THE FRANKLIN TIMES. I THE FilANlOIlNrnMES? OfiT . 1 . J .-.J 3i.u J .'.'' ;"'" f ..j o'f . -i 1 Fell . i. , : . . , . ... . . . . '-.' .'Ill . . . U I Thk Truss is' the only newspaper published in Franklin county, .and .! y x la.r circulation extend all over every scr tioa of this and adjoining counties ' ' vertisers should make a note hertv 1 4 4 - i. Published Eveby Friday, by -JAMES A. THOMAS,. . . Editor, and Proprietor. , ; TL A T 12 B. OsbYeabi -8ix Months vr- '.. - - ' "v i '.I.. m; The Editor vfil not' bo I'tmpaos&ti' IJ for the views of correspondents, -'t Brief communkatioaj from all tee- '" ;'-' rl'" tkns most earuesUy solicited.- i Nwi. f -ftc itmm rtf anv n&tnra - wilt It tVnrTVftiD . . $1.50 .1 1.00 JJAi THOMAS, EdHor and Proprietor. : : ' ITU MALICE TOWARD NONE 5 WITH CUAKITT FOR ALL.. rf VRICB. $L50 FEB ANN L II In Advance ToClubsof5 The .Times urnishod at $1.40. , , will be vol. xvin LOUISBURG-: N. O. MARCH X 1889. NO- 4. r.i i received. i .' ,.'..; t - it'- -VH. ' If! l t V, J I L, V . y?4-:!h - . . 'i- Sr. ij ! . s . . ? ' .. i HONEY FOR SOMEBODY ! j a more promising opening for a xouisbubg, and its fine ': tobacco. Tle Tow rlpo for: Tobacco Market and Holding? out good warehou8ranan than right here. The town has two new warehouses and want two live men here " to run them. In order lo get . them . the Board,, of , Tradewhich :tpra" urell-organized .body .of leftding .business men: of the ' place, will give the right men a strong help- liberal Inducement. ;T r,v ,1 One of the iBrst things , they ; 1 ViiVt I, V 1 ..... !' Vl J; SPLENDID tOPBMINO POR -J TWO . GOOD WAREHOUSEMEN. j. ! - i 1 : . . . i tA.,-.-' .V . tfv . " (Special Correspondence to Southern To- M'u:. i'.'bacoo" Journal of '''? ;XouisBBa;ii5r. CM Feb. 6," 3B9 r I am on my. first trip to Louisburg Absolutely Pure Thii poyderever varies. A marvel ol purity, , strengtli " aad wholeomenebs: if Annomical than the oTdinary kinds, .nil an not ve Bold in coittoetition f with? ; rte multitude of low. . test; short weight alum or phosphate powders; SotD pSLT I Jt Ci-JfS. EOYA BAKTTSQ fmDEK vCo , 106 aiv st.y y PROFESSIONAL ' CARDS. ; g B.MASSENBURG,' ' : : attorney: at lawc LOtJISBOTRG,?!.' C-., '' Office 1Q tt CoWt H OUM! j - V All business potin my hands will deceive prompt attention. tt - M.UOOKK. ' :" . ' - . '', xTr V'and COUNSELLOR atl.A LOUISBURG Fttft.NKL.IN CO..N. C. vyll attend the? Coarta-. of 'Nash?' i?rank!in, Gruv'ille, Warren, and V ake 0 aim aes also tho upxeme coart ol NorHh Carolina, and the TJ- . Circuit and District Courts. 'propose to do is embodied in he ;follow- lng resolution, unanimously adopted in the Board of Trade meeting last nigbt.' . REgoiiVED i ' 'That ' the ' Bpard of Trade of Louisburg tender ; the use , pf the two warehouses at this place firee -of rent to the right parties who will i come here and conduct the tobacco warehouse business. '!. if there is : a warehouseman 3 - 'anywhere looking for a'job hecould not poesiblt nncra finer opening than here. the business capacifcy.of the people oi JXetus'doi L'S ' i 11 "the town: 'Louisburg is situated o'n the V '.'. V " '-T :e?v11i' . --K- what the business;, would .pay , .... I two live-meni .? Tobacco' in .Erankliri' L . li. rPl w a j I county has always averaged-$125 v per the county seat of Franklin county and I : , i,,-' . c - -.j .... -y..t' :-J ,s-acre, but for safety wa will put it -down iTl - I' o W0O-- per re.::Taking the,, 1,500 one of the best nroducinfr sections-. , m l t f , ? .: : - 7; . - . T . . . xii-J-v..'i..:rrW tnat wui w grpwn m xnis rcounty Louisburg next -. Year. ?Takei fluF'21 thtst hnt rriA irw twiaa' at ini.irbn i w. . . . . i ?; . , . i x -.i I cent- &mmi$8idfrSk V 1- vcigbing and , I' Athn 4nnO Artf rM rkrfiT A. i vuia rcca auu jvu aAckvc live ua UUUU aJLft CVMIWg IIIMVU iiu tufiuuui M v'fVW ,tme first