1 . C TH K FRANKLIN TIMES . I I nn rr - i . . Published Eveby Friday, by JAMES A. THOMAS, -? , Editor aud Proprietor. ' pjllLhod in Franklin ounty, acd it, Circulation ex'teuJa' 'all' ' over 'every 'iix ion of tins and acTJoinins countlce, tS VertlscrA should make note hcra n ! : . f -III if) !. Bates. j The le Editor will not rcrpoosillt Six MonthsT- ? i.n J. A. THOIIA.S, Editor and Propriotcr. fFiTa lamce ovfAKt) nokb ; w.t.i ciiAiirryo all, .fclllCE $150 ?CT A5HPm5vaq lor the views or ccrrcfrxxidciit j Brief conaaaiiicat-QrlijvVfl 'iix 1 jtionai meet )eorrytljr polidtwL Xqh To Clubs of 5vThb faruishcd at 1.40. : Tikes will be mm , - 1 r 1 viti . i --7 -.-- tt r r i II II II 1 II II II II I 1 - II 1 ' r" ' th tf t isl-v-l ';i-f I ..' t , .. . .. VOL-, XV III ; . A tOUISBIIBG-, N. C FEBKTXA22. J889. :--lllv; -5 r1 .-V-.-;. III sOT3S4 JsN StItE NEWS, A pbysiciaa, writing on tbe food nec- Washington Post. Q essary to jrlve strenjrtb. and gnstcnance, One man in Congress has suddenly found himself famous, r His name is ItfcmcJk IntV&iOathered from . . "Siri'arG.'orthe State. Cowles, and he is rontsthe JSte of wSlat-nUe goheIe:tric flights. iTorth CarolinaHlntil. jSeTrecentlii in-! f f The lson pople fiie f peaVmg about uoaucea a uiu ro repeal xne looacco tax r nanng Electric tams. he was almost an unknown quanta jJExv. Scales buin elocteS PreeT in tne iiouse,-: jSow ms name w being i 0f piedmont Bank of Greensboro. mentioned i I faster than he makes it he soon becomes nervous and irritable. ; If he ' does : - not assimilate enough food to supply its de- t ; ."" I monila Tiia mmil ia euro r iernmo.wpl' Ik I s'i l J.'AX 'Mt Vr;4WHkn I mntinnHi in nfiwlv fivlrv mwr ih' the ? : 1 T r I f 1 1 1 L? L I ",t Llt4v'? I nf t.Kari of vfiwfAWeTood: ' fBerf I land, audit is quite hTcelv that, the f . - t it. should be taken as the standard meat, 1 Cowle biU will go mto Mstoryyasone" it answers every purpose of the ey stem. I of the mqst ; impprtaiit ipie' of,); -r.. ?T:i JwiZ ; - Y. M. C. A. of North Carolina will be 1 et, in une armyy, we uea .w.muiik I V""-nT TV." hrfil3SilSarM54 Absolutely . : This oowJererer rarie. A marvel of turUr,r.-,,ti?ength , and. -Vlyhltfaomeoeia. More'eiiaomical than the ordinary kinds,' and cannot be sold ia . competition with the multitude of low tet, Bhort weight alum or phosphate powders. SOLD ORLT in caks. Koya Baking Powdbr Co. 106 all St:N. Y. othiipig tettefbrthou! liien i -than baebn. c Afj'arulealt neat is-bot adapted to the requirements of the ner vous individual,- as nutrious juices to a great extent go into rhe brine.'. The flesh of the wild birds is more tender and pore readilv. digsteitlian that o do inestic dries. 1 This is accbintydr wt by 4he. greater :. amount,, of: , exprclse , Jthey iliL 'it ill 11 i r" " V 1 ii !aS ia&e mere, uieruuy renewing weir nesn more rapidly f and; ; inakipg nt; iyounger than that of birds which lead a more nerit a deep hole id hi cul1dugbed'lH General ; Ransom's river ifbree-i on 6ut bybullkla 'of tiie beaUbe?