par tially covered by insurance. ' ner will next summer remodel his brick store on. East side of Evans street, : and will convert the upper floors into a hotel. The future of Greenville demands a first-class hotel building if the to, wri is not to be outstripped by its neighbors."; Vfe hope this rumor will prove a reality and no$ end in talk. Reflector. i v , Wesley Austin, colored, U"vras lalally ( stabbed at Blackburg Friday -irlghtnsy was the result of a quarrel over a - wo man. . Motz made his escape and pass ed through 4 Sliolby. He ,- slept here Thursday and left the next day for Lm-" colnton. - He has not vet beoa arrested. Era. -- ' f X Never before in the history of Rocky Mouni lias its 'outlook for a rapid growth and permanent piwperity been so bright. ;i Every uiterest and business gems'to be looking up the hill of suc cess. Let us all go to work and do something for our town, and you will soon reap the reward of your lal o."s. Pliocnix. X-)f.X-t; -:X. - Never before ia its history was the stock exchange so largely patronized as it was Tuesday. Col Preston Daniels, of the county of Alexander, rolled '; in Monday evening and gave interest and tone to Tuesday's proceedings. Every norse ani muie oa tne exclianjre was tlie best that ever looked through a col lar, and every man who entered the ex change for any purpose whatever stood in danger'of being swapped out of his boots before he could he could get away Landmark. , This morning as the M. & S. train was just nearing the end of the trestle on its outgoing tripCapt. Foster- open eiihe door of the rear car,, and - as he did so he saw I a man" .throw himself backwards on" the platform. It was too dark to see-what became of the ; man,, but when he camebaek at noon he soon learned that it was a uegro who lived near town, and was dimply stealing a short ride, When the-Captain openel the doar he sprang 1 aj o f thecair a:;d tell quite a distance. He had t be ta ken noma ia a bu:gbutis uot serious ly hurt. Milton Advertiser. v . At a meeting yesterday evening the County Ommissioaers passed aa order appropriating one half the amount ne essary to coastru3t a roadway beyond the bridge tha? will be passable:- at all times, provided the ntire co;t of the same does hot exceed $000. It is too late for us to make only brief, meation now tut wiu speaK up at lengtp upon the subiat next week. . The commis sioner a by this orler have done ' a deed that deserves the ' commendation and thanks of all the people. Our best bow to the gentlemen of the board.' Green ville: Reflector, u ; . . Some ni ember of the Legislature lias introduced a bill to abolish court house ring. FOR TnE TIMES. - Happy Days of Childhood. ; The phi;t says that Senator Z.' B. Vance has promise! to deliver an j ad dress at tlie old Guilford Battle grounds, early in the spring. " ': ' vf' ' X' A Prof. Rw 0.' Holttf Oak Ridge, was on thrf 3rUL, rpoiatcdJo L4100. iwi- i 1 il. r i . "m-mT . i uou in wic iMavy eparunenc ai jv asn ington, D. C Gleanerl - V .;. ; . . The Bank of New Ilanbver has de- dared a semi annual dividend of four per cent.,payable oa and after the 9th. Messenger. . '..' ' 1 v i - Another car load of negroes of both sexes passed through " Greensboro la t Sunday en route to Arkansas, where they go to reside in the future. Ex. - A reward of five hundred dollars has been oflered by the city ; of Greensboro for the apprehension of the person ; or parsons who assaulted Miss Brown on the night of January 25th. Kearnes-- ville News. . J '' ' '. '-.: A plan is on foot to build tram , rail road from Graham to Big ; Falle. Ne go Nations are now going, on and as soon as perfected the work whTbe put under way." Tne plan has the requsae back to push it to success. Gleaner. ' , , A squad of Indians , passed: ; through the City Tuesday morning for 'other climes thsm tMs," by way of the Wilsou Short cut". They were genuine, 1 full blooded Indians, and their presence col lected quite a crowd around the depot. They were dvilized and evidently .edu cated: Observer. Governor Fowle has appointed