year. - You have no rent to pay and your other expenses will be light . ;Some may say that two ware housemen in Louisburg would not ge all the tobacco in Franklin County fi to sell. Wis know that two well managed warehouses in Louisburg would get i all this leaf fofc sale - and in addition to rFranklin"r.ountv thev would draw frnm throughout the county is welf ; adapted T ash, Wake, Vance and Warren coun- more renumerauve crop and that thev have found mi.. i : .' I , Franklin county' lands are i well' jadap-; tea to tne growtn oi a superior type or tobacco.' The character of the soil is much like that found in the older tobac co) -producing cbunties t in the ptate where the best types have been so suc- I: cessfully grpwn.. In ; short, t the , ,soil STATE NEWS. in: ; lscT9- Voters and Floaters. it Items of Interest Gathered from ' all parts of the State. ; ' ' t f -:: r. i 1' V.r I' ' ' Raleigh proposes to offer $25,000 for the removal' of Trinity College jto Hint I The Mann-Arrington cleaned ; up twenty-seven pounds and two ounces xf gold amalgam from a ten-days' run ! of . t. i fi h'":-' i,- it. 3Sew Tork Times, Ind. Rep. - V The evidence in. the contested election for Congress in South Carotttia eecm to 'show tha the nqgro voters jot, that-dis trict set no groat value on the right to vote, ,. However great their - gnoance, and the helplessness that comes from it may be,' the votes of 32,000 voters out of ZOfiOQ , cannot . be suppress edV in a single district, if .they are themselves much' in earnest about exercisiDg their I rights. - It & 5 no doubt true '.that 'the yet tbe.of&clal returns show that in inoneys worth' the crop or last year was nearly as good as that of u To remove, pou frptn marbl. cWi cm a pasta of whltlot; aud beoslne, Jf the covet 'U removed : froin - A I Try Use charcoal to broil with. Ittt YALUt Ur UUittttUrS- t hocseuolduikts. j, Philadelphia Record. vt ' Before active epechlatlon shall beglri is to the. prospects of- this year's' crops It may not be out'uf place lo briefly review the results of last year's wheat hsrveBt of 188S bad,' and "St 7? ; : ' V , V ' revHw the results somi dishes Uw soap. wIU not 'get f harrest, f Wo have ebtt. 1 ' ( , , -j.;. - strong black tea. their twenty stamp. milL The High Point, Asborp and South- white peopfe of South Colinaare do-' I 1837, or, In fact,-of any other 're- "v M ucitiii musuhi Luwiuu LHmuiiHii io riuB t.npir.KttAM.iui . i wuk Y cai . ii is uuiib i niH x nfli inn ' ; rv. ljafc I w . -v completion rapidly.. There are six hun- I they would take any means thai wenr! money value of wheat to the pro- necessary to that end. .But if they re- ivett that no . KepuVican member -.of I .Congress should .be elected they, could "not carry out their resolution in . a dis trict in which the African vote , is . to overwhelmingly large without leaving evidence by which it would be easy to show how the suppression was- effect- ed., . 1 :, '.. .' " . measure.'of the real; value of. the harvest ;in all . Its relations lb the trade of the ' connlry nThe high be accented, the contract to be in force two-years. . iwinif uuw a wuik ou me roaa. v. The MRecorder,s-wants factoriesrAn intact everybody in Durham md Dur ha!m county wan6'a shoe factory two more cotton factories and a canning fac- :y-H ;:-v:.'