- fJ'pupood fore Petersburg. up-in thn His district is away fwork-attheCFoy-flato aljotuta fire-railes in tha extreme: onthwe! lOornep rftpm Ae citytJJjw Bne.lpufnaUp StM4whertf nardfy alooTlantf &; rrhe Vpleifaellevilfe'we Meferi his on a level. ?jf:i Oue8 Only UMigUtet.' i 11 : PROFESSIONAL CARDS. quiet life. This is a suggestion that might be of benefit to women of, seden tary habits, who are desirous of pro "I tell you it's serjous thing;"' said ' in Ala.bftiUT -Congressman, "wheu ter begin B BiMASSENBl7RGr CT' , longing an appearance of youth. Fish of all Kinds is a good food:. TqeL th? 11?- ATTOUNKY AT LAW- ' : LOTJISBUttO, N. C Ofice in the Court Houm. - AU bosiness patliTmy hwdB will receive proinpt attention ,&.-r 1 J1.COUKK. a. rt" T and 30TJNSELLOB at LAW. LOIJISBUEO, FBANKLIN CO.fN. C. ' vT 11 attend the Courts of ITasli; Frank in, Gr mville, Warren, and' Wake C, oun ties also the Supieme court o( Nor th Carolina, and the U , Circuit arid District Ooorta. TS. "I. JS" MAL.U2E, : O lice :,2 doors belowf Furman A, 'o Icb4 Dais Sfcjre. adioiriiuzPrO. vously inclined. Raw eggs,"contoury jfo the general opinion, are not as digesta- uble as those that have been cooked. A i nouon has been rarevaient that many people injure Iheir digestiori libyj eatin .too much. .. The fact js .thatjnost.peo- pie cion c eat enougo. i unere . are some people killed every year by insufficiency of nourishment , than by overloading their stomach. ; Many of those who do eat a sufficient quantity are prevented by disease from " tigesting eccughfor the economy of their systems. .The very first thing for anyone to do who has ex hausted himself by mental work lor; (who . . i ' v ..-. s i - ; Li ' i H ...1 ..J lias been born week and irritable, is to sufficient nounsbV one's only daughter begins man. Yonpg gJsio$t you don't re member ever to have seen before lift iheir hats to you clear across the street, and the intense politeness of dudes be- imited fcrput their' town - torrthe Pro- ressiye, Lis, ,They wUsonhave another cotton factpry.ui .tit t jbj ' . Ofhe prospect for a wheat crop in this section is only fair.' The soil has not been sufficiently pulverised by enows tarl hmrt ft feqit 1i'jv lti 5TTTT? vi tl .. TYe.py from.tlie Boston; IItrald the )Howing statement showing, the . profits of cotton manufacturing in New Eug- laod. : ''' '- " Ttieilerald avsMWhile it estimates tbitr the South has-iiute jadratigcs, . as uie Biie oi coiion juuiis, wnicn woufci pay a third if not twice as" hutch there (m the pouth) as hge, still our milb am - ill i . ! ! i . t .. i j -.. fcj'1 J , ;. lev Bagnrlns Trust. .. , , i t -:!; .i.i ; H url vJl -.Thp flowing wClb8 of interest, to the cotton plan ten. and factors.' ;. It is copied' from '-thoBoston Commercial f iJUUCUU -It 1 manng nrqm -eight ta twenty-hve, per i cent.v!leiiar DlAiiflid:pfyrar the iWampanoag mills have eared $157, OOaoir 750,0(Xcdpita4 have -earned" e8a,850'' krl 65v4dendji -TheL Granite: milla -cleared 133,000 'ind-drftributod 64,000 on 400000 capital; .The-Saga more C6mpany,cat)itali2ed at 600HX) earned 183,00Uancl divided 78,000. The balaaltrty fcettfeen the earnings and divi dends, save what -is carried", to surplus reppcsetittr allowance for Uepreciatica I of plan iiprovemeht8ffetwii.Thaii AraosX heag Compniny ihd great: .Madchester concern! whicli; ou the-wholes ; prdW Dy the most; probtabia-carporaaon m NwEugland, hm cleared 425,000 this yearout of which iK haaspaid i2;:pcr centtvuendsi leasiingover 4 ipet' cent. in flflainon to RuminsL" . in ; The nCTaMriOidlVi'&mita that tlin 1 tMill South has 'uiflnite advantage" over the I on them 1 WaxaiiaiceW 1s? a eltmade'iiito. " - That" U to sayVIfohas from a workcr :.'ia' a brick-vard yot to be a (yirnprrhAnt; xt as a.cape,tonp V) his moaumeiihas bouhhTcinto.IIarriso Cabinet.. lie. owns, the hxzfet ., retail, store - in ; .. On tlie '.,twelfh' of t jariu.vy. wV jin-' j chool with 3,000 schoLtra, 'the biggif t ripuncedjhe, i?t?5Uo.al) j limlfi , 4liiag in Arnrrrr; fans-: rrrcr-been to- of the bagging combination. The ton.