Hon; C. C. Clark a delegate to attend the inauguration of George Washington, to be held in New York city on the 3b:li of April, 1839, and Clement Manly, Esq.; a delegate to the Quarautine Con ference to be held at Montgomery, Ala.,- oa the 5thof March. New Berne Jour- rial. - "' .' " Mr. J; B. Coimon who lives alout two aud a half miles from here had ..his h u e bun-t by fire Lost night. Itjwas exiept a feV. pieces' of furniture. The house was .caught on fire by falling sparks from the chimney. No insurance. It is rot yet ascertained - as to ' how much tlu Joss was es limited. Demo crat. - -. - ; '- , Farm Dependency. The happiest witness of wld Sh f the mind is, at any time, sensible, are those bright days of childhood: which stream in such beauty across the pathway - of natural life. Ah ! . how often do we wish, we' could stop old time ia ' his lylCgnLTmeurUic-V called, and we think, weep, antl smile, as a child weeps over a broken doll, or oth er toy." Smile when it has , been ' re placed by some t'nd friend, and bur good nature perfectly restored. I would not exchange my feelings at such mo ments for the wealth of worlds, r fa: all the pleasures that" spring up, and sparkle, as we advance in life ' The happy days of chikmood are associated with God and nature and our best friends. . , . By experience, tliat dear teacher, - we are taught that this life is not one unsul lied scene of happiness, but disappoint ments will arise like small clouds at first, and ere long, they congregate into one unbroken mass. - If by the mercies of a kind Providence, we are . permitted to reach the age of maturity, our great est pleasures, will have in themselves, a still higher craving after a more per fect enjoyment; but the child enjoys everything, he feels that he is " happy, and is satisfied; he does not search into the future, but is content to enjoy the present. He sports in the day among the flowers, at night he watches the stars come out, one by one until they form themselves into myriads, and then wonders what the bright things are, up above the world so high. . Childhood revels in summer, and does not anticipate the blight of winter. It is the season of ignorance and beautiful credulity. . When skk and weary of the "vanity and hollow show of the world, how of ten will the mind revert to ! Che happy days of childhood, how often will we wish we could turn old time backward in its flight and iriake us a child once nipreJf we jjouldjre wouldthaincliild .hoode arm hi a perpetual gi.-asp,5 but It only fingers a . while and ia gone, and its memory only remains as some Joved song, which will steal over us recalling ,thc bright and happy days of Childhood. - - ' - . LucyT. Gili. Louisburg, N. C, 1889. . A regular train will be placqti oa: the Wilkesboro road between this point and Rural Hall In something les than two weeks thoull tha . weather continue favorable for work. The trains will be run upon a schedule making close ' con nection with the east ani west bound trains oa the C F. & Y. V. , road. Switches are now being placed so as io t-omicct the road at lluial HalL "Xour babies", will always be good if you give thera Dr. Bull's Baby . Syrup while teething, it is a reliable and sure remedy and costs only 25 cents. . , . . Prudent people always have Laxador convenient. It often takes the place of a doctor and costs only 25 cents. . For , saleevery where. . . Apropos of "high rulen'' the elevated trains Eagest themselves as giddy." EPOCH. . Tlie transition from lone. linsreHns and painful sUknesa to robust liealth marks an ech in the life of the indi vilu.il. Such a remarkable event la treasured in the memory aud the agency whereby tbe good health has becu attained is gratefully l.les.