.. " Theoanoke & Southern Railroad hasTnade a proposition to take 300 convicts from the Stale, at sl25 a vear I 6 I- There is no particular reason whv the I 4 , r . j v. k fiwucvmo uut vuio uua tt aaa 1 I vt 11 9 lug mi met iWoiVrj uegroes suouia De anxious lo vote. Twenty years ago, when"' South Caxoli- no ram a nniA nAAWAMiU 1 A ; Thexchange Bank of Mt. Airy bus- Zr . ,o ponded last week. The suspension wns "L " "Z.V JTTZ j , 1 . I ture, and the more acnve-minded of the caused by a heavy run on it on account t, of the failure of the Bank of Bedford at I w CZZ iTZTr 7 c r-x. I tt 3 there have . now .been foul years of Liberty, Ya. The depositors may get Democraticrule, and the . negro yoters their money. - , . , .., ; . Irr4: J find themselves neither better nor ., AUiwruiowuiwui awoBpecj worse off under Cleveland than ,they ive town midwayt brtwea Mil. Afeij wereLinder" Arthur: They long "ako abandoned the hope of "forty acres and a mule that animated them during the period of reconstruction and "the exist-' ence of the iTreedmen's Bureau." They have now nothing tangible to hope or to fear froin "politics. ' 1 The interest that 1 ,? -M ' Trya neglassrulofsti&ij: bc n rax water In a pint of. raw starch v.v for hilars andcufti. i; -:L ,.:it,-.l. ri t.r VTiea, flttlrnnst become - rwty,," i'v" ducer Is pot ari ) alisolately . correct I "C them with stove polish, and runeiiwunnry DIU?U1, ...... n After washing a , wooden . bowl r-r ... i ' . . ... ,-. - .vI"S. 4, pui u WDero it wiujury equally .on , both sides j away from the stove , it To make pood whitewash use skim milk with , lime 'Instead of water, and it will be more durable. "TV a. J. E MALOXis.. ,lv i ti 3J O-ace 2 doors below Furtnan ;ooke' Drugstore, adioiningDr. O. to the growth of the best types of .bjight leaf, and this is a statement not made on theory; f but -: from factual experiments TOBACCO QROWIXa ties' also.! ior r1 Py a splendid opening and anyone who , wants a gooa suit wouia ao. . weu to corres. XC, JL AACA C tive and Greensboro. Soon that place will be quite., a railroad centre, as trains from four; directions will run to that point. Greensboro Xorth State. Presiding Elder Bev. W. II. Bobbitt, D. D., of the North , Carolina , Coufcr- prices which the farmers receive for a comparatively short crop may bo greatly. outweighed by the loss es of thej consumers lu the Increas ed cost of bread. 'But.'ns a eenerat for his prod acts affords a tolerable cor- lect measure of their'- tmrchaslng: power lit exchange for other ' com modities. At the same time the price which the country - receives Tor Its crop exports measures the value of Its agricultural products in exchange with the' products of oth er lands. . In quantity the wheat 'yield of 1 1888 was comparatively small, be ing 414,868,000 .bushels, , against 457,329,000 bushels In 1887, . But ' the average high price : which tle farmer obtained, - and which , the country received for Ita export sup- l! - a t'.iT ' 1 - :Wt i Jj W TlBERLAKE, ATTORNEY- AT LAW; , ; LOUISBTjRG, W. C. ' - Office he Ceurt House : JpJVUL JONES Attarney an4 Counsellor at Law, LOUIS HU HQ N. O. V Will practice In the courts of F ranklin. Warren,' Wake, Vance and Nasn, and m the Supreme court of the State. V -t: - was introduced into Fraiikiin some fou t or five years jigojand almost iaeyeryr instance has proved a great success. - At first only a few leading planters made the attempt, but their experiments' were so successful that gradually others Kaye gone into business and this year fully . i- 1.500 ACRES i v-l P will be ijAantelin Franklin'county alone. Tor three years the increase in average in the county each year has been large and it as safe to estimate that in a few more years . Fr ankliii will rank with many of the older counties in the amount of her annual product. THE KINI? OF IJ3AF CTROWN. ; The writer examined - a number' of -poiicr is almost 1 a sure thing for two ware housemen to make $3,000 apiece annu llay above all expenses in Louisburg, and this is tar ahead of what many are doing toay in old markets. The busi-. ness men are an ready to co-operate with warehousemen and in addition to this the farmers are likewise ready. The Alliance is strong in Franklin county and here is what they propose to do. Resolved, That we, . the members of Franklin county Alliance, No. 296, do pledge our hearty support morally and financially to any parties proposing to ooen a tobacco market in the town of Louisburg and that we will co-oper ate with the Board of Trade of the low j of Louisburg in furthering this cause. The business men will throw all then: ence,.was stricken with paralysis several-weeks ago, at Rockingham. Rich- :mond county, the whole of his " right enlightened citizens take io'good govern- I plies In exchange for foreign com TO KCIIOOIVTEACHERS. 