-" jcrius 'it 'theatre, don 1 -bof drink lye . tracts with'(eeycral ot the null',' notably , smoke and has the lionor ' of having;' : that of the Louisville Bagging Mfk.Co raised more Bood e with Mluch to tribe expired .on January 1, ancj they attempt- ;cicctora ' than 1 any other man - la tliLj I 1 to dictate more .favorable terms' to I great country. ,:Warofnakcr does things 1 the eight concerns jwhich .formed, the on a big ecale.-Ife gave Ilarrlsoir $100, nucleus of the combination. . In" conse- 000 and that brought down the eurie.,f quencQ thej cpmLuiation quietly, disr jJolm is allowed to have a big bite at the ; mington Star. , , , rm-rr-Ji r.TT rrr y.w-w -"KT. ; The itoatt to lIpjTn. :.Ji V4 i9rtp.buiHhere,;afloat and in.Cal. H ,: qV?? "f?,T!Vi .1 : r" they Iwveaucceed and -M V r. ,iV, .c - .J- i the entire world's supply of jute . butta , . 1 wc UKlvun' 1DJ ' - Mfg. Co,, the only ..large milL that J " "" .'" X, . j, never jok the mOnati I supplied with- material, butv .thft.inU, ur': T, u w " ? that broke-the eemination have- Vftrth Thp alrantagp? aro patent to every well uiiormed man, and have b fullv illustrated in the Buccefes:of 'ok rauiB.- a iic jwinv we- uesa e to rnaKe1- is thai wir''people' ebduld- put their- tabner in tlni btisine.'-Very tew -of our fart mers have anything invested- except - m tnr- larm if jLhere iaahad-season W i V-;.' rnish his brain wi ment the to repair ho damage i-4 sustamedfr,to builaif into a "slfon, ;Eethy Condition. people in thiscjbS lifapa usually sutler fjrbifc nervous ; dy peisial " Their stomachs are unable to TrforntthrflaboroRassimilation? Ow ingto the deficient nervous power of the individual the food lies in the stomach nacted.by the " gastric ; juice, :.becausc fliere is none of the quality sufficient to have the power.' - Food, instead of help ing to renew the body,; and the nervous system with the rest, undergoes fermen tationandr thebydXraln'f? suld ATTORNEY AT LAW; 5 LOUiSBURQ, H. C. ' - ' " -l ;;.' 0 'See he Court Hou!e , pAUL JONES , v 7 vLutJIS UUKG N; ; W ill e practice ? In -the. -courts ..of, i? rHiiKiiu. vv arren, v a Re, vance and Nash, and in the Supreme court of the -Stale. U. ; Vy . ; ; r;; '" : I :TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. ? The S6rMrihtehdentof Schools of Franklin county will-be . for those with yeakdig in Loutsburg on the second Thurs- lay 'of February, April. Septetnler,, ),t oher aut tDec))r,afiorTeiiia4ii , tor' three "davsJif iiecealv. For tw , purpose of exajiinln? applicants t&i leach in the Public Schools of this County. -. 