-d. Hence it is that so much is beard in praise ot Electric B'tters. So many feel they owe thHr restoration - to health to Electric B.lters. If ycu a.e troubled wiH any diea?e of Tci lnej-s, liver or stomach, of I.Mig r short standing you will surely find relief by um ot Electric Hitters, bold at 50c, and $1 pr botde at W. IL Fumian Jr's Drug Store. Under false cilor3 The of a great many women. cheeks BAD HEALTH. Last summer I wan io bad health feeble, with little or no appetite, -unable CO attend t my buiiness. I bt gau taking S. 3. S. iook nohin el.e 9 . . .a. anu tu a enori inue my appetite re turned; gained strength; increased niucteeu pounds in. weight in 1 ss tltau a month, aud my health was restored - - ........ Abbevile, O.; Oct 25, 5J. ' V DEAF. THEIR BUSINE-S BOOMING. I was the victim of t'ie worst ca tarrh that I evi-r heard of. I was en tirely deaf in one ear, and all the lu- side of my nose, including part of the I lyy them,.lc!- NO. : uNo!n clear, sharp and ringing Willi an emphasLi that could not fall to ar rest attention." ' ' . "I don't oflcn hear such a'Dtsativw as tliat," remarked one cwrtn to the other, as they were passing Ihephj. rxudjifa tiUaesdool. . . It i not often tlu'.t or.? .r? It. The boy who'uUered it caa.&Ayl'ti too, quite aa emphatically. ' He I a nor eoTneriere, an orpbajujwho Cwjabo two miles' off with his uncle. ' Ut wsUks in every morning, bringing ; his lunch, and walks back at night. . He worts enough, too, to pay bis board, and does more toward ' funning the old man's farm than he does himself. He is th coarsest drce&ed scholar in the school, -and the greatest fajrortto. ! EreryUxly knows just what to expect of him. "Quite a cliaractcr. I should like to see him. Boys of such sturdy make-up are getting to be scarce, wnfle the world never had .more need of them than now." -, : -; . : "" -'' : -' . UA11 that b true; and if you wish to Bee Ned, come this ways' The speaker moved oa a few sleCfc pausing by an open gate, near which group of lads were discussing some ex citing question." v; "It isn't tight, and I won't harm anything to do with It. When I saj 'Yn T rrMn It - i '. ' u Well, anyway, you neodnH tfmk so loud and tell everybody about it ssaa responded,' impatiently. " r "I ani willing everybody should hear what I've got to say about it. I won't take anything that don't belong to me, and I won't drink cider, anyway. 'Such a fuss about a little fun I Itia just what we might have expected; yoo never go In for fun 1' ' ' I never go ia for doing . wrong. I told you 'No, to begin with,1 and you're the one's to blame if there's . been an loss.- . "Ned Dualap, I dbauU like to sea you a minute.'? . ' . " ? JX&i an-,'' 41haily removed his hat as ho passed Uirough the gate '; and waited' to hear what Mr, Palmer might say to him. 1 '.' ..' ; . . IIas your uncle any apples to r3T No sir; he had staie mi , e lus Xtld them. I've got two bushes that was my share for p'. clang; would yoo like' to --- .. BUCKLEN'S AUNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, brui-es. sare ulcers, - salt -rheum, fever - sores, tetter; chapped haud-, ehilhlaius, corns and nil skin eruptions and positively cure pili-s,. or no : piiy required. It is inMrantoecl to uive perfect satisfaction, or money refund' cd. ; Price 25 ceuts per bo." For sale by J B. Clifton. One of the principal advantage? in keeping ftp the fertility 'of the farm, is .'that it places the farmer in a condition to increase the number- of stock kept on the farm. Fertility -of soil ia an impor tant item, not only with the cultivated fields but with the- meadows and" pas tures as well. H the farni is to feed the largest number possible, keeping them in good, thrifty condition, it is ; very im portant that every acre on the farm should be made to . jield the largest I poss i'jle crop, and a nice soil is the foun dation of this. It requu-es good man agement good farming to grow crops every year and at the same time build up the fertility, yet it can, be '. done Jby Probabfy no cna tiling has caused such a general revival of trade al V. :II. Furmau Jr's Drug Store as their giving away to their customers so many free, trial bottles of consu Knc's rew ;AHscovery 'r ineir traae is simply enormous in nsumpuon. this very valuable article from the fact that it cures and never . disappoints. Coughs, cold, .asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and lung diseas es quickly cured. Ycu can '.est it be-" ' fore buyiu by cetting a trial . bottle free, large size 1. Every bottle war ranted. . ' - bone, sloughed off. No treatment benefitted me, and physiciaus said I would uevefte any better I took S.. S. S. as a last resort, and it lias en tirely cured n.e. I hve been well tour years, and no sign of rtfaa-n of thedriadful disease. Mas. Josephine liiilL. 