4 The Superintendent of PuWic Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April. September, October and December, andL remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examinlug applicahts to teach in the1 Public Schods of this Count w ' .. I I will also be in iiouisourg samples of Franklin county tobacco and 1 influence maidjng.athe rWarehouse busi- m all instances the. leaf was. ot - a - supe. rior quality. It ranks . With the fine bright types most suitable for wrapping and cutting .purposes. The leaf is of a fine silky texture of a rich bright color ora fight mahogany shade. A com paratively small amount of filling stock is found in the crops grown here and the proportion of nondescripts is consid- 'ness and thfey want live and wide awake men to have it in cnarsre. We know the opening is a good one and . can - be- to the on . " a 1 li t-w H aurday 01 encn . u yu , gmalL. Muchii of Gn li c days, to atteud to .an v bjusinewi rL. ..i-r;-. connolted with mX office. 1. w ww .i m . 1-1 a RRift. isiint. 1 uie suuuiy 01 ileal! uia ao iuauuoi. un bounded. speak a most hearty reception nsht parties wno mav aecioe to cast their lots With these liberal people. There are already buildings fnere suita ble for leaf factories and if others are needed thet business : men . will erect them. Any further information can he fcadby addressing Mr. J. J. Barrow, Secretary 01 Board oiXxsule. 1 mnos. b. WJIiDElt, INSTANCES OF LARGE YIELD. I Perhaps the best way to - show the A TTflT? TT F v TATirT7A W7'-t 1 worth of thrr. tobacco crown inthis rsec- i"ftiff,-irr V Ji iVJ .rif-J .- ". Mr- r 100s; ana ' iV fV r i' UcJ won is give msxances vol 'PncesoD-j-ja i x it cured a : desperate I can testify thals. IB. S, Is H the jestVod metjiciuthat liever took, and believe it is the best in Office on Ma iftJ&Lir- oe-. dor-t low the Eagle Hotel. ! S. SPRUILL. , . ' attorney At Law- LOUISBURG, N- C -Will attend the cohrts 1 of i Frankhn, Vance: Granvilleii Warreo.' aiv. and td market. 2&. "Federal tud Sumf ?C0,SPt: fouearsigo tnedm88crops. I have only a few which I picked up at random. Mr. Don Best who lives near here has just spldTf bairns o $I,68$,35Mr. H. D. Egerton a leading larmer m this comity sold 800 pounds for $320 on one 'occa sion, he sold one barn at 47 cents1 around case of tetter on my feet and legs. which withstood : all .other treat ment, and' was so painful 1.1 could not wear my shoes. ' -r::' A J. Brooks. Daweon, Gs., Sept. 26, 1888, i rVirminTTiOTJs Soke Lf.o. 5' V Vest condition Charlotte News. A tenant on the property of ; tho"Ed wards Mining Company brought us in some ore literally strung together with free gold, that he had turned up- with his plow.; This company has very valuable property and we trust they will soon begin its active development. Argonaut. Mr. J. W. Lee, of Fair Grove, visited the "Dispatch" office last week. He sa'd that the season had been unfavora ble for wheat. The winter had - been entirely too, dry. , Since Saturday, enough rain .has fallen to pretty near make a wheat crop if it had been distxib- tel through the s eason. . , s ., ProC Holmes of the University went out about 4 J miles from Chapel Hill last week, to where a : man' was digging . , a well, and when at the depth of forty feet under the ground. a fossil skeleton ,ten feet in i length was discovered.1 It was some kind of a reptile, and after pro cured will be placed in the - State -museum in Raleigh. ;Vi3itor. . , , - . - N There is a movement to form a iiew county out of portions' f Martin, ilali fix and Edgecombe, with the county seat somewhere on the Chowan and Southern road. Edgecombe is small, g AltX .ICyLIlC OA V ACTT,.UC:L- '4AAJkTJ9 MAI JllLJ and though 1 the increase of taxatiod i for the pew county;. would only. be in ' that part taken for itlwe can Bee no use in niaivius so uuujl v ucvv wuuuw.