1 will also . be v in Louisburg on Saturday' of each" week, and all pub i. lie days, tp attend to; any ; business connected wit h my ofiiep. ' - - :'';f :flX-J -t-NatlARRIS, SpU been taken, for the fermentation . gener ates acids and gass. . Nervous individu als may derive all tlie fat they need from better, . however gestive organs, or whose nerves aie in a highly ensatiVe state, to get it from the animal king dom Ahan compel theenibledetom- achs' Mtestines and paiicreas- to-4areate out of these articles, -ci Good bread, sweet butter and meat are the , best foods for the nerves. People trouoled with inBomniaT nervous starting ; from be cured by limiting themselves to diet ifiLi --x.-jr-iirrr. .r : . r-r-r. UTVfi ' k uoiib i ior-ra tBne..-.,' laupnt- crop. Kernsville News. - - 1 I M I The Governor ye&erUay 'apoirited John E. Brown as solicitor of the Crim inal Court of Mecklenburg, and Thoe. . vjJUive a uriLrniuiart lime niri wio u . . u u k i ? it i ux ,uj icnwt1 boSio td ihink ditT knriw fee W 8fbn- I WulJUaritotia negro" tboufe siiien I cmbleimpney. arid invest in no ibusiness ii TIittTe aFuO) veSrToTd lasT Satur. ? .W-iWW communuy. fvu v"j auuu owuuucj.iu i . - - , ui which Lhcre is not. t nav fivptimir. Thfv wprs fivtiincr with a I i and. a failure in crops, they have no ptli- ), haye consid- ehbifcel'euterhfg agalif T WW oi Oisea.uea the terms.the "eight-choose to give ' " MV" and, ccasirijr- to maririfacWe .for ; " r J- V; V !2i -i i'V' -'-! tnroai ana lungs, mcinning conumn-. i, iv - - ; ; . ' -j i , j CiA I tlon In the formative etas;e of tubercle, year the coinWhon had about J5,00d,. - Q,, . i-Uu-uL.lX ? fniorbUgrowtbiall'kmds 'caused If Having now secured the control of the ; - -., 1 .1. j . i. j toaaabi supply .nUt'th 7 1 itJus&iouVeighfark a' pbi Rerce'8 Golderi Medical Jovery thA tateterir'ahtioitifbtqmasWectA' - ; jironic na? ai catarrn positively cured? -by Dr. Sage's itemedy.1''--J : ively aa'the old cbmbhiatfori.'9 ' vn ' The raih'laciSties itflndia are "to much rmprdred that the entire jute crop' and twisting his hat and asking me for her. I think, howeeiril get a it-de- young- scamps n and olw Kim i fjnee. There oujrht 4oe 4ft ect a man against ' the C who carry off a man's only ; daughter.' Why, it doesn't seem to me longer than yasterday that my little-giri bi her little reader by heart, and was re- biting it to me by rote. Next . I . knew she took jo pamting And playmg on.-4he i ttfo miles sooth of hsre.-waa burned pltno, Jn4 blast ta if hp hasuvt!&heW I deaihUast girMw 1 hou.V shQt gun ajd. rstoL-and t had them uniny facforv. thierehv rint Vvilv rekiirninr riivi- Sgiated at fcachlfhej! when Ben s pulled I dends to the stocthoj4enC hvt greatly ! A rthpr utrjinfB nfflirtlon hnn. ioL, eoughcapital l gets ltd market before' March uistid-''0: 'ai i'-WiL;i- V."1 ka d .erect. aUla "cottori &At0-itl&6 ZZ ?ZZZJ m Winger gXm discharging the load in. Harstons face and head. He lived about an hour after the accident. This is another practical , demonstration to, Jjmt vniKiMoa- should not be allowed to iearnliar A. B, C. and then when she fool with loaded weapons. Kernesville got to reading I could hardly believe.Jt I Jews. VUb out; Itftu. ICiUUCU a lUb Ul ctuu At llexirigton a -young - man nanled Sydney Gallimore, about 19 yeara' old,' who UveK with Mr.' Jtobt. Jonesr afcout. -to ihing that supports me in the idea of letting: one of these vouncsters have her" when the time comes. Somehow it seems Jo m that pethapfjxreibulive? ju&ijcSat will leak out of the poetry ; somewhere I ''But, really, 'tiai i ai w& -fceridtU) Jthing to raise a girl, bringing her through the mumps, measles and whoop. ingongh, educate her atheJestikidri flosin ;of boKng hchojl, AVejfer drawing and music, and spend money I in the ruins like dirt to dress her, and ; then have j nd. Gillimore reliredtohis room upstairs Saturday night, taking a lamp. There were two beds in the room. .. He either .put-hjl j laraptrtotit oeat hjaved &nd went to sleep or the lamp exploded. - At lany evnt4hhbtiswaa m a blaze be fore Mr. Jones and family awoke and they barely escaped with their - lives," benefiting the community. A,, man wun S9,ww . biock. j ia, r uae AmosKeag Mills recdved a dindend, . of- 81,250 be sides. & large' amount carried ,'to surplus y ' 1 . i- r : 1.1- -. 1 . Butequem fuyo auu. tiuswiuioui( any laljor or ersoual,atteitaon of the oocKxutaer. . xnasii couutynas one cot ton fkecory myinsV.'iplenuid. dividend. aud it ought tq have a. dozen. ..We favor j otTering every inducement toforeigncap- iwii bo vyme ujiu.ou t3uiie,','f t is uow coming, and already the State is making a rapid strkle forwardruriderriis Tihflii- ence iiot wliat f eajso ftepir fpi dpis to lead some of our own people to invest more largely in these eBterprisfcs.4 Nashville Argonaut; yi- o- ii'l ; slbwly draggmg along to summer' Sep tember' la -the4 eaxliestdxte 'of" shibriieiit of the crop from CalcuttathThe; rhs$Ar riYal of butts. from.: the nefaaOCDp-Ijfut not take place nutU January ;189Q.n'UJM' til next January, thereforo, jthe JBrnaller; combination of ;I889, is likely to be able tq ,contrpl,the market for baggin quite as effectively as the larger, cpmbmatioa. of 1888, .Af the, incoming . Cong: ess i not iikely .to dffltxoythe jute butts man ufacture of this country by threatmnj , werepuUleJgh dlu.,rpCho yaupjr. man's right ear ana the lady's IoTb ear ,were frosted, while the f. other two,were not cold at All.' AVjiy 'al: four " ears. wer . rof i frwted .13 a problem .which has been submitted to the high Bchool clasa la physlolcn gyi-rllelejia Herald. r; , ra-! It is one of those rare, goodTcrnedle which used pnce'will 'always be kept fci the house.' ' Laxador we refer to. Prlco1 to hand oyer the covering of . thecottpn I oriljr25 cehtsa package:,, i-':r f 1 crop to toe lndian JUM : ; ManuQcttire llThe 'wW'scolds" hls' crvirbabV. t. t 1' nt LLL'i.:-i mim VVt Mi.ii 111 !V4l U.-SVtltVH5-i iit! Hlol-f 9iMuii 1 i-iVi!trVS.x1i!.-i.o Atit.VL ,aw"si;whfitiyo-V:9Uht to ,VfSve. jnj frte you. must have jt, ,,fuly. 4jiXW lu"ekls?IsadH arefcarqhin.gHfpr1it hujv:and juoQrpmg,eane, they .fipd it.notv,;! uouaiiw.U;ntJipusaqiot 'inar Are speqiiuuiy-oy oa pepj i .! jn; remember1 some little scamp that you remen ionty a few's agoboinbirdy,in come around and take her away. . It's Itoobad." " ;':.' rt " Washington-. June 16. 1886. LJ i V H TheTlpTng Sethas t;a ?pecial in- 7 . ? 