'Due West, S. C-, Oct-, 1838. Who can justify or excuse the. in crease of the present tariff taxes on wool to increase the burdens of our mills and labor f Why tax wool at all ? . It in- Our State Coutemporaries. adopting a regular system of rotation, I Volves practically no labor in its produc- keeping a sufficient number of; stock to J tfon Pennsylvania,' with her million i consume alLthc products of the farm, J sheepL does not employ 500 able : bodied Jt is rumored that CoL Harry Skiu- What is the matter with .the "Farm ers Legislature'? tliat it won't tackle the' dog vs. isheep propositioa ? ? "Ever since the war the farmers have been de:nand- ; iag of the Legislature some kind - of re-, lief against the ravages of the. "curs of low degree! on. their, sheep, and tlie ay has alwas been that the "Lawyer Legidlatui es' were afraid to tackle the question. Whenever the" farmers have beea told tliat.any tax bnt aa ad va i.6bum; tax on doge would be ia. vio'a- tion of the .' constitution -they ; have said give us a dog law of some kind and let ua run the risk of its being unconstitu tionaL . Now, the very first actiou the present Legislature . takes on the dog question is to table a ; sheep husbandry bill. The members rind there i3 a good deal of difference between .miking a law that will be. effective and . demanding of somebody ;; else to . do - so. Durham Plant. : X?X fX fi? : X f: '.',- .,' ; No General Assembly should ever be composed entirely of men ; of tiny one vocation. There should be a general representation in the Legislature of ; all the pursmts common to the people ot the State,- and all interests,: should re ceive the watchful care of every ! legisla-: tor.- We venture the assertion that the r farmers of Norths Carolina who have been called into the puolic service, will leave their impress, for good, . upon the present Lagislature, and that in after' years, the old North State will reap the runs oi thea: labors. JNew Bern Jour- j making,', saving . and applying all : the manure possible; taiong pains to secure the Largest yield by , thorough prepara tion, good seed and cultivation. ; V , A rich soil is one important item, but iu addition, if the best, yield is secured, it must be .well prepared, the seed be -of good quality and carefully planted in good season and then thorough cultiva tion be given at-the right time and in the proper manner. . A. failure of any one of these essential conditions will af fect the growth and yield, ; and in doing this will affect indirectly the number of stock that can be kept upon the frrnv And anything that increases" or deer oas es the yield of crops affects the number of stock that can be kepi,' and the sup ply of manure is dependent very largely upon the number of stock kept so that all through a system of farm operations," one part is "dependent upon the other, and the increasing of one increases, all of the others, so it is important- to so manage the , farm operations, that the best fertility is mamtained. Farm, Field and Stockman, i - - - ; men in the "care of her flocks, : while ev ery man, woman and child in the state wears woolens. These woolens are now. taxed over 60 per cent, which ia paid by every citizen old and young; rich and poor, because there is a tax of 40 per cent on wool and like taxes on chemi cals, dye-stuffs and other raw materials. With free wool, which would destroy no industry,' woolens would - be cheapened "at least 20 per cent, to the people, our home mills and labor would supply , all our woolens,and the protection and prof it to both capital, and labor would be' greater than, now, It would enlarge our industry, supply our woolens chiefly