-- Banner. . , , The negro exodus from this place is assuming increased -pro portions . It is reported that Eeventyf fiye fanulies haVe just left for Jbe wisst ba'a special train and that others are preparing to emi- ment as such is of course ' quite beyond their arorehensi6n. r ' The ; roxtisansK as"a substitute lor ism ' ? Some favor a tariff for revenue only, some a tariff with incidental protection, and some a tariff for protection, per be; but a large majority favor the free use of Salvation Oil for cuts and bruises. An endless chain of certificates verify the excellence of Dr. Bull's Cough Syr up. Price 25 cents. ! ' A Short Catechism on Trusts. modifies, was a set off to the loss TOrKrrTCeTllearinhiladeT phia in the last six month of 1887 was about 84fc cents a bushel, - Its avreage price In the corresponding month "of 1888 was $1.01 a buehei; making a difference of 17 cents. Upon this basis the wheat harvest of 1888 represented a value of about $414,000,000, and the greater crop of 1887 a -value or about $383,000, 000. The portion that was export ed did not share in. thejr . relation, but taking the ad vantage. of -the two year the wheat ? harverst of 1887 did not yield in the markets much more money than that of ' Silver jean be .kept bright .for months by being placed lo aa alr ' tijjht;cAsQ with a good-slro piece tr camphori ':'.,: J Xy', . . Fruit stains on while eocds fan ' be removed by pouring bolUug wa ter directly from the, kettle over!; Ue spots. -,1. ..- . i t. f '--l.U ? ' Hive syrup Is KootI Tor croup or Inflammation of the lung. It must i bo kept In acool -place, tot 1 If ; it ' sours It is very poisonous. ' " " '- : . Do not' keep Ironed clothe oa ' bars In the kitchen any longer than; Is necessary Ptt, thorough drying,' They gather unplcflsanl odors. ; ' Ifyoa want poched eggs to look; particularly nice cotk each egg In a - tooQn ring placed la the bottom of ft 1 .1! ; ''t . -i ft ; u.j ' -. ox f ;I Use squares of dull colored fliv , : pinked at the edges, under statuary or any heavy ornaments ' that fcr s ' r liable to mar a polUbed surface, ;' , Equal parts of white -shellac and alcohol are . a permloaati flxatlvo Hu for crayon and charcoal ' sketches.- : ". Spray it on evenly with an artist's ? - atomizer. yn-id'. -.A v .;nj ... Garden Ins forlAdleav r r To cover this los?i.t'e QWhat .isit that the high tariff men want protection against?. .. f - A. Against foreign competion. :" Q. ' What is the reason they give for wanting protection against foreign com petition? ; v ; A; Because, they say, . they can not sell their, goods ; aa : cheaply as .the for eigner, can, and continue to pay. our' high wages. L.; And, as they don't want to cut down wages,- they must be al lowed to charge higher prices. ? - -'" 1 ' LQJBilt does not protection make high A. Oh, no; they are lowered through domestic competition, j so .that things here are really as cheap as , they are abroad, i ; 1 , .'