1 mij m v . a - ATT0H1TEY ATLAW- LO U 1SB Ultti, N. C. Office 011 Maiu St., ojie lopr -low the Eagle Hotel; Attorney At Law, LOUISBURG, N. C. . . Will ttairtUe ctJurts of FrWnkUri Vance,' prjidville; VArreri, Nasha)id ...A'Vlemlnud bupreme Court. ; FPrompt; tteqtio given jtgl!ection8. f0TlCE. AH persons having claims against the estate of L. C. Waster will pre m them to.me at. once.; K . i r&i WJr41MBERtAK-Alt,y. frtf . r 1 .1 1 j, - . ...i . . . .i. i.i. 1 1 ..I,, rf 1 iour meais oany. 1'eopie Witn weaseii- OuTbawAeaUw tnoth oto-y1uf Iwas attacked with Scrofula, which BUPlJ s . for a ionjr time-destroyed her eve- i Smithsonian Institction, 7. sight entirely, and caused us t dis- - ashinqton, June ii, io. j jpir of her life. .The dofctbTfaflcO J Jliwsm toau the attention ol , your y.to relieve her, and we gave Swift's readers to the beneficial effect of boil- wnicu-soon cured her en- .nT!n inrinw t.hfi'Wt.flhiiitv nf " w. Obe ed nerves require, usually more water than those whose nerves and : brain are strong. It aids in the digestion" of food by making it - soluble and ' seems to havelt direct-tonic effect. With proper, eating arid drinking -.we should : have fewer broken-down nervous wrecks, and far more vigorous intellects. The pres ent human species cannot eliminate flesh y hat rwthing but' tfegltables gJould be eatenis aptlo'j overtake" evert lone lAnewhere in nfe? It iskue Ho i disorganization and usually passes away with the disturbance that caused it Whan nawihjrttfanrf mif'iiJR'afiSi, 6S II iu a X U1UL A. C. I v . .r. I I S'rofula developed on my daugh i ter-fTSwellingaiid;, Id j Ufciv. . . t o gate m-i rvffi her A SCRAP OF APERS ANES HER ; it was jast an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life. She was , in. the . last stages . of con stimptiou, told by physicUins she was incurable and could only live but a ontuiaatioa the same jfor 1889.r I 'm J nor' time; Sfie weighed less tlym sev earea will WtbVe uiMv-Wtte 1A '4hei lityllodri'4s4.l..JUa wrtf (tfitns prices 1 paper she read or Dr. Kins's New Dicoyery . arid gt a sample bottle: it helped Tier1, Jshe bbright a arge bottle BiACIS31ITHIltG 1 I. desire to return my thaas to mj anany .patrons who have riven me there .patronage for 1888;, and earnestly ask floMnjalltheppersrmal effects. YJ boon," And f Pyt1 l hX W , fcaILimbrei chaitel body Jrak l)udd ypfrair WlbVl'ectr;i it in the ruins Sunday morninir. Senti- .PS W, 'direclln-i , ris& 'per. IOIlCU UX Villi ULlll lUULUUd UlCSkliU ttrid the '(Wonl'dyspesU install luttad1 enriefcayV ureW'nimend ater. enrieftsy. Electric' Bitters for DIS pepsla ' 'and ' ftl 'ilivsW'orLiveri StomAeh'-ana neys. .Sold at 5o?. and $1 per bo:tle by W:TIiFurmans Jr. Druggist. 'r .t , ?r at: ;t:ini: Association if 'is probable1 that cottori bagging will belold Qui year at a lower' furei'Jthe''rnanuitturerfl 1 beirig ' ': no loriier fbrced to back' their entire outlay hi a single yearV 'TAst'year the'combJJ nation charged as-high as tbirteed eerits a!yard Ibr twa 5pourid bagging :This' price haT already 'deeliried front two three' cprits -a!yir-J.i JBagging ' mada fronjutobutts-cari.:beBold at ifromr eight o liine cents- a yard ' and ' khow : a fair profit tatheTnannfacturer.1 -.