or wholly from American mills and ; labor, and would add to the prosperity 6f all branches of industry and trade. PhiL Times. - Swift's Specific has . cured me of a which caused intolerable piin." " It was called Ecsema by the doctors four of whom treated me with uo re- ner j. cananiiy con. ess tnat l ow my preseut good health to S. 8., which m my estimation is invaluable asa blood re inedy. ) r , c v ; :i Miss Julxa DeWitt, 2227 N. 10th St., St. Louis, Mo. Swin's Speotic iseLtirely a Tejre- laole remedy, and u the- oulr . medi ciuo which periuaneiilly cure scrofu- ia, p.oou immor., canoer aoa conu gious bleed poUoo. Send'for ' books u blood and - skin . dueases, mailed Iree. ' '. - ' .; ,: -. . ... ... THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. - - Drawer 8, Atlaata, Ga, A stern necessity A boat's tiller. Bull's Baby Syrup Facilitates Toothing! Ilhllllljli TR6gulatos tho SowesJ Day's Horso Piwrenta Lniie Fever and' cure UUIinDr. looand im each packac. For anl by all dealers. - Try It I Do not consult anybody, but invest 25 cents in a bottie of Salvation Oil. . It kills pain. . .When wereflsct that so many human beings die of cbasumptloa we vmusit come to the conclusion that everybody" should be provUed with Dr. Bull's j Cough Syrup, the . poor consumptive's nal. i I friend, Tibbee Miss, Oct. 1 6, 1886. Messrs. A. T, Shallen herder & Co. :. f Rochester. I'at Gents.- The bottle of Shalleuberger' Pills seat me in February last I nave to W- .G., A n derson, of th:.s place; a .louir.. standing caseofclul's aud fever. He, had tried everything known without auy perma nent giKl. f. Iu les than tep cbiys af- irr taking your Antulote le was ouud and ell, aud lias gone throui . tlie -eat re eeas'm without any return. - It. seem to have efleciually driven - the malarious poio:i from his S3 stem.' ! ia-'- Yurs iruly, " ." ' " ' . Y, A ' J ND2IIS6N, immm For the cure of Coughs.Coldj, Croup, ' Hoarseness. Asthma, VboopiMffa7aiHC .Incipient Cou-h H-Hriann-M.l Con-; Bronchitis, VJ i J y Q sumption. and for the relief of e consumptive persons. At druggists. 23 eta. "Yes, if you can agree upon the price. Do you know just how much they are worthrr "Yes. sir." ' ; ' ; "Alright, then, I wlil call for' them. and you may call at my house for the W ' ;' ; - '' ..'- ' This short interview afiordol the stranger an cgsrtftsttr to observe Ned Dunlap closely. The next day ; a call was made at his uncle's," and although years elafcd before he knew what a friend he had gained that day, tbia fortune was assured. ' 'After he had grown to ma&bood and act ep el s lu crative position which was not of his . seeking, he asked why it had .been. o fered him. . : ..." ' ' "Because I knew you couM say No if occasion required," answered his . era- ployer. " 4No was the first word I ever heard you speak, and you spoke it with a wilL More people, old ( ani young, are piaeJ for want of using that word than from any. other - cause. They don't wish to do" wrong; but they hesitate and parley until, the temper has them fast. The boy or the scA who is not afraid to say 'No k reasona bly certain of making an honest man or woman."-The Watchman X. X T AFrU SVINUURNE., f ' , , , - ... - k - ... "Mine eyes tp my eyelids cling thict- My tongue Jeels a .mouthful, and more,; - - - . - My senses are sluggish and sickly.' To live and to breathe h a bore.; -My head weiglis a ton and a quarter. By p iiua au by psues ever solit. Which man'fold washings with rat Uliev rot a bit."- ' - " ' After Swinburne these Hoes may be a Icng way f hat matter b ; what a 'dea r.pikMi of the man whose b w'els are cutivt, liver disordt-red, blood oat of sorti. Bovh an indivkiuai ! needs Dr. Pcirce's PI eas.iut Purgative Pe! let.' They an pleasant to lake' and powerful to inrr. I1- w - - X. . ' .... j r 1 . , 1 Dn. IVlrce's Favorite l'tracriptioa cures all tl.os j pocunlr w eakucse iucipuit to feuaahs. ' rrTa rr LA USE'S CUBES aQAHCTTES for Co wXiUAC trk. fris Id Cu. At mil Intggttt. A Slsre case An opera gUsc X Query: Is th- wlieeLri&ht J better than KJs fell ttf . f : - V