.' , , ..; I wheat, corn and oats together, the Q. How, tiien, if they . are compelled I gain in vy al ho In 1883 .was f 100,000, tAll thr o-Tr1iwr-far-- vw-ov uw.tuua ,! rwj ; Make up your beds early in thsmoro- Ic sew buttons ' on your iusbanra shirt; do 'not rake up grievances; -protect : the young and tender branches -of your corn crop -f 10DQ ..i.l . kni.l O AAA AAA AAA bushels. Of. this . eneVmous. crop Ji P311! i1? ?P0C.a not more than & percent, is export ed; but taking averages, the . value of this crop is at least. $120,000,000 greater than that of the preceeding year. ..So', of, jthe ,oas, .harvest, which is estimated to have exceed ed that ot 1887 to the amount of 42,000,000 bushels. In -. regard , . to cotton,' the ' chief ;. export of- the. reap a crop 'of health , and .happiness; . . root out the causes, ot nervous debility r and "female weaknesses; by thiuse of Dr. Pierce's Favorite', lescpdoni 'tt is a sovereign spsHfic,'and tbxusanda of the ur( sex . bless the dayi they fint i tnder i hi- -. r r -. l i I: it grate. The agents will not take single .' Five years I had a soro sod the-60 pounds firftirade6utTbflthf I whicl would yield to no treatnient barnrou2ht: $60 dollars on theidxl I until 1 took too bottles of S. 8. there has been no sign of return this was Inj 1888. ' - . v - - - ' , E. R. Bost. 1 Newton,! N. C, Nov. 23,. 1888. , J.X Bobbitt tarfed owing fobaeco; pKm .tTyTTf f Adnr AH persons haying claims agatnsfH the estate of L. C. Wester will pre- pii them to me at once.; E W. TlMriETAtfK iAU'V. .I'm i 111, A CKS M ITHIII I desire to ; reitiirn Tmj tiiaiiiMi Tto kur inauy patrons who hftre glveu i, uie i: tivertf patruuage for 1888,; and earnestly asK & continuation of the.ajue.fcrr l.; .lr.aiii lire I will be able H6 -dl letter in1 'file future, 'he times are hard, und prices very low. Those who haye horses to be shod cali ou me. I will, guarantee, satis--faotioii in every particular; Prices . low. If you havs ahorse that over-reaches, cuts 4 is aukle, stumbles, has corns or the - nar row heels, call avd see uie, and will g uarautee ' satisfaction. Do not forget that I am Dre Dared to repair euns, and h vctallpurta such as hammers, lubes Su. Bectfully, . 'ANTHoay T. Neai. , - y,iTi!'.-s.ui ,n- ing half acre the first year. . This year he has a large crop about half of which he has sold this year about 28 cents for every tiling,, Mr, J, K. Spencer has i Boils.: . -(v.v crop of twelve. Whichhe ,:jrefu TeJ $3,6oTaviiDjVhey pfi some $1,700 worth. . Mr. J. IL Upper- man who lives in Louisburg planted 2 acres lat year and sold $485 worth of '. tobacco from it. Mr. A. It. Strickiin realized $250 dollars fijdm one and j $235 worth " from one acre ? planted. These prices r iobtalrtel show ) theV fin! : grade of leaf grown in this territory that would be tributary to a . " tjyqBA.COO MARKET AT XOUISBUBf. And this is . iust ; what the people ; oi Louisburg want, and just what they axe determined to have. I have - never ABBEVlLtiB; Oct j 20, '83. ill was a victim for .Ave or aix; ears),of th worst boils that JL, ever mw, which; th 3 do2tors.i failed ?ta cure. I began 8; SS., ; and .in -a . hort time he poison., was drlvtia4 ut or my system, ana not a xbiV t cd.Ptiet.25 cents ot nous or any oiner biooa-tromieir- For 8:de by J. B.Cluton. nas returned, l recommend a., a. negroes but. cemkelLarjQnho go to have familiesX kTteiirji. fare is paid by the agents and the negroes are under, contract to work it out when they arrive in Kansas.NewS-T3bServ- er. SALVE k .'..m a "T t j iai The best salve in' ti.e; world fo tats! BUCLKEN'S AitNICA il I- wnmpn irvln rV nrncrtriaf nnnci a nnu cotjntry, it Is . estimated. ; that , the J guatee, j theanariu .V..V frw 1I22. ?u?J.Q0 that it will give satisfec'tion la -every i is about;$20,000,000v .Taking, howT S rAnded.TUa ever, the four great crops of cotton I guaraqvep aaa peoa pnaioa TO(jio do&-( eigner does, can they continue to pay yuiighwaT , ,; .!r;?. v,!(! "-j j. - a . canpndout? . ' . ; : Q?Suppofe the goVernmmt shuts out . foreign competition by constructing' a tariff, is therev no I scheme1"1 which '" will checl domestic wmpetitidn ? ; A .. ... bruises, sores, -ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores tetter'3iapdCI$anfL "eliilhlains, corDs dnUjaliklairutioua an-rpositiyelyyure-, piltfSr,,or;i(pa.i fednired. ' t is suaranteed to srive perfefc t.