-ijii L) ThelBulletia!8ays'at the very ; -lowest calcrilatiori it-takes thirty-five thousand tori yearly ofjnte butts ; to-' cJveruth cotton crdp'of thUc6uitryju uj ;4 cf V.,i !r 'nit future., ''be aixaea are bard and very low. Tbae who have' horses to be hod call ou me. I will guarantee ,tatil taction in every particular. Jrnces low. If you hav a a arse that over reaches, cuts bis ankle, etumbles, has cornH or the nar row hej&k, call aad see Die, and will guarantee, eat iaf action. D& i'-not forget that I am prepared to repair gunsj and havetaUpacts eh as hammers, tubes Bectfully, - . JV.nth.ony T. Neal. it helped ht-r rupre, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now 8trong,healt rosy.pluaap, weighing 140 pounds. For full-r par ticulars send stamp ' to W. 1L Colt, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of thU wonderful Discovery . free at W. IL Furman's Drug Store, - : Anderson, S. C, Oct. 16, '88. T J BSED! L-EG. V , For feveral yeiwl had Scrofu lous tores till ntyr .leg,' f. he, res.ul Af n .bruiser J had receivjedfcaL Jthiift twobottle eCS -S-5.i ured, vj.he.u up, and there had been no, iret.urii:9i sign qfireturnw mS.SjS.jI & fplei?? didXonlo also 11 -uaivati HiiVi u ri Atibevle Si OySOSj "jSlrt'd decide' U! entirely' ' Vi e(ab?4vtnediarie,!-: KnUIa?nie ruf -mprfictrife Hirhldriu:ha8 J ever4 Cured blood' poTson scifuht,'5 blb6dJ'ffii 'rriors'.ahd'.kiidred dfeeaseV?Siid Torbdoks bri blood "arid"-skih eases, .mailed freeU 'n .r'SiiB Swipf BpiblPic Co. ..'' ' s-'iira-erU, Atlantic Qa. uaoersTooa. Had this practice prevailed at the I hrst outbreak oi the typhoid disease, at cific, and the result wa3 wonderrurvthAi number of cases, of illness and aLd the cure prompt. r. ' I deaths might have been very greatiy di- S;l4f Vl&W X?XJ 1 H Yrniriihei llrl iu3eraJeaJ this state- - I If 1IL f 1KI f " - t Jnls'urvf yirtg'IqdulenlUyi dentally handled a poison oak Vine, and iii a few hours the usual erup tlon and swelling' appeared. My face was swollen and disflgujredj, and ruy tandJand arms seriously affected Vvnk StaKrcltift.j have bad no return of it though thisxwas five years -go..8.f curepy son of the-fiame polsou. . 1 '. i' ..'rfL"'E"ArCIj-'-r"''-"'"'. is largely the meliunxof introduction jof the'irijuriou3 MnueycerinW &e iySteL Durmg the.cepiwniai exhibifW I was., stationed in West Philadelphia, tirarthp -CnYrinial building, for six montns, ana aitnougn cases oi aiar- rliocSFWere prevalent . all around me, y the use of boiled water appeared to be t a f !1 . m? iU . 1 - erai cases oi umess ot uua ciass - oeiore Wfi bUgmi' 10 usu tiifs - wy "iluiplepre-1 caution, but none . afterward j'Jhe fishy taste of the Potomac water at the j present tihief due' to: 4hd isohitlonr- jhit! ;6f deBompdsed'fegisatiori of df fresh wi-; jure jremovea.Dy ui unq , process i 0J Lbavb initially eriough - water boiled hail liiW uoY A fifer and drummer" to play the I march of intellect. -,, , r A pair of snuffers to trim the light of other days. - : ' ' ' ' A ring to flfrtheUihgei rf scorn. ...... . A new cushion for the seat of govern ment '" , ' ' - - : A mathematical problem performed by tr9Sf10g; . Some euow gather ad from the window of our discontent." '-. r-- - A tooth from the jaw of death. " Thread used in making the traces of mih'orimg. i6'lst thrfogk toenail, i without ice, and drvjx from -i when; j e- wuired'io 11 kid pitchers.-: .The .Ttrafor, lEhonld boil actively for half an hour,'.' 'in : '.oVder "tckrll the gerrits- -oT.