-satisiactcon; W;Monv; reiuna-. ? tsjper bv frt, f,S.l0bverybody.j;;7 Vilui.t' , Swift's Specific Is entirely a veg etable meacine,v -jne oniynfi . ever- curean . ' L-'.! ii,T ledlciue whlcU ihas lood poison, scrofula, blood .uor and kindred diseases. ' Snd for our books on blood i and akin diseases, mailed free. - ;'"v 1 J'A Uelpmeet'for1 sonile Yotinfir'; There " u i V. vhn oooka hreakfas t for the whole fcuni- ly, milks tiie cows and .goes.; up wards of, two miles to school every day and is on The Swift Specipio COrr 'I - J, hand betbre time, witn ner lessons pre- , Drawer, Atlanta Uu. i pared. Cka ton Caucasian. Q. What Is it? fl Whot t a th officii' ilV "XI v A. It is ' a aimbinatioa . of ; men in certain industries, th object of which is to make things dear by iaking.i them scarce. As it ;is a combination-, for 1 an evil purpose it, Is;a conspiracy; Vj tlif - Q. Who gets ..the:i"benefit of-the Trust? j 7,- ltj!i..-:? "i" a-ajsIiss'L-r A r The iaratilists tjwho organize' Q.Who:gets left ? i 4'it"i ?. ' NA.The wager:earners and the . people generaUy.i V ?v. ?: .rS Am T lAlthough .reliable .comparative estimates In regard to animal pro ducts are out ' of the question, the official returns show a large decline in the exports of provisions during, the last year. In beef, pork i aud milk products there , has . : been; -no serious fluctuations ;n prices.: On the other hand, there -has- been a marked decliue In prices'of vegetal bles, which' 13 attributed to excess of production;'. But taking all .in all, Ue r. agricultural , products of 1888 have brought;' more to the far mere than' did the product of 1887,. iThey have more uiotiey for the purchase; oi commoaiiies tnau they, had in, the previous year,. and they would have silll more to die good"; but br the fact thai they areheayl-; ly taxed fo uearty all the necesW ries jfwT which they. exchiiu?e their farm products,' 13uf, as the farm ers have given (heir suffrages for a system' that' taxes ; them,. . for- the benefit of monopoly, ulhef , Deoule miist grin abd bear It as boat 'they. ! tie-wrapper, .'and taidifully carried out - i - " for many jeaxs.?. (V' :. r a J ;i . To: cleanse 'tibe- itoriiaclUTw'and system gnerau,jf,'as prrilerce' J 'j IT' lets, j bi i 'ir.: tin ' ,iA d) U donl write foToneyTiaXiT the poet, proudly."' wf' U'T v " iTheD, in Heaven Vrrmv whit' doyoa write foi-rrevenge TV askad .tvf tlf . the editors-Yankee BJsde. n V - lrth twit t ttt1 lUfnirv1Lmtiil; , u tneldter - f- J -MMMCla-y " r - r.'. IU 'l$ Mm grmnlf" ... T"? Babies cry because . thay- suffee-and Ueaosc reuaDie remeay ior roe reueioi. their diacoinfort is Dr. Bull's Baby Syr- up., Only 25. cents a bottle. . tVv,r j. ,v,Tou may travel in all cilLniateB with ou t fear; if you have a supply. . of Laxa doii Co jpiard agunst.malaria and fever. Prke only 25 cents. .? r r'd V , i A- citizca bought himself a . book " , the other day, aud wrote thi on the fly-leaf "i'rertcnced to Johu Joues by himself as a ukjrk of eatu, - Ml! . tr k. .t may. : t i .r Live Oak,' ALA,,' Dec. 13. 86 ! Messrf 4 A.'T.'SiXATilKnEiMJSLa i; Co, Bochester,Pa.i; Ws-; ,u i-'i U i ...lients. iasi spung . i.receivea oy mail a bottle of. your Antidote for Mala-- ria for my. brother, 'who ' had chlils for more than six monlh.v He ( frequently broke theW P with quimnel but they '' ' " - - -' j ' " jrrould soon return ,1 . gave lum the 'Antidote and-: ho has not' had a ' chili since.! . It has made a permanent wire. f: ':.''" Yours truly, '(": ' ', W. W. PsiiDCB. -ik !M UIJi JL 1 f u rapt Lj ai ij' ;r..k? r. v V y w V i-r-5 ':;'"'-.J-dJ mm 'm ry -e at-, - M j b 1 XM Ik." , ... ., KilJreJfer Cbeilmal'xa, ZBareTzisv c 'Tx f' k!i "iw ro l;tzizch$,Totii)ahifZortii cant Cuts, tcaltfs, CtciscJit, KaanZt, Lb. !