- tiiseag-e; X3f ''rdtrsftl this is 'hnM effective' hi casea'if oi-gariicmpTuaty,'; ttimeralpoisous' would not bedesfroyeathereb3i, i-.V -; - . ,r . ; '-Spencer, Baibd. . -Bec-. raithsoniau Instituion.' .de-1 sorrow. : . A botUeth9mislieX . - Some cement for the crack of doom. A lock of hair for the headless horse man. ' ' - A.hin from thft nnst nf honor . come eaxui irwu uie ueiu oi uuicjr. . . A shoe made on the last of the Mobi- , ,too.iri- ?ii.. fi.'4iJ ,-ToG7.v3 . cans. . A ray of light of other days. -A plank from the ship of State. to fi?fflwft? evtoeead,. .dis-j coarse. '. . - - ; j A-smileof the Cave ofCork. . ' - A scar fcwthp'Iyhtof Benin. " j ,ina dust jromjhftrp.of ruin-,, j 'A -note from' tho mnsio of the spheres. motto! for tbe'carpeiit of ecideiits. j no A-yieedie-.Thr the thread of discourse. ! o An autograph Jof theiuaughter r ofi Vt ''.n:f t" .:..i!t 'J .T l , frooi 4aucy s ., airy i V. I L . t! .A ..' S ,t. u ! t The best salve in the world for cuLV prui?ea, soresy .ulcers, sal t rheum, fever,'aoresr t6tter. chapped , , hand-", ehUMafus; cdrns and all skin eriiutious ariil bb8itirely'?rire pilesV oriid paf required..) It lis guaranteed , ton give perfect aatifactiou,. qr jnoney refund--cp. Price 2a cenia per boxV '-For sale bf 'J.'B.-Chitoni ?l y" 'X'. ' J.14-J-J . . I2ln.ll t.t in 1 kMv,i h Aer j,,,. 9s?.nsiiieri&bi' t?usbt-YU9 M Jrnfer rX -LFUztvahash oiUil-CIftdt kavea; Tslight acquaiitarire-jwith.tbe ladyv.:Hhe used tolbe.ujy: iMife -(.at ori Unie.-IelLCilizen.j n; j-i. IViri?fn Mm fi i i I?1H tifll 'ATirTJlIJlilrTl and is toqjneanjQjaTt2lCerit3 in a bottle Df Dr. Bull's j Baby. Syrup phfuld be diyorced. ,;'..,.('f v,-, "'DePorkley I -notice' ; that 'yod'. did npt'cohgTatuIate riamley.wheir he told you he had just married the wealthy Mrs. Packer; v- Jr ".' i- mmm, 'i '.'! If you are eutiering from malaxiav ask your druggist for Shall enberger'S:; Ahtj.-; dote for malaria, It ha dori'fc'. have, i W and tell jpu, has, sotneQi just as good, don't belieye liin but seid ono . dollar to Drj A. T,: ShaDeribcrger, -Itoeh-ester, PeiinVand ' get 'i he-' 'Antidote by mall. A few dc. will restore.yda to pierfect health.' - The medclrie JshV'ther fo'rrii of pals: but is riot 'purgaflvev Jl t not only destroya malaria, bat is an- ex wlleriftoriict' r ' ; ' K ;) 1 . MM r.;-i ,1X.4 --I desfrfetU Inrorriitlie piiblicthat 7 I III ,;ife!L5i- UUI '-JU11L2 ttt a $ot 1 1 JtxtjtoMtJ LatVegl-. . Tho Leading Price 23 Cta. ii i - ii ,: CritierCompart' f A W 1 Ccstiocnets, eihou$ I Auctions, .Vffn I have opened iu Loulsburg a -lt,i BEPMRSKOP; to i h A shaving takea iliT?.:..:; v. ) r" i ;. .cut ;v ..4. where all k'mds of repairfog, 'rch; s Bucgics, Wagons, and any other wood work will be done1 I; will 'keep tu harid'all kinds' or1 bujgy5 bna -waou niauriAliand will guarantee-' '' -n . '.i Satifaeti .in 3 -..-it!,:-.-i 1m! n;t rtfit.-nii-.' h,Ji ' to All" who wilfglve me thenrtafrrit1 age. 'f shall workftt .very . Teasdnab'A pr.t-es, atidrillt therefore' ri:iuue t' e" CASH oflu eijuivaTiill IGf Thy work. 1 m'nlJoUpU, LidJ'MJ IHT li7i.'J rofiero h quit. iff srr, Eaarajglsx, J'.iafzcbei Tgetiacbe Sores, Cams, Cirts, Saafds, Czclache, I7ouhds.&.'o. I A USE'S FtVCS, 77a Crr Tofwrt Am tidoUlflie JO Cu. AtaU4rm;3ftM '"I.; 4sJ"Bear iamipd Uwt. when, you Lrh g w.rk to my sliojvjou i jUet ltat lio tim-.i.uised.,..i. n;-T; Vr ?'r':"! - jYcry nefpectfuUr, , " ! . 4 ' - John W. ilTXiAN,( K Slibp'bu Nash 'treeV belovT Steirtira old at; re.--- - ' :': as w il v .... . 1 ... - . Y - '("if J - T.. 1 -

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